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- User Since
- Jul 5 2017, 3:37 PM (401 w, 1 d)
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- Available
Aug 29 2017
Aug 29 2017
stbuehler added a comment to T2919: fix gpgme/gpgsm pipe server session with use_descriptor_passing (was: mutt + gpgme problems with some Outlook S/MIME emails).
I think bad.trace is very similar in the errors (chan_9 instead of chan_7); the difference is probably that the "bad mail" is not using a detached signature (possibly even encrypted), so mutt cannot find the body without actually decoding the message through gpgsm; the "good mail " is using a detached signature, and the body is the first part of a multi-part message which mutt can decode itself; it still can't verify the signature.
Aug 7 2017
Aug 7 2017
stbuehler added a comment to T2919: fix gpgme/gpgsm pipe server session with use_descriptor_passing (was: mutt + gpgme problems with some Outlook S/MIME emails).
I'm sorry; given the original error message
[-- Error: decryption failed: Invalid value passed to IPC --]
I thought it was the same problem I was having.
Jul 5 2017
Jul 5 2017
stbuehler added a comment to T2919: fix gpgme/gpgsm pipe server session with use_descriptor_passing (was: mutt + gpgme problems with some Outlook S/MIME emails).
Hi, I found a workaround for neomutt (see