diff --git a/dirmngr/ldap.c b/dirmngr/ldap.c index ad6b0889b..a9913cbe7 100644 --- a/dirmngr/ldap.c +++ b/dirmngr/ldap.c @@ -1,876 +1,881 @@ /* ldap.c - LDAP access * Copyright (C) 2002 Klarälvdalens Datakonsult AB * Copyright (C) 2003, 2004, 2005, 2007, 2008, 2010 g10 Code GmbH * * This file is part of DirMngr. * * DirMngr is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * DirMngr is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "dirmngr.h" #include "../common/exechelp.h" #include "crlfetch.h" #include "ldapserver.h" #include "misc.h" #include "ldap-wrapper.h" #include "../common/host2net.h" #define UNENCODED_URL_CHARS "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" \ "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ" \ "01234567890" \ "$-_.+!*'()," #define USERCERTIFICATE "userCertificate" #define CACERTIFICATE "caCertificate" #define X509CACERT "x509caCert" #define USERSMIMECERTIFICATE "userSMIMECertificate" /* Definition for the context of the cert fetch functions. */ struct cert_fetch_context_s { ksba_reader_t reader; /* The reader used (shallow copy). */ unsigned char *tmpbuf; /* Helper buffer. */ size_t tmpbufsize; /* Allocated size of tmpbuf. */ int truncated; /* Flag to indicate a truncated output. */ }; /* Add HOST and PORT to our list of LDAP servers. Fixme: We should better use an extra list of servers. */ static void add_server_to_servers (const char *host, int port) { ldap_server_t server; ldap_server_t last = NULL; const char *s; if (!port) port = 389; for (server=opt.ldapservers; server; server = server->next) { if (!strcmp (server->host, host) && server->port == port) return; /* already in list... */ last = server; } /* We assume that the host names are all supplied by our configuration files and thus are sane. To keep this assumption we must reject all invalid host names. */ for (s=host; *s; s++) if (!strchr ("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ" "01234567890.-", *s)) { log_error (_("invalid char 0x%02x in host name - not added\n"), *s); return; } log_info (_("adding '%s:%d' to the ldap server list\n"), host, port); server = xtrycalloc (1, sizeof *s); if (!server) log_error (_("malloc failed: %s\n"), strerror (errno)); else { server->host = xstrdup (host); server->port = port; if (last) last->next = server; else opt.ldapservers = server; } } /* Perform an LDAP query. Returns an gpg error code or 0 on success. The function returns a new reader object at READER. */ static gpg_error_t run_ldap_wrapper (ctrl_t ctrl, int ignore_timeout, int multi_mode, const char *proxy, const char *host, int port, const char *user, const char *pass, const char *dn, const char *filter, const char *attr, const char *url, ksba_reader_t *reader) { const char *argv[40]; int argc; char portbuf[30], timeoutbuf[30]; *reader = NULL; argc = 0; if (pass) /* Note, that the password must be the first item. */ { argv[argc++] = "--pass"; argv[argc++] = pass; } if (DBG_LOOKUP) argv[argc++] = "-vv"; else if (DBG_EXTPROG) argv[argc++] = "-v"; argv[argc++] = "--log-with-pid"; if (multi_mode) argv[argc++] = "--multi"; if (opt.ldaptimeout) { sprintf (timeoutbuf, "%u", opt.ldaptimeout); argv[argc++] = "--timeout"; argv[argc++] = timeoutbuf; if (ignore_timeout) argv[argc++] = "--only-search-timeout"; } if (proxy) { argv[argc++] = "--proxy"; argv[argc++] = proxy; } if (host) { argv[argc++] = "--host"; argv[argc++] = host; } if (port) { sprintf (portbuf, "%d", port); argv[argc++] = "--port"; argv[argc++] = portbuf; } if (user) { argv[argc++] = "--user"; argv[argc++] = user; } if (dn) { argv[argc++] = "--dn"; argv[argc++] = dn; } if (filter) { argv[argc++] = "--filter"; argv[argc++] = filter; } if (attr) { argv[argc++] = "--attr"; argv[argc++] = attr; } argv[argc++] = url? url : "ldap://"; argv[argc] = NULL; return ldap_wrapper (ctrl, reader, argv); } /* Perform a LDAP query using a given URL. On success a new ksba reader is returned. If HOST or PORT are not 0, they are used to override the values from the URL. */ gpg_error_t url_fetch_ldap (ctrl_t ctrl, const char *url, const char *host, int port, ksba_reader_t *reader) { gpg_error_t err; err = run_ldap_wrapper (ctrl, 1, /* Ignore explicit timeout because CRLs might be very large. */ 0, opt.ldap_proxy, host, port, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, url, reader); /* FIXME: This option might be used for DoS attacks. Because it will enlarge the list of servers to consult without a limit and all LDAP queries w/o a host are will then try each host in turn. */ if (!err && opt.add_new_ldapservers && !opt.ldap_proxy) { if (host) add_server_to_servers (host, port); else if (url) { char *tmp = host_and_port_from_url (url, &port); if (tmp) { add_server_to_servers (tmp, port); xfree (tmp); } } } /* If the lookup failed and we are not only using the proxy, we try again using our default list of servers. */ if (err && !(opt.ldap_proxy && opt.only_ldap_proxy)) { struct ldapserver_iter iter; if (DBG_LOOKUP) log_debug ("no hostname in URL or query failed; " "trying all default hostnames\n"); for (ldapserver_iter_begin (&iter, ctrl); err && ! ldapserver_iter_end_p (&iter); ldapserver_iter_next (&iter)) { ldap_server_t server = iter.server; err = run_ldap_wrapper (ctrl, 0, 0, NULL, server->host, server->port, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, url, reader); if (!err) break; } } return err; } /* Perform an LDAP query on all configured servers. On error the error code of the last try is returned. */ gpg_error_t attr_fetch_ldap (ctrl_t ctrl, const char *dn, const char *attr, ksba_reader_t *reader) { gpg_error_t err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_CONFIGURATION); struct ldapserver_iter iter; *reader = NULL; /* FIXME; we might want to look at the Base SN to try matching servers first. */ for (ldapserver_iter_begin (&iter, ctrl); ! ldapserver_iter_end_p (&iter); ldapserver_iter_next (&iter)) { ldap_server_t server = iter.server; err = run_ldap_wrapper (ctrl, 0, 0, opt.ldap_proxy, server->host, server->port, server->user, server->pass, dn, "objectClass=*", attr, NULL, reader); if (!err) break; /* Probably found a result. Ready. */ } return err; } /* Parse PATTERN and return a new strlist to be used for the actual LDAP query. Bit 0 of the flags field is set if that pattern is actually a base specification. Caller must release the returned strlist. NULL is returned on error. * Possible patterns: * * KeyID * Fingerprint * OpenPGP userid * x Email address Indicated by a left angle bracket. * Exact word match in user id or subj. name * x Subj. DN indicated bu a leading slash * Issuer DN * Serial number + subj. DN * x Substring match indicated by a leading '*; is also the default. */ strlist_t parse_one_pattern (const char *pattern) { strlist_t result = NULL; char *p; switch (*pattern) { case '<': /* Email. */ { pattern++; result = xmalloc (sizeof *result + 5 + strlen (pattern)); result->next = NULL; result->flags = 0; p = stpcpy (stpcpy (result->d, "mail="), pattern); if (p[-1] == '>') *--p = 0; if (!*result->d) /* Error. */ { xfree (result); result = NULL; } break; } case '/': /* Subject DN. */ pattern++; if (*pattern) { result = xmalloc (sizeof *result + strlen (pattern)); result->next = NULL; result->flags = 1; /* Base spec. */ strcpy (result->d, pattern); } break; case '#': /* Issuer DN. */ pattern++; if (*pattern == '/') /* Just issuer DN. */ { pattern++; } else /* Serial number + issuer DN */ { } break; case '*': pattern++; /* fall through */ default: /* Take as substring match. */ { const char format[] = "(|(sn=*%s*)(|(cn=*%s*)(mail=*%s*)))"; if (*pattern) { result = xmalloc (sizeof *result + strlen (format) + 3 * strlen (pattern)); result->next = NULL; result->flags = 0; sprintf (result->d, format, pattern, pattern, pattern); } } break; } return result; } /* Take the string STRING and escape it according to the URL rules. Return a newly allocated string. */ static char * escape4url (const char *string) { const char *s; char *buf, *p; size_t n; if (!string) string = ""; for (s=string,n=0; *s; s++) if (strchr (UNENCODED_URL_CHARS, *s)) n++; else n += 3; buf = malloc (n+1); if (!buf) return NULL; for (s=string,p=buf; *s; s++) if (strchr (UNENCODED_URL_CHARS, *s)) *p++ = *s; else { sprintf (p, "%%%02X", *(const unsigned char *)s); p += 3; } *p = 0; return buf; } /* Create a LDAP URL from DN and FILTER and return it in URL. We don't need the host and port because this will be specified using the override options. */ static gpg_error_t make_url (char **url, const char *dn, const char *filter) { gpg_error_t err; char *u_dn, *u_filter; char const attrs[] = (USERCERTIFICATE "," -/* USERSMIMECERTIFICATE "," */ + /* In 2005 wk mentioned in the changelog that + * work on the userSMIMECertificate has + * started but it seems that no further + * progress was made or the whole thing was + * simply forgotten. */ + /* USERSMIMECERTIFICATE "," */ CACERTIFICATE "," X509CACERT ); *url = NULL; u_dn = escape4url (dn); if (!u_dn) return gpg_error_from_errno (errno); u_filter = escape4url (filter); if (!u_filter) { err = gpg_error_from_errno (errno); xfree (u_dn); return err; } *url = strconcat ("ldap:///", u_dn, "?", attrs, "?sub?", u_filter, NULL); if (!*url) err = gpg_error_from_syserror (); else err = 0; xfree (u_dn); xfree (u_filter); return err; } /* Prepare an LDAP query to return the attribute ATTR for the DN. All configured default servers are queried until one responds. This function returns an error code or 0 and a CONTEXT on success. */ gpg_error_t start_default_fetch_ldap (ctrl_t ctrl, cert_fetch_context_t *context, const char *dn, const char *attr) { gpg_error_t err; struct ldapserver_iter iter; *context = xtrycalloc (1, sizeof **context); if (!*context) return gpg_error_from_errno (errno); /* FIXME; we might want to look at the Base SN to try matching servers first. */ err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_CONFIGURATION); for (ldapserver_iter_begin (&iter, ctrl); ! ldapserver_iter_end_p (&iter); ldapserver_iter_next (&iter)) { ldap_server_t server = iter.server; err = run_ldap_wrapper (ctrl, 0, 1, opt.ldap_proxy, server->host, server->port, server->user, server->pass, dn, "objectClass=*", attr, NULL, &(*context)->reader); if (!err) break; /* Probably found a result. */ } if (err) { xfree (*context); *context = NULL; } return err; } /* Prepare an LDAP query to return certificates matching PATTERNS using the SERVER. This function returns an error code or 0 and a CONTEXT on success. */ gpg_error_t start_cert_fetch_ldap (ctrl_t ctrl, cert_fetch_context_t *context, strlist_t patterns, const ldap_server_t server) { gpg_error_t err; char *proxy = NULL; char *host = NULL; int port; char *user = NULL; char *pass = NULL; const char *base; char *argv[50]; int argc = 0; int argc_malloced = 0; char portbuf[30], timeoutbuf[30]; int use_ldaps = 0; *context = NULL; if (opt.ldap_proxy && !(proxy = xtrystrdup (opt.ldap_proxy))) { err = gpg_error_from_syserror (); goto leave; } if (server) { if (server->host && !(host = xtrystrdup (server->host))) { err = gpg_error_from_syserror (); goto leave; } port = server->port; if (server->user && !(user = xtrystrdup (server->user))) { err = gpg_error_from_syserror (); goto leave; } if (server->pass && !(pass = xtrystrdup (server->pass))) { err = gpg_error_from_syserror (); goto leave; } base = server->base; use_ldaps = server->use_ldaps; } else /* Use a default server. */ return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED); if (!base) base = ""; if (pass) /* Note: Must be the first item. */ { argv[argc++] = "--pass"; argv[argc++] = pass; } if (DBG_LOOKUP) argv[argc++] = "-vv"; else if (DBG_EXTPROG) argv[argc++] = "-v"; argv[argc++] = "--log-with-pid"; argv[argc++] = "--multi"; if (opt.ldaptimeout) { snprintf (timeoutbuf, sizeof timeoutbuf, "%u", opt.ldaptimeout); argv[argc++] = "--timeout"; argv[argc++] = timeoutbuf; } if (opt.ldap_proxy) { argv[argc++] = "--proxy"; argv[argc++] = proxy; } if (use_ldaps) argv[argc++] = "--tls"; if (host) { argv[argc++] = "--host"; argv[argc++] = host; } if (port) { snprintf (portbuf, sizeof portbuf, "%d", port); argv[argc++] = "--port"; argv[argc++] = portbuf; } if (user) { argv[argc++] = "--user"; argv[argc++] = user; } /* All entries in argv from this index on are malloc'ed. */ argc_malloced = argc; for (; patterns; patterns = patterns->next) { strlist_t sl; char *url; if (argc >= DIM (argv) - 1) { /* Too many patterns. It does not make sense to allow an arbitrary number of patters because the length of the command line is limited anyway. */ /* fixme: cleanup. */ return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_RESOURCE_LIMIT); } sl = parse_one_pattern (patterns->d); if (!sl) { log_error (_("start_cert_fetch: invalid pattern '%s'\n"), patterns->d); err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_USER_ID); goto leave; } if ((sl->flags & 1)) err = make_url (&url, sl->d, "objectClass=*"); else err = make_url (&url, base, sl->d); free_strlist (sl); if (err) goto leave; argv[argc++] = url; } argv[argc] = NULL; *context = xtrycalloc (1, sizeof **context); if (!*context) { err = gpg_error_from_errno (errno); goto leave; } err = ldap_wrapper (ctrl, &(*context)->reader, (const char**)argv); if (err) { xfree (*context); *context = NULL; } leave: for (; argc_malloced < argc; argc_malloced++) xfree (argv[argc_malloced]); xfree (proxy); xfree (host); xfree (user); xfree (pass); return err; } /* Read a fixed amount of data from READER into BUFFER. */ static gpg_error_t read_buffer (ksba_reader_t reader, unsigned char *buffer, size_t count) { gpg_error_t err; size_t nread; while (count) { err = ksba_reader_read (reader, buffer, count, &nread); if (err) return err; buffer += nread; count -= nread; } return 0; } /* Fetch the next certificate. Return 0 on success, GPG_ERR_EOF if no (more) certificates are available or any other error code. GPG_ERR_TRUNCATED may be returned to indicate that the result has been truncated. */ gpg_error_t fetch_next_cert_ldap (cert_fetch_context_t context, unsigned char **value, size_t *valuelen) { gpg_error_t err; unsigned char hdr[5]; char *p, *pend; unsigned long n; int okay = 0; /* int is_cms = 0; */ *value = NULL; *valuelen = 0; err = 0; while (!err) { err = read_buffer (context->reader, hdr, 5); if (err) break; n = buf32_to_ulong (hdr+1); if (*hdr == 'V' && okay) { #if 0 /* That code is not yet ready. */ if (is_cms) { /* The certificate needs to be parsed from CMS data. */ ksba_cms_t cms; ksba_stop_reason_t stopreason; int i; err = ksba_cms_new (&cms); if (err) goto leave; err = ksba_cms_set_reader_writer (cms, context->reader, NULL); if (err) { log_error ("ksba_cms_set_reader_writer failed: %s\n", gpg_strerror (err)); goto leave; } do { err = ksba_cms_parse (cms, &stopreason); if (err) { log_error ("ksba_cms_parse failed: %s\n", gpg_strerror (err)); goto leave; } if (stopreason == KSBA_SR_BEGIN_DATA) log_error ("userSMIMECertificate is not " "a certs-only message\n"); } while (stopreason != KSBA_SR_READY); for (i=0; (cert=ksba_cms_get_cert (cms, i)); i++) { check_and_store (ctrl, stats, cert, 0); ksba_cert_release (cert); cert = NULL; } if (!i) log_error ("no certificate found\n"); else any = 1; } else #endif { *value = xtrymalloc (n); if (!*value) return gpg_error_from_errno (errno); *valuelen = n; err = read_buffer (context->reader, *value, n); break; /* Ready or error. */ } } else if (!n && *hdr == 'A') okay = 0; else if (n) { if (n > context->tmpbufsize) { xfree (context->tmpbuf); context->tmpbufsize = 0; context->tmpbuf = xtrymalloc (n+1); if (!context->tmpbuf) return gpg_error_from_errno (errno); context->tmpbufsize = n; } err = read_buffer (context->reader, context->tmpbuf, n); if (err) break; if (*hdr == 'A') { p = context->tmpbuf; p[n] = 0; /*(we allocated one extra byte for this.)*/ /* fixme: is_cms = 0; */ if ( (pend = strchr (p, ';')) ) *pend = 0; /* Strip off the extension. */ if (!ascii_strcasecmp (p, USERCERTIFICATE)) { if (DBG_LOOKUP) log_debug ("fetch_next_cert_ldap: got attribute '%s'\n", USERCERTIFICATE); okay = 1; } else if (!ascii_strcasecmp (p, CACERTIFICATE)) { if (DBG_LOOKUP) log_debug ("fetch_next_cert_ldap: got attribute '%s'\n", CACERTIFICATE); okay = 1; } else if (!ascii_strcasecmp (p, X509CACERT)) { if (DBG_LOOKUP) log_debug ("fetch_next_cert_ldap: got attribute '%s'\n", CACERTIFICATE); okay = 1; } /* else if (!ascii_strcasecmp (p, USERSMIMECERTIFICATE)) */ /* { */ /* if (DBG_LOOKUP) */ /* log_debug ("fetch_next_cert_ldap: got attribute '%s'\n", */ /* USERSMIMECERTIFICATE); */ /* okay = 1; */ /* is_cms = 1; */ /* } */ else { if (DBG_LOOKUP) log_debug ("fetch_next_cert_ldap: got attribute '%s'" " - ignored\n", p); okay = 0; } } else if (*hdr == 'E') { p = context->tmpbuf; p[n] = 0; /*(we allocated one extra byte for this.)