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diff --git a/src/g10lib.h b/src/g10lib.h
index e6d20e97..198ab386 100644
--- a/src/g10lib.h
+++ b/src/g10lib.h
@@ -1,410 +1,442 @@
/* g10lib.h - Internal definitions for libgcrypt
* Copyright (C) 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2005
* 2007, 2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of Libgcrypt.
* Libgcrypt is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser general Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of
* the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* Libgcrypt is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this program; if not, see <>.
/* This header is to be used inside of libgcrypt in place of gcrypt.h.
This way we can better distinguish between internal and external
usage of gcrypt.h. */
#ifndef G10LIB_H
#define G10LIB_H 1
#ifdef _GCRYPT_H
#error gcrypt.h already included
#error something is wrong with config.h
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include "visibility.h"
#include "types.h"
/* Attribute handling macros. */
#if __GNUC__ > 2 || (__GNUC__ == 2 && __GNUC_MINOR__ >= 5 )
#define JNLIB_GCC_A_NR __attribute__ ((noreturn))
#define JNLIB_GCC_A_PRINTF( f, a ) __attribute__ ((format (printf,f,a)))
#define JNLIB_GCC_A_NR_PRINTF( f, a ) \
__attribute__ ((noreturn, format (printf,f,a)))
#define GCC_ATTR_NORETURN __attribute__ ((__noreturn__))
#define JNLIB_GCC_A_NR
#define JNLIB_GCC_A_PRINTF( f, a )
#define JNLIB_GCC_A_NR_PRINTF( f, a )
#if __GNUC__ >= 3
/* According to glibc this attribute is available since 2.8 however we
better play safe and use it only with gcc 3 or newer. */
#define GCC_ATTR_FORMAT_ARG(a) __attribute__ ((format_arg (a)))
/* Gettext macros. */
#define _(a) _gcry_gettext(a)
#define N_(a) (a)
/* Some handy macros */
#ifndef STR
#define STR(v) #v
#define STR2(v) STR(v)
#define DIM(v) (sizeof(v)/sizeof((v)[0]))
#define DIMof(type,member) DIM(((type *)0)->member)
/*-- src/global.c -*/
int _gcry_global_is_operational (void);
gcry_error_t _gcry_vcontrol (enum gcry_ctl_cmds cmd, va_list arg_ptr);
void _gcry_check_heap (const void *a);
int _gcry_get_debug_flag (unsigned int mask);
/*-- src/misc.c --*/
#if defined(JNLIB_GCC_M_FUNCTION) || __STDC_VERSION__ >= 199901L
void _gcry_bug (const char *file, int line,
const char *func) GCC_ATTR_NORETURN;
void _gcry_assert_failed (const char *expr, const char *file, int line,
const char *func) GCC_ATTR_NORETURN;
void _gcry_bug (const char *file, int line);
void _gcry_assert_failed (const char *expr, const char *file, int line);
void _gcry_divide_by_zero (void) JNLIB_GCC_A_NR;
const char *_gcry_gettext (const char *key) GCC_ATTR_FORMAT_ARG(1);
void _gcry_fatal_error(int rc, const char *text ) JNLIB_GCC_A_NR;
void _gcry_log( int level, const char *fmt, ... ) JNLIB_GCC_A_PRINTF(2,3);
void _gcry_log_bug( const char *fmt, ... ) JNLIB_GCC_A_NR_PRINTF(1,2);
void _gcry_log_fatal( const char *fmt, ... ) JNLIB_GCC_A_NR_PRINTF(1,2);
void _gcry_log_error( const char *fmt, ... ) JNLIB_GCC_A_PRINTF(1,2);
void _gcry_log_info( const char *fmt, ... ) JNLIB_GCC_A_PRINTF(1,2);
int _gcry_log_info_with_dummy_fp (FILE *fp, const char *fmt, ... )
void _gcry_log_debug( const char *fmt, ... ) JNLIB_GCC_A_PRINTF(1,2);
void _gcry_log_printf ( const char *fmt, ... ) JNLIB_GCC_A_PRINTF(1,2);
void _gcry_log_printhex (const char *text, const void *buffer, size_t length);
void _gcry_set_log_verbosity( int level );
int _gcry_log_verbosity( int level );
#define BUG() _gcry_bug( __FILE__ , __LINE__, __FUNCTION__ )
