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 		  <span class="sr-only">1,337€ a month</span>
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 	      <h3>1,337€ a month <small>of 15,000€ needed</small></h3>
 	      <h4>+ 10,000€ <small>in one-time donations</small></h4>
 	      <h4>42 <small>Supporters</small></h4>
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 	    <p class="lead">The GnuPG Project needs your support to help
 	      keep you safer in a post-Snowden world.</p>
 	    <p class="text-justify">Activists, journalists, lawyers, and many others rely on
 	      GnuPG to protect their communication.  And, the software
 	      updaters in nearly all free software-based operating systems
 	      (which are used by more than two-thirds of the servers
 	      running the Internet) rely on GnuPG to verify the integrity
 	      of downloads.</p>
             <p>To continue supporting and improving GnuPG, we are
               soliciting donations from the general public.  Our primary
               goal is to raise 15.000 Euros per month to fully fund 3
               developers; our stretch goal is twice that, 30.000 Euros per
             <p>Please consider donating to ensure that this critical
               piece of software continues to work.</p>
     <div id="dailyvideo" class="camp-gutter container">
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 	  <h2>Video of the Day: Rick Astley <small>GnuPG will never gonna give you up</small></h2>
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 	  <h2>GnuPG Needs Your Help!</h2>
 	  <p class="text-justify">
 	    <strong><a href="https://lists.gnupg.org/pipermail/gnupg-devel/1997-December/014131.html">For
 		over 20 years</a>, GnuPG has helped protect online communication.</strong>
 	    <a href="https://www.eff.org/de/about/staff/cindy-cohn">Cindy
 	      Cohn<img src="img/headshots/cindy-cohn.png"
 		       class="camp-headshot pull-right"></a>, Executive Director of
 	    the <a href="https://www.eff.org/">Electronic Frontier
 	      Foundation</a> (EFF), describes GnuPG as <i>"the way that I most
 	      often communicate with people who are in need around the
 	      world."</i>  <a href="https://www.buzzfeed.com/sheerafrenkel">Sheera
 	      Frenkel<img src="img/headshots/sheera-frenkel.png"
 			  class="camp-headshot pull-left"></a>, Foreign Correspondent
 	    for <a href="https://www.buzzfeed.com/news">BuzzFeed News</a>,
 	    relates: <i>"<strong>As a news organization, we're trained on using
 		GPG.</strong>  "It's about your sources and what happens to them when you
 	      leave the country and you publish that explosive story and the
 	      government is looking for the whistleblower that handed you that key
 	      piece of information."</i>  And famously, GnuPG was Edward Snowden's
 	    tool of choice to securely communicate with journalists about the
 	    NSA mass surveillance leaks.
 	  <p class="text-justify">
 	    But, GnuPG is not only used to encrypt email.  <strong>GnuPG protects the
 	      software updates</strong> for nearly all free software operating systems,
 	    which power <a
 	      of all web sites</a>.  And, GnuPG is widely used by organizations
 	    and companies.  For instance, Arthur Jordan<img src="img/headshots/arthur-jordan.png"
 							    class="camp-headshot pull-right">, Vice-President of
 	    Information Technology at <a href="https://2u.com/">2U</a> told us:
 	    <i>"when we reached out to universities about how they wanted to do
 	      secure file transfer, they were already using GPG encryption."</i>
 	  <p class="text-justify">
 	    Yet despite the critical role that GnuPG plays for journalists,
 	    activists, and lawyers in particular, but, more generally, anyone
 	    who uses the Internet, in 2012 GnuPG had a <strong>funding crisis</strong>.  Due to a
 	    lack of contracts, Werner Koch, GnuPG's leader, was forced to
 	    lay off the only other person working on GnuPG full-time.  And, by
 	    2014, Werner had to take side jobs unrelated to GnuPG to
 	    supplement his income.
 	  <p class="text-justify">
 	    The situation looked so bad that <strong>Werner was ready to give up.  But,
 	      friends convinced him to give crowd funding one more shot.</strong>  The
 	    response was amazing.  Not only did the donation campaign raise
 	    enough money to fund Werner, but <strong>it pulled in 250.000 Euros in small
 	      donations</strong>, and Stripe, Facebook and the Linux Foundatation each
 	    committed to donating about 50.000 Euros per year.
 	  <p class="text-justify">
 	    <img src="https://www.gnupg.org/ftp/media/openpgp.conf/2016/gnupg-team-smaller.jpg"
 		 class="camp-image pull-right img-thumbnail">
 	    <strong>Given this amazing response, Werner decided to grow the team again.</strong>
 	    To date, he has hired 5 developers, and the past two years have seen
 	    a number of improvements to GnuPG and the surrounding ecosystem.
 	    For instance, we've worked on simplifying key discovery, adopted a
 	    set of Python bindings, contributed some improvements to Enigmail,
 	    and supported the GnuK project&mdash;a free source and free hardware
 	    security token.
 	  <p class="text-justify">
 	    <strong>Unfortunately, the money from the donation campaign is now nearly
 	      exhausted.</strong>  So, to secure our medium-term future, we've decided to
 	    again turn to the community.  Our sense is that if we have to feel a
 	    responsibility to someone&mdash;and it is impossible not to feel that
 	    way towards someone who gives you money&mdash;then it should be towards
 	    the public and not a few corporations.  <strong>This time, however, our
 	      focus is on recurring donations</strong> and not one-time donations, like
 	    last time.
