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Kleopatra: For "Update" via WKD show if the certificate was unchanged
Testing, NormalPublic


If you set the config option "Query certificate directories of providers for all user IDs" in Kleopatra, the action "Update certificate" does check WKD, too, if there is a user ID with an email address.

But it will always return the message "The certificate was updated." even if it is unchanged.

Please change the message to "The certificate has not changed." in that case, like it is done for the update via keyserver.

Event Timeline

ebo renamed this task from Kleopatra: For "Update" via WKD show if the certifcate was unchanged to Kleopatra: For "Update" via WKD show if the certificate was unchanged.Wed, Feb 5, 1:51 PM
ebo triaged this task as Normal priority.
ebo created this task.
ikloecker moved this task from Backlog to WIP on the gpd5x board.

If a single OpenPGP certificate is updated then we now show the same detailed information for the update from WKD as for the update from a keyserver, i.e. if the certificate didn't change via WKD then we say so.