diff --git a/src/fileman.c b/src/fileman.c index ad1249e..63d6110 100644 --- a/src/fileman.c +++ b/src/fileman.c @@ -1,925 +1,1265 @@ /* fileman.c - The GNU Privacy Assistant Copyright (C) 2000, 2001 G-N-U GmbH. Copyright (C) 2007, 2008 g10 Code GmbH This file is part of GPA. GPA is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. GPA is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, see . */ /* The file encryption/decryption/sign window. */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "gpa.h" #include "gtktools.h" #include "gpawidgets.h" #include "siglist.h" #include "helpmenu.h" #include "icons.h" #include "fileman.h" #include "gpafiledecryptop.h" #include "gpafileencryptop.h" #include "gpafilesignop.h" #include "gpafileverifyop.h" #if ! GTK_CHECK_VERSION (2, 10, 0) #define GTK_STOCK_SELECT_ALL "gtk-select-all" #endif /* Object and class definition. */ struct _GpaFileManager { GtkWindow parent; GtkWidget *window; GtkWidget *list_files; GList *selection_sensitive_actions; }; struct _GpaFileManagerClass { GtkWindowClass parent_class; }; /* There is only one instance of the file manage class. Use a global variable to keep track of it. */ static GpaFileManager *instance; /* We also need to save the parent class. */ static GObjectClass *parent_class; /* Definition of the sensitivity function type. */ typedef gboolean (*sensitivity_func_t)(gpointer); /* Constants to define the file list. */ enum { FILE_NAME_COLUMN, FILE_N_COLUMNS }; #define DND_TARGET_URI_LIST 1 /* Drag and drop target list. */ static GtkTargetEntry dnd_target_list[] = { { "text/uri-list", 0, DND_TARGET_URI_LIST } }; /* Local prototypes */ static GObject *gpa_file_manager_constructor (GType type, guint n_construct_properties, GObjectConstructParam *construct_properties); /* * GtkWidget boilerplate. */ static void gpa_file_manager_finalize (GObject *object) { G_OBJECT_CLASS (parent_class)->finalize (object); } static void gpa_file_manager_init (GpaFileManager *fileman) { fileman->selection_sensitive_actions = NULL; } static void gpa_file_manager_class_init (GpaFileManagerClass *klass) { GObjectClass *object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass); parent_class = g_type_class_peek_parent (klass); object_class->constructor = gpa_file_manager_constructor; object_class->finalize = gpa_file_manager_finalize; } GType gpa_file_manager_get_type (void) { static GType fileman_type = 0; if (!fileman_type) { static const GTypeInfo fileman_info = { sizeof (GpaFileManagerClass), (GBaseInitFunc) NULL, (GBaseFinalizeFunc) NULL, (GClassInitFunc) gpa_file_manager_class_init, NULL, /* class_finalize */ NULL, /* class_data */ sizeof (GpaFileManager), 0, /* n_preallocs */ (GInstanceInitFunc) gpa_file_manager_init, }; fileman_type = g_type_register_static (GTK_TYPE_WINDOW, "GpaFileManager", &fileman_info, 0); } return fileman_type; } /* * File manager methods */ /* Return the currently selected files as a new list of filenames * structs. The list and the texts must be freed by the caller. */ static GList * get_selected_files (GtkWidget *list) { GtkTreeModel *model = gtk_tree_view_get_model (GTK_TREE_VIEW (list)); GtkTreeSelection *sel = gtk_tree_view_get_selection (GTK_TREE_VIEW (list)); GList *selection = gtk_tree_selection_get_selected_rows (sel, &model); GList *files = NULL; while (selection) { gpa_file_item_t file_item; gchar *filename; GtkTreeIter iter; gtk_tree_model_get_iter (model, &iter, (GtkTreePath*) selection->data); gtk_tree_model_get (model, &iter, FILE_NAME_COLUMN, &filename, -1); file_item = g_malloc0 (sizeof (*file_item)); file_item->filename_in = filename; files = g_list_append (files, file_item); selection = g_list_next (selection); } /* Free the selection */ g_list_foreach (selection, (GFunc) gtk_tree_path_free, NULL); g_list_free (selection); return files; } /* Add file