 	  <p class="text-justify">
 	    <strong>Our primary goal is to get donation commitments for 15.000 Euros per
 	      month&mdash;enough to fund 3 developers</strong>.  We can reach this goal if just
 	    2000 people donate 5 or 10 Euros each month.
 	  <p class="text-justify">
 	    This money will firstly allow us to continue our maintenance of
 	    GnuPG.  It will also be used to fund our work on the GnuK security
 	    token,<img src="img/gnuk.png" width="200" class="camp-image pull-right img-thumbnail"> and some other
 	    work in the broader ecosystem including continued improvements to
 	    Enigmail.  One major new project that it will fund is a book called
 	    "An Advanced Introduction to GnuPG."  This handbook has three
 	    principle audiences: developers who want to integrate GnuPG into
 	    their programs, and need to understand the various concepts, the
 	    important security tradeoffs, and common pitfalls; digital security
 	    trainers who need to understand GnuPG to be able to make sound
 	    recommendations to their students; and enthusiasts.
 	  <p class="text-justify">
 	    If we manage to double this number of donations&mdash;if 4000 people
 	    donate 5 or 10 Euros each month&mdash;then we will continue to grow the
 	    team.  In particular, we will hire someone to work on GPG Tools,
 	    which so many activists and journalists rely on to secure their
 	    online communication.  Further, ...
 	  <p class="text-justify">
 	    Now, maybe you don't use GnuPG to encrypt your email.  Nevertheless,
 	    some journalists whose work you value rely on GnuPG to protect their
 	    sources, some activists fighting for a cause that you sympathize
 	    with rely on GnuPG to protect their communication, and some lawyers
 	    speaking with their clients rely on GnuPG to protect attorney-client
 	    conversations.  And, free software-based operating systems use GnuPG
 	    to verify software updates.  So, <strong>if you are convinced as we are that
 	      this work is essential to protecting democracy, then please help us
 	      to continue our work and stay independent, for just the cost of one
 	      coffee each month.</strong>
     <div id="goals" class="camp-gutter container-fluid flying-locks">
       <div class="container">
 	<div class="row">
 	  <div class="col-sm-10 col-sm-offset-1">
             <h2>What we will do</h2>
 	<div class="row goals is-table-row">
 	  <div class="col-sm-10 col-sm-offset-1">
 	    <div class="row">
 	      <div class="col-xs-12 col-sm-6">
 		<div class="goal goal-1">
 		  <p>Our first priority is to ensure continued maintenance
 		    of GnuPG.  This entails reacting to bug reports, dealing
 		    with security issues, and staying current with best
 		    cryptography practices.</p>
 	      <div class="col-xs-12 col-sm-6">
 		<div class="goal goal-3">
 		  <p>The GnuK is a free software and open schematic
 		    security token developed by Niibe.  At the next level of
 		    support, we will invest more in the production and
 		    distribution </p>
 	    <div class="row match-my-cols">
 	      <div class="col-xs-12 col-sm-6">
 		<div class="goal goal-2">
 		  <p>Our next goal is to improve documentation.  In
 		    particular, we are working on a book called <i>An
 		      Advanced Introduction to GnuPG</i>, which will explain
 		    how GnuPG works and best practices.  It is targetted
 		    towards digital security trainers, programmers
 		    integrating GnuPG to their applications, and
 	      <div class="col-xs-12 col-sm-6">
 		<div class="goal goal-4">
 		  <h3>Greater Ecosystem</h3>
 		  <p>Few people use GnuPG directly.  Instead they interact
 		    with it via some tool.  We hope to be able to help these
 		    tool developers better integrate GnuPG support.  For
 		    instance, we want to make sure that GPG Tools, the
 		    plug-in for Apple's mailer, works as soon as a new
 		    version of OS&nbsp;X is released.</p>
 	links to videos
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 	  <div class="col"><h2>What others say about GnuPG</h2></div>
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 	    <!-- visible-md almost works here, but some quotes are a bit too long.  -->
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 		  <!-- Slide 1 -->
 		  <div class="row">
 		    <div class="col-xs-4">
 		      <div class="card">
 			<div class="card-img">
 			  <img class="card-img-left" src="img/cards/cindy-cohn.png" />
 			<div class="card-text">
 			  <div class="card-quote">
 			    “GPG is the way that I most often communicate
 			    with people who are in need around the world.”
 			  <div class="card-meta">
 			    <div class="card-name">Cindy Cohn</div>
 			    <div class="card-title">Executive Director</div>
 			    <div class="card-org">Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF)</div>
 		    <div class="col-xs-4">
 		      <div class="card">
 			<div class="card-img">
 			  <img class="card-img-right" src="img/cards/alex-abdo.png" />
 			<div class="card-text">
 			  <div class="card-quote">
 			    “At the end of the day we're lawyers, and so 
 			    we're going to be exchanging documents and emails, and the 
 			    core of that is&mdash;the security for that is GPG.”
