diff --git a/doc/ldap/README.ldap b/doc/ldap/README.ldap
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 # README.ldap                                             -*- org -*-
 #+TITLE: How to use LDAP with GnuPG
 #+AUTHOR:    GnuPG.com
 #+DATE:      2020-12-23
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 * How to use LDAP with GnuPG
 In GnuPG the handling of LDAP is done by its Dirmngr component.  This
 is due to the architecture of the system where Dirmngr is the sole
 process responsible for network related tasks.  Network access is
 required for:
   - CRL fetching and caching for S/MIME
   - OCSP checking
   - S/MIME (X.509) certificate search via LDAP
   - OpenPGP keyserver access (HTTP, LDAP, etc.)
   - Checking for software updates (if enabled)
 In the following we describe how S/MIME and OpenPGP certificate search
 is implemented.  If you want to skip this background information feel
 free to continue with the next section where LDAP installation and
 configuration is described.  In any case we need to explain a few
 terms used with LDAP:
 - DIT :: /Directory Information Tree/ also known as /naming context/.
          This is is often referred to as the /LDAP directory/.  It is
          where the data for a single organization described by a DNS
          name is stored (e.g. "example.org").
 - DN :: /Distinguished Name/ is the key for an entry in the DIT.  It
         is a similar concept as used in the DNS system.
 - RDN :: /Relative Distinguished Name/ is a component or part of a
          DN.  For example the DN "cn=admin,dc=example,dc=com" consist
          of the 3 RDNs "cn=admin", "dc=example", and "dc=com".  Each
          RDN has a name (e.g. "cn" for /common name/ or "dc" for
          /domain component/) and a values (e.g. "admin").
 - LDIF :: /LDAP Data Interchange Format/ is a description for the
           human readable data exchange format used with LDAP.
 ** OpenPGP
 To serve OpenPGP certificates via LDAP a dedicated schema needs to be
 installed.  The schema supported by GnuPG was originally defined by
 PGP Inc. in the end of the 1990ies.  This is today still the schema
 installed on LDAP servers for access by PGP or GnuPG.  However, this
 schema has a couple of deficits which need to be fixed.  For that
 reason we have defined additional attributes.  These new attributes
 eventually allow to lookup certificates by their fingerprints and not
 just by the shorter and thus non-unique Key-ID.  The new schema also
 supports storing of information on the subkeys and the UTF-8 encoded
 mail addresses.  Current versions of GnuPG do not yet make use of
 these new attributes but for new LDAP installations it is highly
 recommended to use the new schema so that a future version of the
 software can make use if these attributes.
 Note that the OpenPGP certificates are stored in the DIT under a
 separate organizational unit using the long Key-ID to distinguish
 them.  An example for such an DN is:
 : pgpCertID=63113AE866587D0A,ou=GnuPG Keys,dc=example,dc=com
 or for Active Directory
 : cn=C312[...]0A,cn=GnuPG Keys,dc=example,dc=com
 This design means that entries stored under "GnuPG Keys" are not
 connected to the users commonly found on an LDAP server.  This allows
 to store arbitrary OpenPGP certificates in the directory and is
 commonly used to make the certificates of external communication
 partners easily available.
 ** S/MIME
 Standard X.509 LDAP semantics apply for S/MIME certificate search.
 The current version of Dirmngr (2.2.23) supports 3 pattern formats
 which are translated from GnuPG's User-ID syntax, as given to the gpg
 and gpgsm commands, to the LDAP syntax:
 - Mail :: Indicated by a leading left angle and translated to the
           : "<ADDRSPEC>" -> "mail=ADDRSPEC"
 - Subject DN :: Indicated by a leading slash.  The DN is formatted
                 according to RFC-2253 rules and thus directly usable
                 for an LDAP query.
 - Substring search :: If no other syntax matches or the pattern is
      prefixed with an asterisk the User-ID is translated to:
      : "USERID" -> "(|(sn=*USERID*)(|(cn=*USERID*)(mail=*USERID*)))"
      or in other word a substring search on the serial-number, the
      common-name, and the mail attribute is done.
