diff --git a/dirmngr/certcache.c b/dirmngr/certcache.c index 5486997b6..87f605eab 100644 --- a/dirmngr/certcache.c +++ b/dirmngr/certcache.c @@ -1,1858 +1,1861 @@ /* certcache.c - Certificate caching * Copyright (C) 2004, 2005, 2007, 2008, 2017 g10 Code GmbH * * This file is part of DirMngr. * * DirMngr is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * DirMngr is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, see . */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "dirmngr.h" #include "misc.h" #include "../common/ksba-io-support.h" #include "crlfetch.h" #include "certcache.h" #define MAX_NONPERM_CACHED_CERTS 1000 /* Constants used to classify search patterns. */ enum pattern_class { PATTERN_UNKNOWN = 0, PATTERN_EMAIL, PATTERN_EMAIL_SUBSTR, PATTERN_FINGERPRINT16, PATTERN_FINGERPRINT20, PATTERN_SHORT_KEYID, PATTERN_LONG_KEYID, PATTERN_SUBJECT, PATTERN_SERIALNO, PATTERN_SERIALNO_ISSUER, PATTERN_ISSUER, PATTERN_SUBSTR }; /* A certificate cache item. This consists of a the KSBA cert object and some meta data for easier lookup. We use a hash table to keep track of all items and use the (randomly distributed) first byte of the fingerprint directly as the hash which makes it pretty easy. */ struct cert_item_s { struct cert_item_s *next; /* Next item with the same hash value. */ ksba_cert_t cert; /* The KSBA cert object or NULL is this is not a valid item. */ unsigned char fpr[20]; /* The fingerprint of this object. */ char *issuer_dn; /* The malloced issuer DN. */ ksba_sexp_t sn; /* The malloced serial number */ char *subject_dn; /* The malloced subject DN - maybe NULL. */ /* If this field is set the certificate has been taken from some * configuration and shall not be flushed from the cache. */ unsigned int permanent:1; /* If this field is set the certificate is trusted. The actual * value is a (possible) combination of CERTTRUST_CLASS values. */ unsigned int trustclasses:4; }; typedef struct cert_item_s *cert_item_t; /* The actual cert cache consisting of 256 slots for items indexed by the first byte of the fingerprint. */ static cert_item_t cert_cache[256]; /* This is the global cache_lock variable. In general locking is not needed but it would take extra efforts to make sure that no indirect use of npth functions is done, so we simply lock it always. Note: We can't use static initialization, as that is not available through w32-pth. */ static npth_rwlock_t cert_cache_lock; /* Flag to track whether the cache has been initialized. */ static int initialization_done; /* Total number of non-permanent certificates. */ static unsigned int total_nonperm_certificates; /* For each cert class the corresponding bit is set if at least one * certificate of that class is loaded permanetly. */ static unsigned int any_cert_of_class; #ifdef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM /* We load some functions dynamically. Provide typedefs for tehse * functions. */ typedef HCERTSTORE (WINAPI *CERTOPENSYSTEMSTORE) (HCRYPTPROV hProv, LPCSTR szSubsystemProtocol); typedef PCCERT_CONTEXT (WINAPI *CERTENUMCERTIFICATESINSTORE) (HCERTSTORE hCertStore, PCCERT_CONTEXT pPrevCertContext); typedef WINBOOL (WINAPI *CERTCLOSESTORE) (HCERTSTORE hCertStore,DWORD dwFlags); #endif /*HAVE_W32_SYSTEM*/ /* Helper to do the cache locking. */ static void init_cache_lock (void) { int err; err = npth_rwlock_init (&cert_cache_lock, NULL); if (err) log_fatal (_("can't initialize certificate cache lock: %s\n"), strerror (err)); } static void acquire_cache_read_lock (void) { int err; err = npth_rwlock_rdlock (&cert_cache_lock); if (err) log_fatal (_("can't acquire read lock on the certificate cache: %s\n"), strerror (err)); } static void acquire_cache_write_lock (void) { int err; err = npth_rwlock_wrlock (&cert_cache_lock); if (err) log_fatal (_("can't acquire write lock on the certificate cache: %s\n"), strerror (err)); } static void release_cache_lock (void) { int err; err = npth_rwlock_unlock (&cert_cache_lock); if (err) log_fatal (_("can't release lock on the certificate cache: %s\n"), strerror (err)); } /* Return false if both serial numbers match. Can't be used for sorting. */ static int compare_serialno (ksba_sexp_t serial1, ksba_sexp_t serial2 ) { unsigned char *a = serial1; unsigned char *b = serial2; return cmp_simple_canon_sexp (a, b); } /* Return a malloced canonical S-Expression with the serial number * converted from the hex string HEXSN. Return NULL on memory * error. */ ksba_sexp_t hexsn_to_sexp (const char *hexsn) { char *buffer, *p; size_t len; char numbuf[40]; len = unhexify (NULL, hexsn); snprintf (numbuf, sizeof numbuf, "(%u:", (unsigned int)len); buffer = xtrymalloc (strlen (numbuf) + len + 2 ); if (!buffer) return NULL; p = stpcpy (buffer, numbuf); len = unhexify (p, hexsn); p[len] = ')'; p[len+1] = 0; return buffer; } /* Compute the fingerprint of the certificate CERT and put it into the 20 bytes large buffer DIGEST. Return address of this buffer. */ unsigned char * cert_compute_fpr (ksba_cert_t cert, unsigned char *digest) { gpg_error_t err; gcry_md_hd_t md; err = gcry_md_open (&md, GCRY_MD_SHA1, 0); if (err) log_fatal ("gcry_md_open failed: %s\n", gpg_strerror (err)); err = ksba_cert_hash (cert, 0, HASH_FNC, md); if (err) { log_error ("oops: ksba_cert_hash failed: %s\n", gpg_strerror (err)); memset (digest, 0xff, 20); /* Use a dummy value. */ } else { gcry_md_final (md); memcpy (digest, gcry_md_read (md, GCRY_MD_SHA1), 20); } gcry_md_close (md); return digest; } /* Cleanup one slot. This releases all resourses but keeps the actual slot in the cache marked for reuse. */ static void clean_cache_slot (cert_item_t ci) { ksba_cert_t cert; if (!ci->cert) return; /* Already cleaned. */ ksba_free (ci->sn); ci->sn = NULL; ksba_free (ci->issuer_dn); ci->issuer_dn = NULL; ksba_free (ci->subject_dn); ci->subject_dn = NULL; cert = ci->cert; ci->cert = NULL; ci->permanent = 0; ci->trustclasses = 0; ksba_cert_release (cert); } /* Put the certificate CERT into the cache. It is assumed that the * cache is locked while this function is called. * * FROM_CONFIG indicates that CERT is a permanent certificate and * should stay in the cache. IS_TRUSTED requests that the trusted * flag is set for the certificate; a value of 1 indicates the * cert is trusted due to GnuPG mechanisms, a value of 2 indicates * that it is trusted because it has been taken from the system's * store of trusted certificates. If FPR_BUFFER is not NULL the * fingerprint of the certificate will be stored there. FPR_BUFFER * needs to point to a buffer of at least 20 bytes. The fingerprint * will be stored on success or when the function returns * GPG_ERR_DUP_VALUE. */ static gpg_error_t put_cert (ksba_cert_t cert, int permanent, unsigned int trustclass, void *fpr_buffer) { unsigned char help_fpr_buffer[20], *fpr; cert_item_t ci; fpr = fpr_buffer? fpr_buffer : &help_fpr_buffer; /* If we already reached the caching limit, drop a couple of certs * from the cache. Our dropping strategy is simple: We keep a * static index counter and use this to start looking for * certificates, then we drop 5 percent of the oldest certificates * starting at that index. For a large cache this is a fair way of * removing items. An LRU strategy would be better of course. * Because we append new entries to the head of the list and we want * to remove old ones first, we need to do this from the tail. The * implementation is not very efficient but compared to the long * time it takes to retrieve a certificate from an external resource * it seems to be reasonable. */ if (!permanent && total_nonperm_certificates >= MAX_NONPERM_CACHED_CERTS) { static int idx; cert_item_t ci_mark; int i; unsigned int drop_count; drop_count = MAX_NONPERM_CACHED_CERTS / 20; if (drop_count < 2) drop_count = 2; log_info (_("dropping %u certificates from the