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/*global Components: false */
/*jshint -W097 */
/* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
* Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1
* The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public
* License Version 1.1 (the "MPL"); you may not use this file
* except in compliance with the MPL. You may obtain a copy of
* the MPL at
* Software distributed under the MPL is distributed on an "AS
* IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
* implied. See the MPL for the specific language governing
* rights and limitations under the MPL.
* The Original Code is Enigmail.
* The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Janosch Rux.
* Portions created by Patrick Brunschwig <> are
* Copyright (C) 2014 Patrick Brunschwig. All Rights Reserved.
* Contributors:
* Fan Jiang <>
* Iván Pazmiño <>
* Ola Bini <>
* Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of
* either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or
* the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"),
* in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead
* of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only
* under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to
* use your version of this file under the terms of the MPL, indicate your
* decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice
* and other provisions required by the GPL or the LGPL. If you do not delete
* the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under
* the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL.
* ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */
"use strict";
var EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = ["EnigmailFixExchangeMsg"];
const Cu = Components.utils;
Cu.import("resource:///modules/MailUtils.js"); /*global MailUtils: false */
Cu.import("resource://enigmail/core.jsm"); /*global EnigmailCore: false */
Cu.import("resource://enigmail/funcs.jsm"); /*global EnigmailFuncs: false */
Cu.import("resource://enigmail/log.jsm"); /*global EnigmailLog: false */
Cu.import("resource://enigmail/promise.jsm"); /*global Promise: false */
Cu.import("resource://enigmail/streams.jsm"); /*global EnigmailStreams: false */
const EC = EnigmailCore;
const Cc = Components.classes;
const Ci = Components.interfaces;
const nsIEnigmail = Components.interfaces.nsIEnigmail;
* Fix a broken message from MS-Exchange and replace it with the original message
* @param nsIMsgDBHdr hdr Header of the message to fix (= pointer to message)
* @param String brokenByApp Type of app that created the message. Currently one of
* exchange, iPGMail
* @param String destFolderUri optional destination Folder URI
* @return Promise; upon success, the promise returns the messageKey
const EnigmailFixExchangeMsg = {
fixExchangeMessage: function(hdr, brokenByApp, destFolderUri) {
var self = this;
return new Promise(
function fixExchangeMessage_p(resolve, reject) {
let msgUriSpec = hdr.folder.getUriForMsg(hdr);
EnigmailLog.DEBUG("fixExchangeMsg.jsm: fixExchangeMessage: msgUriSpec: " + msgUriSpec + "\n");
self.hdr = hdr;
self.destFolder = hdr.folder;
self.resolve = resolve;
self.reject = reject;
self.brokenByApp = brokenByApp;
if (destFolderUri) {
self.destFolder = MailUtils.getFolderForURI(destFolderUri, false);
let messenger = Cc[";1"].createInstance(Ci.nsIMessenger);
self.msgSvc = messenger.messageServiceFromURI(msgUriSpec);
let p = self.getMessageBody();
function resolved(fixedMsgData) {
EnigmailLog.DEBUG("fixExchangeMsg.jsm: fixExchangeMessage: got fixedMsgData\n");
function rejected(reason) {
EnigmailLog.DEBUG("fixExchangeMsg.jsm: fixExchangeMessage: caught rejection: " + reason + "\n");
getMessageBody: function() {
EnigmailLog.DEBUG("fixExchangeMsg.jsm: getMessageBody:\n");
var self = this;
return new Promise(
function(resolve, reject) {
let u = {};
self.msgSvc.GetUrlForUri(self.hdr.folder.getUriForMsg(self.hdr), u, null);
let op = (u.value.spec.indexOf("?") > 0 ? "&" : "?");
let url = u.value.spec; // + op + 'part=' + part+"&header=enigmailConvert";
