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All VSD and GPD binaries need a proper product name on Windows.
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On Windows some sites have policies in place to allow running only binaries with certain properties.
Thus we need to have mostly unique names in all our binaries. The suggestion is to use

VALUE "ProductName",    "GnuPG (VS-)Desktop\0"

Note that for the included GnuPG engine we use "GNU Privacy Guard (GnuPG)\0" which we won't change.

Event Timeline

werner created this task.
werner created this object with edit policy "Restricted Project (Project)".
werner raised the priority of this task from Normal to High.Mar 18 2024, 1:19 PM

So, what is the state of this. Did a change already land in Kleopatra and how can we assure that all binaries have a W32INFO_PRODUCTNAME in their rc file?

I think last time we talked about some generic solution for this. And ended up trying to research if we could add this in the end after linking is done to avoid having to patch/add an RC file for every library like GnuPG. Kleopatra and GpgOL already has one as you can see in windows with right click / properties and then details. Maybe we need to change the values there.

But I am unsure how to handle all the DLLs. maybe if we fix it for now for the exe files? There I think only Gpg4win-tools needs the files.

Now that I think about this. Maybe an intelligent extensiob to extra-cmake-modules would make sense which generates such a file based on the metainfo but allows a generic way to override the values at bulid time. I would like to have sunes / ingos opinion on that.

Please, we need a fix here for 3.3.