dlgKeepSetting=Remember my answer and do not ask me again
specifyEmail=Please specify your primary email address, which will be used to choose the signing key for outgoing messages.\n If you leave it blank, the FROM address of the message will be used to choose the signing key.\n\nNOTE: Enigmail 0.60 no longer allows the `default signing key' option due to ambiguities.
usingFrom=The FROM address will be used to choose the signing key for outgoing messages
usingId=The user ID %S will be used to choose the signing key for outgoing messages
configNow=Do you wish to configure Enigmail for version %S now?
configEnigmail=Configure Enigmail?
repeatPrefix=\n\nThis alert will repeat %S
repeatSuffixSingular=more time.
repeatSuffixPlural=more times.
noRepeat=\n\nThis alert will not repeat until you upgrade Enigmail.
noLogDir=Please set advanced preference 'Log directory' to create log file
noLogFile=Log file has not been created yet!
restartForLog=Please restart Mozilla to create log file
pgpNotSupported=You seem to be using Enigmail together with PGP 6.x\n\nUnfortunately, PGP 6.x has a number of issues that prevent Enigmail from working correctly. Therefore, Enigmail does not support PGP 6.x anymore; please switch to GnuPG (GPG) instead.\n\nIf you need help on switching to GPG, check the Help section of the Enigmail homepage.
# Strings in enigmailAbout.js
usingVersion=Running Enigmail version %S
versionWarning=Warning: Incompatible EnigMime version %S
enigmimeWarning=Warning: EnigMime module not available
usingAgent=Using %S executable %S to encrypt and decrypt
agentError=ERROR: Failed to access Enigmail/IPC service!
# Strings in enigmailKeygen.js
accessError=Error in accessing Enigmail service
onlyGPG=Key generation only works with GPG (not with PGP)!
genComplete=Key generation completed!\nIdentity <%S> will be used for signing
genCompleteNoSign=Key generation completed!
genGoing=Key generation already in progress!
passNoMatch=Passphrase entries do not match; please re-enter
passCheckBox=Please check box if specifying no passphrase for key
passUserName=Please specify user name for this identity
keyConfirm=Generate public and private keys for '%S'?
keyAbort=Abort key generation?
# Strings in enigmailMessengerOverlay.js
keyImport=\n\nClick OK button to import public key %S from keyserver.
keyImportError=Unable to receive public key\n\n
securityInfo=OpenPGP Security Info\n\n
enigNote=Note from Enigmail: Attachments to this message have not been signed or encrypted.
enigContentNote=Enigmail: *Attachments to this message have not been signed or encrypted*\r\n\r\n
noDecrypted=No decrypted message to save!\nUse Save command from File menu
noMessage=No message to save!
useButton=Please click Decrypt button to decrypt message
saveHeader=Enigmail: Save decrypted message
saveAttachmentHeader=Enigmail: Save decrypted attachment
noTempDir=Could not find a temporary directory to write to\nPlease set the TEMP environment variable
attachmentPgpKey=The attachment '%S' you are opening appears to be a PGP key file.\n\nClick Yey to import the keys contained or No to view the file contents in a browser window
beginPgpPart=********* *BEGIN ENCRYPTED or SIGNED PART* *********
endPgpPart=********** *END ENCRYPTED or SIGNED PART* **********
notePartEncrypted=Enigmail: *Parts of the message have NOT been signed or encrypted*
decryptOkNoSig=Warning\n\nDecryption was successful, but the signature could not be verified correctly
contAnyway=Do you want to continue anyway?
noPgpMessage=Message not OpenPGP signed or encrypted
# Strings in enigmailMsgComposeOverlay.js
keysToExport=Select PGP Keys to Insert
pubKey=Public key for %S\n
windowLocked=Compose window is locked; send canceled
sendUnencrypted=Failed to initialize Enigmail.\nSend unencrypted message?
composeSpecifyEmail=Please specify your primary email address, which will be used to choose the signing key for outgoing messages.\n If you leave it blank, the FROM address of the message will be used to choose the signing key.
sendingBCC=This message has BCC (blind copy) recipients. If this message is encrypted, all recipients will be able to determine the identity of the BCC recipients by examining the encryption key list, leading to loss of confidentiality. \n\nClick Yes to proceed with encryption anyway, or No to abort the send operation.
sendingNews=Encrypted send operation aborted.\n\nThis message cannot be encrypted because there are newsgroup recipients. Please re-send the message without encryption.
noPGPMIME=PGP/MIME not available!\nUse inline PGP for signing/encryption?
hasHTML=HTML mail warning:\nThis message may contain HTML, which could cause signing/encryption to fail. To avoid this in the future, you should press the SHIFT key when clicking on the Compose/Reply button to send signed mail.\nIf you sign mail by default, you should uncheck the 'Compose Messages in HTML' preference box to permanently disable HTML mail for this mail account.
strippingHTML=Message contains HTML formatting information that will be lost when converting to plain text for signing/encryption. Do you wish to proceed?
attachWarning=Attachments to this message are not local, they cannot be encrypted. In order to encrypt the attachments, store them as local files first and attach these files. Do you wish to proceed anyway?
savingMessage=Do you want to encrypt the message before saving?
