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Clustering Introduction
Guide to configuring Phabricator across multiple hosts for availability and
WARNING: This feature is a prototype. Installs should expect a challenging
adventure when deploying clusters. In the best of times, configuring a
cluster is complex and requires significant operations experience.
Phabricator can be configured to run on multiple hosts with redundant services
to improve its availability and scalability, and make disaster recovery much
Clustering is more complex to setup and maintain than running everything on a
single host, but greatly reduces the cost of recovering from hardware and
network failures.
Each Phabricator service has an array of clustering options that can be
configured somewhat independently. Configuring a cluster is inherently complex,
and this is an advanced feature aimed at installs with large userbases and
experienced operations personnel who need this high degree of flexibility.
The remainder of this document summarizes how to add redundancy to each
service and where your efforts are likely to have the greatest impact.
For additional guidance on setting up a cluster, see "Overlaying Services"
and "Cluster Recipes" at the bottom of this document.
Clusterable Services
This table provides an overview of clusterable services, their setup
complexity, and the rough impact that converting them to run on multiple hosts
will have on availability, resistance to data loss, and scalability.
| Service | Setup | Availability | Loss Resistance | Scalability
| Moderate |
| Low
| Complex | Moderate |
| Moderate
| Minimal | Low | No Risk | Low
**SSH Servers**
| Minimal | Low | No Risk | Low
**Web Servers**
| Minimal |
| No Risk | Moderate
| Minimal | Low | No Risk | Low
**Fulltext Search**
| Minimal | Low | No Risk | Low
See below for a walkthrough of these services in greater detail.
Preparing for Clustering
To begin deploying Phabricator in cluster mode, set up
in your configuration.
This option should contain a list of network address blocks which are considered
to be part of the cluster. Hosts in this list are allowed to bend (or even
break) some of the security and policy rules when they make requests to other
hosts in the cluster, so this list should be as small as possible. See "Cluster
Whitelist Security" below for discussion.
If you are deploying hardware in EC2, a reasonable approach is to launch a
dedicated Phabricator VPC, whitelist the whole VPC as a Phabricator cluster,
and then deploy only Phabricator services into that VPC.
If you have additional auxiliary hosts which run builds and tests via Drydock,
you should
include them in the cluster address definition. For more
detailed discussion of the Drydock security model, see
@{article:Drydock User Guide: Security}
Most other clustering features will not work until you define a cluster by
Cluster Whitelist Security
When you configure
, you should keep the list of trusted
cluster hosts as small as possible. Hosts on this list gain additional
capabilities, including these:
**Trusted HTTP Headers**
: Normally, Phabricator distrusts the load balancer
HTTP headers
because they may be
client-controlled and can be set to arbitrary values by an attacker if no load
balancer is deployed. In particular, clients can set
to any
value and spoof traffic from arbitrary remotes.
These headers are trusted when they are received from a host on the cluster
address whitelist. This allows requests from cluster loadbalancers to be
interpreted correctly by default without requiring additional custom code or
**Intracluster HTTP**
: Requests from cluster hosts are not required to use
HTTPS, even if
is enabled, because it is common to
terminate HTTPS on load balancers and use plain HTTP for requests within a
**Special Authentication Mechanisms**
: Cluster hosts are allowed to connect to
other cluster hosts with "root credentials", and to impersonate any user
The use of root credentials is required because the daemons must be able to
bypass policies in order to function properly: they need to send mail about
private conversations and import commits in private repositories.
The ability to impersonate users is required because SSH nodes must receive,
interpret, modify, and forward SSH traffic. They can not use the original
credentials to do this because SSH authentication is asymmetric and they do not
have the user's private key. Instead, they use root credentials and impersonate
the user within the cluster.
These mechanisms are still authenticated (and use asymmetric keys, like SSH
does), so access to a host in the cluster address block does not mean that an
attacker can immediately compromise the cluster. However, an over-broad cluster
address whitelist may give an attacker who gains some access additional tools
to escalate access.
Note that if an attacker gains access to an actual cluster host, these extra
powers are largely moot. Most cluster hosts must be able to connect to the
master database to function properly, so the attacker will just do that and
freely read or modify whatever data they want.
Cluster: Databases
Configuring multiple database hosts is moderately complex, but normally has the
highest impact on availability and resistance to data loss. This is usually the
most important service to make redundant if your focus is on availability and
disaster recovery.
Configuring replicas allows Phabricator to run in read-only mode if you lose
the master and to quickly promote the replica as a replacement.
For details, see
@{article:Cluster: Databases}
Cluster: Repositories
Configuring multiple repository hosts is complex, but is required before you
can add multiple daemon or web hosts.
Repository replicas are important for availability if you host repositories
on Phabricator, but less important if you host repositories elsewhere
(instead, you should focus on making that service more available).
The distributed nature of Git and Mercurial tend to mean that they are
naturally somewhat resistant to data loss: every clone of a repository includes
the entire history.
Repositories may become a scalability bottleneck, although this is rare unless
your install has an unusually heavy repository read volume. Slow clones/fetches
may hint at a repository capacity problem. Adding more repository hosts will
provide an approximately linear increase in capacity.
For details, see
@{article:Cluster: Repositories}
Cluster: Daemons
Configuring multiple daemon hosts is straightforward, but you must configure
repositories first.
With daemons running on multiple hosts you can transparently survive the loss
of any subset of hosts without an interruption to daemon services, as long as
at least one host remains alive. Daemons are stateless, so spreading daemons
across multiple hosts provides no resistance to data loss.