 			  <div class="card-meta">
 			    <div class="card-name">Alex Abdo</div>
 			    <div class="card-title">Staff Attorney</div>
 			    <div class="card-org">American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)</div>
 		    <div class="col-xs-4">
 		      <div class="card">
 			<div class="card-img">
 			  <img class="card-img-left" src="img/cards/sheera-frenkel.png" />
 			<div class="card-text">
 			  <div class="card-quote card-quote-long">
 			    “I was <!--recently--> speaking with a source <!-- about a potential
 			    story--> in Russia. I ran him through how to use GPG, and he
 			    recently sent me his first encrypted email and <!-- at the end
 			    of it, he--> said: ‘Thank you so much, it's really made
 			    me feel better, it made me feel like you care about my
 			    being safe.’ ”
 			  <div class="card-meta">
 			    <div class="card-name">Sheera Frenkel</div>
 			    <div class="card-title">Foreign Correspondent</div>
 			    <div class="card-org">BuzzFeed News</div>
 		<div class="item">
 		  <!-- Slide 2 -->
 		  <div class="row">
 		    <div class="col-xs-4">
 		      <div class="card">
 			<div class="card-img">
 			  <img class="card-img-right" src="img/cards/daniel-kahn-gillmore.png" />
 			<div class="card-text">
 			  <div class="card-quote">
 			    “Whether or not you have a GPG key, whether
 			    or not you ever send encrypted mail,
 			    you're relying on GPG to ensure that your
 			    software updates actually work the way
 			    that you expect.”  <!-- You're relying on a
 			    bunch of other stuff as well, but without
 			    GPG that other stuff wouldn't actually be
 			    effective. -->
 			  <div class="card-meta">
 			    <div class="card-name">Daniel Kahn Gillmore</div>
 			    <!-- <div class="card-title">Debian Developer</div> -->
 			    <div class="card-title">Senior Staff Technologist</div>
 			    <div class="card-org">American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)</div>
 		    <div class="col-xs-4">
 		      <div class="card">
 			<div class="card-img">
 			  <img class="card-img-left" src="img/cards/geoffrey-king.png" />
 			<div class="card-text">
 			  <div class="card-quote">
 			    “GPG is vital for protecting certain attorney-client conversations.”
 			  <div class="card-meta">
 			    <div class="card-name">Geoffrey King</div>
 			    <div class="card-title">First Amendment Lawyer</div>
 			    <div class="card-title">Journalist</div>
 		    <div class="col-xs-4">
 		      <div class="card">
 			<div class="card-img">
 			  <img class="card-img-right" src="img/cards/jason-reich.png" />
 			<div class="card-text">
 			  <div class="card-quote card-quote-long">
 			    “GPG is <!-- a&mdash;the way that I describe it&mdash;is--> part of a balanced
 			    breakfast of any reporter especially one who wants to protect their
 			    sources, and be able to be reached for leaks and things of that
 			  <div class="card-meta">
 			    <div class="card-name">Jason Reich</div>
 			    <div class="card-title">Directory of Security</div>
 			    <div class="card-org">BuzzFeed</div>
 		<div class="item">
 		  <!-- Slide 3 -->
 		  <div class="row">
 		    <div class="col-xs-4">
 		      <div class="card">
 			<div class="card-img">
 			  <img class="card-img-left" src="img/cards/tom-lowenthal.png" />
 			<div class="card-text">
 			  <div class="card-quote">
 			    “The journalists we serve trust us to know the best ways
 			    to protect them.  And our use of the most secure, most
 			    practical tools available, like GPG, fulfills our duty
 			    to keep them safe.”
 			  <div class="card-meta">
 			    <div class="card-name">Tom Lowenthal</div>
 			    <div class="card-title">Staff Technologist</div>
 			    <div class="card-org">Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ)</div>
 		    <div class="col-xs-4">
 		      <div class="card">
 			<div class="card-img">
 			  <img class="card-img-left" src="img/cards/arthur-jordan.png" />
 			<div class="card-text">
 			  <div class="card-quote">
 			    “We feel very safe using GPG to protect student data when we're doing
 			    file exchanges with universities.  It gives us a lot of comfort.”
 			  <div class="card-meta">
 			    <div class="card-name">Arthur Jordan</div>
 			    <div class="card-title">Vice President of Information Technology</div>
 			    <div class="card-title">2U</div>
 		    <div class="col-xs-4">
 		      <div class="card">
 			<div class="card-img">
 			  <img class="card-img-left" src="img/cards/cindy-cohn.png" />
 			<div class="card-text">
 			  <div class="card-quote card-quote-long">
 			    “I think of GPG as one of the core tools
 			    that we need if we're going to have
 			    functioning self-government in the United
 			    States or around the world in the digital
 			  <div class="card-meta">
 			    <div class="card-name">Cindy Cohn</div>
 			    <div class="card-title">Executive Director</div>
 			    <div class="card-org">Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF)</div>
 		<div class="item">
 		  <!-- Slide 4 -->
 		  <div class="row">
 		    <div class="col-xs-4">
 		      <div class="card">
 			<div class="card-img">
 			  <img class="card-img-left" src="img/cards/sheera-frenkel.png" />
 			<div class="card-text">
 			  <div class="card-quote card-quote-long">
 			    “As a news organization, we're trained on using GPG. It's about your
 			    sources and what happens to them when you leave the country and you
 			    publish that explosive story and the government is looking for the
 			    whistleblower that handed you that key piece of information.”
