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P46hNhPU (P46hNhPU)


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User Since
Mar 27 2017, 4:48 PM (414 w, 6 d)

Recent Activity

Nov 10 2016

P46hNhPU added a comment to T2813: gnupg v2 does not allow for parallel processing any more.

The difference (according to the gpg agent log) is that gpg v1 is obviously caching
the decrypted private key used to decrypt the files using the option "-d --
multifile" whereas gpg v2 in my case repeatedly requests the decryption of the
private key for each single file. Any way to change that?

Nov 10 2016, 8:08 PM · Info Needed, gnupg

Oct 27 2016

P46hNhPU added a comment to T2813: gnupg v2 does not allow for parallel processing any more.

Well, I can only say right now that since upgrading to Ubuntu 16.10, the gpg
command now is gnupg v2 by default, and my parallel decryption using
multiple gpg processes does not work any more. "Not working" means there is
only one gpg-agent processes using any CPU at all, and it is using only one
CPU core at 100% for a very long time. Nothing else pops up in top regarding
CPU usage. 75% of the CPU cores remain idle. So my guess is that the gpg-
agent does all of the work and therefore prevents multiple parallel
executions. My conclusions seem pretty obvious to me. But maybe it has to do
with stuff done by some downstream debian or Ubuntu packagers?

Oct 27 2016, 8:54 PM · Info Needed, gnupg

Oct 22 2016

P46hNhPU added projects to T2813: gnupg v2 does not allow for parallel processing any more: gnupg, Bug Report.
Oct 22 2016, 2:07 PM · Info Needed, gnupg