 The result is expected to be in one of the attributes
 "userCertificate", "cACertificate", or "x509caCert".  In cases where
 we are looking for the issuer certificate only "cACertificate" is
 used.  "ObjectClass=*" is always used a filter.
 Note: The attribute "mail" with the OID 0.9.2342.19200300.100.1.3 was
 originally defined with this OID under the name "rfc822Mailbox" using
 a different although similar syntax.  Take care: This is not an UTF-8
 encoded mail address and in theory GnuPG should use IDN mapping here.
 However, it is questionable whether any real world installation
 would be able to handle such a mapping.
 * How to install OpenLDAP
 To install a standard LDAP server to provide S/MIME certificate lookup
 follow the instructions of your OS vendor.  For example on Debian
 based systems this is:
 : apt-get install slapd ldap-utils libsasl2-modules
 Follow the prompts during installation, set an initial admin password,
 and, most important, the domain you want to serve.  Note that we use
 "example.com" in following.  If you ever need to change the
 configuration on a Debian based system you can do so by running
 : dpkg-reconfigure slapd
 Serving LDAP requests for S/MIME (X.509) certificates will then work
 out of the box.  Use your standard tools to maintain these
 entries. Some hints on how to manually add certificates can be found
 below in the section "Useful LDAP Commands".
 Please read on if you want to serve also OpenPGP certificates.
 ** Installation of the OpenPGP Schema
 Assuming a standard OpenLDAP installation, it is easy to add a new
 schema to store OpenPGP certificate.  We describe this now step by
 First you need to download the two LDIF files
 - https://gnupg.org/misc/gnupg-ldap-schema.ldif
 - https://gnupg.org/misc/gnupg-ldap-init.ldif.
 As administrator (root) on your LDAP server use the command
 : ldapadd -v -Y EXTERNAL -H ldapi:/// -f ./gnupg-ldap-schema.ldif
 to install the schema.  The options given to the ldapadd tool are:
  - -v :: Given some diagnostic output (be verbose).  To be even more
          verbose you may use =-vv= or =-vvv=.  The diagnostics are
          written to stdout.
  - -Y :: Specify the authentication mechanism.  Here we use =EXTERN=
          which is in this case local socket based authentication
  - -H :: The URL to access the LDAP server.  Only scheme, host, and
          port are allowed.  In our case we use =ldapi:///= to request
          a connection on the standard OpenLDAP socket (usually this is
  - -f :: Specify a file with data to add to the directory.  The file
          used here is the specification of the keyserver schema.  If
          this option is not used ldapadd expects this data on stdin.
 The new schema should now be installed. Check this by using this
 : ldapsearch -Q -Y EXTERNAL -L -H ldapi:/// \
 :    -b 'cn=schema,cn=config' cn | grep cn:
 (on Unix the backslash indicates that the line is continued with the
 next line)
 The options not used by ldapsearch which have not yet been explained
 above are:
  - -Q :: Be quiet about authentication and never prompt.
  - -b :: Specify the search base.  In this case we want the internal
          OpenLDAP schema which stores the server's own configuration.
 The final argument =cn= restricts the output to the DN and the CN
 attribute; the grep then shows only the latter.  With a freshly
 installed OpenLDAP system you should get an output like:
 cn: schema
 cn: {0}core
 cn: {1}cosine
 cn: {2}nis
 cn: {3}inetorgperson
 cn: {4}gnupg-keyserver
 This tells you that the keyserver schema has been installed under (in
 this case) the index "{4}".