 			  <div class="card-meta">
 			    <div class="card-name">Sheera Frenkel</div>
 			    <div class="card-title">Foreign Correspondent</div>
 			    <div class="card-org">BuzzFeed News</div>
 		    <div class="col-xs-4">
 		      <div class="card">
 			<div class="card-img">
 			  <img class="card-img-right" src="img/cards/noah-vesely.png" />
 			<div class="card-text">
 			  <div class="card-quote">
 			    “We [at SecureDrop] decided on GPG instead of other
 			    alternatives, in large part due to the fact that GPG is
 			    the most well-known and most used tool for asymmetric
 			  <div class="card-meta">
 			    <div class="card-name">Noah Vesely</div>
 			    <div class="card-title">Software Engineer</div>
 			    <div class="card-org">Freedom of the Press Foundation</div>
 		    <div class="col-xs-4">
 		      <div class="card">
 			<div class="card-img">
 			  <img class="card-img-left" src="img/cards/arthur-jordan.png" />
 			<div class="card-text">
 			  <div class="card-quote card-quote-long">
 			    “When we reached out to universities about how they wanted to do
 			    secure file transfer, they were already using GPG encryption.”
 			  <div class="card-meta">
 			    <div class="card-name">Arthur Jordan</div>
 			    <div class="card-title">Vice President of Information Technology</div>
 			    <div class="card-org">2U</div>
 		<div class="item active">
 		  <!-- Slide 5 -->
 		  <div class="row">
 		    <div class="col-xs-4">
 		      <div class="card">
 			<div class="card-img">
 			  <img class="card-img-left" src="img/cards/geoffrey-king.png" />
 			<div class="card-text">
 			  <div class="card-quote card-quote-long">
 			    “For me personally, I think what GPG's
 			    been most helpful for is opening up access
 			    to people I could not otherwise
 			    communicate with and either help or tell
 			    their story.”
 			  <div class="card-meta">
 			    <div class="card-name">Geoffrey King</div>
 			    <div class="card-title">First Amendment Lawyer</div>
 			    <div class="card-title">Journalist</div>
 		    <div class="col-xs-4">
 		      <div class="card">
 			<div class="card-img">
 			  <img class="card-img-left" src="img/cards/leez.png" />
 			<div class="card-text">
 			  <div class="card-quote card-quote-long">
 			    “But even if you are totally sure that you have nothing to hide, if you
 			    think that other people have things to hide and that it's a good idea
 			    for them to be able to hide those things, we think that <!-- you should be
 			    using these technologies, that -->you should be using GPG, because that
 			    helps protect those other people that really do need to use GPG.”
 			  <div class="card-meta">
 			    <div class="card-name">Leez</div>
 			    <div class="card-title">Technologist General</div>
 			    <div class="card-org">Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF)</div>
 		    <div class="col-xs-4">
 		      <div class="card">
 			<div class="card-img">
 			  <img class="card-img-left" src="img/cards/john-pershing.png" />
 			<div class="card-text">
 			  <div class="card-quote card-quote-long">
 			    “GPG hasn't saved our butt yet, but the
 			    fact that it is there is&mdash;it let's us
 			    sleep easier at night.”
 			  <div class="card-meta">
 			    <div class="card-name">John Pershing</div>
 			    <div class="card-title">Distinguished Developer</div>
 			    <div class="card-org">1010data</div>
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 	    <!-- CAROUSEL SM -->
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 	      <div class="carousel-inner" role="listbox">
 		<div class="item">
 		  <!-- Slide 1 SM -->
 		  <div class="row">
 		    <div class="col-sm-6 col-md-5 col-md-offset-1">
 		      <div class="card">
 			<div class="card-img">
 			  <img class="card-img-left" src="img/cards/cindy-cohn.png" />
 			<div class="card-text">
 			  <div class="card-quote">
 			    “GPG is the way that I most often communicate
 			    with people who are in need around the world.”
 			  <div class="card-meta">
 			    <div class="card-name">Cindy Cohn</div>
 			    <div class="card-title">Executive Director</div>
 			    <div class="card-org">Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF)</div>
 		    <div class="col-sm-6 col-md-5">
 		      <div class="card">
 			<div class="card-img">
 			  <img class="card-img-right" src="img/cards/alex-abdo.png" />
 			<div class="card-text">
 			  <div class="card-quote">
 			    “At the end of the day we're lawyers, and so 
 			    we're going to be exchanging documents and emails, and the 
 			    core of that is&mdash;the security for that is GPG.”