EnigmailLog.DEBUG("fixExchangeMsg.jsm: getting data from URL " + url + "\n");
let s = EnigmailStreams.newStringStreamListener(
function analyzeData(data) {
EnigmailLog.DEBUG("fixExchangeMsg.jsm: analyzeDecryptedData: got " + data.length + " bytes\n");
if (EnigmailLog.getLogLevel() > 5) {
EnigmailLog.DEBUG("*** start data ***\n'" + data + "'\n***end data***\n");
let hdrEnd =\r?\n\r?\n/);
if (hdrEnd <= 0) {
// cannot find end of header data
let hdrLines = data.substr(0, hdrEnd).split(/\r?\n/);
let hdrObj = self.getFixedHeaderData(hdrLines);
if (hdrObj.headers.length === 0 || hdrObj.boundary.length === 0) {
let boundary = hdrObj.boundary;
let body;
switch (self.brokenByApp) {
case "exchange":
body = self.getCorrectedExchangeBodyData(data.substr(hdrEnd + 2), boundary);
case "iPGMail":
body = self.getCorrectediPGMailBodyData(data.substr(hdrEnd + 2), boundary);
EnigmailLog.ERROR("fixExchangeMsg.jsm: getMessageBody: unknown appType " + self.brokenByApp + "\n");
if (body) {
resolve(hdrObj.headers + "\r\n" + body);
else {
var ioServ = Components.classes[IOSERVICE_CONTRACTID].getService(Components.interfaces.nsIIOService);
try {
var channel = ioServ.newChannel(url, null, null);
channel.asyncOpen(s, null);
catch (e) {
EnigmailLog.DEBUG("fixExchangeMsg.jsm: getMessageBody: exception " + e + "\n");
* repair header data, such that they are working for PGP/MIME
* @return: object: {
* headers: String - all headers ready for appending to message
* boundary: String - MIME part boundary (incl. surrounding "" or '')
* }
getFixedHeaderData: function(hdrLines) {
EnigmailLog.DEBUG("fixExchangeMsg.jsm: getFixedHeaderData: hdrLines[]:'" + hdrLines.length + "'\n");
let r = {
headers: "",
boundary: ""
for (let i = 0; i < hdrLines.length; i++) {
if (hdrLines[i].search(/^content-type:/i) >= 0) {
// Join the rest of the content type lines together.
// See RFC 2425, section 5.8.1
let contentTypeLine = hdrLines[i];
while (i < hdrLines.length) {
// Does the line start with a space or a tab, followed by something else?
if (hdrLines[i].search(/^[ \t]+?/) === 0) {
contentTypeLine += hdrLines[i];
else {
// we got the complete content-type header
contentTypeLine = contentTypeLine.replace(/[\r\n]/g, "");
let h = EnigmailFuncs.getHeaderData(contentTypeLine);
r.boundary = h.boundary || "";
else {
r.headers += hdrLines[i] + "\r\n";
r.boundary = r.boundary.replace(/^(['"])(.*)(['"])/, "$2");
r.headers += 'Content-Type: multipart/encrypted;\r\n' +
' protocol="application/pgp-encrypted";\r\n' +
' boundary="' + r.boundary + '"\r\n' +
'X-Enigmail-Info: Fixed broken PGP/MIME message\r\n';
return r;
* Get corrected body for MS-Exchange messages
getCorrectedExchangeBodyData: function(bodyData, boundary) {
EnigmailLog.DEBUG("fixExchangeMsg.jsm: getCorrectedExchangeBodyData: boundary='" + boundary + "'\n");
let boundRx = new RegExp("^--" + boundary, "gm");
let match = boundRx.exec(bodyData);
if (match.index < 0) {
EnigmailLog.DEBUG("fixExchangeMsg.jsm: getCorrectedExchangeBodyData: did not find index of mime type to skip\n");
return null;
let skipStart = match.index;
// found first instance -- that's the message part to ignore
match = boundRx.exec(bodyData);
if (match.index <= 0) {
EnigmailLog.DEBUG("fixExchangeMsg.jsm: getCorrectedExchangeBodyData: did not find boundary of PGP/MIME version identification\n");
return null;
let versionIdent = match.index;
if (bodyData.substring(skipStart, versionIdent).search(/^content-type:[ \t]*text\/plain/mi) < 0) {
EnigmailLog.DEBUG("fixExchangeMsg.jsm: getCorrectedExchangeBodyData: first MIME part is not content-type text/plain\n");
return null;
match = boundRx.exec(bodyData);
if (match.index < 0) {
EnigmailLog.DEBUG("fixExchangeMsg.jsm: getCorrectedExchangeBodyData: did not find boundary of PGP/MIME encrypted data\n");
return null;
let encData = match.index;
let mimeHdr = Cc[";1"].createInstance(Ci.nsIMimeHeaders);
mimeHdr.initialize(bodyData.substring(versionIdent, encData));
let ct = mimeHdr.extractHeader("content-type", false);
if (!ct ||\/pgp-encrypted/i) < 0) {
EnigmailLog.DEBUG("fixExchangeMsg.jsm: getCorrectedExchangeBodyData: wrong content-type of version-identification\n");