#define gcry_assert(expr) ((expr)? (void)0 \
: _gcry_assert_failed (STR(expr), __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__))
#elif __STDC_VERSION__ >= 199901L
#define BUG() _gcry_bug( __FILE__ , __LINE__, __func__ )
#define gcry_assert(expr) ((expr)? (void)0 \
: _gcry_assert_failed (STR(expr), __FILE__, __LINE__, __func__))
#define BUG() _gcry_bug( __FILE__ , __LINE__ )
#define gcry_assert(expr) ((expr)? (void)0 \
: _gcry_assert_failed (STR(expr), __FILE__, __LINE__))
#define log_bug _gcry_log_bug
#define log_fatal _gcry_log_fatal
#define log_error _gcry_log_error
#define log_info _gcry_log_info
#define log_debug _gcry_log_debug
#define log_printf _gcry_log_printf
#define log_printhex _gcry_log_printhex
/*-- src/hwfeatures.c --*/
/* (Do not change these values unless synced with the asm code.) */
#define HWF_INTEL_AESNI 256
#define HWF_INTEL_RDRAND 512
#define HWF_INTEL_AVX 1024
#define HWF_INTEL_AVX2 2048
unsigned int _gcry_get_hw_features (void);
void _gcry_detect_hw_features (unsigned int);
/*-- mpi/mpiutil.c --*/
const char *_gcry_mpi_get_hw_config (void);
/*-- cipher/pubkey.c --*/
/* FIXME: shouldn't this go into mpi.h? */
#ifndef mpi_powm
#define mpi_powm(w,b,e,m) gcry_mpi_powm( (w), (b), (e), (m) )
/*-- primegen.c --*/
gcry_err_code_t _gcry_primegen_init (void);
gcry_mpi_t _gcry_generate_secret_prime (unsigned int nbits,
gcry_random_level_t random_level,
int (*extra_check)(void*, gcry_mpi_t),
void *extra_check_arg);
gcry_mpi_t _gcry_generate_public_prime (unsigned int nbits,
gcry_random_level_t random_level,
int (*extra_check)(void*, gcry_mpi_t),
void *extra_check_arg);
gcry_mpi_t _gcry_generate_elg_prime (int mode,
unsigned int pbits, unsigned int qbits,
gcry_mpi_t g, gcry_mpi_t **factors);
gcry_mpi_t _gcry_derive_x931_prime (const gcry_mpi_t xp,
const gcry_mpi_t xp1, const gcry_mpi_t xp2,
const gcry_mpi_t e,
gcry_mpi_t *r_p1, gcry_mpi_t *r_p2);
gpg_err_code_t _gcry_generate_fips186_2_prime
(unsigned int pbits, unsigned int qbits,
const void *seed, size_t seedlen,
gcry_mpi_t *r_q, gcry_mpi_t *r_p,
int *r_counter,
void **r_seed, size_t *r_seedlen);
gpg_err_code_t _gcry_generate_fips186_3_prime
(unsigned int pbits, unsigned int qbits,
const void *seed, size_t seedlen,
gcry_mpi_t *r_q, gcry_mpi_t *r_p,
int *r_counter,
void **r_seed, size_t *r_seedlen, int *r_hashalgo);
/* Replacements of missing functions (missing-string.c). */
char *stpcpy (char *a, const char *b);
int strcasecmp (const char *a, const char *b) _GCRY_GCC_ATTR_PURE;
#include "../compat/libcompat.h"
/* Macros used to rename missing functions. */
#define strtoul(a,b,c) ((unsigned long)strtol((a),(b),(c)))
#define memmove(d, s, n) bcopy((s), (d), (n))
#define stricmp(a,b) strcasecmp( (a), (b) )
#define atexit(a) (on_exit((a),0))
#ifndef HAVE_RAISE
#define raise(a) kill(getpid(), (a))
/* Stack burning. */
void _gcry_burn_stack (int bytes);
/* To avoid that a compiler optimizes certain memset calls away, these
macros may be used instead. */
#define wipememory2(_ptr,_set,_len) do { \
volatile char *_vptr=(volatile char *)(_ptr); \
size_t _vlen=(_len); \
unsigned char _vset=(_set); \
fast_wipememory2(_vptr,_vset,_vlen); \
while(_vlen) { *_vptr=(_vset); _vptr++; _vlen--; } \
} while(0)
#define wipememory(_ptr,_len) wipememory2(_ptr,0,_len)
-/* Optimized fast_wipememory2 for i386 and x86-64 architechtures. Maybe leave
+/* Optimized fast_wipememory2 for i386, x86-64 and arm architectures. May leave
tail bytes unhandled, in which case tail bytes are handled by wipememory2.