 			  <div class="card-meta">
 			    <div class="card-name">Alex Abdo</div>
 			    <div class="card-title">Staff Attorney</div>
 			    <div class="card-org">American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)</div>
 		<div class="item">
 		  <!-- Slide 2 SM -->
 		  <div class="row">
 		    <div class="col-sm-6 col-md-5 col-md-offset-1">
 		      <div class="card">
 			<div class="card-img">
 			  <img class="card-img-left" src="img/cards/sheera-frenkel.png" />
 			<div class="card-text">
 			  <div class="card-quote card-quote-long">
 			    “I was <!--recently--> speaking with a source <!-- about a potential
 			    story--> in Russia. I ran him through how to use GPG, and he
 			    recently sent me his first encrypted email and <!-- at the end
 			    of it, he--> said: ‘Thank you so much, it's really made
 			    me feel better, it made me feel like you care about my
 			    being safe.’ ”
 			  <div class="card-meta">
 			    <div class="card-name">Sheera Frenkel</div>
 			    <div class="card-title">Foreign Correspondent</div>
 			    <div class="card-org">BuzzFeed News</div>
 		    <div class="col-sm-6 col-md-5">
 		      <div class="card">
 			<div class="card-img">
 			  <img class="card-img-right" src="img/cards/daniel-kahn-gillmore.png" />
 			<div class="card-text">
 			  <div class="card-quote">
 			    “Whether or not you have a GPG key, whether
 			    or not you ever send encrypted mail,
 			    you're relying on GPG to ensure that your
 			    software updates actually work the way
 			    that you expect.”  <!-- You're relying on a
 			    bunch of other stuff as well, but without
 			    GPG that other stuff wouldn't actually be
 			    effective. -->
 			  <div class="card-meta">
 			    <div class="card-name">Daniel Kahn Gillmore</div>
 			    <!-- <div class="card-title">Debian Developer</div> -->
 			    <div class="card-title">Senior Staff Technologist</div>
 			    <div class="card-org">American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)</div>
 		<div class="item">
 		  <!-- Slide 3 SM -->
 		  <div class="row">
 		    <div class="col-sm-6 col-md-5 col-md-offset-1">
 		      <div class="card">
 			<div class="card-img">
 			  <img class="card-img-left" src="img/cards/geoffrey-king.png" />
 			<div class="card-text">
 			  <div class="card-quote">
 			    “GPG is vital for protecting certain attorney-client conversations.”
 			  <div class="card-meta">
 			    <div class="card-name">Geoffrey King</div>
 			    <div class="card-title">First Amendment Lawyer</div>
 			    <div class="card-title">Journalist</div>
 		    <div class="col-sm-6 col-md-5">
 		      <div class="card">
 			<div class="card-img">
 			  <img class="card-img-right" src="img/cards/jason-reich.png" />
 			<div class="card-text">
 			  <div class="card-quote card-quote-long">
 			    “GPG is <!-- a&mdash;the way that I describe it&mdash;is--> part of a balanced
 			    breakfast of any reporter especially one who wants to protect their
 			    sources, and be able to be reached for leaks and things of that
 			  <div class="card-meta">
 			    <div class="card-name">Jason Reich</div>
 			    <div class="card-title">Directory of Security</div>
 			    <div class="card-org">BuzzFeed</div>
 		<div class="item">
 		  <!-- Slide 4 SM -->
 		  <div class="row">
 		    <div class="col-sm-6 col-md-5 col-md-offset-1">
 		      <div class="card">
 			<div class="card-img">
 			  <img class="card-img-left" src="img/cards/tom-lowenthal.png" />
 			<div class="card-text">
 			  <div class="card-quote">
 			    “The journalists we serve trust us to know the best ways
 			    to protect them.  And our use of the most secure, most
 			    practical tools available, like GPG, fulfills our duty
 			    to keep them safe.”
 			  <div class="card-meta">
 			    <div class="card-name">Tom Lowenthal</div>
 			    <div class="card-title">Staff Technologist</div>
 			    <div class="card-org">Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ)</div>
 		    <div class="col-sm-6 col-md-5">
 		      <div class="card">
 			<div class="card-img">
 			  <img class="card-img-left" src="img/cards/arthur-jordan.png" />
 			<div class="card-text">
 			  <div class="card-quote">
 			    “We feel very safe using GPG to protect student data when we're doing
 			    file exchanges with universities.  It gives us a lot of comfort.”
 			  <div class="card-meta">
 			    <div class="card-name">Arthur Jordan</div>
 			    <div class="card-title">Vice President of Information Technology</div>
 			    <div class="card-org">2U</div>
 		<div class="item">
 		  <!-- Slide 5 SM -->
 		  <div class="row">
 		    <div class="col-sm-6 col-md-5 col-md-offset-1">
 		      <div class="card">
 			<div class="card-img">
 			  <img class="card-img-left" src="img/cards/cindy-cohn.png" />
 			<div class="card-text">
 			  <div class="card-quote card-quote-long">
 			    “I think of GPG as one of the core tools
 			    that we need if we're going to have
 			    functioning self-government in the United
 			    States or around the world in the digital
 			  <div class="card-meta">
 			    <div class="card-name">Cindy Cohn</div>
 			    <div class="card-title">Executive Director</div>
 			    <div class="card-org">Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF)</div>
 		    <div class="col-sm-6 col-md-5">
 		      <div class="card">
 			<div class="card-img">
 			  <img class="card-img-left" src="img/cards/sheera-frenkel.png" />
 			<div class="card-text">
 			  <div class="card-quote card-quote-long">
 			    “As a news organization, we're trained on using GPG. It's about your
 			    sources and what happens to them when you leave the country and you
 			    publish that explosive story and the government is looking for the
 			    whistleblower that handed you that key piece of information.”
