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diff --git a/src/utils/formatting.cpp b/src/utils/formatting.cpp
index 1d385699..f038bf02 100644
--- a/src/utils/formatting.cpp
+++ b/src/utils/formatting.cpp
@@ -1,1766 +1,1766 @@
/* -*- mode: c++; c-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; -*-
This file is part of Kleopatra, the KDE keymanager
SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2007 Klarälvdalens Datakonsult AB
SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021, 2022 g10 Code GmbH
SPDX-FileContributor: Ingo Klöcker <>
SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
#include <config-libkleo.h>
#include "formatting.h"
#include "algorithm.h"
#include "compat.h"
#include "compliance.h"
#include "cryptoconfig.h"
#include "gnupg.h"
#include "keyhelpers.h"
#include <libkleo/dn.h>
#include <libkleo/keycache.h>
#include <libkleo/keygroup.h>
#include <libkleo_debug.h>
#include <KEmailAddress>
#include <KLocalizedString>
#include <QGpgME/CryptoConfig>
#include <QGpgME/Protocol>
#include <QDateTime>
#include <QIcon>
#include <QLocale>
#include <QRegularExpression>
#include <QString>
#include <gpgme++/importresult.h>
#include <gpgme++/key.h>
#include <gpg-error.h>
using namespace GpgME;
using namespace Kleo;
QIcon iconForValidityAndCompliance(UserID::Validity validity, bool isCompliant)
switch (validity) {
case UserID::Ultimate:
case UserID::Full:
case UserID::Marginal:
return isCompliant ? Formatting::successIcon() : Formatting::infoIcon();
case UserID::Never:
return Formatting::errorIcon();
case UserID::Undefined:
case UserID::Unknown:
return Formatting::infoIcon();
QIcon iconForValidity(const UserID &userId)
const bool keyIsCompliant = !DeVSCompliance::isActive() || //
(DeVSCompliance::isCompliant() && DeVSCompliance::keyIsCompliant(userId.parent()));
return iconForValidityAndCompliance(userId.validity(), keyIsCompliant);
QIcon Formatting::IconProvider::icon(const GpgME::Key &key) const
return icon(key.userID(0));
QIcon Formatting::IconProvider::icon(const GpgME::UserID &userID) const
if (usage.canEncrypt() && !Kleo::canBeUsedForEncryption(userID.parent())) {
return Formatting::errorIcon();
if (usage.canSign() && !Kleo::canBeUsedForSigning(userID.parent())) {
return Formatting::errorIcon();
if (userID.parent().isBad() || userID.isBad()) {
return Formatting::errorIcon();
if (Kleo::isRevokedOrExpired(userID)) {
return Formatting::errorIcon();
return iconForValidity(userID);
QIcon Formatting::IconProvider::icon(const KeyGroup &group) const
if (usage.canEncrypt() && !Kleo::all_of(group.keys(), Kleo::canBeUsedForEncryption)) {
return Formatting::errorIcon();
if (usage.canSign() && !Kleo::all_of(group.keys(), Kleo::canBeUsedForSigning)) {
return Formatting::errorIcon();
return validityIcon(group);
QIcon Formatting::successIcon()
return QIcon::fromTheme(QStringLiteral("emblem-success"));
QIcon Formatting::infoIcon()
return QIcon::fromTheme(QStringLiteral("emblem-information"));
QIcon Formatting::questionIcon()
return QIcon::fromTheme(QStringLiteral("emblem-question"));
QIcon Formatting::unavailableIcon()
return QIcon::fromTheme(QStringLiteral("emblem-unavailable"));
QIcon Formatting::warningIcon()
return QIcon::fromTheme(QStringLiteral("emblem-warning"));
QIcon Formatting::errorIcon()
return QIcon::fromTheme(QStringLiteral("emblem-error"));
// Name
QString Formatting::prettyName(int proto, const char *id, const char *name_, const char *comment_)
if (proto == GpgME::OpenPGP) {
const QString name = QString::fromUtf8(name_);
if (name.isEmpty()) {
return QString();
const QString comment = QString::fromUtf8(comment_);
if (comment.isEmpty()) {
return name;
return QStringLiteral("%1 (%2)").arg(name, comment);
if (proto == GpgME::CMS) {
const DN subject(id);
const QString cn = subject[QStringLiteral("CN")].trimmed();
if (cn.isEmpty()) {
return subject.prettyDN();
return cn;
return QString();
QString Formatting::prettyNameAndEMail(int proto, const char *id, const char *name_, const char *email_, const char *comment_)
return prettyNameAndEMail(proto, QString::fromUtf8(id), QString::fromUtf8(name_), prettyEMail(email_, id), QString::fromUtf8(comment_));
QString Formatting::prettyNameAndEMail(int proto, const QString &id, const QString &name, const QString &email, const QString &comment)
if (proto == GpgME::OpenPGP) {
if (name.isEmpty()) {
if (email.isEmpty()) {
return QString();
} else if (comment.isEmpty()) {
return QStringLiteral("<%1>").arg(email);
} else {
return QStringLiteral("(%2) <%1>").arg(email, comment);
if (email.isEmpty()) {
if (comment.isEmpty()) {
return name;
} else {
return QStringLiteral("%1 (%2)").arg(name, comment);
if (comment.isEmpty()) {
return QStringLiteral("%1 <%2>").arg(name, email);
} else {
return QStringLiteral("%1 (%3) <%2>").arg(name, email, comment);
if (proto == GpgME::CMS) {
const DN subject(id);
const QString cn = subject[QStringLiteral("CN")].trimmed();
if (cn.isEmpty()) {
return subject.prettyDN();
return cn;
return QString();
QString Formatting::prettyUserID(const UserID &uid)
if (uid.parent().protocol() == GpgME::OpenPGP) {
return prettyNameAndEMail(uid);
const QByteArray id = QByteArray(;
if (id.startsWith('<')) {
return prettyEMail(,;
if (id.startsWith('(')) {
// ### parse uri/dns:
return QString::fromUtf8(;
} else {
return DN(;
QString Formatting::prettyKeyID(const char *id)
if (!id) {
return QString();
return QLatin1StringView("0x") + QString::fromLatin1(id).toUpper();
QString Formatting::prettyNameAndEMail(const UserID &uid)
return prettyNameAndEMail(uid.parent().protocol(),,,, uid.comment());
QString Formatting::prettyNameAndEMail(const Key &key)