FILENAME to the file list of FILEMAN and select it */ static gboolean add_file (GpaFileManager *fileman, const gchar *filename) { GtkListStore *store; GtkTreeIter iter; GtkTreePath *path; GtkTreeSelection *sel; gchar *filename_utf8; /* The tree contains filenames in the UTF-8 encoding. */ filename_utf8 = g_filename_to_utf8 (filename, -1, NULL, NULL, NULL); /* Try to convert from the current locale as fallback. This is important for windows where g_filename_to_utf8 does not take locale into account because the filedialogs already convert to utf8. */ if (!filename_utf8) { filename_utf8 = g_locale_to_utf8 (filename, -1, NULL, NULL, NULL); } /* Last fallback is guranteed to never be NULL so in doubt we can still fail later showing a filename that can't be found to the user etc.*/ if (!filename_utf8) { filename_utf8 = g_filename_display_name (filename); } store = GTK_LIST_STORE (gtk_tree_view_get_model (GTK_TREE_VIEW (fileman->list_files))); /* Check for duplicates. */ path = gtk_tree_path_new_first (); if (gtk_tree_model_get_iter (GTK_TREE_MODEL (store), &iter, path)) do { gchar *tmp; gboolean exists; gtk_tree_model_get (GTK_TREE_MODEL (store), &iter, FILE_NAME_COLUMN, &tmp, -1); exists = g_str_equal (filename_utf8, tmp); g_free (tmp); if (exists) { g_free (filename_utf8); gtk_tree_path_free (path); return FALSE; /* This file is already in our list. */ } } while (gtk_tree_model_iter_next (GTK_TREE_MODEL (store), &iter)); gtk_tree_path_free (path); /* Append it to our list. */ gtk_list_store_append (store, &iter); /* FIXME: Add the file status when/if gpgme supports it */ gtk_list_store_set (store, &iter, FILE_NAME_COLUMN, filename_utf8, -1); /* Select the row */ sel = gtk_tree_view_get_selection (GTK_TREE_VIEW (fileman->list_files)); gtk_tree_selection_select_iter (sel, &iter); return TRUE; } /* Add a file created by an operation to the list */ static void file_created_cb (GpaFileOperation *op, gpa_file_item_t item, gpointer data) { GpaFileManager *fileman = data; add_file (fileman, item->filename_out); } /* Do whatever is required with a file operation, to ensure proper clean up */ static void register_operation (GpaFileManager *fileman, GpaFileOperation *op) { g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (op), "created_file", G_CALLBACK (file_created_cb), fileman); g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (op), "completed", G_CALLBACK (g_object_unref), NULL); } /* Management of the selection sensitive actions. */ /* Return true if a selection is active. */ static gboolean has_selection (gpointer param) { GpaFileManager *fileman = param; GtkTreeSelection *sel; sel = gtk_tree_view_get_selection (GTK_TREE_VIEW (fileman->list_files)); return (gtk_tree_selection_count_selected_rows (sel) > 0); } /* Add WIDGET to the list of sensitive actions of FILEMAN. */ static void add_selection_sensitive_action (GpaFileManager *fileman, GtkAction *action, sensitivity_func_t callback) { g_object_set_data (G_OBJECT (action), "gpa_sensitivity", callback); fileman->selection_sensitive_actions = g_list_append (fileman->selection_sensitive_actions, action); } /* Update the sensitivity of the widget DATA and pass PARAM through to the sensitivity callback. Usable as an iterator function in g_list_foreach. */ static void update_selection_sensitive_action (gpointer data, gpointer param) { sensitivity_func_t func; func = g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (data), "gpa_sensitivity"); gtk_action_set_sensitive (GTK_ACTION (data), func (param)); } /* Call update_selection_sensitive_action for all widgets in the list of sensitive actions and pass FILEMAN through as the user data parameter. */ static void update_selection_sensitive_actions (GpaFileManager *fileman) { g_list_foreach (fileman->selection_sensitive_actions, update_selection_sensitive_action, (gpointer) fileman); } /* Actions