 The next step is to connect the new schema with your DIT.  This means
 that entries to actually store the certificates and meta data are
 created.  This way GnuPG will be able to find the data.  For this you
 need to edit the downloaded file =gnupg-ldap-init.ldif= and replace
 all the RDNs with name "dc" with your own.  For example, in our own
 LDAP we would change
 : dn: cn=PGPServerInfo,dc=example,dc=com
 : dn: cn=PGPServerInfo,dc=gnupg,dc=com
 and do that also for the other 3 appearances of the "dc" RDNs.  In case
 you use a 3-level domain, add another "dc" in the same way you did when
 setting up OpenLDAP.  With that modified file run
 : ldapadd -v -x -H ldapi:/// -D 'cn=admin,dc=example,dc=com' \
 :   -W -f ./gnupg-ldap-init.ldif
 Remember to change the "dc" RDNs also here to what you actually use.
 We use simple authentication by means of these options:
  - -x :: Use simple authentication
  - -D :: The Bind-DN used to bind to the LDAP directory
  - -W :: Ask for the admin's passphrase.  You may also use a lowercase
          =-w= followed by the passphrase but that would reveal the
          passphrase in the shell's history etc.
 All users with access right to the LDAP server may now retrieve
 OpenPGP certificates.  But wait, we also need a user allowed to insert
 or update OpenPGP certificates.  Choose a useful name for that user
 and create a file =newuser.ldif=.  In our example domain we name that
 user "LordPrivySeal" and thus the file is:
 dn: uid=LordPrivySeal,ou=GnuPG Users,dc=example,dc=com
 objectClass: inetOrgPerson
 objectClass: uidObject
 sn: Lord Keeper of the Privy Seal
 cn: Lord Privy Seal
 userPassword: {SSHA}u6oxl9ulaS57RPyjApyPcE7mNECNK1Tg
 The =userPassword= has been created by running
 : /usr/sbin/slappasswd
 entering the password, and paste the output into the file (the
 password used in the above example is "abc").
 Now run
-: ldapadd -v -x -H ldapi:/// -D 'cn=admin,dc=gnupg,dc=com' \
+: ldapadd -v -x -H ldapi:/// -D 'cn=admin,dc=example,dc=com' \
 :    -W -f ./newuser.ldif
 On the password prompt enter the admin's password (not the one of the
 new user).  Note that the user is created below the "GnuPG Users"
 organizational unit and not in the standard name space.  Thus this is
 a dedicated user for OpenPGP certificates.
 See below how you can list the entire DIT.  With
 a fresh install you should see these DNs:
 dn: dc=example,dc=com
 dn: cn=admin,dc=example,dc=com
 dn: cn=PGPServerInfo,dc=example,dc=com
 dn: ou=GnuPG Keys,dc=example,dc=com
 dn: ou=GnuPG Users,dc=example,dc=com
 dn: uid=LordPrivySeal,ou=GnuPG Users,dc=example,dc=com
 Finally we need to give all users read access to the server's database
 and allow an authenticated user to modify the database.  To do this
 you need to figure out the used database; run the command
 : ldapsearch -Q -Y EXTERNAL -H ldapi:/// -b 'cn=config' dn | grep olcDatabase=
 which should give you a list like this:
 dn: olcDatabase={-1}frontend,cn=config
 dn: olcDatabase={0}config,cn=config
 dn: olcDatabase={1}mdb,cn=config
 The first two databases are for internal purposes, the last one is our
 database.  Now create a file =grantaccess.ldif= with this content:
 dn: olcDatabase={1}mdb,cn=config
 changetype: modify
 replace: olcAccess
 olcAccess: {0} to dn.subtree="dc=example,dc=com"
     by dn.regex="^uid=LordPrivySeal,ou=GnuPG Users,dc=example,dc=com" write
     by * read
 As usual replace all "dc=example,dc=com" accordingly.  Take care not
 to insert a blank line anywhere.  The first line needs to give the DN
 of the database as determined above.  Excute the rules from that file
 using the command:
 : ldapmodify -Q -Y EXTERNAL -H ldapi:/// -f grantaccess.ldif
 Now all users have read access and the user LordPrivySeal has write
 access.  In case you want to give several users  permissions to update the
 keys replace the regex line in =grantaccess.ldif= with
 :   by dn.regex="^uid=([^,]+),ou=GnuPG Users,dc=example,dc=com" write
 (take care to insert two spaces at the begin of the line.)  Then
 create those users below the RDN "ou=GnuPG Users".