 			  <div class="card-meta">
 			    <div class="card-name">Sheera Frenkel</div>
 			    <div class="card-title">Foreign Correspondent</div>
 			    <div class="card-org">BuzzFeed News</div>
 		<div class="item">
 		  <!-- Slide 6 SM -->
 		  <div class="row">
 		    <div class="col-sm-6 col-md-5 col-md-offset-1">
 		      <div class="card">
 			<div class="card-img">
 			  <img class="card-img-right" src="img/cards/noah-vesely.png" />
 			<div class="card-text">
 			  <div class="card-quote">
 			    “We [at SecureDrop] decided on GPG instead of other
 			    alternatives, in large part due to the fact that GPG is
 			    the most well-known and most used tool for asymmetric
 			  <div class="card-meta">
 			    <div class="card-name">Noah Vesely</div>
 			    <div class="card-title">Software Engineer</div>
 			    <div class="card-org">Freedom of the Press Foundation</div>
 		    <div class="col-sm-6 col-md-5">
 		      <div class="card">
 			<div class="card-img">
 			  <img class="card-img-left" src="img/cards/arthur-jordan.png" />
 			<div class="card-text">
 			  <div class="card-quote card-quote-long">
 			    “When we reached out to universities about how they wanted to do
 			    secure file transfer, they were already using GPG encryption.”
 			  <div class="card-meta">
 			    <div class="card-name">Arthur Jordan</div>
 			    <div class="card-title">Vice President of Information Technology</div>
 			    <div class="card-org">2U</div>
 		<div class="item active">
 		  <!-- Slide 7 SM -->
 		  <div class="row">
 		    <div class="col-sm-6 col-md-5 col-md-offset-1">
 		      <div class="card">
 			<div class="card-img">
 			  <img class="card-img-left" src="img/cards/geoffrey-king.png" />
 			<div class="card-text">
 			  <div class="card-quote card-quote-long">
 			    “For me personally, I think what GPG's
 			    been most helpful for is opening up access
 			    to people I could not otherwise
 			    communicate with and either help or tell
 			    their story.”
 			  <div class="card-meta">
 			    <div class="card-name">Geoffrey King</div>
 			    <div class="card-title">First Amendment Lawyer</div>
 			    <div class="card-org">Journalist</div>
 		    <div class="col-sm-6 col-md-5">
 		      <div class="card">
 			<div class="card-img">
 			  <img class="card-img-left" src="img/cards/leez.png" />
 			<div class="card-text">
 			  <div class="card-quote card-quote-long">
 			    “But even if you are totally sure that you have nothing to hide, if you
 			    think that other people have things to hide and that it's a good idea
 			    for them to be able to hide those things, we think that <!-- you should be
 			    using these technologies, that -->you should be using GPG, because that
 			    helps protect those other people that really do need to use GPG.”
 			  <div class="card-meta">
 			    <div class="card-name">Leez</div>
 			    <div class="card-title">Technologist General</div>
 			    <div class="card-org">Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF)</div>
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+	    <div id="myCarouselSmall" class="carousel slide visible-xs" data-interval="false">
 	      <div class="carousel-inner" role="listbox">
 		<div class="item">
 		  <!-- Slide 1 XS -->
 		  <div class="row">
 		    <div class="col-xs-12">
 		      <div class="card">
 			<div class="card-img">
 			  <img class="card-img-left" src="img/cards/cindy-cohn.png" />
 			<div class="card-text">
 			  <div class="card-quote">
 			    “GPG is the way that I most often communicate
 			    with people who are in need around the world.”
 			  <div class="card-meta">
 			    <div class="card-name">Cindy Cohn</div>
 			    <div class="card-title">Executive Director</div>
 			    <div class="card-org">Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF)</div>
 		<div class="item">
 		  <!-- Slide 2 SM -->
 		  <div class="row">
 		    <div class="col-xs-12">
 		      <div class="card">
 			<div class="card-img">
 			  <img class="card-img-right" src="img/cards/alex-abdo.png" />
 			<div class="card-text">
 			  <div class="card-quote">
 			    “At the end of the day we're lawyers, and so 
 			    we're going to be exchanging documents and emails, and the 
 			    core of that is&mdash;the security for that is GPG.”
 			  <div class="card-meta">
 			    <div class="card-name">Alex Abdo</div>
 			    <div class="card-title">Staff Attorney</div>
 			    <div class="card-org">American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)</div>
 		<div class="item">
 		  <!-- Slide 3 SM -->
 		  <div class="row">
 		    <div class="col-xs-12">
 		      <div class="card">
 			<div class="card-img">
 			  <img class="card-img-left" src="img/cards/sheera-frenkel.png" />
 			<div class="card-text">
 			  <div class="card-quote card-quote-long">
 			    “I was <!--recently--> speaking with a source <!-- about a potential
 			    story--> in Russia. I ran him through how to use GPG, and he
 			    recently sent me his first encrypted email and <!-- at the end
 			    of it, he--> said: ‘Thank you so much, it's really made
 			    me feel better, it made me feel like you care about my
 			    being safe.’ ”
 			  <div class="card-meta">
 			    <div class="card-name">Sheera Frenkel</div>
 			    <div class="card-title">Foreign Correspondent</div>
 			    <div class="card-org">BuzzFeed News</div>
 		<div class="item">
 		  <!-- Slide 4 SM -->
 		  <div class="row">
 		    <div class="col-xs-12">
 		      <div class="card">
 			<div class="card-img">
 			  <img class="card-img-right" src="img/cards/daniel-kahn-gillmore.png" />
 			<div class="card-text">
 			  <div class="card-quote">
 			    “Whether or not you have a GPG key, whether
 			    or not you ever send encrypted mail,
 			    you're relying on GPG to ensure that your
 			    software updates actually work the way
 			    that you expect.”  <!-- You're relying on a
 			    bunch of other stuff as well, but without
 			    GPG that other stuff wouldn't actually be
 			    effective. -->
 			  <div class="card-meta">
 			    <div class="card-name">Daniel Kahn Gillmore</div>
 			    <!-- <div class="card-title">Debian Developer</div> -->
 			    <div class="card-title">Senior Staff Technologist</div>
 			    <div class="card-org">American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)</div>
 		<div class="item">
 		  <!-- Slide 5 SM -->
 		  <div class="row">
 		    <div class="col-xs-12">
 		      <div class="card">
 			<div class="card-img">
 			  <img class="card-img-left" src="img/cards/geoffrey-king.png" />
 			<div class="card-text">
 			  <div class="card-quote">
 			    “GPG is vital for protecting certain attorney-client conversations.”
