diff --git a/g10/gpg.c b/g10/gpg.c index 8c1aa96d4..1155f501c 100644 --- a/g10/gpg.c +++ b/g10/gpg.c @@ -1,5772 +1,5778 @@ /* gpg.c - The GnuPG OpenPGP tool * Copyright (C) 1998-2020 Free Software Foundation, Inc. * Copyright (C) 1997-2019 Werner Koch * Copyright (C) 2015-2021 g10 Code GmbH * * This file is part of GnuPG. * * GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, see . * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef HAVE_STAT #include /* for stat() */ #endif #include #ifdef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM # ifdef HAVE_WINSOCK2_H # include # endif # include #endif #include #define INCLUDED_BY_MAIN_MODULE 1 #include "gpg.h" #include #include "../common/iobuf.h" #include "../common/util.h" #include "packet.h" #include "../common/membuf.h" #include "main.h" #include "options.h" #include "keydb.h" #include "trustdb.h" #include "filter.h" #include "../common/ttyio.h" #include "../common/i18n.h" #include "../common/sysutils.h" #include "../common/status.h" #include "keyserver-internal.h" #include "exec.h" #include "../common/gc-opt-flags.h" #include "../common/asshelp.h" #include "call-dirmngr.h" #include "tofu.h" #include "objcache.h" #include "../common/init.h" #include "../common/mbox-util.h" #include "../common/shareddefs.h" #include "../common/compliance.h" #include "../common/comopt.h" #if defined(HAVE_DOSISH_SYSTEM) || defined(__CYGWIN__) #define MY_O_BINARY O_BINARY #ifndef S_IRGRP # define S_IRGRP 0 # define S_IWGRP 0 #endif #else #define MY_O_BINARY 0 #endif enum cmd_and_opt_values { aNull = 0, oArmor = 'a', aDetachedSign = 'b', aSym = 'c', aDecrypt = 'd', aEncr = 'e', oRecipientFile = 'f', oHiddenRecipientFile = 'F', oInteractive = 'i', aListKeys = 'k', oDryRun = 'n', oOutput = 'o', oQuiet = 'q', oRecipient = 'r', oHiddenRecipient = 'R', aSign = 's', oTextmodeShort= 't', oLocalUser = 'u', oVerbose = 'v', oCompress = 'z', oSetNotation = 'N', aListSecretKeys = 'K', oBatch = 500, oMaxOutput, oInputSizeHint, oChunkSize, oSigNotation, oCertNotation, oShowNotation, oNoShowNotation, oKnownNotation, aEncrFiles, aEncrSym, aDecryptFiles, aClearsign, aStore, aQuickKeygen, aFullKeygen, aKeygen, aSignEncr, aSignEncrSym, aSignSym, aSignKey, aLSignKey, aQuickSignKey, aQuickLSignKey, aQuickRevSig, aQuickAddUid, aQuickAddKey, aQuickRevUid, aQuickSetExpire, aQuickSetPrimaryUid, aListConfig, aListGcryptConfig, aGPGConfList, aGPGConfTest, aListPackets, aEditKey, aDeleteKeys, aDeleteSecretKeys, aDeleteSecretAndPublicKeys, aImport, aFastImport, aVerify, aVerifyFiles, aListSigs, aSendKeys, aRecvKeys, aLocateKeys, aLocateExtKeys, aSearchKeys, aRefreshKeys, aFetchKeys, aShowKeys, aExport, aExportSecret, aExportSecretSub, aExportSshKey, aExportSecretSshKey, aCheckKeys, aGenRevoke, aDesigRevoke, aPrimegen, aPrintMD, aPrintMDs, aCheckTrustDB, aUpdateTrustDB, aFixTrustDB, aListTrustDB, aListTrustPath, aExportOwnerTrust, aImportOwnerTrust, aDeArmor, aEnArmor, aGenRandom, aRebuildKeydbCaches, aCardStatus, aCardEdit, aChangePIN, aPasswd, aServer, aTOFUPolicy, oMimemode, oTextmode, oNoTextmode, oExpert, oNoExpert, oDefSigExpire, oAskSigExpire, oNoAskSigExpire, oDefCertExpire, oAskCertExpire, oNoAskCertExpire, oDefCertLevel, oMinCertLevel, oAskCertLevel, oNoAskCertLevel, oFingerprint, oWithFingerprint, oWithSubkeyFingerprint, oWithICAOSpelling, oWithKeygrip, oWithKeyScreening, oWithSecret, oWithWKDHash, oWithColons, oWithKeyData, oWithKeyOrigin, oWithTofuInfo, oWithSigList, oWithSigCheck, oAnswerYes, oAnswerNo, oKeyring, oPrimaryKeyring, oSecretKeyring, oShowKeyring, oDefaultKey, oDefRecipient, oDefRecipientSelf, oNoDefRecipient, oTrySecretKey, oOptions, oDebug, oDebugLevel, oDebugAll, oDebugIOLBF, oDebugSetIobufSize, oDebugAllowLargeChunks, oStatusFD, oStatusFile, oAttributeFD, oAttributeFile, oEmitVersion, oNoEmitVersion, oCompletesNeeded, oMarginalsNeeded, oMaxCertDepth, oLoadExtension, oCompliance, oGnuPG, oRFC2440, oRFC4880, oRFC4880bis, oOpenPGP, oPGP7, oPGP8, oDE_VS, oMinRSALength, oRFC2440Text, oNoRFC2440Text, oCipherAlgo, oAEADAlgo, oDigestAlgo, oCertDigestAlgo, oCompressAlgo, oCompressLevel, oBZ2CompressLevel, oBZ2DecompressLowmem, oPassphrase, oPassphraseFD, oPassphraseFile, oPassphraseRepeat, oPinentryMode, oCommandFD, oCommandFile, oQuickRandom, oNoVerbose, oTrustDBName, oNoSecmemWarn, oRequireSecmem, oNoRequireSecmem, oNoPermissionWarn, oNoArmor, oNoDefKeyring, oNoKeyring, oNoGreeting, oNoTTY, oNoOptions, oNoBatch, oHomedir, oSkipVerify, oSkipHiddenRecipients, oNoSkipHiddenRecipients, oAlwaysTrust, oTrustModel, oForceOwnertrust, oNoAutoTrustNewKey, oSetFilename, oForYourEyesOnly, oNoForYourEyesOnly, oSetPolicyURL, oSigPolicyURL, oCertPolicyURL, oShowPolicyURL, oNoShowPolicyURL, oSigKeyserverURL, oUseEmbeddedFilename, oNoUseEmbeddedFilename, oComment, oDefaultComment, oNoComments, oThrowKeyids, oNoThrowKeyids, oShowPhotos, oNoShowPhotos, oPhotoViewer, oForceAEAD, oS2KMode, oS2KDigest, oS2KCipher, oS2KCount, oDisplayCharset, oNotDashEscaped, oEscapeFrom, oNoEscapeFrom, oLockOnce, oLockMultiple, oLockNever, oKeyServer, oKeyServerOptions, oImportOptions, oImportFilter, oExportOptions, oExportFilter, oListOptions, oVerifyOptions, oTempDir, oExecPath, oEncryptTo, oHiddenEncryptTo, oNoEncryptTo, oEncryptToDefaultKey, oLoggerFD, oLoggerFile, oUtf8Strings, oNoUtf8Strings, oDisableCipherAlgo, oDisablePubkeyAlgo, oAllowNonSelfsignedUID, oNoAllowNonSelfsignedUID, oAllowFreeformUID, oNoAllowFreeformUID, oAllowSecretKeyImport, oAllowOldCipherAlgos, oEnableSpecialFilenames, oNoLiteral, oSetFilesize, oHonorHttpProxy, oFastListMode, oListOnly, oIgnoreTimeConflict, oIgnoreValidFrom, oIgnoreCrcError, oIgnoreMDCError, oShowSessionKey, oOverrideSessionKey, oOverrideSessionKeyFD, oOverrideComplianceCheck, oNoRandomSeedFile, oAutoKeyRetrieve, oNoAutoKeyRetrieve, oAutoKeyImport, oNoAutoKeyImport, oUseAgent, oNoUseAgent, oGpgAgentInfo, oUseKeyboxd, oMergeOnly, oTryAllSecrets, oTrustedKey, oNoExpensiveTrustChecks, oFixedListMode, oLegacyListMode, oNoSigCache, oAutoCheckTrustDB, oNoAutoCheckTrustDB, oPreservePermissions, oDefaultPreferenceList, oDefaultKeyserverURL, oPersonalCipherPreferences, oPersonalAEADPreferences, oPersonalDigestPreferences, oPersonalCompressPreferences, oAgentProgram, oKeyboxdProgram, oDirmngrProgram, oDisableDirmngr, oDisplay, oTTYname, oTTYtype, oLCctype, oLCmessages, oXauthority, oGroup, oUnGroup, oNoGroups, oStrict, oNoStrict, oMangleDosFilenames, oNoMangleDosFilenames, oEnableProgressFilter, oMultifile, oKeyidFormat, oExitOnStatusWriteError, oLimitCardInsertTries, oReaderPort, octapiDriver, opcscDriver, oDisableCCID, oRequireCrossCert, oNoRequireCrossCert, oAutoKeyLocate, oNoAutoKeyLocate, oEnableLargeRSA, oDisableLargeRSA, oEnableDSA2, oDisableDSA2, oAllowWeakDigestAlgos, oAllowWeakKeySignatures, oFakedSystemTime, oNoAutostart, oPrintDANERecords, oTOFUDefaultPolicy, oTOFUDBFormat, oDefaultNewKeyAlgo, oWeakDigest, oUnwrap, oOnlySignTextIDs, oDisableSignerUID, oSender, oKeyOrigin, oRequestOrigin, oNoSymkeyCache, oUseOnlyOpenPGPCard, oFullTimestrings, oIncludeKeyBlock, oNoIncludeKeyBlock, oChUid, oForceSignKey, oForbidGenKey, oNoop }; static gpgrt_opt_t opts[] = { ARGPARSE_group (300, N_("@Commands:\n ")), ARGPARSE_c (aSign, "sign", N_("make a signature")), ARGPARSE_c (aClearsign, "clear-sign", N_("make a clear text signature")), ARGPARSE_c (aClearsign, "clearsign", "@"), ARGPARSE_c (aDetachedSign, "detach-sign", N_("make a detached signature")), ARGPARSE_c (aEncr, "encrypt", N_("encrypt data")), ARGPARSE_c (aEncrFiles, "encrypt-files", "@"), ARGPARSE_c (aSym, "symmetric", N_("encryption only with symmetric cipher")), ARGPARSE_c (aStore, "store", "@"), ARGPARSE_c (aDecrypt, "decrypt", N_("decrypt data (default)")), ARGPARSE_c (aDecryptFiles, "decrypt-files", "@"), ARGPARSE_c (aVerify, "verify" , N_("verify a signature")), ARGPARSE_c (aVerifyFiles, "verify-files" , "@" ), ARGPARSE_c (aListKeys, "list-keys", N_("list keys")), ARGPARSE_c (aListKeys, "list-public-keys", "@" ), ARGPARSE_c (aListSigs, "list-signatures", N_("list keys and signatures")), ARGPARSE_c (aListSigs, "list-sigs", "@"), ARGPARSE_c (aCheckKeys, "check-signatures", N_("list and check key signatures")), ARGPARSE_c (aCheckKeys, "check-sigs", "@"), ARGPARSE_c (oFingerprint, "fingerprint", N_("list keys and fingerprints")), ARGPARSE_c (aListSecretKeys, "list-secret-keys", N_("list secret keys")), ARGPARSE_c (aKeygen, "generate-key", N_("generate a new key pair")), ARGPARSE_c (aKeygen, "gen-key", "@"), ARGPARSE_c (aQuickKeygen, "quick-generate-key" , N_("quickly generate a new key pair")), ARGPARSE_c (aQuickKeygen, "quick-gen-key", "@"), ARGPARSE_c (aQuickAddUid, "quick-add-uid", N_("quickly add a new user-id")), ARGPARSE_c (aQuickAddUid, "quick-adduid", "@"), ARGPARSE_c (aQuickAddKey, "quick-add-key", "@"), ARGPARSE_c (aQuickAddKey, "quick-addkey", "@"), ARGPARSE_c (aQuickRevUid, "quick-revoke-uid", N_("quickly revoke a user-id")), ARGPARSE_c (aQuickRevUid, "quick-revuid", "@"), ARGPARSE_c (aQuickSetExpire, "quick-set-expire", N_("quickly set a new expiration date")), ARGPARSE_c (aQuickSetPrimaryUid, "quick-set-primary-uid", "@"), ARGPARSE_c (aFullKeygen, "full-generate-key" , N_("full featured key pair generation")), ARGPARSE_c (aFullKeygen, "full-gen-key", "@"), ARGPARSE_c (aGenRevoke, "generate-revocation", N_("generate a revocation certificate")), ARGPARSE_c (aGenRevoke, "gen-revoke", "@"), ARGPARSE_c (aDeleteKeys,"delete-keys", N_("remove keys from the public keyring")), ARGPARSE_c (aDeleteSecretKeys, "delete-secret-keys", N_("remove keys from the secret keyring")), ARGPARSE_c (aQuickSignKey, "quick-sign-key" , N_("quickly sign a key")), ARGPARSE_c (aQuickLSignKey, "quick-lsign-key", N_("quickly sign a key locally")), ARGPARSE_c (aQuickRevSig, "quick-revoke-sig" , N_("quickly revoke a key signature")), ARGPARSE_c (aSignKey, "sign-key" ,N_("sign a key")), ARGPARSE_c (aLSignKey, "lsign-key" ,N_("sign a key locally")), ARGPARSE_c (aEditKey, "edit-key" ,N_("sign or edit a key")), ARGPARSE_c (aEditKey, "key-edit" ,"@"), ARGPARSE_c (aPasswd, "change-passphrase", N_("change a passphrase")), ARGPARSE_c (aPasswd, "passwd", "@"), ARGPARSE_c (aDesigRevoke, "generate-designated-revocation", "@"), ARGPARSE_c (aDesigRevoke, "desig-revoke","@" ), ARGPARSE_c (aExport, "export" , N_("export keys") ), ARGPARSE_c (aSendKeys, "send-keys" , N_("export keys to a keyserver") ), ARGPARSE_c (aRecvKeys, "receive-keys" , N_("import keys from a keyserver") ), ARGPARSE_c (aRecvKeys, "recv-keys" , "@"), ARGPARSE_c (aSearchKeys, "search-keys" , N_("search for keys on a keyserver") ), ARGPARSE_c (aRefreshKeys, "refresh-keys", N_("update all keys from a keyserver")), ARGPARSE_c (aLocateKeys, "locate-keys", "@"), ARGPARSE_c (aLocateExtKeys, "locate-external-keys", "@"), ARGPARSE_c (aFetchKeys, "fetch-keys" , "@" ), ARGPARSE_c (aShowKeys, "show-keys" , "@" ), ARGPARSE_c (aExportSecret, "export-secret-keys" , "@" ), ARGPARSE_c (aExportSecretSub, "export-secret-subkeys" , "@" ), ARGPARSE_c (aExportSshKey, "export-ssh-key", "@" ), ARGPARSE_c (aExportSecretSshKey, "export-secret-ssh-key", "@" ), ARGPARSE_c (aImport, "import", N_("import/merge keys")), ARGPARSE_c (aFastImport, "fast-import", "@"), #ifdef ENABLE_CARD_SUPPORT ARGPARSE_c (aCardStatus, "card-status", N_("print the card status")), ARGPARSE_c (aCardEdit, "edit-card", N_("change data on a card")), ARGPARSE_c (aCardEdit, "card-edit", "@"), ARGPARSE_c (aChangePIN, "change-pin", N_("change a card's PIN")), #endif ARGPARSE_c (aListConfig, "list-config", "@"), ARGPARSE_c (aListGcryptConfig, "list-gcrypt-config", "@"), ARGPARSE_c (aGPGConfList, "gpgconf-list", "@" ), ARGPARSE_c (aGPGConfTest, "gpgconf-test", "@" ), ARGPARSE_c (aListPackets, "list-packets","@"), #ifndef NO_TRUST_MODELS ARGPARSE_c (aExportOwnerTrust, "export-ownertrust", "@"), ARGPARSE_c (aImportOwnerTrust, "import-ownertrust", "@"), ARGPARSE_c (aUpdateTrustDB,"update-trustdb", N_("update the trust database")), ARGPARSE_c (aCheckTrustDB, "check-trustdb", "@"), ARGPARSE_c (aFixTrustDB, "fix-trustdb", "@"), ARGPARSE_c (aListTrustDB, "list-trustdb", "@"), #endif ARGPARSE_c (aDeArmor, "dearmor", "@"), ARGPARSE_c (aDeArmor, "dearmour", "@"), ARGPARSE_c (aEnArmor, "enarmor", "@"), ARGPARSE_c (aEnArmor, "enarmour", "@"), ARGPARSE_c (aPrintMD, "print-md", N_("print message digests")), ARGPARSE_c (aPrintMDs, "print-mds", "@"), /* old */ ARGPARSE_c (aPrimegen, "gen-prime", "@" ), ARGPARSE_c (aGenRandom,"gen-random", "@" ), ARGPARSE_c (aServer, "server", N_("run in server mode")), ARGPARSE_c (aTOFUPolicy, "tofu-policy", N_("|VALUE|set the TOFU policy for a key")), /* Not yet used: ARGPARSE_c (aListTrustPath, "list-trust-path", "@"), */ ARGPARSE_c (aDeleteSecretAndPublicKeys, "delete-secret-and-public-keys", "@"), ARGPARSE_c (aRebuildKeydbCaches, "rebuild-keydb-caches", "@"), ARGPARSE_c (aListKeys, "list-key", "@"), /* alias */ ARGPARSE_c (aListSigs, "list-sig", "@"), /* alias */ ARGPARSE_c (aCheckKeys, "check-sig", "@"), /* alias */ ARGPARSE_c (aShowKeys, "show-key", "@"), /* alias */ ARGPARSE_header ("Monitor", N_("Options controlling the diagnostic output")), ARGPARSE_s_n (oVerbose, "verbose", N_("verbose")), ARGPARSE_s_n (oNoVerbose, "no-verbose", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_n (oQuiet, "quiet", N_("be somewhat more quiet")), ARGPARSE_s_n (oNoTTY, "no-tty", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_n (oNoGreeting, "no-greeting", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_s (oDebug, "debug", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_s (oDebugLevel, "debug-level", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_n (oDebugAll, "debug-all", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_n (oDebugIOLBF, "debug-iolbf", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_u (oDebugSetIobufSize, "debug-set-iobuf-size", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_u (oDebugAllowLargeChunks, "debug-allow-large-chunks", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_s (oDisplayCharset, "display-charset", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_s (oDisplayCharset, "charset", "@"), ARGPARSE_conffile (oOptions, "options", N_("|FILE|read options from FILE")), ARGPARSE_noconffile (oNoOptions, "no-options", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_i (oLoggerFD, "logger-fd", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_s (oLoggerFile, "log-file", N_("|FILE|write server mode logs to FILE")), ARGPARSE_s_s (oLoggerFile, "logger-file", "@"), /* 1.4 compatibility. */ ARGPARSE_s_n (oQuickRandom, "debug-quick-random", "@"), ARGPARSE_header ("Configuration", N_("Options controlling the configuration")), ARGPARSE_s_s (oHomedir, "homedir", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_s (oFakedSystemTime, "faked-system-time", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_s (oDefaultKey, "default-key", N_("|NAME|use NAME as default secret key")), ARGPARSE_s_s (oEncryptTo, "encrypt-to", N_("|NAME|encrypt to user ID NAME as well")), ARGPARSE_s_n (oNoEncryptTo, "no-encrypt-to", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_s (oHiddenEncryptTo, "hidden-encrypt-to", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_n (oEncryptToDefaultKey, "encrypt-to-default-key", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_s (oDefRecipient, "default-recipient", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_n (oDefRecipientSelf, "default-recipient-self", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_n (oNoDefRecipient, "no-default-recipient", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_s (oGroup, "group", N_("|SPEC|set up email aliases")), ARGPARSE_s_s (oUnGroup, "ungroup", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_n (oNoGroups, "no-groups", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_s (oCompliance, "compliance", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_n (oGnuPG, "gnupg", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_n (oGnuPG, "no-pgp2", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_n (oGnuPG, "no-pgp6", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_n (oGnuPG, "no-pgp7", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_n (oGnuPG, "no-pgp8", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_n (oRFC2440, "rfc2440", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_n (oRFC4880, "rfc4880", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_n (oRFC4880bis, "rfc4880bis", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_n (oOpenPGP, "openpgp", N_("use strict OpenPGP behavior")), ARGPARSE_s_n (oPGP7, "pgp6", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_n (oPGP7, "pgp7", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_n (oPGP8, "pgp8", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_s (oDefaultNewKeyAlgo, "default-new-key-algo", "@"), ARGPARSE_p_u (oMinRSALength, "min-rsa-length", "@"), #ifndef NO_TRUST_MODELS ARGPARSE_s_n (oAlwaysTrust, "always-trust", "@"), #endif ARGPARSE_s_s (oTrustModel, "trust-model", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_s (oPhotoViewer, "photo-viewer", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_s (oKnownNotation, "known-notation", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_s (oAgentProgram, "agent-program", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_s (oKeyboxdProgram, "keyboxd-program", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_s (oDirmngrProgram, "dirmngr-program", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_n (oExitOnStatusWriteError, "exit-on-status-write-error", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_i (oLimitCardInsertTries, "limit-card-insert-tries", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_n (oEnableProgressFilter, "enable-progress-filter", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_s (oTempDir, "temp-directory", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_s (oExecPath, "exec-path", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_n (oExpert, "expert", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_n (oNoExpert, "no-expert", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_n (oNoSecmemWarn, "no-secmem-warning", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_n (oRequireSecmem, "require-secmem", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_n (oNoRequireSecmem, "no-require-secmem", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_n (oNoPermissionWarn, "no-permission-warning", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_n (oDryRun, "dry-run", N_("do not make any changes")), ARGPARSE_s_n (oInteractive, "interactive", N_("prompt before overwriting")), ARGPARSE_s_s (oDefSigExpire, "default-sig-expire", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_n (oAskSigExpire, "ask-sig-expire", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_n (oNoAskSigExpire, "no-ask-sig-expire", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_s (oDefCertExpire, "default-cert-expire", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_n (oAskCertExpire, "ask-cert-expire", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_n (oNoAskCertExpire, "no-ask-cert-expire", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_i (oDefCertLevel, "default-cert-level", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_i (oMinCertLevel, "min-cert-level", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_n (oAskCertLevel, "ask-cert-level", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_n (oNoAskCertLevel, "no-ask-cert-level", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_n (oOnlySignTextIDs, "only-sign-text-ids", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_n (oEnableLargeRSA, "enable-large-rsa", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_n (oDisableLargeRSA, "disable-large-rsa", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_n (oEnableDSA2, "enable-dsa2", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_n (oDisableDSA2, "disable-dsa2", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_s (oPersonalCipherPreferences, "personal-cipher-preferences","@"), ARGPARSE_s_s (oPersonalAEADPreferences, "personal-aead-preferences","@"), ARGPARSE_s_s (oPersonalDigestPreferences, "personal-digest-preferences","@"), ARGPARSE_s_s (oPersonalCompressPreferences, "personal-compress-preferences", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_s (oDefaultPreferenceList, "default-preference-list", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_s (oDefaultKeyserverURL, "default-keyserver-url", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_n (oNoExpensiveTrustChecks, "no-expensive-trust-checks", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_n (oAllowNonSelfsignedUID, "allow-non-selfsigned-uid", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_n (oNoAllowNonSelfsignedUID, "no-allow-non-selfsigned-uid", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_n (oAllowFreeformUID, "allow-freeform-uid", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_n (oNoAllowFreeformUID, "no-allow-freeform-uid", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_n (oPreservePermissions, "preserve-permissions", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_i (oDefCertLevel, "default-cert-check-level", "@"), /* old */ ARGPARSE_s_s (oTOFUDefaultPolicy, "tofu-default-policy", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_n (oLockOnce, "lock-once", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_n (oLockMultiple, "lock-multiple", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_n (oLockNever, "lock-never", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_s (oCompressAlgo,"compress-algo", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_s (oCompressAlgo, "compression-algo", "@"), /* Alias */ ARGPARSE_s_n (oBZ2DecompressLowmem, "bzip2-decompress-lowmem", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_i (oCompletesNeeded, "completes-needed", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_i (oMarginalsNeeded, "marginals-needed", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_i (oMaxCertDepth, "max-cert-depth", "@" ), #ifndef NO_TRUST_MODELS ARGPARSE_s_s (oTrustDBName, "trustdb-name", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_n (oAutoCheckTrustDB, "auto-check-trustdb", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_n (oNoAutoCheckTrustDB, "no-auto-check-trustdb", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_s (oForceOwnertrust, "force-ownertrust", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_n (oNoAutoTrustNewKey, "no-auto-trust-new-key", "@"), #endif ARGPARSE_header ("Input", N_("Options controlling the input")), ARGPARSE_s_n (oMultifile, "multifile", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_s (oInputSizeHint, "input-size-hint", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_n (oUtf8Strings, "utf8-strings", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_n (oNoUtf8Strings, "no-utf8-strings", "@"), ARGPARSE_p_u (oSetFilesize, "set-filesize", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_n (oNoLiteral, "no-literal", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_s (oSetNotation, "set-notation", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_s (oSigNotation, "sig-notation", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_s (oCertNotation, "cert-notation", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_s (oSetPolicyURL, "set-policy-url", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_s (oSigPolicyURL, "sig-policy-url", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_s (oCertPolicyURL, "cert-policy-url", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_s (oSigKeyserverURL, "sig-keyserver-url", "@"), ARGPARSE_header ("Output", N_("Options controlling the output")), ARGPARSE_s_n (oArmor, "armor", N_("create ascii armored output")), ARGPARSE_s_n (oArmor, "armour", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_n (oNoArmor, "no-armor", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_n (oNoArmor, "no-armour", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_s (oOutput, "output", N_("|FILE|write output to FILE")), ARGPARSE_p_u (oMaxOutput, "max-output", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_s (oComment, "comment", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_n (oDefaultComment, "default-comment", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_n (oNoComments, "no-comments", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_n (oEmitVersion, "emit-version", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_n (oNoEmitVersion, "no-emit-version", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_n (oNoEmitVersion, "no-version", "@"), /* alias */ ARGPARSE_s_n (oNotDashEscaped, "not-dash-escaped", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_n (oEscapeFrom, "escape-from-lines", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_n (oNoEscapeFrom, "no-escape-from-lines", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_n (oMimemode, "mimemode", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_n (oTextmodeShort, NULL, "@"), ARGPARSE_s_n (oTextmode, "textmode", N_("use canonical text mode")), ARGPARSE_s_n (oNoTextmode, "no-textmode", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_s (oSetFilename, "set-filename", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_n (oForYourEyesOnly, "for-your-eyes-only", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_n (oNoForYourEyesOnly, "no-for-your-eyes-only", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_n (oShowNotation, "show-notation", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_n (oNoShowNotation, "no-show-notation", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_n (oShowSessionKey, "show-session-key", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_n (oUseEmbeddedFilename, "use-embedded-filename", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_n (oNoUseEmbeddedFilename, "no-use-embedded-filename", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_n (oUnwrap, "unwrap", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_n (oMangleDosFilenames, "mangle-dos-filenames", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_n (oNoMangleDosFilenames, "no-mangle-dos-filenames", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_i (oChunkSize, "chunk-size", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_n (oNoSymkeyCache, "no-symkey-cache", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_n (oSkipVerify, "skip-verify", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_n (oListOnly, "list-only", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_i (oCompress, NULL, N_("|N|set compress level to N (0 disables)")), ARGPARSE_s_i (oCompressLevel, "compress-level", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_i (oBZ2CompressLevel, "bzip2-compress-level", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_n (oDisableSignerUID, "disable-signer-uid", "@"), ARGPARSE_header ("ImportExport", N_("Options controlling key import and export")), ARGPARSE_s_s (oAutoKeyLocate, "auto-key-locate", N_("|MECHANISMS|use MECHANISMS to locate keys by mail address")), ARGPARSE_s_n (oNoAutoKeyLocate, "no-auto-key-locate", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_n (oAutoKeyImport, "auto-key-import", N_("import missing key from a signature")), ARGPARSE_s_n (oNoAutoKeyImport, "no-auto-key-import", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_n (oAutoKeyRetrieve, "auto-key-retrieve", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_n (oNoAutoKeyRetrieve, "no-auto-key-retrieve", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_n (oIncludeKeyBlock, "include-key-block", N_("include the public key in signatures")), ARGPARSE_s_n (oNoIncludeKeyBlock, "no-include-key-block", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_n (oDisableDirmngr, "disable-dirmngr", N_("disable all access to the dirmngr")), ARGPARSE_s_s (oKeyServer, "keyserver", "@"), /* Deprecated. */ ARGPARSE_s_s (oKeyServerOptions, "keyserver-options", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_s (oKeyOrigin, "key-origin", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_s (oImportOptions, "import-options", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_s (oImportFilter, "import-filter", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_s (oExportOptions, "export-options", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_s (oExportFilter, "export-filter", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_n (oMergeOnly, "merge-only", "@" ), ARGPARSE_s_n (oAllowSecretKeyImport, "allow-secret-key-import", "@"), ARGPARSE_header ("Keylist", N_("Options controlling key listings")), ARGPARSE_s_s (oListOptions, "list-options", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_n (oFullTimestrings, "full-timestrings", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_n (oShowPhotos, "show-photos", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_n (oNoShowPhotos, "no-show-photos", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_n (oShowPolicyURL, "show-policy-url", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_n (oNoShowPolicyURL, "no-show-policy-url", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_n (oWithColons, "with-colons", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_n (oWithTofuInfo,"with-tofu-info", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_n (oWithKeyData,"with-key-data", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_n (oWithSigList,"with-sig-list", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_n (oWithSigCheck,"with-sig-check", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_n (oWithFingerprint, "with-fingerprint", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_n (oWithSubkeyFingerprint, "with-subkey-fingerprint", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_n (oWithSubkeyFingerprint, "with-subkey-fingerprints", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_n (oWithICAOSpelling, "with-icao-spelling", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_n (oWithKeygrip, "with-keygrip", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_n (oWithKeyScreening,"with-key-screening", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_n (oWithSecret, "with-secret", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_n (oWithWKDHash, "with-wkd-hash", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_n (oWithKeyOrigin, "with-key-origin", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_n (oFastListMode, "fast-list-mode", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_n (oFixedListMode, "fixed-list-mode", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_n (oLegacyListMode, "legacy-list-mode", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_n (oPrintDANERecords, "print-dane-records", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_s (oKeyidFormat, "keyid-format", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_n (oShowKeyring, "show-keyring", "@"), ARGPARSE_header (NULL, N_("Options to specify keys")), ARGPARSE_s_s (oRecipient, "recipient", N_("|USER-ID|encrypt for USER-ID")), ARGPARSE_s_s (oHiddenRecipient, "hidden-recipient", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_s (oRecipientFile, "recipient-file", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_s (oHiddenRecipientFile, "hidden-recipient-file", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_s (oRecipient, "remote-user", "@"), /* (old option name) */ ARGPARSE_s_n (oThrowKeyids, "throw-keyids", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_n (oNoThrowKeyids, "no-throw-keyids", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_s (oLocalUser, "local-user", N_("|USER-ID|use USER-ID to sign or decrypt")), ARGPARSE_s_s (oTrustedKey, "trusted-key", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_s (oSender, "sender", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_s (oTrySecretKey, "try-secret-key", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_n (oTryAllSecrets, "try-all-secrets", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_n (oNoDefKeyring, "no-default-keyring", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_n (oNoKeyring, "no-keyring", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_s (oKeyring, "keyring", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_s (oPrimaryKeyring, "primary-keyring", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_s (oSecretKeyring, "secret-keyring", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_n (oSkipHiddenRecipients, "skip-hidden-recipients", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_n (oNoSkipHiddenRecipients, "no-skip-hidden-recipients", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_s (oOverrideSessionKey, "override-session-key", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_i (oOverrideSessionKeyFD, "override-session-key-fd", "@"), ARGPARSE_header ("Security", N_("Options controlling the security")), ARGPARSE_s_i (oS2KMode, "s2k-mode", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_s (oS2KDigest, "s2k-digest-algo", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_s (oS2KCipher, "s2k-cipher-algo", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_i (oS2KCount, "s2k-count", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_n (oForceAEAD, "force-aead", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_n (oRequireCrossCert, "require-backsigs", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_n (oRequireCrossCert, "require-cross-certification", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_n (oNoRequireCrossCert, "no-require-backsigs", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_n (oNoRequireCrossCert, "no-require-cross-certification", "@"), /* Options to override new security defaults. */ ARGPARSE_s_n (oAllowWeakKeySignatures, "allow-weak-key-signatures", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_n (oAllowWeakDigestAlgos, "allow-weak-digest-algos", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_n (oAllowOldCipherAlgos, "allow-old-cipher-algos", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_s (oWeakDigest, "weak-digest","@"), ARGPARSE_s_s (oVerifyOptions, "verify-options", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_n (oEnableSpecialFilenames, "enable-special-filenames", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_n (oNoRandomSeedFile, "no-random-seed-file", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_n (oNoSigCache, "no-sig-cache", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_n (oIgnoreTimeConflict, "ignore-time-conflict", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_n (oIgnoreValidFrom, "ignore-valid-from", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_n (oIgnoreCrcError, "ignore-crc-error", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_n (oIgnoreMDCError, "ignore-mdc-error", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_s (oDisableCipherAlgo, "disable-cipher-algo", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_s (oDisablePubkeyAlgo, "disable-pubkey-algo", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_s (oCipherAlgo, "cipher-algo", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_s (oAEADAlgo, "aead-algo", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_s (oDigestAlgo, "digest-algo", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_s (oCertDigestAlgo, "cert-digest-algo", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_n (oOverrideComplianceCheck, "override-compliance-check", "@"), ARGPARSE_header (NULL, N_("Options for unattended use")), ARGPARSE_s_n (oBatch, "batch", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_n (oNoBatch, "no-batch", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_n (oAnswerYes, "yes", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_n (oAnswerNo, "no", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_i (oStatusFD, "status-fd", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_s (oStatusFile, "status-file", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_i (oAttributeFD, "attribute-fd", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_s (oAttributeFile, "attribute-file", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_i (oCommandFD, "command-fd", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_s (oCommandFile, "command-file", "@"), ARGPARSE_o_s (oPassphrase, "passphrase", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_i (oPassphraseFD, "passphrase-fd", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_s (oPassphraseFile, "passphrase-file", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_i (oPassphraseRepeat,"passphrase-repeat", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_s (oPinentryMode, "pinentry-mode", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_n (oForceSignKey, "force-sign-key", "@"), ARGPARSE_header (NULL, N_("Other options")), ARGPARSE_s_s (oRequestOrigin, "request-origin", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_s (oDisplay, "display", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_s (oTTYname, "ttyname", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_s (oTTYtype, "ttytype", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_s (oLCctype, "lc-ctype", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_s (oLCmessages, "lc-messages","@"), ARGPARSE_s_s (oXauthority, "xauthority", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_s (oChUid, "chuid", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_n (oNoAutostart, "no-autostart", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_n (oUseKeyboxd, "use-keyboxd", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_n (oForbidGenKey, "forbid-gen-key", "@"), /* Options which can be used in special circumstances. They are not * published and we hope they are never required. */ ARGPARSE_s_n (oUseOnlyOpenPGPCard, "use-only-openpgp-card", "@"), /* Esoteric compatibility options. */ ARGPARSE_s_n (oRFC2440Text, "rfc2440-text", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_n (oNoRFC2440Text, "no-rfc2440-text", "@"), ARGPARSE_header (NULL, ""), /* Stop the header group. */ /* Aliases. I constantly mistype these, and assume other people do as well. */ ARGPARSE_s_s (oPersonalCipherPreferences, "personal-cipher-prefs", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_s (oPersonalAEADPreferences, "personal-aead-prefs", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_s (oPersonalDigestPreferences, "personal-digest-prefs", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_s (oPersonalCompressPreferences, "personal-compress-prefs", "@"), /* These two are aliases to help users of the PGP command line product use gpg with minimal pain. Many commands are common already as they seem to have borrowed commands from us. Now I'm returning the favor. */ ARGPARSE_s_s (oLocalUser, "sign-with", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_s (oRecipient, "user", "@"), /* Dummy options with warnings. */ ARGPARSE_s_n (oUseAgent, "use-agent", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_n (oNoUseAgent, "no-use-agent", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_s (oGpgAgentInfo, "gpg-agent-info", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_s (oReaderPort, "reader-port", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_s (octapiDriver, "ctapi-driver", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_s (opcscDriver, "pcsc-driver", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_n (oDisableCCID, "disable-ccid", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_n (oHonorHttpProxy, "honor-http-proxy", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_s (oTOFUDBFormat, "tofu-db-format", "@"), /* Dummy options. */ ARGPARSE_ignore (oStrict, "strict"), ARGPARSE_ignore (oNoStrict, "no-strict"), ARGPARSE_ignore (oLoadExtension, "load-extension"), /* from 1.4. */ ARGPARSE_s_n (oNoop, "sk-comments", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_n (oNoop, "no-sk-comments", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_n (oNoop, "compress-keys", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_n (oNoop, "compress-sigs", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_n (oNoop, "force-v3-sigs", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_n (oNoop, "no-force-v3-sigs", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_n (oNoop, "force-v4-certs", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_n (oNoop, "no-force-v4-certs", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_n (oNoop, "no-mdc-warning", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_n (oNoop, "force-mdc", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_n (oNoop, "no-force-mdc", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_n (oNoop, "disable-mdc", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_n (oNoop, "no-disable-mdc", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_n (oNoop, "allow-multisig-verification", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_n (oNoop, "allow-multiple-messages", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_n (oNoop, "no-allow-multiple-messages", "@"), ARGPARSE_group (302, N_( "@\n(See the man page for a complete listing of all commands and options)\n" )), ARGPARSE_group (303, N_("@\nExamples:\n\n" " -se -r Bob [file] sign and encrypt for user Bob\n" " --clear-sign [file] make a clear text signature\n" " --detach-sign [file] make a detached signature\n" " --list-keys [names] show keys\n" " --fingerprint [names] show fingerprints\n")), ARGPARSE_end () }; /* The list of supported debug flags. */ static struct debug_flags_s debug_flags [] = { { DBG_PACKET_VALUE , "packet" }, { DBG_MPI_VALUE , "mpi" }, { DBG_CRYPTO_VALUE , "crypto" }, { DBG_FILTER_VALUE , "filter" }, { DBG_IOBUF_VALUE , "iobuf" }, { DBG_MEMORY_VALUE , "memory" }, { DBG_CACHE_VALUE , "cache" }, { DBG_MEMSTAT_VALUE, "memstat" }, { DBG_TRUST_VALUE , "trust" }, { DBG_HASHING_VALUE, "hashing" }, { DBG_IPC_VALUE , "ipc" }, { DBG_CLOCK_VALUE , "clock" }, { DBG_LOOKUP_VALUE , "lookup" }, { DBG_EXTPROG_VALUE, "extprog" }, { 0, NULL } }; #ifdef ENABLE_SELINUX_HACKS #define ALWAYS_ADD_KEYRINGS 1 #else #define ALWAYS_ADD_KEYRINGS 0 #endif /* The list of the default AKL methods. */ #define DEFAULT_AKL_LIST "local,wkd" int g10_errors_seen = 0; static int utf8_strings = #ifdef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM 1 #else 0 #endif ; static int maybe_setuid = 1; static unsigned int opt_set_iobuf_size; static unsigned int opt_set_iobuf_size_used; /* Collection of options used only in this module. */ static struct { unsigned int forbid_gen_key; } mopt; static char *build_list( const char *text, char letter, const char *(*mapf)(int), int (*chkf)(int) ); static void set_cmd( enum cmd_and_opt_values *ret_cmd, enum cmd_and_opt_values new_cmd ); static void print_mds( const char *fname, int algo ); static void add_notation_data( const char *string, int which ); static void add_policy_url( const char *string, int which ); static void add_keyserver_url( const char *string, int which ); static void emergency_cleanup (void); static void read_sessionkey_from_fd (int fd); /* NPth wrapper function definitions. */ ASSUAN_SYSTEM_NPTH_IMPL; static char * make_libversion (const char *libname, const char *(*getfnc)(const char*)) { const char *s; char *result; if (maybe_setuid) { gcry_control (GCRYCTL_INIT_SECMEM, 0, 0); /* Drop setuid. */ maybe_setuid = 0; } s = getfnc (NULL); result = xmalloc (strlen (libname) + 1 + strlen (s) + 1); strcpy (stpcpy (stpcpy (result, libname), " "), s); return result; } static int build_list_pk_test_algo (int algo) { /* Show only one "RSA" string. If RSA_E or RSA_S is available RSA is also available. */ if (algo == PUBKEY_ALGO_RSA_E || algo == PUBKEY_ALGO_RSA_S) return GPG_ERR_DIGEST_ALGO; return openpgp_pk_test_algo (algo); } static const char * build_list_pk_algo_name (int algo) { return openpgp_pk_algo_name (algo); } static int build_list_cipher_test_algo (int algo) { return openpgp_cipher_test_algo (algo); } static const char * build_list_cipher_algo_name (int algo) { return openpgp_cipher_algo_name (algo); } static int build_list_aead_test_algo (int algo) { return openpgp_aead_test_algo (algo); } static const char * build_list_aead_algo_name (int algo) { return openpgp_aead_algo_name (algo); } static int build_list_md_test_algo (int algo) { /* By default we do not accept MD5 based signatures. To avoid confusion we do not announce support for it either. */ if (algo == DIGEST_ALGO_MD5) return GPG_ERR_DIGEST_ALGO; return openpgp_md_test_algo (algo); } static const char * build_list_md_algo_name (int algo) { return openpgp_md_algo_name (algo); } static const char * my_strusage( int level ) { static char *digests, *pubkeys, *ciphers, *zips, *aeads, *ver_gcry; const char *p; switch( level ) { case 9: p = "GPL-3.0-or-later"; break; case 11: p = "@GPG@ (@GNUPG@)"; break; case 13: p = VERSION; break; case 14: p = GNUPG_DEF_COPYRIGHT_LINE; break; case 17: p = PRINTABLE_OS_NAME; break; case 19: p = _("Please report bugs to <@EMAIL@>.\n"); break; case 20: if (!ver_gcry) ver_gcry = make_libversion ("libgcrypt", gcry_check_version); p = ver_gcry; break; #ifdef IS_DEVELOPMENT_VERSION case 25: p="NOTE: THIS IS A DEVELOPMENT VERSION!"; break; case 26: p="It is only intended for test purposes and should NOT be"; break; case 27: p="used in a production environment or with production keys!"; break; #endif case 1: case 40: p = _("Usage: @GPG@ [options] [files] (-h for help)"); break; case 41: p = _("Syntax: @GPG@ [options] [files]\n" "Sign, check, encrypt or decrypt\n" "Default operation depends on the input data\n"); break; case 31: p = "\nHome: "; break; #ifndef __riscos__ case 32: p = gnupg_homedir (); break; #else /* __riscos__ */ case 32: p = make_filename(gnupg_homedir (), NULL); break; #endif /* __riscos__ */ case 33: p = _("\nSupported algorithms:\n"); break; case 34: if (!pubkeys) pubkeys = build_list (_("Pubkey: "), 1, build_list_pk_algo_name, build_list_pk_test_algo ); p = pubkeys; break; case 35: if( !ciphers ) ciphers = build_list(_("Cipher: "), 'S', build_list_cipher_algo_name, build_list_cipher_test_algo ); p = ciphers; break; case 36: if (!aeads) aeads = build_list ("AEAD: ", 'A', build_list_aead_algo_name, build_list_aead_test_algo); p = aeads; break; case 37: if( !digests ) digests = build_list(_("Hash: "), 'H', build_list_md_algo_name, build_list_md_test_algo ); p = digests; break; case 38: if( !zips ) zips = build_list(_("Compression: "),'Z', compress_algo_to_string, check_compress_algo); p = zips; break; case 95: p = "1"; /* <-- Enable globbing under Windows (see init.c) */ break; default: p = NULL; } return p; } static char * build_list (const char *text, char letter, const char * (*mapf)(int), int (*chkf)(int)) { membuf_t mb; int indent; int i, j, len; int limit; const char *s; char *string; if (maybe_setuid) gcry_control (GCRYCTL_INIT_SECMEM, 0, 0); /* Drop setuid. */ indent = utf8_charcount (text, -1); len = 0; init_membuf (&mb, 512); limit = (letter == 'A')? 4 : 110; for (i=0; i <= limit; i++ ) { if (!chkf (i) && (s = mapf (i))) { if (mb.len - len > 60) { put_membuf_str (&mb, ",\n"); len = mb.len; for (j=0; j < indent; j++) put_membuf_str (&mb, " "); } else if (mb.len) put_membuf_str (&mb, ", "); else put_membuf_str (&mb, text); put_membuf_str (&mb, s); if (opt.verbose && letter) { char num[20]; if (letter == 1) snprintf (num, sizeof num, " (%d)", i); else snprintf (num, sizeof num, " (%c%d)", letter, i); put_membuf_str (&mb, num); } } } if (mb.len) put_membuf_str (&mb, "\n"); put_membuf (&mb, "", 1); string = get_membuf (&mb, NULL); return xrealloc (string, strlen (string)+1); } static void wrong_args( const char *text) { es_fprintf (es_stderr, _("usage: %s [options] %s\n"), GPG_NAME, text); log_inc_errorcount (); g10_exit(2); } static char * make_username( const char *string ) { char *p; if( utf8_strings ) p = xstrdup(string); else p = native_to_utf8( string ); return p; } static void set_opt_session_env (const char *name, const char *value) { gpg_error_t err; err = session_env_setenv (opt.session_env, name, value); if (err) log_fatal ("error setting session environment: %s\n", gpg_strerror (err)); } /* Setup the debugging. With a LEVEL of NULL only the active debug flags are propagated to the subsystems. With LEVEL set, a specific set of debug flags is set; thus overriding all flags already set. */ static void set_debug (const char *level) { int numok = (level && digitp (level)); int numlvl = numok? atoi (level) : 0; if (!level) ; else if (!strcmp (level, "none") || (numok && numlvl < 1)) opt.debug = 0; else if (!strcmp (level, "basic") || (numok && numlvl <= 2)) opt.debug = DBG_MEMSTAT_VALUE; else if (!strcmp (level, "advanced") || (numok && numlvl <= 5)) opt.debug = DBG_MEMSTAT_VALUE|DBG_TRUST_VALUE|DBG_EXTPROG_VALUE; else if (!strcmp (level, "expert") || (numok && numlvl <= 8)) opt.debug = (DBG_MEMSTAT_VALUE|DBG_TRUST_VALUE|DBG_EXTPROG_VALUE |DBG_CACHE_VALUE|DBG_LOOKUP|DBG_FILTER_VALUE|DBG_PACKET_VALUE); else if (!strcmp (level, "guru") || numok) { opt.debug = ~0; /* Unless the "guru" string has been used we don't want to allow hashing debugging. The rationale is that people tend to select the highest debug value and would then clutter their disk with debug files which may reveal confidential data. */ if (numok) opt.debug &= ~(DBG_HASHING_VALUE); } else { log_error (_("invalid debug-level '%s' given\n"), level); g10_exit (2); } if ((opt.debug & DBG_MEMORY_VALUE)) memory_debug_mode = 1; if ((opt.debug & DBG_MEMSTAT_VALUE)) memory_stat_debug_mode = 1; if (DBG_MPI) gcry_control (GCRYCTL_SET_DEBUG_FLAGS, 2); if (DBG_CRYPTO) gcry_control (GCRYCTL_SET_DEBUG_FLAGS, 1); if ((opt.debug & DBG_IOBUF_VALUE)) iobuf_debug_mode = 1; gcry_control (GCRYCTL_SET_VERBOSITY, (int)opt.verbose); if (opt.debug) parse_debug_flag (NULL, &opt.debug, debug_flags); + /* Make sure that we are --verbose in debug mode. */ + if (opt.debug && !opt.verbose) + opt.verbose = 1; + if (opt.debug && opt.quiet) + opt.quiet = 0; + if (opt_set_iobuf_size || opt_set_iobuf_size_used) log_debug ("iobuf buffer size is %uk\n", iobuf_set_buffer_size (opt_set_iobuf_size)); } /* We set the screen dimensions for UI purposes. Do not allow screens smaller than 80x24 for the sake of simplicity. */ static void set_screen_dimensions(void) { #ifndef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM char *str; str=getenv("COLUMNS"); if(str) opt.screen_columns=atoi(str); str=getenv("LINES"); if(str) opt.screen_lines=atoi(str); #endif if(opt.screen_columns<80 || opt.screen_columns>255) opt.screen_columns=80; if(opt.screen_lines<24 || opt.screen_lines>255) opt.screen_lines=24; } /* Helper to open a file FNAME either for reading or writing to be used with --status-file etc functions. Not generally useful but it avoids the riscos specific functions and well some Windows people might like it too. Prints an error message and returns -1 on error. On success the file descriptor is returned. */ static int open_info_file (const char *fname, int for_write, int binary) { #ifdef __riscos__ return riscos_fdopenfile (fname, for_write); #elif defined (ENABLE_SELINUX_HACKS) /* We can't allow these even when testing for a secured filename because files to be secured might not yet been secured. This is similar to the option file but in that case it is unlikely that sensitive information may be retrieved by means of error messages. */ (void)fname; (void)for_write; (void)binary; return -1; #else int fd; if (binary) binary = MY_O_BINARY; /* if (is_secured_filename (fname)) */ /* { */ /* fd = -1; */ /* gpg_err_set_errno (EPERM); */ /* } */ /* else */ /* { */ do { if (for_write) fd = gnupg_open (fname, O_CREAT | O_TRUNC | O_WRONLY | binary, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR | S_IRGRP | S_IWGRP); else fd = gnupg_open (fname, O_RDONLY | binary, 0); } while (fd == -1 && errno == EINTR); /* } */ if ( fd == -1) log_error ( for_write? _("can't create '%s': %s\n") : _("can't open '%s': %s\n"), fname, strerror(errno)); return fd; #endif } static void set_cmd( enum cmd_and_opt_values *ret_cmd, enum cmd_and_opt_values new_cmd ) { enum cmd_and_opt_values cmd = *ret_cmd; if( !cmd || cmd == new_cmd ) cmd = new_cmd; else if( cmd == aSign && new_cmd == aEncr ) cmd = aSignEncr; else if( cmd == aEncr && new_cmd == aSign ) cmd = aSignEncr; else if( cmd == aSign && new_cmd == aSym ) cmd = aSignSym; else if( cmd == aSym && new_cmd == aSign ) cmd = aSignSym; else if( cmd == aSym && new_cmd == aEncr ) cmd = aEncrSym; else if( cmd == aEncr && new_cmd == aSym ) cmd = aEncrSym; else if (cmd == aSignEncr && new_cmd == aSym) cmd = aSignEncrSym; else if (cmd == aSignSym && new_cmd == aEncr) cmd = aSignEncrSym; else if (cmd == aEncrSym && new_cmd == aSign) cmd = aSignEncrSym; else if( ( cmd == aSign && new_cmd == aClearsign ) || ( cmd == aClearsign && new_cmd == aSign ) ) cmd = aClearsign; else { log_error(_("conflicting commands\n")); g10_exit(2); } *ret_cmd = cmd; } static void add_group(char *string) { char *name,*value; struct groupitem *item; /* Break off the group name */ name=strsep(&string,"="); if(string==NULL) { log_error(_("no = sign found in group definition '%s'\n"),name); return; } trim_trailing_ws(name,strlen(name)); /* Does this group already exist? */ for(item=opt.grouplist;item;item=item->next) if(strcasecmp(item->name,name)==0) break; if(!item) { item=xmalloc(sizeof(struct groupitem)); item->name=name; item->next=opt.grouplist; item->values=NULL; opt.grouplist=item; } /* Break apart the values */ while ((value= strsep(&string," \t"))) { if (*value) add_to_strlist2(&item->values,value,utf8_strings); } } static void rm_group(char *name) { struct groupitem *item,*last=NULL; trim_trailing_ws(name,strlen(name)); for(item=opt.grouplist;item;last=item,item=item->next) { if(strcasecmp(item->name,name)==0) { if(last) last->next=item->next; else opt.grouplist=item->next; free_strlist(item->values); xfree(item); break; } } } /* We need to check three things. 