User Details
User Details
- User Since
- Mar 27 2017, 4:48 PM (415 w, 2 d)
- Availability
- Available
Dec 8 2014
Dec 8 2014
vincent set Version to 0.9.0 on T1785: pinentry-qt4: make the accessibility part optional.
vincent set External Link to on T1785: pinentry-qt4: make the accessibility part optional.
vincent added projects to T1785: pinentry-qt4: make the accessibility part optional: pinentry, Bug Report.
vincent added a comment to T1785: pinentry-qt4: make the accessibility part optional.
vincent set Version to 0.9.0 on T1784: pinentry-0.9.0: wrong #include paths in .moc files.
vincent added projects to T1784: pinentry-0.9.0: wrong #include paths in .moc files: pinentry, Bug Report.
Jun 3 2014
Jun 3 2014
vincent renamed T1642: gnupg-1.4.* fails to compile with uClibc (patch to fix it attached) from gnupg-1.4.* fails to compile with uClibc (patch inside) to gnupg-1.4.* fails to compile with uClibc (patch to fix it attached).
vincent renamed T1642: gnupg-1.4.* fails to compile with uClibc (patch to fix it attached) from gnupg-1.4.* fails to compile with uClibc to gnupg-1.4.* fails to compile with uClibc (patch inside).
May 19 2014
May 19 2014
vincent set Version to 1.4.* on T1642: gnupg-1.4.* fails to compile with uClibc (patch to fix it attached).
vincent added a comment to T1642: gnupg-1.4.* fails to compile with uClibc (patch to fix it attached).
vincent set External Link to on T1642: gnupg-1.4.* fails to compile with uClibc (patch to fix it attached).