*/ if (!strcmp (p, "truncated")) { context->truncated = 1; log_info (_("ldap_search hit the size limit of" " the server\n")); } } } } if (err) { xfree (*value); *value = NULL; *valuelen = 0; if (gpg_err_code (err) == GPG_ERR_EOF && context->truncated) { context->truncated = 0; /* So that the next call would return EOF. */ err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_TRUNCATED); } } return err; } void end_cert_fetch_ldap (cert_fetch_context_t context) { if (context) { ksba_reader_t reader = context->reader; xfree (context->tmpbuf); xfree (context); ldap_wrapper_release_context (reader); ksba_reader_release (reader); } } diff --git a/doc/dirmngr.texi b/doc/dirmngr.texi index 846057bcf..05fa099e0 100644 --- a/doc/dirmngr.texi +++ b/doc/dirmngr.texi @@ -1,1247 +1,1252 @@ @c Copyright (C) 2002 Klar"alvdalens Datakonsult AB @c Copyright (C) 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 g10 Code GmbH @c This is part of the GnuPG manual. @c For copying conditions, see the file gnupg.texi. @include defs.inc @node Invoking DIRMNGR @chapter Invoking DIRMNGR @cindex DIRMNGR command options @cindex command options @cindex options, DIRMNGR command @manpage dirmngr.8 @ifset manverb .B dirmngr \- CRL and OCSP daemon @end ifset @mansect synopsis @ifset manverb .B dirmngr .RI [ options ] .I command .RI [ args ] @end ifset @mansect description Since version 2.1 of GnuPG, @command{dirmngr} takes care of accessing the OpenPGP keyservers. As with previous versions it is also used as a server for managing and downloading certificate revocation lists (CRLs) for X.509 certificates, downloading X.509 certificates, and providing access to OCSP providers. Dirmngr is invoked internally by @command{gpg}, @command{gpgsm}, or via the @command{gpg-connect-agent} tool. @manpause @noindent @xref{Option Index},for an index to @command{DIRMNGR}'s commands and options. @mancont @menu * Dirmngr Commands:: List of all commands. * Dirmngr Options:: List of all options. * Dirmngr Configuration:: Configuration files. * Dirmngr Signals:: Use of signals. * Dirmngr Examples:: Some usage examples. * Dirmngr Protocol:: The protocol dirmngr uses. @end menu @node Dirmngr Commands @section Commands @mansect commands Commands are not distinguished from options except for the fact that only one command is allowed. @table @gnupgtabopt @item --version @opindex version Print the program version and licensing information. Note that you cannot abbreviate this command. @item --help, -h @opindex help Print a usage message summarizing the most useful command-line options. Note that you cannot abbreviate this command. @item --dump-options @opindex dump-options Print a list of all available options and commands. Note that you cannot abbreviate this command. @item --server @opindex server Run in server mode and wait for commands on the @code{stdin}. The default mode is to create a socket and listen for commands there. This is only used for testing. @item --daemon @opindex daemon Run in background daemon mode and listen for commands on a socket. This is the way @command{dirmngr} is started on demand by the other GnuPG components. To force starting @command{dirmngr} it is in general best to use @code{gpgconf --launch dirmngr}. @item --supervised @opindex supervised Run in the foreground, sending logs to stderr, and listening on file descriptor 3, which must already be bound to a listening socket. This is useful when running under systemd or other similar process supervision schemes. This option is not supported on Windows. @item --list-crls @opindex list-crls List the contents of the CRL cache on @code{stdout}. This is probably only useful for debugging purposes. @item --load-crl @var{file} @opindex load-crl This command requires a filename as additional argument, and it will make Dirmngr try to import the CRL in @var{file} into it's cache. Note, that this is only possible if Dirmngr is able to retrieve the CA's certificate directly by its own means. In general it is better to use @code{gpgsm}'s @code{--call-dirmngr loadcrl filename} command so that @code{gpgsm} can help dirmngr. @item --fetch-crl @var{url} @opindex fetch-crl This command requires an URL as additional argument, and it will make dirmngr try to retrieve and import the CRL from that @var{url} into it's cache. This is mainly useful for debugging purposes. The @command{dirmngr-client} provides the same feature for a running dirmngr. @item --shutdown @opindex shutdown This commands shuts down an running instance of Dirmngr. This command has currently no effect. @item --flush @opindex flush This command removes all CRLs from Dirmngr's cache. Client requests will thus trigger reading of fresh CRLs. @end table @mansect options @node Dirmngr Options @section Option Summary Note that all long options with the exception of @option{--options} and @option{--homedir} may also be given in the configuration file after stripping off the two leading dashes. @table @gnupgtabopt @item --options @var{file} @opindex options Reads configuration from @var{file} instead of from the default per-user configuration file. The default configuration file is named @file{dirmngr.conf} and expected in the home directory. @item --homedir @var{dir} @opindex options Set the name of the home directory to @var{dir}. This option is only effective when used on the command line. The default is the directory named @file{.gnupg} directly below the home directory of the user unless the environment variable @code{GNUPGHOME} has been set in which case its value will be used. Many kinds of data are stored within this directory. @item -v @item --verbose @opindex v @opindex verbose Outputs additional information while running. You can increase the verbosity by giving several verbose commands to @sc{dirmngr}, such as @option{-vv}. @item --log-file @var{file} @opindex log-file Append all logging output to @var{file}. This is very helpful in seeing what the agent actually does. Use @file{socket://} to log to socket. @item --debug-level @var{level} @opindex debug-level Select the debug level for investigating problems. @var{level} may be a numeric value or by a keyword: @table @code @item none No debugging at all. A value of less than 1 may be used instead of the keyword. @item basic Some basic debug messages. A value between 1 and 2 may be used instead of the keyword. @item advanced More verbose debug messages. A value between 3 and 5 may be used instead of the keyword. @item expert Even more detailed messages. A value between 6 and 8 may be used instead of the keyword. @item guru All of the debug messages you can get. A value greater than 8 may be used instead of the keyword. The creation of hash tracing files is only enabled if the keyword is used. @end table How these messages are mapped to the actual debugging flags is not specified and may change with newer releases of this program. They are however carefully selected to best aid in debugging. @item --debug @var{flags} @opindex debug Set debug flags. All flags are or-ed and @var{flags} may be given in C syntax (e.g. 0x0042) or as a comma separated list of flag names. To get a list of all supported flags the single word "help" can be used. This option is only useful for debugging and the behavior may change at any time without notice. @item --debug-all @opindex debug-all Same as @code{--debug=0xffffffff} @item --tls-debug @var{level} @opindex tls-debug Enable debugging of the TLS layer at @var{level}. The details of the debug level depend on the used TLS library and are not set in stone. @item --debug-wait @var{n} @opindex debug-wait When running in server mode, wait @var{n} seconds before entering the actual processing loop and print the pid. This gives time to attach a debugger. @item --disable-check-own-socket @opindex disable-check-own-socket On some platforms @command{dirmngr} is able to detect the removal of its socket file and shutdown itself. This option disable this self-test for debugging purposes. @item -s @itemx --sh @itemx -c @itemx --csh @opindex s @opindex sh @opindex c @opindex csh Format the info output in daemon mode for use with the standard Bourne shell respective the C-shell. The default is to guess it based on the environment variable @code{SHELL} which is in almost all cases sufficient. @item --force @opindex force Enabling this option forces loading of expired CRLs; this is only useful for debugging. @item --use-tor @itemx --no-use-tor @opindex use-tor @opindex no-use-tor The option @option{--use-tor} switches Dirmngr and thus GnuPG into ``Tor mode'' to route all network access via Tor (an anonymity network). Certain other features are disabled in this mode. The effect of @option{--use-tor} cannot be overridden by any other command or even by reloading dirmngr. The use of @option{--no-use-tor} disables the use of Tor. The default is to use Tor if it is available on startup or after reloading dirmngr. @item --standard-resolver @opindex standard-resolver This option forces the use of the system's standard DNS resolver code. This is mainly used for debugging. Note that on Windows a standard resolver is not used and all DNS access will return the error ``Not Implemented'' if this option is used. Using this together with enabled Tor mode returns the error ``Not Enabled''. @item --recursive-resolver @opindex recursive-resolver When possible use a recursive resolver instead of a stub resolver. @item --resolver-timeout @var{n} @opindex resolver-timeout Set the timeout for the DNS resolver to N seconds. The default are 30 seconds. @item --connect-timeout @var{n} @item --connect-quick-timeout @var{n} @opindex connect-timeout @opindex connect-quick-timeout Set the timeout for HTTP and generic TCP connection attempts to N seconds. The value set with the quick variant is used when the --quick option has been given to certain Assuan commands. The quick value is capped at the value of the regular connect timeout. The default values are 15 and 2 seconds. Note that the timeout values are for each connection attempt; the connection code will attempt to connect all addresses listed for a server. @item --listen-backlog @var{n} @opindex listen-backlog Set the size of the queue for pending connections. The default is 64. @item --allow-version-check @opindex allow-version-check Allow Dirmngr to connect to @code{https://versions.gnupg.org} to get the list of current software versions. If this option is enabled the list is retrieved in case the local copy does not exist or is older than 5 to 7 days. See the option @option{--query-swdb} of the command @command{gpgconf} for more details. Note, that regardless of this option a version check can always be triggered using this command: @example gpg-connect-agent --dirmngr 'loadswdb --force' /bye @end example @item --keyserver @var{name} @opindex keyserver Use @var{name} as your keyserver. This is the server that @command{gpg} communicates with to receive keys, send keys, and search for keys. The format of the @var{name} is a URI: `scheme:[//]keyservername[:port]' The scheme is the type of keyserver: "hkp" for the HTTP (or compatible) keyservers, "ldap" for the LDAP keyservers, or "mailto" for the Graff email keyserver. Note that your particular installation of GnuPG may have other keyserver types available as well. Keyserver schemes are case-insensitive. After the keyserver name, optional keyserver configuration options may be provided. These are the same as the @option{--keyserver-options} of @command{gpg}, but apply only to this particular keyserver. Most keyservers synchronize with each other, so there is generally no need to send keys to more than one server. The keyserver @code{hkp://keys.gnupg.net} uses round robin DNS to give a different keyserver each time you use it. If exactly two keyservers are configured and only one is a Tor hidden service (.onion), Dirmngr selects the keyserver to use depending on whether Tor is locally running or not. The check for a running Tor is done for each new connection. If no keyserver is explicitly configured, dirmngr will use the built-in default of hkps://hkps.pool.sks-keyservers.net. @item --nameserver @var{ipaddr} @opindex nameserver In ``Tor mode'' Dirmngr uses a public resolver via Tor to resolve DNS names. If the default public resolver, which is @code{}, shall not be used a different one can be given using this option. Note that a numerical IP address must be given (IPv6 or IPv4) and that no error checking is done for @var{ipaddr}. @item --disable-ipv4 @item --disable-ipv6 @opindex disable-ipv4 @opindex disable-ipv6 Disable the use of all IPv4 or IPv6 addresses. @item --disable-ldap @opindex disable-ldap Entirely disables the use of LDAP. @item --disable-http @opindex disable-http Entirely disables the use of HTTP. @item --ignore-http-dp @opindex ignore-http-dp When looking for the location of a CRL, the to be tested certificate usually contains so called @dfn{CRL Distribution Point} (DP) entries which are URLs describing the way to access the CRL. The first found DP entry is used. With this option all entries using the @acronym{HTTP} scheme are ignored when looking for a suitable DP. @item --ignore-ldap-dp @opindex ignore-ldap-dp This is similar to @option{--ignore-http-dp} but ignores entries using the @acronym{LDAP} scheme. Both options may be combined resulting in ignoring DPs entirely. @item --ignore-ocsp-service-url @opindex ignore-ocsp-service-url Ignore all OCSP URLs contained in the certificate. The effect is to force the use of the default responder. @item --honor-http-proxy @opindex honor-http-proxy If the environment variable @env{http_proxy} has been set, use its value to access HTTP servers. @item --http-proxy @var{host}[:@var{port}] @opindex http-proxy @efindex http_proxy Use @var{host} and @var{port} to access HTTP servers. The use of this option overrides the environment variable @env{http_proxy} regardless whether @option{--honor-http-proxy} has been set. @item --ldap-proxy @var{host}[:@var{port}] @opindex ldap-proxy Use @var{host} and @var{port} to connect to LDAP servers. If @var{port} is omitted, port 389 (standard LDAP port) is used. This overrides any specified host and port part in a LDAP URL and will also be used if host and port have been omitted from the URL. @item --only-ldap-proxy @opindex only-ldap-proxy Never use anything else but the LDAP "proxy" as configured with @option{--ldap-proxy}. Usually @command{dirmngr} tries to use other configured LDAP server if the connection using the "proxy" failed. @item --ldapserverlist-file @var{file} @opindex ldapserverlist-file Read a list of LDAP servers to consult for CRLs and certificates from file. This servers from this list are used after any servers set by a client for its session. The default value for @var{file} is @file{dirmngr_ldapservers.conf}. This server list file contains one LDAP server per line in the format @sc{hostname:port:username:password:base_dn:flags} Lines starting with a @samp{#} are comments. The only defined flag is @code{ldaps} to specify that a TLS connections shall be used. Flags are comma delimited; unknown flags are ignored. Note that as usual all strings entered are expected to be UTF-8 encoded. Obviously this will lead to problems if the password has originally been encoded as Latin-1. There is no other solution here than to put such a password in the binary encoding into the file (i.e. non-ascii characters won't show up readable).@footnote{The @command{gpgconf} tool might be helpful for frontends as it enables editing this configuration file using percent-escaped strings.} @item --ldaptimeout @var{secs} @opindex ldaptimeout Specify the number of seconds to wait for an LDAP query before timing out. The default are 15 seconds. 0 will never timeout. @item --add-servers @opindex add-servers This option makes dirmngr add any servers it discovers when validating certificates against CRLs to the internal list of servers to consult for -certificates and CRLs. - -This option is useful when trying to validate a certificate that has -a CRL distribution point that points to a server that is not already -listed in the ldapserverlist. Dirmngr will always go to this server and -try to download the CRL, but chances are high that the certificate used -to sign the CRL is located on the same server. So if dirmngr doesn't add -that new server to list, it will often not be able to verify the -signature of the CRL unless the @code{--add-servers} option is used. - -Note: The current version of dirmngr has this option disabled by default. +certificates and CRLs. This option should in general not be used. + +This option might be useful when trying to validate a certificate that +has a CRL distribution point that points to a server that is not +already listed in the ldapserverlist. Dirmngr will always go to this +server and try to download the CRL, but chances are high that the +certificate used to sign the CRL is located on the same server. So if +dirmngr doesn't add that new server to list, it will often not be able +to verify the signature of the CRL unless the @code{--add-servers} +option is used. + +Caveat emptor: Using this option may enable denial-of-service attacks +and leak search requests to unknown third parties. This is because +arbitrary servers are added to the internal list of LDAP servers which +in turn is used for all unspecific LDAP queries as well as a fallback +for queries which did not return a result. @item --allow-ocsp @opindex allow-ocsp This option enables OCSP support if requested by the client. OCSP requests are rejected by default because they may violate the privacy of the user; for example it is possible to track the time when a user is reading a mail. @item --ocsp-responder @var{url} @opindex ocsp-responder Use @var{url} as the default OCSP Responder if the certificate does not contain information about an assigned responder. Note, that @code{--ocsp-signer} must also be set to a valid certificate. @item --ocsp-signer @var{fpr}|@var{file} @opindex ocsp-signer Use the certificate with the fingerprint @var{fpr} to check the responses of the default OCSP Responder. Alternatively a filename can be given in which case the response is expected to be signed by one of the certificates described in that file. Any argument which contains a slash, dot or tilde is considered a filename. Usual filename expansion takes place: A tilde at the start followed by a slash is replaced by the content of @env{HOME}, no slash at start describes a relative filename which will be searched at the home directory. To make sure that the @var{file} is searched in the home directory, either prepend the name with "./" or use a name which contains a dot. If a response has been signed by a certificate described by these fingerprints no further check upon the validity of this certificate is done. The format of the @var{FILE} is a list of SHA-1 fingerprint, one per line with optional colons between the bytes. Empty lines and lines prefix with a hash mark are ignored. @item --ocsp-max-clock-skew @var{n} @opindex ocsp-max-clock-skew The number of seconds a skew between the OCSP responder and them local clock is accepted. Default is 600 (10 minutes). @item --ocsp-max-period @var{n} @opindex ocsp-max-period Seconds a response is at maximum considered valid after the time given in the thisUpdate field. Default is 7776000 (90 days). @item --ocsp-current-period @var{n} @opindex ocsp-current-period The number of seconds an OCSP response is considered valid after the time given in the NEXT_UPDATE datum. Default is 10800 (3 hours). @item --max-replies @var{n} @opindex max-replies Do not return more that @var{n} items in one query. The default is 10. @item --ignore-cert-extension @var{oid} @opindex ignore-cert-extension Add @var{oid} to the list of ignored certificate extensions. The @var{oid} is expected to be in dotted decimal form, like @code{}. This option may be used more than once. Critical flagged certificate extensions matching one of the OIDs in the list are treated as if they are actually handled and thus the certificate won't be rejected due to an unknown critical extension. Use this option with care because extensions are usually flagged as critical for a reason. @item --hkp-cacert @var{file} Use the root certificates