return prettyNameAndEMail(key.userID(0));
QString Formatting::prettyName(const Key &key)
return prettyName(key.userID(0));
QString Formatting::prettyName(const UserID &uid)
return prettyName(uid.parent().protocol(),,, uid.comment());
QString Formatting::prettyName(const UserID::Signature &sig)
return prettyName(GpgME::OpenPGP, sig.signerUserID(), sig.signerName(), sig.signerComment());
// EMail
QString Formatting::prettyEMail(const Key &key)
for (unsigned int i = 0, end = key.numUserIDs(); i < end; ++i) {
const QString email = prettyEMail(key.userID(i));
if (!email.isEmpty()) {
return email;
return QString();
QString Formatting::prettyEMail(const UserID &uid)
return prettyEMail(,;
QString Formatting::prettyEMail(const UserID::Signature &sig)
return prettyEMail(sig.signerEmail(), sig.signerUserID());
QString Formatting::prettyEMail(const char *email_, const char *id)
QString email;
QString name;
QString comment;
if (email_ && KEmailAddress::splitAddress(QString::fromUtf8(email_), name, email, comment) == KEmailAddress::AddressOk) {
return email;
} else {
return DN(id)[QStringLiteral("EMAIL")].trimmed();
// Tooltip
static QString protect_whitespace(QString s)
static const QLatin1Char SP(' ');
static const QLatin1Char NBSP('\xA0');
return s.replace(SP, NBSP);
template<typename T_arg>
QString format_row(const QString &field, const T_arg &arg)
return QStringLiteral("<tr><th>%1:</th><td>%2</td></tr>").arg(protect_whitespace(field), arg);
QString format_row(const QString &field, const QString &arg)
return QStringLiteral("<tr><th>%1:</th><td>%2</td></tr>").arg(protect_whitespace(field), arg.toHtmlEscaped());
QString format_row(const QString &field, const char *arg)
return format_row(field, QString::fromUtf8(arg));
QString format_keytype(const Key &key)
const Subkey subkey = key.subkey(0);
if (key.hasSecret()) {
return i18n("%1-bit %2 (secret key available)", subkey.length(), QLatin1StringView(subkey.publicKeyAlgorithmAsString()));
} else {
return i18n("%1-bit %2", subkey.length(), QLatin1StringView(subkey.publicKeyAlgorithmAsString()));
QString format_subkeytype(const Subkey &subkey)
const auto algo = subkey.publicKeyAlgorithm();
if (algo == Subkey::AlgoECC || algo == Subkey::AlgoECDSA || algo == Subkey::AlgoECDH || algo == Subkey::AlgoEDDSA) {
return QString::fromStdString(subkey.algoName());
return i18n("%1-bit %2", subkey.length(), QLatin1StringView(subkey.publicKeyAlgorithmAsString()));
QString format_keyusage(const Key &key)
QStringList capabilities;
if (Kleo::keyHasSign(key)) {
if (key.isQualified()) {
capabilities.push_back(i18n("Signing (Qualified)"));
} else {
if (Kleo::keyHasEncrypt(key)) {
if (Kleo::keyHasCertify(key)) {
capabilities.push_back(i18n("Certifying User IDs"));
if (Kleo::keyHasAuthenticate(key)) {
capabilities.push_back(i18n("SSH Authentication"));
return capabilities.join(QLatin1StringView(", "));
QString format_subkeyusage(const Subkey &subkey)
QStringList capabilities;
if (subkey.canSign()) {
if (subkey.isQualified()) {
capabilities.push_back(i18n("Signing (Qualified)"));
} else {
if (subkey.canEncrypt()) {
if (subkey.canCertify()) {
capabilities.push_back(i18n("Certifying User IDs"));
if (subkey.canAuthenticate()) {
capabilities.push_back(i18n("SSH Authentication"));
return capabilities.join(QLatin1StringView(", "));
static QString time_t2string(time_t t)
const QDateTime dt = QDateTime::fromSecsSinceEpoch(quint32(t));
return QLocale().toString(dt, QLocale::ShortFormat);
static QString make_red(const QString &txt)
return QLatin1StringView("<font color=\"red\">") + txt.toHtmlEscaped() + QLatin1StringView("</font>");
static QString toolTipInternal(const GpgME::Key &key, const GpgME::UserID &userID, int flags)
if (flags == 0 || (key.protocol() != GpgME::CMS && key.protocol() != GpgME::OpenPGP)) {
return QString();
const Subkey subkey = key.subkey(0);
QString result;
if (flags & Formatting::Validity) {
if (key.protocol() == GpgME::OpenPGP || (key.keyListMode() & Validate)) {
if (key.isDisabled()) {
result = i18n("Disabled");
} else if (userID.isRevoked() || key.isRevoked()) {
result = make_red(i18n("Revoked"));
} else if (key.isExpired()) {
result = make_red(i18n("Expired"));
} else if (key.keyListMode() & GpgME::Validate) {
if (!userID.isNull()) {
if (userID.validity() >= UserID::Validity::Full) {
result = i18n("User ID is certified.");
const auto compliance = Formatting::complianceStringForUserID(userID);
if (!compliance.isEmpty()) {
result += QStringLiteral("<br>") + compliance;
} else {
result = i18n("User ID is not certified.");
} else {
unsigned int fullyTrusted = 0;
for (const auto &uid : key.userIDs()) {
if (uid.validity() >= UserID::Validity::Full) {
if (fullyTrusted == key.numUserIDs()) {
result = i18n("All User IDs are certified.");
const auto compliance = Formatting::complianceStringForKey(key);
if (!compliance.isEmpty()) {
result += QStringLiteral("<br>") + compliance;
} else {
result = i18np("One User ID is not certified.", "%1 User IDs are not certified.", key.numUserIDs() - fullyTrusted);
} else {
result = i18n("The validity cannot be checked at the moment.");
} else {
result = i18n("The validity cannot be checked at the moment.");
if (flags == Formatting::Validity) {
return result;
result += QLatin1StringView("<table border=\"0\">");
if (key.protocol() == GpgME::CMS) {
if (flags & Formatting::SerialNumber) {
result += format_row(i18n("Serial number"), key.issuerSerial());
if (flags & Formatting::Issuer) {
result += format_row(i18n("Issuer"), key.issuerName());
if (flags & Formatting::UserIDs) {
if (userID.isNull()) {
const std::vector<UserID> uids = key.userIDs();
if (!uids.empty()) {
