* On macOS `pinentry-program /usr/local/bin/pinentry-mac` works after installing `pinentry-mac` from homebrew.
-### I have an other issue with gpg
-* Possibly you have you key only in gpg and not in gpg2
-gpg --export [ID] > public.key
-gpg --export-secret-key [ID] > private.key
-gpg2 --import public.key
-gpg2 --import private.key
-rm public.key private.key
-Where [ID] is your gpg key-id.
-* It might be the case where it is the other way around, exchange gpg and gpg2 accordingly . .
-### Git doesn't work on Windows
-git for Windows comes with an `ssh-askpass` compatible command, git `gui--askpass` (located in `/mingw64/libexec/git-core/git-gui--askpass` on PortableGit version, presumably some place similar for the installed version).
-Please install using your favorite package manager.
-### I get icons that do not fit my (X11) default
-* On some WindowManagers, Qt doesn't know what icon set to use. A trick:
-export DESKTOP_SESSION=gnome
-* Another possible reason is, that the currently installed Qt Version gives problems (e.g. on Linux Mint 17.3)
-Then you'll have to install the current version via your package manager or if this is not up-to-date,
-download it from <https://www.qt.io/download/> install it and run:
-(sudo) make install
-where `PATHTOYOURINSTALLATION` is the path you selected in the qt installer (default `/home/YOURUSER/Qt/` )
-and 5.5 has to be adapted for the Qt version you downloaded.
-### I don't like the design, what gives?
-* It's all on GitHub, clone, change and send a pull request.
-* Open an issue and point out defects or better yet propose changes.
-### QtPass is not in my native language
-* Unfortunately, QtPass might not support your native language, or the translations might be incomplete. Check if newer versions of QtPass support it.
-* If translations are available but aren't working, try to set the language manually (see below) or open an issue.
-### How do I set the language manually?
-QtPass uses the system language. Changing it depends on your system:
-* on Linux: ```LANGUAGE=fr qtpass``` will run QtPass in French.