in @var{file} for verification of the TLS certificates used with @code{hkps} (keyserver access over TLS). If the file is in PEM format a suffix of @code{.pem} is expected for @var{file}. This option may be given multiple times to add more root certificates. Tilde expansion is supported. If no @code{hkp-cacert} directive is present, dirmngr will make a reasonable choice: if the keyserver in question is the special pool @code{hkps.pool.sks-keyservers.net}, it will use the bundled root certificate for that pool. Otherwise, it will use the system CAs. @end table @c @c Dirmngr Configuration @c @mansect files @node Dirmngr Configuration @section Configuration Dirmngr makes use of several directories when running in daemon mode: There are a few configuration files to control the operation of dirmngr. By default they may all be found in the current home directory (@pxref{option --homedir}). @table @file @item dirmngr.conf @efindex dirmngr.conf This is the standard configuration file read by @command{dirmngr} on startup. It may contain any valid long option; the leading two dashes may not be entered and the option may not be abbreviated. This file is also read after a @code{SIGHUP} however not all options will actually have an effect. This default name may be changed on the command line (@pxref{option --options}). You should backup this file. @item /etc/gnupg/trusted-certs This directory should be filled with certificates of Root CAs you are trusting in checking the CRLs and signing OCSP Responses. Usually these are the same certificates you use with the applications making use of dirmngr. It is expected that each of these certificate files contain exactly one @acronym{DER} encoded certificate in a file with the suffix @file{.crt} or @file{.der}. @command{dirmngr} reads those certificates on startup and when given a SIGHUP. Certificates which are not readable or do not make up a proper X.509 certificate are ignored; see the log file for details. Applications using dirmngr (e.g. gpgsm) can request these certificates to complete a trust chain in the same way as with the extra-certs directory (see below). Note that for OCSP responses the certificate specified using the option @option{--ocsp-signer} is always considered valid to sign OCSP requests. @item /etc/gnupg/extra-certs This directory may contain extra certificates which are preloaded into the internal cache on startup. Applications using dirmngr (e.g. gpgsm) can request cached certificates to complete a trust chain. This is convenient in cases you have a couple intermediate CA certificates or certificates usually used to sign OCSP responses. These certificates are first tried before going out to the net to look for them. These certificates must also be @acronym{DER} encoded and suffixed with @file{.crt} or @file{.der}. @item ~/.gnupg/crls.d This directory is used to store cached CRLs. The @file{crls.d} part will be created by dirmngr if it does not exists but you need to make sure that the upper directory exists. @end table Several options control the use of trusted certificates for TLS and CRLs. Here is an Overview on the use and origin of those Root CA certificates: @table @asis @item System These System root certificates are used by: FIXME The origin of the system provided certificates depends on the platform. On Windows all certificates from the Windows System Stores @code{ROOT} and @code{CA} are used. On other platforms the certificates are read from the first file found form this list: @file{/etc/ssl/ca-bundle.pem}, @file{/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt}, @file{/etc/pki/tls/cert.pem}, @file{/usr/local/share/certs/ca-root-nss.crt}, @file{/etc/ssl/cert.pem}. @item GnuPG The GnuPG specific certificates stored in the directory @file{/etc/gnupg/trusted-certs} are only used to validate CRLs. @c Note that dirmngr's VALIDATE command also uses them but that @c command is anyway only intended for debugging. @item OpenPGP keyserver For accessing the OpenPGP keyservers the only certificates used are those set with the configuration option @option{hkp-cacert}. @item OpenPGP keyserver pool This is usually only one certificate read from the file @file{@value{DATADIR}/gnupg/sks-keyservers.netCA.pem}. If this certificate exists it is used to access the special keyservers @code{hkps.pool.sks-keyservers.net} (or @file{hkps://keys.gnupg.net}). @end table Please note that @command{gpgsm} accepts Root CA certificates for its own purposes only if they are listed in its file @file{trustlist.txt}. @command{dirmngr} does not make use of this list - except FIXME. @mansect notes To be able to see diagnostics it is often useful to put at least the following lines into the configuration file @file{~/gnupg/dirmngr.conf}: @example log-file ~/dirmngr.log verbose @end example You may want to check the log file to see whether all desired root CA certificates are correctly loaded. To be able to perform OCSP requests you probably want to add the line: @example allow-ocsp @end example To make sure that new options are read or that after the installation of a new GnuPG versions the right dirmngr version is running, you should kill an existing dirmngr so that a new instance is started as needed by the otehr components: @example gpgconf --kill dirmngr @end example Direct interfaction with the dirmngr is possible by using the command @example gpg-connect-agent --dirmngr @end example Enter @code{HELP} at the prompt to see a list of commands and enter @code{HELP} followed by a command name to get help on that command. @c @c Dirmngr Signals @c @mansect signals @node Dirmngr Signals @section Use of signals A running @command{dirmngr} may be controlled by signals, i.e. using the @command{kill} command to send a signal to the process. Here is a list of supported signals: @table @gnupgtabopt @item SIGHUP @cpindex SIGHUP This signal flushes all internally cached CRLs as well as any cached certificates. Then the certificate cache is reinitialized as on startup. Options are re-read from the configuration file. Instead of sending this signal it is better to use @example gpgconf --reload dirmngr @end example @item SIGTERM @cpindex SIGTERM Shuts down the process but waits until all current requests are fulfilled. If the process has received 3 of these signals and requests are still pending, a shutdown is forced. You may also use @example gpgconf --kill dirmngr @end example instead of this signal @item SIGINT @cpindex SIGINT Shuts down the process immediately. @item SIGUSR1 @cpindex SIGUSR1 This prints some caching statistics to the log file. @end table @c @c Examples @c @mansect examples @node Dirmngr Examples @section Examples Here is an example on how to show dirmngr's internal table of OpenPGP keyserver addresses. The output is intended for debugging purposes and not part of a defined API. @example gpg-connect-agent --dirmngr 'keyserver --hosttable' /bye @end example To inhibit the use of a particular host you have noticed in one of the keyserver pools, you may use @example gpg-connect-agent --dirmngr 'keyserver --dead pgpkeys.bnd.de' /bye @end example The description of the @code{keyserver} command can be printed using @example gpg-connect-agent --dirmngr 'help keyserver' /bye @end example @c @c Assuan Protocol @c @manpause @node Dirmngr Protocol @section Dirmngr's Assuan Protocol Assuan is the IPC protocol used to access dirmngr. This is a description of the commands implemented by dirmngr. @menu * Dirmngr LOOKUP:: Look up a certificate via LDAP * Dirmngr ISVALID:: Validate a certificate using a CRL or OCSP. * Dirmngr CHECKCRL:: Validate a certificate using a CRL. * Dirmngr CHECKOCSP:: Validate a certificate using OCSP. * Dirmngr CACHECERT:: Put a certificate into the internal cache. * Dirmngr VALIDATE:: Validate a certificate for debugging. @end menu @node Dirmngr LOOKUP @subsection Return the certificate(s) found Lookup certificate. To allow multiple patterns (which are ORed) quoting is required: Spaces are to be translated into "+" or into "%20"; obviously this requires that the usual escape quoting rules are applied. The server responds with: @example S: D S: END S: D S: END S: OK @end example In this example 2 certificates are returned. The server may return any number of certificates; OK will also be returned when no certificates were found. The dirmngr might return a status line @example S: S TRUNCATED @end example To indicate that the output was truncated to N items due to a limitation of the server or by an arbitrary set limit. The option @option{--url} may be used if instead of a search pattern a complete URL to the certificate is known: @example C: LOOKUP --url CN%3DWerner%20Koch,o%3DIntevation%20GmbH,c%3DDE?userCertificate @end example If the option @option{--cache-only} is given, no external lookup is done so that only certificates from the cache are returned. With the option @option{--single}, the first and only the first match will be returned. Unless option @option{--cache-only} is also used, no local lookup will be done in this case. @node Dirmngr ISVALID @subsection Validate a certificate using a CRL or OCSP @example ISVALID [--only-ocsp] [--force-default-responder] @var{certid}|@var{certfpr} @end example Check whether the certificate described by the @var{certid} has been revoked. Due to caching, the Dirmngr is able to answer immediately in most cases. The @var{certid} is a hex encoded string consisting of two parts, delimited by a single dot. The first part is the SHA-1 hash of the issuer name and the second part the serial number. Alternatively the certificate's SHA-1 fingerprint @var{certfpr} may be given in which case an OCSP request is done before consulting the CRL. If the option @option{--only-ocsp} is given, no fallback to a CRL check will be used. If the option @option{--force-default-responder} is given, only the default OCSP responder will be used and any other methods of obtaining an OCSP responder URL won't be used. @noindent Common return values are: @table @code @item GPG_ERR_NO_ERROR (0) This is the positive answer: The certificate is not revoked and we have an up-to-date revocation list for that certificate. If OCSP was used the responder confirmed that the certificate has not been revoked. @item GPG_ERR_CERT_REVOKED This is the negative answer: The certificate has been revoked. Either it is in a CRL and that list is up to date or an OCSP responder informed us that it has been revoked. @item GPG_ERR_NO_CRL_KNOWN No CRL is known for this certificate or the CRL is not valid or out of date. @item GPG_ERR_NO_DATA The OCSP responder returned an ``unknown'' status. This means that it is not aware of the certificate's status. @item GPG_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED This is commonly seen if OCSP support has not been enabled in the configuration. @end table If DirMngr has not enough information about the given certificate (which is the case for not yet cached certificates), it will inquire the missing data: @example S: INQUIRE SENDCERT C: D C: END @end example A client should be aware that DirMngr may ask for more than one certificate. If Dirmngr has a certificate but the signature of the certificate could not been validated because the root certificate is not known to dirmngr as trusted, it may ask back to see whether the client trusts this the root certificate: @example S: INQUIRE ISTRUSTED C: D 1 C: END @end example Only this answer will let Dirmngr consider the certificate as valid. @node Dirmngr CHECKCRL @subsection Validate a certificate using a CRL Check whether the certificate with FINGERPRINT (SHA-1 hash of the entire X.509 certificate blob) is valid or not by consulting the CRL responsible for this certificate. If the fingerprint has not been given or the certificate is not known, the function inquires the certificate using: @example S: INQUIRE TARGETCERT C: D C: END @end example Thus the caller is expected to return the certificate for the request (which should match FINGERPRINT) as a binary blob. Processing then takes place without further interaction; in particular dirmngr tries to locate other required certificate by its own mechanism which includes a local certificate store as well as a list of trusted root certificates. @noindent The return code is 0 for success; i.e. the certificate has not been revoked or one of the usual error codes from libgpg-error. @node Dirmngr CHECKOCSP @subsection Validate a certificate using OCSP @example CHECKOCSP [--force-default-responder] [@var{fingerprint}] @end example Check whether the certificate with @var{fingerprint} (the SHA-1 hash of the entire X.509 certificate blob) is valid by consulting the appropriate OCSP responder. If the fingerprint has not been given or the certificate is not known by Dirmngr, the function inquires the certificate using: @example S: INQUIRE TARGETCERT C: D C: END @end example Thus the caller is expected to return the certificate for the request (which should match @var{fingerprint}) as a binary blob. Processing then takes place without further interaction; in particular dirmngr tries to locate other required certificates by its own mechanism which includes a local certificate store as well as a list of trusted root certificates. If the option @option{--force-default-responder} is given, only the default OCSP responder is used. This option is the per-command variant of the global option @option{--ignore-ocsp-service-url}. @noindent The return code is 0 for success; i.e. the certificate has not been revoked or one of the usual error codes from libgpg-error. @node Dirmngr CACHECERT @subsection Put a certificate into the internal cache Put a certificate into the internal cache. This command might be useful if a client knows in advance certificates required for a test and wants to make sure they get added to the internal cache. It is also helpful for debugging. To get the actual certificate, this command immediately inquires it using @example S: INQUIRE TARGETCERT C: D C: END @end example Thus the caller is expected to return the certificate for the request as a binary blob. @noindent The return code is 0 for success; i.e. the certificate has not been successfully cached or one of the usual error codes from libgpg-error. @node Dirmngr VALIDATE @subsection Validate a certificate for debugging Validate a certificate using the certificate validation function used internally by dirmngr. This command is only useful for debugging. To get the actual certificate, this command immediately inquires it using @example S: INQUIRE TARGETCERT C: D C: END @end example Thus the caller is expected to return the certificate for the request as a binary blob. @mansect see also @ifset isman @command{gpgsm}(1), @command{dirmngr-client}(1) @end ifset @include see-also-note.texi @c @c !!! UNDER CONSTRUCTION !!! @c @c @c @section Verifying a Certificate @c @c There are several ways to request services from Dirmngr. Almost all of @c them are done using the Assuan protocol. What we describe here is the @c Assuan command CHECKCRL as used for example by the dirmnr-client tool if @c invoked as @c @c @example @c dirmngr-client foo.crt @c @end example @c @c This command will send an Assuan request to an already running Dirmngr @c instance. foo.crt is expected to be a standard X.509 certificate and @c dirmngr will receive the Assuan command @c @c @example @c CHECKCRL @var [{fingerprint}] @c @end example @c @c @var{fingerprint} is optional and expected to be the SHA-1 has of the @c DER encoding of the certificate under question. It is to be HEX @c encoded. The rationale for sending the fingerprint is that it allows @c dirmngr to reply immediately if it has already cached such a request. If @c this is not the case and no certificate has been found in dirmngr's @c internal certificate storage, dirmngr will request the certificate using @c the Assuan inquiry @c @c @example @c INQUIRE TARGETCERT @c @end example @c @c The caller (in our example dirmngr-client) is then expected to return @c the certificate for the request (which should match @var{fingerprint}) @c as a binary blob. @c @c Dirmngr now passes control to @code{crl_cache_cert_isvalid}. This @c function checks whether a CRL item exists for target certificate. These @c CRL items are kept in a database of already loaded and verified CRLs. @c This mechanism is called the CRL cache. Obviously timestamps are kept @c there with each item to cope with the expiration date of the CRL. The @c possible return values are: @code{0} to indicate that a valid CRL is @c available for the certificate and the certificate itself is not listed @c in this CRL, @code{GPG_ERR_CERT_REVOKED} to indicate that the certificate is @c listed in the CRL or @code{GPG_ERR_NO_CRL_KNOWN} in cases where no CRL or no @c information is available. The first two codes are immediately returned to @c the caller and the processing of this request has been done. @c @c Only the @code{GPG_ERR_NO_CRL_KNOWN} needs more attention: Dirmngr now @c calls @code{clr_cache_reload_crl} and if this succeeds calls @c @code{crl_cache_cert_isvald) once more. All further errors are @c immediately returned to the caller. @c @c @code{crl_cache_reload_crl} is the actual heart of the CRL management. @c It locates the corresponding CRL for the target certificate, reads and @c verifies this CRL and stores it in the CRL cache. It works like this: @c @c * Loop over all crlDPs in the target certificate. @c * If the crlDP is invalid immediately terminate the loop. @c * Loop over all names in the current crlDP. @c * If the URL scheme is unknown or not enabled @c (--ignore-http-dp, --ignore-ldap-dp) continues with @c the next name. @c * @code{crl_fetch} is called to actually retrieve the CRL. @c In case of problems this name is ignore and we continue with @c the next name. Note that @code{crl_fetch} does only return @c a descriptor for the CRL for further reading so does the CRL @c does not yet end up in memory. @c * @code{crl_cache_insert} is called with that descriptor to @c actually read the CRL into the cache. See below for a @c description of this function. If there is any error (e.g. read @c problem, CRL not correctly signed or verification of signature @c not possible), this descriptor is rejected and we continue @c with the next name. If the CRL has been successfully loaded, @c the loop is terminated. @c * If no crlDP has been found in the previous loop use a default CRL. @c Note, that if any crlDP has been found but loading of the CRL failed, @c this condition is not true. @c * Try to load a CRL from all configured servers (ldapservers.conf) @c in turn. The first server returning a CRL is used. @c * @code(crl_cache_insert) is then used to actually insert the CRL @c into the cache. If this failed we give up immediately without @c checking the rest of the servers from the first step. @c * Ready. @c @c @c The @code{crl_cache_insert} function takes care of reading the bulk of @c the CRL, parsing it and checking the signature. It works like this: A @c new database file is created using a temporary file name. The CRL @c parsing machinery is started and all items of the CRL are put into @c this database file. At the end the issuer certificate of the CRL @c needs to be retrieved. Three cases are to be distinguished: @c @c a) An authorityKeyIdentifier with an issuer and serialno exits: The @c certificate is retrieved using @code{find_cert_bysn}. If @c the certificate is in the certificate cache, it is directly @c returned. Then the requester (i.e. the client who requested the @c CRL check) is asked via the Assuan inquiry ``SENDCERT'' whether @c he can provide this certificate. If this succeed the returned @c certificate gets cached and returned. Note, that dirmngr does not @c verify in any way whether the expected certificate is returned. @c It is in the interest of the client to return a useful certificate @c as otherwise the service request will fail due to a bad signature. @c The last way to get the certificate is by looking it up at @c external resources. This is done using the @code{ca_cert_fetch} @c and @code{fetch_next_ksba_cert} and comparing the returned @c certificate to match the requested issuer and seriano (This is @c needed because the LDAP layer may return several certificates as @c LDAP as no standard way to retrieve by serial number). @c @c b) An authorityKeyIdentifier with a key ID exists: The certificate is @c retrieved using @code{find_cert_bysubject}. If the certificate is @c in the certificate cache, it is directly returned. Then the @c requester is asked via the Assuan inquiry ``SENDCERT_SKI'' whether @c he can provide this certificate. If this succeed the returned @c certificate gets cached and returned. Note, that dirmngr does not @c verify in any way whether the expected certificate is returned. @c It is in the interest of the client to return a useful certificate @c as otherwise the service request will fail due to a bad signature. @c The last way to get the certificate is by looking it up at @c external resources. This is done using the @code{ca_cert_fetch} @c and @code{fetch_next_ksba_cert} and comparing the returned @c certificate to match the requested subject and key ID. @c @c c) No authorityKeyIdentifier exits: The certificate is retrieved @c using @code{find_cert_bysubject} without the key ID argument. If @c the certificate is in the certificate cache the first one with a @c matching subject is directly returned. Then the requester is @c asked via the Assuan inquiry ``SENDCERT'' and an exact @c specification of the subject whether he can @c provide this certificate. If this succeed the returned @c certificate gets cached and returned. Note, that dirmngr does not @c verify in any way whether the expected certificate is returned. @c It is in the interest of the client to return a useful certificate @c as otherwise the service request will fail due to a bad signature. @c The last way to get the certificate is by looking it up at @c external resources. This is done using the @code{ca_cert_fetch} @c and @code{fetch_next_ksba_cert} and comparing the returned @c certificate to match the requested subject; the first certificate @c with a matching subject is then returned. @c @c If no certificate was found, the function returns with the error @c GPG_ERR_MISSING_CERT. Now the signature is verified. If this fails, @c the error is returned. On success the @code{validate_cert_chain} is @c used to verify that the certificate is actually valid. @c @c Here we may encounter a recursive situation: @c @code{validate_cert_chain} needs to look at other certificates and @c also at CRLs to check whether these other certificates and well, the @c CRL issuer certificate itself are not revoked. FIXME: We need to make @c sure that @code{validate_cert_chain} does not try to lookup the CRL we @c are currently processing. This would be a catch-22 and may indicate a @c broken PKI. However, due to overlapping expiring times and imprecise @c clocks this may actually happen. @c @c For historical reasons the Assuan command ISVALID is a bit different @c to CHECKCRL but this is mainly due to different calling conventions. @c In the end the same fucntionality is used, albeit hidden by a couple @c of indirection and argument and result code mangling. It furthere @c ingetrages OCSP checking depending on options are the way it is @c called. GPGSM still uses this command but might eventually switch over @c to CHECKCRL and CHECKOCSP so that ISVALID can be retired. @c @c @c @section Validating a certificate @c @c We describe here how the internal function @code{validate_cert_chain} @c works. Note that mainly testing purposes this functionality may be @c called directly using @cmd{dirmngr-client --validate @file{foo.crt}}. @c @c The function takes the target certificate and a mode argument as @c parameters and returns an error code and optionally the closes @c expiration time of all certificates in the chain. @c @c We first check that the certificate may be used for the requested @c purpose (i.e. OCSP or CRL signing). If this is not the case @c GPG_ERR_WRONG_KEY_USAGE is returned. @c @c The next step is to find the trust anchor (root certificate) and to @c assemble the chain in memory: Starting with the target certificate, @c the expiration time is checked against the current date, unknown @c critical extensions are detected and certificate policies are matched @c (We only allow but I have no clue about that OID and from @c where I got it - it does not even seem to be assigned - debug cruft?). @c @c Now if this certificate is a self-signed one, we have reached the @c trust anchor. In this case we check that the signature is good, the @c certificate is allowed to act as a CA, that it is a trusted one (by @c checking whether it is has been put into the trusted-certs @c configuration directory) and finally prepend into to our list @c representing the certificate chain. This steps ends then. @c @c If it is not a self-signed certificate, we check that the chain won't @c get too long (current limit is 100), if this is the case we terminate @c with the error GPG_ERR_BAD_CERT_CHAIN. @c @c Now the issuer's certificate is looked up: If an @c authorityKeyIdentifier is available, this one is used to locate the @c certificate either using issuer and serialnumber or subject DN @c (i.e. the issuer's DN) and the keyID. The functions @c @code{find_cert_bysn) and @code{find_cert_bysubject} are used @c respectively. The have already been described above under the @c description of @code{crl_cache_insert}. If no certificate was found @c or with no authorityKeyIdentifier, only the cache is consulted using @c @code{get_cert_bysubject}. The latter is done under the assumption @c that a matching certificate has explicitly been put into the @c certificate cache. If the issuer's certificate could not be found, @c the validation terminates with the error code @code{GPG_ERR_MISSING_CERT}. @c @c If the issuer's certificate has been found, the signature of the @c actual certificate is checked and in case this fails the error @c #code{GPG_ERR_BAD_CERT_CHAIN} is returned. If the signature checks out, the @c maximum chain length of the issuing certificate is checked as well as @c the capability of the certificate (i.e. whether he may be used for @c certificate signing). Then the certificate is prepended to our list @c representing the certificate chain. Finally the loop is continued now @c with the issuer's certificate as the current certificate. @c @c After the end of the loop and if no error as been encountered @c (i.e. the certificate chain has been assempled correctly), a check is @c done whether any certificate expired or a critical policy has not been @c met. In any of these cases the validation terminates with an @c appropriate error. @c @c Finally the function @code{check_revocations} is called to verify no @c certificate in the assempled chain has been revoked: This is an @c recursive process because a CRL has to be checked for each certificate @c in the chain except for the root certificate, of which we already know @c that it is trusted and we avoid checking a CRL here due to common @c setup problems and the assumption that a revoked root certificate has @c been removed from the list of trusted certificates. @c @c @c @c @c @section Looking up certificates through LDAP. @c @c This describes the LDAP layer to retrieve certificates. @c the functions @code{ca_cert_fetch} and @code{fetch_next_ksba_cert} are @c used for this. The first one starts a search and the second one is @c used to retrieve certificate after certificate. @c diff --git a/tools/gpgconf-comp.c b/tools/gpgconf-comp.c index 919bcb357..dacc53328 100644 --- a/tools/gpgconf-comp.c +++ b/tools/gpgconf-comp.c @@ -1,3400 +1,3400 @@ /* gpgconf-comp.c - Configuration utility for GnuPG. * Copyright (C) 2004, 2007-2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc. * Copyright (C) 2016 Werner Koch * Copyright (C) 2020 g10 Code GmbH * * This file is part of GnuPG. * * GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with GnuPG; if not, see . */ #if HAVE_CONFIG_H #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef HAVE_SIGNAL_H # include #endif #include #ifdef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM # define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN 1 # include #else # include # include #endif #include "../common/util.h" #include "../common/i18n.h" #include "../common/exechelp.h" #include "../common/sysutils.h" #include "../common/status.h" #include "../common/gc-opt-flags.h" #include "gpgconf.h" #if (__GNUC__ > 2 || (__GNUC__ == 2 && __GNUC_MINOR__ >= 5 )) void gc_error (int status, int errnum, const char *fmt, ...) \ __attribute__ ((format (printf, 3, 4))); #endif /* Output a diagnostic message. If ERRNUM is not 0, then the output is followed by a colon, a white space, and the error string for the error number ERRNUM. In any case the output is finished by a newline. The message is prepended by the program name, a colon, and a whitespace. The output may be further formatted or redirected by the jnlib logging facility. */ void gc_error (int status, int errnum, const char *fmt, ...) { va_list arg_ptr; va_start (arg_ptr, fmt); log_logv (GPGRT_LOGLVL_ERROR, fmt, arg_ptr); va_end (arg_ptr); if (errnum) log_printf (": %s\n", strerror (errnum)); else log_printf ("\n"); if (status) { log_printf (NULL); log_printf ("fatal error (exit status %i)\n", status); gpgconf_failure (gpg_error_from_errno (errnum)); } } /* Forward declaration. */ static void gpg_agent_runtime_change (int killflag); static void scdaemon_runtime_change (int killflag); static void dirmngr_runtime_change (int killflag); static void keyboxd_runtime_change (int killflag); /* STRING_ARRAY is a malloced array with malloced strings. It is used * a space to store strings so that other objects may point to these * strings. It shall never be shrinked or any items changes. * STRING_ARRAY itself may be reallocated to increase the size of the * table. STRING_ARRAY_USED is the number of items currently used, * STRING_ARRAY_SIZE is the number of calloced slots. */ static char **string_array; static size_t string_array_used; static size_t string_array_size; /* Option configuration. */ /* An option might take an argument, or not. Argument types can be basic or complex. Basic types are generic and easy to validate. Complex types provide more specific information about the intended use, but can be difficult to validate. If you add to this enum, don't forget to update GC_ARG_TYPE below. YOU MUST NOT CHANGE THE NUMBERS OF THE EXISTING ENTRIES, AS THEY ARE PART OF THE EXTERNAL INTERFACE. */ typedef enum { /* Basic argument types. */ /* No argument. */ GC_ARG_TYPE_NONE = 0, /* A String argument. */ GC_ARG_TYPE_STRING = 1, /* A signed integer argument. */ GC_ARG_TYPE_INT32 = 2, /* An unsigned integer argument. */ GC_ARG_TYPE_UINT32 = 3, /* ADD NEW BASIC TYPE ENTRIES HERE. */ /* Complex argument types. */ /* A complete filename. */ GC_ARG_TYPE_FILENAME = 32, /* An LDAP server in the format HOSTNAME:PORT:USERNAME:PASSWORD:BASE_DN. */ GC_ARG_TYPE_LDAP_SERVER = 33, /* A 40 character fingerprint. */ GC_ARG_TYPE_KEY_FPR = 34, /* A user ID or key ID or fingerprint for a certificate. */ GC_ARG_TYPE_PUB_KEY = 35, /* A user ID or key ID or fingerprint for a certificate with a key. */ GC_ARG_TYPE_SEC_KEY = 36, /* A alias list made up of a key, an equal sign and a space separated list of values. */ GC_ARG_TYPE_ALIAS_LIST = 37, /* ADD NEW COMPLEX TYPE ENTRIES HERE. */ /* The number of the above entries. */ GC_ARG_TYPE_NR } gc_arg_type_t; /* For every argument, we record some information about it in the following struct. */ static const struct { /* For every argument type exists a basic argument type that can be used as a fallback for input and validation purposes. */ gc_arg_type_t fallback; /* Human-readable name of the type. */ const char *name; } gc_arg_type[GC_ARG_TYPE_NR] = { /* The basic argument types have their own types as fallback. */ { GC_ARG_TYPE_NONE, "none" }, { GC_ARG_TYPE_STRING, "string" }, { GC_ARG_TYPE_INT32, "int32" }, { GC_ARG_TYPE_UINT32, "uint32" }, /* Reserved basic type entries for future extension. */ { GC_ARG_TYPE_NR, NULL }, { GC_ARG_TYPE_NR, NULL }, { GC_ARG_TYPE_NR, NULL }, { GC_ARG_TYPE_NR, NULL }, { GC_ARG_TYPE_NR, NULL }, { GC_ARG_TYPE_NR, NULL }, { GC_ARG_TYPE_NR, NULL }, { GC_ARG_TYPE_NR, NULL }, { GC_ARG_TYPE_NR, NULL }, { GC_ARG_TYPE_NR, NULL }, { GC_ARG_TYPE_NR, NULL }, { GC_ARG_TYPE_NR, NULL }, { GC_ARG_TYPE_NR, NULL }, { GC_ARG_TYPE_NR, NULL }, { GC_ARG_TYPE_NR, NULL }, { GC_ARG_TYPE_NR, NULL }, { GC_ARG_TYPE_NR, NULL }, { GC_ARG_TYPE_NR, NULL }, { GC_ARG_TYPE_NR, NULL }, { GC_ARG_TYPE_NR, NULL }, { GC_ARG_TYPE_NR, NULL }, { GC_ARG_TYPE_NR, NULL }, { GC_ARG_TYPE_NR, NULL }, { GC_ARG_TYPE_NR, NULL }, { GC_ARG_TYPE_NR, NULL }, { GC_ARG_TYPE_NR, NULL }, { GC_ARG_TYPE_NR, NULL }, { GC_ARG_TYPE_NR, NULL }, /* The complex argument types have a basic type as fallback. */ { GC_ARG_TYPE_STRING, "filename" }, { GC_ARG_TYPE_STRING, "ldap server" }, { GC_ARG_TYPE_STRING, "key fpr" }, { GC_ARG_TYPE_STRING, "pub key" }, { GC_ARG_TYPE_STRING, "sec key" }, { GC_ARG_TYPE_STRING, "alias list" }, }; /* Every option has an associated expert level, than can be used to hide advanced and expert options from beginners. If you add to this list, don't forget to update GC_LEVEL below. YOU MUST NOT CHANGE THE NUMBERS OF THE EXISTING ENTRIES, AS THEY ARE PART OF THE EXTERNAL INTERFACE. */ typedef enum { /* The basic options should always be displayed. */ GC_LEVEL_BASIC, /* The advanced options may be hidden from beginners. */ GC_LEVEL_ADVANCED, /* The expert options should only be displayed to experts. */ GC_LEVEL_EXPERT, /* The invisible options should normally never be displayed. */ GC_LEVEL_INVISIBLE, /* The internal options are never exported, they mark options that are recorded for internal use only. */ GC_LEVEL_INTERNAL, /* ADD NEW ENTRIES HERE. */ /* The number of the above entries. */ GC_LEVEL_NR } gc_expert_level_t; /* A description for each expert level. */ static const struct { const char *name; } gc_level[] = { { "basic" }, { "advanced" }, { "expert" }, { "invisible" }, { "internal" } }; /* Option flags. The flags which are used by the components are defined by gc-opt-flags.h, included above. YOU MUST NOT CHANGE THE NUMBERS OF THE EXISTING FLAGS, AS THEY ARE PART OF THE EXTERNAL INTERFACE. */ /* Some entries in the emitted option list are not options, but mark the beginning of a new group of options. These entries have the GROUP flag set. Note that this is internally also known as a header line. */ #define GC_OPT_FLAG_GROUP (1UL << 0) /* The ARG_OPT flag for an option indicates that the argument is optional. This is never set for GC_ARG_TYPE_NONE options. */ #define GC_OPT_FLAG_ARG_OPT (1UL << 1) /* The LIST flag for an option indicates that the option can occur several times. A comma separated list of arguments is used as the argument value. */ #define GC_OPT_FLAG_LIST (1UL << 2) /* The RUNTIME flag for an option indicates that the option can be changed at runtime. */ #define GC_OPT_FLAG_RUNTIME (1UL << 3) /* A human-readable description for each flag. */ static const struct { const char *name; } gc_flag[] = { { "group" }, { "optional arg" }, { "list" }, { "runtime" }, { "default" }, { "default desc" }, { "no arg desc" }, { "no change" } }; /* Each option we want to support in gpgconf has the needed * information in a static list per componenet. This struct describes * the info for a single option. */ struct known_option_s { /* If this is NULL, then this is a terminator in an array of unknown * length. Otherwise it is the name of the option described by this * entry. The name must not contain a colon. */ const char *name; /* The option flags. */ unsigned long flags; /* The expert level. */ gc_expert_level_t level; /* The complex type of the option argument; the default of 0 is used * for a standard type as returned by --dump-option-table. */ gc_arg_type_t arg_type; }; typedef struct known_option_s known_option_t; /* The known options of the GC_COMPONENT_GPG_AGENT component. */ static known_option_t known_options_gpg_agent[] = { { "verbose", GC_OPT_FLAG_LIST|GC_OPT_FLAG_RUNTIME, GC_LEVEL_BASIC }, { "quiet", GC_OPT_FLAG_NONE|GC_OPT_FLAG_RUNTIME, GC_LEVEL_BASIC }, { "disable-scdaemon", GC_OPT_FLAG_NONE, GC_LEVEL_ADVANCED }, { "enable-ssh-support", GC_OPT_FLAG_NONE, GC_LEVEL_BASIC }, { "ssh-fingerprint-digest", GC_OPT_FLAG_RUNTIME, GC_LEVEL_EXPERT }, { "enable-putty-support", GC_OPT_FLAG_NONE, GC_LEVEL_BASIC }, { "enable-extended-key-format", GC_OPT_FLAG_RUNTIME, GC_LEVEL_INVISIBLE }, { "debug-level", GC_OPT_FLAG_ARG_OPT|GC_OPT_FLAG_RUNTIME, GC_LEVEL_ADVANCED}, { "log-file", GC_OPT_FLAG_RUNTIME, GC_LEVEL_ADVANCED, /**/ GC_ARG_TYPE_FILENAME }, { "faked-system-time", GC_OPT_FLAG_NONE, GC_LEVEL_INVISIBLE }, { "default-cache-ttl", GC_OPT_FLAG_RUNTIME, GC_LEVEL_BASIC }, { "default-cache-ttl-ssh", GC_OPT_FLAG_RUNTIME, GC_LEVEL_ADVANCED }, { "max-cache-ttl", GC_OPT_FLAG_RUNTIME, GC_LEVEL_EXPERT }, { "max-cache-ttl-ssh", GC_OPT_FLAG_RUNTIME, GC_LEVEL_EXPERT }, { "ignore-cache-for-signing", GC_OPT_FLAG_RUNTIME, GC_LEVEL_BASIC }, { "allow-emacs-pinentry", GC_OPT_FLAG_RUNTIME, GC_LEVEL_ADVANCED }, { "grab", GC_OPT_FLAG_RUNTIME, GC_LEVEL_EXPERT }, { "no-allow-external-cache", GC_OPT_FLAG_RUNTIME, GC_LEVEL_BASIC }, { "no-allow-mark-trusted", GC_OPT_FLAG_RUNTIME, GC_LEVEL_ADVANCED }, { "no-allow-loopback-pinentry", GC_OPT_FLAG_RUNTIME, GC_LEVEL_EXPERT }, { "enforce-passphrase-constraints", GC_OPT_FLAG_RUNTIME, GC_LEVEL_EXPERT }, { "min-passphrase-len", GC_OPT_FLAG_RUNTIME, GC_LEVEL_ADVANCED }, { "min-passphrase-nonalpha", GC_OPT_FLAG_RUNTIME, GC_LEVEL_EXPERT }, { "check-passphrase-pattern", GC_OPT_FLAG_RUNTIME, GC_LEVEL_EXPERT, /**/ GC_ARG_TYPE_FILENAME }, { "max-passphrase-days", GC_OPT_FLAG_RUNTIME, GC_LEVEL_EXPERT }, { "enable-passphrase-history", GC_OPT_FLAG_RUNTIME, GC_LEVEL_EXPERT }, { "pinentry-timeout", GC_OPT_FLAG_RUNTIME, GC_LEVEL_ADVANCED }, { NULL } }; /* The known options of the GC_COMPONENT_SCDAEMON component. */ static known_option_t known_options_scdaemon[] = { { "verbose", GC_OPT_FLAG_LIST|GC_OPT_FLAG_RUNTIME, GC_LEVEL_BASIC }, { "quiet", GC_OPT_FLAG_NONE, GC_LEVEL_BASIC }, { "no-greeting", GC_OPT_FLAG_NONE, GC_LEVEL_INVISIBLE }, { "reader-port", GC_OPT_FLAG_RUNTIME, GC_LEVEL_BASIC }, { "ctapi-driver", GC_OPT_FLAG_RUNTIME, GC_LEVEL_ADVANCED }, { "pcsc-driver", GC_OPT_FLAG_RUNTIME, GC_LEVEL_ADVANCED }, { "disable-ccid", GC_OPT_FLAG_RUNTIME, GC_LEVEL_EXPERT }, { "disable-pinpad", GC_OPT_FLAG_NONE|GC_OPT_FLAG_RUNTIME, GC_LEVEL_BASIC }, { "enable-pinpad-varlen", GC_OPT_FLAG_RUNTIME, GC_LEVEL_BASIC }, { "card-timeout", GC_OPT_FLAG_RUNTIME, GC_LEVEL_BASIC }, { "application-priority", GC_OPT_FLAG_RUNTIME, GC_LEVEL_ADVANCED }, { "debug-level", GC_OPT_FLAG_ARG_OPT|GC_OPT_FLAG_RUNTIME, GC_LEVEL_ADVANCED}, { "log-file", GC_OPT_FLAG_RUNTIME, GC_LEVEL_ADVANCED, GC_ARG_TYPE_FILENAME }, { "deny-admin", GC_OPT_FLAG_RUNTIME, GC_LEVEL_BASIC }, { NULL } }; /* The known options of the GC_COMPONENT_GPG component. */ static known_option_t known_options_gpg[] = { { "verbose", GC_OPT_FLAG_LIST, GC_LEVEL_BASIC }, { "quiet", GC_OPT_FLAG_NONE, GC_LEVEL_BASIC }, { "no-greeting", GC_OPT_FLAG_NONE, GC_LEVEL_INVISIBLE }, { "default-key", GC_OPT_FLAG_NONE, GC_LEVEL_BASIC }, { "encrypt-to", GC_OPT_FLAG_NONE, GC_LEVEL_BASIC }, { "group", GC_OPT_FLAG_LIST, GC_LEVEL_ADVANCED, GC_ARG_TYPE_ALIAS_LIST}, { "compliance", GC_OPT_FLAG_NONE, GC_LEVEL_EXPERT }, { "default-new-key-algo", GC_OPT_FLAG_NONE, GC_LEVEL_INVISIBLE }, { "trust-model", GC_OPT_FLAG_NONE, GC_LEVEL_INVISIBLE }, { "debug-level", GC_OPT_FLAG_ARG_OPT, GC_LEVEL_ADVANCED }, { "log-file", GC_OPT_FLAG_NONE, GC_LEVEL_ADVANCED, GC_ARG_TYPE_FILENAME }, { "auto-key-locate", GC_OPT_FLAG_NONE, GC_LEVEL_ADVANCED }, { "auto-key-import", GC_OPT_FLAG_NONE, GC_LEVEL_BASIC }, { "auto-key-retrieve", GC_OPT_FLAG_NONE, GC_LEVEL_EXPERT }, { "include-key-block", GC_OPT_FLAG_NONE, GC_LEVEL_BASIC }, { "disable-dirmngr", GC_OPT_FLAG_NONE, GC_LEVEL_EXPERT }, { "max-cert-depth", GC_OPT_FLAG_NONE, GC_LEVEL_INVISIBLE }, { "completes-needed", GC_OPT_FLAG_NONE, GC_LEVEL_INVISIBLE }, { "marginals-needed", GC_OPT_FLAG_NONE, GC_LEVEL_INVISIBLE }, /* The next is a pseudo option which we read via --gpgconf-list */ { "default_pubkey_algo", (GC_OPT_FLAG_ARG_OPT|GC_OPT_FLAG_NO_CHANGE), GC_LEVEL_INVISIBLE }, { NULL } }; /* The known options of the GC_COMPONENT_GPGSM component. */ static known_option_t known_options_gpgsm[] = { { "verbose", GC_OPT_FLAG_LIST, GC_LEVEL_BASIC }, { "quiet", GC_OPT_FLAG_NONE, GC_LEVEL_BASIC }, { "no-greeting", GC_OPT_FLAG_NONE, GC_LEVEL_INVISIBLE }, { "default-key", GC_OPT_FLAG_NONE, GC_LEVEL_BASIC }, { "encrypt-to", GC_OPT_FLAG_NONE, GC_LEVEL_BASIC }, { "disable-dirmngr", GC_OPT_FLAG_NONE, GC_LEVEL_EXPERT }, { "p12-charset", GC_OPT_FLAG_NONE, GC_LEVEL_ADVANCED }, { "keyserver", GC_OPT_FLAG_LIST, GC_LEVEL_BASIC, GC_ARG_TYPE_LDAP_SERVER }, { "compliance", GC_OPT_FLAG_NONE, GC_LEVEL_EXPERT }, { "debug-level", GC_OPT_FLAG_ARG_OPT, GC_LEVEL_ADVANCED }, { "log-file", GC_OPT_FLAG_NONE, GC_LEVEL_ADVANCED, GC_ARG_TYPE_FILENAME }, { "faked-system-time", GC_OPT_FLAG_NONE, GC_LEVEL_INVISIBLE }, { "disable-crl-checks", GC_OPT_FLAG_NONE, GC_LEVEL_BASIC }, { "enable-crl-checks", GC_OPT_FLAG_NONE, GC_LEVEL_INVISIBLE }, { "enable-ocsp", GC_OPT_FLAG_NONE, GC_LEVEL_ADVANCED }, { "include-certs", GC_OPT_FLAG_NONE, GC_LEVEL_EXPERT }, { "disable-policy-checks", GC_OPT_FLAG_NONE, GC_LEVEL_ADVANCED }, { "auto-issuer-key-retrieve", GC_OPT_FLAG_NONE, GC_LEVEL_BASIC }, { "cipher-algo", GC_OPT_FLAG_NONE, GC_LEVEL_ADVANCED }, { "disable-trusted-cert-crl-check", GC_OPT_FLAG_NONE, GC_LEVEL_EXPERT }, /* Pseudo option follows. */ { "default_pubkey_algo", (GC_OPT_FLAG_ARG_OPT|GC_OPT_FLAG_NO_CHANGE), GC_LEVEL_INVISIBLE }, { NULL } }; /* The known options of the GC_COMPONENT_DIRMNGR component. */ static known_option_t known_options_dirmngr[] = { { "verbose", GC_OPT_FLAG_LIST, GC_LEVEL_BASIC }, { "quiet", GC_OPT_FLAG_NONE, GC_LEVEL_BASIC }, { "no-greeting", GC_OPT_FLAG_NONE, GC_LEVEL_INVISIBLE }, { "resolver-timeout", GC_OPT_FLAG_NONE, GC_LEVEL_INVISIBLE }, { "nameserver", GC_OPT_FLAG_NONE, GC_LEVEL_INVISIBLE }, { "debug-level", GC_OPT_FLAG_ARG_OPT, GC_LEVEL_ADVANCED }, { "log-file", GC_OPT_FLAG_NONE, GC_LEVEL_ADVANCED, GC_ARG_TYPE_FILENAME }, { "faked-system-time", GC_OPT_FLAG_NONE, GC_LEVEL_INVISIBLE }, { "batch", GC_OPT_FLAG_NONE, GC_LEVEL_BASIC }, { "force", GC_OPT_FLAG_NONE, GC_LEVEL_BASIC }, { "use-tor", GC_OPT_FLAG_NONE, GC_LEVEL_BASIC }, { "keyserver", GC_OPT_FLAG_NONE, GC_LEVEL_BASIC }, { "disable-http", GC_OPT_FLAG_NONE, GC_LEVEL_ADVANCED }, { "ignore-http-dp", GC_OPT_FLAG_NONE, GC_LEVEL_ADVANCED }, { "http-proxy", GC_OPT_FLAG_NONE, GC_LEVEL_ADVANCED }, { "honor-http-proxy", GC_OPT_FLAG_NONE, GC_LEVEL_ADVANCED }, { "disable-ldap", GC_OPT_FLAG_NONE, GC_LEVEL_ADVANCED }, { "ignore-ldap-dp", GC_OPT_FLAG_NONE, GC_LEVEL_ADVANCED }, { "ldap-proxy", GC_OPT_FLAG_NONE, GC_LEVEL_BASIC }, { "only-ldap-proxy", GC_OPT_FLAG_NONE, GC_LEVEL_ADVANCED }, - { "add-servers", GC_OPT_FLAG_NONE, GC_LEVEL_ADVANCED }, + { "add-servers", GC_OPT_FLAG_NONE, GC_LEVEL_EXPERT }, { "ldaptimeout", GC_OPT_FLAG_NONE, GC_LEVEL_BASIC }, { "max-replies", GC_OPT_FLAG_NONE, GC_LEVEL_BASIC }, { "allow-ocsp", GC_OPT_FLAG_NONE, GC_LEVEL_BASIC }, { "ocsp-responder", GC_OPT_FLAG_NONE, GC_LEVEL_ADVANCED }, { "ocsp-signer", GC_OPT_FLAG_NONE, GC_LEVEL_ADVANCED }, { "allow-version-check", GC_OPT_FLAG_NONE, GC_LEVEL_BASIC }, { "ignore-ocsp-service-url", GC_OPT_FLAG_NONE, GC_LEVEL_ADVANCED }, { NULL } }; /* The known options of the GC_COMPONENT_KEYBOXD component. */ static known_option_t known_options_keyboxd[] = { { "verbose", GC_OPT_FLAG_LIST, GC_LEVEL_BASIC }, { "quiet", GC_OPT_FLAG_NONE, GC_LEVEL_BASIC }, { "log-file", GC_OPT_FLAG_NONE, GC_LEVEL_ADVANCED, GC_ARG_TYPE_FILENAME }, { "faked-system-time", GC_OPT_FLAG_NONE, GC_LEVEL_INVISIBLE }, { NULL } }; /* The known options of the GC_COMPONENT_PINENTRY component. */ static known_option_t known_options_pinentry[] = { { NULL } }; /* Our main option info object. We copy all required information from the * gpgrt_opt_t items but convert the flags value to bit flags. */ struct gc_option_s { const char *name; /* The same as gpgrt_opt_t.long_opt. */ const char *desc; /* The same as gpgrt_opt_t.description. */ unsigned int is_header:1; /* This is a header item. */ unsigned int is_list:1; /* This is a list style option. */ unsigned int opt_arg:1; /* The option's argument is optional. */ unsigned int runtime:1; /* The option is runtime changeable. */ unsigned int gpgconf_list:1; /* Mentioned by --gpgconf-list. */ unsigned int has_default:1; /* The option has a default value. */ unsigned int def_in_desc:1; /* The default is in the descrition. */ unsigned int no_arg_desc:1; /* The argument has a default ???. */ unsigned int no_change:1; /* User shall not change the option. */ unsigned int attr_ignore:1; /* The ARGPARSE_ATTR_IGNORE. */ unsigned int attr_force:1; /* The ARGPARSE_ATTR_FORCE. */ /* The expert level - copied from known_options. */ gc_expert_level_t level; /* The complex type - copied from known_options. */ gc_arg_type_t arg_type; /* The default value for this option. This is NULL if the option is not present in the component, the empty string if no default is available, and otherwise a quoted string. This is currently malloced.*/ char *default_value; /* The current value of this option. */ char *value; /* The new flags for this option. The only defined flag is actually GC_OPT_FLAG_DEFAULT, and it means that the option should be deleted. In this case, NEW_VALUE is NULL. */ unsigned long new_flags; /* The new value of this option. */ char *new_value; }; typedef struct gc_option_s gc_option_t; /* The information associated with each component. */ static struct { /* The name of the component. Some components don't have an * associated program, but are implemented directly by GPGConf. In * this case, PROGRAM is NULL. */ char *program; /* The displayed name of this component. Must not contain a colon * (':') character. */ const char *name; /* The gettext domain for the description DESC. If this is NULL, then the description is not translated. */ const char *desc_domain; /* The description of this component. */ const char *desc; /* The module name (GNUPG_MODULE_NAME_foo) as defined by * ../common/util.h. This value is used to get the actual installed * path of the program. 0 is used if no program for the component * is available. */ char module_name; /* The name for the configuration filename of this component. */ const char *option_config_filename; /* The static table of known options for this component. */ known_option_t *known_options; /* The runtime change callback. If KILLFLAG is true the component is killed and not just reloaded. */ void (*runtime_change) (int killflag); /* The table of known options as read from the component including * header lines and such. This is suitable to be passed to * gpgrt_argparser. Will be filled in by * retrieve_options_from_program. */ gpgrt_opt_t *opt_table; /* The full table including data from OPT_TABLE. The end of the * table is marked by NULL entry for NAME. Will be filled in by * retrieve_options_from_program. */ gc_option_t *options; } gc_component[GC_COMPONENT_NR] = { /* Note: The order of the items must match the order given in the * gc_component_id_t enumeration. The order is often used by * frontends to display the backend options thus do not change the * order without considering the user experience. */ { NULL }, /* DUMMY for GC_COMPONENT_ANY */ { GPG_NAME, GPG_DISP_NAME, "gnupg", N_("OpenPGP"), GNUPG_MODULE_NAME_GPG, GPG_NAME ".conf", known_options_gpg }, { GPGSM_NAME, GPGSM_DISP_NAME, "gnupg", N_("S/MIME"), GNUPG_MODULE_NAME_GPGSM, GPGSM_NAME ".conf", known_options_gpgsm }, { KEYBOXD_NAME, KEYBOXD_DISP_NAME, "gnupg", N_("Public Keys"), GNUPG_MODULE_NAME_KEYBOXD, KEYBOXD_NAME ".conf", known_options_keyboxd, keyboxd_runtime_change }, { GPG_AGENT_NAME, GPG_AGENT_DISP_NAME, "gnupg", N_("Private Keys"), GNUPG_MODULE_NAME_AGENT, GPG_AGENT_NAME ".conf", known_options_gpg_agent, gpg_agent_runtime_change }, { SCDAEMON_NAME, SCDAEMON_DISP_NAME, "gnupg", N_("Smartcards"), GNUPG_MODULE_NAME_SCDAEMON, SCDAEMON_NAME ".conf", known_options_scdaemon, scdaemon_runtime_change}, { DIRMNGR_NAME, DIRMNGR_DISP_NAME, "gnupg", N_("Network"), GNUPG_MODULE_NAME_DIRMNGR, DIRMNGR_NAME ".conf", known_options_dirmngr, dirmngr_runtime_change }, { "pinentry", "Pinentry", "gnupg", N_("Passphrase Entry"), GNUPG_MODULE_NAME_PINENTRY, NULL, known_options_pinentry } }; /* Structure used to collect error output of the component programs. */ struct error_line_s; typedef struct error_line_s *error_line_t; struct error_line_s { error_line_t next; /* Link to next item. */ const char *fname; /* Name of the config file (points into BUFFER). */ unsigned int lineno; /* Line number of the config file. */ const char *errtext; /* Text of the error message (points into BUFFER). */ char buffer[1]; /* Helper buffer. */ }; /* Initialization and finalization. */ static void gc_option_free (gc_option_t *o) { if (o == NULL || o->name == NULL) return; xfree (o->value); gc_option_free (o + 1); } static void gc_components_free (void) { int i; for (i = 0; i < DIM (gc_component); i++) gc_option_free (gc_component[i].options); } void gc_components_init (void) { atexit (gc_components_free); } /* Engine specific support. */ static void gpg_agent_runtime_change (int killflag) { gpg_error_t err = 0; const char *pgmname; const char *argv[5]; pid_t pid = (pid_t)(-1); int i = 0; pgmname = gnupg_module_name (GNUPG_MODULE_NAME_CONNECT_AGENT); if (!gnupg_default_homedir_p ()) { argv[i++] = "--homedir"; argv[i++] = gnupg_homedir (); } argv[i++] = "--no-autostart"; argv[i++] = killflag? "KILLAGENT" : "RELOADAGENT"; argv[i++] = NULL; if (!err) err = gnupg_spawn_process_fd (pgmname, argv, -1, -1, -1, &pid); if (!err) err = gnupg_wait_process (pgmname, pid, 1, NULL); if (err) gc_error (0, 0, "error running '%s %s': %s", pgmname, argv[1], gpg_strerror (err)); gnupg_release_process (pid); } static void scdaemon_runtime_change (int killflag) { gpg_error_t err = 0; const char *pgmname; const char *argv[9]; pid_t pid = (pid_t)(-1); int i = 0; (void)killflag; /* For scdaemon kill and reload are synonyms. */ /* We use "GETINFO app_running" to see whether the agent is already running and kill it only in this case. This avoids an explicit starting of the agent in case it is not yet running. There is obviously a race condition but that should not harm too much. */ pgmname = gnupg_module_name (GNUPG_MODULE_NAME_CONNECT_AGENT); if (!gnupg_default_homedir_p ()) { argv[i++] = "--homedir"; argv[i++] = gnupg_homedir (); } argv[i++] = "-s"; argv[i++] = "--no-autostart"; argv[i++] = "GETINFO scd_running"; argv[i++] = "/if ${! $?}"; argv[i++] = "scd killscd"; argv[i++] = "/end"; argv[i++] = NULL; if (!err) err = gnupg_spawn_process_fd (pgmname, argv, -1, -1, -1, &pid); if (!err) err = gnupg_wait_process (pgmname, pid, 1, NULL); if (err) gc_error (0, 0, "error running '%s %s': %s", pgmname, argv[4], gpg_strerror (err)); gnupg_release_process (pid); } static void dirmngr_runtime_change (int killflag) { gpg_error_t err = 0; const char *pgmname; const char *argv[6]; pid_t pid = (pid_t)(-1); pgmname = gnupg_module_name (GNUPG_MODULE_NAME_CONNECT_AGENT); argv[0] = "--no-autostart"; argv[1] = "--dirmngr"; argv[2] = killflag? "KILLDIRMNGR" : "RELOADDIRMNGR"; if (gnupg_default_homedir_p ()) argv[3] = NULL; else { argv[3] = "--homedir"; argv[4] = gnupg_homedir (); argv[5] = NULL; } if (!err) err = gnupg_spawn_process_fd (pgmname, argv, -1, -1, -1, &pid); if (!err) err = gnupg_wait_process (pgmname, pid, 1, NULL); if (err) gc_error (0, 0, "error running '%s %s': %s", pgmname, argv[2], gpg_strerror (err)); gnupg_release_process (pid); } static void keyboxd_runtime_change (int killflag) { gpg_error_t err = 0; const char *pgmname; const char *argv[6]; pid_t pid = (pid_t)(-1); pgmname = gnupg_module_name (GNUPG_MODULE_NAME_CONNECT_AGENT); argv[0] = "--no-autostart"; argv[1] = "--keyboxd"; argv[2] = killflag? "KILLKEYBOXD" : "RELOADKEYBOXD"; if (gnupg_default_homedir_p ()) argv[3] = NULL; else { argv[3] = "--homedir"; argv[4] = gnupg_homedir (); argv[5] = NULL; } if (!err) err = gnupg_spawn_process_fd (pgmname, argv, -1, -1, -1, &pid); if (!err) err = gnupg_wait_process (pgmname, pid, 1, NULL); if (err) gc_error (0, 0, "error running '%s %s': %s", pgmname, argv[2], gpg_strerror (err)); gnupg_release_process (pid); } /* Launch the gpg-agent or the dirmngr if not already running. */ gpg_error_t gc_component_launch (int component) { gpg_error_t err; const char *pgmname; const char *argv[5]; int i; pid_t pid; if (component < 0) { err = gc_component_launch (GC_COMPONENT_GPG_AGENT); if (!err) err = gc_component_launch (GC_COMPONENT_KEYBOXD); if (!err) err = gc_component_launch (GC_COMPONENT_DIRMNGR); return err; } if (!(component == GC_COMPONENT_GPG_AGENT || component == GC_COMPONENT_KEYBOXD || component == GC_COMPONENT_DIRMNGR)) { log_error ("%s\n", _("Component not suitable for launching")); gpgconf_failure (0); } if (gc_component_check_options (component, NULL, NULL)) { log_error (_("Configuration file of component %s is broken\n"), gc_component[component].name); if (!opt.quiet) log_info (_("Note: Use the command \"%s%s\" to get details.