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No OneTemporary


/*global Components: false, EnigmailLog: false */
/*jshint -W097 */
* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at
"use strict";
const EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = ["EnigmailFiles"];
const Cc = Components.classes;
const Ci = Components.interfaces;
const Cu = Components.utils;
Cu.import("resource://enigmail/data.jsm"); /* global EnigmailData: false */
Cu.import("resource://enigmail/os.jsm"); /* global EnigmailOS: false */
Cu.import("resource://enigmail/core.jsm"); /* global EnigmailCore: false */
Cu.import("resource://enigmail/lazy.jsm"); /* global EnigmailLazy: false */
const lazyStream = EnigmailLazy.loader("enigmail/streams.jsm", "EnigmailStreams");
const lazyLog = EnigmailLazy.loader("enigmail/log.jsm", "EnigmailLog");
const NS_FILE_CONTRACTID = ";1";
const NS_RDONLY = 0x01;
const NS_WRONLY = 0x02;
const NS_CREATE_FILE = 0x08;
const NS_TRUNCATE = 0x20;
const DEFAULT_FILE_PERMS = 0x180; // equals 0600
function potentialWindowsExecutable(file) {
if (EnigmailOS.isDosLike) {
return file + ".exe";
return file;
const EnigmailFiles = {
* potentialWindowsExecutable appends .exe to a file
* @param String file - file path or executable name to append .exe to
* @return String file - modified file path or executable name
potentialWindowsExecutable: potentialWindowsExecutable,
isAbsolutePath: function(filePath, isDosLike) {
// Check if absolute path
if (isDosLike) {
return ((^\w+:\\/) === 0) || (^\\\\/) === 0) ||
(^\/\//) === 0));
else {
return (^\//) === 0);
* resolvePathWithEnv tries to resolve an file's path with the environment PATH variable.
* @param String file - file to be resolved
* @return String foundPath - Returns found path. If no path is found, returns null.
resolvePathWithEnv: function(executable) {
let envSvc = Cc[";1"].getService(Ci.nsIEnvironment);
const foundPath = EnigmailFiles.resolvePath(potentialWindowsExecutable(executable), envSvc.get("PATH"), EnigmailOS.isDosLike);
if (foundPath !== null) {
return foundPath;
resolvePath: function(filePath, envPath, isDosLike) {
lazyLog().DEBUG("files.jsm: resolvePath: filePath=" + filePath + "\n");
if (EnigmailFiles.isAbsolutePath(filePath, isDosLike))
return filePath;
if (!envPath)
return null;
const fileNames = filePath.split(";");
const pathDirs = envPath.split(isDosLike ? ";" : ":");
for (let i = 0; i < fileNames.length; i++) {
for (let j = 0; j < pathDirs.length; j++) {
try {
const pathDir = Cc[NS_FILE_CONTRACTID].createInstance(Ci.nsIFile);
lazyLog().DEBUG("files.jsm: resolvePath: checking for " + pathDirs[j] + "/" + fileNames[i] + "\n");
EnigmailFiles.initPath(pathDir, pathDirs[j]);
try {
if (pathDir.exists() && pathDir.isDirectory()) {
if (pathDir.exists() && !pathDir.isDirectory()) {
return pathDir;
catch (ex) {}
catch (ex) {}
return null;
createFileStream: function(filePath, permissions) {
try {
let localFile;
if (typeof filePath == "string") {
localFile = Cc[NS_LOCAL_FILE_CONTRACTID].createInstance(Ci.nsIFile);
EnigmailFiles.initPath(localFile, filePath);
else {
localFile = filePath.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIFile);
if (localFile.exists()) {
if (localFile.isDirectory() || !localFile.isWritable())
throw Components.results.NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
if (!permissions)
permissions = localFile.permissions;
if (!permissions)
permissions = DEFAULT_FILE_PERMS;
const fileStream = Cc[NS_LOCALFILEOUTPUTSTREAM_CONTRACTID].createInstance(Ci.nsIFileOutputStream);
fileStream.init(localFile, flags, permissions, 0);
return fileStream;
catch (ex) {
lazyLog().ERROR("files.jsm: createFileStream: Failed to create " + filePath + "\n");
return null;
// path initialization function
// uses persistentDescriptor in case that initWithPath fails
// (seems to happen frequently with UTF-8 characters in path names)
initPath: function(localFileObj, pathStr) {
if (!localFileObj.exists()) {
localFileObj.persistentDescriptor = pathStr;
// Read the contents of a text file into a string
readFile: function(filePath) {
// @filePath: nsIFile
if (filePath.exists()) {
const ioServ = Cc[NS_IOSERVICE_CONTRACTID].getService(Ci.nsIIOService);
if (!ioServ)
throw Components.results.NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
const fileURI = ioServ.newFileURI(filePath);
const fileChannel = lazyStream().createChannel(fileURI.asciiSpec);
const rawInStream =;
const scriptableInStream = Cc[NS_SCRIPTABLEINPUTSTREAM_CONTRACTID].createInstance(Ci.nsIScriptableInputStream);
let available = scriptableInStream.available();
let fileContents = "";
while (available) {
fileContents +=;
available = scriptableInStream.available();
return fileContents;
return "";
// Read the contents of a file with binary data into a string
readBinaryFile: function(filePath) {
// @filePath: nsIFile
if (filePath.exists()) {
const ioServ = Cc[NS_IOSERVICE_CONTRACTID].getService(Ci.nsIIOService);
if (!ioServ)
throw Components.results.NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