 			  <div class="card-meta">
 			    <div class="card-name">Geoffrey King</div>
 			    <div class="card-title">First Amendment Lawyer</div>
 			    <div class="card-title">Journalist</div>
 		<div class="item">
 		  <!-- Slide 6 SM -->
 		  <div class="row">
 		    <div class="col-xs-12">
 		      <div class="card">
 			<div class="card-img">
 			  <img class="card-img-right" src="img/cards/jason-reich.png" />
 			<div class="card-text">
 			  <div class="card-quote card-quote-long">
 			    “GPG is <!-- a&mdash;the way that I describe it&mdash;is--> part of a balanced
 			    breakfast of any reporter especially one who wants to protect their
 			    sources, and be able to be reached for leaks and things of that
 			  <div class="card-meta">
 			    <div class="card-name">Jason Reich</div>
 			    <div class="card-title">Directory of Security</div>
 			    <div class="card-org">BuzzFeed</div>
 		<div class="item">
 		  <!-- Slide 7 SM -->
 		  <div class="row">
 		    <div class="col-xs-12">
 		      <div class="card">
 			<div class="card-img">
 			  <img class="card-img-left" src="img/cards/tom-lowenthal.png" />
 			<div class="card-text">
 			  <div class="card-quote">
 			    “The journalists we serve trust us to know the best ways
 			    to protect them.  And our use of the most secure, most
 			    practical tools available, like GPG, fulfills our duty
 			    to keep them safe.”
 			  <div class="card-meta">
 			    <div class="card-name">Tom Lowenthal</div>
 			    <div class="card-title">Staff Technologist</div>
 			    <div class="card-org">Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ)</div>
 		<div class="item">
 		  <!-- Slide 8 SM -->
 		  <div class="row">
 		    <div class="col-xs-12">
 		      <div class="card">
 			<div class="card-img">
 			  <img class="card-img-left" src="img/cards/arthur-jordan.png" />
 			<div class="card-text">
 			  <div class="card-quote">
 			    “We feel very safe using GPG to protect student data when we're doing
 			    file exchanges with universities.  It gives us a lot of comfort.”
 			  <div class="card-meta">
 			    <div class="card-name">Arthur Jordan</div>
 			    <div class="card-title">Vice President of Information Technology</div>
 			    <div class="card-org">2U</div>
 		<div class="item">
 		  <!-- Slide 9 SM -->
 		  <div class="row">
 		    <div class="col-xs-12">
 		      <div class="card">
 			<div class="card-img">
 			  <img class="card-img-left" src="img/cards/cindy-cohn.png" />
 			<div class="card-text">
 			  <div class="card-quote card-quote-long">
 			    “I think of GPG as one of the core tools
 			    that we need if we're going to have
 			    functioning self-government in the United
 			    States or around the world in the digital
 			  <div class="card-meta">
 			    <div class="card-name">Cindy Cohn</div>
 			    <div class="card-title">Executive Director</div>
 			    <div class="card-org">Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF)</div>
 		<div class="item">
 		  <!-- Slide 10 SM -->
 		  <div class="row">
 		    <div class="col-xs-12">
 		      <div class="card">
 			<div class="card-img">
 			  <img class="card-img-left" src="img/cards/sheera-frenkel.png" />
 			<div class="card-text">
 			  <div class="card-quote card-quote-long">
 			    “As a news organization, we're trained on using GPG. It's about your
 			    sources and what happens to them when you leave the country and you
 			    publish that explosive story and the government is looking for the
 			    whistleblower that handed you that key piece of information.”
