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Update AppImage for Gpg4win 4.4 / VSD 3.3
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Make it possible to build an AppImage for Gpg4win 4.4 / VSD 3.3.

Event Timeline

ikloecker created this task.
ikloecker moved this task from Restricted Project Column to Restricted Project Column on the Restricted Project board.Mon, Feb 3, 9:43 AM
ikloecker moved this task from Restricted Project Column to Restricted Project Column on the Restricted Project board.

Tested locally:

  • Build the Docker image for building the AppImage (using the archived CentOS 7 packages).
  • Build an AppImage for Gpg4win 4.4 with the unsplit gpgme repo.
  • Build an AppImage for Gpg4win 4.4 with the split gpgme repos (T7262).