as called by the menu items. */ static GSList * get_load_file_name (GtkWidget *parent, const gchar *title, const gchar *directory) { static GtkWidget *dialog; GtkResponseType response; GSList *filenames = NULL; if (! dialog) { dialog = gtk_file_chooser_dialog_new (title, GTK_WINDOW (parent), GTK_FILE_CHOOSER_ACTION_OPEN, GTK_STOCK_CANCEL, GTK_RESPONSE_CANCEL, GTK_STOCK_OPEN, GTK_RESPONSE_OK, NULL); gtk_dialog_set_default_response (GTK_DIALOG (dialog), GTK_RESPONSE_OK); gtk_file_chooser_set_select_multiple (GTK_FILE_CHOOSER (dialog), TRUE); } if (directory) gtk_file_chooser_set_current_folder (GTK_FILE_CHOOSER (dialog), directory); gtk_file_chooser_unselect_all (GTK_FILE_CHOOSER (dialog)); /* Run the dialog until there is a valid response. */ response = gtk_dialog_run (GTK_DIALOG (dialog)); if (response == GTK_RESPONSE_OK) filenames = gtk_file_chooser_get_filenames (GTK_FILE_CHOOSER (dialog)); gtk_widget_hide (dialog); return filenames; } /* Handle menu item "File/Open". */ void open_file_one (gpointer data, gpointer user_data) { GpaFileManager *fileman = user_data; gchar *filename = (gchar *) data; /* FIXME: We are ignoring errors here. */ add_file (fileman, filename); g_free (filename); } static void file_open (GtkAction *action, gpointer param) { GpaFileManager *fileman = param; GSList *filenames; filenames = get_load_file_name (GTK_WIDGET (fileman), _("Open File"), NULL); if (! filenames) return; g_slist_foreach (filenames, open_file_one, fileman); g_slist_free (filenames); } /* Handle menu item "File/Clear". */ static void file_clear (GtkAction *action, gpointer param) { GpaFileManager *fileman = param; GtkListStore *store = GTK_LIST_STORE (gtk_tree_view_get_model (GTK_TREE_VIEW (fileman->list_files))); gtk_list_store_clear (store); } /* Handle menu item "File/Verify". */ static void file_verify (GtkAction *action, gpointer param) { GpaFileManager *fileman = param; GList *files; GpaFileVerifyOperation *op; files = get_selected_files (fileman->list_files); if (!files) return; op = gpa_file_verify_operation_new (GTK_WIDGET (fileman), files); register_operation (fileman, GPA_FILE_OPERATION (op)); } /* Handle menu item "File/Sign". */ static void file_sign (GtkAction *action, gpointer param) { GpaFileManager *fileman = param; GList * files; GpaFileSignOperation *op; files = get_selected_files (fileman->list_files); if (!files) return; op = gpa_file_sign_operation_new (GTK_WIDGET (fileman), files, FALSE); register_operation (fileman, GPA_FILE_OPERATION (op)); } /* Handle menu item "File/Encrypt". */ static void file_encrypt (GtkAction *action, gpointer param) { GpaFileManager *fileman = param; GList *files; GpaFileEncryptOperation *op; files = get_selected_files (fileman->list_files); if (!files) return; op = gpa_file_encrypt_operation_new (GTK_WIDGET (fileman), files, FALSE); register_operation (fileman, GPA_FILE_OPERATION (op)); } /* Handle menu item "File/Decrypt". */ static void file_decrypt (GtkAction *action, gpointer param) { GpaFileManager *fileman = param; GList *files; GpaFileDecryptOperation *op; files = get_selected_files (fileman->list_files); if (!files) return; op = gpa_file_decrypt_verify_operation_new (GTK_WIDGET (fileman), files); register_operation (fileman, GPA_FILE_OPERATION (op)); } /* Handle menu item "File/Close". */ static void file_close (GtkAction *action, gpointer param) { GpaFileManager *fileman = param; gtk_widget_destroy (GTK_WIDGET (fileman)); } /* Handle menu item "Edit/Select All". */ static void edit_select_all (GtkAction *action, gpointer param) { GpaFileManager *fileman = param; gtk_tree_selection_select_all (gtk_tree_view_get_selection (GTK_TREE_VIEW (fileman->list_files))); } /* Construct the file manager menu and toolbar widgets and return them. */ static void fileman_action_new (GpaFileManager *fileman, GtkWidget **menubar, GtkWidget **toolbar) { - static const GtkActionEntry entries[] = + + static const GActionEntry entries[] = + { + { "File", NULL }, + { "Edit", NULL }, + + { "file_open", file_open }, + { "file_clear", file_clear }, + { "file_sign", file_sign }, + { "file_verify", file_verify }, + { "file_encrypt", file_encrypt }, + { "file_decrypt", file_decrypt }, + { "file_close", file_close }, + { "file_quit", g_application_quit }, + + { "edit_select_all", edit_select_all }, + }; + + static const GtkActionEntry old_entries[] = { /* Toplevel. */ { "File", NULL, N_("_File"), NULL }, { "Edit", NULL, N_("_Edit"), NULL }, /* File menu. */ { "FileOpen", GTK_STOCK_OPEN, NULL, NULL, N_("Open a file"), G_CALLBACK (file_open) }, { "FileClear", GTK_STOCK_CLEAR, NULL, NULL, N_("Close all files"), G_CALLBACK (file_clear) }, { "FileSign", GPA_STOCK_SIGN, NULL, NULL, N_("Sign the selected file"), G_CALLBACK (file_sign) }, { "FileVerify", GPA_STOCK_VERIFY, NULL, NULL, N_("Check signatures of selected file"), G_CALLBACK (file_verify) }, { "FileEncrypt", GPA_STOCK_ENCRYPT, NULL, NULL, N_("Encrypt the selected file"), G_CALLBACK (file_encrypt) }, { "FileDecrypt", GPA_STOCK_DECRYPT, NULL, NULL, N_("Decrypt the selected file"), G_CALLBACK (file_decrypt) }, { "FileClose", GTK_STOCK_CLOSE, NULL, NULL, N_("Close the window"), G_CALLBACK (file_close) }, { "FileQuit", GTK_STOCK_QUIT, NULL, NULL, N_("Quit the program"), G_CALLBACK (g_application_quit) }, /* Edit menu. */ { "EditSelectAll", GTK_STOCK_SELECT_ALL, NULL, "A", N_("Select all files"), G_CALLBACK (edit_select_all) } }; + /* static const char *ui_description = "" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " #ifdef ENABLE_CARD_MANAGER " " #endif " " " " #if 0 " " #endif " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " #ifdef ENABLE_CARD_MANAGER " " #endif #if 0 " " #endif " " ""; + */ + + static const char *menu_string = { + "" + "" + "" + "_File" + "
" + "" + "Open" + "app.file_close" + "" + "" + "Clear" + "app.file_quit" + "" + "
" + "
" + "" + "Sign" + "app.file_close" + "" + "" + "Verify" + "app.file_quit" + "" + "" + "Encrypt" + "app.file_quit" + "" + "" + "Decrypt" + "app.file_quit" + "" + "
" + "
" + "" + "Close" + "app.file_close" + "" + "" + "Quit" + "app.file_quit" + "" + "
" + "
" + "" + "Edit" + "
" + "" + "Mark All" + "app.file_close" + "" + "
" + "
" + "" + "Backend Settings" + "app.file_quit" + "" + "" + "Settings" + "app.file_quit" + "" + "
" + "
" + "" + "Window" + "" + "Keyring Manager" + "app.file_close" + "" + "" + "File Manager" + "app.file_quit" + "" + "" + "Clipboard" + "app.file_quit" + "" + "" + "Card Manager" + "app.file_quit" + "" + "" + "" + "Help" + "" + "About" + "app.help_about" + "" + "" + "
" + + "" + "True" + "False" + "False" + + "" + "" + "True" + "False" + "True" + "document-open" + "" + "" + "False" + "True" + "" + "" + + "" + "" + "True" + "False" + "True" + "edit-clear" + "" + "" + "False" + "True" + "" + "" + + "" + "" + "" + "" + + "" + "" + "True" + "False" + "True" + "sign" + "" + "" + "False" + "True" + "" + "" + + "" + "" + "True" + "False" + "True" + "verify" + "" + "" + "False" + "True" + "" + "" + + "" + "" + "True" + "False" + "True" + "encrypt" + "" + "" + "False" + "True" + "" + "" + + "" + "" + "True" + "False" + "True" + "decrypt" + "" + "" + "False" + "True" + "" + "" + + "" + "" + "" + "" + + "" + "" + "True" + "False" + "True" + "preferences-desktop" + "" + "" + "False" + "True" + "" + "" + + "" + "" + "" + "" + + "" + "" + "True" + "False" + "True" + "keyring" + "app.windows_keyring_editor" + "" + "" + "False" + "True" + "" + "" + + "" + "" + "True" + "False" + "True" + "edit-paste" + "app.windows_clipboard" + "" + "" + "False" + "True" + "" + "" + + "" + "" + "True" + "False" + "True" + "smartcard" + "app.windows_card_manager" + "" + "" + "False" + "True" + "" + "" + + "" + + "