\n"), gc_component[component].name, " --gpgconf-test"); gpgconf_failure (0); } pgmname = gnupg_module_name (GNUPG_MODULE_NAME_CONNECT_AGENT); i = 0; if (!gnupg_default_homedir_p ()) { argv[i++] = "--homedir"; argv[i++] = gnupg_homedir (); } if (component == GC_COMPONENT_DIRMNGR) argv[i++] = "--dirmngr"; else if (component == GC_COMPONENT_KEYBOXD) argv[i++] = "--keyboxd"; argv[i++] = "NOP"; argv[i] = NULL; err = gnupg_spawn_process_fd (pgmname, argv, -1, -1, -1, &pid); if (!err) err = gnupg_wait_process (pgmname, pid, 1, NULL); if (err) gc_error (0, 0, "error running '%s%s%s': %s", pgmname, component == GC_COMPONENT_DIRMNGR? " --dirmngr" : component == GC_COMPONENT_KEYBOXD? " --keyboxd":"", " NOP", gpg_strerror (err)); gnupg_release_process (pid); return err; } static void do_runtime_change (int component, int killflag) { int runtime[GC_COMPONENT_NR] = { 0 }; if (component < 0) { for (component = 0; component < GC_COMPONENT_NR; component++) runtime [component] = 1; } else { log_assert (component >= 0 && component < GC_COMPONENT_NR); runtime [component] = 1; } /* Do the restart for the selected components. */ for (component = GC_COMPONENT_NR-1; component >= 0; component--) { if (runtime[component] && gc_component[component].runtime_change) (*gc_component[component].runtime_change) (killflag); } } /* Unconditionally restart COMPONENT. */ void gc_component_kill (int component) { do_runtime_change (component, 1); } /* Unconditionally reload COMPONENT or all components if COMPONENT is -1. */ void gc_component_reload (int component) { do_runtime_change (component, 0); } /* More or less Robust version of dgettext. It has the side effect of switching the codeset to utf-8 because this is what we want to output. In theory it is possible to keep the original code set and switch back for regular diagnostic output (redefine "_(" for that) but given the nature of this tool, being something invoked from other programs, it does not make much sense. */ static const char * my_dgettext (const char *domain, const char *msgid) { #ifdef USE_SIMPLE_GETTEXT if (domain) { static int switched_codeset; char *text; if (!switched_codeset) { switched_codeset = 1; gettext_use_utf8 (1); } if (!strcmp (domain, "gnupg")) domain = PACKAGE_GT; /* FIXME: we have no dgettext, thus we can't switch. */ text = (char*)gettext (msgid); return text ? text : msgid; } else return msgid; #elif defined(ENABLE_NLS) if (domain) { static int switched_codeset; char *text; if (!switched_codeset) { switched_codeset = 1; bind_textdomain_codeset (PACKAGE_GT, "utf-8"); bindtextdomain (DIRMNGR_NAME, LOCALEDIR); bind_textdomain_codeset (DIRMNGR_NAME, "utf-8"); } /* Note: This is a hack to actually use the gnupg2 domain as long we are in a transition phase where gnupg 1.x and 1.9 may coexist. */ if (!strcmp (domain, "gnupg")) domain = PACKAGE_GT; text = dgettext (domain, msgid); return text ? text : msgid; } else return msgid; #else (void)domain; return msgid; #endif } /* Percent-Escape special characters. The string is valid until the next invocation of the function. */ char * gc_percent_escape (const char *src) { static char *esc_str; static int esc_str_len; int new_len = 3 * strlen (src) + 1; char *dst; if (esc_str_len < new_len) { char *new_esc_str = xrealloc (esc_str, new_len); esc_str = new_esc_str; esc_str_len = new_len; } dst = esc_str; while (*src) { if (*src == '%') { *(dst++) = '%'; *(dst++) = '2'; *(dst++) = '5'; } else if (*src == ':') { /* The colon is used as field separator. */ *(dst++) = '%'; *(dst++) = '3'; *(dst++) = 'a'; } else if (*src == ',') { /* The comma is used as list separator. */ *(dst++) = '%'; *(dst++) = '2'; *(dst++) = 'c'; } else if (*src == '\n') { /* The newline is problematic in a line-based format. */ *(dst++) = '%'; *(dst++) = '0'; *(dst++) = 'a'; } else *(dst++) = *(src); src++; } *dst = '\0'; return esc_str; } /* Percent-Deescape special characters. The string is valid until the next invocation of the function. */ static char * percent_deescape (const char *src) { static char *str; static int str_len; int new_len = 3 * strlen (src) + 1; char *dst; if (str_len < new_len) { char *new_str = xrealloc (str, new_len); str = new_str; str_len = new_len; } dst = str; while (*src) { if (*src == '%') { int val = hextobyte (src + 1); if (val < 0) gc_error (1, 0, "malformed end of string %s", src); *(dst++) = (char) val; src += 3; } else *(dst++) = *(src++); } *dst = '\0'; return str; } /* List all components that are available. */ void gc_component_list_components (estream_t out) { gc_component_id_t component; const char *desc; const char *pgmname; for (component = 0; component < GC_COMPONENT_NR; component++) { if (!gc_component[component].program) continue; if (gc_component[component].module_name) pgmname = gnupg_module_name (gc_component[component].module_name); else pgmname = ""; desc = gc_component[component].desc; desc = my_dgettext (gc_component[component].desc_domain, desc); es_fprintf (out, "%s:%s:", gc_component[component].program, gc_percent_escape (desc)); es_fprintf (out, "%s\n", gc_percent_escape (pgmname)); } } static int all_digits_p (const char *p, size_t len) { if (!len) return 0; /* No. */ for (; len; len--, p++) if (!isascii (*p) || !isdigit (*p)) return 0; /* No. */ return 1; /* Yes. */ } /* Collect all error lines from stream FP. Only lines prefixed with TAG are considered. Returns a list of error line items (which may be empty). There is no error return. */ static error_line_t collect_error_output (estream_t fp, const char *tag) { char buffer[1024]; char *p, *p2, *p3; int c, cont_line; unsigned int pos; error_line_t eitem, errlines, *errlines_tail; size_t taglen = strlen (tag); errlines = NULL; errlines_tail = &errlines; pos = 0; cont_line = 0; while ((c=es_getc (fp)) != EOF) { buffer[pos++] = c; if (pos >= sizeof buffer - 5 || c == '\n') { buffer[pos - (c == '\n')] = 0; if (cont_line) ; /*Ignore continuations of previous line. */ else if (!strncmp (buffer, tag, taglen) && buffer[taglen] == ':') { /* "gpgsm: foo:4: bla" */ /* Yep, we are interested in this line. */ p = buffer + taglen + 1; while (*p == ' ' || *p == '\t') p++; trim_trailing_spaces (p); /* Get rid of extra CRs. */ if (!*p) ; /* Empty lines are ignored. */ else if ( (p2 = strchr (p, ':')) && (p3 = strchr (p2+1, ':')) && all_digits_p (p2+1, p3 - (p2+1))) { /* Line in standard compiler format. */ p3++; while (*p3 == ' ' || *p3 == '\t') p3++; eitem = xmalloc (sizeof *eitem + strlen (p)); eitem->next = NULL; strcpy (eitem->buffer, p); eitem->fname = eitem->buffer; eitem->buffer[p2-p] = 0; eitem->errtext = eitem->buffer + (p3 - p); /* (we already checked that there are only ascii digits followed by a colon) */ eitem->lineno = 0; for (p2++; isdigit (*p2); p2++) eitem->lineno = eitem->lineno*10 + (*p2 - '0'); *errlines_tail = eitem; errlines_tail = &eitem->next; } else { /* Other error output. */ eitem = xmalloc (sizeof *eitem + strlen (p)); eitem->next = NULL; strcpy (eitem->buffer, p); eitem->fname = NULL; eitem->errtext = eitem->buffer; eitem->lineno = 0; *errlines_tail = eitem; errlines_tail = &eitem->next; } } pos = 0; /* If this was not a complete line mark that we are in a continuation. */ cont_line = (c != '\n'); } } /* We ignore error lines not terminated by a LF. */ return errlines; } /* Check the options of a single component. If CONF_FILE is NULL the * standard config file is used. If OUT is not NULL the output is * written to that stream. Returns 0 if everything is OK. */ int gc_component_check_options (int component, estream_t out, const char *conf_file) { gpg_error_t err; unsigned int result; const char *pgmname; const char *argv[5]; int i; pid_t pid; int exitcode; estream_t errfp; error_line_t errlines; log_assert (component >= 0 && component < GC_COMPONENT_NR); if (!gc_component[component].program) return 0; if (!gc_component[component].module_name) return 0; pgmname = gnupg_module_name (gc_component[component].module_name); i = 0; if (!gnupg_default_homedir_p () && component != GC_COMPONENT_PINENTRY) { argv[i++] = "--homedir"; argv[i++] = gnupg_homedir (); } if (conf_file) { argv[i++] = "--options"; argv[i++] = conf_file; } if (component == GC_COMPONENT_PINENTRY) argv[i++] = "--version"; else argv[i++] = "--gpgconf-test"; argv[i++] = NULL; result = 0; errlines = NULL; err = gnupg_spawn_process (pgmname, argv, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, &errfp, &pid); if (err) result |= 1; /* Program could not be run. */ else { errlines = collect_error_output (errfp, gc_component[component].name); if (gnupg_wait_process (pgmname, pid, 1, &exitcode)) { if (exitcode == -1) result |= 1; /* Program could not be run or it terminated abnormally. */ result |= 2; /* Program returned an error. */ } gnupg_release_process (pid); es_fclose (errfp); } /* If the program could not be run, we can't tell whether the config file is good. */ if (result & 1) result |= 2; if (out) { const char *desc; error_line_t errptr; desc = gc_component[component].desc; desc = my_dgettext (gc_component[component].desc_domain, desc); es_fprintf (out, "%s:%s:", gc_component[component].program, gc_percent_escape (desc)); es_fputs (gc_percent_escape (pgmname), out); es_fprintf (out, ":%d:%d:", !(result & 1), !(result & 2)); for (errptr = errlines; errptr; errptr = errptr->next) { if (errptr != errlines) es_fputs ("\n:::::", out); /* Continuation line. */ if (errptr->fname) es_fputs (gc_percent_escape (errptr->fname), out); es_putc (':', out); if (errptr->fname) es_fprintf (out, "%u", errptr->lineno); es_putc (':', out); es_fputs (gc_percent_escape (errptr->errtext), out); es_putc (':', out); } es_putc ('\n', out); } while (errlines) { error_line_t tmp = errlines->next; xfree (errlines); errlines = tmp; } return result; } /* Check all components that are available. */ void gc_check_programs (estream_t out) { gc_component_id_t component; for (component = 0; component < GC_COMPONENT_NR; component++) gc_component_check_options (component, out, NULL); } /* Find the component with the name NAME. Returns -1 if not found. */ int gc_component_find (const char *name) { gc_component_id_t idx; for (idx = 0; idx < GC_COMPONENT_NR; idx++) { if (gc_component[idx].program && !strcmp (name, gc_component[idx].program)) return idx; } return -1; } /* List the option OPTION. */ static void list_one_option (gc_component_id_t component, const gc_option_t *option, estream_t out) { const char *desc = NULL; char *arg_name = NULL; unsigned long flags; const char *desc_domain = gc_component[component].desc_domain; if (option->desc) { desc = my_dgettext (desc_domain, option->desc); if (*desc == '|') { const char *arg_tail = strchr (&desc[1], '|'); if (arg_tail) { int arg_len = arg_tail - &desc[1]; arg_name = xmalloc (arg_len + 1); memcpy (arg_name, &desc[1], arg_len); arg_name[arg_len] = '\0'; desc = arg_tail + 1; } } } /* YOU MUST NOT REORDER THE FIELDS IN THIS OUTPUT, AS THEIR ORDER IS PART OF THE EXTERNAL INTERFACE. YOU MUST NOT REMOVE ANY FIELDS. */ /* The name field. */ es_fprintf (out, "%s", option->name); /* The flags field. */ flags = 0; if (option->is_header) flags |= GC_OPT_FLAG_GROUP; if (option->is_list) flags |= GC_OPT_FLAG_LIST; if (option->runtime) flags |= GC_OPT_FLAG_RUNTIME; if (option->has_default) flags |= GC_OPT_FLAG_DEFAULT; if (option->def_in_desc) flags |= GC_OPT_FLAG_DEF_DESC; if (option->no_arg_desc) flags |= GC_OPT_FLAG_NO_ARG_DESC; if (option->no_change) flags |= GC_OPT_FLAG_NO_CHANGE; es_fprintf (out, ":%lu", flags); if (opt.verbose) { es_putc (' ', out); if (!flags) es_fprintf (out, "none"); else { unsigned long flag = 0; unsigned long first = 1; while (flags) { if (flags & 1) { if (first) first = 0; else es_putc (',', out); es_fprintf (out, "%s", gc_flag[flag].name); } flags >>= 1; flag++; } } } /* The level field. */ es_fprintf (out, ":%u", option->level); if (opt.verbose) es_fprintf (out, " %s", gc_level[option->level].name); /* The description field. */ es_fprintf (out, ":%s", desc ? gc_percent_escape (desc) : ""); /* The type field. */ es_fprintf (out, ":%u", option->arg_type); if (opt.verbose) es_fprintf (out, " %s", gc_arg_type[option->arg_type].name); /* The alternate type field. */ es_fprintf (out, ":%u", gc_arg_type[option->arg_type].fallback); if (opt.verbose) es_fprintf (out, " %s", gc_arg_type[gc_arg_type[option->arg_type].fallback].name); /* The argument name field. */ es_fprintf (out, ":%s", arg_name ? gc_percent_escape (arg_name) : ""); xfree (arg_name); /* The default value field. */ es_fprintf (out, ":%s", option->default_value ? option->default_value : ""); /* The default argument field. This was never used and is thus empty. */ es_fprintf (out, ":"); /* The value field. */ if (gc_arg_type[option->arg_type].fallback == GC_ARG_TYPE_NONE && option->is_list && option->value) { /* The special format "1,1,1,1,...,1" is converted to a number here. */ es_fprintf (out, ":%u", (unsigned int)((strlen (option->value) + 1) / 2)); } else es_fprintf (out, ":%s", option->value ? option->value : ""); /* ADD NEW FIELDS HERE. */ es_putc ('\n', out); } /* List all options of the component COMPONENT. */ void gc_component_list_options (int component, estream_t out) { const gc_option_t *option = gc_component[component].options; for ( ; option && option->name; option++) { /* Do not output unknown or internal options. */ if (!option->is_header && option->level == GC_LEVEL_INTERNAL) continue; if (option->is_header) { const gc_option_t *group_option = option + 1; gc_expert_level_t level = GC_LEVEL_NR; /* The manual states that the group level is always the minimum of the levels of all contained options. Due to different active options, and because it is hard to maintain manually, we calculate it here. The value in the global static table is ignored. */ for ( ; group_option->name; group_option++) { if (group_option->is_header) break; if (group_option->level < level) level = group_option->level; } /* Check if group is empty. */ if (level != GC_LEVEL_NR) { gc_option_t opt_copy; /* Fix up the group level. */ opt_copy = *option; opt_copy.level = level; list_one_option (component, &opt_copy, out); } } else list_one_option (component, option, out); } } /* Return true if the option NAME is known and that we want it as * gpgconf managed option. */ static known_option_t * is_known_option (gc_component_id_t component, const char *name) { known_option_t *option = gc_component[component].known_options; if (option) { for (; option->name; option++) if (!strcmp (option->name, name)) break; } return (option && option->name)? option : NULL; } /* Find the option NAME in component COMPONENT. Returns pointer to * the option descriptor or NULL if not found. */ static gc_option_t * find_option (gc_component_id_t component, const char *name) { gc_option_t *option = gc_component[component].options; if (option) { for (; option->name; option++) { if (!option->is_header && !strcmp (option->name, name)) return option; } } return NULL; } /* Retrieve the options for the component COMPONENT. With * ONLY_INSTALLED set components which are not installed are silently * ignored. */ static void retrieve_options_from_program (gc_component_id_t component, int only_installed) { gpg_error_t err; const char *pgmname; const char *argv[2]; estream_t outfp; int exitcode; pid_t pid; known_option_t *known_option; gc_option_t *option; char *line = NULL; size_t line_len = 0; ssize_t length; const char *config_name; gpgrt_argparse_t pargs; int dummy_argc; char *twopartconfig_name = NULL; gpgrt_opt_t *opt_table = NULL; /* A malloced option table. */ size_t opt_table_used = 0; /* Its current length. */ size_t opt_table_size = 0; /* Its allocated length. */ gc_option_t *opt_info = NULL; /* A malloced options table. */ size_t opt_info_used = 0; /* Its current length. */ size_t opt_info_size = 0; /* Its allocated length. */ int i; pgmname = (gc_component[component].module_name ? gnupg_module_name (gc_component[component].module_name) : gc_component[component].program ); if (only_installed && access (pgmname, X_OK)) { return; /* The component is not installed. */ } /* First we need to read the option table from the program. */ argv[0] = "--dump-option-table"; argv[1] = NULL; err = gnupg_spawn_process (pgmname, argv, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, &outfp, NULL, &pid); if (err) { gc_error (1, 0, "could not gather option table from '%s': %s", pgmname, gpg_strerror (err)); } while ((length = es_read_line (outfp, &line, &line_len, NULL)) > 0) { const char *fields[4]; const char *optname, *optdesc; unsigned int optflags; int short_opt; gc_arg_type_t arg_type; /* Strip newline and carriage return, if present. */ while (length > 0 && (line[length - 1] == '\n' || line[length - 1] == '\r')) line[--length] = '\0'; if (split_fields_colon (line, fields, DIM (fields)) < 4) { gc_error (0,0, "WARNING: invalid line in option table of '%s'\n", pgmname); continue; } optname = fields[0]; short_opt = atoi (fields[1]); if (short_opt < 1) { gc_error (0,0, "WARNING: bad short option in option table of '%s'\n", pgmname); continue; } optflags = strtoul (fields[2], NULL, 10); if ((optflags & ARGPARSE_OPT_HEADER)) known_option = NULL; /* We want all header-only options. */ else if ((known_option = is_known_option (component, optname))) ; /* Yes we want this one. */ else continue; /* No need to store this option description. */ /* The +1 here is to make sure that we will have a zero item at * the end of the table. */ if (opt_table_used + 1 >= opt_table_size) { /* Note that this also does the initial allocation. */ opt_table_size += 128; opt_table = xreallocarray (opt_table, opt_table_used, opt_table_size, sizeof *opt_table); } /* The +1 here is to make sure that we will have a zero item at * the end of the table. */ if (opt_info_used + 1 >= opt_info_size) { /* Note that this also does the initial allocation. */ opt_info_size += 128; opt_info = xreallocarray (opt_info, opt_info_used, opt_info_size, sizeof *opt_info); } /* The +1 here accounts for the two items we are going to add to * the global string table. */ if (string_array_used + 1 >= string_array_size) { string_array_size += 256; string_array = xreallocarray (string_array, string_array_used, string_array_size, sizeof *string_array); } optname = string_array[string_array_used++] = xstrdup (fields[0]); optdesc = string_array[string_array_used++] = xstrdup (fields[3]); /* Create an option table which can then be supplied to * gpgrt_parser. Unfortunately there is no private pointer in * the public option table struct so that we can't add extra * data we need here. Thus we need to build up another table * for such info and for ease of use we also copy the tehre the * data from the option table. It is not possible to use the * known_option_s for this because that one does not carry * header lines and it might also be problematic to use such * static tables for caching options and default values. */ opt_table[opt_table_used].long_opt = optname; opt_table[opt_table_used].short_opt = short_opt; opt_table[opt_table_used].description = optdesc; opt_table[opt_table_used].flags = optflags; opt_table_used++; /* Note that as per argparser specs the opt_table uses "@" to * specifify an empty description. In the DESC script of * options (opt_info_t) we want to have a real empty string. */ opt_info[opt_info_used].name = optname; if (*optdesc == '@' && !optdesc[1]) opt_info[opt_info_used].desc = optdesc+1; else opt_info[opt_info_used].desc = optdesc; /* Unfortunately we need to remap the types. */ switch ((optflags & ARGPARSE_TYPE_MASK)) { case ARGPARSE_TYPE_INT: arg_type = GC_ARG_TYPE_INT32; break; case ARGPARSE_TYPE_LONG: arg_type = GC_ARG_TYPE_INT32; break; case ARGPARSE_TYPE_ULONG: arg_type = GC_ARG_TYPE_UINT32; break; case ARGPARSE_TYPE_STRING: arg_type = GC_ARG_TYPE_STRING; break; default: arg_type = GC_ARG_TYPE_NONE; break; } opt_info[opt_info_used].arg_type = arg_type; if ((optflags & ARGPARSE_OPT_HEADER)) opt_info[opt_info_used].is_header = 1; if (known_option) { if ((known_option->flags & GC_OPT_FLAG_LIST)) opt_info[opt_info_used].is_list = 1; /* FIXME: The next can also be taken from opt_table->flags. * We need to check the code whether both specifications match. */ if ((known_option->flags & GC_OPT_FLAG_ARG_OPT)) opt_info[opt_info_used].opt_arg = 1; if ((known_option->flags & GC_OPT_FLAG_RUNTIME)) opt_info[opt_info_used].runtime = 1; opt_info[opt_info_used].level = known_option->level; /* Override the received argtype by a complex type. */ if (known_option->arg_type) opt_info[opt_info_used].arg_type = known_option->arg_type; } opt_info_used++; } if (length < 0 || es_ferror (outfp)) gc_error (1, errno, "error reading from %s", pgmname); if (es_fclose (outfp)) gc_error (1, errno, "error closing %s", pgmname); log_assert (opt_table_used == opt_info_used); err = gnupg_wait_process (pgmname, pid, 1, &exitcode); if (err) gc_error (1, 0, "running %s failed (exitcode=%d): %s", pgmname, exitcode, gpg_strerror (err)); gnupg_release_process (pid); /* Make the gpgrt option table and the internal option table available. */ gc_component[component].opt_table = opt_table; gc_component[component].options = opt_info; /* Now read the default options. */ argv[0] = "--gpgconf-list"; argv[1] = NULL; err = gnupg_spawn_process (pgmname, argv, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, &outfp, NULL, &pid); if (err) { gc_error (1, 0, "could not gather active options from '%s': %s", pgmname, gpg_strerror (err)); } while ((length = es_read_line (outfp, &line, &line_len, NULL)) > 0) { char *linep; unsigned long flags = 0; char *default_value = NULL; /* Strip newline and carriage return, if present. */ while (length > 0 && (line[length - 1] == '\n' || line[length - 1] == '\r')) line[--length] = '\0'; linep = strchr (line, ':'); if (linep) *(linep++) = '\0'; /* Extract additional flags. Default to none. */ if (linep) { char *end; char *tail; end = strchr (linep, ':'); if (end) *(end++) = '\0'; gpg_err_set_errno (0); flags = strtoul (linep, &tail, 0); if (errno) gc_error (1, errno, "malformed flags in option %s from %s", line, pgmname); if (!