0) The homedir. It must be x00, a directory, and owned by the user. 1) The options/gpg.conf file. Okay unless it or its containing directory is group or other writable or not owned by us. Disable exec in this case. 2) Extensions. Same as #1. Returns true if the item is unsafe. */ static int check_permissions (const char *path, int item) { #if defined(HAVE_STAT) && !defined(HAVE_DOSISH_SYSTEM) static int homedir_cache=-1; char *tmppath,*dir; struct stat statbuf,dirbuf; int homedir=0,ret=0,checkonly=0; int perm=0,own=0,enc_dir_perm=0,enc_dir_own=0; if(opt.no_perm_warn) return 0; log_assert(item==0 || item==1 || item==2); /* extensions may attach a path */ if(item==2 && path[0]!=DIRSEP_C) { if(strchr(path,DIRSEP_C)) tmppath=make_filename(path,NULL); else tmppath=make_filename(gnupg_libdir (),path,NULL); } else tmppath=xstrdup(path); /* If the item is located in the homedir, but isn't the homedir, don't continue if we already checked the homedir itself. This is to avoid user confusion with an extra options file warning which could be rectified if the homedir itself had proper permissions. */ if(item!=0 && homedir_cache>-1 && !ascii_strncasecmp (gnupg_homedir (), tmppath, strlen (gnupg_homedir ()))) { ret=homedir_cache; goto end; } /* It's okay if the file or directory doesn't exist */ if (gnupg_stat (tmppath,&statbuf)) { ret=0; goto end; } /* Now check the enclosing directory. Theoretically, we could walk this test up to the root directory /, but for the sake of sanity, I'm stopping at one level down. */ dir=make_dirname(tmppath); if (gnupg_stat (dir,&dirbuf) || !S_ISDIR (dirbuf.st_mode)) { /* Weird error */ xfree(dir); ret=1; goto end; } xfree(dir); /* Assume failure */ ret=1; if(item==0) { /* The homedir must be x00, a directory, and owned by the user. */ if(S_ISDIR(statbuf.st_mode)) { if(statbuf.st_uid==getuid()) { if((statbuf.st_mode & (S_IRWXG|S_IRWXO))==0) ret=0; else perm=1; } else own=1; homedir_cache=ret; } } else if(item==1 || item==2) { /* The options or extension file. Okay unless it or its containing directory is group or other writable or not owned by us or root. */ if(S_ISREG(statbuf.st_mode)) { if(statbuf.st_uid==getuid() || statbuf.st_uid==0) { if((statbuf.st_mode & (S_IWGRP|S_IWOTH))==0) { /* it's not writable, so make sure the enclosing directory is also not writable */ if(dirbuf.st_uid==getuid() || dirbuf.st_uid==0) { if((dirbuf.st_mode & (S_IWGRP|S_IWOTH))==0) ret=0; else enc_dir_perm=1; } else enc_dir_own=1; } else { /* it's writable, so the enclosing directory had better not let people get to it. */ if(dirbuf.st_uid==getuid() || dirbuf.st_uid==0) { if((dirbuf.st_mode & (S_IRWXG|S_IRWXO))==0) ret=0; else perm=enc_dir_perm=1; /* unclear which one to fix! */ } else enc_dir_own=1; } } else own=1; } } else BUG(); if(!checkonly) { if(own) { if(item==0) log_info(_("WARNING: unsafe ownership on" " homedir '%s'\n"),tmppath); else if(item==1) log_info(_("WARNING: unsafe ownership on" " configuration file '%s'\n"),tmppath); else log_info(_("WARNING: unsafe ownership on" " extension '%s'\n"),tmppath); } if(perm) { if(item==0) log_info(_("WARNING: unsafe permissions on" " homedir '%s'\n"),tmppath); else if(item==1) log_info(_("WARNING: unsafe permissions on" " configuration file '%s'\n"),tmppath); else log_info(_("WARNING: unsafe permissions on" " extension '%s'\n"),tmppath); } if(enc_dir_own) { if(item==0) log_info(_("WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory ownership on" " homedir '%s'\n"),tmppath); else if(item==1) log_info(_("WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory ownership on" " configuration file '%s'\n"),tmppath); else log_info(_("WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory ownership on" " extension '%s'\n"),tmppath); } if(enc_dir_perm) { if(item==0) log_info(_("WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory permissions on" " homedir '%s'\n"),tmppath); else if(item==1) log_info(_("WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory permissions on" " configuration file '%s'\n"),tmppath); else log_info(_("WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory permissions on" " extension '%s'\n"),tmppath); } } end: xfree(tmppath); if(homedir) homedir_cache=ret; return ret; #else /*!(HAVE_STAT && !HAVE_DOSISH_SYSTEM)*/ (void)path; (void)item; return 0; #endif /*!(HAVE_STAT && !HAVE_DOSISH_SYSTEM)*/ } /* Print the OpenPGP defined algo numbers. */ static void print_algo_numbers(int (*checker)(int)) { int i,first=1; for(i=0;i<=110;i++) { if(!checker(i)) { if(first) first=0; else es_printf (";"); es_printf ("%d",i); } } } static void print_algo_names(int (*checker)(int),const char *(*mapper)(int)) { int i,first=1; for(i=0;i<=110;i++) { if(!checker(i)) { if(first) first=0; else es_printf (";"); es_printf ("%s",mapper(i)); } } } /* In the future, we can do all sorts of interesting configuration output here. For now, just give "group" as the Enigmail folks need it, and pubkey, cipher, hash, and compress as they may be useful for frontends. */ static void list_config(char *items) { int show_all = !items; char *name = NULL; const char *s; struct groupitem *giter; int first, iter; if(!opt.with_colons) return; while(show_all || (name=strsep(&items," "))) { int any=0; if(show_all || ascii_strcasecmp(name,"group")==0) { for (giter = opt.grouplist; giter; giter = giter->next) { strlist_t sl; es_fprintf (es_stdout, "cfg:group:"); es_write_sanitized (es_stdout, giter->name, strlen(giter->name), ":", NULL); es_putc (':', es_stdout); for(sl=giter->values; sl; sl=sl->next) { es_write_sanitized (es_stdout, sl->d, strlen (sl->d), ":;", NULL); if(sl->next) es_printf(";"); } es_printf("\n"); } any=1; } if(show_all || ascii_strcasecmp(name,"version")==0) { es_printf("cfg:version:"); es_write_sanitized (es_stdout, VERSION, strlen(VERSION), ":", NULL); es_printf ("\n"); any=1; } if(show_all || ascii_strcasecmp(name,"pubkey")==0) { es_printf ("cfg:pubkey:"); print_algo_numbers (build_list_pk_test_algo); es_printf ("\n"); any=1; } if(show_all || ascii_strcasecmp(name,"pubkeyname")==0) { es_printf ("cfg:pubkeyname:"); print_algo_names (build_list_pk_test_algo, build_list_pk_algo_name); es_printf ("\n"); any=1; } if(show_all || ascii_strcasecmp(name,"cipher")==0) { es_printf ("cfg:cipher:"); print_algo_numbers (build_list_cipher_test_algo); es_printf ("\n"); any=1; } if (show_all || !ascii_strcasecmp (name,"ciphername")) { es_printf ("cfg:ciphername:"); print_algo_names (build_list_cipher_test_algo, build_list_cipher_algo_name); es_printf ("\n"); any = 1; } if(show_all || ascii_strcasecmp(name,"digest")==0 || ascii_strcasecmp(name,"hash")==0) { es_printf ("cfg:digest:"); print_algo_numbers (build_list_md_test_algo); es_printf ("\n"); any=1; } if (show_all || !ascii_strcasecmp(name,"digestname") || !ascii_strcasecmp(name,"hashname")) { es_printf ("cfg:digestname:"); print_algo_names (build_list_md_test_algo, build_list_md_algo_name); es_printf ("\n"); any=1; } if(show_all || ascii_strcasecmp(name,"compress")==0) { es_printf ("cfg:compress:"); print_algo_numbers(check_compress_algo); es_printf ("\n"); any=1; } if(show_all || ascii_strcasecmp (name, "compressname") == 0) { es_printf ("cfg:compressname:"); print_algo_names (check_compress_algo, compress_algo_to_string); es_printf ("\n"); any=1; } if (show_all || !ascii_strcasecmp(name,"ccid-reader-id")) { /* We ignore this for GnuPG 1.4 backward compatibility. */ any=1; } if (show_all || !ascii_strcasecmp (name,"curve")) { es_printf ("cfg:curve:"); for (iter=0, first=1; (s = openpgp_enum_curves (&iter)); first=0) es_printf ("%s%s", first?"":";", s); es_printf ("\n"); any=1; } /* Curve OIDs are rarely useful and thus only printed if requested. */ if (name && !ascii_strcasecmp (name,"curveoid")) { es_printf ("cfg:curveoid:"); for (iter=0, first=1; (s = openpgp_enum_curves (&iter)); first = 0) { s = openpgp_curve_to_oid (s, NULL, NULL); es_printf ("%s%s", first?"":";", s? s:"[?]"); } es_printf ("\n"); any=1; } if(show_all) break; if(!any) log_error(_("unknown configuration item '%s'\n"),name); } } /* List default values for use by gpgconf. */ static void gpgconf_list (void) { es_printf ("debug-level:%lu:\"none:\n", GC_OPT_FLAG_DEFAULT); es_printf ("compliance:%lu:\"%s:\n", GC_OPT_FLAG_DEFAULT, "gnupg"); /* The next one is an info only item and should match the macros at the top of keygen.c */ es_printf ("default_pubkey_algo:%lu:\"%s:\n", GC_OPT_FLAG_DEFAULT, get_default_pubkey_algo ()); /* This info only mode tells whether the we are running in de-vs * compliance mode. This does not test all parameters but the basic * conditions like a proper RNG and Libgcrypt. AS of now we always * return 0 because this version of gnupg has not yet received an * appoval. */ es_printf ("compliance_de_vs:%lu:%d:\n", GC_OPT_FLAG_DEFAULT, 0 /*gnupg_rng_is_compliant (CO_DE_VS)*/); es_printf ("use_keyboxd:%lu:%d:\n", GC_OPT_FLAG_DEFAULT, opt.use_keyboxd); } static int parse_subpacket_list(char *list) { char *tok; byte subpackets[128],i; int count=0; if(!list) { /* No arguments means all subpackets */ memset(subpackets+1,1,sizeof(subpackets)-1); count=127; } else { memset(subpackets,0,sizeof(subpackets)); /* Merge with earlier copy */ if(opt.show_subpackets) { byte *in; for(in=opt.show_subpackets;*in;in++) { if(*in>127 || *in<1) BUG(); if(!subpackets[*in]) count++; subpackets[*in]=1; } } while((tok=strsep(&list," ,"))) { if(!*tok) continue; i=atoi(tok); if(i>127 || i<1) return 0; if(!subpackets[i]) count++; subpackets[i]=1; } } xfree(opt.show_subpackets); opt.show_subpackets=xmalloc(count+1); opt.show_subpackets[count--]=0; for(i=1;i<128 && count>=0;i++) if(subpackets[i]) opt.show_subpackets[count--]=i; return 1; } static int parse_list_options(char *str) { char *subpackets=""; /* something that isn't NULL */ struct parse_options lopts[]= { {"show-photos",LIST_SHOW_PHOTOS,NULL, N_("display photo IDs during key listings")}, {"show-usage",LIST_SHOW_USAGE,NULL, N_("show key usage information during key listings")}, {"show-policy-urls",LIST_SHOW_POLICY_URLS,NULL, N_("show policy URLs during signature listings")}, {"show-notations",LIST_SHOW_NOTATIONS,NULL, N_("show all notations during signature listings")}, {"show-std-notations",LIST_SHOW_STD_NOTATIONS,NULL, N_("show IETF standard notations during signature listings")}, {"show-standard-notations",LIST_SHOW_STD_NOTATIONS,NULL, NULL}, {"show-user-notations",LIST_SHOW_USER_NOTATIONS,NULL, N_("show user-supplied notations during signature listings")}, {"show-keyserver-urls",LIST_SHOW_KEYSERVER_URLS,NULL, N_("show preferred keyserver URLs during signature listings")}, {"show-uid-validity",LIST_SHOW_UID_VALIDITY,NULL, N_("show user ID validity during key listings")}, {"show-unusable-uids",LIST_SHOW_UNUSABLE_UIDS,NULL, N_("show revoked and expired user IDs in key listings")}, {"show-unusable-subkeys",LIST_SHOW_UNUSABLE_SUBKEYS,NULL, N_("show revoked and expired subkeys in key listings")}, {"show-keyring",LIST_SHOW_KEYRING,NULL, N_("show the keyring name in key listings")}, {"show-sig-expire",LIST_SHOW_SIG_EXPIRE,NULL, N_("show expiration dates during signature listings")}, {"show-sig-subpackets",LIST_SHOW_SIG_SUBPACKETS,NULL, NULL}, {"show-only-fpr-mbox",LIST_SHOW_ONLY_FPR_MBOX, NULL, NULL}, {"sort-sigs", LIST_SORT_SIGS, NULL, NULL}, {NULL,0,NULL,NULL} }; /* C99 allows for non-constant initializers, but we'd like to compile everywhere, so fill in the show-sig-subpackets argument here. Note that if the parse_options array changes, we'll have to change the subscript here. */ lopts[13].value=&subpackets; if(parse_options(str,&opt.list_options,lopts,1)) { if(opt.list_options&LIST_SHOW_SIG_SUBPACKETS) { /* Unset so users can pass multiple lists in. */ opt.list_options&=~LIST_SHOW_SIG_SUBPACKETS; if(!parse_subpacket_list(subpackets)) return 0; } else if(subpackets==NULL && opt.show_subpackets) { /* User did 'no-show-subpackets' */ xfree(opt.show_subpackets); opt.show_subpackets=NULL; } return 1; } else return 0; } /* Collapses argc/argv into a single string that must be freed */ static char * collapse_args(int argc,char *argv[]) { char *str=NULL; int i,first=1,len=0; for(i=0;imagic = SERVER_CONTROL_MAGIC; } /* This function is called to deinitialize a control object. It is not deallocated. */ static void gpg_deinit_default_ctrl (ctrl_t ctrl) { #ifdef USE_TOFU tofu_closedbs (ctrl); #endif gpg_dirmngr_deinit_session_data (ctrl); keydb_release (ctrl->cached_getkey_kdb); gpg_keyboxd_deinit_session_data (ctrl); xfree (ctrl->secret_keygrips); ctrl->secret_keygrips = NULL; } int main (int argc, char **argv) { gpgrt_argparse_t pargs; IOBUF a; int rc=0; int orig_argc; char **orig_argv; const char *fname; char *username; int may_coredump; strlist_t sl; strlist_t remusr = NULL; strlist_t locusr = NULL; strlist_t nrings = NULL; armor_filter_context_t *afx = NULL; int detached_sig = 0; char *last_configname = NULL; const char *configname = NULL; /* NULL or points to last_configname. * NULL also indicates that we are * processing options from the cmdline. */ int debug_argparser = 0; int default_keyring = 1; int greeting = 0; int nogreeting = 0; char *logfile = NULL; int use_random_seed = 1; enum cmd_and_opt_values cmd = 0; const char *debug_level = NULL; #ifndef NO_TRUST_MODELS const char *trustdb_name = NULL; #endif /*!NO_TRUST_MODELS*/ char *def_cipher_string = NULL; char *def_aead_string = NULL; char *def_digest_string = NULL; char *compress_algo_string = NULL; char *cert_digest_string = NULL; char *s2k_cipher_string = NULL; char *s2k_digest_string = NULL; char *pers_cipher_list = NULL; char *pers_aead_list = NULL; char *pers_digest_list = NULL; char *pers_compress_list = NULL; int eyes_only=0; int multifile=0; int pwfd = -1; int ovrseskeyfd = -1; int fpr_maybe_cmd = 0; /* --fingerprint maybe a command. */ int any_explicit_recipient = 0; int default_akl = 1; int require_secmem = 0; int got_secmem = 0; struct assuan_malloc_hooks malloc_hooks; ctrl_t ctrl; static int print_dane_records; static int allow_large_chunks; static const char *homedirvalue; static const char *changeuser; #ifdef __riscos__ opt.lock_once = 1; #endif /* __riscos__ */ /* Please note that we may running SUID(ROOT), so be very CAREFUL when adding any stuff between here and the call to secmem_init() somewhere after the option parsing. */ early_system_init (); gnupg_reopen_std (GPG_NAME); trap_unaligned (); gnupg_rl_initialize (); gpgrt_set_strusage (my_strusage); gcry_control (GCRYCTL_SUSPEND_SECMEM_WARN); log_set_prefix (GPG_NAME, GPGRT_LOG_WITH_PREFIX); /* Make sure that our subsystems are ready. */ i18n_init(); init_common_subsystems (&argc, &argv); /* Use our own logging handler for Libcgrypt. */ setup_libgcrypt_logging (); /* Put random number into secure memory */ gcry_control (GCRYCTL_USE_SECURE_RNDPOOL); may_coredump = disable_core_dumps(); gnupg_init_signals (0, emergency_cleanup); dotlock_create (NULL, 0); /* Register lock file cleanup. */ /* Tell the compliance module who we are. */ gnupg_initialize_compliance (GNUPG_MODULE_NAME_GPG); opt.autostart = 1; opt.session_env = session_env_new (); if (!opt.session_env) log_fatal ("error allocating session environment block: %s\n", strerror (errno)); opt.command_fd = -1; /* no command fd */ opt.compress_level = -1; /* defaults to standard compress level */ opt.bz2_compress_level = -1; /* defaults to standard compress level */ /* note: if you change these lines, look at oOpenPGP */ opt.def_cipher_algo = 0; opt.def_aead_algo = 0; opt.def_digest_algo = 0; opt.cert_digest_algo = 0; opt.compress_algo = -1; /* defaults to DEFAULT_COMPRESS_ALGO */ opt.s2k_mode = 3; /* iterated+salted */ opt.s2k_count = 0; /* Auto-calibrate when needed. */ opt.s2k_cipher_algo = DEFAULT_CIPHER_ALGO; opt.completes_needed = 1; opt.marginals_needed = 3; opt.max_cert_depth = 5; opt.escape_from = 1; opt.flags.require_cross_cert = 1; opt.import_options = (IMPORT_REPAIR_KEYS | IMPORT_COLLAPSE_UIDS | IMPORT_COLLAPSE_SUBKEYS); opt.export_options = EXPORT_ATTRIBUTES; opt.keyserver_options.import_options = (IMPORT_REPAIR_KEYS | IMPORT_REPAIR_PKS_SUBKEY_BUG | IMPORT_SELF_SIGS_ONLY | IMPORT_COLLAPSE_UIDS | IMPORT_COLLAPSE_SUBKEYS | IMPORT_CLEAN); opt.keyserver_options.export_options = EXPORT_ATTRIBUTES; opt.keyserver_options.options = 0; opt.verify_options = (LIST_SHOW_UID_VALIDITY | VERIFY_SHOW_POLICY_URLS | VERIFY_SHOW_STD_NOTATIONS | VERIFY_SHOW_KEYSERVER_URLS); opt.list_options = (LIST_SHOW_UID_VALIDITY | LIST_SORT_SIGS | LIST_SHOW_USAGE); #ifdef NO_TRUST_MODELS opt.trust_model = TM_ALWAYS; #else opt.trust_model = TM_AUTO; #endif opt.tofu_default_policy = TOFU_POLICY_AUTO; opt.mangle_dos_filenames = 0; opt.min_cert_level = 2; set_screen_dimensions (); opt.keyid_format = KF_NONE; opt.def_sig_expire = "0"; opt.def_cert_expire = "0"; opt.passphrase_repeat = 1; opt.emit_version = 0; opt.weak_digests = NULL; opt.compliance = CO_GNUPG; opt.flags.rfc4880bis = 1; /* Check special options given on the command line. */ orig_argc = argc; orig_argv = argv; pargs.argc = &argc; pargs.argv = &argv; pargs.flags= (ARGPARSE_FLAG_KEEP | ARGPARSE_FLAG_NOVERSION); while (gpgrt_argparse (NULL, &pargs, opts)) { switch (pargs.r_opt) { case oDebug: case oDebugAll: debug_argparser++; break; case oDebugIOLBF: es_setvbuf (es_stdout, NULL, _IOLBF, 0); break; case oNoOptions: /* Set here here because the homedir would otherwise be * created before main option parsing starts. */ opt.no_homedir_creation = 1; break; case oHomedir: homedirvalue = pargs.r.ret_str; break; case oChUid: changeuser = pargs.r.ret_str; break; case oNoPermissionWarn: opt.no_perm_warn = 1; break; } } /* Reset the flags. */ pargs.flags &= ~(ARGPARSE_FLAG_KEEP | ARGPARSE_FLAG_NOVERSION); #ifdef HAVE_DOSISH_SYSTEM /* FIXME: Do we still need this? No: gnupg_homedir calls * make_filename which changes the slashed anyway. IsDBCSLeadByte still * needed? See bug #561. */ if ( strchr (gnupg_homedir (), '\\') ) { char *d, *buf = xmalloc (strlen (gnupg_homedir ())+1); const char *s; for (d=buf, s = gnupg_homedir (); *s; s++) { *d++ = *s == '\\'? '/': *s; #ifdef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM if (s[1] && IsDBCSLeadByte (*s)) *d++ = *++s; #endif } *d = 0; gnupg_set_homedir (buf); } #endif /* Initialize the secure memory. */ if (!gcry_control (GCRYCTL_INIT_SECMEM, SECMEM_BUFFER_SIZE, 0)) got_secmem = 1; #if defined(HAVE_GETUID) && defined(HAVE_GETEUID) /* There should be no way to get to this spot while still carrying setuid privs. Just in case, bomb out if we are. */ if ( getuid () != geteuid () ) BUG (); #endif maybe_setuid = 0; /* Okay, we are now working under our real uid */ /* malloc hooks go here ... */ malloc_hooks.malloc = gcry_malloc; malloc_hooks.realloc = gcry_realloc; malloc_hooks.free = gcry_free; assuan_set_malloc_hooks (&malloc_hooks); assuan_set_gpg_err_source (GPG_ERR_SOURCE_DEFAULT); setup_libassuan_logging (&opt.debug, NULL); /* Change UID and then set the homedir. */ if (changeuser && gnupg_chuid (changeuser, 0)) log_inc_errorcount (); /* Force later termination. */ gnupg_set_homedir (homedirvalue); /* Set default options which require that malloc stuff is ready. */ additional_weak_digest ("MD5"); parse_auto_key_locate (DEFAULT_AKL_LIST); argc = orig_argc; argv = orig_argv; pargs.argc = &argc; pargs.argv = &argv; /* We are re-using the struct, thus the reset flag. We OR the * flags so that the internal intialized flag won't be cleared. */ pargs.flags |= (ARGPARSE_FLAG_RESET | ARGPARSE_FLAG_KEEP | ARGPARSE_FLAG_SYS | ARGPARSE_FLAG_USER | ARGPARSE_FLAG_USERVERS); /* By this point we have a homedir, and cannot change it. */ check_permissions (gnupg_homedir (), 0); /* The configuraton directories for use by gpgrt_argparser. */ gpgrt_set_confdir (GPGRT_CONFDIR_SYS, gnupg_sysconfdir ()); gpgrt_set_confdir (GPGRT_CONFDIR_USER, gnupg_homedir ()); while (gpgrt_argparser (&pargs, opts, GPG_NAME EXTSEP_S "conf" )) { switch (pargs.r_opt) { case ARGPARSE_CONFFILE: if (debug_argparser) log_info (_("reading options from '%s'\n"), pargs.r_type? pargs.r.ret_str: "[cmdline]"); if (pargs.r_type) { xfree (last_configname); last_configname = xstrdup (pargs.r.ret_str); configname = last_configname; if (is_secured_filename (configname)) { pargs.r_opt = ARGPARSE_PERMISSION_ERROR; pargs.err = ARGPARSE_PRINT_ERROR; } else if (strncmp (configname, gnupg_sysconfdir (), strlen (gnupg_sysconfdir ()))) { /* This is not the global config file and thus we * need to check the permissions: If the file is * unsafe, then disable any external programs for * keyserver calls or photo IDs. Since the * external program to call is set in the options * file, a unsafe options file can lead to an * arbitrary program being run. */ if (check_permissions (configname, 1)) opt.exec_disable=1; } } else configname = NULL; break; /* case oOptions: */ /* case oNoOptions: */ /* We will never see these options here because * gpgrt_argparse handles them for us. */ /* break */ case aListConfig: case aListGcryptConfig: case aGPGConfList: case aGPGConfTest: set_cmd (&cmd, pargs.r_opt); /* Do not register a keyring for these commands. */ default_keyring = -1; break; case aCheckKeys: case aListPackets: case aImport: case aFastImport: case aSendKeys: case aRecvKeys: case aSearchKeys: case aRefreshKeys: case aFetchKeys: case aExport: #ifdef ENABLE_CARD_SUPPORT case aCardStatus: case aCardEdit: case aChangePIN: #endif /* ENABLE_CARD_SUPPORT*/ case aListKeys: case aLocateKeys: case aLocateExtKeys: case aListSigs: case aExportSecret: case aExportSecretSub: case aExportSshKey: case aExportSecretSshKey: case aSym: case aClearsign: case aGenRevoke: case aDesigRevoke: case aPrimegen: case aGenRandom: case aPrintMD: case aPrintMDs: case aListTrustDB: case aCheckTrustDB: case aUpdateTrustDB: case aFixTrustDB: case aListTrustPath: case aDeArmor: case aEnArmor: case aSign: case aQuickSignKey: case aQuickLSignKey: case aQuickRevSig: case aSignKey: case aLSignKey: case aStore: case aQuickKeygen: case aQuickAddUid: case aQuickAddKey: case aQuickRevUid: case aQuickSetExpire: case aQuickSetPrimaryUid: case aExportOwnerTrust: case aImportOwnerTrust: case aRebuildKeydbCaches: set_cmd (&cmd, pargs.r_opt); break; case aKeygen: case aFullKeygen: case aEditKey: case aDeleteSecretKeys: case aDeleteSecretAndPublicKeys: case aDeleteKeys: case aPasswd: set_cmd (&cmd, pargs.r_opt); greeting=1; break; case aShowKeys: set_cmd (&cmd, pargs.r_opt); opt.import_options |= IMPORT_SHOW; opt.import_options |= IMPORT_DRY_RUN; opt.import_options &= ~IMPORT_REPAIR_KEYS; opt.list_options |= LIST_SHOW_UNUSABLE_UIDS; opt.list_options |= LIST_SHOW_UNUSABLE_SUBKEYS; opt.list_options |= LIST_SHOW_NOTATIONS; opt.list_options |= LIST_SHOW_POLICY_URLS; break; case aDetachedSign: detached_sig = 1; set_cmd( &cmd, aSign ); break; case aDecryptFiles: multifile=1; /* fall through */ case aDecrypt: set_cmd( &cmd, aDecrypt); break; case aEncrFiles: multifile=1; /* fall through */ case aEncr: set_cmd( &cmd, aEncr); break; case aVerifyFiles: multifile=1; /* fall through */ case aVerify: set_cmd( &cmd, aVerify); break; case aServer: set_cmd (&cmd, pargs.r_opt); opt.batch = 1; break; case aTOFUPolicy: set_cmd (&cmd, pargs.r_opt); break; case oArmor: opt.armor = 1; opt.no_armor=0; break; case oOutput: opt.outfile = pargs.r.ret_str; break; case oMaxOutput: opt.max_output = pargs.r.ret_ulong; break; case oInputSizeHint: opt.input_size_hint = string_to_u64 (pargs.r.ret_str); break; case oChunkSize: opt.chunk_size = pargs.r.ret_int; break; case oQuiet: opt.quiet = 1; break; case oNoTTY: tty_no_terminal(1); break; case oDryRun: opt.dry_run = 1; break; case oInteractive: opt.interactive = 1; break; case oVerbose: opt.verbose++; gcry_control (GCRYCTL_SET_VERBOSITY, (int)opt.verbose); opt.list_options|=LIST_SHOW_UNUSABLE_UIDS; opt.list_options|=LIST_SHOW_UNUSABLE_SUBKEYS; break; case oBatch: opt.batch = 1; nogreeting = 1; break; case oUseAgent: /* Dummy. */ break; case oNoUseAgent: obsolete_option (configname, pargs.lineno, "no-use-agent"); break; case