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GpgPass bug collection
Open, NormalPublic



  • error message "gpgid not found" despite it is available (Windows only)
  • create keystore within %APPDATA% on Windows
  • can't create new password entry on Windows
  • when creating folder B within folder A (displayed collapsed) , folder B won't get focus
  • when there are unknown IDs (not in your keyring) in the .gpg-id file those ID are not shown and it can't be edited.
  • creating a new entry while having an unknown key in the .gpg-id file results in the error "unable to find key for recipient ... Error: End of file". Why this EOF message? "unable to find key for recipient ..." should be a warning and the data be stored anyway to avoid data loss.
  • creating a new entry still highlights old one in the tree.

Event Timeline

alexk triaged this task as Normal priority.Jan 29 2025, 6:10 PM
alexk created this task.