cache\n"), drop_count); assert (idx < 256); for (i=idx; drop_count; i = ((i+1)%256)) { ci_mark = NULL; for (ci = cert_cache[i]; ci; ci = ci->next) if (ci->cert && !ci->permanent) ci_mark = ci; if (ci_mark) { clean_cache_slot (ci_mark); drop_count--; total_nonperm_certificates--; } } if (i==idx) idx++; else idx = i; idx %= 256; } cert_compute_fpr (cert, fpr); for (ci=cert_cache[*fpr]; ci; ci = ci->next) if (ci->cert && !memcmp (ci->fpr, fpr, 20)) return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_DUP_VALUE); /* Try to reuse an existing entry. */ for (ci=cert_cache[*fpr]; ci; ci = ci->next) if (!ci->cert) break; if (!ci) { /* No: Create a new entry. */ ci = xtrycalloc (1, sizeof *ci); if (!ci) return gpg_error_from_errno (errno); ci->next = cert_cache[*fpr]; cert_cache[*fpr] = ci; } ksba_cert_ref (cert); ci->cert = cert; memcpy (ci->fpr, fpr, 20); ci->sn = ksba_cert_get_serial (cert); ci->issuer_dn = ksba_cert_get_issuer (cert, 0); if (!ci->issuer_dn || !ci->sn) { clean_cache_slot (ci); return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_CERT_OBJ); } ci->subject_dn = ksba_cert_get_subject (cert, 0); ci->permanent = !!permanent; ci->trustclasses = trustclass; if (permanent) any_cert_of_class |= trustclass; else total_nonperm_certificates++; return 0; } /* Load certificates from the directory DIRNAME. All certificates matching the pattern "*.crt" or "*.der" are loaded. We assume that certificates are DER encoded and not PEM encapsulated. The cache should be in a locked state when calling this function. */ static gpg_error_t load_certs_from_dir (const char *dirname, unsigned int trustclass) { gpg_error_t err; DIR *dir; struct dirent *ep; char *p; size_t n; estream_t fp; ksba_reader_t reader; ksba_cert_t cert; char *fname = NULL; dir = opendir (dirname); if (!dir) { return 0; /* We do not consider this a severe error. */ } while ( (ep=readdir (dir)) ) { p = ep->d_name; if (*p == '.' || !*p) continue; /* Skip any hidden files and invalid entries. */ n = strlen (p); if ( n < 5 || (strcmp (p+n-4,".crt") && strcmp (p+n-4,".der"))) continue; /* Not the desired "*.crt" or "*.der" pattern. */ xfree (fname); fname = make_filename (dirname, p, NULL); fp = es_fopen (fname, "rb"); if (!fp) { log_error (_("can't open '%s': %s\n"), fname, strerror (errno)); continue; } err = create_estream_ksba_reader (&reader, fp); if (err) { es_fclose (fp); continue; } err = ksba_cert_new (&cert); if (!err) err = ksba_cert_read_der (cert, reader); ksba_reader_release (reader); es_fclose (fp); if (err) { log_error (_("can't parse certificate '%s': %s\n"), fname, gpg_strerror (err)); ksba_cert_release (cert); continue; } err = put_cert (cert, 1, trustclass, NULL); if (gpg_err_code (err) == GPG_ERR_DUP_VALUE) log_info (_("certificate '%s' already cached\n"), fname); else if (!err) { if ((trustclass & CERTTRUST_CLASS_CONFIG)) http_register_cfg_ca (fname); if (trustclass) log_info (_("trusted certificate '%s' loaded\n"), fname); else log_info (_("certificate '%s' loaded\n"), fname); if (opt.verbose) { p = get_fingerprint_hexstring_colon (cert); log_info (_(" SHA1 fingerprint = %s\n"), p); xfree (p); cert_log_name (_(" issuer ="), cert); cert_log_subject (_(" subject ="), cert); } } else log_error (_("error loading certificate '%s': %s\n"), fname, gpg_strerror (err)); ksba_cert_release (cert); } xfree (fname); closedir (dir); return 0; } /* Load certificates from FILE. The certificates are expected to be * PEM encoded so that it is possible to load several certificates. * TRUSTCLASSES is used to mark the certificates as trusted. The * cache should be in a locked state when calling this function. * NO_ERROR repalces an error message when FNAME was not found by an * information message. */ static gpg_error_t load_certs_from_file (const char *fname, unsigned int trustclasses, int no_error) { gpg_error_t err; estream_t fp = NULL; gnupg_ksba_io_t ioctx = NULL; ksba_reader_t