result += format_row(key.protocol() == GpgME::CMS ? i18n("Subject") : i18n("User ID"), Formatting::prettyUserID(uids.front()));
if (uids.size() > 1) {
for (auto it = uids.begin() + 1, end = uids.end(); it != end; ++it) {
if (!it->isRevoked() && !it->isInvalid()) {
result += format_row(i18n("a.k.a."), Formatting::prettyUserID(*it));
} else {
result += format_row(key.protocol() == GpgME::CMS ? i18n("Subject") : i18n("User ID"), Formatting::prettyUserID(userID));
if (flags & Formatting::ExpiryDates) {
result += format_row(i18n("Valid from"), time_t2string(subkey.creationTime()));
if (!subkey.neverExpires()) {
result += format_row(i18n("Valid until"), time_t2string(subkey.expirationTime()));
if (flags & Formatting::CertificateType) {
result += format_row(i18n("Type"), format_keytype(key));
if (flags & Formatting::CertificateUsage) {
result += format_row(i18n("Usage"), format_keyusage(key));
if (flags & Formatting::KeyID) {
result += format_row(i18n("Key ID"), QString::fromLatin1(key.shortKeyID()));
if (flags & Formatting::Fingerprint) {
result += format_row(i18n("Fingerprint"), key.primaryFingerprint());
if (flags & Formatting::OwnerTrust) {
if (key.protocol() == GpgME::OpenPGP) {
result += format_row(i18n("Certification trust"), Formatting::ownerTrustShort(key));
} else if (key.isRoot()) {
result += format_row(i18n("Trusted issuer?"), (userID.isNull() ? key.userID(0) : userID).validity() == UserID::Ultimate ? i18n("Yes") : i18n("No"));
if (flags & Formatting::StorageLocation) {
if (const char *card = subkey.cardSerialNumber()) {
result += format_row(i18n("Stored"), i18nc("stored...", "on SmartCard with serial no. %1", QString::fromUtf8(card)));
} else {
result += format_row(i18n("Stored"), i18nc("stored...", "on this computer"));
if (flags & Formatting::Subkeys) {
for (const auto &sub : key.subkeys()) {
result += QLatin1StringView("<hr/>");
result += format_row(i18n("Subkey"), sub.fingerprint());
if (sub.isRevoked()) {
result += format_row(i18n("Status"), i18n("Revoked"));
} else if (sub.isExpired()) {
result += format_row(i18n("Status"), i18n("Expired"));
if (flags & Formatting::ExpiryDates) {
result += format_row(i18n("Valid from"), time_t2string(sub.creationTime()));
if (!sub.neverExpires()) {
result += format_row(i18n("Valid until"), time_t2string(sub.expirationTime()));
if (flags & Formatting::CertificateType) {
result += format_row(i18n("Type"), format_subkeytype(sub));
if (flags & Formatting::CertificateUsage) {
result += format_row(i18n("Usage"), format_subkeyusage(sub));
if (flags & Formatting::StorageLocation) {
if (const char *card = sub.cardSerialNumber()) {
result += format_row(i18n("Stored"), i18nc("stored...", "on SmartCard with serial no. %1", QString::fromUtf8(card)));
} else {
result += format_row(i18n("Stored"), i18nc("stored...", "on this computer"));
result += QLatin1StringView("</table>");
return result;
QString Formatting::toolTip(const Key &key, int flags)
return toolTipInternal(key, UserID(), flags);
template<typename Container>
QString getValidityStatement(const Container &keys)
const bool allKeysAreOpenPGP = std::all_of(keys.cbegin(), keys.cend(), [](const Key &key) {
return key.protocol() == GpgME::OpenPGP;
const bool allKeysAreValidated = std::all_of(keys.cbegin(), keys.cend(), [](const Key &key) {
return key.keyListMode() & Validate;
if (allKeysAreOpenPGP || allKeysAreValidated) {
const bool someKeysAreBad = std::any_of(keys.cbegin(), keys.cend(), std::mem_fn(&Key::isBad));
if (someKeysAreBad) {
return i18n("Some keys are revoked, expired, disabled, or invalid.");
} else {
const bool allKeysAreFullyValid = std::all_of(keys.cbegin(), keys.cend(), &Kleo::allUserIDsHaveFullValidity);
if (allKeysAreFullyValid) {
return i18n("All keys are certified.");
} else {
return i18n("Some keys are not certified.");
return i18n("The validity of the keys cannot be checked at the moment.");
QString Formatting::toolTip(const KeyGroup &group, int flags)
static const unsigned int maxNumKeysForTooltip = 20;
if (group.isNull()) {
return QString();
const KeyGroup::Keys &keys = group.keys();
if (keys.size() == 0) {
return i18nc("@info:tooltip", "This group does not contain any keys.");
if (Kleo::any_of(keys, [](const auto &key) {
return !key.hasEncrypt();
})) {
return i18nc("@info:tooltip", "Some of the certificates in this group cannot be used for encryption. Using this group can lead to unexpected results.");
const QString validity = (flags & Validity) ? getValidityStatement(keys) : QString();
if (flags == Validity) {
return validity;
// list either up to maxNumKeysForTooltip keys or (maxNumKeysForTooltip-1) keys followed by "and n more keys"
const unsigned int numKeysForTooltip = keys.size() > maxNumKeysForTooltip ? maxNumKeysForTooltip - 1 : keys.size();
QStringList result;
result.reserve(3 + 2 + numKeysForTooltip + 2);
if (!validity.isEmpty()) {
auto it = keys.cbegin();
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < numKeysForTooltip; ++i, ++it) {
result.push_back(QLatin1StringView("<br>") + Formatting::summaryLine(*it).toHtmlEscaped());
if (keys.size() > numKeysForTooltip) {
+ i18ncp("this follows a list of keys", "and 1 more key", "and %1 more keys", keys.size() - numKeysForTooltip));
return result.join(QLatin1Char('\n'));
QString Formatting::toolTip(const UserID &userID, int flags)
return toolTipInternal(userID.parent(), userID, flags);
// Creation and Expiration
static QDate time_t2date(time_t t)
if (!t) {
return {};
const QDateTime dt = QDateTime::fromSecsSinceEpoch(quint32(t));
static QString accessible_date_format()
return i18nc(
"date format suitable for screen readers; "
"d: day as a number without a leading zero, "
