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sfought (Shane Fought)


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User Since
May 17 2023, 10:57 PM (97 w, 1 d)

Recent Activity

May 24 2023

sfought added a comment to T2820: GPGME: Allow to set the keyring for a context.

So if I have \MyDirectory\pubring.pgp and MyDirectory\secring.pgp files, how do I use the --homedir option to access those?

May 24 2023, 10:15 PM · Won't Fix, gpgme, Feature Request

May 19 2023

sfought added a comment to T2820: GPGME: Allow to set the keyring for a context.

Did anything get implemented to handle this? We have a central network file share where we store our public and secret key rings. We have several different applications that access these key rings. I'm trying to convert one of them from using gpg.exe via the command line with the --keyring and --secret-keyring paramters to using gpgme, but I don't see a way to specify the keyrings. Any help would be appreciated.

May 19 2023, 3:47 PM · Won't Fix, gpgme, Feature Request