reader; ksba_cert_t cert = NULL; fp = es_fopen (fname, "rb"); if (!fp) { err = gpg_error_from_syserror (); if (gpg_err_code (err) == GPG_ERR_ENONET && no_error) log_info (_("can't open '%s': %s\n"), fname, gpg_strerror (err)); else log_error (_("can't open '%s': %s\n"), fname, gpg_strerror (err)); goto leave; } err = gnupg_ksba_create_reader (&ioctx, (GNUPG_KSBA_IO_AUTODETECT | GNUPG_KSBA_IO_MULTIPEM), fp, &reader); if (err) { log_error ("can't create reader: %s\n", gpg_strerror (err)); goto leave; } /* Loop to read all certificates from the file. */ do { ksba_cert_release (cert); cert = NULL; err = ksba_cert_new (&cert); if (!err) err = ksba_cert_read_der (cert, reader); if (err) { if (gpg_err_code (err) == GPG_ERR_EOF) err = 0; else log_error (_("can't parse certificate '%s': %s\n"), fname, gpg_strerror (err)); goto leave; } err = put_cert (cert, 1, trustclasses, NULL); if (gpg_err_code (err) == GPG_ERR_DUP_VALUE) log_info (_("certificate '%s' already cached\n"), fname); else if (err) log_error (_("error loading certificate '%s': %s\n"), fname, gpg_strerror (err)); else if (opt.verbose > 1) { char *p; log_info (_("trusted certificate '%s' loaded\n"), fname); p = get_fingerprint_hexstring_colon (cert); log_info (_(" SHA1 fingerprint = %s\n"), p); xfree (p); cert_log_name (_(" issuer ="), cert); cert_log_subject (_(" subject ="), cert); } ksba_reader_clear (reader, NULL, NULL); } while (!gnupg_ksba_reader_eof_seen (ioctx)); leave: ksba_cert_release (cert); gnupg_ksba_destroy_reader (ioctx); es_fclose (fp); return err; } #ifdef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM /* Load all certificates from the Windows store named STORENAME. All * certificates are considered to be system provided trusted * certificates. The cache should be in a locked state when calling * this function. */ static void load_certs_from_w32_store (const char *storename) { static int init_done; static CERTOPENSYSTEMSTORE pCertOpenSystemStore; static CERTENUMCERTIFICATESINSTORE pCertEnumCertificatesInStore; static CERTCLOSESTORE pCertCloseStore; gpg_error_t err; HCERTSTORE w32store; const CERT_CONTEXT *w32cert; ksba_cert_t cert = NULL; unsigned int count = 0; /* Initialize on the first use. */ if (!init_done) { static HANDLE hCrypt32; init_done = 1; hCrypt32 = LoadLibrary ("Crypt32.dll"); if (!hCrypt32) { log_error ("can't load Crypt32.dll: %s\n", w32_strerror (-1)); return; } pCertOpenSystemStore = (CERTOPENSYSTEMSTORE) GetProcAddress (hCrypt32, "CertOpenSystemStoreA"); pCertEnumCertificatesInStore = (CERTENUMCERTIFICATESINSTORE) GetProcAddress (hCrypt32, "CertEnumCertificatesInStore"); pCertCloseStore = (CERTCLOSESTORE) GetProcAddress (hCrypt32, "CertCloseStore"); if ( !pCertOpenSystemStore || !pCertEnumCertificatesInStore || !pCertCloseStore) { log_error ("can't load crypt32.dll: %s\n", "missing function"); pCertOpenSystemStore = NULL; } } if (!pCertOpenSystemStore) return; /* Not initialized. */ w32store = pCertOpenSystemStore (0, storename); if (!w32store) { log_error ("can't open certificate store '%s': %s\n", storename, w32_strerror (-1)); return; } w32cert = NULL; while ((w32cert = pCertEnumCertificatesInStore (w32store, w32cert))) { if (w32cert->dwCertEncodingType == X509_ASN_ENCODING) { ksba_cert_release (cert); cert = NULL; err = ksba_cert_new (&cert); if (!err) err = ksba_cert_init_from_mem (cert, w32cert->pbCertEncoded, w32cert->cbCertEncoded); if (err) { log_error (_("can't parse certificate '%s': %s\n"), storename, gpg_strerror (err)); break; } err = put_cert (cert, 1, CERTTRUST_CLASS_SYSTEM, NULL); if (!err) count++; if (gpg_err_code (err) == GPG_ERR_DUP_VALUE) { if (DBG_X509) log_debug (_("certificate '%s' already cached\n"), storename); } else if (err) log_error (_("error loading certificate '%s': %s\n"), storename, gpg_strerror (err)); else if (opt.verbose > 1) { char *p; log_info (_("trusted certificate '%s' loaded\n"), storename); p = get_fingerprint_hexstring_colon (cert); log_info (_(" SHA1 fingerprint = %s\n"), p); xfree (p); cert_log_name (_(" issuer ="), cert); cert_log_subject (_(" subject ="), cert); } } } ksba_cert_release (cert); pCertCloseStore (w32store, 0); if (DBG_X509) log_debug ("number of certs loaded from store '%s': %u\n", storename, count); } #endif /*HAVE_W32_SYSTEM*/ /* Load the trusted certificates provided by the system. */ static gpg_error_t load_certs_from_system (void) { #ifdef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM load_certs_from_w32_store ("ROOT"); load_certs_from_w32_store ("CA"); return 0; #else /*!HAVE_W32_SYSTEM*/ /* A list of certificate bundles to try. */ static struct { const char *name; } table[] = { #ifdef DEFAULT_TRUST_STORE_FILE { DEFAULT_TRUST_STORE_FILE } #else { "/etc/ssl/ca-bundle.pem" }, { "/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt" }, { "/etc/pki/tls/cert.pem" }, { "/usr/local/share/certs/ca-root-nss.crt" }, { "/etc/ssl/cert.pem" } #endif /*!DEFAULT_TRUST_STORE_FILE*/ }; int idx; gpg_error_t err = 0; for (idx=0; idx < DIM (table); idx++) if (!access (table[idx].name, F_OK)) { /* Take the first available bundle. */ err = load_certs_from_file (table[idx].name, CERTTRUST_CLASS_SYSTEM, 0); break; } return err; #endif /*!HAVE_W32_SYSTEM*/ } /* Initialize the certificate cache if not yet done. */ void cert_cache_init (strlist_t hkp_cacerts) { char *fname; strlist_t sl; if (initialization_done) return; init_cache_lock (); acquire_cache_write_lock (); load_certs_from_system (); fname = make_filename_try (gnupg_sysconfdir (), "trusted-certs", NULL); if (fname) load_certs_from_dir (fname, CERTTRUST_CLASS_CONFIG); xfree (fname); fname = make_filename_try (gnupg_sysconfdir (), "extra-certs", NULL); if (fname) load_certs_from_dir (fname, 0); xfree (fname); + /* Put the special pool certificate into our store. This is + * currently only used with ntbtls. For GnuTLS http_session_new + * unfortunately loads that certificate directly from the file. */ fname = make_filename_try (gnupg_datadir (), "sks-keyservers.netCA.pem", NULL); if (fname) load_certs_from_file (fname, CERTTRUST_CLASS_HKPSPOOL, 1); xfree (fname); for (sl = hkp_cacerts; sl; sl = sl->next) load_certs_from_file (sl->d, CERTTRUST_CLASS_HKP, 0); initialization_done = 1; release_cache_lock (); cert_cache_print_stats (); } /* Deinitialize the certificate cache. With FULL set to true even the unused certificate slots are released. */ void cert_cache_deinit (int full) { cert_item_t ci, ci2; int i; if (!initialization_done) return; acquire_cache_write_lock (); for (i=0; i < 256; i++) for (ci=cert_cache[i]; ci; ci = ci->next) clean_cache_slot (ci); if (full) { for (i=0; i < 256; i++) { for (ci=cert_cache[i]; ci; ci = ci2) { ci2 = ci->next; xfree (ci); } cert_cache[i] = NULL; } } http_register_cfg_ca (NULL); total_nonperm_certificates = 0; any_cert_of_class = 0; initialization_done = 0; release_cache_lock (); } /* Print some statistics to the log file. */ void cert_cache_print_stats (void) { cert_item_t ci; int idx; unsigned int n_nonperm = 0; unsigned int n_permanent = 0; unsigned int n_trusted = 0; unsigned int n_trustclass_system = 0; unsigned int n_trustclass_config = 0; unsigned int n_trustclass_hkp = 0; unsigned int n_trustclass_hkpspool = 0; acquire_cache_read_lock (); for (idx = 0; idx < 256; idx++) for (ci=cert_cache[idx]; ci; ci = ci->next) if (ci->cert) { if (ci->permanent) n_permanent++; else n_nonperm++; if (ci->trustclasses) { n_trusted++; if ((ci->trustclasses & CERTTRUST_CLASS_SYSTEM)) n_trustclass_system++; if ((ci->trustclasses & CERTTRUST_CLASS_CONFIG)) n_trustclass_config++; if ((ci->trustclasses & CERTTRUST_CLASS_HKP)) n_trustclass_hkp++; if ((ci->trustclasses & CERTTRUST_CLASS_HKPSPOOL)) n_trustclass_hkpspool++; } } release_cache_lock (); log_info (_("permanently loaded certificates: %u\n"), n_permanent); log_info (_(" runtime cached certificates: %u\n"), n_nonperm); log_info (_(" trusted certificates: %u (%u,%u,%u,%u)\n"), n_trusted, n_trustclass_system, n_trustclass_config, n_trustclass_hkp, n_trustclass_hkpspool); } /* Return true if any cert of a class in MASK is permanently * loaded. */ int cert_cache_any_in_class (unsigned int mask) { return !!