diff --git a/dirmngr/certcache.c b/dirmngr/certcache.c index 1e73d6f85..6b194f31c 100644 --- a/dirmngr/certcache.c +++ b/dirmngr/certcache.c @@ -1,1921 +1,1924 @@ /* certcache.c - Certificate caching * Copyright (C) 2004, 2005, 2007, 2008, 2017 g10 Code GmbH * * This file is part of DirMngr. * * DirMngr is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * DirMngr is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, see . */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "dirmngr.h" #include "misc.h" #include "../common/ksba-io-support.h" #include "crlfetch.h" #include "certcache.h" #define MAX_NONPERM_CACHED_CERTS 1000 /* Constants used to classify search patterns. */ enum pattern_class { PATTERN_UNKNOWN = 0, PATTERN_EMAIL, PATTERN_EMAIL_SUBSTR, PATTERN_FINGERPRINT16, PATTERN_FINGERPRINT20, PATTERN_SHORT_KEYID, PATTERN_LONG_KEYID, PATTERN_SUBJECT, PATTERN_SERIALNO, PATTERN_SERIALNO_ISSUER, PATTERN_ISSUER, PATTERN_SUBSTR }; /* A certificate cache item. This consists of a the KSBA cert object and some meta data for easier lookup. We use a hash table to keep track of all items and use the (randomly distributed) first byte of the fingerprint directly as the hash which makes it pretty easy. */ struct cert_item_s { struct cert_item_s *next; /* Next item with the same hash value. */ ksba_cert_t cert; /* The KSBA cert object or NULL is this is not a valid item. */ unsigned char fpr[20]; /* The fingerprint of this object. */ char *issuer_dn; /* The malloced issuer DN. */ ksba_sexp_t sn; /* The malloced serial number */ char *subject_dn; /* The malloced subject DN - maybe NULL. */ /* If this field is set the certificate has been taken from some * configuration and shall not be flushed from the cache. */ unsigned int permanent:1; /* If this field is set the certificate is trusted. The actual * value is a (possible) combination of CERTTRUST_CLASS values. */ unsigned int trustclasses:4; }; typedef struct cert_item_s *cert_item_t; /* The actual cert cache consisting of 256 slots for items indexed by the first byte of the fingerprint. */ static cert_item_t cert_cache[256]; /* This is the global cache_lock variable. In general locking is not needed but it would take extra efforts to make sure that no indirect use of npth functions is done, so we simply lock it always. Note: We can't use static initialization, as that is not available through w32-pth. */ static npth_rwlock_t cert_cache_lock; /* Flag to track whether the cache has been initialized. */ static int initialization_done; /* Total number of non-permanent certificates. */ static unsigned int total_nonperm_certificates; /* For each cert class the corresponding bit is set if at least one * certificate of that class is loaded permanetly. */ static unsigned int any_cert_of_class; #ifdef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM /* We load some functions dynamically. Provide typedefs for tehse * functions. */ typedef HCERTSTORE (WINAPI *CERTOPENSYSTEMSTORE) (HCRYPTPROV hProv, LPCSTR szSubsystemProtocol); typedef PCCERT_CONTEXT (WINAPI *CERTENUMCERTIFICATESINSTORE) (HCERTSTORE hCertStore, PCCERT_CONTEXT pPrevCertContext); typedef WINBOOL (WINAPI *CERTCLOSESTORE) (HCERTSTORE hCertStore,DWORD dwFlags); #endif /*HAVE_W32_SYSTEM*/ /* Helper to do the cache locking. */ static void init_cache_lock (void) { int err; err = npth_rwlock_init (&cert_cache_lock, NULL); if (err) log_fatal (_("can't initialize certificate cache lock: %s\n"), strerror (err)); } static void acquire_cache_read_lock (void) { int err; err = npth_rwlock_rdlock (&cert_cache_lock); if (err) log_fatal (_("can't acquire read lock on the certificate cache: %s\n"), strerror (err)); } static void acquire_cache_write_lock (void) { int err; err = npth_rwlock_wrlock (&cert_cache_lock); if (err) log_fatal (_("can't acquire write lock on the certificate cache: %s\n"), strerror (err)); } static void release_cache_lock (void) { int err; err = npth_rwlock_unlock (&cert_cache_lock); if (err) log_fatal (_("can't release lock on the certificate cache: %s\n"), strerror (err)); } /* Return false if both serial numbers match. Can't be used for sorting. */ static int compare_serialno (ksba_sexp_t serial1, ksba_sexp_t serial2 ) { unsigned char *a = serial1; unsigned char *b = serial2; return cmp_simple_canon_sexp (a, b); } /* Return a malloced canonical S-Expression with the serial number * converted from the hex string HEXSN. Return NULL on memory * error. */ ksba_sexp_t hexsn_to_sexp (const char *hexsn) { char *buffer, *p; size_t len; char numbuf[40]; len = unhexify (NULL, hexsn); snprintf (numbuf, sizeof numbuf, "(%u:", (unsigned int)len); buffer = xtrymalloc (strlen (numbuf) + len + 2 ); if (!buffer) return NULL; p = stpcpy (buffer, numbuf); len = unhexify (p, hexsn); p[len] = ')'; p[len+1] = 0; return buffer; } /* Compute the fingerprint of the certificate CERT and put it into the 20 bytes large buffer DIGEST. Return address of this buffer. */ unsigned char * cert_compute_fpr (ksba_cert_t cert, unsigned char *digest) { gpg_error_t err; gcry_md_hd_t md; err = gcry_md_open (&md, GCRY_MD_SHA1, 0); if (err) log_fatal ("gcry_md_open failed: %s\n", gpg_strerror (err)); err = ksba_cert_hash (cert, 0, HASH_FNC, md); if (err) { log_error ("oops: ksba_cert_hash failed: %s\n", gpg_strerror (err)); memset (digest, 0xff, 20); /* Use a dummy value. */ } else { gcry_md_final (md); memcpy (digest, gcry_md_read (md, GCRY_MD_SHA1), 20); } gcry_md_close (md); return digest; } /* Cleanup one slot. This releases all resourses but keeps the actual slot in the cache marked for reuse. */ static void clean_cache_slot (cert_item_t ci) { ksba_cert_t cert; if (!ci->cert) return; /* Already cleaned. */ ksba_free (ci->sn); ci->sn = NULL; ksba_free (ci->issuer_dn); ci->issuer_dn = NULL; ksba_free (ci->subject_dn); ci->subject_dn = NULL; cert = ci->cert; ci->cert = NULL; ci->permanent = 0; ci->trustclasses = 0; ksba_cert_release (cert); } /* Put the certificate CERT into the cache. It is assumed that the * cache is locked while this function is called. * * FROM_CONFIG indicates that CERT is a permanent certificate and * should stay in the cache. IS_TRUSTED requests that the trusted * flag is set for the certificate; a value of 1 indicates the * cert is trusted due to GnuPG mechanisms, a value of 2 indicates * that it is trusted because it has been taken from the system's * store of trusted certificates. If FPR_BUFFER is not NULL the * fingerprint of the certificate will be stored there. FPR_BUFFER * needs to point to a buffer of at least 20 bytes. The fingerprint * will be stored on success or when the function returns * GPG_ERR_DUP_VALUE or GPG_ERR_NOT_ENABLED. */ static gpg_error_t put_cert (ksba_cert_t cert, int permanent, unsigned int trustclass, void *fpr_buffer) { unsigned char help_fpr_buffer[20], *fpr; cert_item_t ci; fingerprint_list_t ignored; /* Do not keep expired certificates in the permanent cache. */ if (permanent && !opt.debug_cache_expired_certs) { ksba_isotime_t not_after; ksba_isotime_t current_time; if (ksba_cert_get_validity (cert, 1, not_after)) return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_BAD_CERT); gnupg_get_isotime (current_time); if (*not_after && strcmp (current_time, not_after) > 0) return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_CERT_EXPIRED); } fpr = fpr_buffer? fpr_buffer : &help_fpr_buffer; /* If we already reached the caching limit, drop a couple of certs * from the cache. Our dropping strategy is simple: We keep a * static index counter and use this to start looking for * certificates, then we drop 5 percent of the oldest certificates * starting at that index. For a large cache this is a fair way of * removing items. An LRU strategy would be better of course. * Because we append new entries to the head of the list and we want * to remove old ones first, we need to do this from the tail. The * implementation is not very efficient but compared to the long * time it takes to retrieve a certificate from an external resource * it seems to be reasonable. */ if (!permanent && total_nonperm_certificates >= MAX_NONPERM_CACHED_CERTS) { static int idx; cert_item_t ci_mark; int i; unsigned int drop_count; drop_count = MAX_NONPERM_CACHED_CERTS / 20; if (drop_count < 2) drop_count = 2; log_info (_("dropping %u certificates from the cache\n"), drop_count); assert (idx < 256); for (i=idx; drop_count; i = ((i+1)%256)) { ci_mark = NULL; for (ci = cert_cache[i]; ci; ci = ci->next) if (ci->cert && !ci->permanent) ci_mark = ci; if (ci_mark) { clean_cache_slot (ci_mark); drop_count--; total_nonperm_certificates--; } } if (i==idx) idx++; else idx = i; idx %= 256; } cert_compute_fpr (cert, fpr); /* Compare against the list of to be ignored certificates. */ for (ignored = opt.ignored_certs; ignored; ignored = ignored->next) if (ignored->binlen == 20 && !memcmp (fpr, ignored->hexfpr, 20)) { /* We are configured not to use this certificate. */ return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NOT_ENABLED); } for (ci=cert_cache[*fpr]; ci; ci = ci->next) if (ci->cert && !memcmp (ci->fpr, fpr, 20)) return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_DUP_VALUE); /* Try to reuse an existing entry. */ for (ci=cert_cache[*fpr]; ci; ci = ci->next) if (!ci->cert) break; if (!ci) { /* No: Create a new entry. */ ci = xtrycalloc (1, sizeof *ci); if (!ci) return gpg_error_from_errno (errno); ci->next = cert_cache[*fpr]; cert_cache[*fpr] = ci; } ksba_cert_ref (cert); ci->cert = cert; memcpy (ci->fpr, fpr, 20); ci->sn = ksba_cert_get_serial (cert); ci->issuer_dn = ksba_cert_get_issuer (cert, 0); if (!ci->issuer_dn || !ci->sn) { clean_cache_slot (ci); return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_CERT_OBJ); } ci->subject_dn = ksba_cert_get_subject (cert, 0); ci->permanent = !!permanent; ci->trustclasses = trustclass; if (permanent) any_cert_of_class |= trustclass; else total_nonperm_certificates++; return 0; } /* Load certificates from the directory DIRNAME. All certificates matching the pattern "*.crt" or "*.der" are loaded. We assume that certificates are DER encoded and not PEM encapsulated. The cache should be in a locked state when calling this function. */ static gpg_error_t load_certs_from_dir (const char *dirname, unsigned int trustclass) { gpg_error_t err; gnupg_dir_t dir; gnupg_dirent_t ep; char *p; size_t n; estream_t fp; ksba_reader_t reader; ksba_cert_t cert; char *fname = NULL; dir = gnupg_opendir (dirname); if (!dir) { return 0; /* We do not consider this a severe error. */ } while ( (ep = gnupg_readdir (dir)) ) { p = ep->d_name; if (*p == '.' || !*p) continue; /* Skip any hidden files and invalid entries. */ n = strlen (p); if ( n < 5 || (strcmp (p+n-4,".crt") && strcmp (p+n-4,".der"))) continue; /* Not the desired "*.crt" or "*.der" pattern. */ xfree (fname); fname = make_filename (dirname, p, NULL); fp = es_fopen (fname, "rb"); if (!fp) { log_error (_("can't open '%s': %s\n"), fname, strerror (errno)); continue; } err = create_estream_ksba_reader (&reader, fp); if (err) { es_fclose (fp); continue; } err = ksba_cert_new (&cert); if (!err) err = ksba_cert_read_der (cert, reader); ksba_reader_release (reader); es_fclose (fp); if (err) { log_error (_("can't parse certificate '%s': %s\n"), fname, gpg_strerror (err)); ksba_cert_release (cert); continue; } err = put_cert (cert, 1, trustclass, NULL); if (gpg_err_code (err) == GPG_ERR_DUP_VALUE) log_info (_("certificate '%s' already cached\n"), fname); else if (!err) { if ((trustclass & CERTTRUST_CLASS_CONFIG)) http_register_cfg_ca (fname); if (trustclass) log_info (_("trusted certificate '%s' loaded\n"), fname); else log_info (_("certificate '%s' loaded\n"), fname); if (opt.verbose) { p = get_fingerprint_hexstring_colon (cert); log_info (_(" SHA1 fingerprint = %s\n"), p); xfree (p); cert_log_name (_(" issuer ="), cert); cert_log_subject (_(" subject ="), cert); } } else if (gpg_err_code (err) == GPG_ERR_NOT_ENABLED) log_info ("certificate '%s' skipped due to configuration\n", fname); else log_error (_("error loading certificate '%s': %s\n"), fname, gpg_strerror (err)); ksba_cert_release (cert); } xfree (fname); gnupg_closedir (dir); return 0; } /* Load certificates from FILE. The certificates are expected to be * PEM encoded so that it is possible to load several certificates. * TRUSTCLASSES is used to mark the certificates as trusted. The * cache should be in a locked state when calling this function. * NO_ERROR repalces an error message when FNAME was not found by an * information message. */ static gpg_error_t load_certs_from_file (const char *fname, unsigned int trustclasses, int no_error) { gpg_error_t err; estream_t fp = NULL; gnupg_ksba_io_t ioctx = NULL; ksba_reader_t reader; ksba_cert_t cert = NULL; fp = es_fopen (fname, "rb"); if (!fp) { err = gpg_error_from_syserror (); if (gpg_err_code (err) == GPG_ERR_ENONET && no_error) log_info (_("can't open '%s': %s\n"), fname, gpg_strerror (err)); else log_error (_("can't open '%s': %s\n"), fname, gpg_strerror (err)); goto leave; } err = gnupg_ksba_create_reader (&ioctx, (GNUPG_KSBA_IO_AUTODETECT | GNUPG_KSBA_IO_MULTIPEM), fp, &reader); if (err) { log_error ("can't create reader: %s\n", gpg_strerror (err)); goto leave; } /* Loop to read all certificates from the file. */ do { ksba_cert_release (cert); cert = NULL; err = ksba_cert_new (&cert); if (!err) err = ksba_cert_read_der (cert, reader); if (err) { if (gpg_err_code (err) == GPG_ERR_EOF) err = 0; else log_error (_("can't parse certificate '%s': %s\n"), fname, gpg_strerror (err)); goto leave; } err = put_cert (cert, 1, trustclasses, NULL); if (gpg_err_code (err) == GPG_ERR_DUP_VALUE) log_info (_("certificate '%s' already cached\n"), fname); else if (gpg_err_code (err) == GPG_ERR_NOT_ENABLED) log_info ("certificate '%s' skipped due to configuration\n", fname); else if (err) log_error (_("error loading certificate '%s': %s\n"), fname, gpg_strerror (err)); else if (opt.verbose > 1) { char *p; log_info (_("trusted certificate '%s' loaded\n"), fname); p = get_fingerprint_hexstring_colon (cert); log_info (_(" SHA1 fingerprint = %s\n"), p); xfree (p); cert_log_name (_(" issuer ="), cert); cert_log_subject (_(" subject ="), cert); } ksba_reader_clear (reader, NULL, NULL); } while (!gnupg_ksba_reader_eof_seen (ioctx)); leave: ksba_cert_release (cert); gnupg_ksba_destroy_reader (ioctx); es_fclose (fp); return err; } #ifdef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM /* Load all certificates from the Windows store named STORENAME. All * certificates are considered to be system provided trusted * certificates. The cache should be in a locked state when calling * this function. */ static void load_certs_from_w32_store (const char *storename) { static int init_done; static CERTOPENSYSTEMSTORE pCertOpenSystemStore; static CERTENUMCERTIFICATESINSTORE pCertEnumCertificatesInStore; static CERTCLOSESTORE pCertCloseStore; gpg_error_t err; HCERTSTORE w32store; const CERT_CONTEXT *w32cert; ksba_cert_t cert = NULL; unsigned int count = 0; /* Initialize on the first use. */ if (!init_done) { static HANDLE hCrypt32; init_done = 1; hCrypt32 = LoadLibrary ("Crypt32.dll"); if (!hCrypt32) { log_error ("can't load Crypt32.dll: %s\n", w32_strerror (-1)); return; } pCertOpenSystemStore = (CERTOPENSYSTEMSTORE) (void*)GetProcAddress (hCrypt32, "CertOpenSystemStoreA"); pCertEnumCertificatesInStore = (CERTENUMCERTIFICATESINSTORE) (void*)GetProcAddress (hCrypt32, "CertEnumCertificatesInStore"); pCertCloseStore = (CERTCLOSESTORE) (void*)GetProcAddress (hCrypt32, "CertCloseStore"); if ( !pCertOpenSystemStore || !pCertEnumCertificatesInStore || !pCertCloseStore) { log_error ("can't load crypt32.dll: %s\n", "missing function"); pCertOpenSystemStore = NULL; } } if (!pCertOpenSystemStore) return; /* Not initialized. */ w32store = pCertOpenSystemStore (0, storename); if (!w32store) { log_error ("can't open certificate store '%s': %s\n", storename, w32_strerror (-1)); return; } w32cert = NULL; while ((w32cert = pCertEnumCertificatesInStore (w32store, w32cert))) { if (w32cert->dwCertEncodingType == X509_ASN_ENCODING) { ksba_cert_release (cert); cert = NULL; err = ksba_cert_new (&cert); if (!err) err = ksba_cert_init_from_mem (cert, w32cert->pbCertEncoded, w32cert->cbCertEncoded); if (err) { log_error (_("can't parse certificate '%s': %s\n"), storename, gpg_strerror (err)); break; } err = put_cert (cert, 1, CERTTRUST_CLASS_SYSTEM, NULL); if (!err) count++; if (gpg_err_code (err) == GPG_ERR_DUP_VALUE) { if (DBG_X509) log_debug (_("certificate '%s' already cached\n"), storename); } else if (gpg_err_code (err) == GPG_ERR_NOT_ENABLED) log_info ("certificate '%s' skipped due to configuration\n", storename); else if (err) log_error (_("error loading certificate '%s': %s\n"), storename, gpg_strerror (err)); else if (opt.verbose > 1) { char *p; log_info (_("trusted certificate '%s' loaded\n"), storename); p = get_fingerprint_hexstring_colon (cert); log_info (_(" SHA1 fingerprint = %s\n"), p); xfree (p); cert_log_name (_(" issuer ="), cert); cert_log_subject (_(" subject ="), cert); } } } ksba_cert_release (cert); pCertCloseStore (w32store, 0); if (DBG_X509) log_debug ("number of certs loaded from store '%s': %u\n", storename, count); } #endif /*HAVE_W32_SYSTEM*/ /* Load the trusted certificates provided by the system. */ static gpg_error_t load_certs_from_system (void) { #ifdef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM load_certs_from_w32_store ("ROOT"); load_certs_from_w32_store ("CA"); return 0; #else /*!HAVE_W32_SYSTEM*/ /* A list of certificate bundles to try. */ static struct { const char *name; } table[] = { #ifdef DEFAULT_TRUST_STORE_FILE { DEFAULT_TRUST_STORE_FILE } #else { "/etc/ssl/ca-bundle.pem" }, { "/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt" }, { "/etc/pki/tls/cert.pem" }, { "/usr/local/share/certs/ca-root-nss.crt" }, { "/etc/ssl/cert.pem" } #endif /*!DEFAULT_TRUST_STORE_FILE*/ }; int idx; gpg_error_t err = 0; for (idx=0; idx < DIM (table); idx++) if (!gnupg_access (table[idx].name, F_OK)) { /* Take the first available bundle. */ err = load_certs_from_file (table[idx].name, CERTTRUST_CLASS_SYSTEM, 0); break; } return err; #endif /*!HAVE_W32_SYSTEM*/ } /* Initialize the certificate cache if not yet done. */ void cert_cache_init (strlist_t hkp_cacerts) { char *fname; strlist_t sl; if (initialization_done) return; init_cache_lock (); acquire_cache_write_lock (); load_certs_from_system (); fname = make_filename_try (gnupg_sysconfdir (), "trusted-certs", NULL); if (fname) load_certs_from_dir (fname, CERTTRUST_CLASS_CONFIG); xfree (fname); fname = make_filename_try (gnupg_sysconfdir (), "extra-certs", NULL); if (fname) load_certs_from_dir (fname, 0); xfree (fname); /* Put the special pool certificate into our store. This is * currently only used with ntbtls. For GnuTLS http_session_new * unfortunately loads that certificate directly from the file. */ /* Disabled for 2.3.2 because the service had to be shutdown. */ /* fname = make_filename_try (gnupg_datadir (), */ /* "sks-keyservers.netCA.pem", NULL); */ /* if (fname) */ /* load_certs_from_file (fname, CERTTRUST_CLASS_HKPSPOOL, 1); */ /* xfree (fname); */ for (sl = hkp_cacerts; sl; sl = sl->next) load_certs_from_file (sl->d, CERTTRUST_CLASS_HKP, 0); initialization_done = 1; release_cache_lock (); - cert_cache_print_stats (); + cert_cache_print_stats (NULL); } /* Deinitialize the certificate cache. With FULL set to true even the unused certificate slots are released. */ void cert_cache_deinit (int full) { cert_item_t ci, ci2; int i; if (!initialization_done) return; acquire_cache_write_lock (); for (i=0; i < 256; i++) for (ci=cert_cache[i]; ci; ci = ci->next) clean_cache_slot (ci); if (full) { for (i=0; i < 256; i++) { for (ci=cert_cache[i]; ci; ci = ci2) { ci2 = ci->next; xfree (ci); } cert_cache[i] = NULL; } } http_register_cfg_ca (NULL); total_nonperm_certificates = 0; any_cert_of_class = 0; initialization_done = 0; release_cache_lock (); } /* Print some statistics to the log file. */ void -cert_cache_print_stats (void) +cert_cache_print_stats (ctrl_t ctrl) { cert_item_t ci; int idx; unsigned int n_nonperm = 0; unsigned int n_permanent = 0; unsigned int n_trusted = 0; unsigned int n_trustclass_system = 0; unsigned int n_trustclass_config = 0; unsigned int n_trustclass_hkp = 0; unsigned int n_trustclass_hkpspool = 0; acquire_cache_read_lock (); for (idx = 0; idx < 256; idx++) for (ci=cert_cache[idx]; ci; ci = ci->next) if (ci->cert) { if (ci->permanent) n_permanent++; else n_nonperm++; if (ci->trustclasses) { n_trusted++; if ((ci->trustclasses & CERTTRUST_CLASS_SYSTEM)) n_trustclass_system++; if ((ci->trustclasses & CERTTRUST_CLASS_CONFIG)) n_trustclass_config++; if ((ci->trustclasses & CERTTRUST_CLASS_HKP)) n_trustclass_hkp++; if ((ci->trustclasses & CERTTRUST_CLASS_HKPSPOOL)) n_trustclass_hkpspool++; } } release_cache_lock (); - log_info (_("permanently loaded certificates: %u\n"), - n_permanent); - log_info (_(" runtime cached certificates: %u\n"), - n_nonperm); - log_info (_(" trusted certificates: %u (%u,%u,%u,%u)\n"), - n_trusted, - n_trustclass_system, - n_trustclass_config, - n_trustclass_hkp, - n_trustclass_hkpspool); + dirmngr_status_helpf (ctrl, + _("permanently loaded certificates: %u\n"), + n_permanent); + dirmngr_status_helpf (ctrl, + _(" runtime cached certificates: %u\n"), + n_nonperm); + dirmngr_status_helpf (ctrl, + _(" trusted certificates: %u (%u,%u,%u,%u)\n"), + n_trusted, + n_trustclass_system, + n_trustclass_config, + n_trustclass_hkp, + n_trustclass_hkpspool); } /* Return true if any cert of a class in MASK is permanently * loaded. */ int cert_cache_any_in_class (unsigned int mask) { return !!(any_cert_of_class & mask); } /* Put CERT into the certificate cache. */ gpg_error_t cache_cert (ksba_cert_t cert) { gpg_error_t err; acquire_cache_write_lock (); err = put_cert (cert, 0, 0, NULL); release_cache_lock (); if (gpg_err_code (err) == GPG_ERR_DUP_VALUE) log_info (_("certificate already cached\n")); else if (!err) log_info (_("certificate cached\n")); else if (gpg_err_code (err) == GPG_ERR_NOT_ENABLED) log_info ("certificate skipped due to configuration\n"); else log_error (_("error caching certificate: %s\n"), gpg_strerror (err)); return err; } /* Put CERT into the certificate cache and store the fingerprint of the certificate into FPR_BUFFER. If the certificate is already in the cache do not print a warning; just store the fingerprint. FPR_BUFFER needs to be at least 20 bytes. */ gpg_error_t cache_cert_silent (ksba_cert_t cert, void *fpr_buffer) { gpg_error_t err; acquire_cache_write_lock (); err = put_cert (cert, 0, 0, fpr_buffer); release_cache_lock (); if (gpg_err_code (err) == GPG_ERR_DUP_VALUE) err = 0; if (gpg_err_code (err) == GPG_ERR_NOT_ENABLED) log_info ("certificate skipped due to configuration\n"); else if (err) log_error (_("error caching certificate: %s\n"), gpg_strerror (err)); return err; } /* Return a certificate object for the given fingerprint. FPR is expected to be a 20 byte binary SHA-1 fingerprint. If no matching certificate is available in the cache NULL is returned. The caller must release a returned certificate. Note that although we are using reference counting the caller should not just compare the pointers to check for identical certificates. */ ksba_cert_t get_cert_byfpr (const unsigned char *fpr) { cert_item_t ci; acquire_cache_read_lock (); for (ci=cert_cache[*fpr]; ci; ci = ci->next) if (ci->cert && !memcmp (ci->fpr, fpr, 20)) { ksba_cert_ref (ci->cert); release_cache_lock (); return ci->cert; } release_cache_lock (); return NULL; } /* Return a certificate object for the given fingerprint. STRING is expected to be a SHA-1 fingerprint in standard hex notation with or without colons. If no matching certificate is available in the cache NULL is returned. The caller must release a returned certificate. Note that although we are using reference counting the caller should not just compare the pointers to check for identical certificates. */ ksba_cert_t get_cert_byhexfpr (const char *string) { unsigned char fpr[20]; const char *s; int i; if (strchr (string, ':')) { for (s=string,i=0; i < 20 && hexdigitp (s) && hexdigitp(s+1);) { if (s[2] && s[2] != ':') break; /* Invalid string. */ fpr[i++] = xtoi_2 (s); s += 2; if (i!= 20 && *s == ':') s++; } } else { for (s=string,i=0; i < 20 && hexdigitp (s) && hexdigitp(s+1); s+=2 ) fpr[i++] = xtoi_2 (s); } if (i!=20 || *s) { log_error (_("invalid SHA1 fingerprint string '%s'\n"), string); return NULL; } return get_cert_byfpr (fpr); } /* Return the certificate matching ISSUER_DN and SERIALNO. */ ksba_cert_t get_cert_bysn (const char *issuer_dn, ksba_sexp_t serialno) { /* Simple and inefficient implementation. fixme! */ cert_item_t ci; int i; acquire_cache_read_lock (); for (i=0; i < 256; i++) { for (ci=cert_cache[i]; ci; ci = ci->next) if (ci->cert && !strcmp (ci->issuer_dn, issuer_dn) && !compare_serialno (ci->sn, serialno)) { ksba_cert_ref (ci->cert); release_cache_lock (); return ci->cert; } } release_cache_lock (); return NULL; } /* Return the certificate matching ISSUER_DN. SEQ should initially be set to 0 and bumped up to get the next issuer with that DN. */ ksba_cert_t get_cert_byissuer (const char *issuer_dn, unsigned int seq) { /* Simple and very inefficient implementation and API. fixme! */ cert_item_t ci; int i; acquire_cache_read_lock (); for (i=0; i < 256; i++) { for (ci=cert_cache[i]; ci; ci = ci->next) if (ci->cert && !strcmp (ci->issuer_dn, issuer_dn)) if (!seq--) { ksba_cert_ref (ci->cert); release_cache_lock (); return ci->cert; } } release_cache_lock (); return NULL; } /* Return the certificate matching SUBJECT_DN. SEQ should initially be set to 0 and bumped up to get the next subject with that DN. */ ksba_cert_t get_cert_bysubject (const char *subject_dn, unsigned int seq) { /* Simple and very inefficient implementation and API. fixme! */ cert_item_t ci; int i; if (!subject_dn) return NULL; acquire_cache_read_lock (); for (i=0; i < 256; i++) { for (ci=cert_cache[i]; ci; ci = ci->next) if (ci->cert && ci->subject_dn && !strcmp (ci->subject_dn, subject_dn)) if (!seq--) { ksba_cert_ref (ci->cert); release_cache_lock (); return ci->cert; } } release_cache_lock (); return NULL; } /* Return a value describing the class of PATTERN. The offset of the actual string to be used for the comparison is stored at R_OFFSET. The offset of the serialnumer is stored at R_SN_OFFSET. */ static enum pattern_class classify_pattern (const char *pattern, size_t *r_offset, size_t *r_sn_offset) { enum pattern_class result; const char *s; int hexprefix = 0; int hexlength; *r_offset = *r_sn_offset = 0; /* Skip leading spaces. */ for(s = pattern; *s && spacep (s); s++ ) ; switch (*s) { case 0: /* Empty string is an error. */ result = PATTERN_UNKNOWN; break; case '.': /* An email address, compare from end. */ result = PATTERN_UNKNOWN; /* Not implemented. */ break; case '<': /* An email address. */ result = PATTERN_EMAIL; s++; break; case '@': /* Part of an email address. */ result = PATTERN_EMAIL_SUBSTR; s++; break; case '=': /* Exact compare. */ result = PATTERN_UNKNOWN; /* Does not make sense for X.509. */ break; case '*': /* Case insensitive substring search. */ result = PATTERN_SUBSTR; s++; break; case '+': /* Compare individual words. */ result = PATTERN_UNKNOWN; /* Not implemented. */ break; case '/': /* Subject's DN. */ s++; if (!*s || spacep (s)) result = PATTERN_UNKNOWN; /* No DN or prefixed with a space. */ else result = PATTERN_SUBJECT; break; case '#': /* Serial number or issuer DN. */ { const char *si; s++; if ( *s == '/') { /* An issuer's DN is indicated by "#/" */ s++; if (!*s || spacep (s)) result = PATTERN_UNKNOWN; /* No DN or prefixed with a space. */ else result = PATTERN_ISSUER; } else { /* Serialnumber + optional issuer ID. */ for (si=s; *si && *si != '/'; si++) if (!strchr("01234567890abcdefABCDEF", *si)) break; if (*si && *si != '/') result = PATTERN_UNKNOWN; /* Invalid digit in serial number. */ else { *r_sn_offset = s - pattern; if (!*si) result = PATTERN_SERIALNO; else { s = si+1; if (!*s || spacep (s)) result = PATTERN_UNKNOWN; /* No DN or prefixed with a space. */ else result = PATTERN_SERIALNO_ISSUER; } } } } break; case ':': /* Unified fingerprint. */ { const char *se, *si; int i; se = strchr (++s, ':'); if (!se) result = PATTERN_UNKNOWN; else { for (i=0, si=s; si < se; si++, i++ ) if (!strchr("01234567890abcdefABCDEF", *si)) break; if ( si < se ) result = PATTERN_UNKNOWN; /* Invalid digit. */ else if (i == 32) result = PATTERN_FINGERPRINT16; else if (i == 40) result = PATTERN_FINGERPRINT20; else result = PATTERN_UNKNOWN; /* Invalid length for a fingerprint. */ } } break; case '&': /* Keygrip. */ result = PATTERN_UNKNOWN; /* Not implemented. */ break; default: if (s[0] == '0' && s[1] == 'x') { hexprefix = 1; s += 2; } hexlength = strspn(s, "0123456789abcdefABCDEF"); /* Check if a hexadecimal number is terminated by EOS or blank. */ if (hexlength && s[hexlength] && !spacep (s+hexlength)) { /* If the "0x" prefix is used a correct termination is required. */ if (hexprefix) { result = PATTERN_UNKNOWN; break; /* switch */ } hexlength = 0; /* Not a hex number. */ } if (hexlength == 8 || (!hexprefix && hexlength == 9 && *s == '0')) { if (hexlength == 9) s++; result = PATTERN_SHORT_KEYID; } else if (hexlength == 16 || (!hexprefix && hexlength == 17 && *s == '0')) { if (hexlength == 17) s++; result = PATTERN_LONG_KEYID; } else if (hexlength == 32 || (!hexprefix && hexlength == 33 && *s == '0')) { if (hexlength == 33) s++; result = PATTERN_FINGERPRINT16; } else if (hexlength == 40 || (!hexprefix && hexlength == 41 && *s == '0')) { if (hexlength == 41) s++; result = PATTERN_FINGERPRINT20; } else if (!hexprefix) { /* The fingerprints used with X.509 are often delimited by colons, so we try to single this case out. */ result = PATTERN_UNKNOWN; hexlength = strspn (s, ":0123456789abcdefABCDEF"); if (hexlength == 59 && (!s[hexlength] || spacep (s+hexlength))) { int i, c; for (i=0; i < 20; i++, s += 3) { c = hextobyte(s); if (c == -1 || (i < 19 && s[2] != ':')) break; } if (i == 20) result = PATTERN_FINGERPRINT20; } if (result == PATTERN_UNKNOWN) /* Default to substring match. */ { result = PATTERN_SUBSTR; } } else /* A hex number with a prefix but with a wrong length. */ result = PATTERN_UNKNOWN; } if (result != PATTERN_UNKNOWN) *r_offset = s - pattern; return result; } /* Given PATTERN, which is a string as used by GnuPG to specify a certificate, return all matching certificates by calling the supplied function RETFNC. */ gpg_error_t get_certs_bypattern (const char *pattern, gpg_error_t (*retfnc)(void*,ksba_cert_t), void *retfnc_data) { gpg_error_t err = GPG_ERR_BUG; enum pattern_class class; size_t offset, sn_offset; const char *hexserialno; ksba_sexp_t serialno = NULL; ksba_cert_t cert = NULL; unsigned int seq; if (!pattern || !retfnc) return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_ARG); class = classify_pattern (pattern, &offset, &sn_offset); hexserialno = pattern + sn_offset; pattern += offset; switch (class) { case PATTERN_UNKNOWN: err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_NAME); break; case PATTERN_FINGERPRINT20: cert = get_cert_byhexfpr (pattern); err = cert? 0 : gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NOT_FOUND); break; case PATTERN_SERIALNO_ISSUER: serialno = hexsn_to_sexp (hexserialno); if (!serialno) err = gpg_error_from_syserror (); else { cert = get_cert_bysn (pattern, serialno); err = cert? 0 : gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NOT_FOUND); } break; case PATTERN_ISSUER: for (seq=0,err=0; !err && (cert = get_cert_byissuer (pattern, seq)); seq++) { err = retfnc (retfnc_data, cert); ksba_cert_release (cert); cert = NULL; } if (!err && !seq) err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NOT_FOUND); break; case PATTERN_SUBJECT: for (seq=0,err=0; !err && (cert = get_cert_bysubject (pattern, seq));seq++) { err = retfnc (retfnc_data, cert); ksba_cert_release (cert); cert = NULL; } if (!err && !seq) err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NOT_FOUND); break; case PATTERN_EMAIL: case PATTERN_EMAIL_SUBSTR: case PATTERN_FINGERPRINT16: case PATTERN_SHORT_KEYID: case PATTERN_LONG_KEYID: case PATTERN_SUBSTR: case PATTERN_SERIALNO: /* Not supported. */ err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_NAME); } if (!err && cert) err = retfnc (retfnc_data, cert); ksba_cert_release (cert); xfree (serialno); return err; } /* Return the certificate matching ISSUER_DN and SERIALNO; if it is * not already in the cache, try to find it from other resources. */ ksba_cert_t find_cert_bysn (ctrl_t ctrl, const char *issuer_dn, ksba_sexp_t serialno) { gpg_error_t err; ksba_cert_t cert; cert_fetch_context_t context = NULL; char *hexsn, *buf; /* First check whether it has already been cached. */ cert = get_cert_bysn (issuer_dn, serialno); if (cert) return cert; /* Ask back to the service requester to return the certificate. * This is because we can assume that he already used the * certificate while checking for the CRL. */ hexsn = serial_hex (serialno); if (!hexsn) { log_error ("serial_hex() failed\n"); return NULL; } buf = strconcat ("#", hexsn, "/", issuer_dn, NULL); if (!buf) { log_error ("can't allocate enough memory: %s\n", strerror (errno)); xfree (hexsn); return NULL; } xfree (hexsn); cert = get_cert_local (ctrl, buf); xfree (buf); if (cert) { cache_cert (cert); return cert; /* Done. */ } if (DBG_LOOKUP) log_debug ("find_cert_bysn: certificate not returned by caller" " - doing lookup\n"); /* Retrieve the certificate from external resources. */ while (!cert) { ksba_sexp_t sn; char *issdn; if (!context) { err = ca_cert_fetch (ctrl, &context, issuer_dn); if (err) { log_error (_("error fetching certificate by S/N: %s\n"), gpg_strerror (err)); break; } } err = fetch_next_ksba_cert (context, &cert); if (err) { log_error (_("error fetching certificate by S/N: %s\n"), gpg_strerror (err) ); break; } issdn = ksba_cert_get_issuer (cert, 0); if (strcmp (issuer_dn, issdn)) { log_debug ("find_cert_bysn: Ooops: issuer DN does not match\n"); ksba_cert_release (cert); cert = NULL; ksba_free (issdn); break; } sn = ksba_cert_get_serial (cert); if (DBG_LOOKUP) { log_debug (" considering certificate (#"); dump_serial (sn); log_printf ("/"); dump_string (issdn); log_printf (")\n"); } if (!compare_serialno (serialno, sn)) { ksba_free (sn); ksba_free (issdn); cache_cert (cert); if (DBG_LOOKUP) log_debug (" found\n"); break; /* Ready. */ } ksba_free (sn); ksba_free (issdn); ksba_cert_release (cert); cert = NULL; } end_cert_fetch (context); return cert; } /* Return the certificate matching SUBJECT_DN and (if not NULL) * KEYID. If it is not already in the cache, try to find it from other * resources. Note, that the external search does not work for user * certificates because the LDAP lookup is on the caCertificate * attribute. For our purposes this is just fine. */ ksba_cert_t find_cert_bysubject (ctrl_t ctrl, const char *subject_dn, ksba_sexp_t keyid) { gpg_error_t err; int seq; ksba_cert_t cert = NULL; ksba_cert_t first; /* The first certificate found. */ cert_fetch_context_t context = NULL; ksba_sexp_t subj; /* If we have certificates from an OCSP request we first try to use * them. This is because these certificates will really be the * required ones and thus even in the case that they can't be * uniquely located by the following code we can use them. This is * for example required by Telesec certificates where a keyId is * used but the issuer certificate comes without a subject keyId! */ if (ctrl->ocsp_certs && subject_dn) { cert_item_t ci; cert_ref_t cr; int i; /* For efficiency reasons we won't use get_cert_bysubject here. */ acquire_cache_read_lock (); for (i=0; i < 256; i++) for (ci=cert_cache[i]; ci; ci = ci->next) if (ci->cert && ci->subject_dn && !strcmp (ci->subject_dn, subject_dn)) for (cr=ctrl->ocsp_certs; cr; cr = cr->next) if (!memcmp (ci->fpr, cr->fpr, 20)) { ksba_cert_ref (ci->cert); release_cache_lock (); if (DBG_LOOKUP) log_debug ("%s: certificate found in the cache" " via ocsp_certs\n", __func__); return ci->cert; /* We use this certificate. */ } release_cache_lock (); if (DBG_LOOKUP) log_debug ("find_cert_bysubject: certificate not in ocsp_certs\n"); } /* Now check whether the certificate is cached. */ first = NULL; subj = NULL; for (seq=0; (cert = get_cert_bysubject (subject_dn, seq)); seq++) { if (!keyid || (!ksba_cert_get_subj_key_id (cert, NULL, &subj) && !cmp_simple_canon_sexp (keyid, subj))) { xfree (subj); subj = NULL; if (DBG_LOOKUP) log_debug ("%s: certificate found in the cache" " %sby subject DN\n", __func__, !keyid?"only ":""); /* If this a trusted cert - then prefer it. */ if (!is_trusted_cert (cert, (CERTTRUST_CLASS_SYSTEM | CERTTRUST_CLASS_CONFIG))) { ksba_cert_release (first); first = cert; cert = NULL; /* We stop at the first trusted certificate and ignore * any yet found non-trusted certificates. */ break; } else if (!first) { /* Not trusted. Save only the first one but continue * the loop in case there is also a trusted one. */ ksba_cert_release (first); first = cert; cert = NULL; } } xfree (subj); subj = NULL; ksba_cert_release (cert); } if (first) return first; /* Return the first found certificate. */ /* If we do not have a subject DN but have a keyid, try to locate it * by keyid. */ if (!subject_dn && keyid) { int i; cert_item_t ci; ksba_sexp_t ski; acquire_cache_read_lock (); for (i=0; i < 256; i++) for (ci=cert_cache[i]; ci; ci = ci->next) if (ci->cert && !ksba_cert_get_subj_key_id (ci->cert, NULL, &ski)) { if (!cmp_simple_canon_sexp (keyid, ski)) { ksba_free (ski); ksba_cert_ref (ci->cert); release_cache_lock (); if (DBG_LOOKUP) log_debug ("%s: certificate found in the cache" " via ski\n", __func__); return ci->cert; } ksba_free (ski); } release_cache_lock (); } if (DBG_LOOKUP) log_debug ("find_cert_bysubject: certificate not in cache\n"); /* Ask back to the service requester to return the certificate. * This is because we can assume that he already used the * certificate while checking for the CRL. */ if (keyid) cert = get_cert_local_ski (ctrl, subject_dn, keyid); else { /* In contrast to get_cert_local_ski, get_cert_local uses any * passed pattern, so we need to make sure that an exact subject * search is done. */ char *buf; buf = strconcat ("/", subject_dn, NULL); if (!buf) { log_error ("can't allocate enough memory: %s\n", strerror (errno)); return NULL; } cert = get_cert_local (ctrl, buf); xfree (buf); } if (cert) { cache_cert (cert); return cert; /* Done. */ } if (DBG_LOOKUP) log_debug ("find_cert_bysubject: certificate not returned by caller" " - doing lookup\n"); /* Locate the certificate using external resources. */ while (!cert) { char *subjdn; if (!context) { err = ca_cert_fetch (ctrl, &context, subject_dn); if (err) { log_error (_("error fetching certificate by subject: %s\n"), gpg_strerror (err)); break; } } err = fetch_next_ksba_cert (context, &cert); if (err) { log_error (_("error fetching certificate by subject: %s\n"), gpg_strerror (err) ); break; } subjdn = ksba_cert_get_subject (cert, 0); if (strcmp (subject_dn, subjdn)) { log_info ("find_cert_bysubject: subject DN does not match\n"); ksba_cert_release (cert); cert = NULL; ksba_free (subjdn); continue; } if (DBG_LOOKUP) { log_debug (" considering certificate (/"); dump_string (subjdn); log_printf (")\n"); } ksba_free (subjdn); /* If no key ID has been provided, we return the first match. */ if (!keyid) { cache_cert (cert); if (DBG_LOOKUP) log_debug (" found\n"); break; /* Ready. */ } /* With the key ID given we need to compare it. */ if (!ksba_cert_get_subj_key_id (cert, NULL, &subj)) { if (!cmp_simple_canon_sexp (keyid, subj)) { ksba_free (subj); cache_cert (cert); if (DBG_LOOKUP) log_debug (" found\n"); break; /* Ready. */ } } ksba_free (subj); ksba_cert_release (cert); cert = NULL; } end_cert_fetch (context); return cert; } /* Return 0 if the certificate is a trusted certificate. Returns * GPG_ERR_NOT_TRUSTED if it is not trusted or other error codes in * case of systems errors. TRUSTCLASSES are the bitwise ORed * CERTTRUST_CLASS values to use for the check. */ gpg_error_t is_trusted_cert (ksba_cert_t cert, unsigned int trustclasses) { unsigned char fpr[20]; cert_item_t ci; cert_compute_fpr (cert, fpr); acquire_cache_read_lock (); for (ci=cert_cache[*fpr]; ci; ci = ci->next) if (ci->cert && !memcmp (ci->fpr, fpr, 20)) { if ((ci->trustclasses & trustclasses)) { /* The certificate is trusted in one of the given * TRUSTCLASSES. */ release_cache_lock (); return 0; /* Yes, it is trusted. */ } break; } release_cache_lock (); return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NOT_TRUSTED); } /* Given the certificate CERT locate the issuer for this certificate * and return it at R_CERT. Returns 0 on success or * GPG_ERR_NOT_FOUND. */ gpg_error_t find_issuing_cert (ctrl_t ctrl, ksba_cert_t cert, ksba_cert_t *r_cert) { gpg_error_t err; char *issuer_dn; ksba_cert_t issuer_cert = NULL; ksba_name_t authid; ksba_sexp_t authidno; ksba_sexp_t keyid; *r_cert = NULL; issuer_dn = ksba_cert_get_issuer (cert, 0); if (!issuer_dn) { log_error (_("no issuer found in certificate\n")); err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_BAD_CERT); goto leave; } /* First we need to check whether we can return that certificate using the authorithyKeyIdentifier. */ err = ksba_cert_get_auth_key_id (cert, &keyid, &authid, &authidno); if (err) { log_info (_("error getting authorityKeyIdentifier: %s\n"), gpg_strerror (err)); } else { const char *s = ksba_name_enum (authid, 0); if (s && *authidno) { issuer_cert = find_cert_bysn (ctrl, s, authidno); } if (!issuer_cert && keyid) { /* Not found by issuer+s/n. Now that we have an AKI * keyIdentifier look for a certificate with a matching * SKI. */ issuer_cert = find_cert_bysubject (ctrl, issuer_dn, keyid); } /* Print a note so that the user does not feel too helpless when * an issuer certificate was found and gpgsm prints BAD * signature because it is not the correct one. */ if (!issuer_cert) { log_info ("issuer certificate "); if (keyid) { log_printf ("{"); dump_serial (keyid); log_printf ("} "); } if (authidno) { log_printf ("(#"); dump_serial (authidno); log_printf ("/"); dump_string (s); log_printf (") "); } log_printf ("not found using authorityKeyIdentifier\n"); } ksba_name_release (authid); xfree (authidno); xfree (keyid); } /* If this did not work, try just with the issuer's name and assume * that there is only one such certificate. We only look into our * cache then. */ if (err || !issuer_cert) { issuer_cert = get_cert_bysubject (issuer_dn, 0); if (issuer_cert) err = 0; } leave: if (!err && !issuer_cert) err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NOT_FOUND); xfree (issuer_dn); if (err) ksba_cert_release (issuer_cert); else *r_cert = issuer_cert; return err; } /* Read a list of certificates in PEM format from stream FP and store * them on success at R_CERTLIST. On error NULL is stored at R_CERT * list and an error code returned. Note that even on success an * empty list of certificates can be returned (i.e. NULL stored at * R_CERTLIST) iff the input stream has no certificates. */ gpg_error_t read_certlist_from_stream (certlist_t *r_certlist, estream_t fp) { gpg_error_t err; gnupg_ksba_io_t ioctx = NULL; ksba_reader_t reader; ksba_cert_t cert = NULL; certlist_t certlist = NULL; certlist_t cl, *cltail; *r_certlist = NULL; err = gnupg_ksba_create_reader (&ioctx, (GNUPG_KSBA_IO_PEM | GNUPG_KSBA_IO_MULTIPEM), fp, &reader); if (err) goto leave; /* Loop to read all certificates from the stream. */ cltail = &certlist; do { ksba_cert_release (cert); cert = NULL; err = ksba_cert_new (&cert); if (!err) err = ksba_cert_read_der (cert, reader); if (err) { if (gpg_err_code (err) == GPG_ERR_EOF) err = 0; goto leave; } /* Append the certificate to the list. We also store the * fingerprint and check whether we have a cached certificate; * in that case the cached certificate is put into the list to * take advantage of a validation result which might be stored * in the cached certificate. */ cl = xtrycalloc (1, sizeof *cl); if (!cl) { err = gpg_error_from_syserror (); goto leave; } cert_compute_fpr (cert, cl->fpr); cl->cert = get_cert_byfpr (cl->fpr); if (!cl->cert) { cl->cert = cert; cert = NULL; } *cltail = cl; cltail = &cl->next; ksba_reader_clear (reader, NULL, NULL); } while (!gnupg_ksba_reader_eof_seen (ioctx)); leave: ksba_cert_release (cert); gnupg_ksba_destroy_reader (ioctx); if (err) release_certlist (certlist); else *r_certlist = certlist; return err; } /* Release the certificate list CL. */ void release_certlist (certlist_t cl) { while (cl) { certlist_t next = cl->next; ksba_cert_release (cl->cert); cl = next; } } diff --git a/dirmngr/certcache.h b/dirmngr/certcache.h index 8d645836d..3a773636f 100644 --- a/dirmngr/certcache.h +++ b/dirmngr/certcache.h @@ -1,128 +1,128 @@ /* certcache.h - Certificate caching * Copyright (C) 2004, 2008 g10 Code GmbH * * This file is part of DirMngr. * * DirMngr is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * DirMngr is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA */ #ifndef CERTCACHE_H #define CERTCACHE_H /* The origin of the trusted root certificates. */ enum { CERTTRUST_CLASS_SYSTEM = 1, /* From the system's list of trusted certs. */ CERTTRUST_CLASS_CONFIG = 2, /* From dirmngr's config files. */ CERTTRUST_CLASS_HKP = 4, /* From --hkp-cacert */ CERTTRUST_CLASS_HKPSPOOL= 8, /* The one and only from sks-keyservers */ }; /* First time initialization of the certificate cache. */ void cert_cache_init (strlist_t hkp_cacerts); /* Deinitialize the certificate cache. */ void cert_cache_deinit (int full); /* Print some statistics to the log file. */ -void cert_cache_print_stats (void); +void cert_cache_print_stats (ctrl_t ctrl); /* Return true if any cert of a class in MASK is permanently loaded. */ int cert_cache_any_in_class (unsigned int mask); /* Compute the fingerprint of the certificate CERT and put it into the 20 bytes large buffer DIGEST. Return address of this buffer. */ unsigned char *cert_compute_fpr (ksba_cert_t cert, unsigned char *digest); /* Put CERT into the certificate cache. */ gpg_error_t cache_cert (ksba_cert_t cert); /* Put CERT into the certificate cache and return the fingerprint. */ gpg_error_t cache_cert_silent (ksba_cert_t cert, void *fpr_buffer); /* Return 0 if the certificate is a trusted certificate. Returns * GPG_ERR_NOT_TRUSTED if it is not trusted or other error codes in * case of systems errors. TRUSTCLASSES are the bitwise ORed * CERTTRUST_CLASS values to use for the check. */ gpg_error_t is_trusted_cert (ksba_cert_t cert, unsigned trustclasses); /* Return a certificate object for the given fingerprint. FPR is expected to be a 20 byte binary SHA-1 fingerprint. If no matching certificate is available in the cache NULL is returned. The caller must release a returned certificate. */ ksba_cert_t get_cert_byfpr (const unsigned char *fpr); /* Return a certificate object for the given fingerprint. STRING is expected to be a SHA-1 fingerprint in standard hex notation with or without colons. If no matching certificate is available in the cache NULL is returned. The caller must release a returned certificate. */ ksba_cert_t get_cert_byhexfpr (const char *string); /* Return the certificate matching ISSUER_DN and SERIALNO. */ ksba_cert_t get_cert_bysn (const char *issuer_dn, ksba_sexp_t serialno); /* Return the certificate matching ISSUER_DN. SEQ should initially be set to 0 and bumped up to get the next issuer with that DN. */ ksba_cert_t get_cert_byissuer (const char *issuer_dn, unsigned int seq); /* Return the certificate matching SUBJECT_DN. SEQ should initially be set to 0 and bumped up to get the next issuer with that DN. */ ksba_cert_t get_cert_bysubject (const char *subject_dn, unsigned int seq); /* Given PATTERN, which is a string as used by GnuPG to specify a certificate, return all matching certificates by calling the supplied function RETFNC. */ gpg_error_t get_certs_bypattern (const char *pattern, gpg_error_t (*retfnc)(void*,ksba_cert_t), void *retfnc_data); /* Return the certificate matching ISSUER_DN and SERIALNO; if it is not already in the cache, try to find it from other resources. */ ksba_cert_t find_cert_bysn (ctrl_t ctrl, const char *issuer_dn, ksba_sexp_t serialno); /* Return the certificate matching SUBJECT_DN and (if not NULL) KEYID. If it is not already in the cache, try to find it from other resources. Note, that the external search does not work for user certificates because the LDAP lookup is on the caCertificate attribute. For our purposes this is just fine. */ ksba_cert_t find_cert_bysubject (ctrl_t ctrl, const char *subject_dn, ksba_sexp_t keyid); /* Given the certificate CERT locate the issuer for this certificate and return it at R_CERT. Returns 0 on success or GPG_ERR_NOT_FOUND. */ gpg_error_t find_issuing_cert (ctrl_t ctrl, ksba_cert_t cert, ksba_cert_t *r_cert); /* A simple list of certificates. */ struct certlist_s { struct certlist_s *next; ksba_cert_t cert; unsigned char fpr[20]; /* of the certificate. */ }; typedef struct certlist_s *certlist_t; gpg_error_t read_certlist_from_stream (certlist_t *r_certlist, estream_t fp); void release_certlist (certlist_t cl); #endif /*CERTCACHE_H*/ diff --git a/dirmngr/dirmngr.c b/dirmngr/dirmngr.c index 650770dab..66b7878e5 100644 --- a/dirmngr/dirmngr.c +++ b/dirmngr/dirmngr.c @@ -1,2545 +1,2546 @@ /* dirmngr.c - Keyserver and X.509 LDAP access * Copyright (C) 2002 Klarälvdalens Datakonsult AB * Copyright (C) 2003-2004, 2006-2007, 2008, 2010-2011, 2020 g10 Code GmbH * Copyright (C) 2014 Werner Koch * * This file is part of GnuPG. * * GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, see . * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifndef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM #include #include #endif #include #include #ifdef HAVE_SIGNAL_H # include #endif #ifdef HAVE_INOTIFY_INIT # include #endif /*HAVE_INOTIFY_INIT*/ #include #include "dirmngr-err.h" #if HTTP_USE_NTBTLS # include #elif HTTP_USE_GNUTLS # include #endif /*HTTP_USE_GNUTLS*/ #define INCLUDED_BY_MAIN_MODULE 1 #define GNUPG_COMMON_NEED_AFLOCAL #include "dirmngr.h" #include #include "certcache.h" #include "crlcache.h" #include "crlfetch.h" #include "misc.h" #if USE_LDAP # include "ldapserver.h" #endif #include "../common/asshelp.h" #if USE_LDAP # include "ldap-wrapper.h" #endif #include "../common/comopt.h" #include "../common/init.h" #include "../common/gc-opt-flags.h" #include "dns-stuff.h" #include "http-common.h" #ifndef ENAMETOOLONG # define ENAMETOOLONG EINVAL #endif enum cmd_and_opt_values { aNull = 0, oCsh = 'c', oQuiet = 'q', oSh = 's', oVerbose = 'v', oNoVerbose = 500, aServer, aDaemon, aSupervised, aListCRLs, aLoadCRL, aFetchCRL, aShutdown, aFlush, aGPGConfList, aGPGConfTest, aGPGConfVersions, oOptions, oDebug, oDebugAll, oDebugWait, oDebugLevel, oGnutlsDebug, oDebugCacheExpiredCerts, oNoGreeting, oNoOptions, oHomedir, oNoDetach, oLogFile, oBatch, oDisableHTTP, oDisableLDAP, oDisableIPv4, oDisableIPv6, oIgnoreLDAPDP, oIgnoreHTTPDP, oIgnoreOCSPSvcUrl, oHonorHTTPProxy, oHTTPProxy, oLDAPProxy, oOnlyLDAPProxy, oLDAPServer, oLDAPFile, oLDAPTimeout, oLDAPAddServers, oOCSPResponder, oOCSPSigner, oOCSPMaxClockSkew, oOCSPMaxPeriod, oOCSPCurrentPeriod, oMaxReplies, oHkpCaCert, oFakedSystemTime, oForce, oAllowOCSP, oAllowVersionCheck, oStealSocket, oSocketName, oLDAPWrapperProgram, oHTTPWrapperProgram, oIgnoreCert, oIgnoreCertExtension, oUseTor, oNoUseTor, oKeyServer, oNameServer, oDisableCheckOwnSocket, oStandardResolver, oRecursiveResolver, oResolverTimeout, oConnectTimeout, oConnectQuickTimeout, oListenBacklog, aTest }; static gpgrt_opt_t opts[] = { ARGPARSE_c (aGPGConfList, "gpgconf-list", "@"), ARGPARSE_c (aGPGConfTest, "gpgconf-test", "@"), ARGPARSE_c (aGPGConfVersions, "gpgconf-versions", "@"), ARGPARSE_group (300, N_("@Commands:\n ")), ARGPARSE_c (aServer, "server", N_("run in server mode (foreground)") ), ARGPARSE_c (aDaemon, "daemon", N_("run in daemon mode (background)") ), #ifndef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM ARGPARSE_c (aSupervised, "supervised", "@"), #endif ARGPARSE_c (aListCRLs, "list-crls", N_("list the contents of the CRL cache")), ARGPARSE_c (aLoadCRL, "load-crl", N_("|FILE|load CRL from FILE into cache")), ARGPARSE_c (aFetchCRL, "fetch-crl", N_("|URL|fetch a CRL from URL")), ARGPARSE_c (aShutdown, "shutdown", N_("shutdown the dirmngr")), ARGPARSE_c (aFlush, "flush", N_("flush the cache")), ARGPARSE_header (NULL, N_("Options used for startup")), ARGPARSE_s_n (oNoDetach, "no-detach", N_("do not detach from the console")), ARGPARSE_s_n (oSh, "sh", N_("sh-style command output")), ARGPARSE_s_n (oCsh, "csh", N_("csh-style command output")), ARGPARSE_s_n (oStealSocket, "steal-socket", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_s (oHomedir, "homedir", "@"), ARGPARSE_conffile (oOptions, "options", N_("|FILE|read options from FILE")), ARGPARSE_noconffile (oNoOptions, "no-options", "@"), ARGPARSE_header ("Monitor", N_("Options controlling the diagnostic output")), ARGPARSE_s_n (oVerbose, "verbose", N_("verbose")), ARGPARSE_s_n (oQuiet, "quiet", N_("be somewhat more quiet")), ARGPARSE_s_n (oNoGreeting, "no-greeting", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_s (oDebugLevel, "debug-level", N_("|LEVEL|set the debugging level to LEVEL")), ARGPARSE_s_s (oDebug, "debug", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_n (oDebugAll, "debug-all", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_i (oGnutlsDebug, "gnutls-debug", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_i (oGnutlsDebug, "tls-debug", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_i (oDebugWait, "debug-wait", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_s (oLogFile, "log-file", N_("|FILE|write server mode logs to FILE")), ARGPARSE_header ("Configuration", N_("Options controlling the configuration")), ARGPARSE_s_n (oAllowVersionCheck, "allow-version-check", N_("allow online software version check")), ARGPARSE_s_i (oListenBacklog, "listen-backlog", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_i (oMaxReplies, "max-replies", N_("|N|do not return more than N items in one query")), ARGPARSE_s_u (oFakedSystemTime, "faked-system-time", "@"), /*(epoch time)*/ ARGPARSE_s_n (oDisableCheckOwnSocket, "disable-check-own-socket", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_s (oIgnoreCert,"ignore-cert", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_s (oIgnoreCertExtension,"ignore-cert-extension", "@"), ARGPARSE_header ("Network", N_("Network related options")), ARGPARSE_s_n (oUseTor, "use-tor", N_("route all network traffic via Tor")), ARGPARSE_s_n (oNoUseTor, "no-use-tor", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_n (oDisableIPv4, "disable-ipv4", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_n (oDisableIPv6, "disable-ipv6", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_n (oStandardResolver, "standard-resolver", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_n (oRecursiveResolver, "recursive-resolver", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_i (oResolverTimeout, "resolver-timeout", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_s (oNameServer, "nameserver", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_i (oConnectTimeout, "connect-timeout", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_i (oConnectQuickTimeout, "connect-quick-timeout", "@"), ARGPARSE_header ("HTTP", N_("Configuration for HTTP servers")), ARGPARSE_s_n (oDisableHTTP, "disable-http", N_("inhibit the use of HTTP")), ARGPARSE_s_n (oIgnoreHTTPDP,"ignore-http-dp", N_("ignore HTTP CRL distribution points")), ARGPARSE_s_s (oHTTPProxy, "http-proxy", N_("|URL|redirect all HTTP requests to URL")), ARGPARSE_s_n (oHonorHTTPProxy, "honor-http-proxy", N_("use system's HTTP proxy setting")), ARGPARSE_s_s (oLDAPWrapperProgram, "ldap-wrapper-program", "@"), ARGPARSE_header ("Keyserver", N_("Configuration for OpenPGP servers")), ARGPARSE_s_s (oKeyServer, "keyserver", N_("|URL|use keyserver at URL")), ARGPARSE_s_s (oHkpCaCert, "hkp-cacert", N_("|FILE|use the CA certificates in FILE for HKP over TLS")), ARGPARSE_header ("LDAP", N_("Configuration for X.509 servers")), ARGPARSE_s_n (oDisableLDAP, "disable-ldap", N_("inhibit the use of LDAP")), ARGPARSE_s_n (oIgnoreLDAPDP,"ignore-ldap-dp", N_("ignore LDAP CRL distribution points")), ARGPARSE_s_s (oLDAPProxy, "ldap-proxy", N_("|HOST|use HOST for LDAP queries")), ARGPARSE_s_n (oOnlyLDAPProxy, "only-ldap-proxy", N_("do not use fallback hosts with --ldap-proxy")), ARGPARSE_s_s (oLDAPServer, "ldapserver", N_("|SPEC|use this keyserver to lookup keys")), ARGPARSE_s_s (oLDAPFile, "ldapserverlist-file", N_("|FILE|read LDAP server list from FILE")), ARGPARSE_s_n (oLDAPAddServers, "add-servers", N_("add new servers discovered in CRL distribution" " points to serverlist")), ARGPARSE_s_i (oLDAPTimeout, "ldaptimeout", N_("|N|set LDAP timeout to N seconds")), ARGPARSE_header ("OCSP", N_("Configuration for OCSP")), ARGPARSE_s_n (oAllowOCSP, "allow-ocsp", N_("allow sending OCSP requests")), ARGPARSE_s_n (oIgnoreOCSPSvcUrl, "ignore-ocsp-service-url", N_("ignore certificate contained OCSP service URLs")), ARGPARSE_s_s (oOCSPResponder, "ocsp-responder", N_("|URL|use OCSP responder at URL")), ARGPARSE_s_s (oOCSPSigner, "ocsp-signer", N_("|FPR|OCSP response signed by FPR")), ARGPARSE_s_i (oOCSPMaxClockSkew, "ocsp-max-clock-skew", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_i (oOCSPMaxPeriod, "ocsp-max-period", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_i (oOCSPCurrentPeriod, "ocsp-current-period", "@"), ARGPARSE_header (NULL, N_("Other options")), ARGPARSE_s_n (oForce, "force", N_("force loading of outdated CRLs")), ARGPARSE_s_s (oSocketName, "socket-name", "@"), /* Only for debugging. */ ARGPARSE_s_n (oDebugCacheExpiredCerts, "debug-cache-expired-certs", "@"), ARGPARSE_header (NULL, ""), /* Stop the header group. */ /* Not yet used options. */ ARGPARSE_s_n (oBatch, "batch", "@"), ARGPARSE_s_s (oHTTPWrapperProgram, "http-wrapper-program", "@"), ARGPARSE_group (302,N_("@\n(See the \"info\" manual for a complete listing " "of all commands and options)\n")), ARGPARSE_end () }; /* The list of supported debug flags. */ static struct debug_flags_s debug_flags [] = { { DBG_X509_VALUE , "x509" }, { DBG_CRYPTO_VALUE , "crypto" }, { DBG_MEMORY_VALUE , "memory" }, { DBG_CACHE_VALUE , "cache" }, { DBG_MEMSTAT_VALUE, "memstat" }, { DBG_HASHING_VALUE, "hashing" }, { DBG_IPC_VALUE , "ipc" }, { DBG_DNS_VALUE , "dns" }, { DBG_NETWORK_VALUE, "network" }, { DBG_LOOKUP_VALUE , "lookup" }, { DBG_EXTPROG_VALUE, "extprog" }, { DBG_KEEPTMP_VALUE, "keeptmp" }, { 77, NULL } /* 77 := Do not exit on "help" or "?". */ }; #define DEFAULT_MAX_REPLIES 10 #define DEFAULT_LDAP_TIMEOUT 15 /* seconds */ #define DEFAULT_CONNECT_TIMEOUT (15*1000) /* 15 seconds */ #define DEFAULT_CONNECT_QUICK_TIMEOUT ( 2*1000) /* 2 seconds */ /* For the cleanup handler we need to keep track of the socket's name. */ static const char *socket_name; /* If the socket has been redirected, this is the name of the redirected socket.. */ static const char *redir_socket_name; /* We need to keep track of the server's nonces (these are dummies for POSIX systems). */ static assuan_sock_nonce_t socket_nonce; /* Value for the listen() backlog argument. * Change at runtime with --listen-backlog. */ static int listen_backlog = 64; /* Only if this flag has been set will we remove the socket file. */ static int cleanup_socket; /* Keep track of the current log file so that we can avoid updating the log file after a SIGHUP if it didn't changed. Malloced. */ static char *current_logfile; /* Helper to implement --debug-level. */ static const char *debug_level; /* Helper to set the NTBTLS or GNUTLS log level. */ static int opt_gnutls_debug = -1; /* Flag indicating that a shutdown has been requested. */ static volatile int shutdown_pending; /* Flags to indicate that we shall not watch our own socket. */ static int disable_check_own_socket; /* Flag indicating to start the daemon even if one already runs. */ static int steal_socket; /* Flag to control the Tor mode. */ static enum { TOR_MODE_AUTO = 0, /* Switch to NO or YES */ TOR_MODE_NEVER, /* Never use Tor. */ TOR_MODE_NO, /* Do not use Tor */ TOR_MODE_YES, /* Use Tor */ TOR_MODE_FORCE /* Force using Tor */ } tor_mode; /* Counter for the active connections. */ static int active_connections; /* This flag is set by any network access and used by the housekeeping * thread to run background network tasks. */ static int network_activity_seen; /* A list of filenames registered with --hkp-cacert. */ static strlist_t hkp_cacert_filenames; /* A flag used to clear the list of ldapservers iff --ldapserver is * given on the command line or one of the conf files. In this case we * want to clear all old specifications through the legacy * dirmngr_ldapservers.conf. */ static int ldapserver_list_needs_reset; /* The timer tick used for housekeeping stuff. The second constant is used when a shutdown is pending. */ #define TIMERTICK_INTERVAL (60) #define TIMERTICK_INTERVAL_SHUTDOWN (4) /* How oft to run the housekeeping. */ #define HOUSEKEEPING_INTERVAL (600) /* This union is used to avoid compiler warnings in case a pointer is 64 bit and an int 32 bit. We store an integer in a pointer and get it back later (npth_getspecific et al.). */ union int_and_ptr_u { int aint; assuan_fd_t afd; void *aptr; }; /* The key used to store the current file descriptor in the thread local storage. We use this in conjunction with the log_set_pid_suffix_cb feature. */ #ifndef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM static npth_key_t my_tlskey_current_fd; #endif /* Prototypes. */ static void cleanup (void); #if USE_LDAP static ldap_server_t parse_ldapserver_file (const char* filename, int ienoent); #endif /*USE_LDAP*/ static fingerprint_list_t parse_fingerprint_item (const char *string, const char *optionname, int want_binary); static void netactivity_action (void); static void handle_connections (assuan_fd_t listen_fd); static void gpgconf_versions (void); /* NPth wrapper function definitions. */ ASSUAN_SYSTEM_NPTH_IMPL; static const char * my_strusage( int level ) { const char *p; switch ( level ) { case 9: p = "GPL-3.0-or-later"; break; case 11: p = "@DIRMNGR@ (@GNUPG@)"; break; case 13: p = VERSION; break; case 14: p = GNUPG_DEF_COPYRIGHT_LINE; break; case 17: p = PRINTABLE_OS_NAME; break; /* TRANSLATORS: @EMAIL@ will get replaced by the actual bug reporting address. This is so that we can change the reporting address without breaking the translations. */ case 19: p = _("Please report bugs to <@EMAIL@>.\n"); break; case 49: p = PACKAGE_BUGREPORT; break; case 1: case 40: p = _("Usage: @DIRMNGR@ [options] (-h for help)"); break; case 41: p = _("Syntax: @DIRMNGR@ [options] [command [args]]\n" "Keyserver, CRL, and OCSP access for @GNUPG@\n"); break; default: p = NULL; } return p; } /* Callback from libksba to hash a provided buffer. Our current implementation does only allow SHA-1 for hashing. This may be extended by mapping the name, testing for algorithm availability and adjust the length checks accordingly. */ static gpg_error_t my_ksba_hash_buffer (void *arg, const char *oid, const void *buffer, size_t length, size_t resultsize, unsigned char *result, size_t *resultlen) { (void)arg; if (oid && strcmp (oid, "")) return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED); if (resultsize < 20) return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_BUFFER_TOO_SHORT); gcry_md_hash_buffer (2, result, buffer, length); *resultlen = 20; return 0; } /* GNUTLS log function callback. */ #ifdef HTTP_USE_GNUTLS static void my_gnutls_log (int level, const char *text) { int n; n = strlen (text); while (n && text[n-1] == '\n') n--; log_debug ("gnutls:L%d: %.*s\n", level, n, text); } #endif /*HTTP_USE_GNUTLS*/ /* Setup the debugging. With a LEVEL of NULL only the active debug flags are propagated to the subsystems. With LEVEL set, a specific set of debug flags is set; thus overriding all flags already set. */ static void set_debug (void) { int numok = (debug_level && digitp (debug_level)); int numlvl = numok? atoi (debug_level) : 0; if (!debug_level) ; else if (!strcmp (debug_level, "none") || (numok && numlvl < 1)) opt.debug = 0; else if (!strcmp (debug_level, "basic") || (numok && numlvl <= 2)) opt.debug = DBG_IPC_VALUE; else if (!strcmp (debug_level, "advanced") || (numok && numlvl <= 5)) opt.debug = (DBG_IPC_VALUE|DBG_X509_VALUE|DBG_LOOKUP_VALUE); else if (!strcmp (debug_level, "expert") || (numok && numlvl <= 8)) opt.debug = (DBG_IPC_VALUE|DBG_X509_VALUE|DBG_LOOKUP_VALUE |DBG_CACHE_VALUE|DBG_CRYPTO_VALUE); else if (!strcmp (debug_level, "guru") || numok) { opt.debug = ~0; /* Unless the "guru" string has been used we don't want to allow hashing debugging. The rationale is that people tend to select the highest debug value and would then clutter their disk with debug files which may reveal confidential data. */ if (numok) opt.debug &= ~(DBG_HASHING_VALUE|DBG_KEEPTMP_VALUE); } else { log_error (_("invalid debug-level '%s' given\n"), debug_level); log_info (_("valid debug levels are: %s\n"), "none, basic, advanced, expert, guru"); opt.debug = 0; /* Reset debugging, so that prior debug statements won't have an undesired effect. */ } if (opt.debug && !opt.verbose) { opt.verbose = 1; gcry_control (GCRYCTL_SET_VERBOSITY, (int)opt.verbose); } if (opt.debug && opt.quiet) opt.quiet = 0; if (opt.debug & DBG_CRYPTO_VALUE ) gcry_control (GCRYCTL_SET_DEBUG_FLAGS, 1); #if HTTP_USE_NTBTLS if (opt_gnutls_debug >= 0) { ntbtls_set_debug (opt_gnutls_debug, NULL, NULL); } #elif HTTP_USE_GNUTLS if (opt_gnutls_debug >= 0) { gnutls_global_set_log_function (my_gnutls_log); gnutls_global_set_log_level (opt_gnutls_debug); } #endif /*HTTP_USE_GNUTLS*/ if (opt.debug) parse_debug_flag (NULL, &opt.debug, debug_flags); } static void set_tor_mode (void) { if (dirmngr_use_tor ()) { /* Enable Tor mode and when called again force a new circuit * (e.g. on SIGHUP). */ enable_dns_tormode (1); if (assuan_sock_set_flag (ASSUAN_INVALID_FD, "tor-mode", 1)) { log_error ("error enabling Tor mode: %s\n", strerror (errno)); log_info ("(is your Libassuan recent enough?)