"MMMM: localized month name, "
"yyyy: year as a four digit number",
"MMMM d, yyyy");
template<typename T>
QString expiration_date_string(const T &tee, const QString &noExpiration)
return tee.neverExpires() ? noExpiration : Formatting::dateString(time_t2date(tee.expirationTime()));
template<typename T>
QDate creation_date(const T &tee)
return time_t2date(tee.creationTime());
template<typename T>
QDate expiration_date(const T &tee)
return time_t2date(tee.expirationTime());
QString Formatting::dateString(time_t t)
return dateString(time_t2date(t));
QString Formatting::dateString(const QDate &date)
return QLocale().toString(date, QLocale::ShortFormat);
QString Formatting::accessibleDate(time_t t)
return accessibleDate(time_t2date(t));
QString Formatting::accessibleDate(const QDate &date)
return QLocale().toString(date, accessible_date_format());
QString Formatting::expirationDateString(const Key &key, const QString &noExpiration)
// if key is remote but has a non-zero expiration date (e.g. a key looked up via WKD),
// then we assume that the date is valid; if the date is zero for a remote key, then
// we don't know if it's unknown or unlimited
return isRemoteKey(key) && (key.subkey(0).expirationTime() == 0) //
? i18nc("@info the expiration date of the key is unknown", "unknown")
: expiration_date_string(key.subkey(0), noExpiration);
QString Formatting::expirationDateString(const Subkey &subkey, const QString &noExpiration)
return expiration_date_string(subkey, noExpiration);
QString Formatting::expirationDateString(const UserID::Signature &sig, const QString &noExpiration)
return expiration_date_string(sig, noExpiration);
QDate Formatting::expirationDate(const Key &key)
return expiration_date(key.subkey(0));
QDate Formatting::expirationDate(const Subkey &subkey)
return expiration_date(subkey);
QDate Formatting::expirationDate(const UserID::Signature &sig)
return expiration_date(sig);
QString Formatting::accessibleExpirationDate(const Key &key, const QString &noExpiration)
// if key is remote but has a non-zero expiration date (e.g. a key looked up via WKD),
// then we assume that the date is valid; if the date is zero for a remote key, then
// we don't know if it's unknown or unlimited
return isRemoteKey(key) && (key.subkey(0).expirationTime() == 0) //
? i18nc("@info the expiration date of the key is unknown", "unknown")
: accessibleExpirationDate(key.subkey(0), noExpiration);
QString Formatting::accessibleExpirationDate(const Subkey &subkey, const QString &noExpiration)
if (subkey.neverExpires()) {
return noExpiration.isEmpty() ? i18n("unlimited") : noExpiration;
} else {
return accessibleDate(expirationDate(subkey));
QString Formatting::accessibleExpirationDate(const UserID::Signature &sig, const QString &noExpiration)
if (sig.neverExpires()) {
return noExpiration.isEmpty() ? i18n("unlimited") : noExpiration;
} else {
return accessibleDate(expirationDate(sig));
QString Formatting::creationDateString(const Key &key)
return dateString(creation_date(key.subkey(0)));
QString Formatting::creationDateString(const Subkey &subkey)
return dateString(creation_date(subkey));
QString Formatting::creationDateString(const UserID::Signature &sig)
return dateString(creation_date(sig));
QDate Formatting::creationDate(const Key &key)
return creation_date(key.subkey(0));
QDate Formatting::creationDate(const Subkey &subkey)
return creation_date(subkey);
QDate Formatting::creationDate(const UserID::Signature &sig)
return creation_date(sig);
QString Formatting::accessibleCreationDate(const Key &key)
return accessibleDate(creationDate(key));
QString Formatting::accessibleCreationDate(const Subkey &subkey)
return accessibleDate(creationDate(subkey));
// Types
QString Formatting::displayName(GpgME::Protocol p)
if (p == GpgME::CMS) {
return i18nc("X.509/CMS encryption standard", "S/MIME");
if (p == GpgME::OpenPGP) {
return i18n("OpenPGP");
return i18nc("Unknown encryption protocol", "Unknown");
QString Formatting::type(const Key &key)
return displayName(key.protocol());
QString Formatting::type(const Subkey &subkey)
return QString::fromUtf8(subkey.publicKeyAlgorithmAsString());
QString Formatting::type(const KeyGroup &group)
return i18nc("a group of keys/certificates", "Group");
// Status / Validity
QString Formatting::ownerTrustShort(const Key &key)
return ownerTrustShort(key.ownerTrust());
QString Formatting::ownerTrustShort(Key::OwnerTrust trust)
switch (trust) {
case Key::Unknown:
return i18nc("unknown trust level", "unknown");
case Key::Never:
return i18n("untrusted");
case Key::Marginal:
return i18nc("marginal trust", "marginal");
case Key::Full:
return i18nc("full trust", "full");
case Key::Ultimate:
return i18nc("ultimate trust", "ultimate");
case Key::Undefined:
return i18nc("undefined trust", "undefined");
Q_ASSERT(!"unexpected owner trust value");
return QString();
QString Formatting::validityShort(const Subkey &subkey)
if (subkey.isDisabled()) {
return i18n("disabled");
if (subkey.isRevoked()) {
return i18n("revoked");
if (subkey.isExpired()) {
return i18n("expired");
if (subkey.isInvalid()) {
return i18n("invalid");
return i18nc("as in 'this subkey is ok'", "OK");
QString Formatting::validityShort(const UserID &uid)
if (uid.isRevoked()) {
return i18n("revoked");
if (uid.isInvalid()) {
return i18n("invalid");
switch (uid.validity()) {
case UserID::Unknown:
return i18nc("unknown trust level", "unknown");
case UserID::Undefined:
return i18nc("undefined trust", "undefined");
case UserID::Never:
return i18n("untrusted");
case UserID::Marginal:
return i18nc("marginal trust", "marginal");
case UserID::Full:
return i18nc("full trust", "full");
