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Dec 4 2016
Little update with latest 1.0.0 release:
– nothing new regarding pinentry-gnome3, still working nicely;
– nothing new regarding pinentry-gtk-2, but I know why it doesn’t take into
account my dead keys anymore and it’s not an issue on pinentry side;
– thanks to the new “show passphrase” button, I’ve been able to figure where the
issue lies with pinentry-qt: while invoked in the terminal, it does take into
account my dead keys, but while invoked via Thunderbird/Enigmail, it does not
(altought pinentry-gnome3 does).
So I suppose this is in fact an issue with Enigmail… Any hints on what they
could be doing wrong so that I can report this to them?
Oct 10 2016
So, regarding Qt, the issue has been acknowledged
( Using IBus as suggested in, I know have dead keys working
properly in most apps. But…
Previously, the situation was as following:
— pinentry-qt4 was working everywhere.
– pinentry-qt was not working properly for me because I wasn’t able to input
some characters.
– pinentry-gnome3 wasn’t showing up in Thunderbird/Enigmail, but worked OK in a
terminal (GETPIN).
– pinentry-gtk-2 was working properly in a terminal (GETPIN), but not in
Thunderbird/Enigmail (deciphering failed, with the right passphrase obviously).
And now:
– pinentry-qt4 doesn’t exist anymore.
– pinentry-qt is as pinentry-gtk-2 was before: works OK in a terminal (GETPIN),
but not in Thunderbird (fails to decipher). Sighs…
– pinentry-gnome3 does show up in Thunderbird/Enigmail, and works correctly. I’m
currently using this one, even if that’s not totally satisfying.
– pinentry-gtk-2 doesn’t take my dead keys into account anymore.
For the last one, honestly I don’t care, gtk2 is being phased out, and it’s
probably not an issue on pinentry side.
However, the fact pinentry-qt doesn’t work correctly in Thunderbird/Enigmail is
strange. Do you think this is an issue with pinentry-qt or these programs?
Dec 13 2015
Actually there is something more.
While using pinentry-gtk-2 in a terminal does work, it still fails in
Thunderbird/Enigmail (passphrase not recognized).
And pinentry-gnome3, that works in the terminal too, doesn’t work in
Thunderbird/Enigmail as stated before (it fails just like if set to pinentry-tty
or pinentry-curses).
So, found it why trying what you asked me for.
It has to do with Input Method. GTK3 is working because it’s the only toolkit
that properly recognize all the dead keys on my setup (some of the characters I
use are only available through dead keys). QT4 was working because of this line
in my .xprofile:
export QT4_IM_MODULE=xim
Replacing QT4 with GTK makes pinentry-gtk-2 work too. However, this seems not
supported by QT5 (the correct var is QT_IM_MODULE), because xim seems to be
obsolete so they don’t support it. But some of my dead keys are not working, so
this is most likely a bug on QT/KDE side…
And since I run a QT5 terminal, -curses and -tty don’t work.
So, I think this can be closed, and that it’s time to open/search a bug
regarding this on QT/KDE side.
Dec 10 2015
Dec 2 2015
OK, so things have changed regarding how this is handled since 2.1. That’s
probably why people like me think it’s still bogus, because behind the true bug
there was also another underlying change.
I can confirm it now works once correctly configured. Thanks for your help.
This, 2123 and 2130 can be closed I think.
Oct 12 2015
So, is there anything else you might need to understand this issue (that is
still present with 2.1.8 by the way)?
OK, sorry, I didn’t came accross but directly on another issue.
Will comment on the other one now.