" + }; + /* GtkAccelGroup *accel_group; GtkActionGroup *action_group; GtkAction *action; GtkUIManager *ui_manager; GError *error; action_group = gtk_action_group_new ("MenuActions"); gtk_action_group_set_translation_domain (action_group, PACKAGE); gtk_action_group_add_actions (action_group, entries, G_N_ELEMENTS (entries), fileman); gtk_action_group_add_actions (action_group, gpa_help_menu_action_entries, G_N_ELEMENTS (gpa_help_menu_action_entries), fileman); gtk_action_group_add_actions (action_group, gpa_windows_menu_action_entries, G_N_ELEMENTS (gpa_windows_menu_action_entries), fileman); gtk_action_group_add_actions (action_group, gpa_preferences_menu_action_entries, G_N_ELEMENTS (gpa_preferences_menu_action_entries), fileman); ui_manager = gtk_ui_manager_new (); gtk_ui_manager_insert_action_group (ui_manager, action_group, 0); accel_group = gtk_ui_manager_get_accel_group (ui_manager); gtk_window_add_accel_group (GTK_WINDOW (fileman), accel_group); if (! gtk_ui_manager_add_ui_from_string (ui_manager, ui_description, -1, &error)) { g_message ("building fileman menus failed: %s", error->message); g_error_free (error); exit (EXIT_FAILURE); } - /* Fixup the icon theme labels which are too long for the toolbar. */ + // Fixup the icon theme labels which are too long for the toolbar. action = gtk_action_group_get_action (action_group, "WindowsKeyringEditor"); g_object_set (action, "short_label", _("Keyring"), NULL); #ifdef ENABLE_CARD_MANAGER action = gtk_action_group_get_action (action_group, "WindowsCardManager"); g_object_set (action, "short_label", _("Card"), NULL); #endif - /* Take care of sensitiveness of widgets. */ + // Take care of sensitiveness of widgets. action = gtk_action_group_get_action (action_group, "FileSign"); add_selection_sensitive_action (fileman, action, has_selection); action = gtk_action_group_get_action (action_group, "FileVerify"); add_selection_sensitive_action (fileman, action, has_selection); action = gtk_action_group_get_action (action_group, "FileEncrypt"); add_selection_sensitive_action (fileman, action, has_selection); action = gtk_action_group_get_action (action_group, "FileDecrypt"); add_selection_sensitive_action (fileman, action, has_selection); *menubar = gtk_ui_manager_get_widget (ui_manager, "/MainMenu"); *toolbar = gtk_ui_manager_get_widget (ui_manager, "/ToolBar"); gpa_toolbar_set_homogeneous (GTK_TOOLBAR (*toolbar), FALSE); + + */ + + GError **err; + + GtkBuilder *gtk_builder = gtk_builder_new_from_string (menu_string, -1); + + if (gtk_builder_add_from_string( gtk_builder, menu_string , -1, err) == 0) { + printf("ERROR: %s \n", (*err)->message); + } + + GMenuModel *menu_bar_model = G_MENU_MODEL (gtk_builder_get_object (GTK_BUILDER (gtk_builder), "main_menu")); + *menubar = gtk_menu_bar_new_from_model (menu_bar_model); + + /* + GMenuModel *popup_menu_model = G_MENU_MODEL (gtk_builder_get_object (GTK_BUILDER (gtk_builder), "popupmenu")); + *popup = gtk_menu_new_from_model (popup_menu_model); + */ + + GObject *grid = gtk_builder_get_object (GTK_BUILDER (gtk_builder), "toolbar"); + + GtkCssProvider *css_provider = gtk_css_provider_new(); + GdkDisplay *display = gdk_display_get_default(); + GdkScreen *screen = gdk_display_get_default_screen (display); + gtk_style_context_add_provider_for_screen (screen, GTK_STYLE_PROVIDER(css_provider), GTK_STYLE_PROVIDER_PRIORITY_USER); + + gtk_css_provider_load_from_data(css_provider, + "#toolbar {\n" + //" padding-left: 55px;\n" + // " padding-right: 5px;\n" + // " border-radius: 3px;\n" + "}\n", -1, NULL); + + GtkStyleContext *style_context; + + style_context = gtk_widget_get_style_context (GTK_WIDGET (grid)); + + + //gtk_widget_add_css_class (grid, "toolbar"); + + *toolbar = grid; + + // We must set the name to the toolbar for css to recognize it + gtk_widget_set_name(*toolbar, "toolbar"); + + gtk_style_context_add_class (style_context, "toolbar"); + + + GtkApplication *gpa_app = get_gpa_application (); + + g_action_map_add_action_entries (G_ACTION_MAP (gpa_app), + gpa_windows_menu_g_action_entries, + G_N_ELEMENTS (gpa_windows_menu_g_action_entries), + fileman); + + g_action_map_add_action_entries (G_ACTION_MAP (gpa_app), + entries, + G_N_ELEMENTS (entries), + fileman); + + g_action_map_add_action_entries (G_ACTION_MAP (gpa_app), + gpa_help_menu_g_action_entries, + G_N_ELEMENTS (gpa_help_menu_g_action_entries), + fileman); + + g_action_map_add_action_entries (G_ACTION_MAP (gpa_app), + gpa_preferences_menu_g_action_entries, + G_N_ELEMENTS (gpa_preferences_menu_g_action_entries), + fileman); + } /* Drag and Drop handler. */ /* Handler for "drag-drop". This signal is emitted when the user drops the selection. */ static gboolean dnd_drop_handler (GtkWidget *widget, GdkDragContext *context, gint x, gint y, guint tim, gpointer user_data) { GdkAtom target_type = gdk_atom_intern ("text/uri-list", FALSE); GList *targets = gdk_drag_context_list_targets(context); /* If the source offers a target we request the data from her. */ if (targets && g_list_find (targets, GDK_ATOM_TO_POINTER (target_type))) { gtk_drag_get_data (widget, context, target_type, tim); return TRUE; } return FALSE; } /* Handler for "drag-data-received". This signal is emitted when the data has been received from the source. */ static void dnd_data_received_handler (GtkWidget *widget, GdkDragContext *context, gint x, gint y, GtkSelectionData *selection_data, guint target_type, guint tim, gpointer user_data) { GpaFileManager *fileman = user_data; gboolean dnd_success = FALSE; gboolean delete_selection_data = FALSE; // const guchar *our_selection_data = gtk_selection_data_get_data(selection_data); /* Is that usable by us? */ if (selection_data && gtk_selection_data_get_length(selection_data) >= 0 ) { GdkDragAction drag_action = gdk_drag_context_get_suggested_action(context); if (drag_action == GDK_ACTION_MOVE) delete_selection_data = TRUE; /* Check that we got a format we can use. */ if (target_type == DND_TARGET_URI_LIST) { //char *p = (char *) selection_data->data; char *p = (char *)gtk_selection_data_get_data(selection_data); char **list; int i; list = g_uri_list_extract_uris (p); for (i=0; list && list[i]; i++) { char *name = g_filename_from_uri (list[i], NULL, NULL); if (name) { /* Canonical line endings are required for an uri-list. */ if ((p = strchr (name, '\r'))) *p = 0; add_file (fileman, name); g_free (name); } } g_strfreev (list); dnd_success = TRUE; } } /* Finish the DnD processing. */ gtk_drag_finish (context, dnd_success, delete_selection_data, tim); } /* Construct the file list object. */ static GtkWidget * file_list_new (GpaFileManager * fileman) { GtkWidget *scrollerFile; GtkCellRenderer *renderer; GtkTreeViewColumn *column; GtkTreeSelection *sel; GtkListStore *store = gtk_list_store_new (1, G_TYPE_STRING); GtkWidget *list = gtk_tree_view_new_with_model (GTK_TREE_MODEL (store)); renderer = gtk_cell_renderer_text_new (); column = gtk_tree_view_column_new_with_attributes (_("File"), renderer, "text", FILE_NAME_COLUMN, NULL); gtk_tree_view_append_column (GTK_TREE_VIEW (list), column); sel = gtk_tree_view_get_selection (GTK_TREE_VIEW (list)); gtk_tree_selection_set_mode (sel, GTK_SELECTION_MULTIPLE); g_signal_connect_swapped (sel, "changed", G_CALLBACK (update_selection_sensitive_actions), fileman); gtk_tree_view_set_rules_hint (GTK_TREE_VIEW (list), TRUE); scrollerFile = gtk_scrolled_window_new (NULL, NULL); gtk_scrolled_window_set_policy (GTK_SCROLLED_WINDOW (scrollerFile), GTK_POLICY_AUTOMATIC, GTK_POLICY_AUTOMATIC); gtk_scrolled_window_set_shadow_type (GTK_SCROLLED_WINDOW (scrollerFile), GTK_SHADOW_IN); fileman->list_files = list; gtk_widget_grab_focus (list); gtk_container_add (GTK_CONTAINER (scrollerFile), list); return scrollerFile; } /* Callback for the destroy signal. */ static void file_manager_closed (GtkWidget *widget, gpointer param) { instance = NULL; } /* Construct a new class object of GpaFileManager. */ static GObject* gpa_file_manager_constructor (GType type, guint n_construct_properties, GObjectConstructParam *construct_properties) { GObject *object; GpaFileManager *fileman; GtkWidget *vbox; GtkWidget *hbox; GtkWidget *label; GtkWidget *icon; gchar *markup; GtkWidget *menubar; GtkWidget *file_box; GtkWidget *file_frame; GtkWidget *toolbar; GtkWidget *align; guint pt, pb, pl, pr; /* Invoke parent's constructor. */ object = parent_class->constructor (type, n_construct_properties, construct_properties); fileman = GPA_FILE_MANAGER (object); /* Initialize. */ gpa_window_set_title (GTK_WINDOW (fileman), _("File Manager")); gtk_window_set_default_size (GTK_WINDOW (fileman), 640, 480); /* Realize the window so that we can create pixmaps without warnings. */ gtk_widget_realize (GTK_WIDGET (fileman)); /* Use a vbox to show the menu, toolbar and the file container. */ vbox = gtk_box_new (GTK_ORIENTATION_VERTICAL, 0); /* Get the menu and the toolbar. */ fileman_action_new (fileman, &menubar, &toolbar); gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (vbox), menubar, FALSE, TRUE, 0); gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (vbox), toolbar, FALSE, TRUE, 0); /* Add a fancy label that tells us: This is the file manager. */ hbox = gtk_box_new (GTK_ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL, 0); gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (vbox), hbox, FALSE, TRUE, 5); icon = gtk_image_new_from_stock ("gtk-directory", GTK_ICON_SIZE_DND); gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (hbox), icon, FALSE, TRUE, 0); label = gtk_label_new (NULL); markup = g_strdup_printf ("%s", _("File Manager")); gtk_label_set_markup (GTK_LABEL (label), markup); g_free (markup); gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (hbox), label, TRUE, TRUE, 10); gtk_misc_set_alignment (GTK_MISC (label), 0, 0.5); /* Third a hbox with the file list. */ align = gtk_alignment_new (0.5, 0.5, 1, 1); gtk_alignment_get_padding (GTK_ALIGNMENT (align), &pt, &pb, &pl, &pr); gtk_alignment_set_padding (GTK_ALIGNMENT (align), pt, pb + 5, pl + 5, pr + 5); gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (vbox), align, TRUE, TRUE, 0); file_box = gtk_box_new (GTK_ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL, 0); file_frame = file_list_new (fileman); gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (file_box), file_frame, TRUE, TRUE, 0); gtk_container_add (GTK_CONTAINER (align), file_box); gtk_container_add (GTK_CONTAINER (fileman), vbox); g_signal_connect (object, "destroy", G_CALLBACK (file_manager_closed), object); /* Make the file box a DnD destination. */ gtk_drag_dest_set (file_box, (GTK_DEST_DEFAULT_MOTION | GTK_DEST_DEFAULT_HIGHLIGHT), dnd_target_list, DIM (dnd_target_list), GDK_ACTION_COPY); g_signal_connect (file_box, "drag-drop", G_CALLBACK (dnd_drop_handler), fileman); g_signal_connect (file_box, "drag-data-received", G_CALLBACK (dnd_data_received_handler), fileman); return object; } static GpaFileManager * gpa_fileman_new () { GpaFileManager *fileman; fileman = g_object_new (GPA_FILE_MANAGER_TYPE, NULL); update_selection_sensitive_actions (fileman); return fileman; } /* API */ GtkWidget * gpa_file_manager_get_instance (void) { if (!instance) { instance = gpa_fileman_new (); } return GTK_WIDGET (instance); } gboolean gpa_file_manager_is_open (void) { return (instance != NULL); } void gpa_file_manager_open_file (GpaFileManager *fileman, const gchar *filename) { if (!add_file (fileman, filename)) gpa_window_error (_("The file is already open."), GTK_WIDGET (fileman)); /* FIXME: Release filename? */ }