case UserID::Ultimate:
return i18nc("ultimate trust", "ultimate");
return QString();
QString Formatting::validityShort(const UserID::Signature &sig)
switch (sig.status()) {
case UserID::Signature::NoError:
if (!sig.isInvalid()) {
/* See RFC 4880 Section 5.2.1 */
switch (sig.certClass()) {
case 0x10: /* Generic */
case 0x11: /* Persona */
case 0x12: /* Casual */
case 0x13: /* Positive */
return i18n("valid");
case 0x30:
return i18n("revoked");
return i18n("class %1", sig.certClass());
// fall through:
case UserID::Signature::GeneralError:
return i18n("invalid");
case UserID::Signature::SigExpired:
return i18n("expired");
case UserID::Signature::KeyExpired:
return i18n("certificate expired");
case UserID::Signature::BadSignature:
return i18nc("fake/invalid signature", "bad");
case UserID::Signature::NoPublicKey: {
/* GnuPG returns the same error for no public key as for expired
* or revoked certificates. */
const auto key = KeyCache::instance()->findByKeyIDOrFingerprint(sig.signerKeyID());
if (key.isNull()) {
return i18n("no public key");
} else if (key.isDisabled()) {
return i18n("key disabled");
} else if (key.isRevoked()) {
return i18n("key revoked");
} else if (key.isExpired()) {
return i18n("key expired");
/* can't happen */
return QStringLiteral("unknown");
return QString();
QIcon Formatting::validityIcon(const UserID::Signature &sig)
switch (sig.status()) {
case UserID::Signature::NoError:
if (!sig.isInvalid()) {
/* See RFC 4880 Section 5.2.1 */
switch (sig.certClass()) {
case 0x10: /* Generic */
case 0x11: /* Persona */
case 0x12: /* Casual */
case 0x13: /* Positive */
return Formatting::successIcon();
case 0x30:
return Formatting::errorIcon();
return QIcon();
// fall through:
case UserID::Signature::BadSignature:
case UserID::Signature::GeneralError:
return Formatting::errorIcon();
case UserID::Signature::SigExpired:
case UserID::Signature::KeyExpired:
return Formatting::infoIcon();
case UserID::Signature::NoPublicKey:
return Formatting::questionIcon();
return QIcon();
QString Formatting::formatKeyLink(const Key &key)
if (key.isNull()) {
return QString();
return QStringLiteral("<a href=\"key:%1\">%2</a>").arg(QLatin1StringView(key.primaryFingerprint()), Formatting::prettyName(key));
QString Formatting::formatForComboBox(const GpgME::Key &key)
const QString name = prettyName(key);
QString mail = prettyEMail(key);
if (!mail.isEmpty()) {
mail = QLatin1Char('<') + mail + QLatin1Char('>');
return i18nc("name, email, key id", "%1 %2 (%3)", name, mail, QLatin1StringView(key.shortKeyID())).simplified();
QString Formatting::nameAndEmailForSummaryLine(const UserID &id)
const QString email = Formatting::prettyEMail(id);
const QString name = Formatting::prettyName(id);
if (name.isEmpty()) {
return email;
} else if (email.isEmpty()) {
return name;
} else {
return QStringLiteral("%1 <%2>").arg(name, email);
QString Formatting::nameAndEmailForSummaryLine(const Key &key)
const QString email = Formatting::prettyEMail(key);
const QString name = Formatting::prettyName(key);
if (name.isEmpty()) {
return email;
} else if (email.isEmpty()) {
return name;
} else {
return QStringLiteral("%1 <%2>").arg(name, email);
const char *Formatting::summaryToString(const Signature::Summary summary)
if (summary & Signature::Red) {
return "RED";
if (summary & Signature::Green) {
return "GREEN";
return "YELLOW";
QString Formatting::signatureToString(const Signature &sig, const Key &key)
if (sig.isNull()) {
return QString();
const bool red = (sig.summary() & Signature::Red);
const bool valid = (sig.summary() & Signature::Valid);
if (red) {
if (key.isNull()) {
if (const char *fpr = sig.fingerprint()) {
return i18n("Bad signature by unknown certificate %1: %2", QString::fromLatin1(fpr), Formatting::errorAsString(sig.status()));
} else {
return i18n("Bad signature by an unknown certificate: %1", Formatting::errorAsString(sig.status()));
} else {
return i18n("Bad signature by %1: %2", nameAndEmailForSummaryLine(key), Formatting::errorAsString(sig.status()));
} else if (valid) {
if (key.isNull()) {
if (const char *fpr = sig.fingerprint()) {
return i18n("Good signature by unknown certificate %1.", QString::fromLatin1(fpr));
} else {
return i18n("Good signature by an unknown certificate.");
} else {
return i18n("Good signature by %1.", nameAndEmailForSummaryLine(key));
} else if (key.isNull()) {
if (const char *fpr = sig.fingerprint()) {
return i18n("Invalid signature by unknown certificate %1: %2", QString::fromLatin1(fpr), Formatting::errorAsString(sig.status()));
} else {
return i18n("Invalid signature by an unknown certificate: %1", Formatting::errorAsString(sig.status()));
} else {
return i18n("Invalid signature by %1: %2", nameAndEmailForSummaryLine(key), Formatting::errorAsString(sig.status()));
// ImportResult
QString Formatting::importMetaData(const Import &import, const QStringList &ids)
const QString result = importMetaData(import);
if (result.isEmpty()) {
return QString();
} else {
return result + QLatin1Char('\n') + i18n("This certificate was imported from the following sources:") + QLatin1Char('\n') + ids.join(QLatin1Char('\n'));
QString Formatting::importMetaData(const Import &import)
if (import.isNull()) {
return QString();
if (import.error().isCanceled()) {
return i18n("The import of this certificate was canceled.");
if (import.error()) {
return i18n("An error occurred importing this certificate: %1", Formatting::errorAsString(import.error()));
const unsigned int status = import.status();
if (status & Import::NewKey) {
return (status & Import::ContainedSecretKey) ? i18n("This certificate was new to your keystore. The secret key is available.")
