diff --git a/src/keytable.c b/src/keytable.c
index 438f0f3..a8198df 100644
--- a/src/keytable.c
+++ b/src/keytable.c
@@ -1,409 +1,412 @@
 /* keytable.c - The GNU Privacy Assistant key table.
    Copyright (C) 2002 Miguel Coca
    Copyright (C) 2005, 2008 g10 Code GmbH.
    This file is part of GPA
    GPA is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
    under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
    (at your option) any later version.
    GPA is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
    ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
    or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public
    License for more details.
    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    along with this program; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.  */
 #include <config.h>
 #include <glib.h>
 #include <gtk/gtk.h>
 #include "gpa.h"
 #include "gpgmetools.h"
 #include "keytable.h"
 #include "gtktools.h"
 /* Internal */
 static void first_half_done_cb (GpaContext *context, gpg_error_t err,
                                 GpaKeyTable *keytable);
 static void next_key_cb (GpaContext *context, gpgme_key_t key,
 			 GpaKeyTable *keytable);
 /* GObject type functions */
 static void gpa_keytable_init (GpaKeyTable *keytable);
 static void gpa_keytable_class_init (GpaKeyTableClass *klass);
 static void gpa_keytable_finalize (GObject *object);
 static GObjectClass *parent_class = NULL;
 gpa_keytable_get_type (void)
   static GType keytable_type = 0;
   if (!keytable_type)
       static const GTypeInfo keytable_info =
         sizeof (GpaKeyTableClass),
         (GBaseInitFunc) NULL,
         (GBaseFinalizeFunc) NULL,
         (GClassInitFunc) gpa_keytable_class_init,
         NULL,           /* class_finalize */
         NULL,           /* class_data */
         sizeof (GpaKeyTable),
         0,              /* n_preallocs */
         (GInstanceInitFunc) gpa_keytable_init,
       keytable_type = g_type_register_static (G_TYPE_OBJECT,
 					      &keytable_info, 0);
   return keytable_type;
 static void
 gpa_keytable_class_init (GpaKeyTableClass *klass)
   GObjectClass *object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass);
   parent_class = g_type_class_peek_parent (klass);
   object_class->finalize = gpa_keytable_finalize;
 static void
 gpa_keytable_init (GpaKeyTable *keytable)
   /* Fixme: Why at all are we zeroing out variables already set to
      zero at object creation? */
   keytable->next = NULL;
   keytable->end = NULL;
   keytable->data = NULL;
   keytable->did_first_half = 0;
   keytable->first_half_err = 0;
   keytable->context = gpa_context_new ();
   keytable->keys = NULL;
   keytable->secret = FALSE;
   keytable->initialized = FALSE;
   keytable->new_key = FALSE;
   keytable->tmp_list = NULL;
   /* Note, that the next_key and done signals are emitted by means of
      gpgme events with the help of gpacontext.c:gpa_context_event_cb.  */
   g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (keytable->context), "next_key",
 		    G_CALLBACK (next_key_cb), keytable);
   g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (keytable->context), "done",
 		    G_CALLBACK (first_half_done_cb), keytable);
 static void
 gpa_keytable_finalize (GObject *object)
   GpaKeyTable *keytable = GPA_KEYTABLE (object);
   g_object_unref (keytable->context);
   g_list_foreach (keytable->keys, (GFunc) gpgme_key_unref, NULL);
   g_list_free (keytable->keys);
 /* Internal functions */
 static void
 reload_cache (GpaKeyTable *keytable, const char *fpr)
   gpg_error_t err;
   /* We select the Open PGP protocol here.  At the end
      first_half_done_cb will do another keylist_start for X,509.  */
   keytable->did_first_half = 0;
