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/*global Components: false, EnigmailFuncs: false, EnigmailLog: false, EnigmailOS: false, EnigmailFiles: false, EnigmailApp: false */
/*jshint -W097 */
* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at
"use strict";
var EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = ["EnigmailRules"];
Components.utils.import("resource://enigmail/core.jsm"); /*global EnigmailCore: false */
Components.utils.import("resource://enigmail/constants.jsm"); /*global EnigmailConstants: false */
Components.utils.import("resource://enigmail/dialog.jsm"); /*global EnigmailDialog: false */
const Cc = Components.classes;
const Ci = Components.interfaces;
const NS_RDONLY = 0x01;
const NS_WRONLY = 0x02;
const NS_CREATE_FILE = 0x08;
const NS_TRUNCATE = 0x20;
const DEFAULT_FILE_PERMS = 0x180; // equals 0600
const rulesListHolder = {
rulesList: null
var EnigmailRules = {
getRulesFile: function() {
EnigmailLog.DEBUG("rules.jsm: getRulesFile()\n");
var rulesFile = EnigmailApp.getProfileDirectory();
return rulesFile;
loadRulesFile: function() {
var flags = NS_RDONLY;
var rulesFile = this.getRulesFile();
if (rulesFile.exists()) {
var fileContents = EnigmailFiles.readFile(rulesFile);
return this.loadRulesFromString(fileContents);
return false;
loadRulesFromString: function(contents) {
EnigmailLog.DEBUG("rules.jsm: loadRulesFromString()\n");
if (contents.length === 0 ||^\s*$/) === 0) {
return false;
var domParser = Cc[NS_DOMPARSER_CONTRACTID].createInstance(Ci.nsIDOMParser);
rulesListHolder.rulesList = domParser.parseFromString(contents, "text/xml");
return true;
saveRulesFile: function() {
EnigmailLog.DEBUG("rules.jsm: saveRulesFile()\n");
var domSerializer = Cc[NS_DOMSERIALIZER_CONTRACTID].createInstance(Ci.nsIDOMSerializer);
var rulesFile = this.getRulesFile();
if (rulesFile) {
if (rulesListHolder.rulesList) {
// the rule list is not empty -> write into file
return EnigmailFiles.writeFileContents(rulesFile.path,
else {
// empty rule list -> delete rules file
try {
catch (ex) {}
return true;
else {
return false;
getRulesData: function(rulesListObj) {
EnigmailLog.DEBUG("rules.jsm: getRulesData()\n");
var ret = true;
if (!rulesListHolder.rulesList) {
ret = this.loadRulesFile();
if (rulesListHolder.rulesList) {
rulesListObj.value = rulesListHolder.rulesList;
return ret;
rulesListObj.value = null;
return false;
addRule: function(appendToEnd, toAddress, keyList, sign, encrypt, pgpMime, flags) {
EnigmailLog.DEBUG("rules.jsm: addRule()\n");
if (!rulesListHolder.rulesList) {
var domParser = Cc[NS_DOMPARSER_CONTRACTID].createInstance(Ci.nsIDOMParser);
rulesListHolder.rulesList = domParser.parseFromString("<pgpRuleList/>", "text/xml");
var negate = (flags & 1);
var rule = rulesListHolder.rulesList.createElement("pgpRule");
rule.setAttribute("email", toAddress);
rule.setAttribute("keyId", keyList);
rule.setAttribute("sign", sign);
rule.setAttribute("encrypt", encrypt);
rule.setAttribute("pgpMime", pgpMime);
rule.setAttribute("negateRule", flags);
var origFirstChild = rulesListHolder.rulesList.firstChild.firstChild;
if (origFirstChild && (!appendToEnd)) {
rulesListHolder.rulesList.firstChild.insertBefore(rule, origFirstChild);
rulesListHolder.rulesList.firstChild.insertBefore(rulesListHolder.rulesList.createTextNode(EnigmailOS.isDosLike() ? "\r\n" : "\n"), origFirstChild);
