There is the file with an english text as large as 380K.
$ ls -s /tmp/file.txt
380 /tmp/file.txt
I suppose that deflate should make the text file smaller:
$ ls -s /tmp/
144 /tmp/
Yes, that is.
I'm encrypting some text without compression in such a manner:
$ gpg2 --encrypt --armor /tmp/file.txt
and have 196K base64 file:
$ ls -s /tmp/file.asc
196 /tmp/file.txt.asc
After the compression I get much bigger file:
$ gpg2 --compress-algo ZIP -z 9 --encrypt --armor /tmp/file.txt
$ ls -s /tmp/file.txt.asc
208 /tmp/file.txt.asc
So, I've concluded that compression doesn't work.