Daemons can become a bottleneck, particularly if your install sees a large
volume of write traffic to repositories. If the daemon task queue has a
backlog, that hints at a capacity problem. If existing hosts have unused
resources, increase
until they are fully utilized. From
there, adding more daemon hosts will provide an approximately linear increase
in capacity.
For details, see
@{article:Cluster: Daemons}
Cluster: SSH Servers
Configuring multiple SSH hosts is straightforward, but you must configure
repositories first.
With multiple SSH hosts you can transparently survive the loss of any subset
of hosts without interruption to repository services, as long as at last one
host remains alive. SSH services are stateless, so putting multiple hosts in
service provides no resistance to data loss because no data is at risk.
SSH hosts are very rarely a scalability bottleneck.
For details, see
@{article:Cluster: SSH Servers}
Cluster: Web Servers
Configuring multiple web hosts is straightforward, but you must configure
repositories first.
With multiple web hosts you can transparently survive the loss of any subset
of hosts as long as at least one host remains alive. Web services are stateless,
so putting multiple hosts in service provides no resistance to data loss
because no data is at risk.
Web hosts can become a bottleneck, particularly if you have a workload that is
heavily focused on reads from the web UI (like a public install with many
anonymous users). Slow responses to web requests may hint at a web capacity
problem. Adding more hosts will provide an approximately linear increase in
For details, see
@{article:Cluster: Web Servers}
Cluster: Notifications
Configuring multiple notification hosts is simple and has no pre-requisites.
With multiple notification hosts, you can survive the loss of any subset of
hosts as long as at least one host remains alive. Service may be breifly
disrupted directly after the incident which destroys the other hosts.
Notifications are noncritical, so this normally has little practical impact
on service availability. Notifications are also stateless, so clustering this
service provides no resistance to data loss because no data is at risk.
Notification delivery normally requires very few resources, so adding more
hosts is unlikely to have much impact on scalability.
For details, see
@{article:Cluster: Notifications}
Cluster: Fulltext Search
Configuring search services is relatively simple and has no pre-requisites.
By default, Phabricator uses MySQL as a fulltext search engine, so deploying
multiple database hosts will effectively also deploy multiple fulltext search
Search indexes can be completely rebuilt from the database, so there is no
risk of data loss no matter how fulltext search is configured.
For details, see
@{article:Cluster: Search}
Overlaying Services
Although hosts can run a single dedicated service type, certain groups of
services work well together. Phabricator clusters usually do not need to be
very large, so deploying a small number of hosts with multiple services is a
good place to start.
In planning a cluster, consider these blended host types:
: Run HTTP, SSH, MySQL, notifications, repositories and daemons
on a single host. This is the starting point for single-node setups, and
usually also the best configuration when adding the second node.
**Everything Except Databases**
: Run HTTP, SSH, notifications, repositories and
daemons on one host, and MySQL on a different host. MySQL uses many of the same
resources that other services use. It's also simpler to separate than other
services, and tends to benefit the most from dedicated hardware.
**Repositories and Daemons**
: Run repositories and daemons on the same host.
Repository hosts
run daemons, and it normally makes sense to
completely overlay repositories and daemons. These services tend to use
different resources (repositories are heavier on I/O and lighter on CPU/RAM;
daemons are heavier on CPU/RAM and lighter on I/O).
Repositories and daemons are also both less latency sensitive than other
service types, so there's a wider margin of error for under provisioning them
before performance is noticeably affected.
These nodes tend to use system resources in a balanced way. Individual nodes
in this class do not need to be particularly powerful.
**Frontend Servers**
: Run HTTP and SSH on the same host. These are easy to set
up, stateless, and you can scale the pool up or down easily to meet demand.
Routing both types of ingress traffic through the same initial tier can
simplify load balancing.
These nodes tend to need relatively little RAM.
Cluster Recipes
This section provides some guidance on reasonable ways to scale up a cluster.
The smallest possible cluster is
**two hosts**
. Run everything (web, ssh,
database, notifications, repositories, and daemons) on each host. One host will
serve as the master; the other will serve as a replica.
Ideally, you should physically separate these hosts to reduce the chance that a
natural disaster or infrastructure disruption could disable or destroy both
hosts at the same time.
From here, you can choose how you expand the cluster.
To improve
**scalability and performance**
, separate loaded services onto
dedicated hosts and then add more hosts of that type to increase capacity. If
you have a two-node cluster, the best way to improve scalability by adding one
host is likely to separate the master database onto its own host.
Note that increasing scale may
availability by leaving you with
too little capacity after a failure. If you have three hosts handling traffic
and one datacenter fails, too much traffic may be sent to the single remaining
host in the surviving datacenter. You can hedge against this by mirroring new
hosts in other datacenters (for example, also separate the replica database
onto its own host).
After separating databases, separating repository + daemon nodes is likely
the next step to consider.
To improve
, add another copy of everything you run in one
datacenter to a new datacenter. For example, if you have a two-node cluster,
the best way to improve availability is to run everything on a third host in a
third datacenter. If you have a 6-node cluster with a web node, a database node
and a repo + daemon node in two datacenters, add 3 more nodes to create a copy
of each node in a third datacenter.
You can continue adding hosts until you run out of hosts.
Next Steps
Continue by:
- learning how Phacility configures and operates a large, multi-tenant
production cluster in ((cluster)).
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