EnigmailLog.DEBUG(" ct = '" + ct + "'\n");
return null;
mimeHdr.initialize(bodyData.substr(encData, 500));
ct = mimeHdr.extractHeader("content-type", false);
if (!ct ||\/octet-stream/i) < 0) {
EnigmailLog.DEBUG("fixExchangeMsg.jsm: getCorrectedExchangeBodyData: wrong content-type of PGP/MIME data\n");
EnigmailLog.DEBUG(" ct = '" + ct + "'\n");
return null;
return bodyData.substr(versionIdent);
* Get corrected body for iPGMail messages
getCorrectediPGMailBodyData: function(bodyData, boundary) {
EnigmailLog.DEBUG("fixExchangeMsg.jsm: getCorrectediPGMailBodyData: boundary='" + boundary + "'\n");
let boundRx = new RegExp("^--" + boundary, "gm");
let match = boundRx.exec(bodyData);
if (match.index < 0) {
EnigmailLog.DEBUG("fixExchangeMsg.jsm: getCorrectediPGMailBodyData: did not find index of mime type to skip\n");
return null;
let skipStart = match.index;
// found first instance -- that's the message part to ignore
match = boundRx.exec(bodyData);
if (match.index <= 0) {
EnigmailLog.DEBUG("fixExchangeMsg.jsm: getCorrectediPGMailBodyData: did not find boundary of text/plain msg part\n");
return null;
let encData = match.index;
match = boundRx.exec(bodyData);
if (match.index < 0) {
EnigmailLog.DEBUG("fixExchangeMsg.jsm: getCorrectediPGMailBodyData: did not find end boundary of PGP/MIME encrypted data\n");
return null;
let mimeHdr = Cc[";1"].createInstance(Ci.nsIMimeHeaders);
mimeHdr.initialize(bodyData.substr(encData, 500));
let ct = mimeHdr.extractHeader("content-type", false);
if (!ct ||\/pgp-encrypted/i) < 0) {
EnigmailLog.DEBUG("fixExchangeMsg.jsm: getCorrectediPGMailBodyData: wrong content-type of PGP/MIME data\n");
EnigmailLog.DEBUG(" ct = '" + ct + "'\n");
return null;
return "--" + boundary + "\r\n" +
"Content-Type: application/pgp-encrypted\r\n" +
"Content-Description: PGP/MIME version identification\r\n\r\n" +
"Version: 1\r\n\r\n" +
bodyData.substring(encData, match.index).
replace(/^Content-Type: +application\/pgp-encrypted/im,
"Content-Type: application/octet-stream") +
"--" + boundary + "--\r\n";
copyToTargetFolder: function(msgData) {
var self = this;
var tempFile = Cc[";1"].getService(Ci.nsIProperties).get("TmpD", Ci.nsIFile);
tempFile.createUnique(0, 384); // octal 0600 - since octal is deprected in JS
// ensure that file gets deleted on exit, if something goes wrong ...
var extAppLauncher = Cc[";1"].getService(Ci.nsPIExternalAppLauncher);
var foStream = Cc[";1"].createInstance(Ci.nsIFileOutputStream);
foStream.init(tempFile, 2, 0x200, false); // open as "write only"
foStream.write(msgData, msgData.length);
// note: nsIMsgFolder.copyFileMessage seems to have a bug on Windows, when
// the nsIFile has been already used by foStream (because of Windows lock system?), so we
// must initialize another nsIFile object, pointing to the temporary file
var fileSpec = Cc[";1"].createInstance(Ci.nsIFile);
var copyListener = {
QueryInterface: function(iid) {
if (iid.equals(Ci.nsIMsgCopyServiceListener) || iid.equals(Ci.nsISupports)) {
return this;
throw Components.results.NS_NOINTERFACE;
msgKey: null,
GetMessageId: function(messageId) {},
OnProgress: function(progress, progressMax) {},
OnStartCopy: function() {},
SetMessageKey: function(key) {
this.msgKey = key;
OnStopCopy: function(statusCode) {
if (statusCode !== 0) {
EnigmailLog.DEBUG("fixExchangeMsg.jsm: error copying message: " + statusCode + "\n");
EnigmailLog.DEBUG("fixExchangeMsg.jsm: copy complete\n");
EnigmailLog.DEBUG("fixExchangeMsg.jsm: deleting message key=" + self.hdr.messageKey + "\n");
let msgArray = Cc[";1"].createInstance(Ci.nsIMutableArray);
msgArray.appendElement(self.hdr, false);
self.hdr.folder.deleteMessages(msgArray, null, true, false, null, false);
EnigmailLog.DEBUG("fixExchangeMsg.jsm: deleted original message\n");
let copySvc = Cc[";1"].getService(Ci.nsIMsgCopyService);
copySvc.CopyFileMessage(fileSpec, this.destFolder, null, false, this.hdr.flags, null, copyListener, null);

File Metadata

Mime Type
Sun, Feb 23, 7:56 PM (5 h, 23 m)
Storage Engine
Storage Format
Raw Data
Storage Handle

Event Timeline