quotedPrintableWarn=You have enabled 'quoted-printable' encoding for sending messages. This may result in incorrect decryption and/or verification of your message.\n Do you wish to turn off sending 'quoted-printable' messages now?
minimalLineWrapping=You have set line wrapping to %S characters. For correct encryption and/or signing, this value needs to be at least 68.\nDo you wish to change line wrapping to 68 characters now?
signIconClicked=You have manually modified signing. Therefore, while you are composing this message, (de)activating signing does not depend anymore on (de)activating encryption.
sendAborted=Send operation aborted.\n\n
offlineSave=Save %S message to %S in Unsent Messages folder?
onlineSend=Send %S message to %S?
offlineNote=You are currently offline. Do you wish to save the message in the Unsent Messages folder?
signFailed=Error in Enigmail; Encryption/signing failed; send unencrypted email?
acctNotConfigured=You did not configure this account for using OpenPGP security (Enigmail).\nSend unencrypted message?
recipientsSelectionHdr=Select Recipients for Encryption
configureNow=You did not yet configure OpenPGP security (Enigmail) for the selected account. Do you want to do this now?
signYes=Message will be signed
signNo=Message will not be signed
signIfEncrypted=Message will be signed if it is encrypted
encryptYes=Message will be encrypted
encryptNo=Message will not be encrypted
encryptMaybe=Message will be encrypted if possible
# Strings in enigmailMsgHdrViewOverlay.js
keyNeeded=Public key %S needed to verify signature
clickDecrypt=; click Decrypt button
clickDecryptRetry=; click Decrypt button to retry
clickPen=; click Pen icon
clickPenDetails=; click Broken Pen icon for details
clickQueryPenDetails=; click Pen icon for details
clickKey=; click Broken Key icon
clickQueryKeyDetails=; click Key icon for details
clickKeyDetails=; click Broken Key icon for details
clickPenKeyDetails=; click Pen or Key icon for details
msgPart=Part of the message %S
msgSignedAndEnc=signed and encrypted
reloadImapMessage=Reload complete IMAP message to decrypt/verify?
reloadImapError=Error - IMAP message too large to decrypt/verify
unverifiedSig=Unverified signature
incompleteDecrypt=Decryption incomplete
failedSig=Error - signature verification failed
needKey=Error - secret key needed to decrypt message
viewInfo=; View > Message security info for details
decryptedMsg=Decrypted message
# Strings in enigmailNavigatorOverlay.js
navEncryptError=Error in encrypting and/or signing message.\n
navDecryptError=Error in decrypting message.\n
# Strings in pref-enigmail.js
-uninstallConfirm=Do you wish to delete all Enigmail-related files in the Mozilla component and chrome directories?\n\nWARNING: This will exit Mozilla and close all its windows!
+uninstallConfirm=Do you wish to delete all Enigmail-related files in the Mozilla component and chrome directories?\n\nWARNING: This will exit the application and close all its windows!
uninstallFailOverlay=Failed to uninstall Enigmail communicator overlay RDF; not deleting chrome jar file
uninstallFailDelete=Error in deleting file
uninstallFail=Failed to uninstall Enigmail
uninstallSuccess=Uninstalled Enigmail
testNoSvc=EnigTest: Failed to access Enigmail service
testNoEmail=EnigTest: Please specify mail address for testing
testSucceeded=Enigmail is working properly. For details, check the Console available from the Enigmail menu
oldGpgVersion=You are using GPG version %S which is not up to date anymore. In order to be protected from security flaws and to profit from all functionality offered by Enigmail, it is recommended that you update GPG to a newer version.
-jslibNeeded=This operation requires the "Jslib" package, version %S or newer. You can get it from http://jslib.mozdev.org/.
+jslibNeeded=This operation requires the "Jslib" package, version %S or newer. You can get it from http://jslib.mozdev.org/installation.html.
# Strings used in components/enigmail.js
# (said file also re-uses some strings given above)
enterPass=Please type in your %S passphrase
rememberPass=Remember for %S idle minutes
notInit=Error - Enigmail service not yet initialized
badCommand=Error - encryption command failed
cmdLine=command line and output:
notRequired=Error - no encryption required
notComplete=Error - key generation not yet completed
invalidEmail=Error - invalid email address(es)
noPassphrase=Error - no passphrase supplied
noPGPblock=Error - No valid armored PGP data block found
unverifiedReply=Indented message part (reply) was probably modified
decryptToImport=Click Decrypt button to import public key block in message
notFirstBlock=Error - First PGP block not public key block
importKeyConfirm=Import public key(s) embedded in message?
failKeyImport=Error - key importing failed
successKeyImport=The key(s) were successfully imported
importKey=Import public key %S from keyserver:
keyId=Key Id
photoFor=PGP Photo ID for %S
# Strings used in enigmailUserSelection.js
selKeyExpired=expired %S
keyInvalid=INVALID KEY
keyDisabled=DISABLED KEY
atLeastOneKey=No key selected! You have to select at least one key for accepting this dialog
# Strings used in enigmailAttachmentDialog.js
pgpMimeNote=NOTE: PGP/MIME is only supported by a limited number of mail clients! On Windows only Enigmail, Sylpheed, Pegasus and Mulberry are known to support this standard; on Linux/UNIX and Mac OS X most popular mail clients support it. If you are unsure, select the %S option.