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Bommerang (Kai)


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User Since
Mar 27 2017, 4:49 PM (415 w, 1 d)

Recent Activity

Mar 10 2007

Bommerang added a comment to T771: Produce from keys with password.

Within draw-eat can only the user data change.
The program does not have an access.
Is there the possibility the paths to change?

Mar 10 2007, 11:41 AM · Info Needed, Windows 32, Bug Report, Windows, gnupg

Mar 8 2007

Bommerang renamed T771: Produce from keys with password from Erzeugen von Schlüsseln to Produce from keys with password.
Mar 8 2007, 8:24 PM · Info Needed, Windows 32, Bug Report, Windows, gnupg
Bommerang added a comment to T771: Produce from keys with password.

To delete and provide I can.
GnuPG does not have however like it seems rights.
The error message remains even if I pubring.bak provides by hand.

Mar 8 2007, 8:21 PM · Info Needed, Windows 32, Bug Report, Windows, gnupg
Bommerang added projects to T771: Produce from keys with password: gnupg, Bug Report.
Mar 8 2007, 7:18 PM · Info Needed, Windows 32, Bug Report, Windows, gnupg