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Draft: Kleopatra: Create Group key
Open, NormalPublic


Especially for functional mail addresses people often share secret keys. As there is no easy way to do this the sane way (i.e. share only subkeys) a lot of people share the whole key.
To make the seemingly inevitable sharing of secrets keys more secure, we want to introduce a simple Create Group Key action.

The group key creation dialog should ask what the intended usage is and according to the feedback create a primary key with only certification usage and a) one subkey each with usage encrypt and sign or b) one subkey with usage encrypt.
See link to internal wiki for info on possible usage scenarios.

After creation, the export of the secret subkey(s) will be offered. Of course we need the special export function for group keys in the menu, too.

Event Timeline

ebo triaged this task as Normal priority.Fri, Mar 21, 11:29 AM
ebo created this task.
ebo created this object with edit policy "Contributor (Project)".