 That's all you need to do at the server.
 ** Configuration for GnuPG
 The easiest way to enable LDAP for S/MIME is to put
 keyserver ldap.example.com::::dc=example,dc=com:
 into =gpgsm.conf=.  If you prefer to use a  dedicated configuration
 file you can do this with dirmngr by adding a line
 : ldap.example.com::::dc=example,dc=com:
 to =dirmngr_ldapservers.conf=.
 Assuming you want to use the machine running the LDAP server also to
 maintain OpenPGP certificates, put the following line into the
 =dirmngr.conf= configuration of a dedicated user for this task:
 keyserver ldapi:///????bindname=uid=LordPrivySeal
 (Enter this all on one line; "%2C" directly at the end of "Seal")
 That is a pretty long line with weird escaping rules.  Just enter it
 verbatim but replace the "dc" RDNs accordingly. Remember that =ldapi=
 uses local socket connection instead of TCP to connect to the server.
 The password given in that file is the password of the OpenPGP
 maintainer (LordPrivySeal).  Use appropriate permissions for that
 file to make it not too easy to access that password.  See the GnuPG
 manual for other ways to configure an LDAP keyserver.
 With that configuration in place you may add arbitrary OpenPGP keys to
 your LDAP.  For example user "joe@example.org" sends you a key and
 asks to insert that key.  If you feel comfortable with that you should
 first check the key, import it into your local keyring, and then send
 it off to your LDAP server:
 : gpg --show-key < file-with-joes-key.asc
 Looks good?  Note the fingerprint of the key and run
 : gpg --import < file-with-joes-key.asc
 : gpg --send-keys FINGERPRINT
 That's all.  If you want to work from a different machine or use the
 Kleopatra GUI you need to make sure that ldaps has been correctly
 configured (for example on the machine =ldap.example.org=) and you
 need to use this keyserver line:
 keyserver ldaps://ldap.example.com/????bindname=uid=LordPrivySeal
 (Enter this all on one line; "%2C" directly at the end of "Seal")
 The easier case is the configuration line for anonymous users which is
 a mere
 keyserver ldaps://ldap.example.com
 This assumes that you have a valid TLS server certificate for that
 domain and ldaps is enabled on the server.
 * Useful OpenLDAP Commands
 ** List the entire DIT
 To list the entire DIT for the domain "example.com" use this command:
 : ldapsearch -Q -Y EXTERNAL -LLL -H ldapi:/// -b dc=example,dc=com dn
 This lists just the DNs.  If you need the entire content of the DIT
 leave out the "dn" argument.  The option "-LLL" selects useful
 formatting options for the output.
 ** Insert X.509 Certficate
 If you don't have a handy tool to insert a certificate via LDAP you
 can do it manually.  First put the certificate in binary (DER) format
 into a file.  For example using gpgsm:
 : gpgsm --export berta.boss@example.com >berta.crt
 Then create a file =addcert.ldif=:
 dn: CN=Berta Boss,dc=example,dc=com
 objectclass: inetOrgPerson
 cn: Berta Boss
 sn: Boss
 gn: Berta
 uid: berta
 mail: berta.boss@example.com
 usercertificate;binary:< file:///home/admin/berta.crt
 (Note that an absolute file name is required.)
 Finally run
 : ldapadd -x -H ldapi:/// -D 'cn=admin,dc=example,dc=com' -W -f adduser.ldif
 ** Change RootDN Password:
 Create temporary file named =passwd.ldif=:
 dn: olcDatabase={1}mdb,cn=config
 changetype: modify
 replace: olcRootPW
 olcRootPW: XXXX
 For XXXX insert the output of slappasswd and run
 : ldapmodify -Q -Y EXTERNAL -H ldapi:/// -f passwd.ldif
 followed by
 : ldappasswd -x -D cn=admin,dc=example,dc=com -W -S
 and enter the new and old password again.