\n"); } } else disable_dns_tormode (); } /* Return true if Tor shall be used. */ int dirmngr_use_tor (void) { if (tor_mode == TOR_MODE_AUTO) { /* Figure out whether Tor is running. */ assuan_fd_t sock; sock = assuan_sock_connect_byname (NULL, 0, 0, NULL, ASSUAN_SOCK_TOR); if (sock == ASSUAN_INVALID_FD) tor_mode = TOR_MODE_NO; else { tor_mode = TOR_MODE_YES; assuan_sock_close (sock); } } if (tor_mode == TOR_MODE_FORCE) return 2; /* Use Tor (using 2 to indicate force mode) */ else if (tor_mode == TOR_MODE_YES) return 1; /* Use Tor */ else return 0; /* Do not use Tor. */ } /* This is somewhat similar to dirmngr_use_tor but avoids a trial * connect and may thus be faster for this special case. */ int dirmngr_never_use_tor_p (void) { return tor_mode == TOR_MODE_NEVER; } static void wrong_args (const char *text) { es_fprintf (es_stderr, _("usage: %s [options] "), DIRMNGR_NAME); es_fputs (text, es_stderr); es_putc ('\n', es_stderr); dirmngr_exit (2); } /* Helper to stop the reaper thread for the ldap wrapper. */ static void shutdown_reaper (void) { #if USE_LDAP ldap_wrapper_wait_connections (); #endif } /* Handle options which are allowed to be reset after program start. Return true if the current option in PARGS could be handled and false if not. As a special feature, passing a value of NULL for PARGS, resets the options to the default. REREAD should be set true if it is not the initial option parsing. */ static int parse_rereadable_options (gpgrt_argparse_t *pargs, int reread) { if (!pargs) { /* Reset mode. */ opt.quiet = 0; opt.verbose = 0; opt.debug = 0; opt.ldap_wrapper_program = NULL; opt.disable_http = 0; opt.disable_ldap = 0; opt.honor_http_proxy = 0; opt.http_proxy = NULL; opt.ldap_proxy = NULL; opt.only_ldap_proxy = 0; opt.ignore_http_dp = 0; opt.ignore_ldap_dp = 0; opt.ignore_ocsp_service_url = 0; opt.allow_ocsp = 0; opt.allow_version_check = 0; opt.ocsp_responder = NULL; opt.ocsp_max_clock_skew = 10 * 60; /* 10 minutes. */ opt.ocsp_max_period = 90 * 86400; /* 90 days. */ opt.ocsp_current_period = 3 * 60 * 60; /* 3 hours. */ opt.max_replies = DEFAULT_MAX_REPLIES; while (opt.ocsp_signer) { fingerprint_list_t tmp = opt.ocsp_signer->next; xfree (opt.ocsp_signer); opt.ocsp_signer = tmp; } while (opt.ignored_certs) { fingerprint_list_t tmp = opt.ignored_certs->next; xfree (opt.ignored_certs); opt.ignored_certs = tmp; } FREE_STRLIST (opt.ignored_cert_extensions); http_register_tls_ca (NULL); FREE_STRLIST (hkp_cacert_filenames); FREE_STRLIST (opt.keyserver); /* Note: We do not allow resetting of TOR_MODE_FORCE at runtime. */ if (tor_mode != TOR_MODE_FORCE) tor_mode = TOR_MODE_AUTO; disable_check_own_socket = 0; enable_standard_resolver (0); set_dns_timeout (0); opt.connect_timeout = 0; opt.connect_quick_timeout = 0; opt.ldaptimeout = DEFAULT_LDAP_TIMEOUT; ldapserver_list_needs_reset = 1; opt.debug_cache_expired_certs = 0; return 1; } switch (pargs->r_opt) { case oQuiet: opt.quiet = 1; break; case oVerbose: opt.verbose++; break; case oDebug: parse_debug_flag (pargs->r.ret_str, &opt.debug, debug_flags); break; case oDebugAll: opt.debug = ~0; break; case oDebugLevel: debug_level = pargs->r.ret_str; break; case oGnutlsDebug: opt_gnutls_debug = pargs->r.ret_int; break; case oLogFile: if (!reread) return 0; /* Not handled. */ if (!current_logfile || !pargs->r.ret_str || strcmp (current_logfile, pargs->r.ret_str)) { log_set_file (pargs->r.ret_str); xfree (current_logfile); current_logfile = xtrystrdup (pargs->r.ret_str); } break; case oDisableCheckOwnSocket: disable_check_own_socket = 1; break; case oLDAPWrapperProgram: opt.ldap_wrapper_program = pargs->r.ret_str; break; case oHTTPWrapperProgram: opt.http_wrapper_program = pargs->r.ret_str; break; case oDisableHTTP: opt.disable_http = 1; break; case oDisableLDAP: opt.disable_ldap = 1; break; case oDisableIPv4: opt.disable_ipv4 = 1; break; case oDisableIPv6: opt.disable_ipv6 = 1; break; case oHonorHTTPProxy: opt.honor_http_proxy = 1; break; case oHTTPProxy: opt.http_proxy = pargs->r.ret_str; break; case oLDAPProxy: opt.ldap_proxy = pargs->r.ret_str; break; case oOnlyLDAPProxy: opt.only_ldap_proxy = 1; break; case oIgnoreHTTPDP: opt.ignore_http_dp = 1; break; case oIgnoreLDAPDP: opt.ignore_ldap_dp = 1; break; case oIgnoreOCSPSvcUrl: opt.ignore_ocsp_service_url = 1; break; case oAllowOCSP: opt.allow_ocsp = 1; break; case oAllowVersionCheck: opt.allow_version_check = 1; break; case oOCSPResponder: opt.ocsp_responder = pargs->r.ret_str; break; case oOCSPSigner: opt.ocsp_signer = parse_fingerprint_item (pargs->r.ret_str, "--ocsp-signer", 0); break; case oOCSPMaxClockSkew: opt.ocsp_max_clock_skew = pargs->r.ret_int; break; case oOCSPMaxPeriod: opt.ocsp_max_period = pargs->r.ret_int; break; case oOCSPCurrentPeriod: opt.ocsp_current_period = pargs->r.ret_int; break; case oMaxReplies: opt.max_replies = pargs->r.ret_int; break; case oHkpCaCert: { /* We need to register the filenames with gnutls (http.c) and * also for our own cert cache. */ char *tmpname; /* Do tilde expansion and make path absolute. */ tmpname = make_absfilename (pargs->r.ret_str, NULL); http_register_tls_ca (tmpname); add_to_strlist (&hkp_cacert_filenames, pargs->r.ret_str); xfree (tmpname); } break; case oIgnoreCert: { fingerprint_list_t item, r; item = parse_fingerprint_item (pargs->r.ret_str, "--ignore-cert", 20); if (item) { /* Append */ if (!opt.ignored_certs) opt.ignored_certs = item; else { for (r = opt.ignored_certs; r->next; r = r->next) ; r->next = item; } } } break; case oIgnoreCertExtension: add_to_strlist (&opt.ignored_cert_extensions, pargs->r.ret_str); break; case oUseTor: tor_mode = TOR_MODE_FORCE; break; case oNoUseTor: if (tor_mode != TOR_MODE_FORCE) tor_mode = TOR_MODE_NEVER; break; case oStandardResolver: enable_standard_resolver (1); break; case oRecursiveResolver: enable_recursive_resolver (1); break; case oLDAPServer: #if USE_LDAP { ldap_server_t server; char *p; p = pargs->r.ret_str; if (!strncmp (p, "ldap:", 5) && !(p[5] == '/' && p[6] == '/')) p += 5; server = ldapserver_parse_one (p, NULL, 0); if (server) { if (ldapserver_list_needs_reset) { ldapserver_list_needs_reset = 0; ldapserver_list_free (opt.ldapservers); opt.ldapservers = NULL; } server->next = opt.ldapservers; opt.ldapservers = server; } } #endif break; case oKeyServer: if (*pargs->r.ret_str) add_to_strlist (&opt.keyserver, pargs->r.ret_str); break; case oNameServer: set_dns_nameserver (pargs->r.ret_str); break; case oResolverTimeout: set_dns_timeout (pargs->r.ret_int); break; case oConnectTimeout: opt.connect_timeout = pargs->r.ret_ulong * 1000; break; case oConnectQuickTimeout: opt.connect_quick_timeout = pargs->r.ret_ulong * 1000; break; case oLDAPTimeout: opt.ldaptimeout = pargs->r.ret_int; break; case oDebugCacheExpiredCerts: opt.debug_cache_expired_certs = 0; break; default: return 0; /* Not handled. */ } set_dns_verbose (opt.verbose, !!DBG_DNS); http_set_verbose (opt.verbose, !!DBG_NETWORK); set_dns_disable_ipv4 (opt.disable_ipv4); set_dns_disable_ipv6 (opt.disable_ipv6); return 1; /* Handled. */ } /* This function is called after option parsing to adjust some values * and call option setup functions. */ static void post_option_parsing (enum cmd_and_opt_values cmd) { /* It would be too surpirsing if the quick timeout is larger than * the standard value. */ if (opt.connect_quick_timeout > opt.connect_timeout) opt.connect_quick_timeout = opt.connect_timeout; set_debug (); /* For certain commands we do not want to set/test for Tor mode * because that is somewhat expensive. */ switch (cmd) { case aGPGConfList: case aGPGConfTest: case aGPGConfVersions: break; default: set_tor_mode (); break; } } #ifndef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM static int pid_suffix_callback (unsigned long *r_suffix) { union int_and_ptr_u value; memset (&value, 0, sizeof value); value.aptr = npth_getspecific (my_tlskey_current_fd); *r_suffix = value.aint; return (*r_suffix != -1); /* Use decimal representation. */ } #endif /*!HAVE_W32_SYSTEM*/ #if HTTP_USE_NTBTLS static void my_ntbtls_log_handler (void *opaque, int level, const char *fmt, va_list argv) { (void)opaque; if (level == -1) log_logv_prefix (GPGRT_LOGLVL_INFO, "ntbtls: ", fmt, argv); else { char prefix[10+20]; snprintf (prefix, sizeof prefix, "ntbtls(%d): ", level); log_logv_prefix (GPGRT_LOGLVL_DEBUG, prefix, fmt, argv); } } #endif static void thread_init (void) { npth_init (); assuan_set_system_hooks (ASSUAN_SYSTEM_NPTH); gpgrt_set_syscall_clamp (npth_unprotect, npth_protect); /* Now with NPth running we can set the logging callback. Our windows implementation does not yet feature the NPth TLS functions. */ #ifndef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM if (npth_key_create (&my_tlskey_current_fd, NULL) == 0) if (npth_setspecific (my_tlskey_current_fd, NULL) == 0) log_set_pid_suffix_cb (pid_suffix_callback); #endif /*!HAVE_W32_SYSTEM*/ } int main (int argc, char **argv) { enum cmd_and_opt_values cmd = 0; gpgrt_argparse_t pargs; int orig_argc; char **orig_argv; char *last_configname = NULL; const char *configname = NULL; const char *shell; int debug_argparser = 0; int greeting = 0; int nogreeting = 0; int nodetach = 0; int csh_style = 0; char *logfile = NULL; #if USE_LDAP char *ldapfile = NULL; #endif /*USE_LDAP*/ int debug_wait = 0; int rc; struct assuan_malloc_hooks malloc_hooks; early_system_init (); gpgrt_set_strusage (my_strusage); log_set_prefix (DIRMNGR_NAME, GPGRT_LOG_WITH_PREFIX | GPGRT_LOG_WITH_PID); /* Make sure that our subsystems are ready. */ i18n_init (); init_common_subsystems (&argc, &argv); gcry_control (GCRYCTL_DISABLE_SECMEM, 0); /* Check that the libraries are suitable. Do it here because the option parsing may need services of the libraries. */ if (!ksba_check_version (NEED_KSBA_VERSION) ) log_fatal( _("%s is too old (need %s, have %s)\n"), "libksba", NEED_KSBA_VERSION, ksba_check_version (NULL) ); ksba_set_malloc_hooks (gcry_malloc, gcry_realloc, gcry_free ); ksba_set_hash_buffer_function (my_ksba_hash_buffer, NULL); /* Init TLS library. */ #if HTTP_USE_NTBTLS if (!ntbtls_check_version (NEED_NTBTLS_VERSION) ) log_fatal( _("%s is too old (need %s, have %s)\n"), "ntbtls", NEED_NTBTLS_VERSION, ntbtls_check_version (NULL) ); #elif HTTP_USE_GNUTLS rc = gnutls_global_init (); if (rc) log_fatal ("gnutls_global_init failed: %s\n", gnutls_strerror (rc)); #endif /*HTTP_USE_GNUTLS*/ /* Init Assuan. */ malloc_hooks.malloc = gcry_malloc; malloc_hooks.realloc = gcry_realloc; malloc_hooks.free = gcry_free; assuan_set_malloc_hooks (&malloc_hooks); assuan_set_assuan_log_prefix (log_get_prefix (NULL)); assuan_set_gpg_err_source (GPG_ERR_SOURCE_DEFAULT); assuan_sock_init (); setup_libassuan_logging (&opt.debug, dirmngr_assuan_log_monitor); setup_libgcrypt_logging (); #if HTTP_USE_NTBTLS ntbtls_set_log_handler (my_ntbtls_log_handler, NULL); #endif /* Setup defaults. */ shell = getenv ("SHELL"); if (shell && strlen (shell) >= 3 && !strcmp (shell+strlen (shell)-3, "csh") ) csh_style = 1; /* Reset rereadable options to default values. */ parse_rereadable_options (NULL, 0); /* Default TCP timeouts. */ opt.connect_timeout = DEFAULT_CONNECT_TIMEOUT; opt.connect_quick_timeout = DEFAULT_CONNECT_QUICK_TIMEOUT; /* LDAP defaults. */ opt.add_new_ldapservers = 0; opt.ldaptimeout = DEFAULT_LDAP_TIMEOUT; /* Other defaults. */ /* Check whether we have a config file given on the commandline */ orig_argc = argc; orig_argv = argv; pargs.argc = &argc; pargs.argv = &argv; pargs.flags= (ARGPARSE_FLAG_KEEP | ARGPARSE_FLAG_NOVERSION); while (gpgrt_argparse (NULL, &pargs, opts)) { switch (pargs.r_opt) { case oDebug: case oDebugAll: debug_argparser++; break; case oHomedir: gnupg_set_homedir (pargs.r.ret_str); break; } } /* Reset the flags. */ pargs.flags &= ~(ARGPARSE_FLAG_KEEP | ARGPARSE_FLAG_NOVERSION); socket_name = dirmngr_socket_name (); /* The configuraton directories for use by gpgrt_argparser. */ gpgrt_set_confdir (GPGRT_CONFDIR_SYS, gnupg_sysconfdir ()); gpgrt_set_confdir (GPGRT_CONFDIR_USER, gnupg_homedir ()); /* We are re-using the struct, thus the reset flag. We OR the * flags so that the internal intialized flag won't be cleared. */ argc = orig_argc; argv = orig_argv; pargs.argc = &argc; pargs.argv = &argv; pargs.flags |= (ARGPARSE_FLAG_RESET | ARGPARSE_FLAG_KEEP | ARGPARSE_FLAG_SYS | ARGPARSE_FLAG_USER); while (gpgrt_argparser (&pargs, opts, DIRMNGR_NAME EXTSEP_S "conf")) { if (pargs.r_opt == ARGPARSE_CONFFILE) { if (debug_argparser) log_info (_("reading options from '%s'\n"), pargs.r_type? pargs.r.ret_str: "[cmdline]"); if (pargs.r_type) { xfree (last_configname); last_configname = xstrdup (pargs.r.ret_str); configname = last_configname; } else configname = NULL; continue; } if (parse_rereadable_options (&pargs, 0)) continue; /* Already handled */ switch (pargs.r_opt) { case aServer: case aDaemon: case aSupervised: case aShutdown: case aFlush: case aListCRLs: case aLoadCRL: case aFetchCRL: case aGPGConfList: case aGPGConfTest: case aGPGConfVersions: cmd = pargs.r_opt; break; case oQuiet: opt.quiet = 1; break; case oVerbose: opt.verbose++; break; case oBatch: opt.batch=1; break; case oDebugWait: debug_wait = pargs.r.ret_int; break; case oNoGreeting: nogreeting = 1; break; case oNoVerbose: opt.verbose = 0; break; case oHomedir: /* Ignore this option here. */; break; case oNoDetach: nodetach = 1; break; case oStealSocket: steal_socket = 1; break; case oLogFile: logfile = pargs.r.ret_str; break; case oCsh: csh_style = 1; break; case oSh: csh_style = 0; break; case oLDAPFile: # if USE_LDAP ldapfile = pargs.r.ret_str; # endif /*USE_LDAP*/ break; case oLDAPAddServers: opt.add_new_ldapservers = 1; break; case oFakedSystemTime: gnupg_set_time ((time_t)pargs.r.ret_ulong, 0); break; case oForce: opt.force = 1; break; case oSocketName: socket_name = pargs.r.ret_str; break; case oListenBacklog: listen_backlog = pargs.r.ret_int; break; default: if (configname) pargs.err = ARGPARSE_PRINT_WARNING; else pargs.err = ARGPARSE_PRINT_ERROR; break; } } gpgrt_argparse (NULL, &pargs, NULL); /* Release internal state. */ if (!last_configname) opt.config_filename = gpgrt_fnameconcat (gnupg_homedir (), DIRMNGR_NAME EXTSEP_S "conf", NULL); else { opt.config_filename = last_configname; last_configname = NULL; } if (log_get_errorcount(0)) exit(2); /* Get a default log file from common.conf. */ if (!logfile && !parse_comopt (GNUPG_MODULE_NAME_DIRMNGR, debug_argparser)) { logfile = comopt.logfile; comopt.logfile = NULL; } if (nogreeting ) greeting = 0; if (!opt.homedir_cache) opt.homedir_cache = xstrdup (gnupg_homedir ()); if (greeting) { es_fprintf (es_stderr, "%s %s; %s\n", gpgrt_strusage(11), gpgrt_strusage(13), gpgrt_strusage(14)); es_fprintf (es_stderr, "%s\n", gpgrt_strusage(15)); } #ifdef IS_DEVELOPMENT_VERSION log_info ("NOTE: this is a development version!\n"); #endif /* Print a warning if an argument looks like an option. */ if (!opt.quiet && !(pargs.flags & ARGPARSE_FLAG_STOP_SEEN)) { int i; for (i=0; i < argc; i++) if (argv[i][0] == '-' && argv[i][1] == '-') log_info (_("Note: '%s' is not considered an option\n"), argv[i]); } if (!gnupg_access ("/etc/"DIRMNGR_NAME, F_OK) && !strncmp (gnupg_homedir (), "/etc/", 5)) log_info ("NOTE: DirMngr is now a proper part of %s. The configuration and" " other directory names changed. Please check that no other version" " of dirmngr is still installed. To disable this warning, remove the" " directory '/etc/dirmngr'.\n", GNUPG_NAME); if (gnupg_faked_time_p ()) { gnupg_isotime_t tbuf; log_info (_("WARNING: running with faked system time: ")); gnupg_get_isotime (tbuf); dump_isotime (tbuf); log_printf ("\n"); } post_option_parsing (cmd); /* Get LDAP server list from file unless --ldapserver has been used. */ #if USE_LDAP if (opt.ldapservers) ; else if (!ldapfile) { ldapfile = make_filename (gnupg_homedir (), "dirmngr_ldapservers.conf", NULL); opt.ldapservers = parse_ldapserver_file (ldapfile, 1); xfree (ldapfile); } else opt.ldapservers = parse_ldapserver_file (ldapfile, 0); #endif /*USE_LDAP*/ #ifndef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM /* We need to ignore the PIPE signal because the we might log to a socket and that code handles EPIPE properly. The ldap wrapper also requires us to ignore this silly signal. Assuan would set this signal to ignore anyway.*/ signal (SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN); #endif /* Ready. Now to our duties. */ if (!cmd) cmd = aServer; rc = 0; if (cmd == aServer) { /* Note that this server mode is mainly useful for debugging. */ if (argc) wrong_args ("--server"); if (logfile) { log_set_file (logfile); log_set_prefix (NULL, GPGRT_LOG_WITH_TIME | GPGRT_LOG_WITH_PID); } if (debug_wait) { log_debug ("waiting for debugger - my pid is %u .....\n", (unsigned int)getpid()); gnupg_sleep (debug_wait); log_debug ("... okay\n"); } thread_init (); cert_cache_init (hkp_cacert_filenames); crl_cache_init (); ks_hkp_init (); http_register_netactivity_cb (netactivity_action); start_command_handler (ASSUAN_INVALID_FD, 0); shutdown_reaper (); } #ifndef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM else if (cmd == aSupervised) { struct stat statbuf; if (!opt.quiet) log_info(_("WARNING: \"%s\" is a deprecated option\n"), "--supervised"); /* In supervised mode, we expect file descriptor 3 to be an already opened, listening socket. We will also not detach from the controlling process or close stderr; the supervisor should handle all of that. */ if (fstat (3, &statbuf) == -1 && errno == EBADF) { log_error ("file descriptor 3 must be validin --supervised mode\n"); dirmngr_exit (1); } socket_name = gnupg_get_socket_name (3); /* Now start with logging to a file if this is desired. */ if (logfile) { log_set_file (logfile); log_set_prefix (NULL, (GPGRT_LOG_WITH_PREFIX |GPGRT_LOG_WITH_TIME |GPGRT_LOG_WITH_PID)); current_logfile = xstrdup (logfile); } else log_set_prefix (NULL, 0); thread_init (); cert_cache_init (hkp_cacert_filenames); crl_cache_init (); ks_hkp_init (); http_register_netactivity_cb (netactivity_action); handle_connections (3); shutdown_reaper (); } #endif /*HAVE_W32_SYSTEM*/ else if (cmd == aDaemon) { assuan_fd_t fd; pid_t pid; int len; struct sockaddr_un serv_addr; if (argc) wrong_args ("--daemon"); /* Now start with logging to a file if this is desired. */ if (logfile) { log_set_file (logfile); log_set_prefix (NULL, (GPGRT_LOG_WITH_PREFIX |GPGRT_LOG_WITH_TIME |GPGRT_LOG_WITH_PID)); current_logfile = xstrdup (logfile); } if (debug_wait) { log_debug ("waiting for debugger - my pid is %u .....\n", (unsigned int)getpid()); gnupg_sleep (debug_wait); log_debug ("... okay\n"); } #ifndef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM if (strchr (socket_name, ':')) { log_error (_("colons are not allowed in the socket name\n")); dirmngr_exit (1); } #endif fd = assuan_sock_new (AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0); if (fd == ASSUAN_INVALID_FD) { log_error (_("can't create socket: %s\n"), strerror (errno)); cleanup (); dirmngr_exit (1); } { int redirected; if (assuan_sock_set_sockaddr_un (socket_name, (struct sockaddr*)&serv_addr, &redirected)) { if (errno == ENAMETOOLONG) log_error (_("socket name '%s' is too long\n"), socket_name); else log_error ("error preparing socket '%s': %s\n", socket_name, gpg_strerror (gpg_error_from_syserror ())); dirmngr_exit (1); } if (redirected) { redir_socket_name = xstrdup (serv_addr.sun_path); if (opt.verbose) log_info ("redirecting socket '%s' to '%s'\n", socket_name, redir_socket_name); } } len = SUN_LEN (&serv_addr); rc = assuan_sock_bind (fd, (struct sockaddr*) &serv_addr, len); if (rc == -1 && (errno == EADDRINUSE #ifdef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM || errno == EEXIST #endif )) { /* Fixme: We should actually test whether a dirmngr is * already running. For now the steal option is a dummy. */ /* if (steal_socket) */ /* log_info (N_("trying to steal socket from running %s\n"), */ /* "dirmngr"); */ gnupg_remove (redir_socket_name? redir_socket_name : socket_name); rc = assuan_sock_bind (fd, (struct sockaddr*) &serv_addr, len); } if (rc != -1 && (rc = assuan_sock_get_nonce ((struct sockaddr*) &serv_addr, len, &socket_nonce))) log_error (_("error getting nonce for the socket\n")); if (rc == -1) { log_error (_("error binding socket to '%s': %s\n"), serv_addr.sun_path, gpg_strerror (gpg_error_from_syserror ())); assuan_sock_close (fd); dirmngr_exit (1); } cleanup_socket = 1; if (gnupg_chmod (serv_addr.sun_path, "-rwx")) log_error (_("can't set permissions of '%s': %s\n"), serv_addr.sun_path, strerror (errno)); if (listen (FD2INT (fd), listen_backlog) == -1) { log_error ("listen(fd,%d) failed: %s\n", listen_backlog, strerror (errno)); assuan_sock_close (fd); dirmngr_exit (1); } if (opt.verbose) log_info (_("listening on socket '%s'\n"), serv_addr.sun_path); es_fflush (NULL); /* Note: We keep the dirmngr_info output only for the sake of existing scripts which might use this to detect a successful start of the dirmngr. */ #ifdef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM (void)csh_style; (void)nodetach; pid = getpid (); es_printf ("set %s=%s;%lu;1\n", DIRMNGR_INFO_NAME, socket_name, (ulong) pid); #else pid = fork(); if (pid == (pid_t)-1) { log_fatal (_("error forking process: %s\n"), strerror (errno)); dirmngr_exit (1); } if (pid) { /* We are the parent */ char *infostr; /* Don't let cleanup() remove the socket - the child is responsible for doing that. */ cleanup_socket = 0; close (fd); /* Create the info string: :: */ if (asprintf (&infostr, "%s=%s:%lu:1", DIRMNGR_INFO_NAME, serv_addr.sun_path, (ulong)pid ) < 0) { log_error (_("out of core\n")); kill (pid, SIGTERM); dirmngr_exit (1); } /* Print the environment string, so that the caller can use shell's eval to set it. But see above. */ if (csh_style) { *strchr (infostr, '=') = ' '; es_printf ( "setenv %s;\n", infostr); } else { es_printf ( "%s; export %s;\n", infostr, DIRMNGR_INFO_NAME); } free (infostr); exit (0); /*NEVER REACHED*/ } /* end parent */ /* This is the child */ /* Detach from tty and put process into a new session */ if (!nodetach ) { int i; unsigned int oldflags; /* Close stdin, stdout and stderr unless it is the log stream */ for (i=0; i <= 2; i++) { if (!log_test_fd (i) && i != fd ) { if ( !close (i) && open ("/dev/null", i? O_WRONLY : O_RDONLY) == -1) { log_error ("failed to open '%s': %s\n", "/dev/null", strerror (errno)); cleanup (); dirmngr_exit (1); } } } if (setsid() == -1) { log_error ("setsid() failed: %s\n", strerror(errno) ); dirmngr_exit (1); } log_get_prefix (&oldflags); log_set_prefix (NULL, oldflags | GPGRT_LOG_RUN_DETACHED); opt.running_detached = 1; } #endif if (!nodetach ) { if (gnupg_chdir (gnupg_daemon_rootdir ())) { log_error ("chdir to '%s' failed: %s\n", gnupg_daemon_rootdir (), strerror (errno)); dirmngr_exit (1); } } thread_init (); cert_cache_init (hkp_cacert_filenames); crl_cache_init (); ks_hkp_init (); http_register_netactivity_cb (netactivity_action); handle_connections (fd); shutdown_reaper (); } else if (cmd == aListCRLs) { /* Just list the CRL cache and exit. */ if (argc) wrong_args ("--list-crls"); crl_cache_init (); crl_cache_list (es_stdout); } else if (cmd == aLoadCRL) { struct server_control_s ctrlbuf; memset (&ctrlbuf, 0, sizeof ctrlbuf); dirmngr_init_default_ctrl (&ctrlbuf); thread_init (); cert_cache_init (hkp_cacert_filenames); crl_cache_init (); ks_hkp_init (); if (!argc) rc = crl_cache_load (&ctrlbuf, NULL); else { for (; !rc && argc; argc--, argv++) rc = crl_cache_load (&ctrlbuf, *argv); } dirmngr_deinit_default_ctrl (&ctrlbuf); } else if (cmd == aFetchCRL) { ksba_reader_t reader; struct server_control_s ctrlbuf; if (argc != 1) wrong_args ("--fetch-crl URL"); memset (&ctrlbuf, 0, sizeof ctrlbuf); dirmngr_init_default_ctrl (&ctrlbuf); thread_init (); cert_cache_init (hkp_cacert_filenames); crl_cache_init (); ks_hkp_init (); rc = crl_fetch (&ctrlbuf, argv[0], &reader); if (rc) log_error (_("fetching CRL from '%s' failed: %s\n"), argv[0], gpg_strerror (rc)); else { rc = crl_cache_insert (&ctrlbuf, argv[0], reader); if (rc) log_error (_("processing CRL from '%s' failed: %s\n"), argv[0], gpg_strerror (rc)); crl_close_reader (reader); } dirmngr_deinit_default_ctrl (&ctrlbuf); } else if (cmd == aFlush) { /* Delete cache and exit. */ if (argc) wrong_args ("--flush"); rc = crl_cache_flush(); } else if (cmd == aGPGConfTest) dirmngr_exit (0); else if (cmd == aGPGConfList) { unsigned long flags = 0; char *filename_esc; es_printf ("debug-level:%lu:\"none\n", flags | GC_OPT_FLAG_DEFAULT); es_printf ("ldaptimeout:%lu:%u\n", flags | GC_OPT_FLAG_DEFAULT, DEFAULT_LDAP_TIMEOUT); es_printf ("max-replies:%lu:%u\n", flags | GC_OPT_FLAG_DEFAULT, DEFAULT_MAX_REPLIES); filename_esc = percent_escape (get_default_keyserver (0), NULL); es_printf ("keyserver:%lu:\"%s:\n", flags | GC_OPT_FLAG_DEFAULT, filename_esc); xfree (filename_esc); es_printf ("resolver-timeout:%lu:%u\n", flags | GC_OPT_FLAG_DEFAULT, 0); } else if (cmd == aGPGConfVersions) gpgconf_versions (); cleanup (); return !!rc; } static void cleanup (void) { crl_cache_deinit (); cert_cache_deinit (1); reload_dns_stuff (1); #if USE_LDAP ldapserver_list_free (opt.ldapservers); #endif /*USE_LDAP*/ opt.ldapservers = NULL; if (cleanup_socket) { cleanup_socket = 0; if (redir_socket_name) gnupg_remove (redir_socket_name); else if (socket_name && *socket_name) gnupg_remove (socket_name); } } void dirmngr_exit (int rc) { cleanup (); exit (rc); } void dirmngr_init_default_ctrl (ctrl_t ctrl) { ctrl->magic = SERVER_CONTROL_MAGIC; if (opt.http_proxy) ctrl->http_proxy = xstrdup (opt.http_proxy); ctrl->http_no_crl = 1; ctrl->timeout = opt.connect_timeout; } void dirmngr_deinit_default_ctrl (ctrl_t ctrl) { if (!ctrl) return; ctrl->magic = 0xdeadbeef; xfree (ctrl->http_proxy); ctrl->http_proxy = NULL; } /* Create a list of LDAP servers from the file FILENAME. Returns the list or NULL in case of errors. The format of such a file is line oriented where empty lines and lines starting with a hash mark are ignored. All other lines are assumed to be colon seprated with these fields: 1. field: Hostname 2. field: Portnumber 3. field: Username 4. field: Password 5. field: Base DN */ #if USE_LDAP static ldap_server_t parse_ldapserver_file (const char* filename, int ignore_enoent) { char buffer[1024]; char *p; ldap_server_t server, serverstart, *serverend; int c; unsigned int lineno = 0; estream_t fp; fp = es_fopen (filename, "r"); if (!fp) { if (ignore_enoent && gpg_err_code_from_syserror () == GPG_ERR_ENOENT) ; else log_info ("failed to open '%s': %s\n", filename, strerror (errno)); return NULL; } serverstart = NULL; serverend = &serverstart; while (es_fgets (buffer, sizeof buffer, fp)) { lineno++; if (!*buffer || buffer[strlen(buffer)-1] != '\n') { if (*buffer && es_feof (fp)) ; /* Last line not terminated - continue. */ else { log_error (_("%s:%u: line too long - skipped\n"), filename, lineno); while ( (c=es_fgetc (fp)) != EOF && c != '\n') ; /* Skip until end of line. */ continue; } } /* Skip empty and comment lines.*/ for (p=buffer; spacep (p); p++) ; if (!*p || *p == '\n' || *p == '#') continue; /* Parse the colon separated fields. */ server = ldapserver_parse_one (buffer, filename, lineno); if (server) { *serverend = server; serverend = &server->next; } } if (es_ferror (fp)) log_error (_("error reading '%s': %s\n"), filename, strerror (errno)); es_fclose (fp); return serverstart; } #endif /*USE_LDAP*/ /* Parse a fingerprint entry as used by --ocsc-signer. OPTIONNAME as * a description on the options used. WANT_BINARY requests to store a * binary fingerprint. Returns NULL on error and logs that error. */ static fingerprint_list_t parse_fingerprint_item (const char *string, const char *optionname, int want_binary) { gpg_error_t err; char *fname; estream_t fp; char line[256]; char *p; fingerprint_list_t list, *list_tail, item; unsigned int lnr = 0; int c, i, j; int errflag = 0; /* Check whether this is not a filename and treat it as a direct fingerprint specification. */ if (!strpbrk (string, "/.~\\")) { item = xcalloc (1, sizeof *item); for (i=j=0; (string[i] == ':' || hexdigitp (string+i)) && j < 40; i++) if ( string[i] != ':' ) item->hexfpr[j++] = string[i] >= 'a'? (string[i] & 0xdf): string[i]; item->hexfpr[j] = 0; if (j != 40 || !(spacep (string+i) || !string[i])) { log_error (_("%s:%u: invalid fingerprint detected\n"), optionname, 0); xfree (item); return NULL; } if (want_binary) { item->binlen = 20; hex2bin (item->hexfpr, item->hexfpr, 20); } return item; } /* Well, it is a filename. */ if (*string == '/' || (*string == '~' && string[1] == '/')) fname = make_filename (string, NULL); else { if (string[0] == '.' && string[1] == '/' ) string += 2; fname = make_filename (gnupg_homedir (), string, NULL); } fp = es_fopen (fname, "r"); if (!fp) { err = gpg_error_from_syserror (); log_error (_("can't open '%s': %s\n"), fname, gpg_strerror (err)); xfree (fname); return NULL; } list = NULL; list_tail = &list; for (;;) { if (!es_fgets (line, DIM(line)-1, fp) ) { if (!es_feof (fp)) { err = gpg_error_from_syserror (); log_error (_("%s:%u: read error: %s\n"), fname, lnr, gpg_strerror (err)); errflag = 1; } es_fclose (fp); if (errflag) { while (list) { fingerprint_list_t tmp = list->next; xfree (list); list = tmp; } } xfree (fname); return list; /* Ready. */ } lnr++; if (!*line || line[strlen(line)-1] != '\n') { /* Eat until end of line. */ while ( (c=es_getc (fp)) != EOF && c != '\n') ; err = gpg_error (*line? GPG_ERR_LINE_TOO_LONG /* */: GPG_ERR_INCOMPLETE_LINE); log_error (_("%s:%u: read error: %s\n"), fname, lnr, gpg_strerror (err)); errflag = 1; continue; } /* Allow for empty lines and spaces */ for (p=line; spacep (p); p++) ; if (!*p || *p == '\n' || *p == '#') continue; item = xcalloc (1, sizeof *item); *list_tail = item; list_tail = &item->next; for (i=j=0; (p[i] == ':' || hexdigitp (p+i)) && j < 40; i++) if ( p[i] != ':' ) item->hexfpr[j++] = p[i] >= 'a'? (p[i] & 0xdf): p[i]; item->hexfpr[j] = 0; if (j != 40 || !(spacep (p+i) || p[i] == '\n')) { log_error (_("%s:%u: invalid fingerprint detected\n"), fname, lnr); errflag = 1; } else if (want_binary) { item->binlen = 20; hex2bin (item->hexfpr, item->hexfpr, 20); } i++; while (spacep (p+i)) i++; if (p[i] && p[i] != '\n') log_info (_("%s:%u: garbage at end of line ignored\n"), fname, lnr); } /*NOTREACHED*/ } /* Stuff used in daemon mode. */ /* Reread parts of the configuration. Note, that this function is obviously not thread-safe and should only be called from the NPTH signal handler. Fixme: Due to the way the argument parsing works, we create a memory leak here for all string type arguments. There is currently no clean way to tell whether the memory for the argument has been allocated or points into the process's original arguments. Unless we have a mechanism to tell this, we need to live on with this. */ static void reread_configuration (void) { gpgrt_argparse_t pargs; char *twopart; int dummy; int logfile_seen = 0; if (!opt.config_filename) goto finish; /* No config file. */ twopart = strconcat (DIRMNGR_NAME EXTSEP_S "conf" PATHSEP_S, opt.config_filename, NULL); if (!twopart) return; /* Out of core. */ parse_rereadable_options (NULL, 1); /* Start from the default values. */ memset (&pargs, 0, sizeof pargs); dummy = 0; pargs.argc = &dummy; pargs.flags = (ARGPARSE_FLAG_KEEP |ARGPARSE_FLAG_SYS |ARGPARSE_FLAG_USER); while (gpgrt_argparser (&pargs, opts, twopart)) { if (pargs.r_opt == ARGPARSE_CONFFILE) { log_info (_("reading options from '%s'\n"), pargs.r_type? pargs.r.ret_str: "[cmdline]"); } else if (pargs.r_opt < -1) pargs.err = ARGPARSE_PRINT_WARNING; else /* Try to parse this option - ignore unchangeable ones. */ { if (pargs.r_opt == oLogFile) logfile_seen = 1; parse_rereadable_options (&pargs, 1); } } gpgrt_argparse (NULL, &pargs, NULL); /* Release internal state. */ xfree (twopart); post_option_parsing (0); finish: /* Get a default log file from common.conf. */ if (!logfile_seen && !parse_comopt (GNUPG_MODULE_NAME_DIRMNGR, !!opt.debug)) { if (!current_logfile || !comopt.logfile || strcmp (current_logfile, comopt.logfile)) { log_set_file (comopt.logfile); xfree (current_logfile); current_logfile = comopt.logfile? xtrystrdup (comopt.logfile) : NULL; } } } /* A global function which allows us to trigger the reload stuff from other places. */ void dirmngr_sighup_action (void) { log_info (_("SIGHUP received - " "re-reading configuration and flushing caches\n")); reread_configuration (); set_tor_mode (); cert_cache_deinit (0); crl_cache_deinit (); cert_cache_init (hkp_cacert_filenames); crl_cache_init (); reload_dns_stuff (0); ks_hkp_reload (); } /* This function is called if some network activity was done. At this * point we know the we have a network and we can decide whether to * run scheduled background tasks soon. The function should return * quickly and only trigger actions for another thread. */ static void netactivity_action (void) { network_activity_seen = 1; } /* The signal handler. */ #ifndef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM static void handle_signal (int signo) { switch (signo) { case SIGHUP: dirmngr_sighup_action (); break; case SIGUSR1: - cert_cache_print_stats (); - domaininfo_print_stats (); + /* See also cmd_getinfo:"stats". */ + cert_cache_print_stats (NULL); + domaininfo_print_stats (NULL); break; case SIGUSR2: log_info (_("SIGUSR2 received - no action defined\n")); break; case SIGTERM: if (!shutdown_pending) log_info (_("SIGTERM received - shutting down ...