: i18n("This certificate is new to your keystore.");
QStringList results;
if (status & Import::NewUserIDs) {
results.push_back(i18n("New user-ids were added to this certificate by the import."));
if (status & Import::NewSignatures) {
results.push_back(i18n("New signatures were added to this certificate by the import."));
if (status & Import::NewSubkeys) {
results.push_back(i18n("New subkeys were added to this certificate by the import."));
return results.empty() ? i18n("The import contained no new data for this certificate. It is unchanged.") : results.join(QLatin1Char('\n'));
// Overview in CertificateDetailsDialog
QString Formatting::formatOverview(const Key &key)
return toolTip(key, AllOptions);
QString Formatting::usageString(const Subkey &sub)
QStringList usageStrings;
if (sub.canCertify()) {
usageStrings << i18n("Certify");
if (sub.canSign()) {
usageStrings << i18n("Sign");
if (sub.canEncrypt()) {
usageStrings << i18n("Encrypt");
if (sub.canAuthenticate()) {
usageStrings << i18n("Authenticate");
if (sub.canRenc()) {
usageStrings << i18nc("Means 'Additional Decryption Subkey'; Don't try translating that, though.", "ADSK");
return usageStrings.join(QLatin1StringView(", "));
QString Formatting::summaryLine(const UserID &id)
return i18nc("name <email> (validity, protocol, creation date)",
"%1 (%2, %3, created: %4)",
QString Formatting::summaryLine(const Key &key)
return nameAndEmailForSummaryLine(key) + QLatin1Char(' ')
+ i18nc("(validity, protocol, creation date)",
"(%1, %2, created: %3)",
QString Formatting::summaryLine(const KeyGroup &group)
switch (group.source()) {
case KeyGroup::ApplicationConfig:
case KeyGroup::GnuPGConfig:
return i18ncp("name of group of keys (n key(s), validity)",
"%2 (1 key, %3)",
"%2 (%1 keys, %3)",
case KeyGroup::Tags:
return i18ncp("name of group of keys (n key(s), validity, tag)",
"%2 (1 key, %3, tag)",
"%2 (%1 keys, %3, tag)",
return i18ncp("name of group of keys (n key(s), validity, group ...)",
"%2 (1 key, %3, unknown origin)",
"%2 (%1 keys, %3, unknown origin)",
// Icon for certificate selection indication
QIcon Formatting::iconForUid(const UserID &uid)
if (Kleo::isRevokedOrExpired(uid)) {
return Formatting::errorIcon();
return iconForValidity(uid);
QString Formatting::validity(const UserID &uid)
switch (uid.validity()) {
case UserID::Ultimate:
return i18n("The certificate is marked as your own.");
case UserID::Full:
return i18n("The certificate belongs to this recipient.");
case UserID::Marginal:
return i18n("The trust model indicates marginally that the certificate belongs to this recipient.");
case UserID::Never:
return i18n("This certificate should not be used.");
case UserID::Undefined:
case UserID::Unknown:
return i18n("There is no indication that this certificate belongs to this recipient.");
QString Formatting::validity(const KeyGroup &group)
if (group.isNull()) {
return QString();
const KeyGroup::Keys &keys = group.keys();
if (keys.size() == 0) {
return i18n("This group does not contain any keys.");
return getValidityStatement(keys);
template<typename Container>
UserID::Validity minimalValidity(const Container &keys)
const int minValidity = std::accumulate(keys.cbegin(), keys.cend(), UserID::Ultimate + 1, [](int validity, const Key &key) {
return std::min<int>(validity, minimalValidityOfNotRevokedUserIDs(key));
return minValidity <= UserID::Ultimate ? static_cast<UserID::Validity>(minValidity) : UserID::Unknown;
template<typename Container>
bool allKeysAreCompliant(const Container &keys)
if (!DeVSCompliance::isActive()) {
return true;
if (!DeVSCompliance::isCompliant()) {
return false;
return Kleo::all_of(keys, DeVSCompliance::keyIsCompliant);
QIcon Formatting::validityIcon(const KeyGroup &group)
if (Kleo::any_of(group.keys(), std::mem_fn(&Key::isBad))) {
return Formatting::errorIcon();
return iconForValidityAndCompliance(minimalValidity(group.keys()), allKeysAreCompliant(group.keys()));
bool Formatting::uidsHaveFullValidity(const Key &key)
return allUserIDsHaveFullValidity(key);
QString Formatting::complianceMode()
const auto complianceValue = getCryptoConfigStringValue("gpg", "compliance");
return complianceValue == QLatin1StringView("gnupg") ? QString() : complianceValue;
bool Formatting::isKeyDeVs(const GpgME::Key &key)
return DeVSCompliance::allSubkeysAreCompliant(key);
QString Formatting::complianceStringForKey(const GpgME::Key &key)
// There will likely be more in the future for other institutions
// for now we only have DE-VS
if (DeVSCompliance::isCompliant()) {
return isRemoteKey(key) //
? i18nc("@info the compliance of the key with certain requirements is unknown", "unknown")
: DeVSCompliance::name(DeVSCompliance::keyIsCompliant(key));
return QString();
QString Formatting::complianceStringForUserID(const GpgME::UserID &userID)
// There will likely be more in the future for other institutions
// for now we only have DE-VS
if (DeVSCompliance::isCompliant()) {
return isRemoteKey(userID.parent()) //
? i18nc("@info the compliance of the key with certain requirements is unknown", "unknown")
: DeVSCompliance::name(DeVSCompliance::userIDIsCompliant(userID));
return QString();
QString Formatting::complianceStringShort(const GpgME::UserID &id)
if (DeVSCompliance::isCompliant() && DeVSCompliance::userIDIsCompliant(id)) {
return QStringLiteral("★ ") + DeVSCompliance::name(true);
const bool keyValidityChecked = (id.parent().keyListMode() & GpgME::Validate);
if (keyValidityChecked && id.validity() >= UserID::Full) {
return i18nc("As in 'this user ID is valid.'", "certified");
if (id.parent().isDisabled()) {
return i18n("disabled");
if (id.parent().isRevoked() || id.isRevoked()) {
return i18n("revoked");
if (id.parent().isExpired() || isExpired(id)) {
return i18n("expired");
if (id.parent().isInvalid() || id.isInvalid()) {
return i18n("invalid");
if (keyValidityChecked) {
return i18nc("As in 'this user ID is not certified'", "not certified");
return i18nc("The validity of this user ID has not been/could not be checked", "not checked");
QString Formatting::complianceStringShort(const GpgME::Key &key)
if (DeVSCompliance::isCompliant() && DeVSCompliance::keyIsCompliant(key)) {
return QStringLiteral("★ ") + DeVSCompliance::name(true);
const bool keyValidityChecked = (key.keyListMode() & GpgME::Validate);
if (key.isDisabled()) {
return i18n("disabled");
