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- Mar 27 2017, 4:49 PM (406 w, 3 d)
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Jul 1 2011
Jul 1 2011
anothermindbomb added a project to T1346: GPG 1.4.10 - many [don't know] produced when decrypting data. Decrypted files seem to be OK however.: Restricted Project.
anothermindbomb added a comment to T1346: GPG 1.4.10 - many [don't know] produced when decrypting data. Decrypted files seem to be OK however..
I believe we tracked it down to the sending machine (an IBM mainframe) writing the encrypted
bytestream out to a FB (Fixed Blocked) dataset. This results in the PGP datastream being padded
out to a specific width as defined in the DCB. When gpg tries to decrypt this, it finds these
padding bytes and all hell breaks loose with a variety of different errors.
Jun 9 2011
Jun 9 2011
anothermindbomb added a comment to T1346: GPG 1.4.10 - many [don't know] produced when decrypting data. Decrypted files seem to be OK however..
Can someone tell me how I can get "invalid packet messages", followed by "decryption ok", ending in a
return code 2 and still produce a file I can find no issues with?
anothermindbomb added a comment to T1346: GPG 1.4.10 - many [don't know] produced when decrypting data. Decrypted files seem to be OK however..
I've just noticed that I'm even getting some warnings about invalid packets on a SHA1 digest file - a 660
byte PGP file, which produces an EBCDIC 40 byte SHA1 digest file.
anothermindbomb added a comment to T1346: GPG 1.4.10 - many [don't know] produced when decrypting data. Decrypted files seem to be OK however..
Hi Werner,
Jun 1 2011
Jun 1 2011