\n")); else log_info (_("SIGTERM received - still %d active connections\n"), active_connections); shutdown_pending++; if (shutdown_pending > 2) { log_info (_("shutdown forced\n")); log_info ("%s %s stopped\n", gpgrt_strusage(11), gpgrt_strusage(13)); cleanup (); dirmngr_exit (0); } break; case SIGINT: log_info (_("SIGINT received - immediate shutdown\n")); log_info( "%s %s stopped\n", gpgrt_strusage(11), gpgrt_strusage(13)); cleanup (); dirmngr_exit (0); break; default: log_info (_("signal %d received - no action defined\n"), signo); } } #endif /*!HAVE_W32_SYSTEM*/ /* Thread to do the housekeeping. */ static void * housekeeping_thread (void *arg) { static int sentinel; time_t curtime; struct server_control_s ctrlbuf; (void)arg; curtime = gnupg_get_time (); if (sentinel) { log_info ("housekeeping is already going on\n"); return NULL; } sentinel++; if (opt.verbose > 1) log_info ("starting housekeeping\n"); memset (&ctrlbuf, 0, sizeof ctrlbuf); dirmngr_init_default_ctrl (&ctrlbuf); dns_stuff_housekeeping (); ks_hkp_housekeeping (curtime); if (network_activity_seen) { network_activity_seen = 0; if (opt.allow_version_check) dirmngr_load_swdb (&ctrlbuf, 0); workqueue_run_global_tasks (&ctrlbuf, 1); } else workqueue_run_global_tasks (&ctrlbuf, 0); dirmngr_deinit_default_ctrl (&ctrlbuf); if (opt.verbose > 1) log_info ("ready with housekeeping\n"); sentinel--; return NULL; } /* We try to enable correct overflow handling for signed int (commonly * used for time_t). With gcc 4.2 -fno-strict-overflow was introduced * and used here as a pragma. Later gcc versions (gcc 6?) removed * this as a pragma and -fwrapv was then suggested as a replacement * for -fno-strict-overflow. */ #if GPGRT_HAVE_PRAGMA_GCC_PUSH # pragma GCC push_options # pragma GCC optimize ("wrapv") #endif static int time_for_housekeeping_p (time_t curtime) { static time_t last_housekeeping; if (!last_housekeeping) last_housekeeping = curtime; if (last_housekeeping + HOUSEKEEPING_INTERVAL <= curtime || last_housekeeping > curtime /*(be prepared for y2038)*/) { last_housekeeping = curtime; return 1; } return 0; } #if GPGRT_HAVE_PRAGMA_GCC_PUSH # pragma GCC pop_options #endif /* This is the worker for the ticker. It is called every few seconds and may only do fast operations. */ static void handle_tick (void) { struct stat statbuf; if (time_for_housekeeping_p (gnupg_get_time ())) { npth_t thread; npth_attr_t tattr; int err; err = npth_attr_init (&tattr); if (err) log_error ("error preparing housekeeping thread: %s\n", strerror (err)); else { npth_attr_setdetachstate (&tattr, NPTH_CREATE_DETACHED); err = npth_create (&thread, &tattr, housekeeping_thread, NULL); if (err) log_error ("error spawning housekeeping thread: %s\n", strerror (err)); npth_attr_destroy (&tattr); } } /* Check whether the homedir is still available. */ if (!shutdown_pending && gnupg_stat (gnupg_homedir (), &statbuf) && errno == ENOENT) { shutdown_pending = 1; log_info ("homedir has been removed - shutting down\n"); } } /* Check the nonce on a new connection. This is a NOP unless we are using our Unix domain socket emulation under Windows. */ static int check_nonce (assuan_fd_t fd, assuan_sock_nonce_t *nonce) { if (assuan_sock_check_nonce (fd, nonce)) { log_info (_("error reading nonce on fd %d: %s\n"), FD2INT (fd), strerror (errno)); assuan_sock_close (fd); return -1; } else return 0; } /* Helper to call a connection's main function. */ static void * start_connection_thread (void *arg) { static unsigned int last_session_id; unsigned int session_id; union int_and_ptr_u argval; gnupg_fd_t fd; memset (&argval, 0, sizeof argval); argval.aptr = arg; fd = argval.afd; if (check_nonce (fd, &socket_nonce)) { log_error ("handler nonce check FAILED\n"); return NULL; } #ifndef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM npth_setspecific (my_tlskey_current_fd, argval.aptr); #endif active_connections++; if (opt.verbose) log_info (_("handler for fd %d started\n"), FD2INT (fd)); session_id = ++last_session_id; if (!session_id) session_id = ++last_session_id; start_command_handler (fd, session_id); if (opt.verbose) log_info (_("handler for fd %d terminated\n"), FD2INT (fd)); active_connections--; workqueue_run_post_session_tasks (session_id); #ifndef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM argval.afd = ASSUAN_INVALID_FD; npth_setspecific (my_tlskey_current_fd, argval.aptr); #endif return NULL; } #ifdef HAVE_INOTIFY_INIT /* Read an inotify event and return true if it matches NAME. */ static int my_inotify_is_name (int fd, const char *name) { union { struct inotify_event ev; char _buf[sizeof (struct inotify_event) + 100 + 1]; } buf; int n; const char *s; s = strrchr (name, '/'); if (s && s[1]) name = s + 1; n = npth_read (fd, &buf, sizeof buf); if (n < sizeof (struct inotify_event)) return 0; if (buf.ev.len < strlen (name)+1) return 0; if (strcmp (buf.ev.name, name)) return 0; /* Not the desired file. */ return 1; /* Found. */ } #endif /*HAVE_INOTIFY_INIT*/ /* Main loop in daemon mode. Note that LISTEN_FD will be owned by * this function. */ static void handle_connections (assuan_fd_t listen_fd) { npth_attr_t tattr; #ifndef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM int signo; #endif struct sockaddr_un paddr; socklen_t plen = sizeof( paddr ); int nfd, ret; fd_set fdset, read_fdset; struct timespec abstime; struct timespec curtime; struct timespec timeout; int saved_errno; int my_inotify_fd = -1; npth_attr_init (&tattr); npth_attr_setdetachstate (&tattr, NPTH_CREATE_DETACHED); #ifndef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM /* FIXME */ npth_sigev_init (); npth_sigev_add (SIGHUP); npth_sigev_add (SIGUSR1); npth_sigev_add (SIGUSR2); npth_sigev_add (SIGINT); npth_sigev_add (SIGTERM); npth_sigev_fini (); #endif #ifdef HAVE_INOTIFY_INIT if (disable_check_own_socket) my_inotify_fd = -1; else if ((my_inotify_fd = inotify_init ()) == -1) log_info ("error enabling fast daemon termination: %s\n", strerror (errno)); else { /* We need to watch the directory for the file because there * won't be an IN_DELETE_SELF for a socket file. */ char *slash = strrchr (socket_name, '/'); log_assert (slash && slash[1]); *slash = 0; if (inotify_add_watch (my_inotify_fd, socket_name, IN_DELETE) == -1) { close (my_inotify_fd); my_inotify_fd = -1; } *slash = '/'; } #endif /*HAVE_INOTIFY_INIT*/ /* Setup the fdset. It has only one member. This is because we use pth_select instead of pth_accept to properly sync timeouts with to full second. */ FD_ZERO (&fdset); FD_SET (FD2INT (listen_fd), &fdset); nfd = FD2INT (listen_fd); if (my_inotify_fd != -1) { FD_SET (my_inotify_fd, &fdset); if (my_inotify_fd > nfd) nfd = my_inotify_fd; } npth_clock_gettime (&abstime); abstime.tv_sec += TIMERTICK_INTERVAL; /* Main loop. */ for (;;) { /* Shutdown test. */ if (shutdown_pending) { if (!active_connections) break; /* ready */ /* Do not accept new connections but keep on running the * loop to cope with the timer events. * * Note that we do not close the listening socket because a * client trying to connect to that socket would instead * restart a new dirmngr instance - which is unlikely the * intention of a shutdown. */ /* assuan_sock_close (listen_fd); */ /* listen_fd = -1; */ FD_ZERO (&fdset); nfd = -1; if (my_inotify_fd != -1) { FD_SET (my_inotify_fd, &fdset); nfd = my_inotify_fd; } } /* Take a copy of the fdset. */ read_fdset = fdset; npth_clock_gettime (&curtime); if (!(npth_timercmp (&curtime, &abstime, <))) { /* Timeout. When a shutdown is pending we use a shorter * interval to handle the shutdown more quickly. */ handle_tick (); npth_clock_gettime (&abstime); abstime.tv_sec += (shutdown_pending ? TIMERTICK_INTERVAL_SHUTDOWN : TIMERTICK_INTERVAL); } npth_timersub (&abstime, &curtime, &timeout); #ifndef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM ret = npth_pselect (nfd+1, &read_fdset, NULL, NULL, &timeout, npth_sigev_sigmask()); saved_errno = errno; while (npth_sigev_get_pending(&signo)) handle_signal (signo); #else ret = npth_eselect (nfd+1, &read_fdset, NULL, NULL, &timeout, NULL, NULL); saved_errno = errno; #endif if (ret == -1 && saved_errno != EINTR) { log_error (_("npth_pselect failed: %s - waiting 1s\n"), strerror (saved_errno)); gnupg_sleep (1); continue; } if (ret <= 0) { /* Interrupt or timeout. Will be handled when calculating the next timeout. */ continue; } if (shutdown_pending) { /* Do not anymore accept connections. */ continue; } #ifdef HAVE_INOTIFY_INIT if (my_inotify_fd != -1 && FD_ISSET (my_inotify_fd, &read_fdset) && my_inotify_is_name (my_inotify_fd, socket_name)) { shutdown_pending = 1; log_info ("socket file has been removed - shutting down\n"); } #endif /*HAVE_INOTIFY_INIT*/ if (FD_ISSET (FD2INT (listen_fd), &read_fdset)) { gnupg_fd_t fd; plen = sizeof paddr; fd = INT2FD (npth_accept (FD2INT(listen_fd), (struct sockaddr *)&paddr, &plen)); if (fd == GNUPG_INVALID_FD) { log_error ("accept failed: %s\n", strerror (errno)); } else { char threadname[50]; union int_and_ptr_u argval; npth_t thread; memset (&argval, 0, sizeof argval); argval.afd = fd; snprintf (threadname, sizeof threadname, "conn fd=%d", FD2INT(fd)); ret = npth_create (&thread, &tattr, start_connection_thread, argval.aptr); if (ret) { log_error ("error spawning connection handler: %s\n", strerror (ret) ); assuan_sock_close (fd); } npth_setname_np (thread, threadname); } } } #ifdef HAVE_INOTIFY_INIT if (my_inotify_fd != -1) close (my_inotify_fd); #endif /*HAVE_INOTIFY_INIT*/ npth_attr_destroy (&tattr); if (listen_fd != GNUPG_INVALID_FD) assuan_sock_close (listen_fd); cleanup (); log_info ("%s %s stopped\n", gpgrt_strusage(11), gpgrt_strusage(13)); } const char* dirmngr_get_current_socket_name (void) { if (socket_name) return socket_name; else return dirmngr_socket_name (); } /* Parse the revision part from the extended version blurb. */ static const char * get_revision_from_blurb (const char *blurb, int *r_len) { const char *s = blurb? blurb : ""; int n; for (; *s; s++) if (*s == '\n' && s[1] == '(') break; if (*s) { s += 2; for (n=0; s[n] && s[n] != ' '; n++) ; } else { s = "?"; n = 1; } *r_len = n; return s; } /* Print versions of dirmngr and used libraries. This is used by * "gpgconf --show-versions" so that there is no need to link gpgconf * against all these libraries. This is an internal API and should * not be relied upon. */ static void gpgconf_versions (void) { const char *s; int n; /* Unfortunately Npth has no way to get the version. */ s = get_revision_from_blurb (assuan_check_version ("\x01\x01"), &n); es_fprintf (es_stdout, "* Libassuan %s (%.*s)\n\n", assuan_check_version (NULL), n, s); s = get_revision_from_blurb (ksba_check_version ("\x01\x01"), &n); es_fprintf (es_stdout, "* KSBA %s (%.*s)\n\n", ksba_check_version (NULL), n, s); #ifdef HTTP_USE_NTBTLS s = get_revision_from_blurb (ntbtls_check_version ("\x01\x01"), &n); es_fprintf (es_stdout, "* NTBTLS %s (%.*s)\n\n", ntbtls_check_version (NULL), n, s); #elif HTTP_USE_GNUTLS es_fprintf (es_stdout, "* GNUTLS %s\n\n", gnutls_check_version (NULL)); #endif } diff --git a/dirmngr/dirmngr.h b/dirmngr/dirmngr.h index f65bcd119..bd4660422 100644 --- a/dirmngr/dirmngr.h +++ b/dirmngr/dirmngr.h @@ -1,287 +1,287 @@ /* dirmngr.h - Common definitions for the dirmngr * Copyright (C) 2002 Klarälvdalens Datakonsult AB * Copyright (C) 2004, 2015 g10 Code GmbH * Copyright (C) 2014 Werner Koch * * This file is part of GnuPG. * * GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, see . * * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0+ */ #ifndef DIRMNGR_H #define DIRMNGR_H #include "./dirmngr-err.h" #define map_assuan_err(a) \ map_assuan_err_with_source (GPG_ERR_SOURCE_DEFAULT, (a)) #include #include #include #include "../common/util.h" #include "../common/membuf.h" #include "../common/sysutils.h" /* (gnupg_fd_t) */ #include "../common/asshelp.h" /* (assuan_context_t) */ #include "../common/i18n.h" #include "dirmngr-status.h" #include "http.h" /* (parsed_uri_t) */ /* This objects keeps information about a particular LDAP server and is used as item of a single linked list of servers. */ struct ldap_server_s { struct ldap_server_s* next; char *host; int port; char *user; char *pass; char *base; unsigned int starttls:1; /* Use STARTTLS. */ unsigned int ldap_over_tls:1; /* Use LDAP over an TLS tunnel */ unsigned int ntds:1; /* Use Active Directory authentication. */ unsigned int areconly:1; /* Set LDAP_OPT_AREC_EXCLUSIVE. */ }; typedef struct ldap_server_s *ldap_server_t; /* This objects is used to build a list of URI consisting of the original and the parsed URI. */ struct uri_item_s { struct uri_item_s *next; parsed_uri_t parsed_uri; /* The broken down URI. */ char uri[1]; /* The original URI. */ }; typedef struct uri_item_s *uri_item_t; /* A list of fingerprints. */ struct fingerprint_list_s; typedef struct fingerprint_list_s *fingerprint_list_t; struct fingerprint_list_s { fingerprint_list_t next; char binlen; /* If this is not 0 hexfpr actually carries a binary fpr. */ char hexfpr[20+20+1]; }; /* A large struct named "opt" to keep global flags. */ EXTERN_UNLESS_MAIN_MODULE struct { unsigned int debug; /* debug flags (DBG_foo_VALUE) */ int verbose; /* verbosity level */ int quiet; /* be as quiet as possible */ int dry_run; /* don't change any persistent data */ int batch; /* batch mode */ const char *homedir_cache; /* Dir for cache files (/var/cache/dirmngr). */ char *config_filename; /* Name of a config file, which will be reread on a HUP if it is not NULL. */ char *ldap_wrapper_program; /* Override value for the LDAP wrapper program. */ char *http_wrapper_program; /* Override value for the HTTP wrapper program. */ int running_detached; /* We are running in detached mode. */ int allow_version_check; /* --allow-version-check is active. */ int force; /* Force loading outdated CRLs. */ unsigned int connect_timeout; /* Timeout for connect. */ unsigned int connect_quick_timeout; /* Shorter timeout for connect. */ int disable_http; /* Do not use HTTP at all. */ int disable_ldap; /* Do not use LDAP at all. */ int disable_ipv4; /* Do not use legacy IP addresses. */ int disable_ipv6; /* Do not use standard IP addresses. */ int honor_http_proxy; /* Honor the http_proxy env variable. */ const char *http_proxy; /* The default HTTP proxy. */ const char *ldap_proxy; /* Use given LDAP proxy. */ int only_ldap_proxy; /* Only use the LDAP proxy; no fallback. */ int ignore_http_dp; /* Ignore HTTP CRL distribution points. */ int ignore_ldap_dp; /* Ignore LDAP CRL distribution points. */ int ignore_ocsp_service_url; /* Ignore OCSP service URLs as given in the certificate. */ /* A list of fingerprints of certififcates we should completely * ignore. These are all stored in binary format. */ fingerprint_list_t ignored_certs; /* A list of certificate extension OIDs which are ignored so that one can claim that a critical extension has been handled. One OID per string. */ strlist_t ignored_cert_extensions; /* Allow expired certificates in the cache. */ int debug_cache_expired_certs; int allow_ocsp; /* Allow using OCSP. */ int max_replies; unsigned int ldaptimeout; ldap_server_t ldapservers; int add_new_ldapservers; const char *ocsp_responder; /* Standard OCSP responder's URL. */ fingerprint_list_t ocsp_signer; /* The list of fingerprints with allowed standard OCSP signer certificates. */ unsigned int ocsp_max_clock_skew; /* Allowed seconds of clocks skew. */ unsigned int ocsp_max_period; /* Seconds a response is at maximum considered valid after thisUpdate. */ unsigned int ocsp_current_period; /* Seconds a response is considered current after nextUpdate. */ strlist_t keyserver; /* List of default keyservers. */ } opt; #define DBG_X509_VALUE 1 /* debug x.509 parsing */ #define DBG_CRYPTO_VALUE 4 /* debug low level crypto */ #define DBG_DNS_VALUE 16 /* debug DNS calls. */ #define DBG_MEMORY_VALUE 32 /* debug memory allocation stuff */ #define DBG_CACHE_VALUE 64 /* debug the caching */ #define DBG_MEMSTAT_VALUE 128 /* show memory statistics */ #define DBG_HASHING_VALUE 512 /* debug hashing operations */ #define DBG_IPC_VALUE 1024 /* debug assuan communication */ #define DBG_NETWORK_VALUE 2048 /* debug network I/O. */ #define DBG_LOOKUP_VALUE 8192 /* debug lookup details */ #define DBG_EXTPROG_VALUE 16384 /* debug external program calls */ #define DBG_KEEPTMP_VALUE 32768 /* keep some temporary files */ #define DBG_X509 (opt.debug & DBG_X509_VALUE) #define DBG_CRYPTO (opt.debug & DBG_CRYPTO_VALUE) #define DBG_DNS (opt.debug & DBG_DNS_VALUE) #define DBG_MEMORY (opt.debug & DBG_MEMORY_VALUE) #define DBG_CACHE (opt.debug & DBG_CACHE_VALUE) #define DBG_HASHING (opt.debug & DBG_HASHING_VALUE) #define DBG_IPC (opt.debug & DBG_IPC_VALUE) #define DBG_NETWORK (opt.debug & DBG_NETWORK_VALUE) #define DBG_LOOKUP (opt.debug & DBG_LOOKUP_VALUE) #define DBG_EXTPROG (opt.debug & DBG_EXTPROG_VALUE) #define DBG_KEEPTMP (opt.debug & DBG_KEEPTMP_VALUE) /* A simple list of certificate references. FIXME: Better use certlist_t also for references (Store NULL at .cert) */ struct cert_ref_s { struct cert_ref_s *next; unsigned char fpr[20]; }; typedef struct cert_ref_s *cert_ref_t; /* Forward reference; access only via ks-engine-ldap.c. */ struct ks_engine_ldap_local_s; /* Forward reference; access only through server.c. */ struct server_local_s; #if SIZEOF_UNSIGNED_LONG == 8 # define SERVER_CONTROL_MAGIC 0x6469726d6e677220 #else # define SERVER_CONTROL_MAGIC 0x6469726d #endif /* Connection control structure. */ struct server_control_s { unsigned long magic;/* Always has SERVER_CONTROL_MAGIC. */ int refcount; /* Count additional references to this object. */ int no_server; /* We are not running under server control. */ int status_fd; /* Only for non-server mode. */ struct server_local_s *server_local; struct ks_engine_ldap_local_s *ks_get_state; int force_crl_refresh; /* Always load a fresh CRL. */ int check_revocations_nest_level; /* Internal to check_revovations. */ cert_ref_t ocsp_certs; /* Certificates from the current OCSP response. */ int audit_events; /* Send audit events to client. */ char *http_proxy; /* The used http_proxy or NULL. */ unsigned int timeout; /* Timeout for connect calls in ms. */ unsigned int http_no_crl:1; /* Do not check CRLs for https. */ }; /*-- dirmngr.c --*/ void dirmngr_exit( int ); /* Wrapper for exit() */ void dirmngr_init_default_ctrl (ctrl_t ctrl); void dirmngr_deinit_default_ctrl (ctrl_t ctrl); void dirmngr_sighup_action (void); const char* dirmngr_get_current_socket_name (void); int dirmngr_use_tor (void); int dirmngr_never_use_tor_p (void); /*-- Various housekeeping functions. --*/ void ks_hkp_housekeeping (time_t curtime); void ks_hkp_reload (void); void ks_hkp_init (void); /*-- server.c --*/ ldap_server_t get_ldapservers_from_ctrl (ctrl_t ctrl); ksba_cert_t get_cert_local (ctrl_t ctrl, const char *issuer); ksba_cert_t get_issuing_cert_local (ctrl_t ctrl, const char *issuer); ksba_cert_t get_cert_local_ski (ctrl_t ctrl, const char *name, ksba_sexp_t keyid); gpg_error_t get_istrusted_from_client (ctrl_t ctrl, const char *hexfpr); int dirmngr_assuan_log_monitor (assuan_context_t ctx, unsigned int cat, const char *msg); void start_command_handler (gnupg_fd_t fd, unsigned int session_id); gpg_error_t dirmngr_tick (ctrl_t ctrl); /*-- http-ntbtls.c --*/ /* Note that we don't use a callback for gnutls. */ gpg_error_t gnupg_http_tls_verify_cb (void *opaque, http_t http, http_session_t session, unsigned int flags, void *tls_context); /*-- loadswdb.c --*/ gpg_error_t dirmngr_load_swdb (ctrl_t ctrl, int force); /*-- domaininfo.c --*/ -void domaininfo_print_stats (void); +void domaininfo_print_stats (ctrl_t ctrl); int domaininfo_is_wkd_not_supported (const char *domain); void domaininfo_set_no_name (const char *domain); void domaininfo_set_wkd_supported (const char *domain); void domaininfo_set_wkd_not_supported (const char *domain); void domaininfo_set_wkd_not_found (const char *domain); /*-- workqueue.c --*/ typedef const char *(*wqtask_t)(ctrl_t ctrl, const char *args); void workqueue_dump_queue (ctrl_t ctrl); gpg_error_t workqueue_add_task (wqtask_t func, const char *args, unsigned int session_id, int need_network); void workqueue_run_global_tasks (ctrl_t ctrl, int with_network); void workqueue_run_post_session_tasks (unsigned int session_id); #endif /*DIRMNGR_H*/ diff --git a/dirmngr/domaininfo.c b/dirmngr/domaininfo.c index b41aef366..b6043be53 100644 --- a/dirmngr/domaininfo.c +++ b/dirmngr/domaininfo.c @@ -1,378 +1,379 @@ /* domaininfo.c - Gather statistics about accessed domains * Copyright (C) 2017 Werner Koch * * This file is part of GnuPG. * * GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, see . * * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0+ */ #include #include #include #include "dirmngr.h" /* Number of bucket for the hash array and limit for the length of a * bucket chain. For debugging values of 13 and 10 are more suitable * and a command like * for j in a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w z y z; do \ * for i in a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w z y z; do \ * gpg-connect-agent --dirmngr "wkd_get foo@$i.$j.gnupg.net" /bye \ * >/dev/null ; done; done * will quickly add a couple of domains. */ #define NO_OF_DOMAINBUCKETS 103 #define MAX_DOMAINBUCKET_LEN 20 /* Object to keep track of a domain name. */ struct domaininfo_s { struct domaininfo_s *next; unsigned int no_name:1; /* Domain name not found. */ unsigned int wkd_not_found:1; /* A WKD query failed. */ unsigned int wkd_supported:1; /* One WKD entry was found. */ unsigned int wkd_not_supported:1; /* Definitely does not support WKD. */ unsigned int keepmark:1; /* Private to insert_or_update(). */ char name[1]; }; typedef struct domaininfo_s *domaininfo_t; /* And the hashed array. */ static domaininfo_t domainbuckets[NO_OF_DOMAINBUCKETS]; /* The hash function we use. Must not call a system function. */ static inline u32 hash_domain (const char *domain) { const unsigned char *s = (const unsigned char*)domain; u32 hashval = 0; u32 carry; for (; *s; s++) { if (*s == '.') continue; hashval = (hashval << 4) + *s; if ((carry = (hashval & 0xf0000000))) { hashval ^= (carry >> 24); hashval ^= carry; } } return hashval % NO_OF_DOMAINBUCKETS; } void -domaininfo_print_stats (void) +domaininfo_print_stats (ctrl_t ctrl) { int bidx; domaininfo_t di; int count, no_name, wkd_not_found, wkd_supported, wkd_not_supported; int len, minlen, maxlen; count = no_name = wkd_not_found = wkd_supported = wkd_not_supported = 0; maxlen = 0; minlen = -1; for (bidx = 0; bidx < NO_OF_DOMAINBUCKETS; bidx++) { len = 0; for (di = domainbuckets[bidx]; di; di = di->next) { count++; len++; if (di->no_name) no_name++; if (di->wkd_not_found) wkd_not_found++; if (di->wkd_supported) wkd_supported++; if (di->wkd_not_supported) wkd_not_supported++; } if (len > maxlen) maxlen = len; if (minlen == -1 || len < minlen) minlen = len; } - log_info ("domaininfo: items=%d chainlen=%d..%d nn=%d nf=%d ns=%d s=%d\n", - count, - minlen > 0? minlen : 0, - maxlen, - no_name, wkd_not_found, wkd_not_supported, wkd_supported); + dirmngr_status_helpf + (ctrl, "domaininfo: items=%d chainlen=%d..%d nn=%d nf=%d ns=%d s=%d\n", + count, + minlen > 0? minlen : 0, + maxlen, + no_name, wkd_not_found, wkd_not_supported, wkd_supported); } /* Return true if DOMAIN definitely does not support WKD. Note that * DOMAIN is expected to be lowercase. */ int domaininfo_is_wkd_not_supported (const char *domain) { domaininfo_t di; for (di = domainbuckets[hash_domain (domain)]; di; di = di->next) if (!strcmp (di->name, domain)) return !!di->wkd_not_supported; return 0; /* We don't know. */ } /* Core update function. DOMAIN is expected to be lowercase. * CALLBACK is called to update the existing or the newly inserted * item. */ static void insert_or_update (const char *domain, void (*callback)(domaininfo_t di, int insert_mode)) { domaininfo_t di; domaininfo_t di_new; domaininfo_t drop = NULL; domaininfo_t drop_extra = NULL; int nkept = 0; int ndropped = 0; u32 hash; int count; hash = hash_domain (domain); for (di = domainbuckets[hash]; di; di = di->next) if (!strcmp (di->name, domain)) { callback (di, 0); /* Update */ return; } di_new = xtrycalloc (1, sizeof *di + strlen (domain)); if (!di_new) return; /* Out of core - we ignore this. */ strcpy (di_new->name, domain); /* Need to do another lookup because the malloc is a system call and * thus the hash array may have been changed by another thread. */ for (count=0, di = domainbuckets[hash]; di; di = di->next, count++) if (!strcmp (di->name, domain)) { callback (di, 0); /* Update */ xfree (di_new); return; } /* Before we insert we need to check whether the chain gets too long. */ if (count >= MAX_DOMAINBUCKET_LEN) { domaininfo_t bucket; domaininfo_t *array; int narray, idx; domaininfo_t keep = NULL; /* Unlink from the global list before doing a syscall. */ bucket = domainbuckets[hash]; domainbuckets[hash] = NULL; array = xtrycalloc (count, sizeof *array); if (!array) { /* That's bad; give up the entire bucket. */ log_error ("domaininfo: error allocating helper array: %s\n", gpg_strerror (gpg_err_code_from_syserror ())); drop_extra = bucket; goto leave; } narray = 0; /* Move all items into an array for easier processing. */ for (di = bucket; di; di = di->next) array[narray++] = di; log_assert (narray == count); /* Mark all item in the array which are flagged to support wkd * but not more than half of the maximum. This way we will at * the end drop half of the items. */ count = 0; for (idx=0; idx < narray; idx++) { di = array[idx]; di->keepmark = 0; /* Clear flag here on the first pass. */ if (di->wkd_supported && count < MAX_DOMAINBUCKET_LEN/2) { di->keepmark = 1; count++; } } /* Now mark those which are marked as not found. */ /* FIXME: we should use an LRU algorithm here. */ for (idx=0; idx < narray; idx++) { di = array[idx]; if (!di->keepmark && di->wkd_not_supported && count < MAX_DOMAINBUCKET_LEN/2) { di->keepmark = 1; count++; } } /* Build a bucket list and a second list for later freeing the * items (we can't do it directly because a free is a system * call and we want to avoid locks in this module. Note that * the kept items will be reversed order which does not matter. */ for (idx=0; idx < narray; idx++) { di = array[idx]; if (di->keepmark) { di->next = keep; keep = di; nkept++; } else { di->next = drop; drop = di; ndropped++; } } /* In case another thread added new stuff to the domain list we * simply drop them instead all. It would also be possible to * append them to our list but then we can't guarantee that a * bucket list is almost all of the time limited to * MAX_DOMAINBUCKET_LEN. Not sure whether this is really a * sensible strategy. */ drop_extra = domainbuckets[hash]; domainbuckets[hash] = keep; } /* Insert */ callback (di_new, 1); di = di_new; di->next = domainbuckets[hash]; domainbuckets[hash] = di; if (opt.verbose && (nkept || ndropped)) log_info ("domaininfo: bucket=%lu kept=%d purged=%d\n", (unsigned long)hash, nkept, ndropped); leave: /* Remove the dropped items. */ while (drop) { di = drop->next; xfree (drop); drop = di; } while (drop_extra) { di = drop_extra->next; xfree (drop_extra); drop_extra = di; } } /* Helper for domaininfo_set_no_name. May not do any syscalls. */ static void set_no_name_cb (domaininfo_t di, int insert_mode) { (void)insert_mode; di->no_name = 1; /* Obviously the domain is in this case also not supported. */ di->wkd_not_supported = 1; /* The next should already be 0 but we clear it anyway in the case * of a temporary DNS failure. */ di->wkd_supported = 0; } /* Mark DOMAIN as not existent. */ void domaininfo_set_no_name (const char *domain) { insert_or_update (domain, set_no_name_cb); } /* Helper for domaininfo_set_wkd_supported. May not do any syscalls. */ static void set_wkd_supported_cb (domaininfo_t di, int insert_mode) { (void)insert_mode; di->wkd_supported = 1; /* The next will already be set unless the domain enabled WKD in the * meantime. Thus we need to clear it. */ di->wkd_not_supported = 0; } /* Mark DOMAIN as supporting WKD. */ void domaininfo_set_wkd_supported (const char *domain) { insert_or_update (domain, set_wkd_supported_cb); } /* Helper for domaininfo_set_wkd_not_supported. May not do any syscalls. */ static void set_wkd_not_supported_cb (domaininfo_t di, int insert_mode) { (void)insert_mode; di->wkd_not_supported = 1; di->wkd_supported = 0; } /* Mark DOMAIN as not supporting WKD queries (e.g. no policy file). */ void domaininfo_set_wkd_not_supported (const char *domain) { insert_or_update (domain, set_wkd_not_supported_cb); } /* Helper for domaininfo_set_wkd_not_found. May not do any syscalls. */ static void set_wkd_not_found_cb (domaininfo_t di, int insert_mode) { /* Set the not found flag but there is no need to do this if we * already know that the domain either does not support WKD or we * know that it supports WKD. */ if (insert_mode) di->wkd_not_found = 1; else if (!di->wkd_not_supported && !di->wkd_supported) di->wkd_not_found = 1; /* Better clear this flag in case we had a DNS failure in the * past. */ di->no_name = 0; } /* Update a counter for DOMAIN to keep track of failed WKD queries. */ void domaininfo_set_wkd_not_found (const char *domain) { insert_or_update (domain, set_wkd_not_found_cb); } diff --git a/dirmngr/server.c b/dirmngr/server.c index da7e707f9..cd71592a4 100644 --- a/dirmngr/server.c +++ b/dirmngr/server.c @@ -1,3292 +1,3308 @@ /* server.c - LDAP and Keyserver access server * Copyright (C) 2002 Klarälvdalens Datakonsult AB * Copyright (C) 2003, 2004, 2005, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2011, 2015 g10 Code GmbH * Copyright (C) 2014, 2015, 2016 Werner Koch * Copyright (C) 2016 Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik * * This file is part of GnuPG. * * GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, see . * * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0+ */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "dirmngr.h" #include #include "crlcache.h" #include "crlfetch.h" #if USE_LDAP # include "ldapserver.h" #endif #include "ocsp.h" #include "certcache.h" #include "validate.h" #include "misc.h" #if USE_LDAP # include "ldap-wrapper.h" #endif #include "ks-action.h" #include "ks-engine.h" #if USE_LDAP # include "ldap-parse-uri.h" #endif #include "dns-stuff.h" #include "../common/mbox-util.h" #include "../common/zb32.h" #include "../common/server-help.h" /* To avoid DoS attacks we limit the size of a certificate to something reasonable. The DoS was actually only an issue back when Dirmngr was a system service and not a user service. */ #define MAX_CERT_LENGTH (16*1024) /* The limit for the CERTLIST inquiry. We allow for up to 20 * certificates but also take PEM encoding into account. */ #define MAX_CERTLIST_LENGTH ((MAX_CERT_LENGTH * 20 * 4)/3) /* The same goes for OpenPGP keyblocks, but here we need to allow for much longer blocks; a 200k keyblock is not too unusual for keys with a lot of signatures (e.g. 0x5b0358a2). 9C31503C6D866396 even has 770 KiB as of 2015-08-23. To avoid adding a runtime option we now use 20MiB which should really be enough. Well, a key with several pictures could be larger (the parser as a 18MiB limit for attribute packets) but it won't be nice to the keyservers to send them such large blobs. */ #define MAX_KEYBLOCK_LENGTH (20*1024*1024) #define PARM_ERROR(t) assuan_set_error (ctx, \ gpg_error (GPG_ERR_ASS_PARAMETER), (t)) #define set_error(e,t) (ctx ? assuan_set_error (ctx, gpg_error (e), (t)) \ /**/: gpg_error (e)) /* Control structure per connection. */ struct server_local_s { /* Data used to associate an Assuan context with local server data */ assuan_context_t assuan_ctx; /* The session id (a counter). */ unsigned int session_id; /* Per-session LDAP servers. */ ldap_server_t ldapservers; /* Per-session list of keyservers. */ uri_item_t keyservers; /* If this flag is set to true this dirmngr process will be terminated after the end of this session. */ int stopme; /* State variable private to is_tor_running. */ int tor_state; /* If the first both flags are set the assuan logging of data lines * is suppressed. The count variable is used to show the number of * non-logged bytes. */ size_t inhibit_data_logging_count; unsigned int inhibit_data_logging : 1; unsigned int inhibit_data_logging_now : 1; }; /* Cookie definition for assuan data line output. */ static gpgrt_ssize_t data_line_cookie_write (void *cookie, const void *buffer, size_t size); static int data_line_cookie_close (void *cookie); static es_cookie_io_functions_t data_line_cookie_functions = { NULL, data_line_cookie_write, NULL, data_line_cookie_close }; /* Local prototypes */ static const char *task_check_wkd_support (ctrl_t ctrl, const char *domain); /* Accessor for the local ldapservers variable. */ ldap_server_t get_ldapservers_from_ctrl (ctrl_t ctrl) { if (ctrl && ctrl->server_local) return ctrl->server_local->ldapservers; else return NULL; } /* Release an uri_item_t list. */ static void release_uri_item_list (uri_item_t list) { while (list) { uri_item_t tmp = list->next; http_release_parsed_uri (list->parsed_uri); xfree (list); list = tmp; } } /* Release all configured keyserver info from CTRL. */ void release_ctrl_keyservers (ctrl_t ctrl) { if (! ctrl->server_local) return; release_uri_item_list (ctrl->server_local->keyservers); ctrl->server_local->keyservers = NULL; } /* Helper to print a message while leaving a command. */ static gpg_error_t leave_cmd (assuan_context_t ctx, gpg_error_t err) { if (err) { const char *name = assuan_get_command_name (ctx); if (!name) name = "?"; if (gpg_err_source (err) == GPG_ERR_SOURCE_DEFAULT) log_error ("command '%s' failed: %s\n", name, gpg_strerror (err)); else log_error ("command '%s' failed: %s <%s>\n", name, gpg_strerror (err), gpg_strsource (err)); } return err; } /* This is a wrapper around assuan_send_data which makes debugging the output in verbose mode easier. */ static gpg_error_t data_line_write (assuan_context_t ctx, const void *buffer_arg, size_t size) { ctrl_t ctrl = assuan_get_pointer (ctx); const char *buffer = buffer_arg; gpg_error_t err; /* If we do not want logging, enable it here. */ if (ctrl && ctrl->server_local && ctrl->server_local->inhibit_data_logging) ctrl->server_local->inhibit_data_logging_now = 1; if (opt.verbose && buffer && size) { /* Ease reading of output by sending a physical line at each LF. */ const char *p; size_t n, nbytes; nbytes = size; do { p = memchr (buffer, '\n', nbytes); n = p ? (p - buffer) + 1 : nbytes; err = assuan_send_data (ctx, buffer, n); if (err) { gpg_err_set_errno (EIO); goto leave; } buffer += n; nbytes -= n; if (nbytes && (err=assuan_send_data (ctx, NULL, 0))) /* Flush line. */ { gpg_err_set_errno (EIO); goto leave; } } while (nbytes); } else { err = assuan_send_data (ctx, buffer, size); if (err) { gpg_err_set_errno (EIO); /* For use by data_line_cookie_write. */ goto leave; } } leave: if (ctrl && ctrl->server_local && ctrl->server_local->inhibit_data_logging) { ctrl->server_local->inhibit_data_logging_now = 0; ctrl->server_local->inhibit_data_logging_count += size; } return err; } /* A write handler used by es_fopencookie to write assuan data lines. */ static gpgrt_ssize_t data_line_cookie_write (void *cookie, const void *buffer, size_t size) { assuan_context_t ctx = cookie; if (data_line_write (ctx, buffer, size)) return -1; return (gpgrt_ssize_t)size; } static int data_line_cookie_close (void *cookie) { assuan_context_t ctx = cookie; if (DBG_IPC) { ctrl_t ctrl = assuan_get_pointer (ctx); if (ctrl && ctrl->server_local && ctrl->server_local->inhibit_data_logging && ctrl->server_local->inhibit_data_logging_count) log_debug ("(%zu bytes sent via D lines not shown)\n", ctrl->server_local->inhibit_data_logging_count); } if (assuan_send_data (ctx, NULL, 0)) { gpg_err_set_errno (EIO); return -1; } return 0; } /* Copy the % and + escaped string S into the buffer D and replace the escape sequences. Note, that it is sufficient to allocate the target string D as long as the source string S, i.e.: strlen(s)+1. Note further that if S contains an escaped binary Nul the resulting string D will contain the 0 as well as all other characters but it will be impossible to know whether this is the original EOS or a copied Nul. */ static void strcpy_escaped_plus (char *d, const unsigned char *s) { while (*s) { if (*s == '%' && s[1] && s[2]) { s++; *d++ = xtoi_2 ( s); s += 2; } else if (*s == '+') *d++ = ' ', s++; else *d++ = *s++; } *d = 0; } /* This function returns true if a Tor server is running. The status * is cached for the current connection. */ static int is_tor_running (ctrl_t ctrl) { /* Check whether we can connect to the proxy. */ if (!ctrl || !ctrl->server_local) return 0; /* Ooops. */ if (!ctrl->server_local->tor_state) { assuan_fd_t sock; sock = assuan_sock_connect_byname (NULL, 0, 0, NULL, ASSUAN_SOCK_TOR); if (sock == ASSUAN_INVALID_FD) ctrl->server_local->tor_state = -1; /* Not running. */ else { assuan_sock_close (sock); ctrl->server_local->tor_state = 1; /* Running. */ } } return (ctrl->server_local->tor_state > 0); } /* Return an error if the assuan context does not belong to the owner of the process or to root. On error FAILTEXT is set as Assuan error string. */ static gpg_error_t check_owner_permission (assuan_context_t ctx, const char *failtext) { #ifdef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM /* Under Windows the dirmngr is always run under the control of the user. */ (void)ctx; (void)failtext; #else gpg_err_code_t ec; assuan_peercred_t cred; ec = gpg_err_code (assuan_get_peercred (ctx, &cred)); if (!ec && cred->uid && cred->uid != getuid ()) ec = GPG_ERR_EPERM; if (ec) return set_error (ec, failtext); #endif return 0; } /* Common code for get_cert_local and get_issuer_cert_local. */ static ksba_cert_t do_get_cert_local (ctrl_t ctrl, const char *name, const char *command) { unsigned char *value; size_t valuelen; int rc; char *buf; ksba_cert_t cert; buf = name? strconcat (command, " ", name, NULL) : xtrystrdup (command); if (!buf) rc = gpg_error_from_syserror (); else { rc = assuan_inquire (ctrl->server_local->assuan_ctx, buf, &value, &valuelen, MAX_CERT_LENGTH); xfree (buf); } if (rc) { log_error (_("assuan_inquire(%s) failed: %s\n"), command, gpg_strerror (rc)); return NULL; } if (!valuelen) { xfree (value); return NULL; } rc = ksba_cert_new (&cert); if (!rc) { rc = ksba_cert_init_from_mem (cert, value, valuelen); if (rc) { ksba_cert_release (cert); cert = NULL; } } xfree (value); return cert; } /* Ask back to return a certificate for NAME, given as a regular gpgsm * certificate identifier (e.g. fingerprint or one of the other * methods). Alternatively, NULL may be used for NAME to return the * current target certificate. Either return the certificate in a * KSBA object or NULL if it is not available. */ ksba_cert_t get_cert_local (ctrl_t ctrl, const char *name) { if (!ctrl || !ctrl->server_local || !ctrl->server_local->assuan_ctx) { if (opt.debug) log_debug ("get_cert_local called w/o context\n"); return NULL; } return do_get_cert_local (ctrl, name, "SENDCERT"); } /* Ask back to return the issuing certificate for NAME, given as a * regular gpgsm certificate identifier (e.g. fingerprint or one * of the other methods). Alternatively, NULL may be used for NAME to * return the current target certificate. Either return the certificate * in a KSBA object or NULL if it is not available. */ ksba_cert_t get_issuing_cert_local (ctrl_t ctrl, const char *name) { if (!ctrl || !ctrl->server_local || !ctrl->server_local->assuan_ctx) { if (opt.debug) log_debug ("get_issuing_cert_local called w/o context\n"); return NULL; } return do_get_cert_local (ctrl, name, "SENDISSUERCERT"); } /* Ask back to return a certificate with subject NAME and a * subjectKeyIdentifier of KEYID. */ ksba_cert_t get_cert_local_ski (ctrl_t ctrl, const char *name, ksba_sexp_t keyid) { unsigned char *value; size_t valuelen; int rc; char *buf; ksba_cert_t cert; char *hexkeyid; if (!ctrl || !ctrl->server_local || !ctrl->server_local->assuan_ctx) { if (opt.debug) log_debug ("get_cert_local_ski called w/o context\n"); return NULL; } if (!name || !keyid) { log_debug ("get_cert_local_ski called with insufficient arguments\n"); return NULL; } hexkeyid = serial_hex (keyid); if (!hexkeyid) { log_debug ("serial_hex() failed\n"); return NULL; } buf = strconcat ("SENDCERT_SKI ", hexkeyid, " /", name, NULL); if (!buf) { log_error ("can't allocate enough memory: %s\n", strerror (errno)); xfree (hexkeyid); return NULL; } xfree (hexkeyid); rc = assuan_inquire (ctrl->server_local->assuan_ctx, buf, &value, &valuelen, MAX_CERT_LENGTH); xfree (buf); if (rc) { log_error (_("assuan_inquire(%s) failed: %s\n"), "SENDCERT_SKI", gpg_strerror (rc)); return NULL; } if (!valuelen) { xfree (value); return NULL; } rc = ksba_cert_new (&cert); if (!rc) { rc = ksba_cert_init_from_mem (cert, value, valuelen); if (rc) { ksba_cert_release (cert); cert = NULL; } } xfree (value); return cert; } /* Ask the client via an inquiry to check the istrusted status of the certificate specified by the hexified fingerprint HEXFPR. Returns 0 if the certificate is trusted by the client or an error code. */ gpg_error_t get_istrusted_from_client (ctrl_t ctrl, const char *hexfpr) { unsigned char *value; size_t valuelen; int rc; char request[100]; if (!ctrl || !ctrl->server_local || !ctrl->server_local->assuan_ctx || !hexfpr) return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_ARG); snprintf (request, sizeof request, "ISTRUSTED %s", hexfpr); rc = assuan_inquire (ctrl->server_local->assuan_ctx, request, &value, &valuelen, 100); if (rc) { log_error (_("assuan_inquire(%s) failed: %s\n"), request, gpg_strerror (rc)); return rc; } /* The expected data is: "1" or "1 cruft" (not a C-string). */ if (valuelen && *value == '1' && (valuelen == 1 || spacep (value+1))) rc = 0; else rc = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NOT_TRUSTED); xfree (value); return rc; } /* Ask the client to return the certificate associated with the current command. This is sometimes needed because the client usually sends us just the cert ID, assuming that the request can be satisfied from the cache, where the cert ID is used as key. */ static int inquire_cert_and_load_crl (assuan_context_t ctx) { ctrl_t ctrl = assuan_get_pointer (ctx); gpg_error_t err; unsigned char *value = NULL; size_t valuelen; ksba_cert_t cert = NULL; err = assuan_inquire( ctx, "SENDCERT", &value, &valuelen, 0); if (err) return err; /* { */ /* FILE *fp = fopen ("foo.der", "r"); */ /* value = xmalloc (2000); */ /* valuelen = fread (value, 1, 2000, fp); */ /* fclose (fp); */ /* } */ if (!valuelen) /* No data returned; return a comprehensible error. */ return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_MISSING_CERT); err = ksba_cert_new (&cert); if (err) goto leave; err = ksba_cert_init_from_mem (cert, value, valuelen); if(err) goto leave; xfree (value); value = NULL; err = crl_cache_reload_crl (ctrl, cert); leave: ksba_cert_release (cert); xfree (value); return err; } /* Handle OPTION commands. */ static gpg_error_t option_handler (assuan_context_t ctx, const char *key, const char *value) { ctrl_t ctrl = assuan_get_pointer (ctx); gpg_error_t err = 0; if (!strcmp (key, "force-crl-refresh")) { int i = *value? atoi (value) : 0; ctrl->force_crl_refresh = i; } else if (!strcmp (key, "audit-events")) { int i = *value? atoi (value) : 0; ctrl->audit_events = i; } else if (!strcmp (key, "http-proxy")) { xfree (ctrl->http_proxy); if (!*value || !strcmp (value, "none")) ctrl->http_proxy = NULL; else if (!(ctrl->http_proxy = xtrystrdup (value))) err = gpg_error_from_syserror (); } else if (!strcmp (key, "honor-keyserver-url-used")) { /* Return an error if we are running in Tor mode. */ if (dirmngr_use_tor ()) err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_FORBIDDEN); } else if (!strcmp (key, "http-crl")) { int i = *value? atoi (value) : 0; ctrl->http_no_crl = !i; } else err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_UNKNOWN_OPTION); return err; } static const char hlp_dns_cert[] = "DNS_CERT \n" "DNS_CERT --pka \n" "DNS_CERT --dane \n" "\n" "Return the CERT record for . is one of\n" " * Return the first record of any supported subtype\n" " PGP Return the first record of subtype PGP (3)\n" " IPGP Return the first record of subtype IPGP (6)\n" "If the content of a certificate is available (PGP) it is returned\n" "by data lines. Fingerprints and URLs are returned via status lines.\n" "In --pka mode the fingerprint and if available an URL is returned.\n" "In --dane mode the key is returned from RR type 61"; static gpg_error_t cmd_dns_cert (assuan_context_t ctx, char *line) { ctrl_t ctrl = assuan_get_pointer (ctx); gpg_error_t err = 0; int pka_mode, dane_mode; char *mbox = NULL; char *namebuf = NULL; char *encodedhash = NULL; const char *name; int certtype; char *p; void *key = NULL; size_t keylen; unsigned char *fpr = NULL; size_t fprlen; char *url = NULL; pka_mode = has_option (line, "--pka"); dane_mode = has_option (line, "--dane"); line = skip_options (line); if (pka_mode && dane_mode) { err = PARM_ERROR ("either --pka or --dane may be given"); goto leave; } if (pka_mode || dane_mode) ; /* No need to parse here - we do this later. */ else { p = strchr (line, ' '); if (!p) { err = PARM_ERROR ("missing arguments"); goto leave; } *p++ = 0; if (!strcmp (line, "*")) certtype = DNS_CERTTYPE_ANY; else if (!strcmp (line, "IPGP")) certtype = DNS_CERTTYPE_IPGP; else if (!strcmp (line, "PGP")) certtype = DNS_CERTTYPE_PGP; else { err = PARM_ERROR ("unknown subtype"); goto leave; } while (spacep (p)) p++; line = p; if (!*line) { err = PARM_ERROR ("name missing"); goto leave; } } if (pka_mode || dane_mode) { char *domain; /* Points to mbox. */ char hashbuf[32]; /* For SHA-1 and SHA-256. */ /* We lowercase ascii characters but the DANE I-D does not allow this. FIXME: Check after the release of the RFC whether to change this. */ mbox = mailbox_from_userid (line, 0); if (!mbox || !(domain = strchr (mbox, '@'))) { err = set_error (GPG_ERR_INV_USER_ID, "no mailbox in user id"); goto leave; } *domain++ = 0; if (pka_mode) { gcry_md_hash_buffer (GCRY_MD_SHA1, hashbuf, mbox, strlen (mbox)); encodedhash = zb32_encode (hashbuf, 8*20); if (!encodedhash) { err = gpg_error_from_syserror (); goto leave; } namebuf = strconcat (encodedhash, "._pka.", domain, NULL); if (!namebuf) { err = gpg_error_from_syserror (); goto leave; } name = namebuf; certtype = DNS_CERTTYPE_IPGP; } else { /* Note: The hash is truncated to 28 bytes and we lowercase the result only for aesthetic reasons. */ gcry_md_hash_buffer (GCRY_MD_SHA256, hashbuf, mbox, strlen (mbox)); encodedhash = bin2hex (hashbuf, 28, NULL); if (!encodedhash) { err = gpg_error_from_syserror (); goto leave; } ascii_strlwr (encodedhash); namebuf = strconcat (encodedhash, "._openpgpkey.", domain, NULL); if (!namebuf) { err = gpg_error_from_syserror (); goto leave; } name = namebuf; certtype = DNS_CERTTYPE_RR61; } } else name = line; err = get_dns_cert (ctrl, name, certtype, &key, &keylen, &fpr, &fprlen, &url); if (err) goto leave; if (key) { err = data_line_write (ctx, key, keylen); if (err) goto leave; } if (fpr) { char *tmpstr; tmpstr = bin2hex (fpr, fprlen, NULL); if (!tmpstr) err = gpg_error_from_syserror (); else { err = assuan_write_status (ctx, "FPR", tmpstr); xfree (tmpstr); } if (err) goto leave; } if (url) { err = assuan_write_status (ctx, "URL", url); if (err) goto leave; } leave: xfree (key); xfree (fpr); xfree (url); xfree (mbox); xfree (namebuf); xfree (encodedhash); return leave_cmd (ctx, err); } /* Core of cmd_wkd_get and task_check_wkd_support. If CTX is NULL * this function will not write anything to the assuan output. */ static gpg_error_t proc_wkd_get (ctrl_t ctrl, assuan_context_t ctx, char *line) { gpg_error_t err = 0; char *mbox = NULL; char *domainbuf = NULL; char *domain; /* Points to mbox or domainbuf. This is used to * connect to the host. */ char *domain_orig;/* Points to mbox. This is the used for the * query; i.e. the domain part of the * addrspec. */ char sha1buf[20]; char *uri = NULL; char *encodedhash = NULL; int opt_submission_addr; int opt_policy_flags; int is_wkd_query; /* True if this is a real WKD query. */ int no_log = 0; char portstr[20] = { 0 }; int subdomain_mode = 0; opt_submission_addr = has_option (line, "--submission-address"); opt_policy_flags = has_option (line, "--policy-flags"); if (has_option (line, "--quick")) ctrl->timeout = opt.connect_quick_timeout; line = skip_options (line); is_wkd_query = !(opt_policy_flags || opt_submission_addr); mbox = mailbox_from_userid (line, 0); if (!mbox || !(domain = strchr (mbox, '@'))) { err = set_error (GPG_ERR_INV_USER_ID, "no mailbox in user id"); goto leave; } *domain++ = 0; domain_orig = domain; /* Let's check whether we already know that the domain does not * support WKD. */ if (is_wkd_query) { if (domaininfo_is_wkd_not_supported (domain_orig)) { err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NO_DATA); dirmngr_status_printf (ctrl, "NOTE", "wkd_cached_result %u", err); goto leave; } } /* First try the new "openpgp" subdomain. We check that the domain * is valid because it is later used as an unescaped filename part * of the URI. */ if (is_valid_domain_name (domain_orig)) { dns_addrinfo_t aibuf; domainbuf = strconcat ( "openpgpkey.", domain_orig, NULL); if (!domainbuf) { err = gpg_error_from_syserror (); goto leave; } /* FIXME: We should put a cache into dns-stuff because the same * query (with a different port and socket type, though) will be * done later by http function. */ err = resolve_dns_name (ctrl, domainbuf, 0, 0, 0, &aibuf, NULL); if (err) { err = 0; xfree (domainbuf); domainbuf = NULL; } else /* Got a subdomain. */ { free_dns_addrinfo (aibuf); subdomain_mode = 1; domain = domainbuf; } } /* Check for SRV records unless we have a subdomain. */ if (!subdomain_mode) { struct srventry *srvs; unsigned int srvscount; size_t domainlen, targetlen; int i; err = get_dns_srv (ctrl, domain, "openpgpkey", NULL, &srvs, &srvscount); if (err) { /* Ignore server failed becuase there are too many resolvers * which do not work as expected. */ if (gpg_err_code (err) == GPG_ERR_SERVER_FAILED) err = 0; /*(srvcount is guaranteed to be 0)*/ else goto leave; } /* Check for rogue DNS names. */ for (i = 0; i < srvscount; i++) { if (!is_valid_domain_name (srvs[i].target)) { err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_DNS_ADDRESS); log_error ("rogue openpgpkey SRV record for '%s'\n", domain); xfree (srvs); goto leave; } } /* Find the first target which also ends in DOMAIN or is equal * to DOMAIN. */ domainlen = strlen (domain); for (i = 0; i < srvscount; i++) { if (DBG_DNS) log_debug ("srv: trying '%s:%hu'\n", srvs[i].target, srvs[i].port); targetlen = strlen (srvs[i].target); if ((targetlen > domainlen + 1 && srvs[i].target[targetlen - domainlen - 1] == '.' && !ascii_strcasecmp (srvs[i].target + targetlen - domainlen, domain)) || (targetlen == domainlen && !ascii_strcasecmp (srvs[i].target, domain))) { /* found. */ domainbuf = xtrystrdup (srvs[i].target); if (!domainbuf) { err = gpg_error_from_syserror (); xfree (srvs); goto leave; } domain = domainbuf; if (srvs[i].port) snprintf (portstr, sizeof portstr, ":%hu", srvs[i].port); break; } } xfree (srvs); } /* Prepare the hash of the local part. */ gcry_md_hash_buffer (GCRY_MD_SHA1, sha1buf, mbox, strlen (mbox)); encodedhash = zb32_encode (sha1buf, 8*20); if (!encodedhash) { err = gpg_error_from_syserror (); goto leave; } if (opt_submission_addr) { uri = strconcat ("https://", domain, portstr, "/.well-known/openpgpkey/", subdomain_mode? domain_orig : "", subdomain_mode? "/" : "", "submission-address", NULL); } else if (opt_policy_flags) { uri = strconcat ("https://", domain, portstr, "/.well-known/openpgpkey/", subdomain_mode? domain_orig : "", subdomain_mode? "/" : "", "policy", NULL); } else { char *escapedmbox; escapedmbox = http_escape_string (mbox, "%;?&=+#"); if (escapedmbox) { uri = strconcat ("https://", domain, portstr, "/.well-known/openpgpkey/", subdomain_mode? domain_orig : "", subdomain_mode? "/" : "", "hu/", encodedhash, "?l=", escapedmbox, NULL); xfree (escapedmbox); no_log = 1; if (uri) { err = dirmngr_status_printf (ctrl, "SOURCE", "https://%s%s", domain, portstr); if (err) goto leave; } } } if (!uri) { err = gpg_error_from_syserror (); goto leave; } /* Setup an output stream and perform the get. */ { estream_t outfp; outfp = ctx? es_fopencookie (ctx, "w", data_line_cookie_functions) : NULL; if (!outfp && ctx) err = set_error (GPG_ERR_ASS_GENERAL, "error setting up a data stream"); else { if (ctrl->server_local) { if (no_log) ctrl->server_local->inhibit_data_logging = 1; ctrl->server_local->inhibit_data_logging_now = 0; ctrl->server_local->inhibit_data_logging_count = 0; } err = ks_action_fetch (ctrl, uri, outfp); es_fclose (outfp); if (ctrl->server_local) ctrl->server_local->inhibit_data_logging = 0; /* Register the result under the domain name of MBOX. */ switch (gpg_err_code (err)) { case 0: domaininfo_set_wkd_supported (domain_orig); break; case GPG_ERR_NO_NAME: /* There is no such domain. */ domaininfo_set_no_name (domain_orig); break; case GPG_ERR_NO_DATA: if (is_wkd_query && ctrl->server_local) { /* Mark that and schedule a check. */ domaininfo_set_wkd_not_found (domain_orig); workqueue_add_task (task_check_wkd_support, domain_orig, ctrl->server_local->session_id, 1); } else if (opt_policy_flags) /* No policy file - no support. */ domaininfo_set_wkd_not_supported (domain_orig); break; default: /* Don't register other errors. */ break; } } } leave: xfree (uri); xfree (encodedhash); xfree (mbox); xfree (domainbuf); return err; } static const char hlp_wkd_get[] = "WKD_GET [--submission-address|--policy-flags] \n" "\n" "Return the key or other info for \n" "from the Web Key Directory."; static gpg_error_t cmd_wkd_get (assuan_context_t ctx, char *line) { ctrl_t ctrl = assuan_get_pointer (ctx); gpg_error_t err; err = proc_wkd_get (ctrl, ctx, line); return leave_cmd (ctx, err); } /* A task to check whether DOMAIN supports WKD. This is done by * checking whether the policy flags file can be read. */ static const char * task_check_wkd_support (ctrl_t ctrl, const char *domain) { char *string; if (!ctrl || !domain) return "check_wkd_support"; string = strconcat ("--policy-flags foo@", domain, NULL); if (!string) log_error ("%s: %s\n", __func__, gpg_strerror (gpg_error_from_syserror ())); else { proc_wkd_get (ctrl, NULL, string); xfree (string); } return NULL; } static const char hlp_ldapserver[] = "LDAPSERVER [--clear] \n" "\n" "Add a new LDAP server to the list of configured LDAP servers.\n" "DATA is in the same format as expected in the configure file.\n" "An optional prefix \"ldap:\" is allowed. With no args all\n" "configured ldapservers are listed. Option --clear removes all\n" "servers configured in this session."; static gpg_error_t cmd_ldapserver (assuan_context_t ctx, char *line) { #if USE_LDAP ctrl_t ctrl = assuan_get_pointer (ctx); ldap_server_t server; ldap_server_t *last_next_p; int clear_flag; clear_flag = has_option (line, "--clear"); line = skip_options (line); while (spacep (line)) line++; if (clear_flag) { #if USE_LDAP ldapserver_list_free (ctrl->server_local->ldapservers); #endif /*USE_LDAP*/ ctrl->server_local->ldapservers = NULL; } if (!*line && clear_flag) return leave_cmd (ctx, 0); if (!*line) { /* List all ldapservers. */ struct ldapserver_iter ldapserver_iter; char *tmpstr; char portstr[20]; for (ldapserver_iter_begin (&ldapserver_iter, ctrl); !ldapserver_iter_end_p (&ldapserver_iter); ldapserver_iter_next (&ldapserver_iter)) { server = ldapserver_iter.server; if (server->port) snprintf (portstr, sizeof portstr, "%d", server->port); else *portstr = 0; tmpstr = xtryasprintf ("ldap:%s:%s:%s:%s:%s:%s%s:", server->host? server->host : "", portstr, server->user? server->user : "", server->pass? "*****": "", server->base? server->base : "", server->starttls ? "starttls" : server->ldap_over_tls ? "ldaptls" : "none", server->ntds ? ",ntds" : ""); if (!tmpstr) return leave_cmd (ctx, gpg_error_from_syserror ()); dirmngr_status (ctrl, "LDAPSERVER", tmpstr, NULL); xfree (tmpstr); } return leave_cmd (ctx, 0); } /* Skip an "ldap:" prefix unless it is a valid ldap url. */ if (!strncmp (line, "ldap:", 5) && !(line[5] == '/' && line[6] == '/')) line += 5; server = ldapserver_parse_one (line, NULL, 0); if (! server) return leave_cmd (ctx, gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_ARG)); last_next_p = &ctrl->server_local->ldapservers; while (*last_next_p) last_next_p = &(*last_next_p)->next; *last_next_p = server; return leave_cmd (ctx, 0); #else (void)line; return leave_cmd (ctx, gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED)); #endif } static const char hlp_isvalid[] = "ISVALID [--only-ocsp] [--force-default-responder]" " []\n" "\n" "This command checks whether the certificate identified by the\n" "certificate_id is valid. This is done by consulting CRLs or\n" "whatever has been configured. Note, that the returned error codes\n" "are from gpg-error.h. The command may callback using the inquire\n" "function. See the manual for details.\n" "\n" "The CERTIFICATE_ID is a hex encoded string consisting of two parts,\n" "delimited by a single dot. The first part is the SHA-1 hash of the\n" "issuer name and the second part the serial number.\n" "\n" "If an OCSP check is desired CERTIFICATE_FPR with the hex encoded\n" "fingerprint of the certificate is required. In this case an OCSP\n" "request is done before consulting the CRL.\n" "\n" "If the option --only-ocsp is given, no fallback to a CRL check will\n" "be used.\n" "\n" "If the option --force-default-responder is given, only the default\n" "OCSP responder will be used and any other methods of obtaining an\n" "OCSP responder URL won't be used."; static gpg_error_t cmd_isvalid (assuan_context_t ctx, char *line) { ctrl_t ctrl = assuan_get_pointer (ctx); char *issuerhash, *serialno, *fpr; gpg_error_t err; int did_inquire = 0; int ocsp_mode = 0; int only_ocsp; int force_default_responder; only_ocsp = has_option (line, "--only-ocsp"); force_default_responder = has_option (line, "--force-default-responder"); line = skip_options (line); /* We need to work on a copy of the line because that same Assuan * context may be used for an inquiry. That is because Assuan * reuses its line buffer. */ issuerhash = xstrdup (line); serialno = strchr (issuerhash, '.'); if (!serialno) { xfree (issuerhash); return leave_cmd (ctx, PARM_ERROR (_("serialno missing in cert ID"))); } *serialno++ = 0; if (strlen (issuerhash) != 40) { xfree (issuerhash); return leave_cmd (ctx, PARM_ERROR ("cert ID is too short")); } fpr = strchr (serialno, ' '); while (fpr && spacep (fpr)) fpr++; if (fpr && *fpr) { char *endp = strchr (fpr, ' '); if (endp) *endp = 0; if (strlen (fpr) != 40) { xfree (issuerhash); return leave_cmd (ctx, PARM_ERROR ("fingerprint too short")); } ocsp_mode = 1; } again: if (ocsp_mode) { gnupg_isotime_t revoked_at; const char *reason; /* Note, that we currently ignore the supplied fingerprint FPR; * instead ocsp_isvalid does an inquire to ask for the cert. * The fingerprint may eventually be used to lookup the * certificate in a local cache. */ if (!opt.allow_ocsp) err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED); else err = ocsp_isvalid (ctrl, NULL, NULL, force_default_responder, revoked_at, &reason); if (gpg_err_code (err) == GPG_ERR_CERT_REVOKED) dirmngr_status_printf (ctrl, "REVOCATIONINFO", "%s %s", revoked_at, reason); if (gpg_err_code (err) == GPG_ERR_CONFIGURATION && gpg_err_source (err) == GPG_ERR_SOURCE_DIRMNGR) { /* No default responder configured - fallback to CRL. */ if (!only_ocsp) log_info ("falling back to CRL check\n"); ocsp_mode = 0; goto again; } } else if (only_ocsp) err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NO_CRL_KNOWN); else { switch (crl_cache_isvalid (ctrl, issuerhash, serialno, ctrl->force_crl_refresh)) { case CRL_CACHE_VALID: err = 0; break; case CRL_CACHE_INVALID: err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_CERT_REVOKED); break; case CRL_CACHE_DONTKNOW: if (did_inquire) err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NO_CRL_KNOWN); else if (!(err = inquire_cert_and_load_crl (ctx))) { did_inquire = 1; goto again; } break; case CRL_CACHE_NOTTRUSTED: err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NOT_TRUSTED); break; case CRL_CACHE_CANTUSE: err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_CRL_OBJ); break; default: log_fatal ("crl_cache_isvalid returned invalid code\n"); } } xfree (issuerhash); return leave_cmd (ctx, err); } /* If the line contains a SHA-1 fingerprint as the first argument, return the FPR vuffer on success. The function checks that the fingerprint consists of valid characters and prints and error message if it does not and returns NULL. Fingerprints are considered optional and thus no explicit error is returned. NULL is also returned if there is no fingerprint at all available. FPR must be a caller provided buffer of at least 20 bytes. Note that colons within the fingerprint are allowed to separate 2 hex digits; this allows for easier cutting and pasting using the usual fingerprint rendering. */ static unsigned char * get_fingerprint_from_line (const char *line, unsigned char *fpr) { const char *s; int i; for (s=line, i=0; *s && *s != ' '; s++ ) { if ( hexdigitp (s) && hexdigitp (s+1) ) { if ( i >= 20 ) return NULL; /* Fingerprint too long. */ fpr[i++] = xtoi_2 (s); s++; } else if ( *s != ':' ) return NULL; /* Invalid. */ } if ( i != 20 ) return NULL; /* Fingerprint to short. */ return fpr; } static const char hlp_checkcrl[] = "CHECKCRL []\n" "\n" "Check whether the certificate with FINGERPRINT (SHA-1 hash of the\n" "entire X.509 certificate blob) is valid or not by consulting the\n" "CRL responsible for this certificate. If the fingerprint has not\n" "been given or the certificate is not known, the function \n" "inquires the certificate using an\n" "\n" " INQUIRE TARGETCERT\n" "\n" "and the caller is expected to return the certificate for the\n" "request (which should match FINGERPRINT) as a binary blob.\n" "Processing then takes place without further interaction; in\n" "particular dirmngr tries to locate other required certificate by\n" "its own mechanism which includes a local certificate store as well\n" "as a list of trusted root certificates.\n" "\n" "The return value is the usual gpg-error code or 0 for ducesss;\n" "i.e. the certificate validity has been confirmed by a valid CRL."; static gpg_error_t cmd_checkcrl (assuan_context_t ctx, char *line) { ctrl_t ctrl = assuan_get_pointer (ctx); gpg_error_t err; unsigned char fprbuffer[20], *fpr; ksba_cert_t cert; fpr = get_fingerprint_from_line (line, fprbuffer); cert = fpr? get_cert_byfpr (fpr) : NULL; if (!cert) { /* We do not have this certificate yet or the fingerprint has not been given. Inquire it from the client. */ unsigned char *value = NULL; size_t valuelen; err = assuan_inquire (ctrl->server_local->assuan_ctx, "TARGETCERT", &value, &valuelen, MAX_CERT_LENGTH); if (err) { log_error (_("assuan_inquire failed: %s\n"), gpg_strerror (err)); goto leave; } if (!valuelen) /* No data returned; return a comprehensible error. */ err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_MISSING_CERT); else { err = ksba_cert_new (&cert); if (!err) err = ksba_cert_init_from_mem (cert, value, valuelen); } xfree (value); if(err) goto leave; } log_assert (cert); err = crl_cache_cert_isvalid (ctrl, cert, ctrl->force_crl_refresh); if (gpg_err_code (err) == GPG_ERR_NO_CRL_KNOWN) { err = crl_cache_reload_crl (ctrl, cert); if (!err) err = crl_cache_cert_isvalid (ctrl, cert, 0); } leave: ksba_cert_release (cert); return leave_cmd (ctx, err); } static const char hlp_checkocsp[] = "CHECKOCSP [--force-default-responder] []\n" "\n" "Check whether the certificate with FINGERPRINT (SHA-1 hash of the\n" "entire X.509 certificate blob) is valid or not by asking an OCSP\n" "responder responsible for this certificate. The optional\n" "fingerprint may be used for a quick check in case an OCSP check has\n" "been done for this certificate recently (we always cache OCSP\n" "responses for a couple of minutes). If the fingerprint has not been\n" "given or there is no cached result, the function inquires the\n" "certificate using an\n" "\n" " INQUIRE TARGETCERT\n" "\n" "and the caller is expected to return the certificate for the\n" "request (which should match FINGERPRINT) as a binary blob.\n" "Processing then takes place without further interaction; in\n" "particular dirmngr tries to locate other required certificates by\n" "its own mechanism which includes a local certificate store as well\n" "as a list of trusted root certificates.\n" "\n" "If the option --force-default-responder is given, only the default\n" "OCSP responder will be used and any other methods of obtaining an\n" "OCSP responder URL won't be used.\n" "\n" "The return value is the usual gpg-error code or 0 for ducesss;\n" "i.e. the certificate validity has been confirmed by a valid CRL."; static gpg_error_t cmd_checkocsp (assuan_context_t ctx, char *line) { ctrl_t ctrl = assuan_get_pointer (ctx); gpg_error_t err; unsigned char fprbuffer[20], *fpr; ksba_cert_t cert; int force_default_responder; gnupg_isotime_t revoked_at; const char *reason; force_default_responder = has_option (line, "--force-default-responder"); line = skip_options (line); fpr = get_fingerprint_from_line (line, fprbuffer); cert = fpr? get_cert_byfpr (fpr) : NULL; if (!cert) { /* We do not have this certificate yet or the fingerprint has not been given. Inquire it from the client. */ unsigned char *value = NULL; size_t valuelen; err = assuan_inquire (ctrl->server_local->assuan_ctx, "TARGETCERT", &value, &valuelen, MAX_CERT_LENGTH); if (err) { log_error (_("assuan_inquire failed: %s\n"), gpg_strerror (err)); goto leave; } if (!valuelen) /* No data returned; return a comprehensible error. */ err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_MISSING_CERT); else { err = ksba_cert_new (&cert); if (!err) err = ksba_cert_init_from_mem (cert, value, valuelen); } xfree (value); if(err) goto leave; } log_assert (cert); if (!opt.allow_ocsp) err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED); else err = ocsp_isvalid (ctrl, cert, NULL, force_default_responder, revoked_at, &reason); if (gpg_err_code (err) == GPG_ERR_CERT_REVOKED) dirmngr_status_printf (ctrl, "REVOCATIONINFO", "%s %s", revoked_at, reason); leave: ksba_cert_release (cert); return leave_cmd (ctx, err); } static int lookup_cert_by_url (assuan_context_t ctx, const char *url) { ctrl_t ctrl = assuan_get_pointer (ctx); gpg_error_t err = 0; unsigned char *value = NULL; size_t valuelen; /* Fetch single certificate given it's URL. */ err = fetch_cert_by_url (ctrl, url, &value, &valuelen); if (err) { log_error (_("fetch_cert_by_url failed: %s\n"), gpg_strerror (err)); goto leave; } /* Send the data, flush the buffer and then send an END. */ err = assuan_send_data (ctx, value, valuelen); if (!err) err = assuan_send_data (ctx, NULL, 0); if (!err) err = assuan_write_line (ctx, "END"); if (err) { log_error (_("error sending data: %s\n"), gpg_strerror (err)); goto leave; } leave: return err; } /* Send the certificate, flush the buffer and then send an END. */ static gpg_error_t return_one_cert (void *opaque, ksba_cert_t cert) { assuan_context_t ctx = opaque; gpg_error_t err; const unsigned char *der; size_t derlen; der = ksba_cert_get_image (cert, &derlen); if (!der) err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_CERT_OBJ); else { err = assuan_send_data (ctx, der, derlen); if (!err) err = assuan_send_data (ctx, NULL, 0); if (!err) err = assuan_write_line (ctx, "END"); } if (err) log_error (_("error sending data: %s\n"), gpg_strerror (err)); return err; } /* Lookup certificates from the internal cache or using the ldap servers. */ static int lookup_cert_by_pattern (assuan_context_t ctx, char *line, int single, int cache_only) { gpg_error_t err = 0; char *p; strlist_t sl, list = NULL; int truncated = 0, truncation_forced = 0; int count = 0; int local_count = 0; #if USE_LDAP ctrl_t ctrl = assuan_get_pointer (ctx); unsigned char *value = NULL; size_t valuelen; struct ldapserver_iter ldapserver_iter; cert_fetch_context_t fetch_context; #endif /*USE_LDAP*/ int any_no_data = 0; /* Break the line down into an STRLIST */ for (p=line; *p; line = p) { while (*p && *p != ' ') p++; if (*p) *p++ = 0; if (*line) { sl = xtrymalloc (sizeof *sl + strlen (line)); if (!sl) { err = gpg_error_from_errno (errno); goto leave; } memset (sl, 0, sizeof *sl); strcpy_escaped_plus (sl->d, line); sl->next = list; list = sl; } } /* First look through the internal cache. The certificates returned here are not counted towards the truncation limit. */ if (single && !cache_only) ; /* Do not read from the local cache in this case. */ else { for (sl=list; sl; sl = sl->next) { err = get_certs_bypattern (sl->d, return_one_cert, ctx); if (!err) local_count++; if (!err && single) goto ready; if (gpg_err_code (err) == GPG_ERR_NO_DATA || gpg_err_code (err) == GPG_ERR_NOT_FOUND) { err = 0; if (cache_only) any_no_data = 1; } else if (gpg_err_code (err) == GPG_ERR_INV_NAME && !cache_only) { /* No real fault because the internal pattern lookup can't yet cope with all types of pattern. */ err = 0; } if (err) goto ready; } } /* Loop over all configured servers unless we want only the certificates from the cache. */ #if USE_LDAP for (ldapserver_iter_begin (&ldapserver_iter, ctrl); !cache_only && !ldapserver_iter_end_p (&ldapserver_iter) && ldapserver_iter.server->host && !truncation_forced; ldapserver_iter_next (&ldapserver_iter)) { ldap_server_t ldapserver = ldapserver_iter.server; if (DBG_LOOKUP) log_debug ("cmd_lookup: trying %s:%d base=%s\n", ldapserver->host, ldapserver->port, ldapserver->base?ldapserver->base : "[default]"); /* Fetch certificates matching pattern */ err = start_cert_fetch (ctrl, &fetch_context, list, ldapserver); if ( gpg_err_code (err) == GPG_ERR_NO_DATA ) { if (DBG_LOOKUP) log_debug ("cmd_lookup: no data\n"); err = 0; any_no_data = 1; continue; } if (err) { log_error (_("start_cert_fetch failed: %s\n"), gpg_strerror (err)); goto leave; } /* Fetch the certificates for this query. */ while (!truncation_forced) { xfree (value); value = NULL; err = fetch_next_cert (fetch_context, &value, &valuelen); if (gpg_err_code (err) == GPG_ERR_NO_DATA ) { err = 0; any_no_data = 1; break; /* Ready. */ } if (gpg_err_code (err) == GPG_ERR_TRUNCATED) { truncated = 1; err = 0; break; /* Ready. */ } if (gpg_err_code (err) == GPG_ERR_EOF) { err = 0; break; /* Ready. */ } if (!err && !value) { err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_BUG); goto leave; } if (err) { log_error (_("fetch_next_cert failed: %s\n"), gpg_strerror (err)); end_cert_fetch (fetch_context); goto leave; } if (DBG_LOOKUP) log_debug ("cmd_lookup: returning one cert%s\n", truncated? " (truncated)":""); /* Send the data, flush the buffer and then send an END line as a certificate delimiter. */ err = assuan_send_data (ctx, value, valuelen); if (!err) err = assuan_send_data (ctx, NULL, 0); if (!err) err = assuan_write_line (ctx, "END"); if (err) { log_error (_("error sending data: %s\n"), gpg_strerror (err)); end_cert_fetch (fetch_context); goto leave; } if (++count >= opt.max_replies ) { truncation_forced = 1; log_info (_("max_replies %d exceeded\n"), opt.max_replies ); } if (single) break; } end_cert_fetch (fetch_context); } #endif /*USE_LDAP*/ ready: if (truncated || truncation_forced) { char str[50]; sprintf (str, "%d", count); assuan_write_status (ctx, "TRUNCATED", str); } if (!err && !count && !local_count && any_no_data) err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NO_DATA); leave: free_strlist (list); return err; } static const char hlp_lookup[] = "LOOKUP [--url] [--single] [--cache-only] \n" "\n" "Lookup certificates matching PATTERN. With --url the pattern is\n" "expected to be one URL.\n" "\n" "If --url is not given: To allow for multiple patterns (which are ORed)\n" "quoting is required: Spaces are translated to \"+\" or \"%20\";\n" "obviously this requires that the usual escape quoting rules are applied.\n" "\n" "If --url is given no special escaping is required because URLs are\n" "already escaped this way.\n" "\n" "If --single is given the first and only the first match will be\n" "returned. If --cache-only is _not_ given, no local query will be\n" "done.