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gpgme test failure when run with gpg version 1
Closed, InvalidPublic


If you run the gpg test suite under version 1, you get:

./t-support.h:160: GPGME: Invalid crypto engine
FAIL: t-gpgconf

This does not happen if you use gpg2.

Presumably (since e.g. dirmngr tests are skipped under gpg1) the tests should work for both. Is there is a missing feature test for a crypto engine which is absent from gpg1? Perhaps this test should be skipped for gpg1?


Event Timeline

aheinecke added a subscriber: aheinecke.

Normal priority as this should be looked into but is not dramatic.

werner lowered the priority of this task from Normal to Low.
werner added a project: gnupg (gpg14).
werner added a subscriber: werner.

Reconsidering this: Running the test suite with gpg1 is not a proper use case. gpg1 may be installed in addition to gpg but it should never be used on a build machine solely.