diff --git a/web/share/campaign/campaign.js b/web/share/campaign/campaign.js index f71857b..e540012 100644 --- a/web/share/campaign/campaign.js +++ b/web/share/campaign/campaign.js @@ -1,157 +1,158 @@ /* Javascript for campaign related pages * * This code is Copyright 2017 The GnuPG Project and licensed * under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International * License. See the file copying.org for details. */ /* For mobile devices in landscape orientation, the navbar is in the way of the video. So hide it automatically then. */ $(document).ready(function() { $(".navbar-fixed-top").autoHidingNavbar({ disableAutohide: true, hideOffset: 20 }); check_autohide = function(event) { let hide = (screen.width < 768) && (screen.height < screen.width); $(".navbar-fixed-top").autoHidingNavbar("setDisableAutohide", !hide); if (!hide) { $(".navbar-fixed-top").autoHidingNavbar("show"); } }; $(window).on('orientationchange', check_autohide); check_autohide(); }); /* Random starting points for the testimonial carousel. */ $(document).ready(function() { let nr_items_lg = 3 * $("#myCarousel div.item").length; let nr_items_md = 2 * $("#myCarouselMedium div.item").length; let nr_items_xs = 1 * $("#myCarouselSmall div.item").length; let nr_items = Math.min(nr_items_lg, nr_items_md, nr_items_xs); let active_item = Math.trunc(nr_items * Math.random()); let active_slide_lg = Math.trunc(active_item / 3); let active_slide_md = Math.trunc(active_item / 2); let active_slide_xs = Math.trunc(active_item / 1); $("#myCarousel div.item").removeClass("active"); $("#myCarouselMedium div.item").removeClass("active"); $("#myCarouselSmall div.item").removeClass("active"); $("#myCarousel div.item").eq(active_slide_lg).addClass("active"); $("#myCarouselMedium div.item").eq(active_slide_md).addClass("active"); $("#myCarouselSmall div.item").eq(active_slide_xs).addClass("active"); }); /* Advance carousel by swiping. */ $(document).ready(function() { $('.carousel').bcSwipe({ threshold: 50 }); }); /* Fill donation amounts w/ javascript if possible. */ $(document).ready(function() { let vals = ["500", "200", "100", "50", "20", "10", "5"]; for (let idx = 0; idx < vals.length; ++idx) { let value = vals[idx]; $(".amount-btn-" + value.toString()).attr("href", "#"); $(".amount-btn-" + value.toString()).on("click", function(event) { $("#amountother").prop("value", value.toString()); $("#currency option").prop("selected", false); $("#currency option[value='EUR']").prop("selected", true); $("#recur option").prop("selected", false); $("#recur option[value='12']").prop("selected", true); event.preventDefault(); }); } }); function get_param_from_url(name) { let params = location.search.substring(1); // Snip away the ? params = params.split('&'); let idx = 0; for (; idx < params.length; idx++) { let param = params[idx].split('='); if (param[0] != name) { return; } if (param.length > 1) { return decodeURIComponent(param[1]); } return ""; } } /* Defer loading Youtube iframe until the user clicks on the video. */ $(document).ready(function() { let YTID = { "main": "wNHhkntqklg", "thenmozhi": "2V-6JdTsIns", "sze": "tKPMof5ptc0", "sheera": "zwPaVA4vhDM", "seanus": "H6iO_MkOICM", "noah": "neibFsqgxgw", "michael": "w4PY1ihLm0w", "matt": "MWxhdPw9I8c", "lisa": "Vd8sz5X-1og", "john": "xdVHQhWrIro", "jason": "RtvlfTiSEMc", "geoffrey": "Y4yat43CvEc", "daniel": "coFFCJlMRjk", "cindy": "kPSEYvmFLWY", "benjamin": "atFz16nInIs", "arthur": "Js_OqRLm9F4", "andrew": "DXiU9wewjn4", "andre": "bcNLlWqZ9d0", "alex": "1OMJWpdl0DA" }; /* For the video preview, we use this for devices without hover events. */ if ("ontouchstart" in document.documentElement) { $("body").addClass("touch"); } let wanted_yt_id = get_param_from_url('play'); $(".camp-video").each(function() { let yt_ids = $(this).data("embed").split(","); let yt_id_idx = yt_ids.indexOf(wanted_yt_id); if (yt_id_idx != -1) { $(this).data("embed", wanted_yt_id); $(this).children("img").attr("src", "/share/campaign/img/thumbs/" + wanted_yt_id + ".jpg"); } }); /* To download the thumbs in share/campaign/img/thumbs: for f in YTID1 YTID2 ...; do wget -O $f.jpg http://i1.ytimg.com/vi/$f/maxresdefault.jpg; done # or hqdefault.jpg */ /* Click handler for all videos. */ $(".camp-video").one("click", function() { let yt_id = $(this).data("embed").split(",")[0]; yt_id = YTID[yt_id]; // What if key does not exist? let yt_list = $(this).data("embed-list"); let extra_parms = ""; if (yt_list) { extra_parms = "&list=" + yt_list; } if (screen.width < 768) { extra_parms = extra_parms + "&cc_load_policy=1" } $(this).html(''); }); }); /* hide the note about recurring donations under the Paypal option. */ $(document).ready(function() { $("#recur").change(function() { - if (this.value !== 0) { + console.log + if (this.value === "0") { $("#paypal-note").hide(); } else { $("#paypal-note").show(); } }); });