oGpgAgentInfo: obsolete_option (configname, pargs.lineno, "gpg-agent-info"); break; case oUseKeyboxd: opt.use_keyboxd = 1; break; case oReaderPort: obsolete_scdaemon_option (configname, pargs.lineno, "reader-port"); break; case octapiDriver: obsolete_scdaemon_option (configname, pargs.lineno, "ctapi-driver"); break; case opcscDriver: obsolete_scdaemon_option (configname, pargs.lineno, "pcsc-driver"); break; case oDisableCCID: obsolete_scdaemon_option (configname, pargs.lineno, "disable-ccid"); break; case oHonorHttpProxy: obsolete_option (configname, pargs.lineno, "honor-http-proxy"); break; case oAnswerYes: opt.answer_yes = 1; break; case oAnswerNo: opt.answer_no = 1; break; case oForceSignKey: opt.flags.force_sign_key = 1; break; case oKeyring: append_to_strlist( &nrings, pargs.r.ret_str); break; case oPrimaryKeyring: sl = append_to_strlist (&nrings, pargs.r.ret_str); sl->flags = KEYDB_RESOURCE_FLAG_PRIMARY; break; case oShowKeyring: deprecated_warning(configname,pargs.lineno,"--show-keyring", "--list-options ","show-keyring"); opt.list_options|=LIST_SHOW_KEYRING; break; case oDebug: if (parse_debug_flag (pargs.r.ret_str, &opt.debug, debug_flags)) { pargs.r_opt = ARGPARSE_INVALID_ARG; pargs.err = ARGPARSE_PRINT_ERROR; } break; case oDebugAll: opt.debug = ~0; break; case oDebugLevel: debug_level = pargs.r.ret_str; break; case oDebugIOLBF: break; /* Already set in pre-parse step. */ case oDebugSetIobufSize: opt_set_iobuf_size = pargs.r.ret_ulong; opt_set_iobuf_size_used = 1; break; case oDebugAllowLargeChunks: allow_large_chunks = 1; break; case oStatusFD: set_status_fd ( translate_sys2libc_fd_int (pargs.r.ret_int, 1) ); break; case oStatusFile: set_status_fd ( open_info_file (pargs.r.ret_str, 1, 0) ); break; case oAttributeFD: set_attrib_fd ( translate_sys2libc_fd_int (pargs.r.ret_int, 1) ); break; case oAttributeFile: set_attrib_fd ( open_info_file (pargs.r.ret_str, 1, 1) ); break; case oLoggerFD: log_set_fd (translate_sys2libc_fd_int (pargs.r.ret_int, 1)); break; case oLoggerFile: logfile = pargs.r.ret_str; break; case oWithFingerprint: opt.with_fingerprint = 1; opt.fingerprint++; break; case oWithSubkeyFingerprint: opt.with_subkey_fingerprint = 1; break; case oWithICAOSpelling: opt.with_icao_spelling = 1; break; case oFingerprint: opt.fingerprint++; fpr_maybe_cmd = 1; break; case oWithKeygrip: opt.with_keygrip = 1; break; case oWithKeyScreening: opt.with_key_screening = 1; break; case oWithSecret: opt.with_secret = 1; break; case oWithWKDHash: opt.with_wkd_hash = 1; break; case oWithKeyOrigin: opt.with_key_origin = 1; break; case oSecretKeyring: obsolete_option (configname, pargs.lineno, "secret-keyring"); break; case oNoArmor: opt.no_armor=1; opt.armor=0; break; case oNoDefKeyring: if (default_keyring > 0) default_keyring = 0; break; case oNoKeyring: default_keyring = -1; break; case oNoGreeting: nogreeting = 1; break; case oNoVerbose: opt.verbose = 0; gcry_control (GCRYCTL_SET_VERBOSITY, (int)opt.verbose); opt.list_sigs=0; break; case oQuickRandom: gcry_control (GCRYCTL_ENABLE_QUICK_RANDOM, 0); break; case oEmitVersion: opt.emit_version++; break; case oNoEmitVersion: opt.emit_version=0; break; case oCompletesNeeded: opt.completes_needed = pargs.r.ret_int; break; case oMarginalsNeeded: opt.marginals_needed = pargs.r.ret_int; break; case oMaxCertDepth: opt.max_cert_depth = pargs.r.ret_int; break; #ifndef NO_TRUST_MODELS case oTrustDBName: trustdb_name = pargs.r.ret_str; break; #endif /*!NO_TRUST_MODELS*/ case oDefaultKey: sl = add_to_strlist (&opt.def_secret_key, pargs.r.ret_str); sl->flags = (pargs.r_opt << PK_LIST_SHIFT); if (configname) sl->flags |= PK_LIST_CONFIG; break; case oDefRecipient: if( *pargs.r.ret_str ) { xfree (opt.def_recipient); opt.def_recipient = make_username(pargs.r.ret_str); } break; case oDefRecipientSelf: xfree(opt.def_recipient); opt.def_recipient = NULL; opt.def_recipient_self = 1; break; case oNoDefRecipient: xfree(opt.def_recipient); opt.def_recipient = NULL; opt.def_recipient_self = 0; break; case oHomedir: break; case oChUid: break; /* Command line only (see above). */ case oNoBatch: opt.batch = 0; break; case oWithTofuInfo: opt.with_tofu_info = 1; break; case oWithKeyData: opt.with_key_data=1; /*FALLTHRU*/ case oWithColons: opt.with_colons=':'; break; case oWithSigCheck: opt.check_sigs = 1; /*FALLTHRU*/ case oWithSigList: opt.list_sigs = 1; break; case oSkipVerify: opt.skip_verify=1; break; case oSkipHiddenRecipients: opt.skip_hidden_recipients = 1; break; case oNoSkipHiddenRecipients: opt.skip_hidden_recipients = 0; break; case aListSecretKeys: set_cmd( &cmd, aListSecretKeys); break; #ifndef NO_TRUST_MODELS /* There are many programs (like mutt) that call gpg with --always-trust so keep this option around for a long time. */ case oAlwaysTrust: opt.trust_model=TM_ALWAYS; break; case oTrustModel: parse_trust_model(pargs.r.ret_str); break; #endif /*!NO_TRUST_MODELS*/ case oTOFUDefaultPolicy: opt.tofu_default_policy = parse_tofu_policy (pargs.r.ret_str); break; case oTOFUDBFormat: obsolete_option (configname, pargs.lineno, "tofu-db-format"); break; case oForceOwnertrust: log_info(_("Note: %s is not for normal use!\n"), "--force-ownertrust"); opt.force_ownertrust=string_to_trust_value(pargs.r.ret_str); if(opt.force_ownertrust==-1) { log_error("invalid ownertrust '%s'\n",pargs.r.ret_str); opt.force_ownertrust=0; } break; case oNoAutoTrustNewKey: opt.flags.no_auto_trust_new_key = 1; break; case oCompliance: { int compliance = gnupg_parse_compliance_option (pargs.r.ret_str, compliance_options, DIM (compliance_options), opt.quiet); if (compliance < 0) g10_exit (1); set_compliance_option (compliance); } break; case oOpenPGP: case oRFC2440: case oRFC4880: case oRFC4880bis: case oPGP7: case oPGP8: case oGnuPG: set_compliance_option (pargs.r_opt); break; case oMinRSALength: opt.min_rsa_length = pargs.r.ret_ulong; break; case oRFC2440Text: opt.rfc2440_text=1; break; case oNoRFC2440Text: opt.rfc2440_text=0; break; case oSetFilename: if(utf8_strings) opt.set_filename = pargs.r.ret_str; else opt.set_filename = native_to_utf8(pargs.r.ret_str); break; case oForYourEyesOnly: eyes_only = 1; break; case oNoForYourEyesOnly: eyes_only = 0; break; case oSetPolicyURL: add_policy_url(pargs.r.ret_str,0); add_policy_url(pargs.r.ret_str,1); break; case oSigPolicyURL: add_policy_url(pargs.r.ret_str,0); break; case oCertPolicyURL: add_policy_url(pargs.r.ret_str,1); break; case oShowPolicyURL: deprecated_warning(configname,pargs.lineno,"--show-policy-url", "--list-options ","show-policy-urls"); deprecated_warning(configname,pargs.lineno,"--show-policy-url", "--verify-options ","show-policy-urls"); opt.list_options|=LIST_SHOW_POLICY_URLS; opt.verify_options|=VERIFY_SHOW_POLICY_URLS; break; case oNoShowPolicyURL: deprecated_warning(configname,pargs.lineno,"--no-show-policy-url", "--list-options ","no-show-policy-urls"); deprecated_warning(configname,pargs.lineno,"--no-show-policy-url", "--verify-options ","no-show-policy-urls"); opt.list_options&=~LIST_SHOW_POLICY_URLS; opt.verify_options&=~VERIFY_SHOW_POLICY_URLS; break; case oSigKeyserverURL: add_keyserver_url(pargs.r.ret_str,0); break; case oUseEmbeddedFilename: opt.flags.use_embedded_filename=1; break; case oNoUseEmbeddedFilename: opt.flags.use_embedded_filename=0; break; case oComment: if(pargs.r.ret_str[0]) append_to_strlist(&opt.comments,pargs.r.ret_str); break; case oDefaultComment: deprecated_warning(configname,pargs.lineno, "--default-comment","--no-comments",""); /* fall through */ case oNoComments: free_strlist(opt.comments); opt.comments=NULL; break; case oThrowKeyids: opt.throw_keyids = 1; break; case oNoThrowKeyids: opt.throw_keyids = 0; break; case oShowPhotos: deprecated_warning(configname,pargs.lineno,"--show-photos", "--list-options ","show-photos"); deprecated_warning(configname,pargs.lineno,"--show-photos", "--verify-options ","show-photos"); opt.list_options|=LIST_SHOW_PHOTOS; opt.verify_options|=VERIFY_SHOW_PHOTOS; break; case oNoShowPhotos: deprecated_warning(configname,pargs.lineno,"--no-show-photos", "--list-options ","no-show-photos"); deprecated_warning(configname,pargs.lineno,"--no-show-photos", "--verify-options ","no-show-photos"); opt.list_options&=~LIST_SHOW_PHOTOS; opt.verify_options&=~VERIFY_SHOW_PHOTOS; break; case oPhotoViewer: opt.photo_viewer = pargs.r.ret_str; break; case oForceAEAD: opt.force_aead = 1; break; case oDisableSignerUID: opt.flags.disable_signer_uid = 1; break; case oIncludeKeyBlock: opt.flags.include_key_block = 1; break; case oNoIncludeKeyBlock: opt.flags.include_key_block = 0; break; case oS2KMode: opt.s2k_mode = pargs.r.ret_int; break; case oS2KDigest: s2k_digest_string = xstrdup(pargs.r.ret_str); break; case oS2KCipher: s2k_cipher_string = xstrdup(pargs.r.ret_str); break; case oS2KCount: if (pargs.r.ret_int) opt.s2k_count = encode_s2k_iterations (pargs.r.ret_int); else opt.s2k_count = 0; /* Auto-calibrate when needed. */ break; case oRecipient: case oHiddenRecipient: case oRecipientFile: case oHiddenRecipientFile: /* Store the recipient. Note that we also store the * option as private data in the flags. This is achieved * by shifting the option value to the left so to keep * enough space for the flags. */ sl = add_to_strlist2( &remusr, pargs.r.ret_str, utf8_strings ); sl->flags = (pargs.r_opt << PK_LIST_SHIFT); if (configname) sl->flags |= PK_LIST_CONFIG; if (pargs.r_opt == oHiddenRecipient || pargs.r_opt == oHiddenRecipientFile) sl->flags |= PK_LIST_HIDDEN; if (pargs.r_opt == oRecipientFile || pargs.r_opt == oHiddenRecipientFile) sl->flags |= PK_LIST_FROM_FILE; any_explicit_recipient = 1; break; case oEncryptTo: case oHiddenEncryptTo: /* Store an additional recipient. */ sl = add_to_strlist2( &remusr, pargs.r.ret_str, utf8_strings ); sl->flags = ((pargs.r_opt << PK_LIST_SHIFT) | PK_LIST_ENCRYPT_TO); if (configname) sl->flags |= PK_LIST_CONFIG; if (pargs.r_opt == oHiddenEncryptTo) sl->flags |= PK_LIST_HIDDEN; break; case oNoEncryptTo: opt.no_encrypt_to = 1; break; case oEncryptToDefaultKey: opt.encrypt_to_default_key = configname ? 2 : 1; break; case oTrySecretKey: add_to_strlist2 (&opt.secret_keys_to_try, pargs.r.ret_str, utf8_strings); break; case oMimemode: opt.mimemode = opt.textmode = 1; break; case oTextmodeShort: opt.textmode = 2; break; case oTextmode: opt.textmode=1; break; case oNoTextmode: opt.textmode=opt.mimemode=0; break; case oExpert: opt.expert = 1; break; case oNoExpert: opt.expert = 0; break; case oDefSigExpire: if(*pargs.r.ret_str!='\0') { if(parse_expire_string(pargs.r.ret_str)==(u32)-1) log_error(_("'%s' is not a valid signature expiration\n"), pargs.r.ret_str); else opt.def_sig_expire=pargs.r.ret_str; } break; case oAskSigExpire: opt.ask_sig_expire = 1; break; case oNoAskSigExpire: opt.ask_sig_expire = 0; break; case oDefCertExpire: if(*pargs.r.ret_str!='\0') { if(parse_expire_string(pargs.r.ret_str)==(u32)-1) log_error(_("'%s' is not a valid signature expiration\n"), pargs.r.ret_str); else opt.def_cert_expire=pargs.r.ret_str; } break; case oAskCertExpire: opt.ask_cert_expire = 1; break; case oNoAskCertExpire: opt.ask_cert_expire = 0; break; case oDefCertLevel: opt.def_cert_level=pargs.r.ret_int; break; case oMinCertLevel: opt.min_cert_level=pargs.r.ret_int; break; case oAskCertLevel: opt.ask_cert_level = 1; break; case oNoAskCertLevel: opt.ask_cert_level = 0; break; case oLocalUser: /* store the local users */ sl = add_to_strlist2( &locusr, pargs.r.ret_str, utf8_strings ); sl->flags = (pargs.r_opt << PK_LIST_SHIFT); if (configname) sl->flags |= PK_LIST_CONFIG; break; case oSender: { char *mbox = mailbox_from_userid (pargs.r.ret_str, 0); if (!mbox) log_error (_("\"%s\" is not a proper mail address\n"), pargs.r.ret_str); else { add_to_strlist (&opt.sender_list, mbox); xfree (mbox); } } break; case oCompress: /* this is the -z command line option */ opt.compress_level = opt.bz2_compress_level = pargs.r.ret_int; break; case oCompressLevel: opt.compress_level = pargs.r.ret_int; break; case oBZ2CompressLevel: opt.bz2_compress_level = pargs.r.ret_int; break; case oBZ2DecompressLowmem: opt.bz2_decompress_lowmem=1; break; case oPassphrase: set_passphrase_from_string (pargs.r_type ? pargs.r.ret_str : ""); break; case oPassphraseFD: pwfd = translate_sys2libc_fd_int (pargs.r.ret_int, 0); break; case oPassphraseFile: pwfd = open_info_file (pargs.r.ret_str, 0, 1); break; case oPassphraseRepeat: opt.passphrase_repeat = pargs.r.ret_int; break; case oPinentryMode: opt.pinentry_mode = parse_pinentry_mode (pargs.r.ret_str); if (opt.pinentry_mode == -1) log_error (_("invalid pinentry mode '%s'\n"), pargs.r.ret_str); break; case oRequestOrigin: opt.request_origin = parse_request_origin (pargs.r.ret_str); if (opt.request_origin == -1) log_error (_("invalid request origin '%s'\n"), pargs.r.ret_str); break; case oCommandFD: opt.command_fd = translate_sys2libc_fd_int (pargs.r.ret_int, 0); if (! gnupg_fd_valid (opt.command_fd)) log_error ("command-fd is invalid: %s\n", strerror (errno)); break; case oCommandFile: opt.command_fd = open_info_file (pargs.r.ret_str, 0, 1); break; case oCipherAlgo: def_cipher_string = xstrdup(pargs.r.ret_str); break; case oAEADAlgo: def_aead_string = xstrdup (pargs.r.ret_str); break; case oDigestAlgo: def_digest_string = xstrdup(pargs.r.ret_str); break; case oCompressAlgo: /* If it is all digits, stick a Z in front of it for later. This is for backwards compatibility with versions that took the compress algorithm number. */ { char *pt=pargs.r.ret_str; while(*pt) { if (!isascii (*pt) || !isdigit (*pt)) break; pt++; } if(*pt=='\0') { compress_algo_string=xmalloc(strlen(pargs.r.ret_str)+2); strcpy(compress_algo_string,"Z"); strcat(compress_algo_string,pargs.r.ret_str); } else compress_algo_string = xstrdup(pargs.r.ret_str); } break; case oCertDigestAlgo: cert_digest_string = xstrdup(pargs.r.ret_str); break; case oNoSecmemWarn: gcry_control (GCRYCTL_DISABLE_SECMEM_WARN); break; case oRequireSecmem: require_secmem=1; break; case oNoRequireSecmem: require_secmem=0; break; case oNoPermissionWarn: opt.no_perm_warn=1; break; case oDisplayCharset: if( set_native_charset( pargs.r.ret_str ) ) log_error(_("'%s' is not a valid character set\n"), pargs.r.ret_str); break; case oNotDashEscaped: opt.not_dash_escaped = 1; break; case oEscapeFrom: opt.escape_from = 1; break; case oNoEscapeFrom: opt.escape_from = 0; break; case oLockOnce: opt.lock_once = 1; break; case oLockNever: dotlock_disable (); break; case oLockMultiple: #ifndef __riscos__ opt.lock_once = 0; #else /* __riscos__ */ riscos_not_implemented("lock-multiple"); #endif /* __riscos__ */ break; case oKeyServer: { keyserver_spec_t keyserver; keyserver = parse_keyserver_uri (pargs.r.ret_str, 0); if (!keyserver) log_error (_("could not parse keyserver URL\n")); else { /* We only support a single keyserver. Later ones override earlier ones. (Since we parse the config file first and then the command line arguments, the command line takes precedence.) */ if (opt.keyserver) free_keyserver_spec (opt.keyserver); opt.keyserver = keyserver; } } break; case oKeyServerOptions: if(!parse_keyserver_options(pargs.r.ret_str)) { if(configname) log_error(_("%s:%d: invalid keyserver options\n"), configname,pargs.lineno); else log_error(_("invalid keyserver options\n")); } break; case oImportOptions: if(!parse_import_options(pargs.r.ret_str,&opt.import_options,1)) { if(configname) log_error(_("%s:%d: invalid import options\n"), configname,pargs.lineno); else log_error(_("invalid import options\n")); } break; case oImportFilter: rc = parse_and_set_import_filter (pargs.r.ret_str); if (rc) log_error (_("invalid filter option: %s\n"), gpg_strerror (rc)); break; case oExportOptions: if(!parse_export_options(pargs.r.ret_str,&opt.export_options,1)) { if(configname) log_error(_("%s:%d: invalid export options\n"), configname,pargs.lineno); else log_error(_("invalid export options\n")); } break; case oExportFilter: rc = parse_and_set_export_filter (pargs.r.ret_str); if (rc) log_error (_("invalid filter option: %s\n"), gpg_strerror (rc)); break; case oListOptions: if(!parse_list_options(pargs.r.ret_str)) { if(configname) log_error(_("%s:%d: invalid list options\n"), configname,pargs.lineno); else log_error(_("invalid list options\n")); } break; case oVerifyOptions: { struct parse_options vopts[]= { {"show-photos",VERIFY_SHOW_PHOTOS,NULL, N_("display photo IDs during signature verification")}, {"show-policy-urls",VERIFY_SHOW_POLICY_URLS,NULL, N_("show policy URLs during signature verification")}, {"show-notations",VERIFY_SHOW_NOTATIONS,NULL, N_("show all notations during signature verification")}, {"show-std-notations",VERIFY_SHOW_STD_NOTATIONS,NULL, N_("show IETF standard notations during signature verification")}, {"show-standard-notations",VERIFY_SHOW_STD_NOTATIONS,NULL, NULL}, {"show-user-notations",VERIFY_SHOW_USER_NOTATIONS,NULL, N_("show user-supplied notations during signature verification")}, {"show-keyserver-urls",VERIFY_SHOW_KEYSERVER_URLS,NULL, N_("show preferred keyserver URLs during signature verification")}, {"show-uid-validity",VERIFY_SHOW_UID_VALIDITY,NULL, N_("show user ID validity during signature verification")}, {"show-unusable-uids",VERIFY_SHOW_UNUSABLE_UIDS,NULL, N_("show revoked and expired user IDs in signature verification")}, {"show-primary-uid-only",VERIFY_SHOW_PRIMARY_UID_ONLY,NULL, N_("show only the primary user ID in signature verification")}, {NULL,0,NULL,NULL} }; if(!parse_options(pargs.r.ret_str,&opt.verify_options,vopts,1)) { if(configname) log_error(_("%s:%d: invalid verify options\n"), configname,pargs.lineno); else log_error(_("invalid verify options\n")); } } break; case oTempDir: opt.temp_dir=pargs.r.ret_str; break; case oExecPath: if(set_exec_path(pargs.r.ret_str)) log_error(_("unable to set exec-path to %s\n"),pargs.r.ret_str); else opt.exec_path_set=1; break; case oSetNotation: add_notation_data( pargs.r.ret_str, 0 ); add_notation_data( pargs.r.ret_str, 1 ); break; case oSigNotation: add_notation_data( pargs.r.ret_str, 0 ); break; case oCertNotation: add_notation_data( pargs.r.ret_str, 1 ); break; case oKnownNotation: register_known_notation (pargs.r.ret_str); break; case oShowNotation: deprecated_warning(configname,pargs.lineno,"--show-notation", "--list-options ","show-notations"); deprecated_warning(configname,pargs.lineno,"--show-notation", "--verify-options ","show-notations"); opt.list_options|=LIST_SHOW_NOTATIONS; opt.verify_options|=VERIFY_SHOW_NOTATIONS; break; case oNoShowNotation: deprecated_warning(configname,pargs.lineno,"--no-show-notation", "--list-options ","no-show-notations"); deprecated_warning(configname,pargs.lineno,"--no-show-notation", "--verify-options ","no-show-notations"); opt.list_options&=~LIST_SHOW_NOTATIONS; opt.verify_options&=~VERIFY_SHOW_NOTATIONS; break; case oUtf8Strings: utf8_strings = 1; break; case oNoUtf8Strings: #ifdef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM utf8_strings = 0; #endif break; case oDisableCipherAlgo: { int algo = string_to_cipher_algo (pargs.r.ret_str); gcry_cipher_ctl (NULL, GCRYCTL_DISABLE_ALGO, &algo, sizeof algo); } break; case oDisablePubkeyAlgo: { int algo = gcry_pk_map_name (pargs.r.ret_str); gcry_pk_ctl (GCRYCTL_DISABLE_ALGO, &algo, sizeof algo); } break; case oNoSigCache: opt.no_sig_cache = 1; break; case oAllowNonSelfsignedUID: opt.allow_non_selfsigned_uid = 1; break; case oNoAllowNonSelfsignedUID: opt.allow_non_selfsigned_uid=0; break; case oAllowFreeformUID: opt.allow_freeform_uid = 1; break; case oNoAllowFreeformUID: opt.allow_freeform_uid = 0; break; case oNoLiteral: opt.no_literal = 1; break; case oSetFilesize: opt.set_filesize = pargs.r.ret_ulong; break; case oFastListMode: opt.fast_list_mode = 1; break; case oFixedListMode: /* Dummy */ break; case oLegacyListMode: opt.legacy_list_mode = 1; break; case oPrintDANERecords: print_dane_records = 1; break; case oListOnly: opt.list_only=1; break; case oIgnoreTimeConflict: opt.ignore_time_conflict = 1; break; case oIgnoreValidFrom: opt.ignore_valid_from = 1; break; case oIgnoreCrcError: opt.ignore_crc_error = 1; break; case oIgnoreMDCError: opt.ignore_mdc_error = 1; break; case oNoRandomSeedFile: use_random_seed = 0; break; case oAutoKeyImport: opt.flags.auto_key_import = 1; break; case oNoAutoKeyImport: opt.flags.auto_key_import = 0; break; case oAutoKeyRetrieve: opt.keyserver_options.options |= KEYSERVER_AUTO_KEY_RETRIEVE; break; case oNoAutoKeyRetrieve: opt.keyserver_options.options &= ~KEYSERVER_AUTO_KEY_RETRIEVE; break; case oShowSessionKey: opt.show_session_key = 1; break; case oOverrideSessionKey: opt.override_session_key = pargs.r.ret_str; break; case oOverrideSessionKeyFD: ovrseskeyfd = translate_sys2libc_fd_int (pargs.r.ret_int, 0); break; case oMergeOnly: deprecated_warning(configname,pargs.lineno,"--merge-only", "--import-options ","merge-only"); opt.import_options|=IMPORT_MERGE_ONLY; break; case oAllowSecretKeyImport: /* obsolete */ break; case oTryAllSecrets: opt.try_all_secrets = 1; break; case oTrustedKey: register_trusted_key( pargs.r.ret_str ); break; case oEnableSpecialFilenames: enable_special_filenames (); break; case oNoExpensiveTrustChecks: opt.no_expensive_trust_checks=1; break; case oAutoCheckTrustDB: opt.no_auto_check_trustdb=0; break; case oNoAutoCheckTrustDB: opt.no_auto_check_trustdb=1; break; case oPreservePermissions: opt.preserve_permissions=1; break; case oDefaultPreferenceList: opt.def_preference_list = pargs.r.ret_str; break; case oDefaultKeyserverURL: { keyserver_spec_t keyserver; keyserver = parse_keyserver_uri (pargs.r.ret_str,1 ); if (!keyserver) log_error (_("could not parse keyserver URL\n")); else free_keyserver_spec (keyserver); opt.def_keyserver_url = pargs.r.ret_str; } break; case oPersonalCipherPreferences: pers_cipher_list=pargs.r.ret_str; break; case oPersonalAEADPreferences: pers_aead_list = pargs.r.ret_str; break; case oPersonalDigestPreferences: pers_digest_list=pargs.r.ret_str; break; case oPersonalCompressPreferences: pers_compress_list=pargs.r.ret_str; break; case oAgentProgram: opt.agent_program = pargs.r.ret_str; break; case oKeyboxdProgram: opt.keyboxd_program = pargs.r.ret_str; break; case oDirmngrProgram: opt.dirmngr_program = pargs.r.ret_str; break; case oDisableDirmngr: opt.disable_dirmngr = 1; break; case oWeakDigest: additional_weak_digest(pargs.r.ret_str); break; case oUnwrap: opt.unwrap_encryption = 1; break; case oOnlySignTextIDs: opt.only_sign_text_ids = 1; break; case oDisplay: set_opt_session_env ("DISPLAY", pargs.r.ret_str); break; case oTTYname: set_opt_session_env ("GPG_TTY", pargs.r.ret_str); break; case oTTYtype: set_opt_session_env ("TERM", pargs.r.ret_str); break; case oXauthority: set_opt_session_env ("XAUTHORITY", pargs.r.ret_str); break; case oLCctype: opt.lc_ctype = pargs.r.ret_str; break; case oLCmessages: opt.lc_messages = pargs.r.ret_str; break; case oGroup: add_group(pargs.r.ret_str); break; case oUnGroup: rm_group(pargs.r.ret_str); break; case oNoGroups: while(opt.grouplist) { struct groupitem *iter=opt.grouplist; free_strlist(iter->values); opt.grouplist=opt.grouplist->next; xfree(iter); } break; case oMangleDosFilenames: opt.mangle_dos_filenames = 1; break; case oNoMangleDosFilenames: opt.mangle_dos_filenames = 0; break; case oEnableProgressFilter: opt.enable_progress_filter = 1; break; case oMultifile: multifile=1; break; case oKeyidFormat: if(ascii_strcasecmp(pargs.r.ret_str,"short")==0) opt.keyid_format=KF_SHORT; else if(ascii_strcasecmp(pargs.r.ret_str,"long")==0) opt.keyid_format=KF_LONG; else if(ascii_strcasecmp(pargs.r.ret_str,"0xshort")==0) opt.keyid_format=KF_0xSHORT; else if(ascii_strcasecmp(pargs.r.ret_str,"0xlong")==0) opt.keyid_format=KF_0xLONG; else if(ascii_strcasecmp(pargs.r.ret_str,"none")==0) opt.keyid_format = KF_NONE; else log_error("unknown keyid-format '%s'\n",pargs.r.ret_str); break; case oExitOnStatusWriteError: opt.exit_on_status_write_error = 1; break; case oLimitCardInsertTries: opt.limit_card_insert_tries = pargs.r.ret_int; break; case oRequireCrossCert: opt.flags.require_cross_cert=1; break; case oNoRequireCrossCert: opt.flags.require_cross_cert=0; break; case oAutoKeyLocate: if (default_akl) { /* This is the first time --auto-key-locate is seen. * We need to reset the default akl. */ default_akl = 0; release_akl(); } if(!parse_auto_key_locate(pargs.r.ret_str)) { if(configname) log_error(_("%s:%d: invalid auto-key-locate list\n"), configname,pargs.lineno); else log_error(_("invalid auto-key-locate list\n")); } break; case oNoAutoKeyLocate: release_akl(); break; case oKeyOrigin: if(!parse_key_origin (pargs.r.ret_str)) log_error (_("invalid argument for option \"%.50s\"\n"), "--key-origin"); break; case oEnableLargeRSA: #if SECMEM_BUFFER_SIZE >= 65536 opt.flags.large_rsa=1; #else if (configname) log_info("%s:%d: WARNING: gpg not built with large secure " "memory buffer. Ignoring enable-large-rsa\n", configname,pargs.lineno); else log_info("WARNING: gpg not built with large secure " "memory buffer. Ignoring --enable-large-rsa\n"); #endif /* SECMEM_BUFFER_SIZE >= 65536 */ break; case oDisableLargeRSA: opt.flags.large_rsa=0; break; case oEnableDSA2: opt.flags.dsa2=1; break; case oDisableDSA2: opt.flags.dsa2=0; break; case oAllowWeakDigestAlgos: opt.flags.allow_weak_digest_algos = 1; break; case oAllowWeakKeySignatures: opt.flags.allow_weak_key_signatures = 1; break; case oAllowOldCipherAlgos: opt.flags.allow_old_cipher_algos = 1; break; case oOverrideComplianceCheck: opt.flags.override_compliance_check = 1; break; case oFakedSystemTime: { size_t len = strlen (pargs.r.ret_str); int freeze = 0; time_t faked_time; if (len > 0 && pargs.r.ret_str[len-1] == '!') { freeze = 1; pargs.r.ret_str[len-1] = '\0'; } faked_time = isotime2epoch (pargs.r.ret_str); if (faked_time == (time_t)(-1)) faked_time = (time_t)strtoul (pargs.r.ret_str, NULL, 10); gnupg_set_time (faked_time, freeze); } break; case oNoAutostart: opt.autostart = 0; break; case oNoSymkeyCache: opt.no_symkey_cache = 1; break; case oDefaultNewKeyAlgo: opt.def_new_key_algo = pargs.r.ret_str; break; case oUseOnlyOpenPGPCard: opt.flags.use_only_openpgp_card = 1; break; case oFullTimestrings: opt.flags.full_timestrings = 1; break; case oForbidGenKey: mopt.forbid_gen_key = 1; break; case oNoop: break; default: if (configname) pargs.err = ARGPARSE_PRINT_WARNING; else { pargs.err = ARGPARSE_PRINT_ERROR; /* The argparse function calls a plain exit and thus * we need to print a status here. */ write_status_failure ("option-parser", gpg_error(GPG_ERR_GENERAL)); } break; } } gpgrt_argparse (NULL, &pargs, NULL); /* Release internal state. */ if (log_get_errorcount (0)) { write_status_failure ("option-parser", gpg_error(GPG_ERR_GENERAL)); g10_exit(2); } /* Process common component options. */ if (parse_comopt (GNUPG_MODULE_NAME_GPG, debug_argparser)) { write_status_failure ("option-parser", gpg_error(GPG_ERR_GENERAL)); g10_exit(2); } if (opt.use_keyboxd) log_info ("Note: Please move option \"%s\" to \"common.conf\"\n", "use-keyboxd"); opt.use_keyboxd = comopt.use_keyboxd; /* Override. */ if (opt.keyboxd_program) log_info ("Note: Please move option \"%s\" to \"common.conf\"\n", "keyboxd-program"); if (!opt.keyboxd_program && comopt.keyboxd_program) { opt.keyboxd_program = comopt.keyboxd_program; comopt.keyboxd_program = NULL; } /* The command --gpgconf-list is pretty simple and may be called directly after the option parsing. */ if (cmd == aGPGConfList) { gpgconf_list (); g10_exit (0); } xfree (last_configname); if (print_dane_records) log_error ("invalid option \"%s\"; use \"%s\" instead\n", "--print-dane-records", "--export-options export-dane"); if (log_get_errorcount (0)) { write_status_failure ("option-checking", gpg_error(GPG_ERR_GENERAL)); g10_exit(2); } if( nogreeting ) greeting = 0; if( greeting ) { es_fprintf (es_stderr, "%s %s; %s\n", gpgrt_strusage(11), gpgrt_strusage(13), gpgrt_strusage(14)); es_fprintf (es_stderr, "%s\n", gpgrt_strusage(15) ); } #ifdef IS_DEVELOPMENT_VERSION if (!opt.batch) { const char *s; if((s=gpgrt_strusage(25))) log_info("%s\n",s); if((s=gpgrt_strusage(26))) log_info("%s\n",s); if((s=gpgrt_strusage(27))) log_info("%s\n",s); } #endif /* Init threading which is used by some helper functions. */ npth_init (); assuan_set_system_hooks (ASSUAN_SYSTEM_NPTH); gpgrt_set_syscall_clamp (npth_unprotect, npth_protect); if (logfile) { log_set_file (logfile); log_set_prefix (NULL, (GPGRT_LOG_WITH_PREFIX | GPGRT_LOG_WITH_TIME | GPGRT_LOG_WITH_PID )); } if (opt.verbose > 2) log_info ("using character set '%s'\n", get_native_charset ()); if( may_coredump && !opt.quiet ) log_info(_("WARNING: program may create a core file!