   keytable->first_half_err = 0;
   keytable->fpr = fpr;
   gpgme_set_protocol (keytable->context->ctx, GPGME_PROTOCOL_OpenPGP);
   err = gpgme_op_keylist_start (keytable->context->ctx, fpr,
   if (gpg_err_code (err) != GPG_ERR_NO_ERROR)
       gpa_gpgme_warning (err);
       if (keytable->end)
 	  keytable->end (keytable->data);
   keytable->tmp_list = NULL;
 static void
 done_cb (GpaContext *context, gpg_error_t err, GpaKeyTable *keytable)
   if (err || keytable->first_half_err)
       if (keytable->first_half_err)
         gpa_gpgme_warning (keytable->first_half_err);
       if (err)
         gpa_gpgme_warning (err);
   /* Reverse the list to have the keys come up in the same order they
    * were listed */
   keytable->tmp_list = g_list_reverse (keytable->tmp_list);
   if (keytable->new_key)
       /* Append the new key(s)
       keytable->keys = g_list_concat (keytable->keys, keytable->tmp_list);
       /* Replace the list
       if (keytable->keys)
 	  g_list_foreach (keytable->keys, (GFunc) gpgme_key_unref,
 	  g_list_free (keytable->keys);
       keytable->keys = keytable->tmp_list;
   keytable->initialized = TRUE;
   if (keytable->end)
       keytable->end (keytable->data);
 static void
 first_half_done_cb (GpaContext *context, gpg_error_t err,
                     GpaKeyTable *keytable)
   if (keytable->did_first_half || !cms_hack)
       /* We are here for the second time and thus we continue with the
          real done handler.  We do this also if the CMS_HACK has not
          been enabled.  We reset the protocol to OpenPGP because some
          old code might assume that it is in OpenPGP mode.  */
       keytable->fpr = NULL; /* Not needed anymore.  */
       gpgme_set_protocol (keytable->context->ctx, GPGME_PROTOCOL_OpenPGP);
       done_cb (context, err, keytable);
   /* Now continue with a key listing for X.509 keys but save the error
      of the the PGP key listing.  */
   keytable->first_half_err = err;
   keytable->did_first_half = 1;
   gpgme_set_protocol (context->ctx, GPGME_PROTOCOL_CMS);
   err = gpgme_op_keylist_start (keytable->context->ctx,
   keytable->fpr = NULL; /* Not needed anymore.  */
   if (err)
       if (keytable->first_half_err)
         gpa_gpgme_warning (keytable->first_half_err);
       if (gpg_err_code (err) == GPG_ERR_INV_ENGINE
           && gpg_err_source (err) == GPG_ERR_SOURCE_GPGME)
             (_("It seems that GPGSM is not installed.\n\n"
                "Temporary disabling support for X.509.\n\n"
                "Please install GPGSM or invoke this program\n"
                "with the option --disable-x509 ."), NULL);
           cms_hack = 0;
           err = 0;
         gpa_gpgme_warning (err);
       if (keytable->end)
 	  keytable->end (keytable->data);
 static void
 next_key_cb (GpaContext *context, gpgme_key_t key, GpaKeyTable *keytable)
   keytable->tmp_list = g_list_prepend (keytable->tmp_list, key);
   gpgme_key_ref (key);
   if (keytable->next)
       keytable->next (key, keytable->data);
 static void
 list_cache (GpaKeyTable *keytable)
   GList *list = keytable->keys;
   for (; list; list = g_list_next (list))
       gpgme_key_t key = (gpgme_key_t) list->data;
       gpgme_key_ref (key);
       if (keytable->next)
 	  keytable->next (key, keytable->data);
   if (keytable->end)
       keytable->end (keytable->data);
 /* API */
 static GpaKeyTable *public_instance = NULL;
 static GpaKeyTable *secret_instance = NULL;
 /* Create a new keytable. Internal, called from get_instance.
 static GpaKeyTable *
 gpa_keytable_new (gboolean secret)
   GpaKeyTable *keytable;
   keytable = g_object_new (GPA_KEYTABLE_TYPE, NULL);
   keytable->secret = secret;
   return keytable;
 /* Retrieve the public keytable instance.