\n" "\n" "If --cache-only is given no external lookup is done so that only\n" "certificates from the cache may get returned."; static gpg_error_t cmd_lookup (assuan_context_t ctx, char *line) { gpg_error_t err; int lookup_url, single, cache_only; lookup_url = has_leading_option (line, "--url"); single = has_leading_option (line, "--single"); cache_only = has_leading_option (line, "--cache-only"); line = skip_options (line); if (lookup_url && cache_only) err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NOT_FOUND); else if (lookup_url && single) err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED); else if (lookup_url) err = lookup_cert_by_url (ctx, line); else err = lookup_cert_by_pattern (ctx, line, single, cache_only); return leave_cmd (ctx, err); } static const char hlp_loadcrl[] = "LOADCRL [--url] \n" "\n" "Load the CRL in the file with name FILENAME into our cache. Note\n" "that FILENAME should be given with an absolute path because\n" "Dirmngrs cwd is not known. With --url the CRL is directly loaded\n" "from the given URL.\n" "\n" "This command is usually used by gpgsm using the invocation \"gpgsm\n" "--call-dirmngr loadcrl \". A direct invocation of Dirmngr\n" "is not useful because gpgsm might need to callback gpgsm to ask for\n" "the CA's certificate."; static gpg_error_t cmd_loadcrl (assuan_context_t ctx, char *line) { ctrl_t ctrl = assuan_get_pointer (ctx); gpg_error_t err = 0; int use_url = has_leading_option (line, "--url"); line = skip_options (line); if (use_url) { ksba_reader_t reader; err = crl_fetch (ctrl, line, &reader); if (err) log_error (_("fetching CRL from '%s' failed: %s\n"), line, gpg_strerror (err)); else { err = crl_cache_insert (ctrl, line, reader); if (err) log_error (_("processing CRL from '%s' failed: %s\n"), line, gpg_strerror (err)); crl_close_reader (reader); } } else { char *buf; buf = xtrymalloc (strlen (line)+1); if (!buf) err = gpg_error_from_syserror (); else { strcpy_escaped_plus (buf, line); err = crl_cache_load (ctrl, buf); xfree (buf); } } return leave_cmd (ctx, err); } static const char hlp_listcrls[] = "LISTCRLS\n" "\n" "List the content of all CRLs in a readable format. This command is\n" "usually used by gpgsm using the invocation \"gpgsm --call-dirmngr\n" "listcrls\". It may also be used directly using \"dirmngr\n" "--list-crls\"."; static gpg_error_t cmd_listcrls (assuan_context_t ctx, char *line) { gpg_error_t err; estream_t fp; (void)line; fp = es_fopencookie (ctx, "w", data_line_cookie_functions); if (!fp) err = set_error (GPG_ERR_ASS_GENERAL, "error setting up a data stream"); else { err = crl_cache_list (fp); es_fclose (fp); } return leave_cmd (ctx, err); } static const char hlp_cachecert[] = "CACHECERT\n" "\n" "Put a certificate into the internal cache. This command might be\n" "useful if a client knows in advance certificates required for a\n" "test and wants to make sure they get added to the internal cache.\n" "It is also helpful for debugging. To get the actual certificate,\n" "this command immediately inquires it using\n" "\n" " INQUIRE TARGETCERT\n" "\n" "and the caller is expected to return the certificate for the\n" "request as a binary blob."; static gpg_error_t cmd_cachecert (assuan_context_t ctx, char *line) { ctrl_t ctrl = assuan_get_pointer (ctx); gpg_error_t err; ksba_cert_t cert = NULL; unsigned char *value = NULL; size_t valuelen; (void)line; err = assuan_inquire (ctrl->server_local->assuan_ctx, "TARGETCERT", &value, &valuelen, MAX_CERT_LENGTH); if (err) { log_error (_("assuan_inquire failed: %s\n"), gpg_strerror (err)); goto leave; } if (!valuelen) /* No data returned; return a comprehensible error. */ err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_MISSING_CERT); else { err = ksba_cert_new (&cert); if (!err) err = ksba_cert_init_from_mem (cert, value, valuelen); } xfree (value); if(err) goto leave; err = cache_cert (cert); leave: ksba_cert_release (cert); return leave_cmd (ctx, err); } static const char hlp_validate[] = "VALIDATE [--systrust] [--tls] [--no-crl]\n" "\n" "Validate a certificate using the certificate validation function\n" "used internally by dirmngr. This command is only useful for\n" "debugging. To get the actual certificate, this command immediately\n" "inquires it using\n" "\n" " INQUIRE TARGETCERT\n" "\n" "and the caller is expected to return the certificate for the\n" "request as a binary blob. The option --tls modifies this by asking\n" "for list of certificates with\n" "\n" " INQUIRE CERTLIST\n" "\n" "Here the first certificate is the target certificate, the remaining\n" "certificates are suggested intermediary certificates. All certificates\n" "need to be PEM encoded.\n" "\n" "The option --systrust changes the behaviour to include the system\n" "provided root certificates as trust anchors. The option --no-crl\n" "skips CRL checks"; static gpg_error_t cmd_validate (assuan_context_t ctx, char *line) { ctrl_t ctrl = assuan_get_pointer (ctx); gpg_error_t err; ksba_cert_t cert = NULL; certlist_t certlist = NULL; unsigned char *value = NULL; size_t valuelen; int systrust_mode, tls_mode, no_crl; systrust_mode = has_option (line, "--systrust"); tls_mode = has_option (line, "--tls"); no_crl = has_option (line, "--no-crl"); line = skip_options (line); if (tls_mode) err = assuan_inquire (ctrl->server_local->assuan_ctx, "CERTLIST", &value, &valuelen, MAX_CERTLIST_LENGTH); else err = assuan_inquire (ctrl->server_local->assuan_ctx, "TARGETCERT", &value, &valuelen, MAX_CERT_LENGTH); if (err) { log_error (_("assuan_inquire failed: %s\n"), gpg_strerror (err)); goto leave; } if (!valuelen) /* No data returned; return a comprehensible error. */ err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_MISSING_CERT); else if (tls_mode) { estream_t fp; fp = es_fopenmem_init (0, "rb", value, valuelen); if (!fp) err = gpg_error_from_syserror (); else { err = read_certlist_from_stream (&certlist, fp); es_fclose (fp); if (!err && !certlist) err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_MISSING_CERT); if (!err) { /* Extract the first certificate from the list. */ cert = certlist->cert; ksba_cert_ref (cert); } } } else { err = ksba_cert_new (&cert); if (!err) err = ksba_cert_init_from_mem (cert, value, valuelen); } xfree (value); if(err) goto leave; if (!tls_mode) { /* If we have this certificate already in our cache, use the * cached version for validation because this will take care of * any cached results. We don't need to do this in tls mode * because this has already been done for certificate in a * certlist_t. */ unsigned char fpr[20]; ksba_cert_t tmpcert; cert_compute_fpr (cert, fpr); tmpcert = get_cert_byfpr (fpr); if (tmpcert) { ksba_cert_release (cert); cert = tmpcert; } } /* Quick hack to make verification work by inserting the supplied * certs into the cache. */ if (tls_mode && certlist) { certlist_t cl; for (cl = certlist->next; cl; cl = cl->next) cache_cert (cl->cert); } err = validate_cert_chain (ctrl, cert, NULL, (VALIDATE_FLAG_TRUST_CONFIG | (tls_mode ? VALIDATE_FLAG_TLS : 0) | (systrust_mode ? VALIDATE_FLAG_TRUST_SYSTEM : 0) | (no_crl ? VALIDATE_FLAG_NOCRLCHECK : 0)), NULL); leave: ksba_cert_release (cert); release_certlist (certlist); return leave_cmd (ctx, err); } /* Parse an keyserver URI and store it in a new uri item which is returned at R_ITEM. On error return an error code. */ static gpg_error_t make_keyserver_item (const char *uri, uri_item_t *r_item) { gpg_error_t err; uri_item_t item; char *tmpstr = NULL; #if USE_LDAP const char *s; #endif *r_item = NULL; /* We used to have DNS CNAME redirection from the URLs below to * sks-keyserver. pools. The idea was to allow for a quick way to * switch to a different set of pools. The problem with that * approach is that TLS needs to verify the hostname and - because * DNS is not secured - it can only check the user supplied hostname * and not a hostname from a CNAME RR. Thus the final server all * need to have certificates with the actual pool name as well as * for keys.gnupg.net - that would render the advantage of * keys.gnupg.net useless and so we better give up on this. Because * the keys.gnupg.net URL are still in widespread use we do a static * mapping here. */ if (!strcmp (uri, "hkps://keys.gnupg.net") || !strcmp (uri, "keys.gnupg.net")) uri = "hkps://keyserver.ubuntu.com"; else if (!strcmp (uri, "https://keys.gnupg.net")) uri = "hkps://keyserver.ubuntu.com"; else if (!strcmp (uri, "hkp://keys.gnupg.net")) uri = "hkp://keyserver.ubuntu.com"; else if (!strcmp (uri, "http://keys.gnupg.net")) uri = "hkp://keyserver.ubuntu.com:80"; else if (!strcmp (uri, "hkps://http-keys.gnupg.net") || !strcmp (uri, "http-keys.gnupg.net")) uri = "hkps://keyserver.ubuntu.com"; else if (!strcmp (uri, "https://http-keys.gnupg.net")) uri = "hkps://keyserver.ubuntu.com"; else if (!strcmp (uri, "hkp://http-keys.gnupg.net")) uri = "hkp://keyserver.ubuntu.com"; else if (!strcmp (uri, "http://http-keys.gnupg.net")) uri = "hkp://keyserver.ubuntu.com:80"; item = xtrymalloc (sizeof *item + strlen (uri)); if (!item) return gpg_error_from_syserror (); item->next = NULL; item->parsed_uri = NULL; strcpy (item->uri, uri); #if USE_LDAP if (!strncmp (uri, "ldap:", 5) && !(uri[5] == '/' && uri[6] == '/')) { /* Special ldap scheme given. This differs from a valid ldap * scheme in that no double slash follows.. Use http_parse_uri * to put it as opaque value into parsed_uri. */ tmpstr = strconcat ("opaque:", uri+5, NULL); if (!tmpstr) err = gpg_error_from_syserror (); else err = http_parse_uri (&item->parsed_uri, tmpstr, 0); } else if ((s=strchr (uri, ':')) && !(s[1] == '/' && s[2] == '/')) { /* No valid scheme given. Use http_parse_uri to put the string * as opaque value into parsed_uri. */ tmpstr = strconcat ("opaque:", uri, NULL); if (!tmpstr) err = gpg_error_from_syserror (); else err = http_parse_uri (&item->parsed_uri, tmpstr, 0); } else if (ldap_uri_p (uri)) { int fixup = 0; /* Fixme: We should get rid of that parser and replace it with * our generic (http) URI parser. */ /* If no port has been specified and the scheme ist ldaps we use * our idea of the default port because the standard LDAP URL * parser would use 636 here. This is because we redefined * ldaps to mean starttls. */ #ifdef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM if (!strcmp (uri, "ldap:///")) fixup = 1; else #endif if (!http_parse_uri (&item->parsed_uri,uri,HTTP_PARSE_NO_SCHEME_CHECK)) { if (!item->parsed_uri->port && !strcmp (item->parsed_uri->scheme, "ldaps")) fixup = 2; http_release_parsed_uri (item->parsed_uri); item->parsed_uri = NULL; } err = ldap_parse_uri (&item->parsed_uri, uri); if (!err && fixup == 1) item->parsed_uri->ad_current = 1; else if (!err && fixup == 2) item->parsed_uri->port = 389; } else #endif /* USE_LDAP */ { err = http_parse_uri (&item->parsed_uri, uri, HTTP_PARSE_NO_SCHEME_CHECK); } xfree (tmpstr); if (err) xfree (item); else *r_item = item; return err; } /* If no keyserver is stored in CTRL but a global keyserver has been set, put that global keyserver into CTRL. We need use this function to help migrate from the old gpg based keyserver configuration to the new dirmngr based configuration. */ static gpg_error_t ensure_keyserver (ctrl_t ctrl) { gpg_error_t err; uri_item_t item; uri_item_t onion_items = NULL; uri_item_t plain_items = NULL; uri_item_t ui; strlist_t sl; if (ctrl->server_local->keyservers) return 0; /* Already set for this session. */ if (!opt.keyserver) { /* No global option set. Fall back to default: */ return make_keyserver_item (DIRMNGR_DEFAULT_KEYSERVER, &ctrl->server_local->keyservers); } for (sl = opt.keyserver; sl; sl = sl->next) { err = make_keyserver_item (sl->d, &item); if (err) goto leave; if (item->parsed_uri->onion) { item->next = onion_items; onion_items = item; } else { item->next = plain_items; plain_items = item; } } /* Decide which to use. Note that the session has no keyservers yet set. */ if (onion_items && !onion_items->next && plain_items && !plain_items->next) { /* If there is just one onion and one plain keyserver given, we take only one depending on whether Tor is running or not. */ if (!dirmngr_never_use_tor_p () && is_tor_running (ctrl)) { ctrl->server_local->keyservers = onion_items; onion_items = NULL; } else { ctrl->server_local->keyservers = plain_items; plain_items = NULL; } } else if (dirmngr_never_use_tor_p () || !is_tor_running (ctrl)) { /* Tor is not running. It does not make sense to add Onion addresses. */ ctrl->server_local->keyservers = plain_items; plain_items = NULL; } else { /* In all other cases add all keyservers. */ ctrl->server_local->keyservers = onion_items; onion_items = NULL; for (ui = ctrl->server_local->keyservers; ui && ui->next; ui = ui->next) ; if (ui) ui->next = plain_items; else ctrl->server_local->keyservers = plain_items; plain_items = NULL; } leave: release_uri_item_list (onion_items); release_uri_item_list (plain_items); return err; } static const char hlp_keyserver[] = "KEYSERVER [] [|]\n" "Options are:\n" " --help\n" " --clear Remove all configured keyservers\n" " --resolve Resolve HKP host names and rotate\n" " --hosttable Print table of known hosts and pools\n" " --dead Mark as dead\n" " --alive Mark as alive\n" "\n" "If called without arguments list all configured keyserver URLs.\n" "If called with an URI add this as keyserver. Note that keyservers\n" "are configured on a per-session base. A default keyserver may already be\n" "present, thus the \"--clear\" option must be used to get full control.\n" "If \"--clear\" and an URI are used together the clear command is\n" "obviously executed first. A RESET command does not change the list\n" "of configured keyservers."; static gpg_error_t cmd_keyserver (assuan_context_t ctx, char *line) { ctrl_t ctrl = assuan_get_pointer (ctx); gpg_error_t err = 0; int clear_flag, add_flag, help_flag, host_flag, resolve_flag; int dead_flag, alive_flag; uri_item_t item = NULL; /* gcc 4.4.5 is not able to detect that it is always initialized. */ clear_flag = has_option (line, "--clear"); help_flag = has_option (line, "--help"); resolve_flag = has_option (line, "--resolve"); host_flag = has_option (line, "--hosttable"); dead_flag = has_option (line, "--dead"); alive_flag = has_option (line, "--alive"); line = skip_options (line); add_flag = !!*line; if (help_flag) { err = ks_action_help (ctrl, line); goto leave; } if (resolve_flag) { err = ensure_keyserver (ctrl); if (err) { assuan_set_error (ctx, err, "Bad keyserver configuration in dirmngr.conf"); goto leave; } err = ks_action_resolve (ctrl, ctrl->server_local->keyservers); if (err) goto leave; } if (alive_flag && dead_flag) { err = set_error (GPG_ERR_ASS_PARAMETER, "no support for zombies"); goto leave; } if (dead_flag) { err = check_owner_permission (ctx, "no permission to use --dead"); if (err) goto leave; } if (alive_flag || dead_flag) { if (!*line) { err = set_error (GPG_ERR_ASS_PARAMETER, "name of host missing"); goto leave; } err = ks_hkp_mark_host (ctrl, line, alive_flag); if (err) goto leave; } if (host_flag) { err = ks_hkp_print_hosttable (ctrl); if (err) goto leave; } if (resolve_flag || host_flag || alive_flag || dead_flag) goto leave; if (add_flag) { err = make_keyserver_item (line, &item); if (err) goto leave; } if (clear_flag) release_ctrl_keyservers (ctrl); if (add_flag) { item->next = ctrl->server_local->keyservers; ctrl->server_local->keyservers = item; } if (!add_flag && !clear_flag && !help_flag) { /* List configured keyservers. However, we first add a global keyserver. */ uri_item_t u; err = ensure_keyserver (ctrl); if (err) { assuan_set_error (ctx, err, "Bad keyserver configuration in dirmngr.conf"); goto leave; } for (u=ctrl->server_local->keyservers; u; u = u->next) dirmngr_status (ctrl, "KEYSERVER", u->uri, NULL); } err = 0; leave: return leave_cmd (ctx, err); } static const char hlp_ks_search[] = "KS_SEARCH {}\n" "\n" "Search the configured OpenPGP keyservers (see command KEYSERVER)\n" "for keys matching PATTERN"; static gpg_error_t cmd_ks_search (assuan_context_t ctx, char *line) { ctrl_t ctrl = assuan_get_pointer (ctx); gpg_error_t err; strlist_t list, sl; char *p; estream_t outfp; if (has_option (line, "--quick")) ctrl->timeout = opt.connect_quick_timeout; line = skip_options (line); /* Break the line down into an strlist. Each pattern is percent-plus escaped. */ list = NULL; for (p=line; *p; line = p) { while (*p && *p != ' ') p++; if (*p) *p++ = 0; if (*line) { sl = xtrymalloc (sizeof *sl + strlen (line)); if (!sl) { err = gpg_error_from_syserror (); goto leave; } sl->flags = 0; strcpy_escaped_plus (sl->d, line); sl->next = list; list = sl; } } err = ensure_keyserver (ctrl); if (err) goto leave; /* Setup an output stream and perform the search. */ outfp = es_fopencookie (ctx, "w", data_line_cookie_functions); if (!outfp) err = set_error (GPG_ERR_ASS_GENERAL, "error setting up a data stream"); else { err = ks_action_search (ctrl, ctrl->server_local->keyservers, list, outfp); es_fclose (outfp); } leave: free_strlist (list); return leave_cmd (ctx, err); } static const char hlp_ks_get[] = "KS_GET [--quick] [--ldap] [--first|--next] {}\n" "\n" "Get the keys matching PATTERN from the configured OpenPGP keyservers\n" "(see command KEYSERVER). Each pattern should be a keyid, a fingerprint,\n" "or an exact name indicated by the '=' prefix. Option --quick uses a\n" "shorter timeout; --ldap will use only ldap servers. With --first only\n" "the first item is returned; --next is used to return the next item"; static gpg_error_t cmd_ks_get (assuan_context_t ctx, char *line) { ctrl_t ctrl = assuan_get_pointer (ctx); gpg_error_t err; strlist_t list, sl; char *p; estream_t outfp; unsigned int flags = 0; if (has_option (line, "--quick")) ctrl->timeout = opt.connect_quick_timeout; if (has_option (line, "--ldap")) flags |= KS_GET_FLAG_ONLY_LDAP; if (has_option (line, "--first")) flags |= KS_GET_FLAG_FIRST; if (has_option (line, "--next")) flags |= KS_GET_FLAG_NEXT; line = skip_options (line); /* Break the line into a strlist. Each pattern is by definition percent-plus escaped. However we only support keyids and fingerprints and thus the client has no need to apply the escaping. */ list = NULL; for (p=line; *p; line = p) { while (*p && *p != ' ') p++; if (*p) *p++ = 0; if (*line) { sl = xtrymalloc (sizeof *sl + strlen (line)); if (!sl) { err = gpg_error_from_syserror (); goto leave; } sl->flags = 0; strcpy_escaped_plus (sl->d, line); sl->next = list; list = sl; } } if ((flags & KS_GET_FLAG_FIRST) && !(flags & KS_GET_FLAG_ONLY_LDAP)) { err = PARM_ERROR ("--first is only supported with --ldap"); goto leave; } if (list && list->next && (flags & KS_GET_FLAG_FIRST)) { /* ks_action_get loops over the pattern and we can't easily keep * this state. */ err = PARM_ERROR ("Only one pattern allowed with --first"); goto leave; } if (!list && (flags & KS_GET_FLAG_FIRST)) { /* Need to add a dummy pattern if no pattern is given. */ if (!add_to_strlist_try (&list, "")) { err = gpg_error_from_syserror (); goto leave; } } if ((flags & KS_GET_FLAG_NEXT)) { if (list || (flags & ~KS_GET_FLAG_NEXT)) { err = PARM_ERROR ("No pattern or other options allowed with --next"); goto leave; } /* Add a dummy pattern. */ if (!add_to_strlist_try (&list, "")) { err = gpg_error_from_syserror (); goto leave; } } err = ensure_keyserver (ctrl); if (err) goto leave; /* Setup an output stream and perform the get. */ outfp = es_fopencookie (ctx, "w", data_line_cookie_functions); if (!outfp) err = set_error (GPG_ERR_ASS_GENERAL, "error setting up a data stream"); else { ctrl->server_local->inhibit_data_logging = 1; ctrl->server_local->inhibit_data_logging_now = 0; ctrl->server_local->inhibit_data_logging_count = 0; err = ks_action_get (ctrl, ctrl->server_local->keyservers, list, flags, outfp); es_fclose (outfp); ctrl->server_local->inhibit_data_logging = 0; } leave: free_strlist (list); return leave_cmd (ctx, err); } static const char hlp_ks_fetch[] = "KS_FETCH \n" "\n" "Get the key(s) from URL."; static gpg_error_t cmd_ks_fetch (assuan_context_t ctx, char *line) { ctrl_t ctrl = assuan_get_pointer (ctx); gpg_error_t err; estream_t outfp; if (has_option (line, "--quick")) ctrl->timeout = opt.connect_quick_timeout; line = skip_options (line); err = ensure_keyserver (ctrl); /* FIXME: Why do we needs this here? */ if (err) goto leave; /* Setup an output stream and perform the get. */ outfp = es_fopencookie (ctx, "w", data_line_cookie_functions); if (!outfp) err = set_error (GPG_ERR_ASS_GENERAL, "error setting up a data stream"); else { ctrl->server_local->inhibit_data_logging = 1; ctrl->server_local->inhibit_data_logging_now = 0; ctrl->server_local->inhibit_data_logging_count = 0; err = ks_action_fetch (ctrl, line, outfp); es_fclose (outfp); ctrl->server_local->inhibit_data_logging = 0; } leave: return leave_cmd (ctx, err); } static const char hlp_ks_put[] = "KS_PUT\n" "\n" "Send a key to the configured OpenPGP keyservers. The actual key material\n" "is then requested by Dirmngr using\n" "\n" " INQUIRE KEYBLOCK\n" "\n" "The client shall respond with a binary version of the keyblock (e.g.,\n" "the output of `gpg --export KEYID'). For LDAP\n" "keyservers Dirmngr may ask for meta information of the provided keyblock\n" "using:\n" "\n" " INQUIRE KEYBLOCK_INFO\n" "\n" "The client shall respond with a colon delimited info lines (the output\n" "of 'gpg --list-keys --with-colons KEYID').\n"; static gpg_error_t cmd_ks_put (assuan_context_t ctx, char *line) { ctrl_t ctrl = assuan_get_pointer (ctx); gpg_error_t err; unsigned char *value = NULL; size_t valuelen; unsigned char *info = NULL; size_t infolen; /* No options for now. */ line = skip_options (line); err = ensure_keyserver (ctrl); if (err) goto leave; /* Ask for the key material. */ err = assuan_inquire (ctx, "KEYBLOCK", &value, &valuelen, MAX_KEYBLOCK_LENGTH); if (err) { log_error (_("assuan_inquire failed: %s\n"), gpg_strerror (err)); goto leave; } if (!valuelen) /* No data returned; return a comprehensible error. */ { err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_MISSING_CERT); goto leave; } /* Ask for the key meta data. */ err = assuan_inquire (ctx, "KEYBLOCK_INFO", &info, &infolen, MAX_KEYBLOCK_LENGTH); if (err) { log_error (_("assuan_inquire failed: %s\n"), gpg_strerror (err)); goto leave; } /* Send the key. */ err = ks_action_put (ctrl, ctrl->server_local->keyservers, value, valuelen, info, infolen); leave: xfree (info); xfree (value); return leave_cmd (ctx, err); } static const char hlp_loadswdb[] = "LOADSWDB [--force]\n" "\n" "Load and verify the swdb.lst from the Net."; static gpg_error_t cmd_loadswdb (assuan_context_t ctx, char *line) { ctrl_t ctrl = assuan_get_pointer (ctx); gpg_error_t err; err = dirmngr_load_swdb (ctrl, has_option (line, "--force")); return leave_cmd (ctx, err); } static const char hlp_getinfo[] = "GETINFO \n" "\n" "Multi purpose command to return certain information. \n" "Supported values of WHAT are:\n" "\n" - "version - Return the version of the program.\n" - "pid - Return the process id of the server.\n" + "version - Return the version of the program\n" + "pid - Return the process id of the server\n" "tor - Return OK if running in Tor mode\n" "dnsinfo - Return info about the DNS resolver\n" - "socket_name - Return the name of the socket.\n" - "session_id - Return the current session_id.\n" + "socket_name - Return the name of the socket\n" + "session_id - Return the current session_id\n" "workqueue - Inspect the work queue\n" + "stats - Print stats\n" "getenv NAME - Return value of envvar NAME\n"; static gpg_error_t cmd_getinfo (assuan_context_t ctx, char *line) { ctrl_t ctrl = assuan_get_pointer (ctx); gpg_error_t err; char numbuf[50]; if (!strcmp (line, "version")) { const char *s = VERSION; err = assuan_send_data (ctx, s, strlen (s)); } else if (!strcmp (line, "pid")) { snprintf (numbuf, sizeof numbuf, "%lu", (unsigned long)getpid ()); err = assuan_send_data (ctx, numbuf, strlen (numbuf)); } else if (!strcmp (line, "socket_name")) { const char *s = dirmngr_get_current_socket_name (); err = assuan_send_data (ctx, s, strlen (s)); } else if (!strcmp (line, "session_id")) { snprintf (numbuf, sizeof numbuf, "%u", ctrl->server_local->session_id); err = assuan_send_data (ctx, numbuf, strlen (numbuf)); } else if (!strcmp (line, "tor")) { int use_tor; use_tor = dirmngr_use_tor (); if (use_tor) { if (!is_tor_running (ctrl)) err = assuan_write_status (ctx, "NO_TOR", "Tor not running"); else err = 0; if (!err) assuan_set_okay_line (ctx, use_tor == 1 ? "- Tor mode is enabled" /**/ : "- Tor mode is enforced"); } else err = set_error (GPG_ERR_FALSE, "Tor mode is NOT enabled"); } else if (!strcmp (line, "dnsinfo")) { if (standard_resolver_p ()) assuan_set_okay_line (ctx, "- Forced use of System resolver (w/o Tor support)"); else { #ifdef USE_LIBDNS assuan_set_okay_line (ctx, (recursive_resolver_p () ? "- Libdns recursive resolver" : "- Libdns stub resolver")); #else assuan_set_okay_line (ctx, "- System resolver (w/o Tor support)"); #endif } err = 0; } else if (!strcmp (line, "workqueue")) { workqueue_dump_queue (ctrl); err = 0; } + else if (!strcmp (line, "stats")) + { + cert_cache_print_stats (ctrl); + domaininfo_print_stats (ctrl); + err = 0; + } else if (!strncmp (line, "getenv", 6) && (line[6] == ' ' || line[6] == '\t' || !line[6])) { line += 6; while (*line == ' ' || *line == '\t') line++; if (!*line) err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_MISSING_VALUE); else { const char *s = getenv (line); if (!s) err = set_error (GPG_ERR_NOT_FOUND, "No such envvar"); else err = assuan_send_data (ctx, s, strlen (s)); } } else err = set_error (GPG_ERR_ASS_PARAMETER, "unknown value for WHAT"); return leave_cmd (ctx, err); } static const char hlp_killdirmngr[] = "KILLDIRMNGR\n" "\n" "This command allows a user - given sufficient permissions -\n" "to kill this dirmngr process.\n"; static gpg_error_t cmd_killdirmngr (assuan_context_t ctx, char *line) { ctrl_t ctrl = assuan_get_pointer (ctx); (void)line; ctrl->server_local->stopme = 1; assuan_set_flag (ctx, ASSUAN_FORCE_CLOSE, 1); return 0; } static const char hlp_reloaddirmngr[] = "RELOADDIRMNGR\n" "\n" "This command is an alternative to SIGHUP\n" "to reload the configuration."; static gpg_error_t cmd_reloaddirmngr (assuan_context_t ctx, char *line) { (void)ctx; (void)line; dirmngr_sighup_action (); return 0; } static const char hlp_flushcrls[] = "FLUSHCRLS\n" "\n" "Remove all cached CRLs from memory and\n" "the file system."; static gpg_error_t cmd_flushcrls (assuan_context_t ctx, char *line) { (void)line; return leave_cmd (ctx, crl_cache_flush () ? GPG_ERR_GENERAL : 0); } /* Tell the assuan library about our commands. */ static int register_commands (assuan_context_t ctx) { static struct { const char *name; assuan_handler_t handler; const char * const help; } table[] = { { "DNS_CERT", cmd_dns_cert, hlp_dns_cert }, { "WKD_GET", cmd_wkd_get, hlp_wkd_get }, { "LDAPSERVER", cmd_ldapserver, hlp_ldapserver }, { "ISVALID", cmd_isvalid, hlp_isvalid }, { "CHECKCRL", cmd_checkcrl, hlp_checkcrl }, { "CHECKOCSP", cmd_checkocsp, hlp_checkocsp }, { "LOOKUP", cmd_lookup, hlp_lookup }, { "LOADCRL", cmd_loadcrl, hlp_loadcrl }, { "LISTCRLS", cmd_listcrls, hlp_listcrls }, { "CACHECERT", cmd_cachecert, hlp_cachecert }, { "VALIDATE", cmd_validate, hlp_validate }, { "KEYSERVER", cmd_keyserver, hlp_keyserver }, { "KS_SEARCH", cmd_ks_search, hlp_ks_search }, { "KS_GET", cmd_ks_get, hlp_ks_get }, { "KS_FETCH", cmd_ks_fetch, hlp_ks_fetch }, { "KS_PUT", cmd_ks_put, hlp_ks_put }, { "GETINFO", cmd_getinfo, hlp_getinfo }, { "LOADSWDB", cmd_loadswdb, hlp_loadswdb }, { "KILLDIRMNGR",cmd_killdirmngr,hlp_killdirmngr }, { "RELOADDIRMNGR",cmd_reloaddirmngr,hlp_reloaddirmngr }, { "FLUSHCRLS", cmd_flushcrls, hlp_flushcrls }, { NULL, NULL } }; int i, j, rc; for (i=j=0; table[i].name; i++) { rc = assuan_register_command (ctx, table[i].name, table[i].handler, table[i].help); if (rc) return rc; } return 0; } /* Note that we do not reset the list of configured keyservers. */ static gpg_error_t reset_notify (assuan_context_t ctx, char *line) { ctrl_t ctrl = assuan_get_pointer (ctx); (void)line; #if USE_LDAP ldapserver_list_free (ctrl->server_local->ldapservers); #endif /*USE_LDAP*/ ctrl->server_local->ldapservers = NULL; return 0; } /* This function is called by our assuan log handler to test whether a * log message shall really be printed. The function must return * false to inhibit the logging of MSG. CAT gives the requested log * category. MSG might be NULL. */ int dirmngr_assuan_log_monitor (assuan_context_t ctx, unsigned int cat, const char *msg) { ctrl_t ctrl = assuan_get_pointer (ctx); (void)cat; (void)msg; if (!ctrl || !ctrl->server_local) return 1; /* Can't decide - allow logging. */ if (!ctrl->server_local->inhibit_data_logging) return 1; /* Not requested - allow logging. */ /* Disallow logging if *_now is true. */ return !ctrl->server_local->inhibit_data_logging_now; } /* Startup the server and run the main command loop. With FD = -1, * use stdin/stdout. SESSION_ID is either 0 or a unique number * identifying a session. */ void start_command_handler (assuan_fd_t fd, unsigned int session_id) { static const char hello[] = "Dirmngr " VERSION " at your service"; static char *hello_line; int rc; assuan_context_t ctx; ctrl_t ctrl; ctrl = xtrycalloc (1, sizeof *ctrl); if (ctrl) ctrl->server_local = xtrycalloc (1, sizeof *ctrl->server_local); if (!ctrl || !ctrl->server_local) { log_error (_("can't allocate control structure: %s\n"), strerror (errno)); xfree (ctrl); return; } dirmngr_init_default_ctrl (ctrl); rc = assuan_new (&ctx); if (rc) { log_error (_("failed to allocate assuan context: %s\n"), gpg_strerror (rc)); dirmngr_exit (2); } if (fd == ASSUAN_INVALID_FD) { assuan_fd_t filedes[2]; filedes[0] = assuan_fdopen (0); filedes[1] = assuan_fdopen (1); rc = assuan_init_pipe_server (ctx, filedes); } else { rc = assuan_init_socket_server (ctx, fd, ASSUAN_SOCKET_SERVER_ACCEPTED); } if (rc) { assuan_release (ctx); log_error (_("failed to initialize the server: %s\n"), gpg_strerror(rc)); dirmngr_exit (2); } rc = register_commands (ctx); if (rc) { log_error (_("failed to the register commands with Assuan: %s\n"), gpg_strerror(rc)); dirmngr_exit (2); } if (!hello_line) { hello_line = xtryasprintf ("Home: %s\n" "Config: %s\n" "%s", gnupg_homedir (), opt.config_filename? opt.config_filename : "[none]", hello); } ctrl->server_local->assuan_ctx = ctx; assuan_set_pointer (ctx, ctrl); assuan_set_hello_line (ctx, hello_line); assuan_register_option_handler (ctx, option_handler); assuan_register_reset_notify (ctx, reset_notify); ctrl->server_local->session_id = session_id; for (;;) { rc = assuan_accept (ctx); if (rc == -1) break; if (rc) { log_info (_("Assuan accept problem: %s\n"), gpg_strerror (rc)); break; } #ifndef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM if (opt.verbose) { assuan_peercred_t peercred; if (!assuan_get_peercred (ctx, &peercred)) log_info ("connection from process %ld (%ld:%ld)\n", (long)peercred->pid, (long)peercred->uid, (long)peercred->gid); } #endif rc = assuan_process (ctx); if (rc) { log_info (_("Assuan processing failed: %s\n"), gpg_strerror (rc)); continue; } } #if USE_LDAP ldap_wrapper_connection_cleanup (ctrl); ldapserver_list_free (ctrl->server_local->ldapservers); #endif /*USE_LDAP*/ ctrl->server_local->ldapservers = NULL; release_ctrl_keyservers (ctrl); ctrl->server_local->assuan_ctx = NULL; assuan_release (ctx); if (ctrl->server_local->stopme) dirmngr_exit (0); if (ctrl->refcount) log_error ("oops: connection control structure still referenced (%d)\n", ctrl->refcount); else { #if USE_LDAP ks_ldap_free_state (ctrl->ks_get_state); ctrl->ks_get_state = NULL; #endif release_ctrl_ocsp_certs (ctrl); xfree (ctrl->server_local); dirmngr_deinit_default_ctrl (ctrl); xfree (ctrl); } } /* Send a status line back to the client. KEYWORD is the status keyword, the optional string arguments are blank separated added to the line, the last argument must be a NULL. */ gpg_error_t dirmngr_status (ctrl_t ctrl, const char *keyword, ...) { gpg_error_t err = 0; va_list arg_ptr; assuan_context_t ctx; va_start (arg_ptr, keyword); if (ctrl->server_local && (ctx = ctrl->server_local->assuan_ctx)) { err = vprint_assuan_status_strings (ctx, keyword, arg_ptr); } va_end (arg_ptr); return err; } /* Print a help status line. The function splits text at LFs. */ gpg_error_t dirmngr_status_help (ctrl_t ctrl, const char *text) { gpg_error_t err = 0; assuan_context_t ctx; if (ctrl->server_local && (ctx = ctrl->server_local->assuan_ctx)) { char buf[950], *p; size_t n; do { p = buf; n = 0; for ( ; *text && *text != '\n' && n < DIM (buf)-2; n++) *p++ = *text++; if (*text == '\n') text++; *p = 0; err = assuan_write_status (ctx, "#", buf); } while (!err && *text); } return err; } /* Print a help status line using a printf like format. The function - * splits text at LFs. */ + * splits text at LFs. With CTRL beeing NULL, the function behaves + * like log_info. */ gpg_error_t dirmngr_status_helpf (ctrl_t ctrl, const char *format, ...) { va_list arg_ptr; gpg_error_t err; char *buf; va_start (arg_ptr, format); - buf = es_vbsprintf (format, arg_ptr); - err = buf? 0 : gpg_error_from_syserror (); + if (ctrl) + { + buf = es_vbsprintf (format, arg_ptr); + err = buf? 0 : gpg_error_from_syserror (); + if (!err) + err = dirmngr_status_help (ctrl, buf); + es_free (buf); + } + else + { + log_logv (GPGRT_LOGLVL_INFO, format, arg_ptr); + err = 0; + } va_end (arg_ptr); - if (!err) - err = dirmngr_status_help (ctrl, buf); - es_free (buf); return err; } /* This function is similar to print_assuan_status but takes a CTRL * arg instead of an assuan context as first argument. */ gpg_error_t dirmngr_status_printf (ctrl_t ctrl, const char *keyword, const char *format, ...) { gpg_error_t err; va_list arg_ptr; assuan_context_t ctx; if (!ctrl || !ctrl->server_local || !(ctx = ctrl->server_local->assuan_ctx)) return 0; va_start (arg_ptr, format); err = vprint_assuan_status (ctx, keyword, format, arg_ptr); va_end (arg_ptr); return err; } /* Send a tick progress indicator back. Fixme: This is only done for the currently active channel. */ gpg_error_t dirmngr_tick (ctrl_t ctrl) { static time_t next_tick = 0; gpg_error_t err = 0; time_t now = time (NULL); if (!next_tick) { next_tick = now + 1; } else if ( now > next_tick ) { if (ctrl) { err = dirmngr_status (ctrl, "PROGRESS", "tick", "? 