else {
rulesListHolder.rulesList.firstChild.appendChild(rulesListHolder.rulesList.createTextNode(EnigmailOS.isDosLike() ? "\r\n" : "\n"));
clearRules: function() {
rulesListHolder.rulesList = null;
registerOn: function(target) {
target.getRulesFile = EnigmailRules.getRulesFile;
target.loadRulesFile = EnigmailRules.loadRulesFile;
target.loadRulesFromString = EnigmailRules.loadRulesFromString;
target.saveRulesFile = EnigmailRules.saveRulesFile;
target.getRulesData = EnigmailRules.getRulesData;
target.addRule = EnigmailRules.addRule;
target.clearRules = EnigmailRules.clearRules;
DEBUG_EmailList: function(name, list) {
EnigmailLog.DEBUG(" " + name + ":\n");
for (let i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
let elem = list[i];
let str = " [" + i + "]: ";
if (elem.orig) {
str += "orig: '" + elem.orig + "' ";
if (elem.addr) {
str += "addr: '" + elem.addr + "' ";
if (elem.keys) {
str += "keys: '" + elem.keys + "' ";
EnigmailLog.DEBUG(str + "\n");
* process resulting sign/encryp/pgpMime mode for passed string of email addresses and
* use rules and interactive rule dialog to replace emailAddrsStr by known keys
* Input parameters:
* @emailAddrsStr: comma and space separated string of addresses to process
* @startDialogForMissingKeys: true: start dialog for emails without key(s)
* Output parameters:
* @matchedKeysObj.value: comma separated string of matched keys AND email addresses for which no key was found (or "")
* @matchedKeysObj.addrKeysList: all email/keys mappings (array of objects with addr as string and keys as comma separated string)
* (does NOT contain emails for which no key was found)
* @matchedKeysObj.addrNoKeyList: list of emails that don't have a key according to rules
* @flagsObj: return value for combined sign/encrype/pgpMime mode
* values might be: 0='never', 1='maybe', 2='always', 3='conflict'
* @return: false if error occurred or processing was canceled
mapAddrsToKeys: function(emailAddrsStr, startDialogForMissingKeys, window,
matchedKeysObj, flagsObj) {
EnigmailLog.DEBUG("rules.jsm: mapAddrsToKeys(): emailAddrsStr=\"" + emailAddrsStr + "\" startDialogForMissingKeys=" + startDialogForMissingKeys + "\n");
const nsIEnigmail = Components.interfaces.nsIEnigmail;
let enigmailSvc = EnigmailCore.getService();
if (!enigmailSvc) {
return false;
// initialize return value and the helper variables for them:
matchedKeysObj.value = "";
flagsObj.value = false;
let flags = {}; // object to be able to modify flags in subfunction
flags.sign = EnigmailConstants.ENIG_UNDEF; // default sign flag is: maybe
flags.encrypt = EnigmailConstants.ENIG_UNDEF; // default encrypt flag is: maybe
flags.pgpMime = EnigmailConstants.ENIG_UNDEF; // default pgpMime flag is: maybe
// create openList: list of addresses not processed by rules yet
// - each entry has
// - orig: the original full email address
// - addr: the lowercased pure email address to check against rules and keys
// - elements will be moved
// - to addrKeysList if a matching rule with keys was found
// - to addrNoKeyList if a rule with "do not process further rules" ("." as key) applies
let emailAddrList = ("," + emailAddrsStr + ",").split(/\s*,\s*/);
// TODO: we split with , and spaces around
// BUT what if , is in "..." part of an email?
// => use lists!!!
