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- User Since
- Mar 27 2017, 4:48 PM (412 w, 5 d)
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Sep 26 2016
Sep 26 2016
kolAflash set Version to 2.1.15 on T2703: provide option to ignore expiration date.
Jan 9 2015
Jan 9 2015
kolAflash added a comment to T1809: add option for SHA256 and SHA512 fingerprint.
SHA512 probably would be the right thing. If someone's too lazy to compare such
a long fingerprint, he can still choose just to compare just one half of it.
kolAflash added a comment to T1809: add option for SHA256 and SHA512 fingerprint.
Sure, a standard for that would be great.
MD5 is pretty much broken for security purposes and I would wonder, if that's
not also true in the context of OpenPGP.
You're probably much closer to the people responsible for the OpenPGP standard.
Are there any efforts to introduce SHA512-BASE64 fingerprints? (or at least SHA256)
Jan 8 2015
Jan 8 2015