#if defined(__x86_64__) && __GNUC__ >= 4
#define fast_wipememory2(_vptr,_vset,_vlen) do { \
unsigned long long int _vset8 = _vset; \
if (_vlen < 8) \
break; \
_vset8 *= 0x0101010101010101ULL; \
do { \
asm volatile("movq %[set], %[ptr]\n\t" \
: /**/ \
: [set] "Cr" (_vset8), \
[ptr] "m" (*_vptr) \
: "memory"); \
_vlen -= 8; \
_vptr += 8; \
} while (_vlen >= 8); \
} while (0)
#elif defined (__i386__) && SIZEOF_UNSIGNED_LONG == 4 && __GNUC__ >= 4
#define fast_wipememory2(_ptr,_set,_len) do { \
unsigned long _vset4 = _vset; \
if (_vlen < 4) \
break; \
_vset4 *= 0x01010101; \
do { \
asm volatile("movl %[set], %[ptr]\n\t" \
: /**/ \
: [set] "Cr" (_vset4), \
[ptr] "m" (*_vptr) \
: "memory"); \
_vlen -= 4; \
_vptr += 4; \
} while (_vlen >= 4); \
} while (0)
+#elif defined (__arm__) && (defined (__thumb2__) || !defined (__thumb__)) && \
+ __GNUC__ >= 4
+#define fast_wipememory2_unaligned_head(_ptr,_set,_len) /*do nothing*/
+#define fast_wipememory2_unaligned_head(_vptr,_vset,_vlen) do { \
+ while((size_t)(_vptr)&3 && _vlen) \
+ { *_vptr=(_vset); _vptr++; _vlen--; } \
+ } while(0)
+#define fast_wipememory2(_vptr,_vset,_vlen) do { \
+ unsigned long _vset4 = _vset; \
+ fast_wipememory2_unaligned_head(_vptr,_vset,_vlen); \
+ if (_vlen < 8) \
+ break; \
+ _vset4 *= 0x01010101; \
+ asm volatile( \
+ "mov %%r4, %[set];\n\t" \
+ "mov %%r5, %[set];\n\t" \
+ "1:;\n\t" \
+ "stm %[ptr]!, {%%r4, %%r5};\n\t" \
+ "cmp %[end], %[ptr];\n\t" \
+ "bne 1b;\n\t" \
+ : [ptr] "=r" (_vptr) \
+ : [set] "r" (_vset4), \
+ [end] "r" (_vptr+(_vlen&(~0x7))), \
+ "0" (_vptr) \
+ : "memory", "r4", "r5", "cc"); \
+ _vlen &= 0x7; \
+ } while (0)
#define fast_wipememory2(_ptr,_set,_len)
/* Digit predicates. */
#define digitp(p) (*(p) >= '0' && *(p) <= '9')
#define octdigitp(p) (*(p) >= '0' && *(p) <= '7')
#define alphap(a) ( (*(a) >= 'A' && *(a) <= 'Z') \
|| (*(a) >= 'a' && *(a) <= 'z'))
#define hexdigitp(a) (digitp (a) \
|| (*(a) >= 'A' && *(a) <= 'F') \
|| (*(a) >= 'a' && *(a) <= 'f'))
/* Management for ciphers/digests/pubkey-ciphers. */
/* Structure for each registered `module'. */
struct gcry_module
struct gcry_module *next; /* List pointers. */
struct gcry_module **prevp;
void *spec; /* Pointer to the subsystem-specific
specification structure. */
void *extraspec; /* Pointer to the subsystem-specific
extra specification structure. */
int flags; /* Associated flags. */
int counter; /* Use counter. */
unsigned int mod_id; /* ID of this module. */
/* Flags for the `flags' member of gcry_module_t. */
#define FLAG_MODULE_DISABLED (1 << 0)
gcry_err_code_t _gcry_module_add (gcry_module_t *entries,
unsigned int id,
void *spec,
void *extraspec,
gcry_module_t *module);
