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GpgSM: "Invalid Object" error when importing .p12 certs with wrong passphrase
Closed, ResolvedPublic


When importing secret keys with Kleopatra you can enter a wrong passphrase. In that case you are not asked again but instead you get the error "Invalid Object".

Event Timeline

I am adding the gpgcom tag as this causes support problems because we do not really know if it is an invalid object with the correct passphrase or if just the passphrase is incorrect.

This looks like a different but not too uncommon problem. For T6169 we need to get a PKCS#12 file to be able to replicate the problems - obviously that PKCS#12 should hold only test keys/certs.

Real Passphrase is "test"

With GPGME test runner and a random password:

./run-import --cms ~/dev/main/div/testzertifikate/berta-enc.p12
reading file `/home/aheinecke/dev/main/div/testzertifikate/berta-enc.p12'
run-import: file /home/aheinecke/dev/main/src/gpgme/tests/run-import.c line 159: <GpgSM> Invalid object
ebo moved this task from Restricted Project Column to Restricted Project Column on the Restricted Project board.
ebo added a subscriber: ebo.

With VS-Desktop- and Gpg4win-4.2.1-beta31 the error is "Bad Passphrase" in this case.
I do not see a reason why this ticket is still open.
The already resolved Kleopatra Task T5713 is probably a duplicate of this one.

ebo moved this task from QA to gnupg-2.4.3 on the gnupg24 board.
ebo edited projects, added gnupg24 (gnupg-2.4.3); removed gnupg24.