0 0", NULL); if (err) { /* Take this as in indication for a cancel request. */ err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_CANCELED); } now = time (NULL); } next_tick = now + 1; } return err; } diff --git a/dirmngr/workqueue.c b/dirmngr/workqueue.c index 2974f5d08..dcac48024 100644 --- a/dirmngr/workqueue.c +++ b/dirmngr/workqueue.c @@ -1,214 +1,214 @@ /* workqueue.c - Maintain a queue of background tasks * Copyright (C) 2017 Werner Koch * * This file is part of GnuPG. * * GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, see . * * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0+ */ #include #include #include #include "dirmngr.h" /* An object for one item in the workqueue. */ struct wqitem_s { struct wqitem_s *next; /* This flag is set if the task requires network access. */ unsigned int need_network:1; /* The id of the session which created this task. If this is 0 the * task is not associated with a specific session. */ unsigned int session_id; /* The function to perform the background task. */ wqtask_t func; /* A string with the string argument for that task. */ char args[1]; }; typedef struct wqitem_s *wqitem_t; /* The workque is a simple linked list. */ static wqitem_t workqueue; /* Dump the queue using Assuan status comments. */ void workqueue_dump_queue (ctrl_t ctrl) { wqitem_t saved_workqueue; wqitem_t item; unsigned int count; - /* Temporarily detach the entiere workqueue so that other threads don't + /* Temporarily detach the entire workqueue so that other threads don't * get into our way. */ saved_workqueue = workqueue; workqueue = NULL; for (count=0, item = saved_workqueue; item; item = item->next) count++; dirmngr_status_helpf (ctrl, "wq: number of entries: %u", count); for (item = saved_workqueue; item; item = item->next) dirmngr_status_helpf (ctrl, "wq: sess=%u net=%d %s(\"%.100s%s\")", item->session_id, item->need_network, item->func? item->func (NULL, NULL): "nop", item->args, strlen (item->args) > 100? "[...]":""); - /* Restore then workqueue. Actually we append the saved queue do a - * possibly updated workqueue. */ + /* Restore the workqueue. Actually we append the saved queue to + * handle a possibly updated workqueue. */ if (!(item=workqueue)) workqueue = saved_workqueue; else { while (item->next) item = item->next; item->next = saved_workqueue; } } /* Append the task (FUNC,ARGS) to the work queue. FUNC shall return * its name when called with (NULL, NULL). */ gpg_error_t workqueue_add_task (wqtask_t func, const char *args, unsigned int session_id, int need_network) { wqitem_t item, wi; item = xtrycalloc (1, sizeof *item + strlen (args)); if (!item) return gpg_error_from_syserror (); strcpy (item->args, args); item->func = func; item->session_id = session_id; item->need_network = !!need_network; if (!(wi=workqueue)) workqueue = item; else { while (wi->next) wi = wi->next; wi->next = item; } return 0; } /* Run the task described by ITEM. ITEM must have been detached from * the workqueue; its ownership is transferred to this function. */ static void run_a_task (ctrl_t ctrl, wqitem_t item) { log_assert (!item->next); if (opt.verbose) log_info ("session %u: running %s(\"%s%s\")\n", item->session_id, item->func? item->func (NULL, NULL): "nop", item->args, strlen (item->args) > 100? "[...]":""); if (item->func) item->func (ctrl, item->args); xfree (item); } /* Run tasks not associated with a session. This is called from the * ticker every few minutes. If WITH_NETWORK is not set tasks which * require the network are not run. */ void workqueue_run_global_tasks (ctrl_t ctrl, int with_network) { wqitem_t item, prev; with_network = !!with_network; if (opt.verbose) log_info ("running scheduled tasks%s\n", with_network?" (with network)":""); for (;;) { prev = NULL; for (item = workqueue; item; prev = item, item = item->next) if (!item->session_id && (!item->need_network || (item->need_network && with_network))) break; if (!item) break; /* No more tasks to run. */ /* Detach that item from the workqueue. */ if (!prev) workqueue = item->next; else prev->next = item->next; item->next = NULL; /* Run the task. */ run_a_task (ctrl, item); } } /* Run tasks scheduled for running after a session. Those tasks are * identified by the SESSION_ID. */ void workqueue_run_post_session_tasks (unsigned int session_id) { struct server_control_s ctrlbuf; ctrl_t ctrl = NULL; wqitem_t item, prev; if (!session_id) return; for (;;) { prev = NULL; for (item = workqueue; item; prev = item, item = item->next) if (item->session_id == session_id) break; if (!item) break; /* No more tasks for this session. */ /* Detach that item from the workqueue. */ if (!prev) workqueue = item->next; else prev->next = item->next; item->next = NULL; /* Create a CTRL object the first time we need it. */ if (!ctrl) { memset (&ctrlbuf, 0, sizeof ctrlbuf); ctrl = &ctrlbuf; dirmngr_init_default_ctrl (ctrl); } /* Run the task. */ run_a_task (ctrl, item); } dirmngr_deinit_default_ctrl (ctrl); } diff --git a/sm/certchain.c b/sm/certchain.c index cbb6e1127..7b782190b 100644 --- a/sm/certchain.c +++ b/sm/certchain.c @@ -1,2433 +1,2436 @@ /* certchain.c - certificate chain validation * Copyright (C) 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, * 2006, 2007, 2008, 2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc. * * This file is part of GnuPG. * * GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, see . */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "gpgsm.h" #include #include #include "keydb.h" #include "../kbx/keybox.h" /* for KEYBOX_FLAG_* */ #include "../common/i18n.h" #include "../common/tlv.h" /* The OID for the authorityInfoAccess's caIssuers. */ static const char oidstr_caIssuers[] = ""; /* Object to keep track of certain root certificates. */ struct marktrusted_info_s { struct marktrusted_info_s *next; unsigned char fpr[20]; }; static struct marktrusted_info_s *marktrusted_info; /* While running the validation function we want to keep track of the certificates in the chain. This type is used for that. */ struct chain_item_s { struct chain_item_s *next; ksba_cert_t cert; /* The certificate. */ int is_root; /* The certificate is the root certificate. */ }; typedef struct chain_item_s *chain_item_t; static int is_root_cert (ksba_cert_t cert, const char *issuerdn, const char *subjectdn); static int get_regtp_ca_info (ctrl_t ctrl, ksba_cert_t cert, int *chainlen); /* This function returns true if we already asked during this session whether the root certificate CERT shall be marked as trusted. */ static int already_asked_marktrusted (ksba_cert_t cert) { unsigned char fpr[20]; struct marktrusted_info_s *r; gpgsm_get_fingerprint (cert, GCRY_MD_SHA1, fpr, NULL); /* No context switches in the loop! */ for (r=marktrusted_info; r; r= r->next) if (!memcmp (r->fpr, fpr, 20)) return 1; return 0; } /* Flag certificate CERT as already asked whether it shall be marked as trusted. */ static void set_already_asked_marktrusted (ksba_cert_t cert) { unsigned char fpr[20]; struct marktrusted_info_s *r; gpgsm_get_fingerprint (cert, GCRY_MD_SHA1, fpr, NULL); for (r=marktrusted_info; r; r= r->next) if (!memcmp (r->fpr, fpr, 20)) return; /* Already marked. */ r = xtrycalloc (1, sizeof *r); if (!r) return; memcpy (r->fpr, fpr, 20); r->next = marktrusted_info; marktrusted_info = r; } /* If LISTMODE is true, print FORMAT using LISTMODE to FP. If LISTMODE is false, use the string to print an log_info or, if IS_ERROR is true, and log_error. */ static void do_list (int is_error, int listmode, estream_t fp, const char *format, ...) { va_list arg_ptr; va_start (arg_ptr, format) ; if (listmode) { if (fp) { es_fputs (" [", fp); es_vfprintf (fp, format, arg_ptr); es_fputs ("]\n", fp); } } else { + es_fflush (es_stdout); log_logv (is_error? GPGRT_LOGLVL_ERROR: GPGRT_LOGLVL_INFO, format, arg_ptr); log_printf ("\n"); } va_end (arg_ptr); } /* Return 0 if A and B are equal. */ static int compare_certs (ksba_cert_t a, ksba_cert_t b) { const unsigned char *img_a, *img_b; size_t len_a, len_b; img_a = ksba_cert_get_image (a, &len_a); if (!img_a) return 1; img_b = ksba_cert_get_image (b, &len_b); if (!img_b) return 1; return !(len_a == len_b && !memcmp (img_a, img_b, len_a)); } /* Return true if CERT has the validityModel extensions and defines the use of the chain model. */ static int has_validation_model_chain (ksba_cert_t cert, int listmode, estream_t listfp) { gpg_error_t err; int idx, yes; const char *oid; size_t off, derlen, objlen, hdrlen; const unsigned char *der; int class, tag, constructed, ndef; char *oidbuf; for (idx=0; !(err=ksba_cert_get_extension (cert, idx, &oid, NULL, &off, &derlen));idx++) if (!strcmp (oid, "") ) break; if (err) return 0; /* Not found. */ der = ksba_cert_get_image (cert, NULL); if (!der) { err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_OBJ); /* Oops */ goto leave; } der += off; err = parse_ber_header (&der, &derlen, &class, &tag, &constructed, &ndef, &objlen, &hdrlen); if (!err && (objlen > derlen || tag != TAG_SEQUENCE)) err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_OBJ); if (err) goto leave; derlen = objlen; err = parse_ber_header (&der, &derlen, &class, &tag, &constructed, &ndef, &objlen, &hdrlen); if (!err && (objlen > derlen || tag != TAG_OBJECT_ID)) err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_OBJ); if (err) goto leave; oidbuf = ksba_oid_to_str (der, objlen); if (!oidbuf) { err = gpg_error_from_syserror (); goto leave; } if (opt.verbose) do_list (0, listmode, listfp, _("validation model requested by certificate: %s"), !strcmp (oidbuf, "")? _("chain") : !strcmp (oidbuf, "")? _("shell") : /* */ oidbuf); yes = !strcmp (oidbuf, ""); ksba_free (oidbuf); return yes; leave: log_error ("error parsing validityModel: %s\n", gpg_strerror (err)); return 0; } static int unknown_criticals (ksba_cert_t cert, int listmode, estream_t fp) { static const char *known[] = { "", /* keyUsage */ "", /* subjectAltName Japanese DoCoMo certs mark them as critical. PKIX only requires them as critical if subjectName is empty. I don't know whether our code gracefully handles such empry subjectNames but that is another story. */ "", /* basic Constraints */ "", /* certificatePolicies */ "", /* extendedKeyUsage - handled by certlist.c */ "", /* validityModel - handled here. */ NULL }; int rc = 0, i, idx, crit; const char *oid; gpg_error_t err; int unsupported; strlist_t sl; for (idx=0; !(err=ksba_cert_get_extension (cert, idx, &oid, &crit, NULL, NULL));idx++) { if (!crit) continue; for (i=0; known[i] && strcmp (known[i],oid); i++) ; unsupported = !known[i]; /* If this critical extension is not supported. Check the list of to be ignored extensions to see whether we claim that it is supported. */ if (unsupported && opt.ignored_cert_extensions) { for (sl=opt.ignored_cert_extensions; sl && strcmp (sl->d, oid); sl = sl->next) ; if (sl) unsupported = 0; } if (unsupported) { do_list (1, listmode, fp, _("critical certificate extension %s is not supported"), oid); rc = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_UNSUPPORTED_CERT); } } /* We ignore the error codes EOF as well as no-value. The later will occur for certificates with no extensions at all. */ if (err && gpg_err_code (err) != GPG_ERR_EOF && gpg_err_code (err) != GPG_ERR_NO_VALUE) rc = err; return rc; } /* Check whether CERT is an allowed certificate. This requires that CERT matches all requirements for such a CA, i.e. the BasicConstraints extension. The function returns 0 on success and the allowed length of the chain at CHAINLEN. */ static int allowed_ca (ctrl_t ctrl, ksba_cert_t cert, int *chainlen, int listmode, estream_t fp) { gpg_error_t err; int flag; err = ksba_cert_is_ca (cert, &flag, chainlen); if (err) return err; if (!flag) { if (get_regtp_ca_info (ctrl, cert, chainlen)) { /* Note that dirmngr takes a different way to cope with such certs. */ return 0; /* RegTP issued certificate. */ } do_list (1, listmode, fp,_("issuer certificate is not marked as a CA")); return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_BAD_CA_CERT); } return 0; } static int check_cert_policy (ksba_cert_t cert, int listmode, estream_t fplist) { gpg_error_t err; char *policies; estream_t fp; int any_critical; err = ksba_cert_get_cert_policies (cert, &policies); if (gpg_err_code (err) == GPG_ERR_NO_DATA) return 0; /* No policy given. */ if (err) return err; /* STRING is a line delimited list of certificate policies as stored in the certificate. The line itself is colon delimited where the first field is the OID of the policy and the second field either N or C for normal or critical extension */ if (opt.verbose > 1 && !listmode) log_info ("certificate's policy list: %s\n", policies); /* The check is very minimal but won't give false positives */ any_critical = !!strstr (policies, ":C"); if (!opt.policy_file) { xfree (policies); if (any_critical) { do_list (1, listmode, fplist, _("critical marked policy without configured policies")); return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NO_POLICY_MATCH); } return 0; } fp = es_fopen (opt.policy_file, "r"); if (!fp) { if (opt.verbose || errno != ENOENT) log_info (_("failed to open '%s': %s\n"), opt.policy_file, strerror (errno)); xfree (policies); /* With no critical policies this is only a warning */ if (!any_critical) { if (opt.verbose) do_list (0, listmode, fplist, _("Note: non-critical certificate policy not allowed")); return 0; } do_list (1, listmode, fplist, _("certificate policy not allowed")); return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NO_POLICY_MATCH); } for (;;) { int c; char *p, line[256]; char *haystack, *allowed; /* read line */ do { if (!es_fgets (line, DIM(line)-1, fp) ) { gpg_error_t tmperr = gpg_error_from_syserror (); xfree (policies); if (es_feof (fp)) { es_fclose (fp); /* With no critical policies this is only a warning */ if (!any_critical) { if (opt.verbose) do_list (0, listmode, fplist, _("Note: non-critical certificate policy not allowed")); return 0; } do_list (1, listmode, fplist, _("certificate policy not allowed")); return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NO_POLICY_MATCH); } es_fclose (fp); return tmperr; } if (!*line || line[strlen(line)-1] != '\n') { /* eat until end of line */ while ((c = es_getc (fp)) != EOF && c != '\n') ; es_fclose (fp); xfree (policies); return gpg_error (*line? GPG_ERR_LINE_TOO_LONG : GPG_ERR_INCOMPLETE_LINE); } /* Allow for empty lines and spaces */ for (p=line; spacep (p); p++) ; } while (!*p || *p == '\n' || *p == '#'); /* Parse line. Note that the line has always a LF and spacep does not consider a LF a space. Thus strpbrk will always succeed. */ for (allowed=line; spacep (allowed); allowed++) ; p = strpbrk (allowed, " :\n"); if (!*p || p == allowed) { es_fclose (fp); xfree (policies); return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_CONFIGURATION); } *p = 0; /* strip the rest of the line */ /* See whether we find ALLOWED (which is an OID) in POLICIES */ for (haystack=policies; (p=strstr (haystack, allowed)); haystack = p+1) { if ( !(p == policies || p[-1] == '\n') ) continue; /* Does not match the begin of a line. */ if (p[strlen (allowed)] != ':') continue; /* The length does not match. */ /* Yep - it does match so return okay. */ es_fclose (fp); xfree (policies); return 0; } } } /* Helper function for find_up. This resets the key handle and search for an issuer ISSUER with a subjectKeyIdentifier of KEYID. Returns 0 on success or GPG_ERR_NOT_FOUND when not found. */ static int find_up_search_by_keyid (ctrl_t ctrl, KEYDB_HANDLE kh, const char *issuer, ksba_sexp_t keyid) { int rc; ksba_cert_t cert = NULL; ksba_sexp_t subj = NULL; ksba_isotime_t not_before, not_after, last_not_before, ne_last_not_before; ksba_cert_t found_cert = NULL; ksba_cert_t ne_found_cert = NULL; keydb_search_reset (kh); while (!(rc = keydb_search_subject (ctrl, kh, issuer))) { ksba_cert_release (cert); cert = NULL; rc = keydb_get_cert (kh, &cert); if (rc) { log_error ("keydb_get_cert failed in %s: %s <%s>\n", __func__, gpg_strerror (rc), gpg_strsource (rc)); rc = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NOT_FOUND); goto leave; } xfree (subj); if (!ksba_cert_get_subj_key_id (cert, NULL, &subj)) { if (!cmp_simple_canon_sexp (keyid, subj)) { /* Found matching cert. */ rc = ksba_cert_get_validity (cert, 0, not_before); if (!rc) rc = ksba_cert_get_validity (cert, 1, not_after); if (rc) { log_error ("keydb_get_validity() failed: rc=%d\n", rc); rc = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NOT_FOUND); goto leave; } if (!found_cert || strcmp (last_not_before, not_before) < 0) { /* This certificate is the first one found or newer * than the previous one. This copes with * re-issuing CA certificates while keeping the same * key information. */ gnupg_copy_time (last_not_before, not_before); ksba_cert_release (found_cert); ksba_cert_ref ((found_cert = cert)); keydb_push_found_state (kh); } if (*not_after && strcmp (ctrl->current_time, not_after) > 0 ) ; /* CERT has expired - don't consider it. */ else if (!ne_found_cert || strcmp (ne_last_not_before, not_before) < 0) { /* This certificate is the first non-expired one * found or newer than the previous non-expired one. */ gnupg_copy_time (ne_last_not_before, not_before); ksba_cert_release (ne_found_cert); ksba_cert_ref ((ne_found_cert = cert)); } } } } if (!found_cert) goto leave; /* Take the last saved one. Note that push/pop_found_state are * misnomers because there is no stack of states. Renaming them to * save/restore_found_state would be better. */ keydb_pop_found_state (kh); rc = 0; /* Ignore EOF or other error after the first cert. */ /* We need to consider some corner cases. It is possible that we * have a long term certificate (e.g. valid from 2008 to 2033) as * well as a re-issued (i.e. using the same key material) short term * certificate (say from 2016 to 2019). Using the short term * certificate is the proper solution. But we need to take care if * there is no re-issued new short term certificate (e.g. from 2020 * to 2023) available. In that case it is better to use the long * term certificate which is still valid. The code may run into * minor problems in the case of the chain validation mode. Given * that this corner case is due to non-diligent PKI management we * ignore this problem. */ /* The most common case is that the found certificate is not expired * and thus identical to the one found from the list of non-expired * certs. We can stop here. */ if (found_cert == ne_found_cert) goto leave; /* If we do not have a non expired certificate the actual cert is * expired and we can also stop here. */ if (!ne_found_cert) goto leave; /* Now we need to see whether the found certificate is expired and * only in this case we return the certificate found in the list of * non-expired certs. */ rc = ksba_cert_get_validity (found_cert, 1, not_after); if (rc) { log_error ("keydb_get_validity() failed: rc=%d\n", rc); rc = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NOT_FOUND); goto leave; } if (*not_after && strcmp (ctrl->current_time, not_after) > 0 ) { /* CERT has expired. Use the NE_FOUND_CERT. Because we have no * found state for this we need to search for it again. */ unsigned char fpr[20]; gpgsm_get_fingerprint (ne_found_cert, GCRY_MD_SHA1, fpr, NULL); keydb_search_reset (kh); rc = keydb_search_fpr (ctrl, kh, fpr); if (rc) { log_error ("keydb_search_fpr() failed: rc=%d\n", rc); rc = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NOT_FOUND); goto leave; } /* Ready. The NE_FOUND_CERT is available via keydb_get_cert. */ } leave: ksba_cert_release (found_cert); ksba_cert_release (ne_found_cert); ksba_cert_release (cert); xfree (subj); return rc? gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NOT_FOUND) : 0; } struct find_up_store_certs_s { ctrl_t ctrl; int count; unsigned int want_fpr:1; unsigned int got_fpr:1; unsigned char fpr[20]; }; static void find_up_store_certs_cb (void *cb_value, ksba_cert_t cert) { struct find_up_store_certs_s *parm = cb_value; if (keydb_store_cert (parm->ctrl, cert, 1, NULL)) log_error ("error storing issuer certificate as ephemeral\n"); else if (parm->want_fpr && !parm->got_fpr) { if (!gpgsm_get_fingerprint (cert, 0, parm->fpr, NULL)) log_error (_("failed to get the fingerprint\n")); else parm->got_fpr = 1; } parm->count++; } /* Helper for find_up(). Locate the certificate for ISSUER using an external lookup. KH is the keydb context we are currently using. On success 0 is returned and the certificate may be retrieved from the keydb using keydb_get_cert(). KEYID is the keyIdentifier from the AKI or NULL. */ static int find_up_external (ctrl_t ctrl, KEYDB_HANDLE kh, const char *issuer, ksba_sexp_t keyid) { int rc; strlist_t names = NULL; struct find_up_store_certs_s find_up_store_certs_parm; char *pattern; const char *s; find_up_store_certs_parm.ctrl = ctrl; find_up_store_certs_parm.want_fpr = 0; find_up_store_certs_parm.got_fpr = 0; find_up_store_certs_parm.count = 0; if (opt.verbose) log_info (_("looking up issuer at external location\n")); /* The Dirmngr process is confused about unknown attributes. As a quick and ugly hack we locate the CN and use the issuer string starting at this attribite. Fixme: we should have far better parsing for external lookups in the Dirmngr. */ s = strstr (issuer, "CN="); if (!s || s == issuer || s[-1] != ',') s = issuer; pattern = xtrymalloc (strlen (s)+2); if (!pattern) return gpg_error_from_syserror (); strcpy (stpcpy (pattern, "/"), s); add_to_strlist (&names, pattern); xfree (pattern); rc = gpgsm_dirmngr_lookup (ctrl, names, NULL, 0, find_up_store_certs_cb, &find_up_store_certs_parm); free_strlist (names); if (opt.verbose) log_info (_("number of issuers matching: %d\n"), find_up_store_certs_parm.count); if (rc) { log_error ("external key lookup failed: %s\n", gpg_strerror (rc)); rc = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NOT_FOUND); } else if (!find_up_store_certs_parm.count) rc = gpg_err_code (rc) == GPG_ERR_NOT_FOUND; else { int old; /* The issuers are currently stored in the ephemeral key DB, so we temporary switch to ephemeral mode. */ old = keydb_set_ephemeral (kh, 1); if (keyid) rc = find_up_search_by_keyid (ctrl, kh, issuer, keyid); else { keydb_search_reset (kh); rc = keydb_search_subject (ctrl, kh, issuer); } keydb_set_ephemeral (kh, old); } return rc; } /* Helper for find_up(). Locate the certificate for CERT using the * caIssuer from the authorityInfoAccess. KH is the keydb context we * are currently using. On success 0 is returned and the certificate * may be retrieved from the keydb using keydb_get_cert(). If no * suitable authorityInfoAccess is encoded in the certificate * GPG_ERR_NOT_FOUND is returned. */ static gpg_error_t find_up_via_auth_info_access (ctrl_t ctrl, KEYDB_HANDLE kh, ksba_cert_t cert) { gpg_error_t err; struct find_up_store_certs_s find_up_store_certs_parm; char *url, *ldapurl; int idx, i; char *oid; ksba_name_t name; find_up_store_certs_parm.ctrl = ctrl; find_up_store_certs_parm.want_fpr = 1; find_up_store_certs_parm.got_fpr = 0; find_up_store_certs_parm.count = 0; /* Find suitable URLs; if there is a http scheme we prefer that. */ url = ldapurl = NULL; for (idx=0; !url && !(err = ksba_cert_get_authority_info_access (cert, idx, &oid, &name)); idx++) { if (!strcmp (oid, oidstr_caIssuers)) { for (i=0; !url && ksba_name_enum (name, i); i++) { char *p = ksba_name_get_uri (name, i); if (p) { if (!strncmp (p, "http:", 5) || !strncmp (p, "https:", 6)) url = p; else if (ldapurl) xfree (p); /* We already got one. */ else if (!strncmp (p, "ldap:",5) || !strncmp (p, "ldaps:",6)) ldapurl = p; } else xfree (p); } } ksba_name_release (name); ksba_free (oid); } if (err && gpg_err_code (err) != GPG_ERR_EOF) { log_error (_("can't get authorityInfoAccess: %s\n"), gpg_strerror (err)); return err; } if (!url && ldapurl) { /* No HTTP scheme; fallback to LDAP if available. */ url = ldapurl; ldapurl = NULL; } xfree (ldapurl); if (!url) return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NOT_FOUND); if (opt.verbose) log_info ("looking up issuer via authorityInfoAccess.caIssuers\n"); err = gpgsm_dirmngr_lookup (ctrl, NULL, url, 0, find_up_store_certs_cb, &find_up_store_certs_parm); /* Although we might receive several certificates we use only the * first one. Or more exacty the first one for which we retrieved * the fingerprint. */ if (opt.verbose) log_info ("number of caIssuers found: %d\n", find_up_store_certs_parm.count); if (err) { log_error ("external URL lookup failed: %s\n", gpg_strerror (err)); err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NOT_FOUND); } else if (!find_up_store_certs_parm.got_fpr) err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NOT_FOUND); else { int old; /* The retrieved certificates are currently stored in the * ephemeral key DB, so we temporary switch to ephemeral * mode. */ old = keydb_set_ephemeral (kh, 1); keydb_search_reset (kh); err = keydb_search_fpr (ctrl, kh, find_up_store_certs_parm.fpr); keydb_set_ephemeral (kh, old); } return err; } /* Helper for find_up(). Ask the dirmngr for the certificate for ISSUER with optional SERIALNO. KH is the keydb context we are currently using. With SUBJECT_MODE set, ISSUER is searched as the subject. On success 0 is returned and the certificate is available in the ephemeral DB. */ static int find_up_dirmngr (ctrl_t ctrl, KEYDB_HANDLE kh, ksba_sexp_t serialno, const char *issuer, int subject_mode) { int rc; strlist_t names = NULL; struct find_up_store_certs_s find_up_store_certs_parm; char *pattern; (void)kh; find_up_store_certs_parm.ctrl = ctrl; find_up_store_certs_parm.count = 0; if (opt.verbose) log_info (_("looking up issuer from the Dirmngr cache\n")); if (subject_mode) { pattern = xtrymalloc (strlen (issuer)+2); if (pattern) strcpy (stpcpy (pattern, "/"), issuer); } else if (serialno) pattern = gpgsm_format_sn_issuer (serialno, issuer); else { pattern = xtrymalloc (strlen (issuer)+3); if (pattern) strcpy (stpcpy (pattern, "#/"), issuer); } if (!pattern) return gpg_error_from_syserror (); add_to_strlist (&names, pattern); xfree (pattern); rc = gpgsm_dirmngr_lookup (ctrl, names, NULL, 1, find_up_store_certs_cb, &find_up_store_certs_parm); free_strlist (names); if (opt.verbose) log_info (_("number of matching certificates: %d\n"), find_up_store_certs_parm.count); if (rc && opt.verbose) log_info (_("dirmngr cache-only key lookup failed: %s\n"), gpg_strerror (rc)); return ((!rc && find_up_store_certs_parm.count) ? 0 : gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NOT_FOUND)); } /* Locate issuing certificate for CERT. ISSUER is the name of the issuer used as a fallback if the other methods don't work. If FIND_NEXT is true, the function shall return the next possible issuer. The certificate itself is not directly returned but a keydb_get_cert on the keydb context KH will return it. Returns 0 on success, GPG_ERR_NOT_FOUND if not found or another error code. */ static gpg_error_t find_up (ctrl_t ctrl, KEYDB_HANDLE kh, ksba_cert_t cert, const char *issuer, int find_next) { ksba_name_t authid; ksba_sexp_t authidno; ksba_sexp_t keyid; gpg_error_t err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NOT_FOUND); if (DBG_X509) log_debug ("looking for parent certificate\n"); if (!ksba_cert_get_auth_key_id (cert, &keyid, &authid, &authidno)) { const char *s = ksba_name_enum (authid, 0); if (s && *authidno) { err = keydb_search_issuer_sn (ctrl, kh, s, authidno); if (err) keydb_search_reset (kh); if (!err && DBG_X509) log_debug (" found via authid and sn+issuer\n"); /* In case of an error, try to get the certificate from the dirmngr. That is done by trying to put that certificate into the ephemeral DB and let the code below do the actual retrieve. Thus there is no error checking. Skipped in find_next mode as usual. */ if (gpg_err_code (err) == GPG_ERR_NOT_FOUND && !find_next) find_up_dirmngr (ctrl, kh, authidno, s, 0); /* In case of an error try the ephemeral DB. We can't do that in find_next mode because we can't keep the search state then. */ if (gpg_err_code (err) == GPG_ERR_NOT_FOUND && !find_next) { int old = keydb_set_ephemeral (kh, 1); if (!old) { err = keydb_search_issuer_sn (ctrl, kh, s, authidno); if (err) keydb_search_reset (kh); if (!err && DBG_X509) log_debug (" found via authid and sn+issuer (ephem)\n"); } keydb_set_ephemeral (kh, old); } if (err) /* Need to make sure to have this error code. */ err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NOT_FOUND); } if (gpg_err_code (err) == GPG_ERR_NOT_FOUND && keyid && !find_next) { /* Not found by AKI.issuer_sn. Lets try the AKI.ki instead. Loop over all certificates with that issuer as subject and stop for the one with a matching subjectKeyIdentifier. */ /* Fixme: Should we also search in the dirmngr? */ err = find_up_search_by_keyid (ctrl, kh, issuer, keyid); if (!err && DBG_X509) log_debug (" found via authid and keyid\n"); if (err) { int old = keydb_set_ephemeral (kh, 1); if (!old) err = find_up_search_by_keyid (ctrl, kh, issuer, keyid); if (!err && DBG_X509) log_debug (" found via authid and keyid (ephem)\n"); keydb_set_ephemeral (kh, old); } if (err) /* Need to make sure to have this error code. */ err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NOT_FOUND); } /* If we still didn't found it, try to find it via the subject from the dirmngr-cache. */ if (gpg_err_code (err) == GPG_ERR_NOT_FOUND && !find_next) { if (!find_up_dirmngr (ctrl, kh, NULL, issuer, 1)) { int old = keydb_set_ephemeral (kh, 1); if (keyid) err = find_up_search_by_keyid (ctrl, kh, issuer, keyid); else { keydb_search_reset (kh); err = keydb_search_subject (ctrl, kh, issuer); } keydb_set_ephemeral (kh, old); } if (err) /* Need to make sure to have this error code. */ err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NOT_FOUND); if (!err && DBG_X509) log_debug (" found via authid and issuer from dirmngr cache\n"); } /* If we still didn't found it, try an external lookup. */ if (gpg_err_code (err) == GPG_ERR_NOT_FOUND && !find_next && !ctrl->offline) { /* We allow AIA also if CRLs are enabled; both can be used * as a web bug so it does not make sense to not use AIA if * CRL checks are enabled. */ if ((opt.auto_issuer_key_retrieve || !opt.no_crl_check) && !find_up_via_auth_info_access (ctrl, kh, cert)) { if (DBG_X509) log_debug (" found via authorityInfoAccess.caIssuers\n"); err = 0; } else if (opt.auto_issuer_key_retrieve) { err = find_up_external (ctrl, kh, issuer, keyid); if (!err && DBG_X509) log_debug (" found via authid and external lookup\n"); } } /* Print a note so that the user does not feel too helpless when an issuer certificate was found and gpgsm prints BAD signature because it is not the correct one. */ if (gpg_err_code (err) == GPG_ERR_NOT_FOUND && opt.quiet) ; else if (gpg_err_code (err) == GPG_ERR_NOT_FOUND) { if (!opt.quiet) { log_info ("%sissuer certificate ", find_next?"next ":""); if (keyid) { log_printf ("{"); gpgsm_dump_serial (keyid); log_printf ("} "); } if (authidno) { log_printf ("(#"); gpgsm_dump_serial (authidno); log_printf ("/"); gpgsm_dump_string (s); log_printf (") "); } log_printf ("not found using authorityKeyIdentifier\n"); } } else if (err) log_error ("failed to find authorityKeyIdentifier: err=%d\n", err); xfree (keyid); ksba_name_release (authid); xfree (authidno); } if (err) /* Not found via authorithyKeyIdentifier, try regular issuer name. */ err = keydb_search_subject (ctrl, kh, issuer); if (gpg_err_code (err) == GPG_ERR_NOT_FOUND && !find_next) { int old; /* Also try to get it from the Dirmngr cache. The function merely puts it into the ephemeral database. */ find_up_dirmngr (ctrl, kh, NULL, issuer, 0); /* Not found, let us see whether we have one in the ephemeral key DB. */ old = keydb_set_ephemeral (kh, 1); if (!old) { keydb_search_reset (kh); err = keydb_search_subject (ctrl, kh, issuer); } keydb_set_ephemeral (kh, old); if (!err && DBG_X509) log_debug (" found via issuer\n"); } /* Still not found. If enabled, try an external lookup. */ if (gpg_err_code (err) == GPG_ERR_NOT_FOUND && !find_next && !ctrl->offline) { if ((opt.auto_issuer_key_retrieve || !opt.no_crl_check) && !find_up_via_auth_info_access (ctrl, kh, cert)) { if (DBG_X509) log_debug (" found via authorityInfoAccess.caIssuers\n"); err = 0; } else if (opt.auto_issuer_key_retrieve) { err = find_up_external (ctrl, kh, issuer, NULL); if (!err && DBG_X509) log_debug (" found via issuer and external lookup\n"); } } return err; } /* Return the next certificate up in the chain starting at START. Returns GPG_ERR_NOT_FOUND when there are no more certificates. */ gpg_error_t gpgsm_walk_cert_chain (ctrl_t ctrl, ksba_cert_t start, ksba_cert_t *r_next) { gpg_error_t err = 0; char *issuer = NULL; char *subject = NULL; KEYDB_HANDLE kh = keydb_new (ctrl); *r_next = NULL; if (!kh) { log_error (_("failed to allocate keyDB handle\n")); err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_GENERAL); goto leave; } issuer = ksba_cert_get_issuer (start, 0); subject = ksba_cert_get_subject (start, 0); if (!issuer) { log_error ("no issuer found in certificate\n"); err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_BAD_CERT); goto leave; } if (!subject) { log_error ("no subject found in certificate\n"); err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_BAD_CERT); goto leave; } if (is_root_cert (start, issuer, subject)) { err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NOT_FOUND); /* we are at the root */ goto leave; } err = find_up (ctrl, kh, start, issuer, 0); if (err) { /* It is quite common not to have a certificate, so better don't print an error here. */ if (gpg_err_code (err) != GPG_ERR_NOT_FOUND && opt.verbose > 1) log_error ("failed to find issuer's certificate: %s <%s>\n", gpg_strerror (err), gpg_strsource (err)); err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_MISSING_ISSUER_CERT); goto leave; } err = keydb_get_cert (kh, r_next); if (err) { log_error ("keydb_get_cert failed in %s: %s <%s>\n", __func__, gpg_strerror (err), gpg_strsource (err)); err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_GENERAL); } leave: xfree (issuer); xfree (subject); keydb_release (kh); return err; } /* Helper for gpgsm_is_root_cert. This one is used if the subject and issuer DNs are already known. */ static int is_root_cert (ksba_cert_t cert, const char *issuerdn, const char *subjectdn) { gpg_error_t err; int result = 0; ksba_sexp_t serialno; ksba_sexp_t ak_keyid; ksba_name_t ak_name; ksba_sexp_t ak_sn; const char *ak_name_str; ksba_sexp_t subj_keyid = NULL; if (!issuerdn || !subjectdn) return 0; /* No. */ if (strcmp (issuerdn, subjectdn)) return 0; /* No. */ err = ksba_cert_get_auth_key_id (cert, &ak_keyid, &ak_name, &ak_sn); if (err) { if (gpg_err_code (err) == GPG_ERR_NO_DATA) return 1; /* Yes. Without a authorityKeyIdentifier this needs to be the Root certificate (our trust anchor). */ log_error ("error getting authorityKeyIdentifier: %s\n", gpg_strerror (err)); return 0; /* Well, it is broken anyway. Return No. */ } serialno = ksba_cert_get_serial (cert); if (!serialno) { log_error ("error getting serialno: %s\n", gpg_strerror (err)); goto leave; } /* Check whether the auth name's matches the issuer name+sn. If that is the case this is a root certificate. */ ak_name_str = ksba_name_enum (ak_name, 0); if (ak_name_str && !strcmp (ak_name_str, issuerdn) && !cmp_simple_canon_sexp (ak_sn, serialno)) { result = 1; /* Right, CERT is self-signed. */ goto leave; } /* Similar for the ak_keyid. */ if (ak_keyid && !ksba_cert_get_subj_key_id (cert, NULL, &subj_keyid) && !cmp_simple_canon_sexp (ak_keyid, subj_keyid)) { result = 1; /* Right, CERT is self-signed. */ goto leave; } leave: ksba_free (subj_keyid); ksba_free (ak_keyid); ksba_name_release (ak_name); ksba_free (ak_sn); ksba_free (serialno); return result; } /* Check whether the CERT is a root certificate. Returns True if this is the case. */ int gpgsm_is_root_cert (ksba_cert_t cert) { char *issuer; char *subject; int yes; issuer = ksba_cert_get_issuer (cert, 0); subject = ksba_cert_get_subject (cert, 0); yes = is_root_cert (cert, issuer, subject); xfree (issuer); xfree (subject); return yes; } /* This is a helper for gpgsm_validate_chain. */ static gpg_error_t is_cert_still_valid (ctrl_t ctrl, int chain_model, int lm, estream_t fp, ksba_cert_t subject_cert, ksba_cert_t issuer_cert, int *any_revoked, int *any_no_crl, int *any_crl_too_old) { gpg_error_t err; gnupg_isotime_t revoked_at; char *reason; if (ctrl->offline || (opt.no_crl_check && !ctrl->use_ocsp)) { audit_log_ok (ctrl->audit, AUDIT_CRL_CHECK, gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NOT_ENABLED)); return 0; } if (!