(*tail == '\0' || *tail == ':' || *tail == ' ')) gc_error (1, 0, "garbage after flags in option %s from %s", line, pgmname); linep = end; } /* Extract default value, if present. Default to empty if not. */ if (linep) { char *end; end = strchr (linep, ':'); if (end) *(end++) = '\0'; if ((flags & GC_OPT_FLAG_DEFAULT)) default_value = linep; linep = end; } /* Look up the option in the component and install the configuration data. */ option = find_option (component, line); if (option) { if (option->gpgconf_list) gc_error (1, errno, "option %s returned twice from \"%s --gpgconf-list\"", line, pgmname); option->gpgconf_list = 1; if ((flags & GC_OPT_FLAG_DEFAULT)) option->has_default = 1; if ((flags & GC_OPT_FLAG_DEF_DESC)) option->def_in_desc = 1; if ((flags & GC_OPT_FLAG_NO_ARG_DESC)) option->no_arg_desc = 1; if ((flags & GC_OPT_FLAG_NO_CHANGE)) option->no_change = 1; if (default_value && *default_value) option->default_value = xstrdup (default_value); } } if (length < 0 || es_ferror (outfp)) gc_error (1, errno, "error reading from %s", pgmname); if (es_fclose (outfp)) gc_error (1, errno, "error closing %s", pgmname); err = gnupg_wait_process (pgmname, pid, 1, &exitcode); if (err) gc_error (1, 0, "running %s failed (exitcode=%d): %s", pgmname, exitcode, gpg_strerror (err)); gnupg_release_process (pid); /* At this point, we can parse the configuration file. */ config_name = gc_component[component].option_config_filename; if (!config_name) gc_error (1, 0, "name of config file for %s is not known\n", pgmname); if (!gnupg_default_homedir_p ()) { /* This is not the default homedir. We need to take an absolute * config name for the user config file; gpgrt_argparser * fortunately supports this. */ char *tmp = make_filename (gnupg_homedir (), config_name, NULL); twopartconfig_name = xstrconcat (config_name, PATHSEP_S, tmp, NULL); xfree (tmp); config_name = twopartconfig_name; } memset (&pargs, 0, sizeof pargs); dummy_argc = 0; pargs.argc = &dummy_argc; pargs.flags = (ARGPARSE_FLAG_KEEP | ARGPARSE_FLAG_SYS | ARGPARSE_FLAG_USER | ARGPARSE_FLAG_WITHATTR); if (opt.verbose) pargs.flags |= ARGPARSE_FLAG_VERBOSE; while (gpgrt_argparser (&pargs, opt_table, config_name)) { char *opt_value; if (pargs.r_type & ARGPARSE_OPT_IGNORE) { /* log_debug ("ignored\n"); */ continue; } if (pargs.r_opt == ARGPARSE_CONFFILE) { /* log_debug ("current conffile='%s'\n", */ /* pargs.r_type? pargs.r.ret_str: "[cmdline]"); */ continue; } /* We only have the short option. Search in the option table * for the long option name. */ for (i=0; opt_table[i].short_opt; i++) if (opt_table[i].short_opt == pargs.r_opt) break; if (!opt_table[i].short_opt || !opt_table[i].long_opt) continue; /* No or only a short option - ignore. */ /* Look up the option from the config file in our list of * supported options. */ option= find_option (component, opt_table[i].long_opt); if (!option) continue; /* We don't want to handle this option. */ option->attr_ignore = !!(pargs.r_type & ARGPARSE_ATTR_IGNORE); option->attr_force = !!(pargs.r_type & ARGPARSE_ATTR_FORCE); switch ((pargs.r_type & ARGPARSE_TYPE_MASK)) { case ARGPARSE_TYPE_INT: opt_value = xasprintf ("%d", pargs.r.ret_int); break; case ARGPARSE_TYPE_LONG: opt_value = xasprintf ("%ld", pargs.r.ret_long); break; case ARGPARSE_TYPE_ULONG: opt_value = xasprintf ("%lu", pargs.r.ret_ulong); break; case ARGPARSE_TYPE_STRING: opt_value = xasprintf ("\"%s", gc_percent_escape (pargs.r.ret_str)); break; default: /* ARGPARSE_TYPE_NONE or any unknown type. */ opt_value = xstrdup ("1"); /* Make sure we have some value. */ break; } /* Now enter the value read from the config file into the table. */ if (!option->is_list) { xfree (option->value); option->value = opt_value; } else if (!option->value) /* LIST but first item. */ option->value = opt_value; else { char *old = option->value; option->value = xstrconcat (old, ",", opt_value, NULL); xfree (old); xfree (opt_value); } } xfree (line); xfree (twopartconfig_name); } /* Retrieve the currently active options and their defaults for this component. Using -1 for component will retrieve all options from all installed components. */ void gc_component_retrieve_options (int component) { int process_all = 0; if (component == -1) { process_all = 1; component = 0; } do { if (component == GC_COMPONENT_PINENTRY) continue; /* Skip this dummy component. */ if (gc_component[component].program) retrieve_options_from_program (component, process_all); } while (process_all && ++component < GC_COMPONENT_NR); } /* Perform a simple validity check based on the type. Return in * NEW_VALUE_NR the value of the number in NEW_VALUE if OPTION is of * type GC_ARG_TYPE_NONE. If VERBATIM is set the profile parsing mode * is used. */ static void option_check_validity (gc_component_id_t component, gc_option_t *option, unsigned long flags, char *new_value, unsigned long *new_value_nr, int verbatim) { char *arg; (void)component; if (option->new_flags || option->new_value) gc_error (1, 0, "option %s already changed", option->name); if (flags & GC_OPT_FLAG_DEFAULT) { if (*new_value) gc_error (1, 0, "argument %s provided for deleted option %s", new_value, option->name); return; } /* GC_ARG_TYPE_NONE options have special list treatment. */ if (gc_arg_type[option->arg_type].fallback == GC_ARG_TYPE_NONE) { char *tail; gpg_err_set_errno (0); *new_value_nr = strtoul (new_value, &tail, 0); if (errno) gc_error (1, errno, "invalid argument for option %s", option->name); if (*tail) gc_error (1, 0, "garbage after argument for option %s", option->name); if (!option->is_list) { if (*new_value_nr != 1) gc_error (1, 0, "argument for non-list option %s of type 0 " "(none) must be 1", option->name); } else { if (*new_value_nr == 0) gc_error (1, 0, "argument for option %s of type 0 (none) " "must be positive", option->name); } return; } arg = new_value; do { if (*arg == '\0' || (*arg == ',' && !verbatim)) { if (!option->opt_arg) gc_error (1, 0, "argument required for option %s", option->name); if (*arg == ',' && !verbatim && !option->is_list) gc_error (1, 0, "list found for non-list option %s", option->name); } else if (gc_arg_type[option->arg_type].fallback == GC_ARG_TYPE_STRING) { if (*arg != '"' && !verbatim) gc_error (1, 0, "string argument for option %s must begin " "with a quote (\") character", option->name); /* FIXME: We do not allow empty string arguments for now, as we do not quote arguments in configuration files, and thus no argument is indistinguishable from the empty string. */ if (arg[1] == '\0' || (arg[1] == ',' && !verbatim)) gc_error (1, 0, "empty string argument for option %s is " "currently not allowed. Please report this!", option->name); } else if (gc_arg_type[option->arg_type].fallback == GC_ARG_TYPE_INT32) { long res; gpg_err_set_errno (0); res = strtol (arg, &arg, 0); (void) res; if (errno) gc_error (1, errno, "invalid argument for option %s", option->name); if (*arg != '\0' && (*arg != ',' || verbatim)) gc_error (1, 0, "garbage after argument for option %s", option->name); } else if (gc_arg_type[option->arg_type].fallback == GC_ARG_TYPE_UINT32) { unsigned long res; gpg_err_set_errno (0); res = strtoul (arg, &arg, 0); (void) res; if (errno) gc_error (1, errno, "invalid argument for option %s", option->name); if (*arg != '\0' && (*arg != ',' || verbatim)) gc_error (1, 0, "garbage after argument for option %s", option->name); } arg = verbatim? strchr (arg, ',') : NULL; if (arg) arg++; } while (arg && *arg); } #ifdef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM int copy_file (const char *src_name, const char *dst_name) { #define BUF_LEN 4096 char buffer[BUF_LEN]; int len; gpgrt_stream_t src; gpgrt_stream_t dst; src = gpgrt_fopen (src_name, "r"); if (src == NULL) return -1; dst = gpgrt_fopen (dst_name, "w"); if (dst == NULL) { int saved_err = errno; gpgrt_fclose (src); gpg_err_set_errno (saved_err); return -1; } do { int written; len = gpgrt_fread (buffer, 1, BUF_LEN, src); if (len == 0) break; written = gpgrt_fwrite (buffer, 1, len, dst); if (written != len) break; } while (! gpgrt_feof (src) && ! gpgrt_ferror (src) && ! gpgrt_ferror (dst)); if (gpgrt_ferror (src) || gpgrt_ferror (dst) || ! gpgrt_feof (src)) { int saved_errno = errno; gpgrt_fclose (src); gpgrt_fclose (dst); unlink (dst_name); gpg_err_set_errno (saved_errno); return -1; } if (gpgrt_fclose (dst)) gc_error (1, errno, "error closing %s", dst_name); if (gpgrt_fclose (src)) gc_error (1, errno, "error closing %s", src_name); return 0; } #endif /* HAVE_W32_SYSTEM */ /* Create and verify the new configuration file for the specified * component. Returns 0 on success and -1 on error. If * VERBATIM is set the profile mode is used. This function may store * pointers to malloced strings in SRC_FILENAMEP, DEST_FILENAMEP, and * ORIG_FILENAMEP. Those must be freed by the caller. The strings * refer to three versions of the configuration file: * * SRC_FILENAME: The updated configuration is written to this file. * DEST_FILENAME: Name of the configuration file read by the * component. * ORIG_FILENAME: A backup of the previous configuration file. * * To apply the configuration change, rename SRC_FILENAME to * DEST_FILENAME. To revert to the previous configuration, rename * ORIG_FILENAME to DEST_FILENAME. */ static int change_options_program (gc_component_id_t component, char **src_filenamep, char **dest_filenamep, char **orig_filenamep, int verbatim) { static const char marker[] = "###+++--- " GPGCONF_DISP_NAME " ---+++###"; /* True if we are within the marker in the config file. */ int in_marker = 0; gc_option_t *option; char *line = NULL; size_t line_len; ssize_t length; int res; int fd; gpgrt_stream_t src_file = NULL; gpgrt_stream_t dest_file = NULL; char *src_filename; char *dest_filename; char *orig_filename; /* Special hack for gpg, see below. */ int utf8strings_seen = 0; /* FIXME. Throughout the function, do better error reporting. */ if (!gc_component[component].option_config_filename) gc_error (1, 0, "name of config file for %s is not known\n", gc_component[component].name); dest_filename = make_absfilename (gnupg_homedir (), gc_component[component].option_config_filename, NULL); src_filename = xasprintf ("%s.%s.%i.new", dest_filename, GPGCONF_NAME, (int)getpid ()); orig_filename = xasprintf ("%s.%s.%i.bak", dest_filename, GPGCONF_NAME, (int)getpid ()); #ifdef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM res = copy_file (dest_filename, orig_filename); #else res = link (dest_filename, orig_filename); #endif if (res < 0 && errno != ENOENT) { xfree (dest_filename); xfree (src_filename); xfree (orig_filename); return -1; } if (res < 0) { xfree (orig_filename); orig_filename = NULL; } /* We now initialize the return strings, so the caller can do the cleanup for us. */ *src_filenamep = src_filename; *dest_filenamep = dest_filename; *orig_filenamep = orig_filename; /* Use open() so that we can use O_EXCL. */ fd = open (src_filename, O_CREAT | O_EXCL | O_WRONLY, 0644); if (fd < 0) return -1; src_file = gpgrt_fdopen (fd, "w"); res = errno; if (!src_file) { gpg_err_set_errno (res); return -1; } /* Only if ORIG_FILENAME is not NULL did the configuration file exist already. In this case, we will copy its content into the new configuration file, changing it to our liking in the process. */ if (orig_filename) { dest_file = gpgrt_fopen (dest_filename, "r"); if (!dest_file) goto change_one_err; while ((length = gpgrt_read_line (dest_file, &line, &line_len, NULL)) > 0) { int disable = 0; char *start; if (!strncmp (marker, line, sizeof (marker) - 1)) { if (!in_marker) in_marker = 1; else break; } else if (component == GC_COMPONENT_GPG && in_marker && ! strcmp ("utf8-strings\n", line)) { /* Strip duplicated entries. */ if (utf8strings_seen) disable = 1; else utf8strings_seen = 1; } start = line; while (*start == ' ' || *start == '\t') start++; if (*start && *start != '\r' && *start != '\n' && *start != '#') { char *end; char saved_end; end = start; while (*end && *end != ' ' && *end != '\t' && *end != '\r' && *end != '\n' && *end != '#') end++; saved_end = *end; *end = '\0'; option = find_option (component, start); *end = saved_end; if (option && ((option->new_flags & GC_OPT_FLAG_DEFAULT) || option->new_value)) disable = 1; } if (disable) { if (!in_marker) { gpgrt_fprintf (src_file, "# %s disabled this option here at %s\n", GPGCONF_DISP_NAME, asctimestamp (gnupg_get_time ())); if (gpgrt_ferror (src_file)) goto change_one_err; gpgrt_fprintf (src_file, "# %s", line); if (gpgrt_ferror (src_file)) goto change_one_err; } } else { gpgrt_fprintf (src_file, "%s", line); if (gpgrt_ferror (src_file)) goto change_one_err; } } if (length < 0 || gpgrt_ferror (dest_file)) goto change_one_err; } if (!in_marker) { /* There was no marker. This is the first time we edit the file. We add our own marker at the end of the file and proceed. Note that we first write a newline, this guards us against files which lack the newline at the end of the last line, while it doesn't hurt us in all other cases. */ gpgrt_fprintf (src_file, "\n%s\n", marker); if (gpgrt_ferror (src_file)) goto change_one_err; } /* At this point, we have copied everything up to the end marker into the new file, except for the options we are going to change. Now, dump the changed options (except for those we are going to revert to their default), and write the end marker, possibly followed by the rest of the original file. */ /* We have to turn on UTF8 strings for GnuPG. */ if (component == GC_COMPONENT_GPG && ! utf8strings_seen) gpgrt_fprintf (src_file, "utf8-strings\n"); option = gc_component[component].options; for ( ; option->name; option++) { if (!option->is_header && option->new_value) { char *arg = option->new_value; do { if (*arg == '\0' || *arg == ',') { gpgrt_fprintf (src_file, "%s\n", option->name); if (gpgrt_ferror (src_file)) goto change_one_err; } else if (gc_arg_type[option->arg_type].fallback == GC_ARG_TYPE_NONE) { log_assert (*arg == '1'); gpgrt_fprintf (src_file, "%s\n", option->name); if (gpgrt_ferror (src_file)) goto change_one_err; arg++; } else if (gc_arg_type[option->arg_type].fallback == GC_ARG_TYPE_STRING) { char *end; if (!verbatim) { log_assert (*arg == '"'); arg++; end = strchr (arg, ','); if (end) *end = '\0'; } else end = NULL; gpgrt_fprintf (src_file, "%s %s\n", option->name, verbatim? arg : percent_deescape (arg)); if (gpgrt_ferror (src_file)) goto change_one_err; if (end) *end = ','; arg = end; } else { char *end; end = strchr (arg, ','); if (end) *end = '\0'; gpgrt_fprintf (src_file, "%s %s\n", option->name, arg); if (gpgrt_ferror (src_file)) goto change_one_err; if (end) *end = ','; arg = end; } log_assert (arg == NULL || *arg == '\0' || *arg == ','); if (arg && *arg == ',') arg++; } while (arg && *arg); } } gpgrt_fprintf (src_file, "%s %s\n", marker, asctimestamp (gnupg_get_time ())); if (gpgrt_ferror (src_file)) goto change_one_err; if (!in_marker) { gpgrt_fprintf (src_file, "# %s edited this configuration file.\n", GPGCONF_DISP_NAME); if (gpgrt_ferror (src_file)) goto change_one_err; gpgrt_fprintf (src_file, "# It will disable options before this marked " "block, but it will\n"); if (gpgrt_ferror (src_file)) goto change_one_err; gpgrt_fprintf (src_file, "# never change anything below these lines.\n"); if (gpgrt_ferror (src_file)) goto change_one_err; } if (dest_file) { while ((length = gpgrt_read_line (dest_file, &line, &line_len, NULL)) > 0) { gpgrt_fprintf (src_file, "%s", line); if (gpgrt_ferror (src_file)) goto change_one_err; } if (length < 0 || gpgrt_ferror (dest_file)) goto change_one_err; } xfree (line); line = NULL; res = gpgrt_fclose (src_file); if (res) { res = errno; close (fd); if (dest_file) gpgrt_fclose (dest_file); gpg_err_set_errno (res); return -1; } close (fd); if (dest_file) { res = gpgrt_fclose (dest_file); if (res) return -1; } return 0; change_one_err: xfree (line); res = errno; if (src_file) { gpgrt_fclose (src_file); close (fd); } if (dest_file) gpgrt_fclose (dest_file); gpg_err_set_errno (res); return -1; } /* Common code for gc_component_change_options and * gc_process_gpgconf_conf. If VERBATIM is set the profile parsing * mode is used. */ static void change_one_value (gc_component_id_t component, gc_option_t *option, int *r_runtime, unsigned long flags, char *new_value, int verbatim) { unsigned long new_value_nr = 0; option_check_validity (component, option, flags, new_value, &new_value_nr, verbatim); if (option->runtime) *r_runtime = 1; option->new_flags = flags; if (!