 			  <div class="card-meta">
 			    <div class="card-name">Sheera Frenkel</div>
 			    <div class="card-title">Foreign Correspondent</div>
 			    <div class="card-org">BuzzFeed News</div>
 		<div class="item">
 		  <!-- Slide 11 SM -->
 		  <div class="row">
 		    <div class="col-xs-12">
 		      <div class="card">
 			<div class="card-img">
 			  <img class="card-img-right" src="img/cards/noah-vesely.png" />
 			<div class="card-text">
 			  <div class="card-quote">
 			    “We [at SecureDrop] decided on GPG instead of other
 			    alternatives, in large part due to the fact that GPG is
 			    the most well-known and most used tool for asymmetric
 			  <div class="card-meta">
 			    <div class="card-name">Noah Vesely</div>
 			    <div class="card-title">Software Engineer</div>
 			    <div class="card-org">Freedom of the Press Foundation</div>
 		<div class="item">
 		  <!-- Slide 12 SM -->
 		  <div class="row">
 		    <div class="col-xs-12">
 		      <div class="card">
 			<div class="card-img">
 			  <img class="card-img-left" src="img/cards/arthur-jordan.png" />
 			<div class="card-text">
 			  <div class="card-quote card-quote-long">
 			    “When we reached out to universities about how they wanted to do
 			    secure file transfer, they were already using GPG encryption.”
 			  <div class="card-meta">
 			    <div class="card-name">Arthur Jordan</div>
 			    <div class="card-title">Vice President of Information Technology</div>
 			    <div class="card-org">2U</div>
 		<div class="item active">
 		  <!-- Slide 13 SM -->
 		  <div class="row">
 		    <div class="col-xs-12">
 		      <div class="card">
 			<div class="card-img">
 			  <img class="card-img-left" src="img/cards/geoffrey-king.png" />
 			<div class="card-text">
 			  <div class="card-quote card-quote-long">
 			    “For me personally, I think what GPG's
 			    been most helpful for is opening up access
 			    to people I could not otherwise
 			    communicate with and either help or tell
 			    their story.”
 			  <div class="card-meta">
 			    <div class="card-name">Geoffrey King</div>
 			    <div class="card-title">First Amendment Lawyer</div>
 			    <div class="card-title">Journalist</div>
 		<div class="item">
 		  <!-- Slide 14 SM -->
 		  <div class="row">
 		    <div class="col-xs-12">
 		      <div class="card">
 			<div class="card-img">
 			  <img class="card-img-left" src="img/cards/leez.png" />
 			<div class="card-text">
 			  <div class="card-quote card-quote-long">
 			    “But even if you are totally sure that you have nothing to hide, if you
 			    think that other people have things to hide and that it's a good idea
 			    for them to be able to hide those things, we think that <!-- you should be
 			    using these technologies, that -->you should be using GPG, because that
 			    helps protect those other people that really do need to use GPG.”
 			  <div class="card-meta">
 			    <div class="card-name">Leez</div>
 			    <div class="card-title">Technologist General</div>
 			    <div class="card-org">Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF)</div>
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     <!-- End of testimonials.  -->
     <div id="team" class="camp-gutter container">
       <div class="row">
 	<div class="col-xs-12">
 	  <h2>Who we are</h2>
       <div class="row">
 	<!-- Werner -->
 	<div class="camp-who col-md-6">
 	  <div class="media">
 	    <div class="media-left">
 	      <img class="media-object" src="img/team/werner.png" alt="Picture of Werner">
 	    <div class="media-body">
 	      <strong>Werner</strong> started GnuPG in 1997. He has 29
 	      years experience in software development. Werner is a
 	      long time free software supporter and co-founder of the
 	<!-- Neal -->
 	<div class="camp-who col-md-6">
 	  <div class="media">
 	    <div class="media-left">
 	      <img class="media-object" src="img/team/neal.png" alt="Picture of Neal">
 	    <div class="media-body">
 	      <strong>Neal</strong> started to work on GnuPG in 2015
 	      to support maintenance and development in all areas.
       <div class="row">
 	<!-- Justus -->
 	<div class="camp-who col-md-6">
 	  <div class="media">
 	    <div class="media-left">
 	      <img class="media-object" src="img/team/justus.png" alt="Picture of Justus">
 	    <div class="media-body">
 	      <strong>Justus</strong> started to work on GnuPG in 2015
 	      to support maintenance and development in all areas.
 	<!-- Marcus -->
 	<div class="camp-who col-md-6">
 	  <div class="media">
 	    <div class="media-left">
 	      <img class="media-object" src="img/team/marcus.png" alt="Picture of Marcus">
 	    <div class="media-body">
 	      <strong>Marcus</strong> is part of the free software
 	      community since 1997, when he joined the Debian
 	      project. Probably best known for his past work on
       <div class="row">
 	<!-- Kai -->
 	<div class="camp-who col-md-6">
 	  <div class="media">
 	    <div class="media-left">
 	      <img class="media-object" src="img/team/kai.png" alt="Picture of Kai">
 	    <div class="media-body">
 	      <strong>Kai</strong> is working on the Enigmail project since 2015.
 	<!-- Gniibe -->
 	<div class="camp-who col-md-6">
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 	    <div class="media-left">
 	      <img class="media-object" src="img/team/gniibe.png" alt="Picture of Niibe">
 	    <div class="media-body">
 	      <strong>Niibe</strong> is a long time free software
 	      hacker who joined the GnuPG project in 2011 and soon
 	      took over the development of the smartcard related
 	      code. He is also the person behind the Gnuk Token and
 	      the MEP game.
       <div class="camp-final-pitch row">
 	<div class="col">
 	    <a class="btn btn-primary btn-lg" style="margin-right: 10px" href="/donate.html" role="button">Donate now!</a>
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