let openList = [];
for (let i = 0; i < emailAddrList.length; ++i) {
let orig = emailAddrList[i];
if (orig) {
let addr = EnigmailFuncs.stripEmail(orig.toLowerCase());
if (addr) {
let elem = {
orig: orig,
addr: addr
//this.DEBUG_EmailList("openList", openList);
let addrKeysList = []; // NEW: list of found email addresses and their associated keys
let addrNoKeyList = []; // NEW: list of email addresses that have no key according to rules
// process recipient rules
let rulesListObj = {};
if (this.getRulesData(rulesListObj)) {
let rulesList = rulesListObj.value;
if (rulesList.firstChild.nodeName == "parsererror") {
EnigmailDialog.alert(window, "Invalid pgprules.xml file:\n" + rulesList.firstChild.textContent);
return false;
EnigmailLog.DEBUG("rules.jsm: mapAddrsToKeys(): rules successfully loaded; now process them\n");
// go through all rules to find match with email addresses
// - note: only if the key field has a value, an address is done with processing
for (let node = rulesList.firstChild.firstChild; node; node = node.nextSibling) {
if (node.tagName == "pgpRule") {
try {
let rule = {}; = node.getAttribute("email");
if (! {
rule.negate = false;
if (node.getAttribute("negateRule")) {
rule.negate = Number(node.getAttribute("negateRule"));
if (!rule.negate) {
rule.keyId = node.getAttribute("keyId");
rule.sign = node.getAttribute("sign");
rule.encrypt = node.getAttribute("encrypt");
rule.pgpMime = node.getAttribute("pgpMime");
openList, flags, addrKeysList, addrNoKeyList);
// no negate rule handling (turned off in dialog)
catch (ex) {
EnigmailLog.DEBUG("rules.jsm: mapAddrsToKeys(): ignore exception: " + ex.description + "\n");
// NOTE: here we have
// - openList: the addresses not having any key assigned yet
// (and not marked as don't process any other rule)
// - addresses with "don't process other rules" are in addrNoKeyList
//this.DEBUG_EmailList("openList", openList);
//this.DEBUG_EmailList("addrKeysList", addrKeysList);
//this.DEBUG_EmailList("addrnoKeyList", addrnoKeyList);
// if requested: start dialog to add new rule for each missing key
if (startDialogForMissingKeys) {
let inputObj = {};
let resultObj = {};
for (let i = 0; i < openList.length; i++) {
let theAddr = openList[i].addr;
// start dialog only if the email address contains a @ or no 0x at the beginning:
// - reason: newsgroups have neither @ nor 0x
if (theAddr.indexOf("@") != -1 || theAddr.indexOf("0x") !== 0) {
inputObj.toAddress = "{" + theAddr + "}";
inputObj.options = "";
inputObj.command = "add";
window.openDialog("chrome://enigmail/content/enigmailSingleRcptSettings.xul", "",
"dialog,modal,centerscreen,resizable", inputObj, resultObj);
if (resultObj.cancelled === true) {
return false;
if (!resultObj.negate) {
openList, flags, addrKeysList, addrNoKeyList);
// no negate rule handling (turned off in dialog)
// return value of OLD interface:
// IFF we found keys, return keys AND unprocessed addresses in matchedKeysObj.value as comma-separated string
if (addrKeysList.length > 0) {
let tmpList = addrKeysList.concat(addrNoKeyList).concat(openList);
matchedKeysObj.value = tmpList[0].keys;
for (let idx = 1; idx < tmpList.length; ++idx) {
if (tmpList[idx].keys) {
matchedKeysObj.value += ", " + tmpList[idx].keys;
else {
matchedKeysObj.value += ", " + tmpList[idx].addr;
// sort key list and make it unique?
// return value of NEW interface:
// return
// - in matchedKeysObj.addrKeysList: found email/keys mappings (array of objects with addr and keys)
// - in matchedKeysObj.addrNoKeyList: list of unprocessed emails
matchedKeysObj.addrKeysList = addrKeysList;
if (openList.length > 0) {
matchedKeysObj.addrNoKeyList = addrNoKeyList.concat(openList);
else {
matchedKeysObj.addrNoKeyList = addrNoKeyList;
// return result from combining flags
flagsObj.sign = flags.sign;
flagsObj.encrypt = flags.encrypt;
flagsObj.pgpMime = flags.pgpMime;
flagsObj.value = true;
EnigmailLog.DEBUG(" found keys:\n");
for (let i = 0; i < matchedKeysObj.addrKeysList.length; i++) {
EnigmailLog.DEBUG(" " + matchedKeysObj.addrKeysList[i].addr + ": " + matchedKeysObj.addrKeysList[i].keys + "\n");
EnigmailLog.DEBUG(" addresses without keys:\n");
