@echo off REM Set the GnuPG homedir here accordingly set GPGHOME=c:\users\Andre Heinecke\AppData\Roaming\gnupg REM Set the input / output directory set INDIR=c:\input-files set OUTDIR=c:\output-files set INPUTEXT=.gpg set OUTPUTEXT= cd %INDIR% mkdir %OUTDIR% 2>nul for /R %%f in (*%INPUTEXT%) do ( setlocal enabledelayedexpansion for %%i in ("%%f") do ( set filename=%%~ni ) set OUTPATH=%OUTDIR%\!filename!%OUTPUTEXT% echo Decrypting %%f into !OUTPATH! >> "%OUTDIR%\decrypt.log" rem Overwrite handling? gpg --verbose --homedir "%GPGHOME%" --yes --batch --log-file "%OUTDIR%\decrypt.log" -o "!OUTPATH!" -d -- "%%f" if !ERRORLEVEL! NEQ 0 ( echo Operation failed with return code: %ERRORLEVEL% >> "%OUTDIR%\decrypt.log" ) else ( echo Operation finished successfully >> "%OUTDIR%\decrypt.log" cd "%OUTDIR%" tar -xf "!OUTPATH!" if !ERRORLEVEL! NEQ 0 ( echo Extracting failed with return code: %ERRORLEVEL% >> "%OUTDIR%\decrypt.log" ) else ( echo Deleting %%f >> "%OUTDIR%\decrypt.log" del "%%f" >> "%OUTDIR%\decrypt.log" 2>&1 rem echo Deleting !OUTPATH! >> "%OUTDIR%\decrypt.log" del "!OUTPATH!" >> "%OUTDIR%\decrypt.log" 2>&1 ) ) )