if (key.isRevoked()) {
return i18n("revoked");
if (key.isExpired()) {
return i18n("expired");
if (key.isInvalid()) {
return i18n("invalid");
if (keyValidityChecked && Kleo::allUserIDsHaveFullValidity(key)) {
return i18nc("As in all user IDs are valid.", "certified");
if (keyValidityChecked) {
return i18nc("As in not all user IDs are valid.", "not certified");
return i18nc("The validity of the user IDs has not been/could not be checked", "not checked");
QString Formatting::complianceStringShort(const KeyGroup &group)
const KeyGroup::Keys &keys = group.keys();
const bool allKeysFullyValid = std::all_of(keys.cbegin(), keys.cend(), &Kleo::allUserIDsHaveFullValidity);
if (allKeysFullyValid) {
return i18nc("As in all keys are valid.", "all certified");
return i18nc("As in not all keys are valid.", "not all certified");
QString Formatting::prettyID(const char *id)
if (!id) {
return QString();
QString ret = QString::fromLatin1(id).toUpper().replace(QRegularExpression(QStringLiteral("(....)")), QStringLiteral("\\1 ")).trimmed();
// For the standard 10 group fingerprint let us use a double space in the
// middle to increase readability
if (ret.size() == 49) {
ret.insert(24, QLatin1Char(' '));
return ret;
QString Formatting::accessibleHexID(const char *id)
static const QRegularExpression groupOfFourRegExp{QStringLiteral("(?:(.)(.)(.)(.))")};
QString ret;
ret = QString::fromLatin1(id);
if (!ret.isEmpty() && (ret.size() % 4 == 0)) {
ret = ret.replace(groupOfFourRegExp, QStringLiteral("\\1 \\2 \\3 \\4, ")).chopped(2);
return ret;
QString Formatting::origin(int o)
switch (o) {
case Key::OriginKS:
return i18n("Keyserver");
case Key::OriginDane:
return QStringLiteral("DANE");
case Key::OriginWKD:
return QStringLiteral("WKD");
case Key::OriginURL:
return QStringLiteral("URL");
case Key::OriginFile:
return i18n("File import");
case Key::OriginSelf:
return i18n("Generated");
case Key::OriginOther:
case Key::OriginUnknown:
return {};
QString Formatting::deVsString(bool compliant)
return DeVSCompliance::name(compliant);
QString formatTrustScope(const char *trustScope)
static const QRegularExpression escapedNonAlphaNum{QStringLiteral(R"(\\([^0-9A-Za-z]))")};
const auto scopeRegExp = QString::fromUtf8(trustScope);
if (scopeRegExp.startsWith(u"<[^>]+[@.]") && scopeRegExp.endsWith(u">$")) {
// looks like a trust scope regular expression created by gpg
auto domain = scopeRegExp.mid(10, scopeRegExp.size() - 10 - 2);
domain.replace(escapedNonAlphaNum, QStringLiteral(R"(\1)"));
return domain;
return scopeRegExp;
QString Formatting::trustSignatureDomain(const GpgME::UserID::Signature &sig)
return formatTrustScope(sig.trustScope());
QString Formatting::trustSignature(const GpgME::UserID::Signature &sig)
switch (sig.trustValue()) {
case TrustSignatureTrust::Partial:
return i18nc("Certifies this key as partially trusted introducer for 'domain name'.",
"Certifies this key as partially trusted introducer for '%1'.",
case TrustSignatureTrust::Complete:
return i18nc("Certifies this key as fully trusted introducer for 'domain name'.",
"Certifies this key as fully trusted introducer for '%1'.",
return {};
QString Formatting::errorAsString(const GpgME::Error &error)
#ifdef Q_OS_WIN
// On Windows, we set GpgME resp. libgpg-error to return (translated) error messages as UTF-8
const std::string s = error.asStdString();
qCDebug(LIBKLEO_LOG) << __func__ << "gettext_use_utf8(-1) returns" << gettext_use_utf8(-1);
qCDebug(LIBKLEO_LOG) << __func__ << "error:" << s;
qCDebug(LIBKLEO_LOG) << __func__ << "error (percent-encoded):" << QByteArray::fromStdString(s).toPercentEncoding();
return QString::fromStdString(s);
const char *s = error.asString();
qCDebug(LIBKLEO_LOG) << __func__ << "gettext_use_utf8(-1) returns" << gettext_use_utf8(-1);
qCDebug(LIBKLEO_LOG) << __func__ << "error:" << s;
qCDebug(LIBKLEO_LOG) << __func__ << "error (percent-encoded):" << QByteArray{s}.toPercentEncoding();
return QString::fromUtf8(s);
const std::string s = error.asStdString();
return QString::fromLocal8Bit(QByteArrayView{, qsizetype(s.size())});
return QString::fromLocal8Bit(error.asString());
QString Formatting::prettyAlgorithmName(const std::string &algorithm)
static const std::map<std::string, QString> displayNames = {
{"brainpoolP256r1", i18nc("@info", "ECC (Brainpool P-256)")},
{"brainpoolP384r1", i18nc("@info", "ECC (Brainpool P-384)")},
{"brainpoolP512r1", i18nc("@info", "ECC (Brainpool P-512)")},
{"curve25519", i18nc("@info", "ECC (Curve25519)")},
{"curve448", i18nc("@info", "ECC (Curve448)")},
{"ed25519", i18nc("@info", "ECC (Ed25519)")},
{"ed448", i18nc("@info", "ECC (Ed448)")},
{"cv25519", i18nc("@info", "ECC (Cv25519)")},
{"cv448", i18nc("@info", "ECC (Cv448)")},
{"nistp256", i18nc("@info", "ECC (NIST P-256)")},
{"nistp384", i18nc("@info", "ECC (NIST P-384)")},
{"nistp521", i18nc("@info", "ECC (NIST P-521)")},
{"rsa2048", i18nc("@info", "RSA 2048")},
{"rsa3072", i18nc("@info", "RSA 3072")},
{"rsa4096", i18nc("@info", "RSA 4096")},
{"dsa1024", i18nc("@info", "DSA 1024")},
{"dsa2048", i18nc("@info", "DSA 2048")},
{"elg1024", i18nc("@info", "Elgamal 1024")},
{"elg2048", i18nc("@info", "Elgamal 2048")},
{"elg3072", i18nc("@info", "Elgamal 3072")},
{"elg4096", i18nc("@info", "Elgamal 4096")},
const auto it = displayNames.find(algorithm);
return (it != displayNames.end()) ? it->second : i18nc("@info", "Unknown algorithm");
static QString formatValidSignatureWithTrustLevel(const GpgME::UserID &id)
if (id.isNull()) {
return QString();
switch (id.validity()) {
case GpgME::UserID::Marginal:
return i18n("The signature is valid but the trust in the certificate's validity is only marginal.");
case GpgME::UserID::Full:
return i18n("The signature is valid and the certificate's validity is fully trusted.");
case GpgME::UserID::Ultimate:
return i18n("The signature is valid and the certificate's validity is ultimately trusted.");
case GpgME::UserID::Never:
return i18n("The signature is valid but the certificate's validity is <em>not trusted</em>.");
case GpgME::UserID::Unknown:
return i18n("The signature is valid but the certificate's validity is unknown.");
case GpgME::UserID::Undefined:
return i18n("The signature is valid but the certificate's validity is undefined.");
static QString renderKeyLink(const QString &fpr, const QString &text)
return QStringLiteral("<a href=\"key:%1\">%2</a>").arg(fpr, text);