\n")); if (opt.flags.rfc4880bis) { if (opt.verbose) log_info ("Note: RFC4880bis features are enabled.\n"); } else { opt.mimemode = 0; /* This will use text mode instead. */ } if (eyes_only) { if (opt.set_filename) log_info(_("WARNING: %s overrides %s\n"), "--for-your-eyes-only","--set-filename"); opt.set_filename="_CONSOLE"; } if (opt.no_literal) { log_info(_("Note: %s is not for normal use!\n"), "--no-literal"); if (opt.textmode) log_error(_("%s not allowed with %s!\n"), "--textmode", "--no-literal" ); if (opt.set_filename) log_error(_("%s makes no sense with %s!\n"), eyes_only?"--for-your-eyes-only":"--set-filename", "--no-literal" ); } if (opt.set_filesize) log_info(_("Note: %s is not for normal use!\n"), "--set-filesize"); if( opt.batch ) tty_batchmode( 1 ); if (gnupg_faked_time_p ()) { gnupg_isotime_t tbuf; log_info (_("WARNING: running with faked system time: ")); gnupg_get_isotime (tbuf); dump_isotime (tbuf); log_printf ("\n"); } /* Print a warning if an argument looks like an option. */ if (!opt.quiet && !(pargs.flags & ARGPARSE_FLAG_STOP_SEEN)) { int i; for (i=0; i < argc; i++) if (argv[i][0] == '-' && argv[i][1] == '-') log_info (_("Note: '%s' is not considered an option\n"), argv[i]); } gcry_control (GCRYCTL_RESUME_SECMEM_WARN); if(require_secmem && !got_secmem) { log_info(_("will not run with insecure memory due to %s\n"), "--require-secmem"); write_status_failure ("option-checking", gpg_error(GPG_ERR_GENERAL)); g10_exit(2); } /* We allow overriding the compliance check only in non-batch mode * so that the user has a chance to see the message. */ if (opt.flags.override_compliance_check && opt.batch) { opt.flags.override_compliance_check = 0; log_info ("Note: '%s' ignored due to batch mode\n", "--override-compliance-check"); } set_debug (debug_level); gnupg_set_compliance_extra_info (opt.min_rsa_length); if (DBG_CLOCK) log_clock ("start"); /* Do these after the switch(), so they can override settings. */ if (PGP7) { /* That does not anymore work because we have no more support for v3 signatures. */ opt.escape_from=1; opt.ask_sig_expire=0; } else if(PGP8) { opt.escape_from=1; } if( def_cipher_string ) { opt.def_cipher_algo = string_to_cipher_algo (def_cipher_string); xfree(def_cipher_string); def_cipher_string = NULL; if ( openpgp_cipher_test_algo (opt.def_cipher_algo) ) log_error(_("selected cipher algorithm is invalid\n")); } if (def_aead_string) { opt.def_aead_algo = string_to_aead_algo (def_aead_string); xfree (def_aead_string); def_aead_string = NULL; if (openpgp_aead_test_algo (opt.def_aead_algo)) log_error(_("selected AEAD algorithm is invalid\n")); } if( def_digest_string ) { opt.def_digest_algo = string_to_digest_algo (def_digest_string); xfree(def_digest_string); def_digest_string = NULL; if ( openpgp_md_test_algo (opt.def_digest_algo) ) log_error(_("selected digest algorithm is invalid\n")); } if( compress_algo_string ) { opt.compress_algo = string_to_compress_algo(compress_algo_string); xfree(compress_algo_string); compress_algo_string = NULL; if( check_compress_algo(opt.compress_algo) ) log_error(_("selected compression algorithm is invalid\n")); } if( cert_digest_string ) { opt.cert_digest_algo = string_to_digest_algo (cert_digest_string); xfree(cert_digest_string); cert_digest_string = NULL; if (openpgp_md_test_algo(opt.cert_digest_algo)) log_error(_("selected certification digest algorithm is invalid\n")); } if( s2k_cipher_string ) { opt.s2k_cipher_algo = string_to_cipher_algo (s2k_cipher_string); xfree(s2k_cipher_string); s2k_cipher_string = NULL; if (openpgp_cipher_test_algo (opt.s2k_cipher_algo)) log_error(_("selected cipher algorithm is invalid\n")); } if( s2k_digest_string ) { opt.s2k_digest_algo = string_to_digest_algo (s2k_digest_string); xfree(s2k_digest_string); s2k_digest_string = NULL; if (openpgp_md_test_algo(opt.s2k_digest_algo)) log_error(_("selected digest algorithm is invalid\n")); } if( opt.completes_needed < 1 ) log_error(_("completes-needed must be greater than 0\n")); if( opt.marginals_needed < 2 ) log_error(_("marginals-needed must be greater than 1\n")); if( opt.max_cert_depth < 1 || opt.max_cert_depth > 255 ) log_error(_("max-cert-depth must be in the range from 1 to 255\n")); if(opt.def_cert_level<0 || opt.def_cert_level>3) log_error(_("invalid default-cert-level; must be 0, 1, 2, or 3\n")); if( opt.min_cert_level < 1 || opt.min_cert_level > 3 ) log_error(_("invalid min-cert-level; must be 1, 2, or 3\n")); switch( opt.s2k_mode ) { case 0: if (!opt.quiet) log_info(_("Note: simple S2K mode (0) is strongly discouraged\n")); break; case 1: case 3: break; default: log_error(_("invalid S2K mode; must be 0, 1 or 3\n")); } /* This isn't actually needed, but does serve to error out if the string is invalid. */ if(opt.def_preference_list && keygen_set_std_prefs(opt.def_preference_list,0)) log_error(_("invalid default preferences\n")); if(pers_cipher_list && keygen_set_std_prefs(pers_cipher_list,PREFTYPE_SYM)) log_error(_("invalid personal cipher preferences\n")); if (pers_aead_list && keygen_set_std_prefs (pers_aead_list, PREFTYPE_AEAD)) log_error(_("invalid personal AEAD preferences\n")); if(pers_digest_list && keygen_set_std_prefs(pers_digest_list,PREFTYPE_HASH)) log_error(_("invalid personal digest preferences\n")); if(pers_compress_list && keygen_set_std_prefs(pers_compress_list,PREFTYPE_ZIP)) log_error(_("invalid personal compress preferences\n")); /* Check chunk size. Please fix also the man page if you change * the default. The limits are given by the specs. */ if (!opt.chunk_size) opt.chunk_size = 22; /* Default to the suggested max of 4 MiB. */ else if (opt.chunk_size < 6) { opt.chunk_size = 6; log_info (_("chunk size invalid - using %d\n"), opt.chunk_size); } else if (opt.chunk_size > (allow_large_chunks? 62 : 22)) { opt.chunk_size = (allow_large_chunks? 62 : 22); log_info (_("chunk size invalid - using %d\n"), opt.chunk_size); } /* We don't support all possible commands with multifile yet */ if(multifile) { char *cmdname; switch(cmd) { case aSign: cmdname="--sign"; break; case aSignEncr: cmdname="--sign --encrypt"; break; case aClearsign: cmdname="--clear-sign"; break; case aDetachedSign: cmdname="--detach-sign"; break; case aSym: cmdname="--symmetric"; break; case aEncrSym: cmdname="--symmetric --encrypt"; break; case aStore: cmdname="--store"; break; default: cmdname=NULL; break; } if(cmdname) log_error(_("%s does not yet work with %s\n"),cmdname,"--multifile"); } if( log_get_errorcount(0) ) { write_status_failure ("option-postprocessing", gpg_error(GPG_ERR_GENERAL)); g10_exit (2); } if(opt.compress_level==0) opt.compress_algo=COMPRESS_ALGO_NONE; /* Check our chosen algorithms against the list of legal algorithms. */ if(!GNUPG && !opt.flags.rfc4880bis) { const char *badalg=NULL; preftype_t badtype=PREFTYPE_NONE; if(opt.def_cipher_algo && !algo_available(PREFTYPE_SYM,opt.def_cipher_algo,NULL)) { badalg = openpgp_cipher_algo_name (opt.def_cipher_algo); badtype = PREFTYPE_SYM; } else if(opt.def_aead_algo && !algo_available(PREFTYPE_AEAD, opt.def_aead_algo, NULL)) { badalg = openpgp_aead_algo_name (opt.def_aead_algo); badtype = PREFTYPE_AEAD; } else if(opt.def_digest_algo && !algo_available(PREFTYPE_HASH,opt.def_digest_algo,NULL)) { badalg = gcry_md_algo_name (opt.def_digest_algo); badtype = PREFTYPE_HASH; } else if(opt.cert_digest_algo && !algo_available(PREFTYPE_HASH,opt.cert_digest_algo,NULL)) { badalg = gcry_md_algo_name (opt.cert_digest_algo); badtype = PREFTYPE_HASH; } else if(opt.compress_algo!=-1 && !algo_available(PREFTYPE_ZIP,opt.compress_algo,NULL)) { badalg = compress_algo_to_string(opt.compress_algo); badtype = PREFTYPE_ZIP; } if(badalg) { switch(badtype) { case PREFTYPE_SYM: log_info (_("cipher algorithm '%s'" " may not be used in %s mode\n"), badalg, gnupg_compliance_option_string (opt.compliance)); break; case PREFTYPE_AEAD: log_info (_("AEAD algorithm '%s'" " may not be used in %s mode\n"), badalg, gnupg_compliance_option_string (opt.compliance)); break; case PREFTYPE_HASH: log_info (_("digest algorithm '%s'" " may not be used in %s mode\n"), badalg, gnupg_compliance_option_string (opt.compliance)); break; case PREFTYPE_ZIP: log_info (_("compression algorithm '%s'" " may not be used in %s mode\n"), badalg, gnupg_compliance_option_string (opt.compliance)); break; default: BUG(); } compliance_failure(); } } /* Check our chosen algorithms against the list of allowed * algorithms in the current compliance mode, and fail hard if it * is not. This is us being nice to the user informing her early * that the chosen algorithms are not available. We also check * and enforce this right before the actual operation. */ /* FIXME: We also need to check the AEAD algo. */ if (opt.def_cipher_algo && ! gnupg_cipher_is_allowed (opt.compliance, cmd == aEncr || cmd == aSignEncr || cmd == aEncrSym || cmd == aSym || cmd == aSignSym || cmd == aSignEncrSym, opt.def_cipher_algo, GCRY_CIPHER_MODE_NONE)) log_error (_("cipher algorithm '%s' may not be used in %s mode\n"), openpgp_cipher_algo_name (opt.def_cipher_algo), gnupg_compliance_option_string (opt.compliance)); if (opt.def_digest_algo && ! gnupg_digest_is_allowed (opt.compliance, cmd == aSign || cmd == aSignEncr || cmd == aSignEncrSym || cmd == aSignSym || cmd == aClearsign, opt.def_digest_algo)) log_error (_("digest algorithm '%s' may not be used in %s mode\n"), gcry_md_algo_name (opt.def_digest_algo), gnupg_compliance_option_string (opt.compliance)); /* Fail hard. */ if (log_get_errorcount (0)) { write_status_failure ("option-checking", gpg_error(GPG_ERR_GENERAL)); g10_exit (2); } /* Set the random seed file. */ if (use_random_seed) { char *p = make_filename (gnupg_homedir (), "random_seed", NULL ); gcry_control (GCRYCTL_SET_RANDOM_SEED_FILE, p); if (!gnupg_access (p, F_OK)) register_secured_file (p); xfree(p); } /* If there is no command but the --fingerprint is given, default to the --list-keys command. */ if (!cmd && fpr_maybe_cmd) { set_cmd (&cmd, aListKeys); } if( opt.verbose > 1 ) set_packet_list_mode(1); /* Add the keyrings, but not for some special commands. We always * need to add the keyrings if we are running under SELinux, this * is so that the rings are added to the list of secured files. * We do not add any keyring if --no-keyring or --use-keyboxd has * been used. */ if (!opt.use_keyboxd && default_keyring >= 0 && (ALWAYS_ADD_KEYRINGS || (cmd != aDeArmor && cmd != aEnArmor && cmd != aGPGConfTest))) { if (!nrings || default_keyring > 0) /* Add default ring. */ keydb_add_resource ("pubring" EXTSEP_S GPGEXT_GPG, KEYDB_RESOURCE_FLAG_DEFAULT); for (sl = nrings; sl; sl = sl->next ) keydb_add_resource (sl->d, sl->flags); } FREE_STRLIST(nrings); /* In loopback mode, never ask for the password multiple times. */ if (opt.pinentry_mode == PINENTRY_MODE_LOOPBACK) { opt.passphrase_repeat = 0; } /* If no pinentry is expected shunt * gnupg_allow_set_foregound_window to avoid useless error * messages on Windows. */ if (opt.pinentry_mode != PINENTRY_MODE_ASK) { gnupg_inhibit_set_foregound_window (1); } if (cmd == aGPGConfTest) g10_exit(0); if (pwfd != -1) /* Read the passphrase now. */ read_passphrase_from_fd (pwfd); if (ovrseskeyfd != -1 ) /* Read the sessionkey now. */ read_sessionkey_from_fd (ovrseskeyfd); fname = argc? *argv : NULL; if(fname && utf8_strings) opt.flags.utf8_filename=1; ctrl = xcalloc (1, sizeof *ctrl); gpg_init_default_ctrl (ctrl); #ifndef NO_TRUST_MODELS switch (cmd) { case aPrimegen: case aPrintMD: case aPrintMDs: case aGenRandom: case aDeArmor: case aEnArmor: case aListConfig: case aListGcryptConfig: break; case aFixTrustDB: case aExportOwnerTrust: rc = setup_trustdb (0, trustdb_name); break; case aListTrustDB: rc = setup_trustdb (argc? 1:0, trustdb_name); break; case aKeygen: case aFullKeygen: case aQuickKeygen: rc = setup_trustdb (1, trustdb_name); break; default: /* If we are using TM_ALWAYS, we do not need to create the trustdb. */ rc = setup_trustdb (opt.trust_model != TM_ALWAYS, trustdb_name); break; } if (rc) log_error (_("failed to initialize the TrustDB: %s\n"), gpg_strerror (rc)); #endif /*!NO_TRUST_MODELS*/ switch (cmd) { case aStore: case aSym: case aSign: case aSignSym: case aClearsign: if (!opt.quiet && any_explicit_recipient) log_info (_("WARNING: recipients (-r) given " "without using public key encryption\n")); break; default: break; } /* Check for certain command whether we need to migrate a secring.gpg to the gpg-agent. */ switch (cmd) { case aListSecretKeys: case aSign: case aSignEncr: case aSignEncrSym: case aSignSym: case aClearsign: case aDecrypt: case aSignKey: case aLSignKey: case aEditKey: case aPasswd: case aDeleteSecretKeys: case aDeleteSecretAndPublicKeys: case aQuickKeygen: case aQuickAddUid: case aQuickAddKey: case aQuickRevUid: case aQuickSetPrimaryUid: case aFullKeygen: case aKeygen: case aImport: case aExportSecret: case aExportSecretSub: case aGenRevoke: case aDesigRevoke: case aCardEdit: case aChangePIN: migrate_secring (ctrl); break; case aListKeys: if (opt.with_secret) migrate_secring (ctrl); break; default: break; } /* The command dispatcher. */ switch( cmd ) { case aServer: gpg_server (ctrl); break; case aStore: /* only store the file */ if( argc > 1 ) wrong_args("--store [filename]"); if( (rc = encrypt_store(fname)) ) { write_status_failure ("store", rc); log_error ("storing '%s' failed: %s\n", print_fname_stdin(fname),gpg_strerror (rc) ); } break; case aSym: /* encrypt the given file only with the symmetric cipher */ if( argc > 1 ) wrong_args("--symmetric [filename]"); if( (rc = encrypt_symmetric(fname)) ) { write_status_failure ("symencrypt", rc); log_error (_("symmetric encryption of '%s' failed: %s\n"), print_fname_stdin(fname),gpg_strerror (rc) ); } break; case aEncr: /* encrypt the given file */ if(multifile) encrypt_crypt_files (ctrl, argc, argv, remusr); else { if( argc > 1 ) wrong_args("--encrypt [filename]"); if( (rc = encrypt_crypt (ctrl, -1, fname, remusr, 0, NULL, -1)) ) { write_status_failure ("encrypt", rc); log_error("%s: encryption failed: %s\n", print_fname_stdin(fname), gpg_strerror (rc) ); } } break; case aEncrSym: /* This works with PGP 8 in the sense that it acts just like a symmetric message. It doesn't work at all with 2 or 6. It might work with 7, but alas, I don't have a copy to test with right now. */ if( argc > 1 ) wrong_args("--symmetric --encrypt [filename]"); else if(opt.s2k_mode==0) log_error(_("you cannot use --symmetric --encrypt" " with --s2k-mode 0\n")); else if (PGP7) log_error(_("you cannot use --symmetric --encrypt" " in %s mode\n"), gnupg_compliance_option_string (opt.compliance)); else { if( (rc = encrypt_crypt (ctrl, -1, fname, remusr, 1, NULL, -1)) ) { write_status_failure ("encrypt", rc); log_error ("%s: encryption failed: %s\n", print_fname_stdin(fname), gpg_strerror (rc) ); } } break; case aSign: /* sign the given file */ sl = NULL; if( detached_sig ) { /* sign all files */ for( ; argc; argc--, argv++ ) add_to_strlist( &sl, *argv ); } else { if( argc > 1 ) wrong_args("--sign [filename]"); if( argc ) { sl = xmalloc_clear( sizeof *sl + strlen(fname)); strcpy(sl->d, fname); } } if ((rc = sign_file (ctrl, sl, detached_sig, locusr, 0, NULL, NULL))) { write_status_failure ("sign", rc); log_error ("signing failed: %s\n", gpg_strerror (rc) ); } free_strlist(sl); break; case aSignEncr: /* sign and encrypt the given file */ if( argc > 1 ) wrong_args("--sign --encrypt [filename]"); if( argc ) { sl = xmalloc_clear( sizeof *sl + strlen(fname)); strcpy(sl->d, fname); } else sl = NULL; if ((rc = sign_file (ctrl, sl, detached_sig, locusr, 1, remusr, NULL))) { write_status_failure ("sign-encrypt", rc); log_error("%s: sign+encrypt failed: %s\n", print_fname_stdin(fname), gpg_strerror (rc) ); } free_strlist(sl); break; case aSignEncrSym: /* sign and encrypt the given file */ if( argc > 1 ) wrong_args("--symmetric --sign --encrypt [filename]"); else if(opt.s2k_mode==0) log_error(_("you cannot use --symmetric --sign --encrypt" " with --s2k-mode 0\n")); else if (PGP7) log_error(_("you cannot use --symmetric --sign --encrypt" " in %s mode\n"), gnupg_compliance_option_string (opt.compliance)); else { if( argc ) { sl = xmalloc_clear( sizeof *sl + strlen(fname)); strcpy(sl->d, fname); } else sl = NULL; if ((rc = sign_file (ctrl, sl, detached_sig, locusr, 2, remusr, NULL))) { write_status_failure ("sign-encrypt", rc); log_error("%s: symmetric+sign+encrypt failed: %s\n", print_fname_stdin(fname), gpg_strerror (rc) ); } free_strlist(sl); } break; case aSignSym: /* sign and conventionally encrypt the given file */ if (argc > 1) wrong_args("--sign --symmetric [filename]"); rc = sign_symencrypt_file (ctrl, fname, locusr); if (rc) { write_status_failure ("sign-symencrypt", rc); log_error("%s: sign+symmetric failed: %s\n", print_fname_stdin(fname), gpg_strerror (rc) ); } break; case aClearsign: /* make a clearsig */ if( argc > 1 ) wrong_args("--clear-sign [filename]"); if( (rc = clearsign_file (ctrl, fname, locusr, NULL)) ) { write_status_failure ("sign", rc); log_error("%s: clear-sign failed: %s\n", print_fname_stdin(fname), gpg_strerror (rc) ); } break; case aVerify: if (multifile) { if ((rc = verify_files (ctrl, argc, argv))) log_error("verify files failed: %s\n", gpg_strerror (rc) ); } else { if ((rc = verify_signatures (ctrl, argc, argv))) log_error("verify signatures failed: %s\n", gpg_strerror (rc) ); } if (rc) write_status_failure ("verify", rc); break; case aDecrypt: if (multifile) decrypt_messages (ctrl, argc, argv); else { if( argc > 1 ) wrong_args("--decrypt [filename]"); if( (rc = decrypt_message (ctrl, fname) )) { write_status_failure ("decrypt", rc); log_error("decrypt_message failed: %s\n", gpg_strerror (rc) ); } } break; case aQuickSignKey: case aQuickLSignKey: { const char *fpr; if (argc < 1) wrong_args ("--quick-[l]sign-key fingerprint [userids]"); fpr = *argv++; argc--; sl = NULL; for( ; argc; argc--, argv++) append_to_strlist2 (&sl, *argv, utf8_strings); keyedit_quick_sign (ctrl, fpr, sl, locusr, (cmd == aQuickLSignKey)); free_strlist (sl); } break; case aQuickRevSig: { const char *userid, *siguserid; if (argc < 2) wrong_args ("--quick-revoke-sig USER-ID SIG-USER-ID [userids]"); userid = *argv++; argc--; siguserid = *argv++; argc--; sl = NULL; for( ; argc; argc--, argv++) append_to_strlist2 (&sl, *argv, utf8_strings); keyedit_quick_revsig (ctrl, userid, siguserid, sl); free_strlist (sl); } break; case aSignKey: if( argc != 1 ) wrong_args("--sign-key user-id"); /* fall through */ case aLSignKey: if( argc != 1 ) wrong_args("--lsign-key user-id"); /* fall through */ sl=NULL; if(cmd==aSignKey) append_to_strlist(&sl,"sign"); else if(cmd==aLSignKey) append_to_strlist(&sl,"lsign"); else BUG(); append_to_strlist( &sl, "save" ); username = make_username( fname ); keyedit_menu (ctrl, username, locusr, sl, 0, 0 ); xfree(username); free_strlist(sl); break; case aEditKey: /* Edit a key signature */ if( !argc ) wrong_args("--edit-key user-id [commands]"); username = make_username( fname ); if( argc > 1 ) { sl = NULL; for( argc--, argv++ ; argc; argc--, argv++ ) append_to_strlist( &sl, *argv ); keyedit_menu (ctrl, username, locusr, sl, 0, 1 ); free_strlist(sl); } else keyedit_menu (ctrl, username, locusr, NULL, 0, 1 ); xfree(username); break; case aPasswd: if (argc != 1) wrong_args("--change-passphrase "); else { username = make_username (fname); keyedit_passwd (ctrl, username); xfree (username); } break; case aDeleteKeys: case aDeleteSecretKeys: case aDeleteSecretAndPublicKeys: sl = NULL; /* Print a note if the user did not specify any key. */ if (!argc && !opt.quiet) log_info (_("Note: %s\n"), gpg_strerror (GPG_ERR_NO_KEY)); /* I'm adding these in reverse order as add_to_strlist2 reverses them again, and it's easier to understand in the proper order :) */ for( ; argc; argc-- ) add_to_strlist2( &sl, argv[argc-1], utf8_strings ); delete_keys (ctrl, sl, cmd==aDeleteSecretKeys, cmd==aDeleteSecretAndPublicKeys); free_strlist(sl); break; case aCheckKeys: opt.check_sigs = 1; /* fall through */ case aListSigs: opt.list_sigs = 1; /* fall through */ case aListKeys: sl = NULL; for( ; argc; argc--, argv++ ) add_to_strlist2( &sl, *argv, utf8_strings ); public_key_list (ctrl, sl, 0, 0); free_strlist(sl); break; case aListSecretKeys: sl = NULL; for( ; argc; argc--, argv++ ) add_to_strlist2( &sl, *argv, utf8_strings ); secret_key_list (ctrl, sl); free_strlist(sl); break; case aLocateKeys: case aLocateExtKeys: sl = NULL; for (; argc; argc--, argv++) add_to_strlist2( &sl, *argv, utf8_strings ); if (cmd == aLocateExtKeys && akl_empty_or_only_local ()) { /* This is a kludge to let --locate-external-keys even * work if the config file has --no-auto-key-locate. This * better matches the expectations of the user. */ release_akl (); parse_auto_key_locate (DEFAULT_AKL_LIST); } public_key_list (ctrl, sl, 1, cmd == aLocateExtKeys); free_strlist (sl); break; case aQuickKeygen: { const char *x_algo, *x_usage, *x_expire; if (argc < 1 || argc > 4) wrong_args("--quick-generate-key USER-ID [ALGO [USAGE [EXPIRE]]]"); username = make_username (fname); argv++, argc--; x_algo = ""; x_usage = ""; x_expire = ""; if (argc) { x_algo = *argv++; argc--; if (argc) { x_usage = *argv++; argc--; if (argc) { x_expire = *argv++; argc--; } } } if (mopt.forbid_gen_key) gen_key_forbidden (); else quick_generate_keypair (ctrl, username, x_algo, x_usage, x_expire); xfree (username); } break; case aKeygen: /* generate a key */ if (mopt.forbid_gen_key) gen_key_forbidden (); else if( opt.batch ) { if( argc > 1 ) wrong_args("--generate-key [parameterfile]"); generate_keypair (ctrl, 0, argc? *argv : NULL, NULL, 0); } else { if (opt.command_fd != -1 && argc) { if( argc > 1 ) wrong_args("--generate-key [parameterfile]"); opt.batch = 1; generate_keypair (ctrl, 0, argc? *argv : NULL, NULL, 0); } else if (argc) wrong_args ("--generate-key"); else generate_keypair (ctrl, 0, NULL, NULL, 0); } break; case aFullKeygen: /* Generate a key with all options. */ if (mopt.forbid_gen_key) gen_key_forbidden (); else if (opt.batch) { if (argc > 1) wrong_args ("--full-generate-key [parameterfile]"); generate_keypair (ctrl, 1, argc? *argv : NULL, NULL, 0); } else { if (argc) wrong_args("--full-generate-key"); generate_keypair (ctrl, 1, NULL, NULL, 0); } break; case aQuickAddUid: { const char *uid, *newuid; if (argc != 2) wrong_args ("--quick-add-uid USER-ID NEW-USER-ID"); uid = *argv++; argc--; newuid = *argv++; argc--; keyedit_quick_adduid (ctrl, uid, newuid); } break; case aQuickAddKey: { const char *x_fpr, *x_algo, *x_usage, *x_expire; if (argc < 1 || argc > 4) wrong_args ("--quick-add-key FINGERPRINT [ALGO [USAGE [EXPIRE]]]"); x_fpr = *argv++; argc--; x_algo = ""; x_usage = ""; x_expire = ""; if (argc) { x_algo = *argv++; argc--; if (argc) { x_usage = *argv++; argc--; if (argc) { x_expire = *argv++; argc--; } } } if (mopt.forbid_gen_key) gen_key_forbidden (); else keyedit_quick_addkey (ctrl, x_fpr, x_algo, x_usage, x_expire); } break; case aQuickRevUid: { const char *uid, *uidtorev; if (argc != 2) wrong_args ("--quick-revoke-uid USER-ID USER-ID-TO-REVOKE"); uid = *argv++; argc--; uidtorev = *argv++; argc--; keyedit_quick_revuid (ctrl, uid, uidtorev); } break; case aQuickSetExpire: { const char *x_fpr, *x_expire; if (argc < 2) wrong_args ("--quick-set-exipre FINGERPRINT EXPIRE [SUBKEY-FPRS]"); x_fpr = *argv++; argc--; x_expire = *argv++; argc--; keyedit_quick_set_expire (ctrl, x_fpr, x_expire, argv); } break; case aQuickSetPrimaryUid: { const char *uid, *primaryuid; if (argc != 2) wrong_args ("--quick-set-primary-uid USER-ID PRIMARY-USER-ID"); uid = *argv++; argc--; primaryuid = *argv++; argc--; keyedit_quick_set_primary (ctrl, uid, primaryuid); } break; case aFastImport: opt.import_options |= IMPORT_FAST; /* fall through */ case aImport: case aShowKeys: import_keys (ctrl, argc? argv:NULL, argc, NULL, opt.import_options, opt.key_origin, opt.key_origin_url); break; /* TODO: There are a number of command that use this same "make strlist, call function, report error, free strlist" pattern. Join them together here and avoid all that duplicated code. */ case aExport: case aSendKeys: case aRecvKeys: sl = NULL; for( ; argc; argc--, argv++ ) append_to_strlist2( &sl, *argv, utf8_strings ); if( cmd == aSendKeys ) rc = keyserver_export (ctrl, sl ); else if( cmd == aRecvKeys ) rc = keyserver_import (ctrl, sl ); else { export_stats_t stats = export_new_stats (); rc = export_pubkeys (ctrl, sl, opt.export_options, stats); export_print_stats (stats); export_release_stats (stats); } if(rc) { if(cmd==aSendKeys) { write_status_failure ("send-keys", rc); log_error(_("keyserver send failed: %s\n"),gpg_strerror (rc)); } else if(cmd==aRecvKeys) { write_status_failure ("recv-keys", rc); log_error (_("keyserver receive failed: %s\n"), gpg_strerror (rc)); } else { write_status_failure ("export", rc); log_error (_("key export failed: %s\n"), gpg_strerror (rc)); } } free_strlist(sl); break; case aExportSshKey: if (argc != 1) wrong_args ("--export-ssh-key "); rc = export_ssh_key (ctrl, argv[0]); if (rc) { write_status_failure ("export-ssh-key", rc); log_error (_("export as ssh key failed: %s\n"), gpg_strerror (rc)); } break; case aExportSecretSshKey: if (argc != 1) wrong_args ("--export-secret-ssh-key "); rc = export_secret_ssh_key (ctrl, argv[0]); if (rc) { write_status_failure ("export-ssh-key", rc); log_error (_("export as ssh key failed: %s\n"), gpg_strerror (rc)); } break; case aSearchKeys: sl = NULL; for (; argc; argc--, argv++) append_to_strlist2 (&sl, *argv, utf8_strings); rc = keyserver_search (ctrl, sl); if (rc) { write_status_failure ("search-keys", rc); log_error (_("keyserver search failed: %s\n"), gpg_strerror (rc)); } free_strlist (sl); break; case aRefreshKeys: sl = NULL; for( ; argc; argc--, argv++ ) append_to_strlist2( &sl, *argv, utf8_strings ); rc = keyserver_refresh (ctrl, sl); if(rc) { write_status_failure ("refresh-keys", rc); log_error (_("keyserver refresh failed: %s\n"),gpg_strerror (rc)); } free_strlist(sl); break; case aFetchKeys: sl = NULL; for( ; argc; argc--, argv++ ) append_to_strlist2( &sl, *argv, utf8_strings ); rc = keyserver_fetch (ctrl, sl, opt.key_origin); free_strlist (sl); if(rc) { write_status_failure ("fetch-keys", rc); log_error ("key fetch failed: %s\n",gpg_strerror (rc)); if (gpg_err_code (rc) == GPG_ERR_NO_DATA) g10_exit (1); /* In this case return 1 and not 2. */ } break; case aExportSecret: sl = NULL; for( ; argc; argc--, argv++ ) add_to_strlist2( &sl, *argv, utf8_strings ); { export_stats_t stats = export_new_stats (); export_seckeys (ctrl, sl, opt.export_options, stats); export_print_stats (stats); export_release_stats (stats); } free_strlist(sl); break; case aExportSecretSub: sl = NULL; for( ; argc; argc--, argv++ ) add_to_strlist2( &sl, *argv, utf8_strings ); { export_stats_t stats = export_new_stats (); export_secsubkeys (ctrl, sl, opt.export_options, stats); export_print_stats (stats); export_release_stats (stats); } free_strlist(sl); break; case aGenRevoke: if( argc != 1 ) wrong_args("--generate-revocation user-id"); username = make_username(*argv); gen_revoke (ctrl, username ); xfree( username ); break; case aDesigRevoke: if (argc != 1) wrong_args ("--generate-designated-revocation user-id"); username = make_username (*argv); gen_desig_revoke (ctrl, username, locusr); xfree (username); break; case aDeArmor: if( argc > 1 ) wrong_args("--dearmor [file]"); rc = dearmor_file( argc? *argv: NULL ); if( rc ) { write_status_failure ("dearmor", rc); log_error (_("dearmoring failed: %s\n"), gpg_strerror (rc)); } break; case aEnArmor: if( argc > 1 ) wrong_args("--enarmor [file]"); rc = enarmor_file( argc? *argv: NULL ); if( rc ) { write_status_failure ("enarmor", rc); log_error (_("enarmoring failed: %s\n"), gpg_strerror (rc)); } break; case aPrimegen: #if 0 /*FIXME*/ { int mode = argc < 2 ? 0 : atoi(*argv); if( mode == 1 && argc == 2 ) { mpi_print (es_stdout, generate_public_prime( atoi(argv[1]) ), 1); } else if( mode == 2 && argc == 3 ) { mpi_print (es_stdout, generate_elg_prime( 0, atoi(argv[1]), atoi(argv[2]), NULL,NULL ), 1); } else if( mode == 3 && argc == 3 ) { MPI *factors; mpi_print (es_stdout, generate_elg_prime( 1, atoi(argv[1]), atoi(argv[2]), NULL,&factors ), 1); es_putc ('\n', es_stdout); mpi_print (es_stdout, factors[0], 1 ); /* print q */ } else if( mode == 4 && argc == 3 ) { MPI g = mpi_alloc(1); mpi_print (es_stdout, generate_elg_prime( 0, atoi(argv[1]), atoi(argv[2]), g, NULL ), 1); es_putc ('\n', es_stdout); mpi_print (es_stdout, g, 1 ); mpi_free (g); } else wrong_args("--gen-prime mode bits [qbits] "); es_putc ('\n', es_stdout); } #endif wrong_args("--gen-prime not yet supported "); break; case aGenRandom: { int level = argc ? atoi(*argv):0; int count = argc > 1 ? atoi(argv[1]): 0; int endless = !count; int hexhack = (level == 16); if (hexhack) level = 1; if (argc < 1 || argc > 2 || level < 0 || level > 2 || count < 0) wrong_args ("--gen-random 0|1|2 [count]"); while (endless || count) { byte *p; /* We need a multiple of 3, so that in case of armored * output we get a correct string. No linefolding is * done, as it is best to leave this to other tools */ size_t n = !endless && count < 99? count : 99; size_t nn; p = gcry_random_bytes (n, level); #ifdef HAVE_DOSISH_SYSTEM setmode ( fileno(stdout), O_BINARY ); #endif if (hexhack) { for (nn = 0; nn < n; nn++) es_fprintf (es_stdout, "%02x", p[nn]); } else if (opt.armor) { char *tmp = make_radix64_string (p, n); es_fputs (tmp, es_stdout); xfree (tmp); if (n%3 == 1) es_putc ('=', es_stdout); if (n%3) es_putc ('=', es_stdout); } else { es_fwrite( p, n, 1, es_stdout ); } xfree(p); if (!endless) count -= n; } if (opt.armor || hexhack) es_putc ('\n', es_stdout); } break; case aPrintMD: if( argc < 1) wrong_args("--print-md algo [files]"); { int all_algos = (**argv=='*' && !(*argv)[1]); int algo = all_algos? 0 : gcry_md_map_name (*argv); if( !algo && !all_algos ) log_error(_("invalid hash algorithm '%s'\n"), *argv ); else { argc--; argv++; if( !argc ) print_mds(NULL, algo); else { for(; argc; argc--, argv++ ) print_mds(*argv, algo); } } } break; case aPrintMDs: /* old option */ if( !argc ) print_mds(NULL,0); else { for(; argc; argc--, argv++ ) print_mds(*argv,0); } break; #ifndef NO_TRUST_MODELS case aListTrustDB: if( !argc ) list_trustdb (ctrl, es_stdout, NULL); else { for( ; argc; argc--, argv++ ) list_trustdb (ctrl, es_stdout, *argv ); } break; case aUpdateTrustDB: if( argc ) wrong_args("--update-trustdb"); update_trustdb (ctrl); break; case aCheckTrustDB: /* Old versions allowed for arguments - ignore them */ check_trustdb (ctrl); break; case aFixTrustDB: how_to_fix_the_trustdb (); break; case aListTrustPath: if( !argc ) wrong_args("--list-trust-path "); for( ; argc; argc--, argv++ ) { username = make_username( *argv ); list_trust_path( username ); xfree(username); } break; case aExportOwnerTrust: if( argc ) wrong_args("--export-ownertrust"); export_ownertrust (ctrl); break; case aImportOwnerTrust: if( argc > 1 ) wrong_args("--import-ownertrust [file]"); import_ownertrust (ctrl, argc? *argv:NULL ); break; #endif /*!NO_TRUST_MODELS*/ case aRebuildKeydbCaches: if (argc) wrong_args ("--rebuild-keydb-caches"); keydb_rebuild_caches (ctrl, 1); break; #ifdef ENABLE_CARD_SUPPORT case aCardStatus: if (argc == 0) card_status (ctrl, es_stdout, NULL); else if (argc == 1) card_status (ctrl, es_stdout, *argv); else wrong_args ("--card-status [serialno]"); break; case aCardEdit: if (argc) { sl = NULL; for (argc--, argv++ ; argc; argc--, argv++) append_to_strlist (&sl, *argv); card_edit (ctrl, sl); free_strlist (sl); } else card_edit (ctrl, NULL); break; case aChangePIN: if (!argc) change_pin (0,1); else if (argc == 1) change_pin (atoi (*argv),1); else wrong_args ("--change-pin [no]"); break; #endif /* ENABLE_CARD_SUPPORT*/ case aListConfig: { char *str=collapse_args(argc,argv); list_config(str); xfree(str); } break; case aListGcryptConfig: /* Fixme: It would be nice to integrate that with --list-config but unfortunately there is no way yet to have libgcrypt print it to an estream for further parsing. */ gcry_control (GCRYCTL_PRINT_CONFIG, stdout); break; case aTOFUPolicy: #ifdef USE_TOFU { int policy; int i; KEYDB_HANDLE hd; if (argc < 2) wrong_args ("--tofu-policy POLICY KEYID [KEYID...]"); policy = parse_tofu_policy (argv[0]); hd = keydb_new (ctrl); if (! hd) { write_status_failure ("tofu-driver", gpg_error(GPG_ERR_GENERAL)); g10_exit (1); } tofu_begin_batch_update (ctrl); for (i = 1; i < argc; i ++) { KEYDB_SEARCH_DESC desc; kbnode_t kb; rc = classify_user_id (argv[i], &desc, 0); if (rc) { log_error (_("error parsing key specification '%s': %s\n"), argv[i], gpg_strerror (rc)); write_status_failure ("tofu-driver", rc); g10_exit (1); } if (! (desc.mode == KEYDB_SEARCH_MODE_SHORT_KID || desc.mode == KEYDB_SEARCH_MODE_LONG_KID || desc.mode == KEYDB_SEARCH_MODE_FPR || desc.mode == KEYDB_SEARCH_MODE_KEYGRIP)) { log_error (_("'%s' does not appear to be a valid" " key ID, fingerprint or keygrip\n"), argv[i]); write_status_failure ("tofu-driver", gpg_error(GPG_ERR_GENERAL)); g10_exit (1); } rc = keydb_search_reset (hd); if (rc) { /* This should not happen, thus no need to tranalate the string. */ log_error ("keydb_search_reset failed: %s\n", gpg_strerror (rc)); write_status_failure ("tofu-driver", rc); g10_exit (1); } rc = keydb_search (hd, &desc, 1, NULL); if (rc) { log_error (_("key \"%s\" not found: %s\n"), argv[i], gpg_strerror (rc)); write_status_failure ("tofu-driver", rc); g10_exit (1); } rc = keydb_get_keyblock (hd, &kb); if (rc) { log_error (_("error reading keyblock: %s\n"), gpg_strerror (rc)); write_status_failure ("tofu-driver", rc); g10_exit (1); } merge_keys_and_selfsig (ctrl, kb); if (tofu_set_policy (ctrl, kb, policy)) { write_status_failure ("tofu-driver", rc); g10_exit (1); } release_kbnode (kb); } tofu_end_batch_update (ctrl); keydb_release (hd); } #endif /*USE_TOFU*/ break; default: if (!opt.quiet) log_info (_("WARNING: no command supplied." " Trying to guess what you mean ...\n")); /*FALLTHRU*/ case aListPackets: if( argc > 1 ) wrong_args("[filename]"); /* Issue some output for the unix newbie */ if (!fname && !opt.outfile && gnupg_isatty (fileno (stdin)) && gnupg_isatty (fileno (stdout)) && gnupg_isatty (fileno (stderr))) log_info(_("Go ahead and type your message ...\n")); a = iobuf_open(fname); if (a && is_secured_file (iobuf_get_fd (a))) { iobuf_close (a); a = NULL; gpg_err_set_errno (EPERM); } if( !a ) log_error(_("can't open '%s'\n"), print_fname_stdin(fname)); else { if( !opt.no_armor ) { if( use_armor_filter( a ) ) { afx = new_armor_context (); push_armor_filter (afx, a); } } if( cmd == aListPackets ) { opt.list_packets=1; set_packet_list_mode(1); } rc = proc_packets (ctrl, NULL, a ); if( rc ) { write_status_failure ("-", rc); log_error ("processing message failed: %s\n", gpg_strerror (rc)); } iobuf_close(a); } break; } /* cleanup */ gpg_deinit_default_ctrl (ctrl); xfree (ctrl); release_armor_context (afx); FREE_STRLIST(remusr); FREE_STRLIST(locusr); g10_exit(0); return 8; /*NEVER REACHED*/ } /* Note: This function is used by signal handlers!. */ static void emergency_cleanup (void) { gcry_control (GCRYCTL_TERM_SECMEM ); } void g10_exit( int rc ) { /* If we had an error but not printed an error message, do it now. * Note that write_status_failure will never print a second failure * status line. */ if (rc) write_status_failure ("gpg-exit", gpg_error (GPG_ERR_GENERAL)); gcry_control (GCRYCTL_UPDATE_RANDOM_SEED_FILE); if (DBG_CLOCK) log_clock ("stop"); if ( (opt.debug & DBG_MEMSTAT_VALUE) ) { keydb_dump_stats (); sig_check_dump_stats (); objcache_dump_stats (); gcry_control (GCRYCTL_DUMP_MEMORY_STATS); gcry_control (GCRYCTL_DUMP_RANDOM_STATS); } if (opt.debug) gcry_control (GCRYCTL_DUMP_SECMEM_STATS ); gnupg_block_all_signals (); emergency_cleanup (); rc = rc? rc : log_get_errorcount(0)? 2 : g10_errors_seen? 1 : 0; exit (rc); } /* Pretty-print hex hashes. This assumes at least an 80-character display, but there are a few other similar assumptions in the display code. */ static void print_hex (gcry_md_hd_t md, int algo, const char *fname) { int i,n,count,indent=0; const byte *p; if (fname) indent = es_printf("%s: ",fname); if (indent>40) { es_printf ("\n"); indent=0; } if (algo==DIGEST_ALGO_RMD160) indent += es_printf("RMD160 = "); else if (algo>0) indent += es_printf("%6s = ", gcry_md_algo_name (algo)); else algo = abs(algo); count = indent; p = gcry_md_read (md, algo); n = gcry_md_get_algo_dlen (algo); count += es_printf ("%02X",*p++); for(i=1;i79) { es_printf ("\n%*s",indent,indent?" ":""); count = indent; } else count += es_printf(" "); if (!(i%8)) count += es_printf(" "); } else if (n==20) { if(!(i%2)) { if(count+4>79) { es_printf ("\n%*s",indent,indent?" ":""); count=indent; } else count += es_printf(" "); } if (!(i%10)) count += es_printf(" "); } else { if(!(i%4)) { if (count+8>=79) { es_printf ("\n%*s",indent, indent?" ":""); count=indent; } else count += es_printf(" "); } } count += es_printf("%02X",*p); } es_printf ("\n"); } static void print_hashline( gcry_md_hd_t md, int algo, const char *fname ) { int i, n; const byte *p; if ( fname ) { for (p = fname; *p; p++ ) { if ( *p <= 32 || *p > 127 || *p == ':' || *p == '%' ) es_printf ("%%%02X", *p ); else es_putc (*p, es_stdout); } } es_putc (':', es_stdout); es_printf ("%d:", algo); p = gcry_md_read (md, algo); n = gcry_md_get_algo_dlen (algo); for(i=0; i < n ; i++, p++ ) es_printf ("%02X", *p); es_fputs (":\n", es_stdout); } static void print_mds( const char *fname, int algo ) { estream_t fp; char buf[1024]; size_t n; gcry_md_hd_t md; if (!fname) { fp = es_stdin; es_set_binary (fp); } else { fp = es_fopen (fname, "rb" ); if (fp && is_secured_file (es_fileno (fp))) { es_fclose (fp); fp = NULL; gpg_err_set_errno (EPERM); } } if (!fp) { log_error("%s: %s\n", fname?fname:"[stdin]", strerror(errno) ); return; } gcry_md_open (&md, 0, 0); if (algo) gcry_md_enable (md, algo); else { if (!gcry_md_test_algo (GCRY_MD_MD5)) gcry_md_enable (md, GCRY_MD_MD5); gcry_md_enable (md, GCRY_MD_SHA1); if (!gcry_md_test_algo (GCRY_MD_RMD160)) gcry_md_enable (md, GCRY_MD_RMD160); if (!gcry_md_test_algo (GCRY_MD_SHA224)) gcry_md_enable (md, GCRY_MD_SHA224); if (!gcry_md_test_algo (GCRY_MD_SHA256)) gcry_md_enable (md, GCRY_MD_SHA256); if (!gcry_md_test_algo (GCRY_MD_SHA384)) gcry_md_enable (md, GCRY_MD_SHA384); if (!gcry_md_test_algo (GCRY_MD_SHA512)) gcry_md_enable (md, GCRY_MD_SHA512); } while ((n=es_fread (buf, 1, DIM(buf), fp))) gcry_md_write (md, buf, n); if (es_ferror(fp)) log_error ("%s: %s\n", fname?fname:"[stdin]", strerror(errno)); else { gcry_md_final (md); if (opt.with_colons) { if ( algo ) print_hashline (md, algo, fname); else { if (!gcry_md_test_algo (GCRY_MD_MD5)) print_hashline( md, GCRY_MD_MD5, fname ); print_hashline( md, GCRY_MD_SHA1, fname ); if (!gcry_md_test_algo (GCRY_MD_RMD160)) print_hashline( md, GCRY_MD_RMD160, fname ); if (!gcry_md_test_algo (GCRY_MD_SHA224)) print_hashline (md, GCRY_MD_SHA224, fname); if (!gcry_md_test_algo (GCRY_MD_SHA256)) print_hashline( md, GCRY_MD_SHA256, fname ); if (!gcry_md_test_algo (GCRY_MD_SHA384)) print_hashline ( md, GCRY_MD_SHA384, fname ); if (!gcry_md_test_algo (GCRY_MD_SHA512)) print_hashline ( md, GCRY_MD_SHA512, fname ); } } else { if (algo) print_hex (md, -algo, fname); else { if (!gcry_md_test_algo (GCRY_MD_MD5)) print_hex (md, GCRY_MD_MD5, fname); print_hex (md, GCRY_MD_SHA1, fname ); if (!gcry_md_test_algo (GCRY_MD_RMD160)) print_hex (md, GCRY_MD_RMD160, fname ); if (!gcry_md_test_algo (GCRY_MD_SHA224)) print_hex (md, GCRY_MD_SHA224, fname); if (!gcry_md_test_algo (GCRY_MD_SHA256)) print_hex (md, GCRY_MD_SHA256, fname ); if (!gcry_md_test_algo (GCRY_MD_SHA384)) print_hex (md, GCRY_MD_SHA384, fname ); if (!gcry_md_test_algo (GCRY_MD_SHA512)) print_hex (md, GCRY_MD_SHA512, fname ); } } } gcry_md_close (md); if (fp != es_stdin) es_fclose (fp); } /**************** * Check the supplied name,value string and add it to the notation * data to be used for signatures. which==0 for sig notations, and 1 * for cert notations. */ static void add_notation_data( const char *string, int which ) { struct notation *notation; notation=string_to_notation(string,utf8_strings); if(notation) { if(which) { notation->next=opt.cert_notations; opt.cert_notations=notation; } else { notation->next=opt.sig_notations; opt.sig_notations=notation; } } } static void add_policy_url( const char *string, int which ) { unsigned int i,critical=0; strlist_t sl; if(*string=='!') { string++; critical=1; } for(i=0;iflags |= 1; } static void add_keyserver_url( const char *string, int which ) { unsigned int i,critical=0; strlist_t sl; if(*string=='!') { string++; critical=1; } for(i=0;iflags |= 1; } static void read_sessionkey_from_fd (int fd) { int i, len; char *line; if (! gnupg_fd_valid (fd)) log_fatal ("override-session-key-fd is invalid: %s\n", strerror (errno)); for (line = NULL, i = len = 100; ; i++ ) { if (i >= len-1 ) { char *tmp = line; len += 100; line = xmalloc_secure (len); if (tmp) { memcpy (line, tmp, i); xfree (tmp); } else i=0; } if (read (fd, line + i, 1) != 1 || line[i] == '\n') break; } line[i] = 0; log_debug ("seskey: %s\n", line); gpgrt_annotate_leaked_object (line); opt.override_session_key = line; } diff --git a/sm/gpgsm.c b/sm/gpgsm.c index b95edf83b..0a720904b 100644 --- a/sm/gpgsm.c +++ b/sm/gpgsm.c @@ -1,2346 +1,2352 @@ /* gpgsm.c - GnuPG for S/MIME * Copyright (C) 2001-2020 Free Software Foundation, Inc. * Copyright (C) 2001-2019 Werner Koch * Copyright (C) 2015-2021 g10 Code GmbH * * This file is part of GnuPG. * * GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, see . * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /*#include */ #include #define INCLUDED_BY_MAIN_MODULE 1 #include "gpgsm.h" #include #include /* malloc hooks */ #include "passphrase.h" #include "../common/shareddefs.h" #include "../kbx/keybox.h" /* malloc hooks */ #include "../common/i18n.h" #include "keydb.h" #include "../common/sysutils.h" #include "../common/gc-opt-flags.h" #include "../common/asshelp.h" #include "../common/init.h" #include "../common/compliance.h" #include "../common/comopt.h" #include "minip12.h" #ifndef O_BINARY #define O_BINARY 0 #endif enum cmd_and_opt_values { aNull = 0, oArmor = 'a', aDetachedSign = 'b', aSym = 'c', aDecrypt = 'd', aEncr = 'e', aListKeys = 'k', aListSecretKeys = 'K', oDryRun = 'n', oOutput = 'o', oQuiet = 'q', oRecipient = 'r', aSign = 's', oUser = 'u', oVerbose = 'v', oBatch = 500, aClearsign, aKeygen, aSignEncr, aDeleteKey, aImport, aVerify, aListExternalKeys, aListChain, aSendKeys, aRecvKeys, aExport, aExportSecretKeyP12, aExportSecretKeyP8, aExportSecretKeyRaw, aServer, aLearnCard, aCallDirmngr, aCallProtectTool, aPasswd, aGPGConfList, aGPGConfTest, aDumpKeys, aDumpChain, aDumpSecretKeys, aDumpExternalKeys, aShowCerts, aKeydbClearSomeCertFlags, aFingerprint, oOptions, oDebug, oDebugLevel, oDebugAll, oDebugNone, oDebugWait, oDebugAllowCoreDump, oDebugNoChainValidation, oDebugIgnoreExpiration, oDebugForceECDHSHA1KDF, oLogFile, oNoLogFile, oAuditLog, oHtmlAuditLog, oEnableSpecialFilenames, oAgentProgram, oDisplay, oTTYname, oTTYtype, oLCctype, oLCmessages, oXauthority, oPreferSystemDirmngr, oDirmngrProgram, oDisableDirmngr, oProtectToolProgram, oFakedSystemTime, oPassphraseFD, oPinentryMode, oRequestOrigin, oAssumeArmor, oAssumeBase64, oAssumeBinary, oBase64, oNoArmor, oP12Charset, oCompliance, oDisableCRLChecks, oEnableCRLChecks, oDisableTrustedCertCRLCheck, oEnableTrustedCertCRLCheck, oForceCRLRefresh, oEnableIssuerBasedCRLCheck, oDisableOCSP, oEnableOCSP, oIncludeCerts, oPolicyFile, oDisablePolicyChecks, oEnablePolicyChecks, oAutoIssuerKeyRetrieve, oMinRSALength, oWithFingerprint, oWithMD5Fingerprint, oWithKeygrip, oWithSecret, oWithKeyScreening, oAnswerYes, oAnswerNo, oKeyring, oDefaultKey, oDefRecipient, oDefRecipientSelf, oNoDefRecipient, oStatusFD, oCipherAlgo, oDigestAlgo, oExtraDigestAlgo, oNoVerbose, oNoSecmemWarn, oNoDefKeyring, oNoGreeting, oNoTTY, oNoOptions, oNoBatch, oHomedir, oWithColons, oWithKeyData, oWithValidation, oWithEphemeralKeys, oSkipVerify, oValidationModel, oKeyServer, oKeyServer_deprecated, oEncryptTo, oNoEncryptTo, oLoggerFD, oDisableCipherAlgo, oDisablePubkeyAlgo, oIgnoreTimeConflict, oNoRandomSeedFile, oNoCommonCertsImport, oIgnoreCertExtension, oAuthenticode, oAttribute, oChUid, oUseKeyboxd, oKeyboxdProgram, oNoAutostart }; static gpgrt_opt_t opts[] = { ARGPARSE_group (300, N_("@Commands:\n ")), ARGPARSE_c (aSign, "sign", N_("make a signature")), /*ARGPARSE_c (aClearsign, "clearsign", N_("make a clear text signature") ),*/ ARGPARSE_c (aDetachedSign, "detach-sign", N_("make a detached signature")), ARGPARSE_c (aEncr, "encrypt", N_("encrypt data")), /*ARGPARSE_c (aSym, "symmetric", N_("encryption only with symmetric cipher")),*/ ARGPARSE_c (aDecrypt, "decrypt", N_("decrypt data (default)")), ARGPARSE_c (aVerify, "verify", N_("verify a signature")), ARGPARSE_c (aListKeys, "list-keys", N_("list keys")), ARGPARSE_c (aListExternalKeys, "list-external-keys", N_("list external keys")), ARGPARSE_c (aListSecretKeys, "list-secret-keys", N_("list secret keys")), ARGPARSE_c (aListChain, "list-chain", N_("list certificate chain")), ARGPARSE_c (aFingerprint, "fingerprint", N_("list keys and fingerprints")), ARGPARSE_c (aKeygen, "generate-key", N_("generate a new key pair")), ARGPARSE_c (aKeygen, "gen-key", "@"), ARGPARSE_c (aDeleteKey, "delete-keys", N_("remove keys from the public keyring")), /*ARGPARSE_c (aSendKeys, "send-keys", N_("export keys to a keyserver")),*/ /*ARGPARSE_c (aRecvKeys, "recv-keys", N_("import keys from a keyserver")),*/ ARGPARSE_c (aImport, "import", N_("import certificates")), ARGPARSE_c (aExport, "export", N_("export certificates")), /* We use -raw and not -p1 for pkcs#1 secret key export so that it won't accidentally be used in case -p12 was intended. */ ARGPARSE_c (aExportSecretKeyP12, "export-secret-key-p12", "@"), ARGPARSE_c (aExportSecretKeyP8, "export-secret-key-p8", "@"), ARGPARSE_c (aExportSecretKeyRaw, "export-secret-key-raw", "@"), ARGPARSE_c (aLearnCard, "learn-card", N_("register a smartcard")), ARGPARSE_c (aServer, "server", N_("run in server mode")), ARGPARSE_c (aCallDirmngr, "call-dirmngr", N_("pass a command to the dirmngr")), ARGPARSE_c (aCallProtectTool, "call-protect-tool", N_("invoke gpg-protect-tool")), ARGPARSE_c (aPasswd, "change-passphrase", N_("change a passphrase")), ARGPARSE_c (aPasswd, "passwd", "@"), ARGPARSE_c (aGPGConfList, "gpgconf-list", "@"), ARGPARSE_c (aGPGConfTest, "gpgconf-test", "@"), ARGPARSE_c (aShowCerts, "show-certs", "@"), ARGPARSE_c (aDumpKeys, "dump-cert", "@"), ARGPARSE_c (aDumpKeys, "dump-keys", "@"), ARGPARSE_c (aDumpChain, "dump-chain", "@"), ARGPARSE_c (aDumpExternalKeys, "dump-external-keys", "@"), ARGPARSE_c (aDumpSecretKeys, "dump-secret-keys", "@"), ARGPARSE_c (aKeydbClearSomeCertFlags, "keydb-clear-some-cert-flags", "@"), ARGPARSE_header ("Monitor", N_("Options controlling the diagnostic output")), ARGPARSE_s_n (oVerbose, "verbose", N_("verbose")), ARGPARSE_s_n (oNoVerbose, "no-verbose", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_n (oQuiet, "quiet", N_("be somewhat more quiet")), ARGPARSE_s_n (oNoTTY, "no-tty", N_("don't use the terminal at all")), ARGPARSE_s_n (oNoGreeting, "no-greeting", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_s (oDebug, "debug", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_s (oDebugLevel, "debug-level", N_("|LEVEL|set the debugging level to LEVEL")), ARGPARSE_s_n (oDebugAll, "debug-all", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_n (oDebugNone, "debug-none", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_i (oDebugWait, "debug-wait", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_n (oDebugAllowCoreDump, "debug-allow-core-dump", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_n (oDebugNoChainValidation, "debug-no-chain-validation", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_n (oDebugIgnoreExpiration, "debug-ignore-expiration", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_n (oDebugForceECDHSHA1KDF, "debug-force-ecdh-sha1kdf", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_s (oLogFile, "log-file", N_("|FILE|write server mode logs to FILE")), ARGPARSE_s_n (oNoLogFile, "no-log-file", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_i (oLoggerFD, "logger-fd", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_n (oNoSecmemWarn, "no-secmem-warning", "@"), ARGPARSE_header ("Configuration", N_("Options controlling the configuration")), ARGPARSE_s_s (oHomedir, "homedir", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_s (oFakedSystemTime, "faked-system-time", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_n (oPreferSystemDirmngr,"prefer-system-dirmngr", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_s (oValidationModel, "validation-model", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_i (oIncludeCerts, "include-certs", N_("|N|number of certificates to include") ), ARGPARSE_s_s (oPolicyFile, "policy-file", N_("|FILE|take policy information from FILE")), ARGPARSE_s_s (oCompliance, "compliance", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_n (oNoCommonCertsImport, "no-common-certs-import", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_s (oIgnoreCertExtension, "ignore-cert-extension", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_n (oNoAutostart, "no-autostart", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_s (oAgentProgram, "agent-program", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_s (oKeyboxdProgram, "keyboxd-program", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_s (oDirmngrProgram, "dirmngr-program", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_s (oProtectToolProgram, "protect-tool-program", "@"), ARGPARSE_header ("Input", N_("Options controlling the input")), ARGPARSE_s_n (oAssumeArmor, "assume-armor", N_("assume input is in PEM format")), ARGPARSE_s_n (oAssumeBase64, "assume-base64", N_("assume input is in base-64 format")), ARGPARSE_s_n (oAssumeBinary, "assume-binary", N_("assume input is in binary format")), ARGPARSE_header ("Output", N_("Options controlling the output")), ARGPARSE_s_n (oArmor, "armor", N_("create ascii armored output")), ARGPARSE_s_n (oArmor, "armour", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_n (oNoArmor, "no-armor", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_n (oNoArmor, "no-armour", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_n (oBase64, "base64", N_("create base-64 encoded output")), ARGPARSE_s_s (oOutput, "output", N_("|FILE|write output to FILE")), ARGPARSE_s_n (oAuthenticode, "authenticode", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_s (oAttribute, "attribute", "@"), ARGPARSE_header (NULL, N_("Options to specify keys")), ARGPARSE_s_s (oRecipient, "recipient", N_("|USER-ID|encrypt for USER-ID")), ARGPARSE_s_s (oUser, "local-user", N_("|USER-ID|use USER-ID to sign or decrypt")), ARGPARSE_s_s (oDefaultKey, "default-key", N_("|USER-ID|use USER-ID as default secret key")), ARGPARSE_s_s (oEncryptTo, "encrypt-to", N_("|NAME|encrypt to user ID NAME as well")), ARGPARSE_s_n (oNoEncryptTo, "no-encrypt-to", "@"), /* Not yet used: */ /* ARGPARSE_s_s (oDefRecipient, "default-recipient", */ /* N_("|NAME|use NAME as default recipient")), */ /* ARGPARSE_s_n (oDefRecipientSelf, "default-recipient-self", */ /* N_("use the default key as default recipient")), */ /* ARGPARSE_s_n (oNoDefRecipient, "no-default-recipient", "@"), */ ARGPARSE_s_s (oKeyring, "keyring", N_("|FILE|add keyring to the list of keyrings")), ARGPARSE_s_n (oNoDefKeyring, "no-default-keyring", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_s (oKeyServer_deprecated, "ldapserver", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_s (oKeyServer, "keyserver", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_n (oUseKeyboxd, "use-keyboxd", "@"), ARGPARSE_header ("ImportExport", N_("Options controlling key import and export")), ARGPARSE_s_n (oDisableDirmngr, "disable-dirmngr", N_("disable all access to the dirmngr")), ARGPARSE_s_n (oAutoIssuerKeyRetrieve, "auto-issuer-key-retrieve", N_("fetch missing issuer certificates")), ARGPARSE_s_s (oP12Charset, "p12-charset", N_("|NAME|use encoding NAME for PKCS#12 passphrases")), ARGPARSE_header ("Keylist", N_("Options controlling key listings")), ARGPARSE_s_n (oWithColons, "with-colons", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_n (oWithKeyData,"with-key-data", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_n (oWithValidation, "with-validation", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_n (oWithMD5Fingerprint, "with-md5-fingerprint", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_n (oWithEphemeralKeys, "with-ephemeral-keys", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_n (oSkipVerify, "skip-verify", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_n (oWithFingerprint, "with-fingerprint", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_n (oWithKeygrip, "with-keygrip", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_n (oWithSecret, "with-secret", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_n (oWithKeyScreening,"with-key-screening", "@"), ARGPARSE_header ("Security", N_("Options controlling the security")), ARGPARSE_s_n (oDisableCRLChecks, "disable-crl-checks", N_("never consult a CRL")), ARGPARSE_s_n (oEnableCRLChecks, "enable-crl-checks", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_n (oDisableTrustedCertCRLCheck, "disable-trusted-cert-crl-check", N_("do not check CRLs for root certificates")), ARGPARSE_s_n (oEnableTrustedCertCRLCheck, "enable-trusted-cert-crl-check", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_n (oDisableOCSP, "disable-ocsp", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_n (oEnableOCSP, "enable-ocsp", N_("check validity using OCSP")), ARGPARSE_s_n (oDisablePolicyChecks, "disable-policy-checks", N_("do not check certificate policies")), ARGPARSE_s_n (oEnablePolicyChecks, "enable-policy-checks", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_s (oCipherAlgo, "cipher-algo", N_("|NAME|use cipher algorithm NAME")), ARGPARSE_s_s (oDigestAlgo, "digest-algo", N_("|NAME|use message digest algorithm NAME")), ARGPARSE_s_s (oExtraDigestAlgo, "extra-digest-algo", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_s (oDisableCipherAlgo, "disable-cipher-algo", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_s (oDisablePubkeyAlgo, "disable-pubkey-algo", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_n (oIgnoreTimeConflict, "ignore-time-conflict", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_n (oNoRandomSeedFile, "no-random-seed-file", "@"), ARGPARSE_p_u (oMinRSALength, "min-rsa-length", "@"), ARGPARSE_header (NULL, N_("Options for unattended use")), ARGPARSE_s_n (oBatch, "batch", N_("batch mode: never ask")), ARGPARSE_s_n (oNoBatch, "no-batch", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_n (oAnswerYes, "yes", N_("assume yes on most questions")), ARGPARSE_s_n (oAnswerNo, "no", N_("assume no on most questions")), ARGPARSE_s_i (oStatusFD, "status-fd", N_("|FD|write status info to this FD")), ARGPARSE_s_n (oEnableSpecialFilenames, "enable-special-filenames", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_i (oPassphraseFD, "passphrase-fd", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_s (oPinentryMode, "pinentry-mode", "@"), ARGPARSE_header (NULL, N_("Other options")), ARGPARSE_conffile (oOptions, "options", N_("|FILE|read options from FILE")), ARGPARSE_noconffile (oNoOptions, "no-options", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_n (oDryRun, "dry-run", N_("do not make any changes")), ARGPARSE_s_s (oRequestOrigin, "request-origin", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_n (oForceCRLRefresh, "force-crl-refresh", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_n (oEnableIssuerBasedCRLCheck, "enable-issuer-based-crl-check", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_s (oAuditLog, "audit-log", N_("|FILE|write an audit log to FILE")), ARGPARSE_s_s (oHtmlAuditLog, "html-audit-log", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_s (oDisplay, "display", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_s (oTTYname, "ttyname", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_s (oTTYtype, "ttytype", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_s (oLCctype, "lc-ctype", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_s (oLCmessages, "lc-messages", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_s (oXauthority, "xauthority", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_s (oChUid, "chuid", "@"), ARGPARSE_header (NULL, ""), /* Stop the header group. */ /* Command aliases. */ ARGPARSE_c (aListKeys, "list-key", "@"), ARGPARSE_c (aListChain, "list-signatures", "@"), ARGPARSE_c (aListChain, "list-sigs", "@"), ARGPARSE_c (aListChain, "check-signatures", "@"), ARGPARSE_c (aListChain, "check-sigs", "@"), ARGPARSE_c (aDeleteKey, "delete-key", "@"), ARGPARSE_group (302, N_( "@\n(See the man page for a complete listing of all commands and options)\n" )), ARGPARSE_end () }; /* The list of supported debug flags. */ static struct debug_flags_s debug_flags [] = { { DBG_X509_VALUE , "x509" }, { DBG_MPI_VALUE , "mpi" }, { DBG_CRYPTO_VALUE , "crypto" }, { DBG_MEMORY_VALUE , "memory" }, { DBG_CACHE_VALUE , "cache" }, { DBG_MEMSTAT_VALUE, "memstat" }, { DBG_HASHING_VALUE, "hashing" }, { DBG_IPC_VALUE , "ipc" }, { DBG_CLOCK_VALUE , "clock" }, { DBG_LOOKUP_VALUE , "lookup" }, { 0, NULL } }; /* Global variable to keep an error count. */ int gpgsm_errors_seen = 0; /* It is possible that we are currentlu running under setuid permissions */ static int maybe_setuid = 1; /* Helper to implement --debug-level and --debug*/ static const char *debug_level; static unsigned int debug_value; /* Default value for include-certs. We need an extra macro for gpgconf-list because the variable will be changed by the command line option. It is often cumbersome to locate intermediate certificates, thus by default we include all certificates in the chain. However we leave out the root certificate because that would make it too easy for the recipient to import that root certificate. A root certificate should be installed only after due checks and thus it won't help to send it along with each message. */ #define DEFAULT_INCLUDE_CERTS -2 /* Include all certs but root. */ static int default_include_certs = DEFAULT_INCLUDE_CERTS; /* Whether the chain mode shall be used for validation. */ static int default_validation_model; /* The default cipher algo. */ #define DEFAULT_CIPHER_ALGO "AES" static char *build_list (const char *text, const char *(*mapf)(int), int (*chkf)(int)); static void set_cmd (enum cmd_and_opt_values *ret_cmd, enum cmd_and_opt_values new_cmd ); static void emergency_cleanup (void); static int open_read (const char *filename); static estream_t open_es_fread (const char *filename, const char *mode); static estream_t open_es_fwrite (const char *filename); static void run_protect_tool (int argc, char **argv); static int our_pk_test_algo (int algo) { switch (algo) { case GCRY_PK_RSA: case GCRY_PK_ECDSA: case GCRY_PK_EDDSA: return gcry_pk_test_algo (algo); default: return 1; } } static int our_cipher_test_algo (int algo) { switch (algo) { case GCRY_CIPHER_3DES: case GCRY_CIPHER_AES128: case GCRY_CIPHER_AES192: case GCRY_CIPHER_AES256: case GCRY_CIPHER_SERPENT128: case GCRY_CIPHER_SERPENT192: case GCRY_CIPHER_SERPENT256: case GCRY_CIPHER_SEED: case GCRY_CIPHER_CAMELLIA128: case GCRY_CIPHER_CAMELLIA192: case GCRY_CIPHER_CAMELLIA256: return gcry_cipher_test_algo (algo); default: return 1; } } static int our_md_test_algo (int algo) { switch (algo) { case GCRY_MD_MD5: case GCRY_MD_SHA1: case GCRY_MD_RMD160: case GCRY_MD_SHA224: case GCRY_MD_SHA256: case GCRY_MD_SHA384: case GCRY_MD_SHA512: case GCRY_MD_WHIRLPOOL: return gcry_md_test_algo (algo); default: return 1; } } /* nPth wrapper function definitions. */ ASSUAN_SYSTEM_NPTH_IMPL; static char * make_libversion (const char *libname, const char *(*getfnc)(const char*)) { const char *s; char *result; if (maybe_setuid) { gcry_control (GCRYCTL_INIT_SECMEM, 0, 0); /* Drop setuid. */ maybe_setuid = 0; } s = getfnc (NULL); result = xmalloc (strlen (libname) + 1 + strlen (s) + 1); strcpy (stpcpy (stpcpy (result, libname), " "), s); return result; } static const char * my_strusage( int level ) { static char *digests, *pubkeys, *ciphers; static char *ver_gcry, *ver_ksba; const char *p; switch (level) { case 9: p = "GPL-3.0-or-later"; break; case 11: p = "@GPGSM@ (@GNUPG@)"; break; case 13: p = VERSION; break; case 14: p = GNUPG_DEF_COPYRIGHT_LINE; break; case 17: p = PRINTABLE_OS_NAME; break; case 19: p = _("Please report bugs to <@EMAIL@>.\n"); break; case 1: case 40: p = _("Usage: @GPGSM@ [options] [files] (-h for help)"); break; case 41: p = _("Syntax: @GPGSM@ [options] [files]\n" "Sign, check, encrypt or decrypt using the S/MIME protocol\n" "Default operation depends on the input data\n"); break; case 20: if (!ver_gcry) ver_gcry = make_libversion ("libgcrypt", gcry_check_version); p = ver_gcry; break; case 21: if (!ver_ksba) ver_ksba = make_libversion ("libksba", ksba_check_version); p = ver_ksba; break; case 31: p = "\nHome: "; break; case 32: p = gnupg_homedir (); break; case 33: p = _("\nSupported algorithms:\n"); break; case 34: if (!ciphers) ciphers = build_list ("Cipher: ", gnupg_cipher_algo_name, our_cipher_test_algo ); p = ciphers; break; case 35: if (!pubkeys) pubkeys = build_list ("Pubkey: ", gcry_pk_algo_name, our_pk_test_algo ); p = pubkeys; break; case 36: if (!digests) digests = build_list("Hash: ", gcry_md_algo_name, our_md_test_algo ); p = digests; break; default: p = NULL; break; } return p; } static char * build_list (const char *text, const char * (*mapf)(int), int (*chkf)(int)) { int i; size_t n=strlen(text)+2; char *list, *p; if (maybe_setuid) { gcry_control (GCRYCTL_DROP_PRIVS); /* drop setuid */ } for (i=1; i < 400; i++ ) if (!chkf(i)) n += strlen(mapf(i)) + 2; list = xmalloc (21 + n); *list = 0; for (p=NULL, i=1; i < 400; i++) { if (!chkf(i)) { if( !p ) p = stpcpy (list, text ); else p = stpcpy (p, ", "); p = stpcpy (p, mapf(i) ); } } if (p) strcpy (p, "\n" ); return list; } /* Set the file pointer into binary mode if required. */ static void set_binary (FILE *fp) { #ifdef HAVE_DOSISH_SYSTEM setmode (fileno (fp), O_BINARY); #else (void)fp; #endif } static void wrong_args (const char *text) { fprintf (stderr, _("usage: %s [options] %s\n"), GPGSM_NAME, text); gpgsm_exit (2); } static void set_opt_session_env (const char *name, const char *value) { gpg_error_t err; err = session_env_setenv (opt.session_env, name, value); if (err) log_fatal ("error setting session environment: %s\n", gpg_strerror (err)); } /* Setup the debugging. With a DEBUG_LEVEL of NULL only the active debug flags are propagated to the subsystems. With DEBUG_LEVEL set, a specific set of debug flags is set; and individual debugging flags will be added on top. */ static void set_debug (void) { int numok = (debug_level && digitp (debug_level)); int numlvl = numok? atoi (debug_level) : 0; if (!debug_level) ; else if (!strcmp (debug_level, "none") || (numok && numlvl < 1)) opt.debug = 0; else if (!strcmp (debug_level, "basic") || (numok && numlvl <= 2)) opt.debug = DBG_IPC_VALUE; else if (!strcmp (debug_level, "advanced") || (numok && numlvl <= 5)) opt.debug = DBG_IPC_VALUE|DBG_X509_VALUE; else if (!strcmp (debug_level, "expert") || (numok && numlvl <= 8)) opt.debug = (DBG_IPC_VALUE|DBG_X509_VALUE |DBG_CACHE_VALUE|DBG_CRYPTO_VALUE); else if (!strcmp (debug_level, "guru") || numok) { opt.debug = ~0; /* Unless the "guru" string has been used we don't want to allow hashing debugging. The rationale is that people tend to select the highest debug value and would then clutter their disk with debug files which may reveal confidential data. */ if (numok) opt.debug &= ~(DBG_HASHING_VALUE); } else { log_error (_("invalid debug-level '%s' given\n"), debug_level); gpgsm_exit (2); } opt.debug |= debug_value; if (opt.debug && !opt.verbose) opt.verbose = 1; if (opt.debug) opt.quiet = 0; if (opt.debug & DBG_MPI_VALUE) gcry_control (GCRYCTL_SET_DEBUG_FLAGS, 2); if (opt.debug & DBG_CRYPTO_VALUE ) gcry_control (GCRYCTL_SET_DEBUG_FLAGS, 1); gcry_control (GCRYCTL_SET_VERBOSITY, (int)opt.verbose); if (opt.debug) parse_debug_flag (NULL, &opt.debug, debug_flags); + /* Make sure that we are --verbose in debug mode. */ + if (opt.debug && !opt.verbose) + opt.verbose = 1; + if (opt.debug && opt.quiet) + opt.quiet = 0; + /* minip12.c may be used outside of GnuPG, thus we don't have the * opt structure over there. */ p12_set_verbosity (opt.verbose); } static void set_cmd (enum cmd_and_opt_values *ret_cmd, enum cmd_and_opt_values new_cmd) { enum cmd_and_opt_values cmd = *ret_cmd; if (!cmd || cmd == new_cmd) cmd = new_cmd; else if ( cmd == aSign && new_cmd == aEncr ) cmd = aSignEncr; else if ( cmd == aEncr && new_cmd == aSign ) cmd = aSignEncr; else if ( (cmd == aSign && new_cmd == aClearsign) || (cmd == aClearsign && new_cmd == aSign) ) cmd = aClearsign; else { log_error(_("conflicting commands\n")); gpgsm_exit(2); } *ret_cmd = cmd; } /* Helper to add recipients to a list. */ static void do_add_recipient (ctrl_t ctrl, const char *name, certlist_t *recplist, int is_encrypt_to, int recp_required) { int rc = gpgsm_add_to_certlist (ctrl, name, 0, recplist, is_encrypt_to); if (rc) { if (recp_required) { log_error ("can't encrypt to '%s': %s\n", name, gpg_strerror (rc)); gpgsm_status2 (ctrl, STATUS_INV_RECP, get_inv_recpsgnr_code (rc), name, NULL); } else log_info (_("Note: won't be able to encrypt to '%s': %s\n"), name, gpg_strerror (rc)); } } static void parse_validation_model (const char *model) { int i = gpgsm_parse_validation_model (model); if (i == -1) log_error (_("unknown validation model '%s'\n"), model); else default_validation_model = i; } int main ( int argc, char **argv) { gpg_error_t err = 0; gpgrt_argparse_t pargs; int orig_argc; char **orig_argv; /* char *username;*/ int may_coredump; strlist_t sl, remusr= NULL, locusr=NULL; strlist_t nrings=NULL; int detached_sig = 0; char *last_configname = NULL; const char *configname = NULL; /* NULL or points to last_configname. * NULL also indicates that we are * processing options from the cmdline. */ int debug_argparser = 0; int no_more_options = 0; int default_keyring = 1; char *logfile = NULL; char *auditlog = NULL; char *htmlauditlog = NULL; int greeting = 0; int nogreeting = 0; int debug_wait = 0; int use_random_seed = 1; int no_common_certs_import = 0; int with_fpr = 0; const char *forced_digest_algo = NULL; const char *extra_digest_algo = NULL; enum cmd_and_opt_values cmd = 0; struct server_control_s ctrl; certlist_t recplist = NULL; certlist_t signerlist = NULL; int do_not_setup_keys = 0; int recp_required = 0; estream_t auditfp = NULL; estream_t htmlauditfp = NULL; struct assuan_malloc_hooks malloc_hooks; int pwfd = -1; static const char *homedirvalue; static const char *changeuser; early_system_init (); gnupg_reopen_std (GPGSM_NAME); /* trap_unaligned ();*/ gnupg_rl_initialize (); gpgrt_set_strusage (my_strusage); gcry_control (GCRYCTL_SUSPEND_SECMEM_WARN); /* Please note that we may running SUID(ROOT), so be very CAREFUL when adding any stuff between here and the call to secmem_init() somewhere after the option parsing */ log_set_prefix (GPGSM_NAME, GPGRT_LOG_WITH_PREFIX); /* Make sure that our subsystems are ready. */ i18n_init (); init_common_subsystems (&argc, &argv); /* Check that the libraries are suitable. Do it here because the option parse may need services of the library */ if (!ksba_check_version (NEED_KSBA_VERSION) ) log_fatal (_("%s is too old (need %s, have %s)\n"), "libksba", NEED_KSBA_VERSION, ksba_check_version (NULL) ); gcry_control (GCRYCTL_USE_SECURE_RNDPOOL); may_coredump = disable_core_dumps (); gnupg_init_signals (0, emergency_cleanup); dotlock_create (NULL, 0); /* Register lockfile cleanup. */ /* Tell the compliance module who we are. */ gnupg_initialize_compliance (GNUPG_MODULE_NAME_GPGSM); opt.autostart = 1; opt.session_env = session_env_new (); if (!opt.session_env) log_fatal ("error allocating session environment block: %s\n", strerror (errno)); /* Note: If you change this default cipher algorithm , please remember to update the Gpgconflist entry as well. */ opt.def_cipher_algoid = DEFAULT_CIPHER_ALGO; /* First check whether we have a config file on the commandline */ orig_argc = argc; orig_argv = argv; pargs.argc = &argc; pargs.argv = &argv; pargs.flags= (ARGPARSE_FLAG_KEEP | ARGPARSE_FLAG_NOVERSION); while (gpgrt_argparse (NULL, &pargs, opts)) { switch (pargs.r_opt) { case oDebug: case oDebugAll: debug_argparser++; break; case oNoOptions: /* Set here here because the homedir would otherwise be * created before main option parsing starts. */ opt.no_homedir_creation = 1; break; case oHomedir: homedirvalue = pargs.r.ret_str; break; case oChUid: changeuser = pargs.r.ret_str; break; case aCallProtectTool: /* Make sure that --version and --help are passed to the * protect-tool. */ goto leave_cmdline_parser; } } leave_cmdline_parser: /* Reset the flags. */ pargs.flags &= ~(ARGPARSE_FLAG_KEEP | ARGPARSE_FLAG_NOVERSION); /* Initialize the secure memory. */ gcry_control (GCRYCTL_INIT_SECMEM, 16384, 0); maybe_setuid = 0; /* Now we are now working under our real uid */ ksba_set_malloc_hooks (gcry_malloc, gcry_realloc, gcry_free ); malloc_hooks.malloc = gcry_malloc; malloc_hooks.realloc = gcry_realloc; malloc_hooks.free = gcry_free; assuan_set_malloc_hooks (&malloc_hooks); assuan_set_gpg_err_source (GPG_ERR_SOURCE_DEFAULT); setup_libassuan_logging (&opt.debug, NULL); /* Change UID and then set homedir. */ if (changeuser && gnupg_chuid (changeuser, 0)) log_inc_errorcount (); /* Force later termination. */ gnupg_set_homedir (homedirvalue); /* Setup a default control structure for command line mode */ memset (&ctrl, 0, sizeof ctrl); gpgsm_init_default_ctrl (&ctrl); ctrl.no_server = 1; ctrl.status_fd = -1; /* No status output. */ ctrl.autodetect_encoding = 1; /* Set the default policy file */ opt.policy_file = make_filename (gnupg_homedir (), "policies.txt", NULL); /* The configuraton directories for use by gpgrt_argparser. */ gpgrt_set_confdir (GPGRT_CONFDIR_SYS, gnupg_sysconfdir ()); gpgrt_set_confdir (GPGRT_CONFDIR_USER, gnupg_homedir ()); /* We are re-using the struct, thus the reset flag. We OR the * flags so that the internal intialized flag won't be cleared. */ argc = orig_argc; argv = orig_argv; pargs.argc = &argc; pargs.argv = &argv; pargs.flags |= (ARGPARSE_FLAG_RESET | ARGPARSE_FLAG_KEEP | ARGPARSE_FLAG_SYS | ARGPARSE_FLAG_USER); while (!no_more_options && gpgrt_argparser (&pargs, opts, GPGSM_NAME EXTSEP_S "conf")) { switch (pargs.r_opt) { case ARGPARSE_CONFFILE: if (debug_argparser) log_info (_("reading options from '%s'\n"), pargs.r_type? pargs.r.ret_str: "[cmdline]"); if (pargs.r_type) { xfree (last_configname); last_configname = xstrdup (pargs.r.ret_str); configname = last_configname; } else configname = NULL; break; case aGPGConfList: case aGPGConfTest: set_cmd (&cmd, pargs.r_opt); do_not_setup_keys = 1; default_keyring = 0; nogreeting = 1; break; case aServer: opt.batch = 1; set_cmd (&cmd, aServer); break; case aCallDirmngr: opt.batch = 1; set_cmd (&cmd, aCallDirmngr); do_not_setup_keys = 1; break; case aCallProtectTool: opt.batch = 1; set_cmd (&cmd, aCallProtectTool); no_more_options = 1; /* Stop parsing. */ do_not_setup_keys = 1; break; case aDeleteKey: set_cmd (&cmd, aDeleteKey); /*greeting=1;*/ do_not_setup_keys = 1; break; case aDetachedSign: detached_sig = 1; set_cmd (&cmd, aSign ); break; case aKeygen: set_cmd (&cmd, aKeygen); greeting=1; do_not_setup_keys = 1; break; case aImport: case aSendKeys: case aRecvKeys: case aExport: case aExportSecretKeyP12: case aExportSecretKeyP8: case aExportSecretKeyRaw: case aShowCerts: case aDumpKeys: case aDumpChain: case aDumpExternalKeys: case aDumpSecretKeys: case aListKeys: case aListExternalKeys: case aListSecretKeys: case aListChain: case aLearnCard: case aPasswd: case aKeydbClearSomeCertFlags: do_not_setup_keys = 1; set_cmd (&cmd, pargs.r_opt); break; case aEncr: recp_required = 1; set_cmd (&cmd, pargs.r_opt); break; case aSym: case aDecrypt: case aSign: case aClearsign: case aVerify: set_cmd (&cmd, pargs.r_opt); break; /* Output encoding selection. */ case oArmor: ctrl.create_pem = 1; break; case oBase64: ctrl.create_pem = 0; ctrl.create_base64 = 1; break; case oNoArmor: ctrl.create_pem = 0; ctrl.create_base64 = 0; break; case oP12Charset: opt.p12_charset = pargs.r.ret_str; break; case oPassphraseFD: pwfd = translate_sys2libc_fd_int (pargs.r.ret_int, 0); break; case oPinentryMode: opt.pinentry_mode = parse_pinentry_mode (pargs.r.ret_str); if (opt.pinentry_mode == -1) log_error (_("invalid pinentry mode '%s'\n"), pargs.r.ret_str); break; case oRequestOrigin: opt.request_origin = parse_request_origin (pargs.r.ret_str); if (opt.request_origin == -1) log_error (_("invalid request origin '%s'\n"), pargs.r.ret_str); break; /* Input encoding selection. */ case oAssumeArmor: ctrl.autodetect_encoding = 0; ctrl.is_pem = 1; ctrl.is_base64 = 0; break; case oAssumeBase64: ctrl.autodetect_encoding = 0; ctrl.is_pem = 0; ctrl.is_base64 = 1; break; case oAssumeBinary: ctrl.autodetect_encoding = 0; ctrl.is_pem = 0; ctrl.is_base64 = 0; break; case oDisableCRLChecks: opt.no_crl_check = 1; break; case oEnableCRLChecks: opt.no_crl_check = 0; break; case oDisableTrustedCertCRLCheck: opt.no_trusted_cert_crl_check = 1; break; case oEnableTrustedCertCRLCheck: opt.no_trusted_cert_crl_check = 0; break; case oForceCRLRefresh: opt.force_crl_refresh = 1; break; case oEnableIssuerBasedCRLCheck: opt.enable_issuer_based_crl_check = 1; break; case oDisableOCSP: ctrl.use_ocsp = opt.enable_ocsp = 0; break; case oEnableOCSP: ctrl.use_ocsp = opt.enable_ocsp = 1; break; case oIncludeCerts: ctrl.include_certs = default_include_certs = pargs.r.ret_int; break; case oPolicyFile: xfree (opt.policy_file); if (*pargs.r.ret_str) opt.policy_file = xstrdup (pargs.r.ret_str); else opt.policy_file = NULL; break; case oDisablePolicyChecks: opt.no_policy_check = 1; break; case oEnablePolicyChecks: opt.no_policy_check = 0; break; case oAutoIssuerKeyRetrieve: opt.auto_issuer_key_retrieve = 1; break; case oOutput: opt.outfile = pargs.r.ret_str; break; case oQuiet: opt.quiet = 1; break; case oNoTTY: /* fixme:tty_no_terminal(1);*/ break; case oDryRun: opt.dry_run = 1; break; case oVerbose: opt.verbose++; gcry_control (GCRYCTL_SET_VERBOSITY, (int)opt.verbose); break; case oNoVerbose: opt.verbose = 0; gcry_control (GCRYCTL_SET_VERBOSITY, (int)opt.verbose); break; case oLogFile: logfile = pargs.r.ret_str; break; case oNoLogFile: logfile = NULL; break; case oAuditLog: auditlog = pargs.r.ret_str; break; case oHtmlAuditLog: htmlauditlog = pargs.r.ret_str; break; case oBatch: opt.batch = 1; greeting = 0; break; case oNoBatch: opt.batch = 0; break; case oAnswerYes: opt.answer_yes = 1; break; case oAnswerNo: opt.answer_no = 1; break; case oKeyring: append_to_strlist (&nrings, pargs.r.ret_str); break; case oUseKeyboxd: opt.use_keyboxd = 1; break; case oDebug: if (parse_debug_flag (pargs.r.ret_str, &debug_value, debug_flags)) { pargs.r_opt = ARGPARSE_INVALID_ARG; pargs.err = ARGPARSE_PRINT_ERROR; } break; case oDebugAll: debug_value = ~0; break; case oDebugNone: debug_value = 0; break; case oDebugLevel: debug_level = pargs.r.ret_str; break; case oDebugWait: debug_wait = pargs.r.ret_int; break; case oDebugAllowCoreDump: may_coredump = enable_core_dumps (); break; case