(flags & GC_OPT_FLAG_DEFAULT)) { if (gc_arg_type[option->arg_type].fallback == GC_ARG_TYPE_NONE && option->is_list) { char *str; /* We convert the number to a list of 1's for convenient list handling. */ log_assert (new_value_nr > 0); option->new_value = xmalloc ((2 * (new_value_nr - 1) + 1) + 1); str = option->new_value; *(str++) = '1'; while (--new_value_nr > 0) { *(str++) = ','; *(str++) = '1'; } *(str++) = '\0'; } else option->new_value = xstrdup (new_value); } } /* Read the modifications from IN and apply them. If IN is NULL the modifications are expected to already have been set to the global table. If VERBATIM is set the profile mode is used. */ void gc_component_change_options (int component, estream_t in, estream_t out, int verbatim) { int err = 0; int block = 0; int runtime = 0; char *src_filename = NULL; char *dest_filename = NULL; char *orig_filename = NULL; gc_option_t *option; char *line = NULL; size_t line_len = 0; ssize_t length; if (component == GC_COMPONENT_PINENTRY) return; /* Dummy component for now. */ if (in) { /* Read options from the file IN. */ while ((length = es_read_line (in, &line, &line_len, NULL)) > 0) { char *linep; unsigned long flags = 0; char *new_value = ""; /* Strip newline and carriage return, if present. */ while (length > 0 && (line[length - 1] == '\n' || line[length - 1] == '\r')) line[--length] = '\0'; linep = strchr (line, ':'); if (linep) *(linep++) = '\0'; /* Extract additional flags. Default to none. */ if (linep) { char *end; char *tail; end = strchr (linep, ':'); if (end) *(end++) = '\0'; gpg_err_set_errno (0); flags = strtoul (linep, &tail, 0); if (errno) gc_error (1, errno, "malformed flags in option %s", line); if (!(*tail == '\0' || *tail == ':' || *tail == ' ')) gc_error (1, 0, "garbage after flags in option %s", line); linep = end; } /* Don't allow setting of the no change flag. */ flags &= ~GC_OPT_FLAG_NO_CHANGE; /* Extract default value, if present. Default to empty if not. */ if (linep) { char *end; end = strchr (linep, ':'); if (end) *(end++) = '\0'; new_value = linep; linep = end; } option = find_option (component, line); if (!option) gc_error (1, 0, "unknown option %s", line); if (option->no_change) { gc_error (0, 0, "ignoring new value for option %s", option->name); continue; } change_one_value (component, option, &runtime, flags, new_value, 0); } if (length < 0 || gpgrt_ferror (in)) gc_error (1, errno, "error reading stream 'in'"); } /* Now that we have collected and locally verified the changes, write them out to new configuration files, verify them externally, and then commit them. */ option = gc_component[component].options; while (option && option->name) { /* Go on if there is nothing to do. */ if (src_filename || !(option->new_flags || option->new_value)) { option++; continue; } if (gc_component[component].program) { err = change_options_program (component, &src_filename, &dest_filename, &orig_filename, verbatim); if (! err) { /* External verification. */ err = gc_component_check_options (component, out, src_filename); if (err) { gc_error (0, 0, _("External verification of component %s failed"), gc_component[component].name); gpg_err_set_errno (EINVAL); } } } if (err) break; option++; } /* We are trying to atomically commit all changes. Unfortunately, we cannot rely on gnupg_rename_file to manage the signals for us, doing so would require us to pass NULL as BLOCK to any subsequent call to it. Instead, we just manage the signal handling manually. */ block = 1; gnupg_block_all_signals (); if (!err && !opt.dry_run) { if (src_filename) { /* FIXME: Make a verification here. */ log_assert (dest_filename); if (orig_filename) err = gnupg_rename_file (src_filename, dest_filename, NULL); else { #ifdef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM /* We skip the unlink if we expect the file not to be * there. */ err = gnupg_rename_file (src_filename, dest_filename, NULL); #else /* HAVE_W32_SYSTEM */ /* This is a bit safer than rename() because we expect * DEST_FILENAME not to be there. If it happens to be * there, this will fail. */ err = link (src_filename, dest_filename); if (!err) err = unlink (src_filename); #endif /* !HAVE_W32_SYSTEM */ } if (!err) { xfree (src_filename); src_filename = NULL; } } } if (err || opt.dry_run) { int saved_errno = errno; /* An error occurred or a dry-run is requested. */ if (src_filename) { /* The change was not yet committed. */ unlink (src_filename); if (orig_filename) unlink (orig_filename); } else { /* The changes were already committed. FIXME: This is a tad dangerous, as we don't know if we don't overwrite a version of the file that is even newer than the one we just installed. */ if (orig_filename) gnupg_rename_file (orig_filename, dest_filename, NULL); else unlink (dest_filename); } if (err) gc_error (1, saved_errno, "could not commit changes"); /* Fall-through for dry run. */ goto leave; } /* If it all worked, notify the daemons of the changes. */ if (opt.runtime) do_runtime_change (component, 0); /* Move the per-process backup file into its place. */ if (orig_filename) { char *backup_filename; log_assert (dest_filename); backup_filename = xasprintf ("%s.%s.bak", dest_filename, GPGCONF_NAME); gnupg_rename_file (orig_filename, backup_filename, NULL); xfree (backup_filename); } leave: if (block) gnupg_unblock_all_signals (); xfree (line); xfree (src_filename); xfree (dest_filename); xfree (orig_filename); } /* Check whether USER matches the current user or one of its group. This function may change USER. Returns true is there is a match. */ static int key_matches_user_or_group (char *user) { char *group; if (*user == '*' && user[1] == 0) return 1; /* A single asterisk matches all users. */ group = strchr (user, ':'); if (group) *group++ = 0; #ifdef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM /* Under Windows we don't support groups. */ if (group && *group) gc_error (0, 0, _("Note that group specifications are ignored\n")); #ifndef HAVE_W32CE_SYSTEM if (*user) { static char *my_name; if (!my_name) { char tmp[1]; DWORD size = 1; GetUserNameA (tmp, &size); my_name = xmalloc (size); if (!GetUserNameA (my_name, &size)) gc_error (1,0, "error getting current user name: %s", w32_strerror (-1)); } if (!strcmp (user, my_name)) return 1; /* Found. */ } #endif /*HAVE_W32CE_SYSTEM*/ #else /*!HAVE_W32_SYSTEM*/ /* First check whether the user matches. */ if (*user) { static char *my_name; if (!my_name) { struct passwd *pw = getpwuid ( getuid () ); if (!pw) gc_error (1, errno, "getpwuid failed for current user"); my_name = xstrdup (pw->pw_name); } if (!strcmp (user, my_name)) return 1; /* Found. */ } /* If that failed, check whether a group matches. */ if (group && *group) { static char *my_group; static char **my_supgroups; int n; if (!my_group) { struct group *gr = getgrgid ( getgid () ); if (!gr) gc_error (1, errno, "getgrgid failed for current user"); my_group = xstrdup (gr->gr_name); } if (!strcmp (group, my_group)) return 1; /* Found. */ if (!my_supgroups) { int ngids; gid_t *gids; ngids = getgroups (0, NULL); gids = xcalloc (ngids+1, sizeof *gids); ngids = getgroups (ngids, gids); if (ngids < 0) gc_error (1, errno, "getgroups failed for current user"); my_supgroups = xcalloc (ngids+1, sizeof *my_supgroups); for (n=0; n < ngids; n++) { struct group *gr = getgrgid ( gids[n] ); if (!gr) gc_error (1, errno, "getgrgid failed for supplementary group"); my_supgroups[n] = xstrdup (gr->gr_name); } xfree (gids); } for (n=0; my_supgroups[n]; n++) if (!strcmp (group, my_supgroups[n])) return 1; /* Found. */ } #endif /*!HAVE_W32_SYSTEM*/ return 0; /* No match. */ } /* Read and process the global configuration file for gpgconf. This optional file is used to update our internal tables at runtime and may also be used to set new default values. If FNAME is NULL the default name will be used. With UPDATE set to true the internal tables are actually updated; if not set, only a syntax check is done. If DEFAULTS is true the global options are written to the configuration files. If LISTFP is set, no changes are done but the configuration file is printed to LISTFP in a colon separated format. Returns 0 on success or if the config file is not present; -1 is returned on error. */ int gc_process_gpgconf_conf (const char *fname_arg, int update, int defaults, estream_t listfp) { int result = 0; char *line = NULL; size_t line_len = 0; ssize_t length; gpgrt_stream_t config; int lineno = 0; int in_rule = 0; int got_match = 0; int runtime[GC_COMPONENT_NR] = { 0 }; int component_id; char *fname; if (fname_arg) fname = xstrdup (fname_arg); else fname = make_filename (gnupg_sysconfdir (), GPGCONF_NAME EXTSEP_S "conf", NULL); config = gpgrt_fopen (fname, "r"); if (!config) { /* Do not print an error if the file is not available, except when running in syntax check mode. */ if (errno != ENOENT || !update) { gc_error (0, errno, "can't open global config file '%s'", fname); result = -1; } xfree (fname); return result; } while ((length = gpgrt_read_line (config, &line, &line_len, NULL)) > 0) { char *key, *compname, *option, *flags, *value; char *empty; gc_option_t *option_info = NULL; char *p; int is_continuation; lineno++; key = line; while (*key == ' ' || *key == '\t') key++; if (!*key || *key == '#' || *key == '\r' || *key == '\n') continue; is_continuation = (key != line); /* Parse the key field. */ if (!is_continuation && got_match) break; /* Finish after the first match. */ else if (!is_continuation) { in_rule = 0; for (p=key+1; *p && !strchr (" \t\r\n", *p); p++) ; if (!*p) { gc_error (0, 0, "missing rule at '%s', line %d", fname, lineno); result = -1; gpgconf_write_status (STATUS_WARNING, "gpgconf.conf %d file '%s' line %d " "missing rule", GPG_ERR_SYNTAX, fname, lineno); continue; } *p++ = 0; compname = p; } else if (!in_rule) { gc_error (0, 0, "continuation but no rule at '%s', line %d", fname, lineno); result = -1; continue; } else { compname = key; key = NULL; } in_rule = 1; /* Parse the component. */ while (*compname == ' ' || *compname == '\t') compname++; for (p=compname; *p && !strchr (" \t\r\n", *p); p++) ; if (p == compname) { gc_error (0, 0, "missing component at '%s', line %d", fname, lineno); gpgconf_write_status (STATUS_WARNING, "gpgconf.conf %d file '%s' line %d " " missing component", GPG_ERR_NO_NAME, fname, lineno); result = -1; continue; } empty = p; *p++ = 0; option = p; component_id = gc_component_find (compname); if (component_id < 0) { gc_error (0, 0, "unknown component at '%s', line %d", fname, lineno); gpgconf_write_status (STATUS_WARNING, "gpgconf.conf %d file '%s' line %d " "unknown component", GPG_ERR_UNKNOWN_NAME, fname, lineno); result = -1; } /* Parse the option name. */ while (*option == ' ' || *option == '\t') option++; for (p=option; *p && !strchr (" \t\r\n", *p); p++) ; if (p == option) { gc_error (0, 0, "missing option at '%s', line %d", fname, lineno); gpgconf_write_status (STATUS_WARNING, "gpgconf.conf %d file '%s' line %d " "missing option", GPG_ERR_INV_NAME, fname, lineno); result = -1; continue; } *p++ = 0; flags = p; if ( component_id != -1) { /* We need to make sure that we got the option list for the * component. */ if (!gc_component[component_id].options) gc_component_retrieve_options (component_id); option_info = find_option (component_id, option); if (!option_info) { gc_error (0, 0, "unknown option '%s' at '%s', line %d", option, fname, lineno); gpgconf_write_status (STATUS_WARNING, "gpgconf.conf %d file '%s' line %d " "unknown option", GPG_ERR_UNKNOWN_OPTION, fname, lineno); result = -1; } } /* Parse the optional flags. */ while (*flags == ' ' || *flags == '\t') flags++; if (*flags == '[') { flags++; p = strchr (flags, ']'); if (!p) { gc_error (0, 0, "syntax error in rule at '%s', line %d", fname, lineno); gpgconf_write_status (STATUS_WARNING, "gpgconf.conf %d file '%s' line %d " "syntax error in rule", GPG_ERR_SYNTAX, fname, lineno); result = -1; continue; } *p++ = 0; value = p; } else /* No flags given. */ { value = flags; flags = NULL; } /* Parse the optional value. */ while (*value == ' ' || *value == '\t') value++; for (p=value; *p && !strchr ("\r\n", *p); p++) ; if (p == value) value = empty; /* No value given; let it point to an empty string. */ else { /* Strip trailing white space. */ *p = 0; for (p--; p > value && (*p == ' ' || *p == '\t'); p--) *p = 0; } /* Check flag combinations. */ if (!flags) ; else if (!strcmp (flags, "default")) { if (*value) { gc_error (0, 0, "flag \"default\" may not be combined " "with a value at '%s', line %d", fname, lineno); result = -1; } } else if (!strcmp (flags, "change")) ; else if (!strcmp (flags, "no-change")) ; else { gc_error (0, 0, "unknown flag at '%s', line %d", fname, lineno); result = -1; } /* In list mode we print out all records. */ if (listfp && !result) { /* If this is a new ruleset, print a key record. */ if (!is_continuation) { char *group = strchr (key, ':'); if (group) { *group++ = 0; if ((p = strchr (group, ':'))) *p = 0; /* We better strip any extra stuff. */ } es_fprintf (listfp, "k:%s:", gc_percent_escape (key)); es_fprintf (listfp, "%s\n", group? gc_percent_escape (group):""); } /* All other lines are rule records. */ es_fprintf (listfp, "r:::%s:%s:%s:", gc_component[component_id].name, option_info->name? option_info->name : "", flags? flags : ""); if (value != empty) es_fprintf (listfp, "\"%s", gc_percent_escape (value)); es_putc ('\n', listfp); } /* Check whether the key matches but do this only if we are not running in syntax check mode. */ if ( update && !result && !listfp && (got_match || (key && key_matches_user_or_group (key))) ) { int newflags = 0; got_match = 1; /* Apply the flags from gpgconf.conf. */ if (!flags) ; else if (!strcmp (flags, "default")) newflags |= GC_OPT_FLAG_DEFAULT; else if (!strcmp (flags, "no-change")) option_info->no_change = 1; else if (!strcmp (flags, "change")) option_info->no_change = 0; if (defaults) { /* Here we explicitly allow updating the value again. */ if (newflags) { option_info->new_flags = 0; } if (*value) { xfree (option_info->new_value); option_info->new_value = NULL; } change_one_value (component_id, option_info, runtime, newflags, value, 0); } } } if (length < 0 || gpgrt_ferror (config)) { gc_error (0, errno, "error reading from '%s'", fname); result = -1; } if (gpgrt_fclose (config)) gc_error (0, errno, "error closing '%s'", fname); xfree (line); /* If it all worked, process the options. */ if (!result && update && defaults && !listfp) { /* We need to switch off the runtime update, so that we can do it later all at once. */ int save_opt_runtime = opt.runtime; opt.runtime = 0; for (component_id = 0; component_id < GC_COMPONENT_NR; component_id++) { gc_component_change_options (component_id, NULL, NULL, 0); } opt.runtime = save_opt_runtime; if (opt.runtime) { for (component_id = 0; component_id < GC_COMPONENT_NR; component_id++) if (runtime[component_id] && gc_component[component_id].runtime_change) (*gc_component[component_id].runtime_change) (0); } } xfree (fname); return result; } /* * Apply the profile FNAME to all known configure files. */ gpg_error_t gc_apply_profile (const char *fname) { gpg_error_t err; char *fname_buffer = NULL; char *line = NULL; size_t line_len = 0; ssize_t length; estream_t fp; int lineno = 0; int runtime[GC_COMPONENT_NR] = { 0 }; int component_id = -1; int skip_section = 0; int error_count = 0; int newflags; if (!fname) fname = "-"; if (!(!strcmp (fname, "-") || strchr (fname, '/') #ifdef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM || strchr (fname, '\\') #endif || strchr (fname, '.'))) { /* FNAME looks like a standard profile name. Check whether one * is installed and use that instead of the given file name. */ fname_buffer = xstrconcat (gnupg_datadir (), DIRSEP_S, fname, ".prf", NULL); if (!access (fname_buffer, F_OK)) fname = fname_buffer; } fp = !strcmp (fname, "-")? es_stdin : es_fopen (fname, "r"); if (!fp) { err = gpg_error_from_syserror (); log_error ("can't open '%s': %s\n", fname, gpg_strerror (err)); return err; } if (opt.verbose) log_info ("applying profile '%s'\n", fname); err = 0; while ((length = es_read_line (fp, &line, &line_len, NULL)) > 0) { char *name, *flags, *value; gc_option_t *option_info = NULL; char *p; lineno++; name = line; while (*name == ' ' || *name == '\t') name++; if (!*name || *name == '#' || *name == '\r' || *name == '\n') continue; trim_trailing_spaces (name); /* Check whether this is a new section. */ if (*name == '[') { name++; skip_section = 0; /* New section: Get the name of the component. */ p = strchr (name, ']'); if (!p) { error_count++; log_info ("%s:%d:%d: error: syntax error in section tag\n", fname, lineno, (int)(name - line)); skip_section = 1; continue; } *p++ = 0; if (*p) log_info ("%s:%d:%d: warning: garbage after section tag\n", fname, lineno, (int)(p - line)); trim_spaces (name); component_id = gc_component_find (name); if (component_id < 0) { log_info ("%s:%d:%d: warning: skipping unknown section '%s'\n", fname, lineno, (int)(name - line), name ); skip_section = 1; } continue; } if (skip_section) continue; if (component_id < 0) { error_count++; log_info ("%s:%d:%d: error: not in a valid section\n", fname, lineno, (int)(name - line)); skip_section = 1; continue; } /* Parse the option name. */ for (p = name; *p && !spacep (p); p++) ; *p++ = 0; value = p; option_info = find_option (component_id, name); if (!option_info) { error_count++; log_info ("%s:%d:%d: error: unknown option '%s' in section '%s'\n", fname, lineno, (int)(name - line), name, gc_component[component_id].name); continue; } /* Parse the optional flags. */ trim_spaces (value); flags = value; if (*flags == '[') { flags++; p = strchr (flags, ']'); if (!p) { log_info ("%s:%d:%d: warning: invalid flag specification\n", fname, lineno, (int)(p - line)); continue; } *p++ = 0; value = p; trim_spaces (value); } else /* No flags given. */ flags = NULL; /* Set required defaults. */ if (gc_arg_type[option_info->arg_type].fallback == GC_ARG_TYPE_NONE && !*value) value = "1"; /* Check and save this option. */ newflags = 0; if (flags && !strcmp (flags, "default")) newflags |= GC_OPT_FLAG_DEFAULT; if (newflags) option_info->new_flags = 0; if (*value) { xfree (option_info->new_value); option_info->new_value = NULL; } change_one_value (component_id, option_info, runtime, newflags, value, 1); } if (length < 0 || es_ferror (fp)) { err = gpg_error_from_syserror (); error_count++; log_error (_("%s:%u: read error: %s\n"), fname, lineno, gpg_strerror (err)); } if (es_fclose (fp)) log_error (_("error closing '%s'\n"), fname); if (error_count) log_error (_("error parsing '%s'\n"), fname); xfree (line); /* If it all worked, process the options. */ if (!err) { /* We need to switch off the runtime update, so that we can do it later all at once. */ int save_opt_runtime = opt.runtime; opt.runtime = 0; for (component_id = 0; component_id < GC_COMPONENT_NR; component_id++) { gc_component_change_options (component_id, NULL, NULL, 1); } opt.runtime = save_opt_runtime; if (opt.runtime) { for (component_id = 0; component_id < GC_COMPONENT_NR; component_id++) if (runtime[component_id] && gc_component[component_id].runtime_change) (*gc_component[component_id].runtime_change) (0); } } xfree (fname_buffer); return err; }