 GpaKeyTable *gpa_keytable_get_public_instance ()
   if (!public_instance)
       public_instance = gpa_keytable_new (FALSE);
   return public_instance;
 /* Retrieve the secret keytable instance.
 GpaKeyTable *gpa_keytable_get_secret_instance ()
   if (!secret_instance)
       secret_instance = gpa_keytable_new (TRUE);
   return secret_instance;
 /* List all keys, return cached copies if they are available.
  * The "next" function is called for every key, providing a new
  * reference for that key that should be freed.
  * The "end" function is called when the listing is complete.
  * This function MAY not do anything until the application goes back into
  * the GLib main loop.
-void gpa_keytable_list_keys (GpaKeyTable *keytable,
-			     GpaKeyTableNextFunc next,
-			     GpaKeyTableEndFunc end,
-			     gpointer data)
+gpa_keytable_list_keys (GpaKeyTable *keytable,
+                        GpaKeyTableNextFunc next,
+                        GpaKeyTableEndFunc end,
+                        gpointer data)
   g_return_if_fail (keytable != NULL);
   g_return_if_fail (GPA_IS_KEYTABLE (keytable));
   /* Set up callbacks */
   keytable->next = next;
   keytable->end = end;
   keytable->data = data;
   /* List keys */
   if (keytable->keys)
       /* There is a cached list */
       list_cache (keytable);
       reload_cache (keytable, NULL);
 /* Same as list_keys, but forces the internal cache to be rebuilt.
-void gpa_keytable_force_reload (GpaKeyTable *keytable,
-				GpaKeyTableNextFunc next,
-				GpaKeyTableEndFunc end,
-				gpointer data)
+gpa_keytable_force_reload (GpaKeyTable *keytable,
+                           GpaKeyTableNextFunc next,
+                           GpaKeyTableEndFunc end,
+                           gpointer data)
   g_return_if_fail (keytable != NULL);
   g_return_if_fail (GPA_IS_KEYTABLE (keytable));
   /* Set up callbacks */
   keytable->next = next;
   keytable->end = end;
   keytable->data = data;
   /* List keys */
   reload_cache (keytable, NULL);
 /* Load the key with the given fingerprint from GnuPG, replacing it in the
  * keytable if needed.
-void gpa_keytable_load_new (GpaKeyTable *keytable,
-			    const char *fpr,
-			    GpaKeyTableNextFunc next,
-			    GpaKeyTableEndFunc end,
-			    gpointer data)
+gpa_keytable_load_new (GpaKeyTable *keytable,
+                       const char *fpr,
+                       GpaKeyTableNextFunc next,
+                       GpaKeyTableEndFunc end,
+                       gpointer data)
   g_return_if_fail (keytable != NULL);
   g_return_if_fail (GPA_IS_KEYTABLE (keytable));
   /* Set up callbacks */
   keytable->next = next;
   keytable->end = end;
   keytable->data = data;
   /* List keys */
   keytable->new_key = TRUE;
   reload_cache (keytable, fpr);
 /* Return the key with a given fingerprint from the keytable, NULL if
    there is none. No reference is provided.  */
 gpa_keytable_lookup_key (GpaKeyTable *keytable, const char *fpr)
   if (keytable->initialized)
       GList *cur;
       for (cur = keytable->keys; cur; cur = g_list_next (cur))
 	  gpgme_key_t key = (gpgme_key_t) cur->data;
 	  if (g_str_equal (fpr, key->subkeys->fpr))
 	      return key;
       return NULL;
       /* There is no list yet. We really, really, need to one, so we list it.
        * FIXME: This is a hack and a basic problem. Hopefully it won't cause
        * any real problems.
       keytable->end = (GpaKeyTableEndFunc) gtk_main_quit;
       reload_cache (keytable, NULL);
       gtk_main ();
       keytable->end = NULL;
       return gpa_keytable_lookup_key (keytable, fpr);