for (let i = 0; i < matchedKeysObj.addrNoKeyList.length; i++) {
EnigmailLog.DEBUG(" " + matchedKeysObj.addrNoKeyList[i].addr + "\n");
EnigmailLog.DEBUG(" old returned value:\n");
EnigmailLog.DEBUG(" " + matchedKeysObj.value + "\n");
return true;
mapRuleToKeys: function(rule,
openList, flags, addrKeysList, addrNoKeyList) {
//EnigmailLog.DEBUG("rules.jsm: mapRuleToKeys()'" + + "'\n");
let ruleList =[ ,;]+/);
for (let ruleIndex = 0; ruleIndex < ruleList.length; ++ruleIndex) {
let ruleEmailElem = ruleList[ruleIndex]; // ruleEmailElem has format such as '{}' or '@qqq' or '{name' or '}'
//EnigmailLog.DEBUG(" process ruleElem: '" + ruleEmailElem + "'\n");
for (let openIndex = 0; openIndex < openList.length; ++openIndex) {
let addr = openList[openIndex].addr;
// search with { and } around because these are used a begin and end markers in the rules:
let idx = ('{' + addr + '}').indexOf(ruleEmailElem);
if (idx >= 0) {
if (ruleEmailElem == {
EnigmailLog.DEBUG("rules.jsm: mapRuleToKeys(): for '" + addr + "' ('" + openList[openIndex].orig +
"') found matching rule element '" + ruleEmailElem + "'\n");
else {
EnigmailLog.DEBUG("rules.jsm: mapRuleToKeys(): for '" + addr + "' ('" + openList[openIndex].orig +
"') found matching rule element '" + ruleEmailElem + "' from '" + + "'\n");
// process rule:
// NOTE: rule.keyId might be:
// - keys: => assign keys to all matching emails
// and mark matching address as no longer open
// - ".": signals "Do not check further rules for the matching address"
// => mark all matching address as no longer open, but assign no keys
// (thus, add it to the addrNoKeyList)
// - empty: Either if "Continue with next rule for the matching address"
// OR: if "Use the following OpenPGP keys:" with no keys and
// warning (will turn off encryption) acknowledged
// => then we only process the flags
// process sign/encrypt/ppgMime settings
flags.sign = this.combineFlagValues(flags.sign, Number(rule.sign));
flags.encrypt = this.combineFlagValues(flags.encrypt, Number(rule.encrypt));
flags.pgpMime = this.combineFlagValues(flags.pgpMime, Number(rule.pgpMime));
if (rule.keyId) {
// move found address from openAdresses to corresponding list (with keys added)
let elem = openList.splice(openIndex, 1)[0];
--openIndex; // IMPORTANT because we remove element in the array we iterate on
if (rule.keyId != ".") {
// keys exist: assign keys as comma-separated string
let ids = rule.keyId.replace(/[ ,;]+/g, ", ");
elem.keys = ids;
else {
// '.': no further rule processing and no key: addr was (finally) processed but without any key
* check for the attribute of type "sign"/"encrypt"/"pgpMime" of the passed node
* and combine its value with oldVal and check for conflicts
* values might be: 0='never', 1='maybe', 2='always', 3='conflict'
* @oldVal: original input value
* @newVal: new value to combine with
* @return: result value after applying the rule (0/1/2)
* and combining it with oldVal
combineFlagValues: function(oldVal, newVal) {
//EnigmailLog.DEBUG("rules.jsm: combineFlagValues(): oldVal=" + oldVal + " newVal=" + newVal + "\n");
// conflict remains conflict
if (oldVal === EnigmailConstants.ENIG_CONFLICT) {
return EnigmailConstants.ENIG_CONFLICT;
// 'never' and 'always' triggers conflict:
if ((oldVal === EnigmailConstants.ENIG_NEVER && newVal === EnigmailConstants.ENIG_ALWAYS) || (oldVal === EnigmailConstants.ENIG_ALWAYS && newVal === EnigmailConstants.ENIG_NEVER)) {
return EnigmailConstants.ENIG_CONFLICT;
// if there is any 'never' return 'never'
// - thus: 'never' and 'maybe' => 'never'
if (oldVal === EnigmailConstants.ENIG_NEVER || newVal === EnigmailConstants.ENIG_NEVER) {
return EnigmailConstants.ENIG_NEVER;
// if there is any 'always' return 'always'
// - thus: 'always' and 'maybe' => 'always'
if (oldVal === EnigmailConstants.ENIG_ALWAYS || newVal === EnigmailConstants.ENIG_ALWAYS) {
return EnigmailConstants.ENIG_ALWAYS;
// here, both values are 'maybe', which we return then
return EnigmailConstants.ENIG_UNDEF; // maybe
File Metadata
Mime Type
Mon, Dec 23, 3:35 PM (1 d, 6 h)
Storage Engine
Storage Format
Raw Data
Storage Handle
Attached To
rENIG Enigmail
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