typedef int (*gcry_module_lookup_t) (void *spec, void *data);
/* Lookup a module specification by it's ID. After a successful
lookup, the module has it's resource counter incremented. */
gcry_module_t _gcry_module_lookup_id (gcry_module_t entries,
unsigned int id);
/* Internal function. Lookup a module specification. */
gcry_module_t _gcry_module_lookup (gcry_module_t entries, void *data,
gcry_module_lookup_t func);
/* Release a module. In case the use-counter reaches zero, destroy
the module. */
void _gcry_module_release (gcry_module_t entry);
/* Add a reference to a module. */
void _gcry_module_use (gcry_module_t module);
/* Return a list of module IDs. */
gcry_err_code_t _gcry_module_list (gcry_module_t modules,
int *list, int *list_length);
gcry_err_code_t _gcry_cipher_init (void);
gcry_err_code_t _gcry_md_init (void);
gcry_err_code_t _gcry_pk_init (void);
gcry_err_code_t _gcry_secmem_module_init (void);
gcry_err_code_t _gcry_mpi_init (void);
/* Memory management. */
#define GCRY_ALLOC_FLAG_SECURE (1 << 0)
/*-- sexp.c --*/
gcry_error_t _gcry_sexp_vbuild (gcry_sexp_t *retsexp, size_t *erroff,
const char *format, va_list arg_ptr);
char *_gcry_sexp_nth_string (const gcry_sexp_t list, int number);
/*-- fips.c --*/
void _gcry_initialize_fips_mode (int force);
int _gcry_fips_mode (void);
#define fips_mode() _gcry_fips_mode ()
int _gcry_enforced_fips_mode (void);
void _gcry_set_enforced_fips_mode (void);
void _gcry_inactivate_fips_mode (const char *text);
int _gcry_is_fips_mode_inactive (void);
void _gcry_fips_signal_error (const char *srcfile,
int srcline,
const char *srcfunc,
int is_fatal,
const char *description);
# define fips_signal_error(a) \
_gcry_fips_signal_error (__FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__, 0, (a))
# define fips_signal_fatal_error(a) \
_gcry_fips_signal_error (__FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__, 1, (a))
# define fips_signal_error(a) \
_gcry_fips_signal_error (__FILE__, __LINE__, NULL, 0, (a))
# define fips_signal_fatal_error(a) \
_gcry_fips_signal_error (__FILE__, __LINE__, NULL, 1, (a))
int _gcry_fips_is_operational (void);
#define fips_is_operational() (_gcry_global_is_operational ())
#define fips_not_operational() (GPG_ERR_NOT_OPERATIONAL)
int _gcry_fips_test_operational (void);
int _gcry_fips_test_error_or_operational (void);
gpg_err_code_t _gcry_fips_run_selftests (int extended);
void _gcry_fips_noreturn (void);
#define fips_noreturn() (_gcry_fips_noreturn ())
#endif /* G10LIB_H */

File Metadata

Mime Type
Fri, Mar 14, 4:33 AM (1 d, 11 h)
Storage Engine
Storage Format
Raw Data
Storage Handle

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