oDebugNoChainValidation: opt.no_chain_validation = 1; break; case oDebugIgnoreExpiration: opt.ignore_expiration = 1; break; case oDebugForceECDHSHA1KDF: opt.force_ecdh_sha1kdf = 1; break; case oStatusFD: ctrl.status_fd = translate_sys2libc_fd_int (pargs.r.ret_int, 1); break; case oLoggerFD: log_set_fd (translate_sys2libc_fd_int (pargs.r.ret_int, 1)); break; case oWithMD5Fingerprint: opt.with_md5_fingerprint=1; /*fall through*/ case oWithFingerprint: with_fpr=1; /*fall through*/ case aFingerprint: opt.fingerprint++; break; case oWithKeygrip: opt.with_keygrip = 1; break; case oWithKeyScreening: opt.with_key_screening = 1; break; case oHomedir: gnupg_set_homedir (pargs.r.ret_str); break; case oChUid: break; /* Command line only (see above). */ case oAgentProgram: opt.agent_program = pargs.r.ret_str; break; case oKeyboxdProgram: opt.keyboxd_program = pargs.r.ret_str; break; case oDisplay: set_opt_session_env ("DISPLAY", pargs.r.ret_str); break; case oTTYname: set_opt_session_env ("GPG_TTY", pargs.r.ret_str); break; case oTTYtype: set_opt_session_env ("TERM", pargs.r.ret_str); break; case oXauthority: set_opt_session_env ("XAUTHORITY", pargs.r.ret_str); break; case oLCctype: opt.lc_ctype = xstrdup (pargs.r.ret_str); break; case oLCmessages: opt.lc_messages = xstrdup (pargs.r.ret_str); break; case oDirmngrProgram: opt.dirmngr_program = pargs.r.ret_str; break; case oDisableDirmngr: opt.disable_dirmngr = 1; break; case oPreferSystemDirmngr: /* Obsolete */; break; case oProtectToolProgram: opt.protect_tool_program = pargs.r.ret_str; break; case oFakedSystemTime: { time_t faked_time = isotime2epoch (pargs.r.ret_str); if (faked_time == (time_t)(-1)) faked_time = (time_t)strtoul (pargs.r.ret_str, NULL, 10); gnupg_set_time (faked_time, 0); } break; case oNoDefKeyring: default_keyring = 0; break; case oNoGreeting: nogreeting = 1; break; case oDefaultKey: if (*pargs.r.ret_str) { xfree (opt.local_user); opt.local_user = xstrdup (pargs.r.ret_str); } break; case oDefRecipient: if (*pargs.r.ret_str) opt.def_recipient = xstrdup (pargs.r.ret_str); break; case oDefRecipientSelf: xfree (opt.def_recipient); opt.def_recipient = NULL; opt.def_recipient_self = 1; break; case oNoDefRecipient: xfree (opt.def_recipient); opt.def_recipient = NULL; opt.def_recipient_self = 0; break; case oWithKeyData: opt.with_key_data=1; /* fall through */ case oWithColons: ctrl.with_colons = 1; break; case oWithSecret: ctrl.with_secret = 1; break; case oWithValidation: ctrl.with_validation=1; break; case oWithEphemeralKeys: ctrl.with_ephemeral_keys=1; break; case oSkipVerify: opt.skip_verify=1; break; case oNoEncryptTo: opt.no_encrypt_to = 1; break; case oEncryptTo: /* Store the recipient in the second list */ sl = add_to_strlist (&remusr, pargs.r.ret_str); sl->flags = 1; break; case oRecipient: /* store the recipient */ add_to_strlist ( &remusr, pargs.r.ret_str); break; case oUser: /* Store the local users, the first one is the default */ if (!opt.local_user) opt.local_user = xstrdup (pargs.r.ret_str); add_to_strlist (&locusr, pargs.r.ret_str); break; case oNoSecmemWarn: gcry_control (GCRYCTL_DISABLE_SECMEM_WARN); break; case oCipherAlgo: opt.def_cipher_algoid = pargs.r.ret_str; break; case oDisableCipherAlgo: { int algo = gcry_cipher_map_name (pargs.r.ret_str); gcry_cipher_ctl (NULL, GCRYCTL_DISABLE_ALGO, &algo, sizeof algo); } break; case oDisablePubkeyAlgo: { int algo = gcry_pk_map_name (pargs.r.ret_str); gcry_pk_ctl (GCRYCTL_DISABLE_ALGO,&algo, sizeof algo ); } break; case oDigestAlgo: forced_digest_algo = pargs.r.ret_str; break; case oExtraDigestAlgo: extra_digest_algo = pargs.r.ret_str; break; case oIgnoreTimeConflict: opt.ignore_time_conflict = 1; break; case oNoRandomSeedFile: use_random_seed = 0; break; case oNoCommonCertsImport: no_common_certs_import = 1; break; case oEnableSpecialFilenames: enable_special_filenames (); break; case oValidationModel: parse_validation_model (pargs.r.ret_str); break; case oKeyServer: append_to_strlist (&opt.keyserver, pargs.r.ret_str); break; case oKeyServer_deprecated: obsolete_option (configname, pargs.lineno, "ldapserver"); break; case oIgnoreCertExtension: add_to_strlist (&opt.ignored_cert_extensions, pargs.r.ret_str); break; case oAuthenticode: opt.authenticode = 1; break; case oAttribute: add_to_strlist (&opt.attributes, pargs.r.ret_str); break; case oNoAutostart: opt.autostart = 0; break; case oCompliance: { struct gnupg_compliance_option compliance_options[] = { { "gnupg", CO_GNUPG }, { "de-vs", CO_DE_VS } }; int compliance = gnupg_parse_compliance_option (pargs.r.ret_str, compliance_options, DIM (compliance_options), opt.quiet); if (compliance < 0) log_inc_errorcount (); /* Force later termination. */ opt.compliance = compliance; } break; case oMinRSALength: opt.min_rsa_length = pargs.r.ret_ulong; break; default: if (configname) pargs.err = ARGPARSE_PRINT_WARNING; else { pargs.err = ARGPARSE_PRINT_ERROR; /* The argparse function calls a plain exit and thus we * need to print a status here. */ gpgsm_status_with_error (&ctrl, STATUS_FAILURE, "option-parser", gpg_error (GPG_ERR_GENERAL)); } break; } } gpgrt_argparse (NULL, &pargs, NULL); /* Release internal state. */ if (!last_configname) opt.config_filename = gpgrt_fnameconcat (gnupg_homedir (), GPGSM_NAME EXTSEP_S "conf", NULL); else opt.config_filename = last_configname; if (log_get_errorcount(0)) { gpgsm_status_with_error (&ctrl, STATUS_FAILURE, "option-parser", gpg_error (GPG_ERR_GENERAL)); gpgsm_exit(2); } /* Process common component options. */ if (parse_comopt (GNUPG_MODULE_NAME_GPGSM, debug_argparser)) { gpgsm_status_with_error (&ctrl, STATUS_FAILURE, "option-parser", gpg_error (GPG_ERR_GENERAL)); gpgsm_exit(2); } if (opt.use_keyboxd) log_info ("Note: Please move option \"%s\" to \"common.conf\"\n", "use-keyboxd"); opt.use_keyboxd = comopt.use_keyboxd; /* Override. */ if (opt.keyboxd_program) log_info ("Note: Please move option \"%s\" to \"common.conf\"\n", "keyboxd-program"); if (!opt.keyboxd_program && comopt.keyboxd_program) { opt.keyboxd_program = comopt.keyboxd_program; comopt.keyboxd_program = NULL; } if (pwfd != -1) /* Read the passphrase now. */ read_passphrase_from_fd (pwfd); /* Now that we have the options parsed we need to update the default control structure. */ gpgsm_init_default_ctrl (&ctrl); if (nogreeting) greeting = 0; if (greeting) { es_fprintf (es_stderr, "%s %s; %s\n", gpgrt_strusage(11), gpgrt_strusage(13), gpgrt_strusage(14) ); es_fprintf (es_stderr, "%s\n", gpgrt_strusage(15) ); } #ifdef IS_DEVELOPMENT_VERSION if (!opt.batch) { log_info ("NOTE: THIS IS A DEVELOPMENT VERSION!\n"); log_info ("It is only intended for test purposes and should NOT be\n"); log_info ("used in a production environment or with production keys!\n"); } #endif if (may_coredump && !opt.quiet) log_info (_("WARNING: program may create a core file!\n")); npth_init (); assuan_set_system_hooks (ASSUAN_SYSTEM_NPTH); gpgrt_set_syscall_clamp (npth_unprotect, npth_protect); /* if (opt.qualsig_approval && !opt.quiet) */ /* log_info (_("This software has officially been approved to " */ /* "create and verify\n" */ /* "qualified signatures according to German law.\n")); */ if (logfile && cmd == aServer) { log_set_file (logfile); log_set_prefix (NULL, GPGRT_LOG_WITH_PREFIX | GPGRT_LOG_WITH_TIME | GPGRT_LOG_WITH_PID); } if (gnupg_faked_time_p ()) { gnupg_isotime_t tbuf; log_info (_("WARNING: running with faked system time: ")); gnupg_get_isotime (tbuf); dump_isotime (tbuf); log_printf ("\n"); } /* Print a warning if an argument looks like an option. */ if (!opt.quiet && !(pargs.flags & ARGPARSE_FLAG_STOP_SEEN)) { int i; for (i=0; i < argc; i++) if (argv[i][0] == '-' && argv[i][1] == '-') log_info (_("Note: '%s' is not considered an option\n"), argv[i]); } /*FIXME if (opt.batch) */ /* tty_batchmode (1); */ gcry_control (GCRYCTL_RESUME_SECMEM_WARN); set_debug (); gnupg_set_compliance_extra_info (opt.min_rsa_length); /* Although we always use gpgsm_exit, we better install a regular exit handler so that at least the secure memory gets wiped out. */ if (atexit (emergency_cleanup)) { log_error ("atexit failed\n"); gpgsm_exit (2); } /* Must do this after dropping setuid, because the mapping functions may try to load an module and we may have disabled an algorithm. We remap the commonly used algorithms to the OIDs for convenience. We need to work with the OIDs because they are used to check whether the encryption mode is actually available. */ if (!strcmp (opt.def_cipher_algoid, "3DES") ) opt.def_cipher_algoid = "1.2.840.113549.3.7"; else if (!strcmp (opt.def_cipher_algoid, "AES") || !strcmp (opt.def_cipher_algoid, "AES128")) opt.def_cipher_algoid = "2.16.840."; else if (!strcmp (opt.def_cipher_algoid, "AES192") ) opt.def_cipher_algoid = "2.16.840."; else if (!strcmp (opt.def_cipher_algoid, "AES256") ) opt.def_cipher_algoid = "2.16.840."; else if (!strcmp (opt.def_cipher_algoid, "SERPENT") || !strcmp (opt.def_cipher_algoid, "SERPENT128") ) opt.def_cipher_algoid = ""; else if (!strcmp (opt.def_cipher_algoid, "SERPENT192") ) opt.def_cipher_algoid = ""; else if (!strcmp (opt.def_cipher_algoid, "SERPENT256") ) opt.def_cipher_algoid = ""; else if (!strcmp (opt.def_cipher_algoid, "SEED") ) opt.def_cipher_algoid = "1.2.410.200004.1.4"; else if (!strcmp (opt.def_cipher_algoid, "CAMELLIA") || !strcmp (opt.def_cipher_algoid, "CAMELLIA128") ) opt.def_cipher_algoid = "1.2.392.200011."; else if (!strcmp (opt.def_cipher_algoid, "CAMELLIA192") ) opt.def_cipher_algoid = "1.2.392.200011."; else if (!strcmp (opt.def_cipher_algoid, "CAMELLIA256") ) opt.def_cipher_algoid = "1.2.392.200011."; if (cmd != aGPGConfList) { if ( !gcry_cipher_map_name (opt.def_cipher_algoid) || !gcry_cipher_mode_from_oid (opt.def_cipher_algoid)) log_error (_("selected cipher algorithm is invalid\n")); if (forced_digest_algo) { opt.forced_digest_algo = gcry_md_map_name (forced_digest_algo); if (our_md_test_algo(opt.forced_digest_algo) ) log_error (_("selected digest algorithm is invalid\n")); } if (extra_digest_algo) { opt.extra_digest_algo = gcry_md_map_name (extra_digest_algo); if (our_md_test_algo (opt.extra_digest_algo) ) log_error (_("selected digest algorithm is invalid\n")); } } /* Check our chosen algorithms against the list of allowed * algorithms in the current compliance mode, and fail hard if it is * not. This is us being nice to the user informing her early that * the chosen algorithms are not available. We also check and * enforce this right before the actual operation. */ if (! gnupg_cipher_is_allowed (opt.compliance, cmd == aEncr || cmd == aSignEncr, gcry_cipher_map_name (opt.def_cipher_algoid), GCRY_CIPHER_MODE_NONE) && ! gnupg_cipher_is_allowed (opt.compliance, cmd == aEncr || cmd == aSignEncr, gcry_cipher_mode_from_oid (opt.def_cipher_algoid), GCRY_CIPHER_MODE_NONE)) log_error (_("cipher algorithm '%s' may not be used in %s mode\n"), opt.def_cipher_algoid, gnupg_compliance_option_string (opt.compliance)); if (forced_digest_algo && ! gnupg_digest_is_allowed (opt.compliance, cmd == aSign || cmd == aSignEncr || cmd == aClearsign, opt.forced_digest_algo)) log_error (_("digest algorithm '%s' may not be used in %s mode\n"), forced_digest_algo, gnupg_compliance_option_string (opt.compliance)); if (extra_digest_algo && ! gnupg_digest_is_allowed (opt.compliance, cmd == aSign || cmd == aSignEncr || cmd == aClearsign, opt.extra_digest_algo)) log_error (_("digest algorithm '%s' may not be used in %s mode\n"), extra_digest_algo, gnupg_compliance_option_string (opt.compliance)); if (log_get_errorcount(0)) { gpgsm_status_with_error (&ctrl, STATUS_FAILURE, "option-postprocessing", gpg_error (GPG_ERR_GENERAL)); gpgsm_exit (2); } /* Set the random seed file. */ if (use_random_seed) { char *p = make_filename (gnupg_homedir (), "random_seed", NULL); gcry_control (GCRYCTL_SET_RANDOM_SEED_FILE, p); xfree(p); } if (!cmd && opt.fingerprint && !with_fpr) set_cmd (&cmd, aListKeys); /* If no pinentry is expected shunt * gnupg_allow_set_foregound_window to avoid useless error * messages on Windows. */ if (opt.pinentry_mode != PINENTRY_MODE_ASK) { gnupg_inhibit_set_foregound_window (1); } /* Add default keybox. */ if (!nrings && default_keyring && !opt.use_keyboxd) { int created; keydb_add_resource (&ctrl, "pubring.kbx", 0, &created); if (created && !no_common_certs_import) { /* Import the standard certificates for a new default keybox. */ char *filelist[2]; filelist[0] = make_filename (gnupg_datadir (),"com-certs.pem", NULL); filelist[1] = NULL; if (!gnupg_access (filelist[0], F_OK)) { log_info (_("importing common certificates '%s'\n"), filelist[0]); gpgsm_import_files (&ctrl, 1, filelist, open_read); } xfree (filelist[0]); } } if (!opt.use_keyboxd) { for (sl = nrings; sl; sl = sl->next) keydb_add_resource (&ctrl, sl->d, 0, NULL); } FREE_STRLIST(nrings); /* Prepare the audit log feature for certain commands. */ if (auditlog || htmlauditlog) { switch (cmd) { case aEncr: case aSign: case aDecrypt: case aVerify: audit_release (ctrl.audit); ctrl.audit = audit_new (); if (auditlog) auditfp = open_es_fwrite (auditlog); if (htmlauditlog) htmlauditfp = open_es_fwrite (htmlauditlog); break; default: break; } } if (!do_not_setup_keys) { int errcount = log_get_errorcount (0); for (sl = locusr; sl ; sl = sl->next) { int rc = gpgsm_add_to_certlist (&ctrl, sl->d, 1, &signerlist, 0); if (rc) { log_error (_("can't sign using '%s': %s\n"), sl->d, gpg_strerror (rc)); gpgsm_status2 (&ctrl, STATUS_INV_SGNR, get_inv_recpsgnr_code (rc), sl->d, NULL); gpgsm_status2 (&ctrl, STATUS_INV_RECP, get_inv_recpsgnr_code (rc), sl->d, NULL); } } /* Build the recipient list. We first add the regular ones and then the encrypt-to ones because the underlying function will silently ignore duplicates and we can't allow keeping a duplicate which is flagged as encrypt-to as the actually encrypt function would then complain about no (regular) recipients. */ for (sl = remusr; sl; sl = sl->next) if (!(sl->flags & 1)) do_add_recipient (&ctrl, sl->d, &recplist, 0, recp_required); if (!opt.no_encrypt_to) { for (sl = remusr; sl; sl = sl->next) if ((sl->flags & 1)) do_add_recipient (&ctrl, sl->d, &recplist, 1, recp_required); } /* We do not require a recipient for decryption but because * recipients and signers are always checked and log_error is * sometimes used (for failed signing keys or due to a failed * CRL checking) that would have bumbed up the error counter. * We clear the counter in the decryption case because there is * no reason to force decryption to fail. */ if (cmd == aDecrypt && !errcount) log_get_errorcount (1); /* clear counter */ } if (log_get_errorcount(0)) gpgsm_exit(1); /* Must stop for invalid recipients. */ /* Dispatch command. */ switch (cmd) { case aGPGConfList: { /* List default option values in the GPG Conf format. */ es_printf ("debug-level:%lu:\"none:\n", GC_OPT_FLAG_DEFAULT); es_printf ("include-certs:%lu:%d:\n", GC_OPT_FLAG_DEFAULT, DEFAULT_INCLUDE_CERTS); es_printf ("cipher-algo:%lu:\"%s:\n", GC_OPT_FLAG_DEFAULT, DEFAULT_CIPHER_ALGO); es_printf ("p12-charset:%lu:\n", GC_OPT_FLAG_DEFAULT); es_printf ("default-key:%lu:\n", GC_OPT_FLAG_DEFAULT); es_printf ("encrypt-to:%lu:\n", GC_OPT_FLAG_DEFAULT); /* The next one is an info only item and should match what proc_parameters actually implements. */ es_printf ("default_pubkey_algo:%lu:\"%s:\n", GC_OPT_FLAG_DEFAULT, "RSA-3072"); } break; case aGPGConfTest: /* This is merely a dummy command to test whether the configuration file is valid. */ break; case aServer: if (debug_wait) { log_debug ("waiting for debugger - my pid is %u .....\n", (unsigned int)getpid()); gnupg_sleep (debug_wait); log_debug ("... okay\n"); } gpgsm_server (recplist); break; case aCallDirmngr: if (!argc) wrong_args ("--call-dirmngr {args}"); else if (gpgsm_dirmngr_run_command (&ctrl, *argv, argc-1, argv+1)) gpgsm_exit (1); break; case aCallProtectTool: run_protect_tool (argc, argv); break; case aEncr: /* Encrypt the given file. */ { estream_t fp = open_es_fwrite (opt.outfile?opt.outfile:"-"); set_binary (stdin); if (!argc) /* Source is stdin. */ err = gpgsm_encrypt (&ctrl, recplist, 0, fp); else if (argc == 1) /* Source is the given file. */ err = gpgsm_encrypt (&ctrl, recplist, open_read (*argv), fp); else wrong_args ("--encrypt [datafile]"); if (err) gpgrt_fcancel (fp); else es_fclose (fp); } break; case aSign: /* Sign the given file. */ { estream_t fp = open_es_fwrite (opt.outfile?opt.outfile:"-"); /* Fixme: We should also allow concatenation of multiple files for signing because that is what gpg does.*/ set_binary (stdin); if (!argc) /* Create from stdin. */ err = gpgsm_sign (&ctrl, signerlist, 0, detached_sig, fp); else if (argc == 1) /* From file. */ err = gpgsm_sign (&ctrl, signerlist, open_read (*argv), detached_sig, fp); else wrong_args ("--sign [datafile]"); #if GPGRT_VERSION_NUMBER >= 0x012700 /* >= 1.39 */ if (err) gpgrt_fcancel (fp); else es_fclose (fp); #else (void)err; es_fclose (fp); #endif } break; case aSignEncr: /* sign and encrypt the given file */ log_error ("this command has not yet been implemented\n"); break; case aClearsign: /* make a clearsig */ log_error ("this command has not yet been implemented\n"); break; case aVerify: { estream_t fp = NULL; set_binary (stdin); if (argc == 2 && opt.outfile) log_info ("option --output ignored for a detached signature\n"); else if (opt.outfile) fp = open_es_fwrite (opt.outfile); if (!argc) gpgsm_verify (&ctrl, 0, -1, fp); /* normal signature from stdin */ else if (argc == 1) gpgsm_verify (&ctrl, open_read (*argv), -1, fp); /* std signature */ else if (argc == 2) /* detached signature (sig, detached) */ gpgsm_verify (&ctrl, open_read (*argv), open_read (argv[1]), NULL); else wrong_args ("--verify [signature [detached_data]]"); es_fclose (fp); } break; case aDecrypt: { estream_t fp = open_es_fwrite (opt.outfile?opt.outfile:"-"); set_binary (stdin); if (!argc) err = gpgsm_decrypt (&ctrl, 0, fp); /* from stdin */ else if (argc == 1) err = gpgsm_decrypt (&ctrl, open_read (*argv), fp); /* from file */ else wrong_args ("--decrypt [filename]"); if (err) gpgrt_fcancel (fp); else es_fclose (fp); } break; case aDeleteKey: for (sl=NULL; argc; argc--, argv++) add_to_strlist (&sl, *argv); gpgsm_delete (&ctrl, sl); free_strlist(sl); break; case aListChain: case aDumpChain: ctrl.with_chain = 1; /* fall through */ case aListKeys: case aDumpKeys: case aListExternalKeys: case aDumpExternalKeys: case aListSecretKeys: case aDumpSecretKeys: { unsigned int mode; estream_t fp; switch (cmd) { case aListChain: case aListKeys: mode = (0 | 0 | (1<<6)); break; case aDumpChain: case aDumpKeys: mode = (256 | 0 | (1<<6)); break; case aListExternalKeys: mode = (0 | 0 | (1<<7)); break; case aDumpExternalKeys: mode = (256 | 0 | (1<<7)); break; case aListSecretKeys: mode = (0 | 2 | (1<<6)); break; case aDumpSecretKeys: mode = (256 | 2 | (1<<6)); break; default: BUG(); } fp = open_es_fwrite (opt.outfile?opt.outfile:"-"); for (sl=NULL; argc; argc--, argv++) add_to_strlist (&sl, *argv); gpgsm_list_keys (&ctrl, sl, fp, mode); free_strlist(sl); es_fclose (fp); } break; case aShowCerts: { estream_t fp; fp = open_es_fwrite (opt.outfile?opt.outfile:"-"); gpgsm_show_certs (&ctrl, argc, argv, fp); es_fclose (fp); } break; case aKeygen: /* Generate a key; well kind of. */ { estream_t fpin = NULL; estream_t fpout; if (opt.batch) { if (!argc) /* Create from stdin. */ fpin = open_es_fread ("-", "r"); else if (argc == 1) /* From file. */ fpin = open_es_fread (*argv, "r"); else wrong_args ("--generate-key --batch [parmfile]"); } fpout = open_es_fwrite (opt.outfile?opt.outfile:"-"); if (fpin) gpgsm_genkey (&ctrl, fpin, fpout); else gpgsm_gencertreq_tty (&ctrl, fpout); es_fclose (fpout); } break; case aImport: gpgsm_import_files (&ctrl, argc, argv, open_read); break; case aExport: { estream_t fp; fp = open_es_fwrite (opt.outfile?opt.outfile:"-"); for (sl=NULL; argc; argc--, argv++) add_to_strlist (&sl, *argv); gpgsm_export (&ctrl, sl, fp); free_strlist(sl); es_fclose (fp); } break; case aExportSecretKeyP12: { estream_t fp = open_es_fwrite (opt.outfile?opt.outfile:"-"); if (argc == 1) gpgsm_p12_export (&ctrl, *argv, fp, 0); else wrong_args ("--export-secret-key-p12 KEY-ID"); if (fp != es_stdout) es_fclose (fp); } break; case aExportSecretKeyP8: { estream_t fp = open_es_fwrite (opt.outfile?opt.outfile:"-"); if (argc == 1) gpgsm_p12_export (&ctrl, *argv, fp, 1); else wrong_args ("--export-secret-key-p8 KEY-ID"); if (fp != es_stdout) es_fclose (fp); } break; case aExportSecretKeyRaw: { estream_t fp = open_es_fwrite (opt.outfile?opt.outfile:"-"); if (argc == 1) gpgsm_p12_export (&ctrl, *argv, fp, 2); else wrong_args ("--export-secret-key-raw KEY-ID"); if (fp != es_stdout) es_fclose (fp); } break; case aSendKeys: case aRecvKeys: log_error ("this command has not yet been implemented\n"); break; case aLearnCard: if (argc) wrong_args ("--learn-card"); else { int rc = gpgsm_agent_learn (&ctrl); if (rc) log_error ("error learning card: %s\n", gpg_strerror (rc)); } break; case aPasswd: if (argc != 1) wrong_args ("--change-passphrase "); else { int rc; ksba_cert_t cert = NULL; char *grip = NULL; rc = gpgsm_find_cert (&ctrl, *argv, NULL, &cert, 0); if (rc) ; else if (!(grip = gpgsm_get_keygrip_hexstring (cert))) rc = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_BUG); else { char *desc = gpgsm_format_keydesc (cert); rc = gpgsm_agent_passwd (&ctrl, grip, desc); xfree (desc); } if (rc) log_error ("error changing passphrase: %s\n", gpg_strerror (rc)); xfree (grip); ksba_cert_release (cert); } break; case aKeydbClearSomeCertFlags: for (sl=NULL; argc; argc--, argv++) add_to_strlist (&sl, *argv); keydb_clear_some_cert_flags (&ctrl, sl); free_strlist(sl); break; default: log_error (_("invalid command (there is no implicit command)\n")); break; } /* Print the audit result if needed. */ if ((auditlog && auditfp) || (htmlauditlog && htmlauditfp)) { if (auditlog && auditfp) audit_print_result (ctrl.audit, auditfp, 0); if (htmlauditlog && htmlauditfp) audit_print_result (ctrl.audit, htmlauditfp, 1); audit_release (ctrl.audit); ctrl.audit = NULL; es_fclose (auditfp); es_fclose (htmlauditfp); } /* cleanup */ gpgsm_deinit_default_ctrl (&ctrl); free_strlist (opt.keyserver); opt.keyserver = NULL; gpgsm_release_certlist (recplist); gpgsm_release_certlist (signerlist); FREE_STRLIST (remusr); FREE_STRLIST (locusr); gpgsm_exit(0); return 8; /*NOTREACHED*/ } /* Note: This function is used by signal handlers!. */ static void emergency_cleanup (void) { gcry_control (GCRYCTL_TERM_SECMEM ); } void gpgsm_exit (int rc) { gcry_control (GCRYCTL_UPDATE_RANDOM_SEED_FILE); if (opt.debug & DBG_MEMSTAT_VALUE) { gcry_control( GCRYCTL_DUMP_MEMORY_STATS ); gcry_control( GCRYCTL_DUMP_RANDOM_STATS ); } if (opt.debug) gcry_control (GCRYCTL_DUMP_SECMEM_STATS ); emergency_cleanup (); rc = rc? rc : log_get_errorcount(0)? 2 : gpgsm_errors_seen? 1 : 0; exit (rc); } void gpgsm_init_default_ctrl (struct server_control_s *ctrl) { ctrl->include_certs = default_include_certs; ctrl->use_ocsp = opt.enable_ocsp; ctrl->validation_model = default_validation_model; ctrl->offline = opt.disable_dirmngr; } /* This function is called to deinitialize a control object. The * control object is is not released, though. */ void gpgsm_deinit_default_ctrl (ctrl_t ctrl) { gpgsm_keydb_deinit_session_data (ctrl); } int gpgsm_parse_validation_model (const char *model) { if (!ascii_strcasecmp (model, "shell") ) return 0; else if ( !ascii_strcasecmp (model, "chain") ) return 1; else if ( !ascii_strcasecmp (model, "steed") ) return 2; else return -1; } /* Open the FILENAME for read and return the file descriptor. Stop with an error message in case of problems. "-" denotes stdin and if special filenames are allowed the given fd is opened instead. */ static int open_read (const char *filename) { int fd; if (filename[0] == '-' && !filename[1]) { set_binary (stdin); return 0; /* stdin */ } fd = check_special_filename (filename, 0, 0); if (fd != -1) return fd; fd = gnupg_open (filename, O_RDONLY | O_BINARY, 0); if (fd == -1) { log_error (_("can't open '%s': %s\n"), filename, strerror (errno)); gpgsm_exit (2); } return fd; } /* Same as open_read but return an estream_t. */ static estream_t open_es_fread (const char *filename, const char *mode) { int fd; estream_t fp; if (filename[0] == '-' && !filename[1]) fd = fileno (stdin); else fd = check_special_filename (filename, 0, 0); if (fd != -1) { fp = es_fdopen_nc (fd, mode); if (!fp) { log_error ("es_fdopen(%d) failed: %s\n", fd, strerror (errno)); gpgsm_exit (2); } return fp; } fp = es_fopen (filename, mode); if (!fp) { log_error (_("can't open '%s': %s\n"), filename, strerror (errno)); gpgsm_exit (2); } return fp; } /* Open FILENAME for fwrite and return an extended stream. Stop with an error message in case of problems. "-" denotes stdout and if special filenames are allowed the given fd is opened instead. Caller must close the returned stream. */ static estream_t open_es_fwrite (const char *filename) { int fd; estream_t fp; if (filename[0] == '-' && !filename[1]) { fflush (stdout); fp = es_fdopen_nc (fileno(stdout), "wb"); return fp; } fd = check_special_filename (filename, 1, 0); if (fd != -1) { fp = es_fdopen_nc (fd, "wb"); if (!fp) { log_error ("es_fdopen(%d) failed: %s\n", fd, strerror (errno)); gpgsm_exit (2); } return fp; } fp = es_fopen (filename, "wb"); if (!fp) { log_error (_("can't open '%s': %s\n"), filename, strerror (errno)); gpgsm_exit (2); } return fp; } static void run_protect_tool (int argc, char **argv) { #ifdef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM (void)argc; (void)argv; #else const char *pgm; char **av; int i; if (!opt.protect_tool_program || !*opt.protect_tool_program) pgm = gnupg_module_name (GNUPG_MODULE_NAME_PROTECT_TOOL); else pgm = opt.protect_tool_program; av = xcalloc (argc+2, sizeof *av); av[0] = strrchr (pgm, '/'); if (!av[0]) av[0] = xstrdup (pgm); for (i=1; argc; i++, argc--, argv++) av[i] = *argv; av[i] = NULL; execv (pgm, av); log_error ("error executing '%s': %s\n", pgm, strerror (errno)); #endif /*!HAVE_W32_SYSTEM*/ gpgsm_exit (2); }