(chain_model || ctrl->use_ocsp) && !opt.enable_issuer_based_crl_check) { err = ksba_cert_get_crl_dist_point (subject_cert, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL); if (gpg_err_code (err) == GPG_ERR_EOF) { /* No DP specified in the certificate. Thus the CA does not * consider a CRL useful and the user of the certificate * also does not consider this to be a critical thing. In * this case we can conclude that the certificate shall not * be revocable. Note that we reach this point here only if * no OCSP responder shall be used. */ audit_log_ok (ctrl->audit, AUDIT_CRL_CHECK, gpg_error (GPG_ERR_TRUE)); return 0; } } err = gpgsm_dirmngr_isvalid (ctrl, subject_cert, issuer_cert, chain_model? 2 : !!ctrl->use_ocsp, revoked_at, &reason); if (gpg_err_code (err) == GPG_ERR_CERT_REVOKED) { gnupg_copy_time (ctrl->revoked_at, revoked_at); xfree (ctrl->revocation_reason); ctrl->revocation_reason = reason; reason = NULL; } else { xfree (reason); reason = (NULL); } audit_log_ok (ctrl->audit, AUDIT_CRL_CHECK, err); if (err) { if (!lm) gpgsm_cert_log_name (NULL, subject_cert); switch (gpg_err_code (err)) { case GPG_ERR_CERT_REVOKED: if (!check_isotime (ctrl->revoked_at)) { char *tmpstr; const unsigned char *t = ctrl->revoked_at; tmpstr = xtryasprintf ("%.4s-%.2s-%.2s %.2s:%.2s:%s (%s)", t, t+4, t+6, t+9, t+11, t+13, ctrl->revocation_reason? ctrl->revocation_reason : ""); do_list (1, lm, fp, "%s: %s", _("certificate has been revoked"), tmpstr); xfree (tmpstr); } else do_list (1, lm, fp, _("certificate has been revoked")); *any_revoked = 1; /* Store that in the keybox so that key listings are able to return the revoked flag. We don't care about error, though. */ keydb_set_cert_flags (ctrl, subject_cert, 1, KEYBOX_FLAG_VALIDITY, 0, ~0, VALIDITY_REVOKED); break; case GPG_ERR_NO_CRL_KNOWN: do_list (1, lm, fp, _("no CRL found for certificate")); *any_no_crl = 1; break; case GPG_ERR_NO_DATA: do_list (1, lm, fp, _("the status of the certificate is unknown")); *any_no_crl = 1; break; case GPG_ERR_CRL_TOO_OLD: do_list (1, lm, fp, _("the available CRL is too old")); if (!lm) log_info (_("please make sure that the " "\"dirmngr\" is properly installed\n")); *any_crl_too_old = 1; break; default: do_list (1, lm, fp, _("checking the CRL failed: %s"), gpg_strerror (err)); return err; } } return 0; } /* Helper for gpgsm_validate_chain to check the validity period of SUBJECT_CERT. The caller needs to pass EXPTIME which will be updated to the nearest expiration time seen. A DEPTH of 0 indicates the target certificate, -1 the final root certificate and other values intermediate certificates. */ static gpg_error_t check_validity_period (ksba_isotime_t current_time, ksba_cert_t subject_cert, ksba_isotime_t exptime, int listmode, estream_t listfp, int depth) { gpg_error_t err; ksba_isotime_t not_before, not_after; err = ksba_cert_get_validity (subject_cert, 0, not_before); if (!err) err = ksba_cert_get_validity (subject_cert, 1, not_after); if (err) { do_list (1, listmode, listfp, _("certificate with invalid validity: %s"), gpg_strerror (err)); return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_BAD_CERT); } if (*not_after) { if (!*exptime) gnupg_copy_time (exptime, not_after); else if (strcmp (not_after, exptime) < 0 ) gnupg_copy_time (exptime, not_after); } if (*not_before && strcmp (current_time, not_before) < 0 ) { do_list (1, listmode, listfp, depth == 0 ? _("certificate not yet valid") : depth == -1 ? _("root certificate not yet valid") : /* other */ _("intermediate certificate not yet valid")); if (!listmode) { log_info (" (valid from "); dump_isotime (not_before); log_printf (")\n"); } return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_CERT_TOO_YOUNG); } if (*not_after && strcmp (current_time, not_after) > 0 ) { do_list (opt.ignore_expiration?0:1, listmode, listfp, depth == 0 ? _("certificate has expired") : depth == -1 ? _("root certificate has expired") : /* other */ _("intermediate certificate has expired")); if (!listmode) { log_info (" (expired at "); dump_isotime (not_after); log_printf (")\n"); } if (opt.ignore_expiration) log_info ("WARNING: ignoring expiration\n"); else return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_CERT_EXPIRED); } return 0; } /* This is a variant of check_validity_period used with the chain model. The extra constraint here is that notBefore and notAfter must exists and if the additional argument CHECK_TIME is given this time is used to check the validity period of SUBJECT_CERT. */ static gpg_error_t check_validity_period_cm (ksba_isotime_t current_time, ksba_isotime_t check_time, ksba_cert_t subject_cert, ksba_isotime_t exptime, int listmode, estream_t listfp, int depth) { gpg_error_t err; ksba_isotime_t not_before, not_after; err = ksba_cert_get_validity (subject_cert, 0, not_before); if (!err) err = ksba_cert_get_validity (subject_cert, 1, not_after); if (err) { do_list (1, listmode, listfp, _("certificate with invalid validity: %s"), gpg_strerror (err)); return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_BAD_CERT); } if (!*not_before || !*not_after) { do_list (1, listmode, listfp, _("required certificate attributes missing: %s%s%s"), !*not_before? "notBefore":"", (!*not_before && !*not_after)? ", ":"", !*not_before? "notAfter":""); return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_BAD_CERT); } if (strcmp (not_before, not_after) > 0 ) { do_list (1, listmode, listfp, _("certificate with invalid validity")); log_info (" (valid from "); dump_isotime (not_before); log_printf (" expired at "); dump_isotime (not_after); log_printf (")\n"); return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_BAD_CERT); } if (!*exptime) gnupg_copy_time (exptime, not_after); else if (strcmp (not_after, exptime) < 0 ) gnupg_copy_time (exptime, not_after); if (strcmp (current_time, not_before) < 0 ) { do_list (1, listmode, listfp, depth == 0 ? _("certificate not yet valid") : depth == -1 ? _("root certificate not yet valid") : /* other */ _("intermediate certificate not yet valid")); if (!listmode) { log_info (" (valid from "); dump_isotime (not_before); log_printf (")\n"); } return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_CERT_TOO_YOUNG); } if (*check_time && (strcmp (check_time, not_before) < 0 || strcmp (check_time, not_after) > 0)) { /* Note that we don't need a case for the root certificate because its own consistency has already been checked. */ do_list(opt.ignore_expiration?0:1, listmode, listfp, depth == 0 ? _("signature not created during lifetime of certificate") : depth == 1 ? _("certificate not created during lifetime of issuer") : _("intermediate certificate not created during lifetime " "of issuer")); if (!listmode) { log_info (depth== 0? _(" ( signature created at ") : /* */ _(" (certificate created at ") ); dump_isotime (check_time); log_printf (")\n"); log_info (depth==0? _(" (certificate valid from ") : /* */ _(" ( issuer valid from ") ); dump_isotime (not_before); log_info (" to "); dump_isotime (not_after); log_printf (")\n"); } if (opt.ignore_expiration) log_info ("WARNING: ignoring expiration\n"); else return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_CERT_EXPIRED); } return 0; } /* Ask the user whether he wants to mark the certificate CERT trusted. Returns true if the CERT is the trusted. We also check whether the agent is at all enabled to allow marktrusted and don't call it in this session again if it is not. */ static int ask_marktrusted (ctrl_t ctrl, ksba_cert_t cert, int listmode) { static int no_more_questions; int rc; char *fpr; int success = 0; fpr = gpgsm_get_fingerprint_string (cert, GCRY_MD_SHA1); + es_fflush (es_stdout); log_info (_("fingerprint=%s\n"), fpr? fpr : "?"); xfree (fpr); if (no_more_questions) rc = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED); else rc = gpgsm_agent_marktrusted (ctrl, cert); if (!rc) { log_info (_("root certificate has now been marked as trusted\n")); success = 1; } else if (!listmode) { gpgsm_dump_cert ("issuer", cert); log_info ("after checking the fingerprint, you may want " "to add it manually to the list of trusted certificates.\n"); } if (gpg_err_code (rc) == GPG_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED) { if (!no_more_questions) log_info (_("interactive marking as trusted " "not enabled in gpg-agent\n")); no_more_questions = 1; } else if (gpg_err_code (rc) == GPG_ERR_CANCELED) { log_info (_("interactive marking as trusted " "disabled for this session\n")); no_more_questions = 1; } else set_already_asked_marktrusted (cert); return success; } /* Validate a chain and optionally return the nearest expiration time in R_EXPTIME. With LISTMODE set to 1 a special listmode is activated where only information about the certificate is printed to LISTFP and no output is send to the usual log stream. If CHECKTIME_ARG is set, it is used only in the chain model instead of the current time. Defined flag bits VALIDATE_FLAG_NO_DIRMNGR - Do not do any dirmngr isvalid checks. VALIDATE_FLAG_CHAIN_MODEL - Check according to chain model. VALIDATE_FLAG_STEED - Check according to the STEED model. */ static int do_validate_chain (ctrl_t ctrl, ksba_cert_t cert, ksba_isotime_t checktime_arg, ksba_isotime_t r_exptime, int listmode, estream_t listfp, unsigned int flags, struct rootca_flags_s *rootca_flags) { int rc = 0, depth, maxdepth; char *issuer = NULL; char *subject = NULL; KEYDB_HANDLE kh = NULL; ksba_cert_t subject_cert = NULL, issuer_cert = NULL; ksba_isotime_t current_time; ksba_isotime_t check_time; ksba_isotime_t exptime; int any_expired = 0; int any_revoked = 0; int any_no_crl = 0; int any_crl_too_old = 0; int any_no_policy_match = 0; int is_qualified = -1; /* Indicates whether the certificate stems from a qualified root certificate. -1 = unknown, 0 = no, 1 = yes. */ chain_item_t chain = NULL; /* A list of all certificates in the chain. */ gnupg_get_isotime (current_time); gnupg_copy_time (ctrl->current_time, current_time); if ( (flags & VALIDATE_FLAG_CHAIN_MODEL) ) { if (!strcmp (checktime_arg, "19700101T000000")) { do_list (1, listmode, listfp, _("WARNING: creation time of signature not known - " "assuming current time")); gnupg_copy_time (check_time, current_time); } else gnupg_copy_time (check_time, checktime_arg); } else *check_time = 0; if (r_exptime) *r_exptime = 0; *exptime = 0; if (opt.no_chain_validation && !listmode) { log_info ("WARNING: bypassing certificate chain validation\n"); return 0; } kh = keydb_new (ctrl); if (!kh) { log_error (_("failed to allocate keyDB handle\n")); rc = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_GENERAL); goto leave; } if (DBG_X509 && !listmode) gpgsm_dump_cert ("target", cert); subject_cert = cert; ksba_cert_ref (subject_cert); maxdepth = 50; depth = 0; for (;;) { int is_root; gpg_error_t istrusted_rc = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NOT_TRUSTED); /* Put the certificate on our list. */ { chain_item_t ci; ci = xtrycalloc (1, sizeof *ci); if (!ci) { rc = gpg_error_from_syserror (); goto leave; } ksba_cert_ref (subject_cert); ci->cert = subject_cert; ci->next = chain; chain = ci; } xfree (issuer); xfree (subject); issuer = ksba_cert_get_issuer (subject_cert, 0); subject = ksba_cert_get_subject (subject_cert, 0); if (!issuer) { do_list (1, listmode, listfp, _("no issuer found in certificate")); rc = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_BAD_CERT); goto leave; } /* Is this a self-issued certificate (i.e. the root certificate)? */ is_root = is_root_cert (subject_cert, issuer, subject); if (is_root) { chain->is_root = 1; /* Check early whether the certificate is listed as trusted. We used to do this only later but changed it to call the check right here so that we can access special flags associated with that specific root certificate. */ if (gpgsm_cert_has_well_known_private_key (subject_cert)) { memset (rootca_flags, 0, sizeof *rootca_flags); istrusted_rc = ((flags & VALIDATE_FLAG_STEED) ? 0 : gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NOT_TRUSTED)); } else istrusted_rc = gpgsm_agent_istrusted (ctrl, subject_cert, NULL, rootca_flags); audit_log_cert (ctrl->audit, AUDIT_ROOT_TRUSTED, subject_cert, istrusted_rc); /* If the chain model extended attribute is used, make sure that our chain model flag is set. */ if (!(flags & VALIDATE_FLAG_STEED) && has_validation_model_chain (subject_cert, listmode, listfp)) rootca_flags->chain_model = 1; } /* Check the validity period. */ if ( (flags & VALIDATE_FLAG_CHAIN_MODEL) ) rc = check_validity_period_cm (current_time, check_time, subject_cert, exptime, listmode, listfp, (depth && is_root)? -1: depth); else rc = check_validity_period (current_time, subject_cert, exptime, listmode, listfp, (depth && is_root)? -1: depth); if (gpg_err_code (rc) == GPG_ERR_CERT_EXPIRED) any_expired = 1; else if (rc) goto leave; /* Assert that we understand all critical extensions. */ rc = unknown_criticals (subject_cert, listmode, listfp); if (rc) goto leave; /* Do a policy check. */ if (!opt.no_policy_check) { rc = check_cert_policy (subject_cert, listmode, listfp); if (gpg_err_code (rc) == GPG_ERR_NO_POLICY_MATCH) { any_no_policy_match = 1; rc = 1; /* Be on the safe side and set RC. */ } else if (rc) goto leave; } /* If this is the root certificate we are at the end of the chain. */ if (is_root) { if (!istrusted_rc) ; /* No need to check the certificate for a trusted one. */ else if (gpgsm_check_cert_sig (subject_cert, subject_cert) ) { /* We only check the signature if the certificate is not trusted for better diagnostics. */ do_list (1, listmode, listfp, _("self-signed certificate has a BAD signature")); if (DBG_X509) { gpgsm_dump_cert ("self-signing cert", subject_cert); } rc = gpg_error (depth? GPG_ERR_BAD_CERT_CHAIN : GPG_ERR_BAD_CERT); goto leave; } if (!rootca_flags->relax) { rc = allowed_ca (ctrl, subject_cert, NULL, listmode, listfp); if (rc) goto leave; } /* Set the flag for qualified signatures. This flag is deduced from a list of root certificates allowed for qualified signatures. */ if (is_qualified == -1 && !(flags & VALIDATE_FLAG_STEED)) { gpg_error_t err; size_t buflen; char buf[1]; if (!ksba_cert_get_user_data (cert, "is_qualified", &buf, sizeof (buf), &buflen) && buflen) { /* We already checked this for this certificate, thus we simply take it from the user data. */ is_qualified = !!*buf; } else { /* Need to consult the list of root certificates for qualified signatures. But first we check the modern way by looking at the root ca flag. */ if (rootca_flags->qualified) err = 0; else err = gpgsm_is_in_qualified_list (ctrl, subject_cert, NULL); if (!err) is_qualified = 1; else if ( gpg_err_code (err) == GPG_ERR_NOT_FOUND) is_qualified = 0; else log_error ("checking the list of qualified " "root certificates failed: %s\n", gpg_strerror (err)); if ( is_qualified != -1 ) { /* Cache the result but don't care too much about an error. */ buf[0] = !!is_qualified; err = ksba_cert_set_user_data (subject_cert, "is_qualified", buf, 1); if (err) log_error ("set_user_data(is_qualified) failed: %s\n", gpg_strerror (err)); } } } /* Act on the check for a trusted root certificates. */ rc = istrusted_rc; if (!rc) ; else if (gpg_err_code (rc) == GPG_ERR_NOT_TRUSTED) { do_list (0, listmode, listfp, _("root certificate is not marked trusted")); /* If we already figured out that the certificate is expired it does not make much sense to ask the user whether they want to trust the root certificate. We should do this only if the certificate under question will then be usable. If the certificate has a well known private key asking the user does not make any sense. */ if ( !any_expired && !gpgsm_cert_has_well_known_private_key (subject_cert) && (!listmode || !already_asked_marktrusted (subject_cert)) && ask_marktrusted (ctrl, subject_cert, listmode) ) rc = 0; } else { log_error (_("checking the trust list failed: %s\n"), gpg_strerror (rc)); } if (rc) goto leave; /* Check for revocations etc. */ if ((flags & VALIDATE_FLAG_NO_DIRMNGR)) ; else if ((flags & VALIDATE_FLAG_STEED)) ; /* Fixme: check revocations via DNS. */ else if (opt.no_trusted_cert_crl_check || rootca_flags->relax) ; else rc = is_cert_still_valid (ctrl, (flags & VALIDATE_FLAG_CHAIN_MODEL), listmode, listfp, subject_cert, subject_cert, &any_revoked, &any_no_crl, &any_crl_too_old); if (rc) goto leave; break; /* Okay: a self-signed certificate is an end-point. */ } /* End is_root. */ /* Take care that the chain does not get too long. */ if ((depth+1) > maxdepth) { do_list (1, listmode, listfp, _("certificate chain too long\n")); rc = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_BAD_CERT_CHAIN); goto leave; } /* Find the next cert up the tree. */ keydb_search_reset (kh); rc = find_up (ctrl, kh, subject_cert, issuer, 0); if (rc) { if (gpg_err_code (rc) == GPG_ERR_NOT_FOUND) { do_list (0, listmode, listfp, _("issuer certificate not found")); if (!listmode && !opt.quiet) { log_info ("issuer certificate: #/"); gpgsm_dump_string (issuer); log_printf ("\n"); } } else log_error ("failed to find issuer's certificate: %s <%s>\n", gpg_strerror (rc), gpg_strsource (rc)); rc = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_MISSING_ISSUER_CERT); goto leave; } ksba_cert_release (issuer_cert); issuer_cert = NULL; rc = keydb_get_cert (kh, &issuer_cert); if (rc) { log_error ("keydb_get_cert failed in %s: %s <%s>\n", __func__, gpg_strerror (rc), gpg_strsource (rc)); rc = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_GENERAL); goto leave; } try_another_cert: if (DBG_X509) { log_debug ("got issuer's certificate:\n"); gpgsm_dump_cert ("issuer", issuer_cert); } rc = gpgsm_check_cert_sig (issuer_cert, subject_cert); if (rc) { do_list (0, listmode, listfp, _("certificate has a BAD signature")); if (DBG_X509) { gpgsm_dump_cert ("signing issuer", issuer_cert); gpgsm_dump_cert ("signed subject", subject_cert); } if (gpg_err_code (rc) == GPG_ERR_BAD_SIGNATURE) { /* We now try to find other issuer certificates which might have been used. This is required because some CAs are reusing the issuer and subject DN for new root certificates. */ /* FIXME: Do this only if we don't have an AKI.keyIdentifier */ rc = find_up (ctrl, kh, subject_cert, issuer, 1); if (!rc) { ksba_cert_t tmp_cert; rc = keydb_get_cert (kh, &tmp_cert); if (rc || !compare_certs (issuer_cert, tmp_cert)) { /* The find next did not work or returned an identical certificate. We better stop here to avoid infinite checks. */ /* No need to set RC because it is not used: rc = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_BAD_SIGNATURE); */ ksba_cert_release (tmp_cert); } else { do_list (0, listmode, listfp, _("found another possible matching " "CA certificate - trying again")); ksba_cert_release (issuer_cert); issuer_cert = tmp_cert; goto try_another_cert; } } } /* We give a more descriptive error code than the one returned from the signature checking. */ rc = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_BAD_CERT_CHAIN); goto leave; } is_root = gpgsm_is_root_cert (issuer_cert); istrusted_rc = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NOT_TRUSTED); /* Check that a CA is allowed to issue certificates. */ { int chainlen; rc = allowed_ca (ctrl, issuer_cert, &chainlen, listmode, listfp); if (rc) { /* Not allowed. Check whether this is a trusted root certificate and whether we allow special exceptions. We could carry the result of the test over to the regular root check at the top of the loop but for clarity we won't do that. Given that the majority of certificates carry proper BasicContraints our way of overriding an error in the way is justified for performance reasons. */ if (is_root) { if (gpgsm_cert_has_well_known_private_key (issuer_cert)) { memset (rootca_flags, 0, sizeof *rootca_flags); istrusted_rc = ((flags & VALIDATE_FLAG_STEED) ? 0 : gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NOT_TRUSTED)); } else istrusted_rc = gpgsm_agent_istrusted (ctrl, issuer_cert, NULL, rootca_flags); if (!istrusted_rc && rootca_flags->relax) { /* Ignore the error due to the relax flag. */ rc = 0; chainlen = -1; } } } if (rc) goto leave; if (chainlen >= 0 && depth > chainlen) { do_list (1, listmode, listfp, _("certificate chain longer than allowed by CA (%d)"), chainlen); rc = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_BAD_CERT_CHAIN); goto leave; } } /* Is the certificate allowed to sign other certificates. */ if (!listmode) { rc = gpgsm_cert_use_cert_p (issuer_cert); if (rc) { char numbuf[50]; sprintf (numbuf, "%d", rc); gpgsm_status2 (ctrl, STATUS_ERROR, "certcert.issuer.keyusage", numbuf, NULL); goto leave; } } /* Check for revocations etc. Note that for a root certificate this test is done a second time later. This should eventually be fixed. */ if ((flags & VALIDATE_FLAG_NO_DIRMNGR)) rc = 0; else if ((flags & VALIDATE_FLAG_STEED)) rc = 0; /* Fixme: XXX */ else if (is_root && (opt.no_trusted_cert_crl_check || (!istrusted_rc && rootca_flags->relax))) rc = 0; else rc = is_cert_still_valid (ctrl, (flags & VALIDATE_FLAG_CHAIN_MODEL), listmode, listfp, subject_cert, issuer_cert, &any_revoked, &any_no_crl, &any_crl_too_old); if (rc) goto leave; if (opt.verbose && !listmode) log_info (depth == 0 ? _("certificate is good\n") : !is_root ? _("intermediate certificate is good\n") : /* other */ _("root certificate is good\n")); /* Under the chain model the next check time is the creation time of the subject certificate. */ if ( (flags & VALIDATE_FLAG_CHAIN_MODEL) ) { rc = ksba_cert_get_validity (subject_cert, 0, check_time); if (rc) { /* That will never happen as we have already checked this above. */ BUG (); } } /* For the next round the current issuer becomes the new subject. */ keydb_search_reset (kh); ksba_cert_release (subject_cert); subject_cert = issuer_cert; issuer_cert = NULL; depth++; } /* End chain traversal. */ if (!listmode && !opt.quiet) { if (opt.no_policy_check) log_info ("policies not checked due to %s option\n", "--disable-policy-checks"); if (ctrl->offline || (opt.no_crl_check && !ctrl->use_ocsp)) log_info ("CRLs not checked due to %s option\n", ctrl->offline ? "offline" : "--disable-crl-checks"); } if (!rc) { /* If we encountered an error somewhere during the checks, set the error code to the most critical one */ if (any_revoked) rc = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_CERT_REVOKED); else if (any_expired) rc = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_CERT_EXPIRED); else if (any_no_crl) rc = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NO_CRL_KNOWN); else if (any_crl_too_old) rc = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_CRL_TOO_OLD); else if (any_no_policy_match) rc = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NO_POLICY_MATCH); } leave: /* If we have traversed a complete chain up to the root we will reset the ephemeral flag for all these certificates. This is done regardless of any error because those errors may only be transient. */ if (chain && chain->is_root) { gpg_error_t err; chain_item_t ci; for (ci = chain; ci; ci = ci->next) { /* Note that it is possible for the last certificate in the chain (i.e. our target certificate) that it has not yet been stored in the keybox and thus the flag can't be set. We ignore this error because it will later be stored anyway. */ err = keydb_set_cert_flags (ctrl, ci->cert, 1, KEYBOX_FLAG_BLOB, 0, KEYBOX_FLAG_BLOB_EPHEMERAL, 0); if (!ci->next && gpg_err_code (err) == GPG_ERR_NOT_FOUND) ; else if (err) log_error ("clearing ephemeral flag failed: %s\n", gpg_strerror (err)); } } /* If we have figured something about the qualified signature capability of the certificate under question, store the result as user data in all certificates of the chain. We do this even if the validation itself failed. */ if (is_qualified != -1 && !(flags & VALIDATE_FLAG_STEED)) { gpg_error_t err; chain_item_t ci; char buf[1]; buf[0] = !!is_qualified; for (ci = chain; ci; ci = ci->next) { err = ksba_cert_set_user_data (ci->cert, "is_qualified", buf, 1); if (err) { log_error ("set_user_data(is_qualified) failed: %s\n", gpg_strerror (err)); if (!rc) rc = err; } } } /* If auditing has been enabled, record what is in the chain. */ if (ctrl->audit) { chain_item_t ci; audit_log (ctrl->audit, AUDIT_CHAIN_BEGIN); for (ci = chain; ci; ci = ci->next) { audit_log_cert (ctrl->audit, ci->is_root? AUDIT_CHAIN_ROOTCERT : AUDIT_CHAIN_CERT, ci->cert, 0); } audit_log (ctrl->audit, AUDIT_CHAIN_END); } if (r_exptime) gnupg_copy_time (r_exptime, exptime); xfree (issuer); xfree (subject); keydb_release (kh); while (chain) { chain_item_t ci_next = chain->next; ksba_cert_release (chain->cert); xfree (chain); chain = ci_next; } ksba_cert_release (issuer_cert); ksba_cert_release (subject_cert); return rc; } /* Validate a certificate chain. For a description see do_validate_chain. This function is a wrapper to handle a root certificate with the chain_model flag set. If RETFLAGS is not NULL, flags indicating now the verification was done are stored there. The only defined bits for RETFLAGS are VALIDATE_FLAG_CHAIN_MODEL and VALIDATE_FLAG_STEED. If you are verifying a signature you should set CHECKTIME to the creation time of the signature. If your are verifying a certificate, set it nil (i.e. the empty string). If the creation date of the signature is not known use the special date "19700101T000000" which is treated in a special way here. */ int gpgsm_validate_chain (ctrl_t ctrl, ksba_cert_t cert, ksba_isotime_t checktime, ksba_isotime_t r_exptime, int listmode, estream_t listfp, unsigned int flags, unsigned int *retflags) { int rc; struct rootca_flags_s rootca_flags; unsigned int dummy_retflags; if (!retflags) retflags = &dummy_retflags; /* If the session requested a certain validation mode make sure the corresponding flags are set. */ if (ctrl->validation_model == 1) flags |= VALIDATE_FLAG_CHAIN_MODEL; else if (ctrl->validation_model == 2) flags |= VALIDATE_FLAG_STEED; /* If the chain model was forced, set this immediately into RETFLAGS. */ *retflags = (flags & VALIDATE_FLAG_CHAIN_MODEL); memset (&rootca_flags, 0, sizeof rootca_flags); rc = do_validate_chain (ctrl, cert, checktime, r_exptime, listmode, listfp, flags, &rootca_flags); if (!rc && (flags & VALIDATE_FLAG_STEED)) { *retflags |= VALIDATE_FLAG_STEED; } else if (!(flags & VALIDATE_FLAG_CHAIN_MODEL) && (rootca_flags.valid && rootca_flags.chain_model)) { /* The root CA indicated that the chain model is to be used but * we have not yet used it. Thus do the validation again using * the chain model. */ if (opt.verbose) do_list (0, listmode, listfp, _("switching to chain model")); rc = do_validate_chain (ctrl, cert, checktime, r_exptime, listmode, listfp, (flags |= VALIDATE_FLAG_CHAIN_MODEL), &rootca_flags); *retflags |= VALIDATE_FLAG_CHAIN_MODEL; } if (opt.verbose) do_list (0, listmode, listfp, _("validation model used: %s"), (*retflags & VALIDATE_FLAG_STEED)? "steed" : (*retflags & VALIDATE_FLAG_CHAIN_MODEL)? _("chain"):_("shell")); return rc; } /* Check that the given certificate is valid but DO NOT check any constraints. We assume that the issuers certificate is already in the DB and that this one is valid; which it should be because it has been checked using this function. */ int gpgsm_basic_cert_check (ctrl_t ctrl, ksba_cert_t cert) { int rc = 0; char *issuer = NULL; char *subject = NULL; KEYDB_HANDLE kh; ksba_cert_t issuer_cert = NULL; if (opt.no_chain_validation) { log_info ("WARNING: bypassing basic certificate checks\n"); return 0; } kh = keydb_new (ctrl); if (!kh) { log_error (_("failed to allocate keyDB handle\n")); rc = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_GENERAL); goto leave; } issuer = ksba_cert_get_issuer (cert, 0); subject = ksba_cert_get_subject (cert, 0); if (!issuer) { log_error ("no issuer found in certificate\n"); rc = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_BAD_CERT); goto leave; } if (is_root_cert (cert, issuer, subject)) { rc = gpgsm_check_cert_sig (cert, cert); if (rc) { log_error ("self-signed certificate has a BAD signature: %s\n", gpg_strerror (rc)); if (DBG_X509) { gpgsm_dump_cert ("self-signing cert", cert); } rc = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_BAD_CERT); goto leave; } } else { /* Find the next cert up the tree. */ keydb_search_reset (kh); rc = find_up (ctrl, kh, cert, issuer, 0); if (rc) { if (gpg_err_code (rc) == GPG_ERR_NOT_FOUND) { if (!opt.quiet) { + es_fflush (es_stdout); log_info ("issuer certificate (#/"); gpgsm_dump_string (issuer); log_printf (") not found\n"); } } else log_error ("failed to find issuer's certificate: %s <%s>\n", gpg_strerror (rc), gpg_strsource (rc)); rc = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_MISSING_ISSUER_CERT); goto leave; } ksba_cert_release (issuer_cert); issuer_cert = NULL; rc = keydb_get_cert (kh, &issuer_cert); if (rc) { log_error ("keydb_get_cert failed in %s: %s <%s>\n", __func__, gpg_strerror (rc), gpg_strsource (rc)); rc = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_GENERAL); goto leave; } rc = gpgsm_check_cert_sig (issuer_cert, cert); if (rc) { log_error ("certificate has a BAD signature: %s\n", gpg_strerror (rc)); if (DBG_X509) { gpgsm_dump_cert ("signing issuer", issuer_cert); gpgsm_dump_cert ("signed subject", cert); } rc = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_BAD_CERT); goto leave; } if (opt.verbose) log_info (_("certificate is good\n")); } leave: xfree (issuer); xfree (subject); keydb_release (kh); ksba_cert_release (issuer_cert); return rc; } /* Check whether the certificate CERT has been issued by the German authority for qualified signature. They do not set the basicConstraints and thus we need this workaround. It works by looking up the root certificate and checking whether that one is listed as a qualified certificate for Germany. We also try to cache this data but as long as don't keep a reference to the certificate this won't be used. Returns: True if CERT is a RegTP issued CA cert (i.e. the root certificate itself or one of the CAs). In that case CHAINLEN will receive the length of the chain which is either 0 or 1. */ static int get_regtp_ca_info (ctrl_t ctrl, ksba_cert_t cert, int *chainlen) { gpg_error_t err; ksba_cert_t next; int rc = 0; int i, depth; char country[3]; ksba_cert_t array[4]; char buf[2]; size_t buflen; int dummy_chainlen; if (!chainlen) chainlen = &dummy_chainlen; *chainlen = 0; err = ksba_cert_get_user_data (cert, "regtp_ca_chainlen", &buf, sizeof (buf), &buflen); if (!err) { /* Got info. */ if (buflen < 2 || !*buf) return 0; /* Nothing found. */ *chainlen = buf[1]; return 1; /* This is a regtp CA. */ } else if (gpg_err_code (err) != GPG_ERR_NOT_FOUND) { log_error ("ksba_cert_get_user_data(%s) failed: %s\n", "regtp_ca_chainlen", gpg_strerror (err)); return 0; /* Nothing found. */ } /* Need to gather the info. This requires to walk up the chain until we have found the root. Because we are only interested in German Bundesnetzagentur (former RegTP) derived certificates 3 levels are enough. (The German signature law demands a 3 tier hierarchy; thus there is only one CA between the EE and the Root CA.) */ memset (&array, 0, sizeof array); depth = 0; ksba_cert_ref (cert); array[depth++] = cert; ksba_cert_ref (cert); while (depth < DIM(array) && !(rc=gpgsm_walk_cert_chain (ctrl, cert, &next))) { ksba_cert_release (cert); ksba_cert_ref (next); array[depth++] = next; cert = next; } ksba_cert_release (cert); if (gpg_err_code (rc) != GPG_ERR_NOT_FOUND || !depth || depth == DIM(array) ) { /* We did not reached the root. */ goto leave; } /* If this is a German signature law issued certificate, we store additional information. */ if (!gpgsm_is_in_qualified_list (NULL, array[depth-1], country) && !strcmp (country, "de")) { /* Setting the pathlen for the root CA and the CA flag for the next one is all what we need to do. */ err = ksba_cert_set_user_data (array[depth-1], "regtp_ca_chainlen", "\x01\x01", 2); if (!err && depth > 1) err = ksba_cert_set_user_data (array[depth-2], "regtp_ca_chainlen", "\x01\x00", 2); if (err) log_error ("ksba_set_user_data(%s) failed: %s\n", "regtp_ca_chainlen", gpg_strerror (err)); for (i=0; i < depth; i++) ksba_cert_release (array[i]); *chainlen = (depth>1? 0:1); return 1; } leave: /* Nothing special with this certificate. Mark the target certificate anyway to avoid duplicate lookups. */ err = ksba_cert_set_user_data (cert, "regtp_ca_chainlen", "", 1); if (err) log_error ("ksba_set_user_data(%s) failed: %s\n", "regtp_ca_chainlen", gpg_strerror (err)); for (i=0; i < depth; i++) ksba_cert_release (array[i]); return 0; }