static QString renderKey(const GpgME::Key &key)
if (key.isNull()) {
return i18n("Unknown certificate");
if (key.primaryFingerprint() && strlen(key.primaryFingerprint()) > 16 && key.numUserIDs()) {
const QString text = QStringLiteral("%1 (%2)")
return renderKeyLink(QLatin1StringView(key.primaryFingerprint()), text);
return renderKeyLink(QLatin1StringView(key.primaryFingerprint()), Kleo::Formatting::prettyID(key.primaryFingerprint()));
static QString formatSigningInformation(const GpgME::Signature &sig, const GpgME::Key &key)
if (sig.isNull()) {
return QString();
QString text;
const QDateTime dt = sig.creationTime() != 0 ? QDateTime::fromSecsSinceEpoch(quint32(sig.creationTime())) : QDateTime();
if (key.isNull()) {
- const auto id = QStringLiteral("<br/>ID: 0x%1").arg(QString::fromLatin1(sig.fingerprint()).toUpper());
+ const auto id = QStringLiteral("<br/>ID: <a href='certificate:%1'>0x%1</a>").arg(QString::fromLatin1(sig.fingerprint()).toUpper());
if (dt.isValid()) {
return i18nc("1 is a date", "Signature created on %1 with unavailable certificate: %2", QLocale().toString(dt), id);
return i18n("Signature created with unavailable certificate: %1", id);
if (dt.isValid()) {
text += i18nc("1 is a date", "Signature created on %1 with certificate: %2", QLocale().toString(dt), renderKey(key));
} else {
text += i18n("Signature created with certificate: %1", renderKey(key));
if (Kleo::DeVSCompliance::isCompliant() && ((sig.summary() & GpgME::Signature::Valid) || (sig.summary() & GpgME::Signature::Green))) {
text += (QStringLiteral("<br/>")
+ (sig.isDeVs() ? i18nc("%1 is a placeholder for the name of a compliance mode. E.g. NATO RESTRICTED compliant or VS-NfD compliant",
"The signature is %1",
: i18nc("%1 is a placeholder for the name of a compliance mode. E.g. NATO RESTRICTED compliant or VS-NfD compliant",
"The signature <b>is not</b> %1.",
return text;
static QString signatureSummaryToString(GpgME::Signature::Summary summary)
if (summary & GpgME::Signature::None) {
return i18n("Error: Signature not verified");
} else if ((summary & GpgME::Signature::Valid) || (summary & GpgME::Signature::Green)) {
return i18n("Good signature");
} else if (summary & GpgME::Signature::KeyRevoked) {
return i18n("Signing certificate was revoked");
} else if (summary & GpgME::Signature::KeyExpired) {
return i18n("Signing certificate is expired");
} else if (summary & GpgME::Signature::KeyMissing) {
return i18n("Certificate is not available");
} else if (summary & GpgME::Signature::SigExpired) {
return i18n("Signature expired");
} else if (summary & GpgME::Signature::CrlMissing) {
return i18n("CRL missing");
} else if (summary & GpgME::Signature::CrlTooOld) {
return i18n("CRL too old");
} else if (summary & GpgME::Signature::BadPolicy) {
return i18n("Bad policy");
} else if (summary & GpgME::Signature::SysError) {
return i18n("System error"); // ### retrieve system error details?
} else if (summary & GpgME::Signature::Red) {
return i18n("Bad signature");
return QString();
static QLatin1StringView stripAngleBrackets(const QLatin1StringView &str)
if (str.isEmpty()) {
return str;
if (str[0] == '<' && str[str.size() - 1] == '>') {
return str.mid(1, str.size() - 2);
return str;
QString Formatting::email(const GpgME::UserID &uid)
if (uid.parent().protocol() == GpgME::OpenPGP) {
const QLatin1StringView email(;
if (!email.isEmpty()) {
return stripAngleBrackets(email).toString();
return {};
Q_ASSERT(uid.parent().protocol() == GpgME::CMS);
const QLatin1StringView id(;
if (!id.isEmpty()) {
if (id[0] == '<') {
return stripAngleBrackets(id).toString();
return Kleo::DN(id)[QStringLiteral("EMAIL")].trimmed();
return {};
static GpgME::UserID findUserIDByMailbox(const GpgME::Key &key, const QString &email)
const auto userIDs{key.userIDs()};
for (const GpgME::UserID &id : userIDs) {
if (Formatting::email(id).compare(email, Qt::CaseInsensitive)) {
return id;
return {};
QString Kleo::Formatting::prettySignature(const GpgME::Signature &sig, const QString &sender)
if (sig.isNull()) {
return QString();
GpgME::Key key = sig.key();
if (key.isNull()) {
key = Kleo::KeyCache::instance()->findByFingerprint(sig.fingerprint());
if (key.isNull() && sig.fingerprint()) {
// try to find a subkey that was used for signing;
// assumes that the key ID is the last 16 characters of the fingerprint
const auto fpr = std::string_view{sig.fingerprint()};
const auto keyID = std::string{fpr, fpr.size() - 16, 16};
const auto subkeys = Kleo::KeyCache::instance()->findSubkeysByKeyID({keyID});
if (subkeys.size() > 0) {
key = subkeys[0].parent();
const QString text = formatSigningInformation(sig, key) + QLatin1StringView("<br/>");
// Green
if (sig.summary() & GpgME::Signature::Valid) {
GpgME::UserID id = findUserIDByMailbox(key, sender);
if (id.isNull()) {
for (int i = 0, count = key.userIDs().size(); i < count; i++) {
id = key.userID(i);
if (!id.isNull()) {
return text + formatValidSignatureWithTrustLevel(!id.isNull() ? id : key.userID(0));
// Red
if ((sig.summary() & GpgME::Signature::Red)) {
const QString ret = text + i18n("The signature is invalid: %1", signatureSummaryToString(sig.summary()));
if (sig.summary() & GpgME::Signature::SysError) {
return ret + QStringLiteral(" (%1)").arg(Kleo::Formatting::errorAsString(sig.status()));
return ret;
// Key missing
if ((sig.summary() & GpgME::Signature::KeyMissing)) {
return text + i18n("You can search the certificate on a keyserver or import it from a file.");
// Yellow
if ((sig.validity() & GpgME::Signature::Validity::Undefined) //
|| (sig.validity() & GpgME::Signature::Validity::Unknown) //
|| (sig.summary() == GpgME::Signature::Summary::None)) {
return text
+ (key.protocol() == GpgME::OpenPGP
? i18n("The used key is not certified by you or any trusted person.")
: i18n("The used certificate is not certified by a trustworthy Certificate Authority or the Certificate Authority is unknown."));
// Catch all fall through
const QString ret = text + i18n("The signature is invalid: %1", signatureSummaryToString(sig.summary()));
if (sig.summary() & GpgME::Signature::SysError) {
return ret + QStringLiteral(" (%1)").arg(Kleo::Formatting::errorAsString(sig.status()));
return ret;

File Metadata

Mime Type
Sun, Feb 23, 8:09 PM (1 h, 2 m)
Storage Engine
Storage Format
Raw Data
Storage Handle

Event Timeline