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sedrubal (sedrubal)


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User Since
Mar 27 2017, 4:48 PM (414 w, 20 h)

Recent Activity

May 28 2017

sedrubal added a comment to T1621: Support multiple cards (not just readers).

Yes, if it supports --card-edit it would help a lot.

May 28 2017, 2:08 PM · gnupg, Feature Request

Feb 28 2017

sedrubal changed Version from 2.0.22 to 2.1.13 on T1621: Support multiple cards (not just readers).
Feb 28 2017, 11:43 PM · gnupg, Feature Request
sedrubal added a comment to T1621: Support multiple cards (not just readers).

I was actually surprised to find out this doesn't already work...

I would like to be able to have two or more GnuPG cards inserted at the same
time, and have gnupg/gpg-agent/scdaemon notice all of them and use whichever one
was appropriate for the operation at hand, without my having to switch them in
and out.

My personal application for this is that I have a personal key and a work key,
and I want to be able to sign with either of them without having to swap
hardware around. It's pretty easy to set up all the other parts of this to be
seamless with Thunderbird/Enigmail/gnupg2... it works fine until you move the
keys to cards, at which point gnupg's inability to automatically choose the card
it needs really shows up.

In an ideal world, this would also work with gpg-agent as a backend for ssh.

Feb 28 2017, 11:43 PM · gnupg, Feature Request

Nov 12 2015

sedrubal set Version to 2.1.9 on T2149: Use termcolors for gpg2.
Nov 12 2015, 9:30 PM · gnupg, Feature Request
sedrubal added projects to T2149: Use termcolors for gpg2: Feature Request, gnupg.
Nov 12 2015, 9:30 PM · gnupg, Feature Request