 ** Show ACLs
 : ldapsearch -Q -Y EXTERNAL -H ldapi:/// -b 'cn=config' olcAccess
 ** Show a list of databases
 : ldapsearch -Q -Y EXTERNAL -H ldapi:/// -b 'cn=config' | grep ^olcDatabase:
 ** Change the log level
 To debug access problems, it is useful to change the log level:
 : printf "dn: cn=config\nchangetype: %s\nreplace: %s\n%s: %s\n" \
 :   modify olcLogLevel olcLogLevel ACL | ldapadd -Q -Y EXTERNAL -H ldapi:///
 to revert replace "ACL" by "none".
 * How to use with Active Directory
 ** Extending the AD Schema
 The Active Directory on Windows is actually an LDAP server but
 configuration differs from OpenLDAP.  The used schema is the same but
 the data objects are slighly different.  To extend the schema the
 LDIF format is used but with variants of the files used for OpenLDAP.
 Thus please download these two files:
 - [[https://gnupg.org/misc/gnupg-ldap-ad-schema.ldif]]
 - [[https://gnupg.org/misc/gnupg-ldap-ad-init.ldif]].
 *Important*: Backup your Active Directory before you extend the
 schema.  There are *no ways to revert changes* made to a schema.  You
 should also first try this all on a test system and not on a
 production system.
 To extend the schema become Adminstrator on your Primary Domain
 Controller and open a shell (Command Prompt).  Copy the above
 mentioned ldif files to your working directory and run the following
 : ldifde -i -v -f gnupg-ldap-ad-schema.ldif
 :   -c "DC=EXAMPLEDC" "DC=example,DC=org"
 This is one line and the last string (="DC=example,DC=org"=) needs to
 be replaced with your actual domain.  If the command succeeds you have
 extended the schema to store OpenPGP keys at a well known location.
 The next step is to provide information and space in the tree.  This
 is done similar to the above, namely:
 : ldifde -i -v -f gnupg-ldap-ad-init.ldif
 :   -c "DC=EXAMPLEDC" "DC=example,DC=org"
 You may now check your work with ADSI (enter "adsiedit").  Compare
 with this [[https://gnupg.org/blog/img/ad-with-gnupg-schema.png][screenshot]] and notice the two marked entries.
 The last step is to setup permissions.  This depends on your
 policy.  Here we assume that all authenticated users get read access
 to all OpenPGP keys and only certain users may insert or update those
 What you need to do in all cases is to give the group /Everyone/ read
 access to the =CN=PGPServerInfo= object.  This allows the
 clients to notice that the schema has been installed and where to look
 The actual keys will be stored under =CN=GnuPG Keys=.  Thus give all
 users of the /AuthenticatedUsers/ group read access and use the
 Advanced button to set /Applies to/ to /This object and all descendant
 To insert and update keys, use a group or users and give them
 permissions for =CN=GnuPG Keys= to /Read/, /Write/, /Create all child
 objects/, and /Delete all child objects/.  As above make sure
 that these permissions apply to /This object and all descendant
 In case you want to access the keys also from non-Windows boxes, it is
 probably best to created a dedicated guest user for read access.
 ** Using GnuPG with AD
 Using the Active Directory is really easy since GnuPG 2.2.26: You only
 need to put
 : keyserver ldap:///
 into =dirmngr.conf= and Windows takes care of authentication.  Note
 that we use 3 slashes and not ldaps because AD takes care of
 protecting the traffic.
 GnuPG can be advised to consult the local AD similar to a Web Key
 Directory.  For this put
 : auto-key-locate local,ntds,wkd
 into =gpg.conf= so that a missing key is first looked up in the AD
 before a WKD query is done.