const fileURI = ioServ.newFileURI(filePath);
const fileChannel = lazyStream().createChannel(fileURI.asciiSpec);
const rawInStream =;
const binaryInStream = Cc[";1"].createInstance(Ci.nsIBinaryInputStream);
let available = binaryInStream.available();
let fileContents = "";
while (available) {
fileContents += binaryInStream.readBytes(available);
available = binaryInStream.available();
return fileContents;
return "";
formatCmdLine: function(command, args) {
function getQuoted(str) {
str = str.toString();
let i = str.indexOf(" ");
if (i >= 0) {
return '"' + str + '"';
else {
return str;
if (command instanceof Ci.nsIFile) {
command = EnigmailFiles.getFilePathDesc(command);
const cmdStr = getQuoted(command) + " ";
const argStr =" ").replace(/\\\\/g, '\\');
return cmdStr + argStr;
getFilePathDesc: function(nsFileObj) {
if (EnigmailOS.getOS() == "WINNT") {
return nsFileObj.persistentDescriptor;
else {
return nsFileObj.path;
getFilePath: function(nsFileObj) {
return EnigmailData.convertToUnicode(EnigmailFiles.getFilePathDesc(nsFileObj), "utf-8");
getEscapedFilename: function(fileNameStr) {
if (EnigmailOS.isDosLike) {
// escape the backslashes and the " character (for Windows and OS/2)
fileNameStr = fileNameStr.replace(/([\\\"])/g, "\\$1");
if (EnigmailOS.getOS() == "WINNT") {
// replace leading "\\" with "//"
fileNameStr = fileNameStr.replace(/^\\\\*/, "//");
return fileNameStr;
* get the temporary folder
* @return nsIFile object holding a reference to the temp directory
getTempDirObj: function() {
const TEMPDIR_PROP = "TmpD";
try {
const dsprops = Cc[DIRSERVICE_CONTRACTID].getService().
return dsprops.get(TEMPDIR_PROP, Ci.nsIFile);
catch (ex) {
// let's guess ...
const tmpDirObj = Cc[NS_FILE_CONTRACTID].createInstance(Ci.nsIFile);
if (EnigmailOS.getOS() == "WINNT") {
else {
return tmpDirObj;
* get the temporary folder as string
* @return String containing the temp directory name
getTempDir: function() {
return EnigmailFiles.getTempDirObj().path;
* create a new folder as subfolder of the temporary directory
* @param dirName String - name of subfolder
* @param unique Boolean - if true, the directory is guaranteed to be unique
* @return nsIFile object holding a reference to the created directory
createTempSubDir: function(dirName, unique = false) {
const localFile = EnigmailFiles.getTempDirObj().clone();
if (unique) {
localFile.createUnique(Ci.nsIFile.DIRECTORY_TYPE, 509 /* = 0775 */ );
else {
localFile.create(Ci.nsIFile.DIRECTORY_TYPE, 509 /* = 0775 */ );
return localFile;
* Ensure that a directory exists and is writeable.
* @param dirObj Object - nsIFile object for the directory to test
* @param permissions Number - file permissions in Unix style (e.g. 0700)
* @return Number:
* 0 - OK: directory exists (or was created) and is writeable
* 1 - NOK: Directory does not exist (and cannot be created)
* 2 - NOK: Directory exists but is readonly (and cannot be modified)
* 3 - NOK: File object with required name exists but is not a directory
ensureWritableDirectory: function(dirObj, permissions) {
let retVal = -1;
try {
if (dirObj.isDirectory()) {
try {
if (dirObj.isWritable()) {
retVal = 0;
else {
dirObj.permissions = permissions;
retVal = 0;
catch (x) {
retVal = 2;
else {
retVal = 3;
catch (x) {
// directory doesn't exist
try {
dirObj.create(Ci.nsIFile.DIRECTORY_TYPE, permissions);
retVal = 0;
catch (x2) {
retVal = 1;
return retVal;
* Write data to a file
* @filePath |string| or |nsIFile| object - the file to be created
* @data |string| - the data to write to the file
* @permissions |number| - file permissions according to Unix spec (0600 by default)
* @return true if data was written successfully, false otherwise
writeFileContents: function(filePath, data, permissions) {
try {
const fileOutStream = EnigmailFiles.createFileStream(filePath, permissions);
if (data.length) {
if (fileOutStream.write(data, data.length) != data.length) {
throw Components.results.NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
catch (ex) {
EnigmailLog.ERROR("files.jsm: writeFileContents: Failed to write to " + filePath + "\n");
return false;
return true;
// return the useable path (for gpg) of a file object
getFilePathReadonly: function(nsFileObj, creationMode) {
if (creationMode === null) creationMode = NS_RDONLY;
return nsFileObj.path;
* Create an empty ZIP file
* @param nsFileObj - nsIFile object: reference to the file to be created
* @return nsIZipWriter object allow to perform write operations on the ZIP file
createZipFile: function(nsFileObj) {
const zipW = Cc[';1'].createInstance(Ci.nsIZipWriter);, NS_WRONLY | NS_CREATE_FILE | NS_TRUNCATE);
return zipW;
* Open a ZIP file for reading
* @param nsFileObj - nsIFile object: reference to the file to be created
* @return nsIZipReader object allow to perform read operations on the ZIP file
openZipFile: function(nsFileObj) {
const zipR = Cc[';1'].createInstance(Ci.nsIZipReader);;
return zipR;

File Metadata

Mime Type
Sun, Feb 23, 7:20 PM (11 h, 15 m)
Storage Engine
Storage Format
Raw Data
Storage Handle

Event Timeline