My System: -- The following OPTIONAL packages have been found: * IcoTool, Executable that converts a collection of PNG files into a Windows icon file, -- The following REQUIRED packages have been found: * ECM (required version >= 5.92.0) * Qt5Test * Qt5PrintSupport * Qt5Svg * Qt5 (required version >= 5.15.2) * Qt5Core (required version >= 5.15.2) * KF5Archive (required version >= 5.92.0) * Qt5Widgets (required version >= 5.15.2) * KF5Config (required version >= 5.104.0) * KF5CoreAddons (required version >= 5.104.0) * KF5Bookmarks (required version >= 5.104.0) * KF5Completion (required version >= 5.104.0) * KF5ConfigWidgets (required version >= 5.104.0) * Qt5Gui (required version >= 5.15.2) * KF5ThreadWeaver (required version >= 5.92.0) * KF5WindowSystem (required version >= 5.92.0) * KF5KIO (required version >= 5.104.0) * Gettext * KF5I18n (required version >= 5.104.0) * KF5Parts (required version >= 5.92.0) * KF5Crash (required version >= 5.92.0) * KF5IconThemes (required version >= 5.92.0) * KF5TextWidgets (required version >= 5.92.0) * KF5 (required version >= 5.92.0) * ZLIB * Poppler (required version >= 22.02.0), A PDF rendering library, Support for PDF files in okular. You can make the dependency optional adding Poppler to the FORCE_NOT_REQUIRED_DEPENDENCIES cmake option * Freetype, A font rendering engine, Provides freetype font support in the okular DVI generator. You can make the dependency optional adding Freetype to the FORCE_NOT_REQUIRED_DEPENDENCIES cmake option * TIFF, A library for reading and writing TIFF formatted files,, Support for TIFF files in okular. You can make the dependency optional adding TIFF to the FORCE_NOT_REQUIRED_DEPENDENCIES cmake option * JPEG, A library for reading and writing JPEG image files., Support for PalmDB documents in okular. You can make the dependency optional adding JPEG to the FORCE_NOT_REQUIRED_DEPENDENCIES cmake option * PkgConfig -- The following RECOMMENDED packages have not been found: * KF5Wallet (required version >= 5.92.0) Required for document storing passwords in secure wallets. You can make the dependency optional adding KF5Wallet to the FORCE_NOT_REQUIRED_DEPENDENCIES cmake option * KF5DocTools (required version >= 5.92.0) Required for compiling and installing the user documentation. You can make the dependency optional adding KF5DocTools to the FORCE_NOT_REQUIRED_DEPENDENCIES cmake option * Qt5Qml Required for supporting JavaScript in PDF documents You can make the dependency optional adding Qt5Qml to the FORCE_NOT_REQUIRED_DEPENDENCIES cmake option * Qt5DBus Required for interprocess communication, external open in same instance and various presentation related bits. You can make the dependency optional adding Qt5DBus to the FORCE_NOT_REQUIRED_DEPENDENCIES cmake option * KF5Purpose, A framework for services and actions integration Required for enabling the share menu. You can make the dependency optional adding KF5Purpose to the FORCE_NOT_REQUIRED_DEPENDENCIES cmake option * Qt5TextToSpeech (required version >= 5.15.2) Enables speech features. You can make the dependency optional adding Qt5TextToSpeech to the FORCE_NOT_REQUIRED_DEPENDENCIES cmake option * Phonon4Qt5 Required for documents with audio or video elements You can make the dependency optional adding Phonon4Qt5 to the FORCE_NOT_REQUIRED_DEPENDENCIES cmake option * LibSpectre (required version >= 0.2), A PostScript rendering library, Support for PS files in okular. You can make the dependency optional adding LibSpectre to the FORCE_NOT_REQUIRED_DEPENDENCIES cmake option * KF5KExiv2, Wrapper around Exiv2 library, Support for exif rotation in image files. You can make the dependency optional adding KF5KExiv2 to the FORCE_NOT_REQUIRED_DEPENDENCIES cmake option * CHM, A library for dealing with Microsoft ITSS/CHM format files, Support CHM files in okular. You can make the dependency optional adding CHM to the FORCE_NOT_REQUIRED_DEPENDENCIES cmake option * KF5KHtml, HTML rendering library Support CHM files in okular. You can make the dependency optional adding KF5KHtml to the FORCE_NOT_REQUIRED_DEPENDENCIES cmake option * LibZip, A library for reading, creating, and modifying zip archives, Support CHM files in okular. You can make the dependency optional adding LibZip to the FORCE_NOT_REQUIRED_DEPENDENCIES cmake option * DjVuLibre (required version >= 3.5.28), A library for dealing with DjVu formatted files, Support for DjVu files in okular. You can make the dependency optional adding DjVuLibre to the FORCE_NOT_REQUIRED_DEPENDENCIES cmake option * EPub, A library for reading EPub documents, Support for EPub documents in Okular. You can make the dependency optional adding EPub to the FORCE_NOT_REQUIRED_DEPENDENCIES cmake option * QMobipocket (required version >= 2), A library for reading Mobipocket documents, Support for Mobipocket documents in Okular. You can make the dependency optional adding QMobipocket to the FORCE_NOT_REQUIRED_DEPENDENCIES cmake option * Discount, A library that gives you formatting functions suitable for marking down entire documents or lines of text, Support for Markdown documents in Okular. You can make the dependency optional adding Discount to the FORCE_NOT_REQUIRED_DEPENDENCIES cmake option -- Building Desktop User Interface: ON -- Building Mobile Interface: OFF On Soro: -- The following OPTIONAL packages have been found: * KF5Service (required version >= 5.104.0) * KF5ItemViews (required version >= 5.104.0) * KF5JobWidgets (required version >= 5.104.0) * KF5Solid (required version >= 5.104.0) * KF5Codecs (required version >= 5.104.0) * KF5WidgetsAddons (required version >= 5.104.0) * KF5XmlGui (required version >= 5.104.0) * KF5Sonnet (required version >= 5.104.0) * IcoTool, Executable that converts a collection of PNG files into a Windows icon file, -- The following RECOMMENDED packages have been found: * TIFF, A library for reading and writing TIFF formatted files,, Support for TIFF files in okular. You can make the dependency optional adding TIFF to the FORCE_NOT_REQUIRED_DEPENDENCIES cmake option * JPEG, A library for reading and writing JPEG image files., Support for PalmDB documents in okular. You can make the dependency optional adding JPEG to the FORCE_NOT_REQUIRED_DEPENDENCIES cmake option -- The following REQUIRED packages have been found: * ECM (required version >= 5.92.0) * Qt5Test * Qt5PrintSupport * Qt5Svg * Qt5 (required version >= 5.15.2) * KF5Archive (required version >= 5.92.0) * KF5ThreadWeaver (required version >= 5.92.0) * KF5Completion (required version >= 5.104.0) * KF5CoreAddons (required version >= 5.104.0) * Qt5Gui (required version >= 5.15.2) * KF5WindowSystem (required version >= 5.104.0) * KF5ConfigWidgets (required version >= 5.104.0) * KF5Parts (required version >= 5.92.0) * KF5Crash (required version >= 5.92.0) * KF5IconThemes (required version >= 5.92.0) * Qt5Widgets (required version >= 5.15.2) * Qt5Core (required version >= 5.15.2) * Gettext * KF5I18n (required version >= 5.104.0) * KF5TextWidgets (required version >= 5.92.0) * KF5 (required version >= 5.92.0) * ZLIB * Poppler (required version >= 22.02.0), A PDF rendering library, Support for PDF files in okular. You can make the dependency optional adding Poppler to the FORCE_NOT_REQUIRED_DEPENDENCIES cmake option * Freetype, A font rendering engine, Provides freetype font support in the okular DVI generator. You can make the dependency optional adding Freetype to the FORCE_NOT_REQUIRED_DEPENDENCIES cmake option * PkgConfig -- The following RECOMMENDED packages have not been found: * KF5Wallet (required version >= 5.92.0) Required for document storing passwords in secure wallets. You can make the dependency optional adding KF5Wallet to the FORCE_NOT_REQUIRED_DEPENDENCIES cmake option * KF5DocTools (required version >= 5.92.0) Required for compiling and installing the user documentation. You can make the dependency optional adding KF5DocTools to the FORCE_NOT_REQUIRED_DEPENDENCIES cmake option * Qt5Qml Required for supporting JavaScript in PDF documents You can make the dependency optional adding Qt5Qml to the FORCE_NOT_REQUIRED_DEPENDENCIES cmake option * Qt5DBus Required for interprocess communication, external open in same instance and various presentation related bits. You can make the dependency optional adding Qt5DBus to the FORCE_NOT_REQUIRED_DEPENDENCIES cmake option * KF5Purpose, A framework for services and actions integration Required for enabling the share menu. You can make the dependency optional adding KF5Purpose to the FORCE_NOT_REQUIRED_DEPENDENCIES cmake option * Qt5TextToSpeech (required version >= 5.15.2) Enables speech features. You can make the dependency optional adding Qt5TextToSpeech to the FORCE_NOT_REQUIRED_DEPENDENCIES cmake option * Phonon4Qt5 Required for documents with audio or video elements You can make the dependency optional adding Phonon4Qt5 to the FORCE_NOT_REQUIRED_DEPENDENCIES cmake option * LibSpectre (required version >= 0.2), A PostScript rendering library, Support for PS files in okular. You can make the dependency optional adding LibSpectre to the FORCE_NOT_REQUIRED_DEPENDENCIES cmake option * KF5KExiv2, Wrapper around Exiv2 library, Support for exif rotation in image files. You can make the dependency optional adding KF5KExiv2 to the FORCE_NOT_REQUIRED_DEPENDENCIES cmake option * CHM, A library for dealing with Microsoft ITSS/CHM format files, Support CHM files in okular. You can make the dependency optional adding CHM to the FORCE_NOT_REQUIRED_DEPENDENCIES cmake option * KF5KHtml, HTML rendering library Support CHM files in okular. You can make the dependency optional adding KF5KHtml to the FORCE_NOT_REQUIRED_DEPENDENCIES cmake option * LibZip, A library for reading, creating, and modifying zip archives, Support CHM files in okular. You can make the dependency optional adding LibZip to the FORCE_NOT_REQUIRED_DEPENDENCIES cmake option * DjVuLibre (required version >= 3.5.28), A library for dealing with DjVu formatted files, Support for DjVu files in okular. You can make the dependency optional adding DjVuLibre to the FORCE_NOT_REQUIRED_DEPENDENCIES cmake option * EPub, A library for reading EPub documents, Support for EPub documents in Okular. You can make the dependency optional adding EPub to the FORCE_NOT_REQUIRED_DEPENDENCIES cmake option * QMobipocket (required version >= 2), A library for reading Mobipocket documents, Support for Mobipocket documents in Okular. You can make the dependency optional adding QMobipocket to the FORCE_NOT_REQUIRED_DEPENDENCIES cmake option * Discount, A library that gives you formatting functions suitable for marking down entire documents or lines of text, Support for Markdown documents in Okular. You can make the dependency optional adding Discount to the FORCE_NOT_REQUIRED_DEPENDENCIES cmake option -- Building Desktop User Interface: ON -- Building Mobile Interface: OFF