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msinatra (Michael Sinatra)


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User Since
Mar 27 2017, 4:48 PM (415 w, 3 d)

Recent Activity

May 27 2016

msinatra added a comment to T2367: gnupg 2.1.12 doesn't properly detect libusb in FreeBSD.

Looks good...I can even build and run it using the ports version if I hand-patch
it after extracting:

[sonicyouth] /usr/ports/security/gnupg# make extract

> License GPLv3 LGPL3 accepted by the user

> Found saved configuration for gnupg-2.1.12

> gnupg-2.1.12 depends on file: /usr/local/sbin/pkg - found

> Fetching all distfiles required by gnupg-2.1.12 for building

> Extracting for gnupg-2.1.12

> SHA256 Checksum OK for gnupg-2.1.12.tar.bz2.

> SHA256 Checksum OK for gnupg-2.1.12.tar.bz2.sig.

[sonicyouth] /usr/ports/security/gnupg# cd work/gnupg-2.1.12/
[sonicyouth] /usr/ports/security/gnupg/work/gnupg-2.1.12# patch <
Hmm... Looks like a unified diff to me...

The text leading up to this was:

diff --git a/ b/
index 6458f1a..d90921c 100644
--- a/
+++ b/

Patching file using Plan A...
Hunk #1 succeeded at 787.
[sonicyouth] /usr/ports/security/gnupg/work/gnupg-2.1.12# autoconf
[sonicyouth] /usr/ports/security/gnupg/work/gnupg-2.1.12# cd ../../
[sonicyouth] /usr/ports/security/gnupg# make install

gpg: It is only intended for test purposes and should NOT be
gpg: used in a production environment or with production keys!
Reader ...........: 1050:0111:X:0
Application ID ...: D2760001240102000006036429670000
Version ..........: 2.0
Manufacturer .....: Yubico

May 27 2016, 10:43 PM · Bug Report, gnupg

May 24 2016

msinatra renamed T2367: gnupg 2.1.12 doesn't properly detect libusb in FreeBSD from gnuph 2.1.12 doesn't properly detect libusb in FreeBSD to gnupg 2.1.12 doesn't properly detect libusb in FreeBSD.
May 24 2016, 11:25 PM · Bug Report, gnupg
msinatra added a comment to T2367: gnupg 2.1.12 doesn't properly detect libusb in FreeBSD.

May 24 2016, 11:23 PM · Bug Report, gnupg
msinatra set Version to 2.1.12 on T2367: gnupg 2.1.12 doesn't properly detect libusb in FreeBSD.
May 24 2016, 11:23 PM · Bug Report, gnupg
msinatra added projects to T2367: gnupg 2.1.12 doesn't properly detect libusb in FreeBSD: gnupg, Bug Report.
May 24 2016, 11:23 PM · Bug Report, gnupg