(any_cert_of_class & mask); } /* Put CERT into the certificate cache. */ gpg_error_t cache_cert (ksba_cert_t cert) { gpg_error_t err; acquire_cache_write_lock (); err = put_cert (cert, 0, 0, NULL); release_cache_lock (); if (gpg_err_code (err) == GPG_ERR_DUP_VALUE) log_info (_("certificate already cached\n")); else if (!err) log_info (_("certificate cached\n")); else log_error (_("error caching certificate: %s\n"), gpg_strerror (err)); return err; } /* Put CERT into the certificate cache and store the fingerprint of the certificate into FPR_BUFFER. If the certificate is already in the cache do not print a warning; just store the fingerprint. FPR_BUFFER needs to be at least 20 bytes. */ gpg_error_t cache_cert_silent (ksba_cert_t cert, void *fpr_buffer) { gpg_error_t err; acquire_cache_write_lock (); err = put_cert (cert, 0, 0, fpr_buffer); release_cache_lock (); if (gpg_err_code (err) == GPG_ERR_DUP_VALUE) err = 0; if (err) log_error (_("error caching certificate: %s\n"), gpg_strerror (err)); return err; } /* Return a certificate object for the given fingerprint. FPR is expected to be a 20 byte binary SHA-1 fingerprint. If no matching certificate is available in the cache NULL is returned. The caller must release a returned certificate. Note that although we are using reference counting the caller should not just compare the pointers to check for identical certificates. */ ksba_cert_t get_cert_byfpr (const unsigned char *fpr) { cert_item_t ci; acquire_cache_read_lock (); for (ci=cert_cache[*fpr]; ci; ci = ci->next) if (ci->cert && !memcmp (ci->fpr, fpr, 20)) { ksba_cert_ref (ci->cert); release_cache_lock (); return ci->cert; } release_cache_lock (); return NULL; } /* Return a certificate object for the given fingerprint. STRING is expected to be a SHA-1 fingerprint in standard hex notation with or without colons. If no matching certificate is available in the cache NULL is returned. The caller must release a returned certificate. Note that although we are using reference counting the caller should not just compare the pointers to check for identical certificates. */ ksba_cert_t get_cert_byhexfpr (const char *string) { unsigned char fpr[20]; const char *s; int i; if (strchr (string, ':')) { for (s=string,i=0; i < 20 && hexdigitp (s) && hexdigitp(s+1);) { if (s[2] && s[2] != ':') break; /* Invalid string. */ fpr[i++] = xtoi_2 (s); s += 2; if (i!= 20 && *s == ':') s++; } } else { for (s=string,i=0; i < 20 && hexdigitp (s) && hexdigitp(s+1); s+=2 ) fpr[i++] = xtoi_2 (s); } if (i!=20 || *s) { log_error (_("invalid SHA1 fingerprint string '%s'\n"), string); return NULL; } return get_cert_byfpr (fpr); } /* Return the certificate matching ISSUER_DN and SERIALNO. */ ksba_cert_t get_cert_bysn (const char *issuer_dn, ksba_sexp_t serialno) { /* Simple and inefficient implementation. fixme! */ cert_item_t ci; int i; acquire_cache_read_lock (); for (i=0; i < 256; i++) { for (ci=cert_cache[i]; ci; ci = ci->next) if (ci->cert && !strcmp (ci->issuer_dn, issuer_dn) && !compare_serialno (ci->sn, serialno)) { ksba_cert_ref (ci->cert); release_cache_lock (); return ci->cert; } } release_cache_lock (); return NULL; } /* Return the certificate matching ISSUER_DN. SEQ should initially be set to 0 and bumped up to get the next issuer with that DN. */ ksba_cert_t get_cert_byissuer (const char *issuer_dn, unsigned int seq) { /* Simple and very inefficient implementation and API. fixme! */ cert_item_t ci; int i; acquire_cache_read_lock (); for (i=0; i < 256; i++) { for (ci=cert_cache[i]; ci; ci = ci->next) if (ci->cert && !strcmp (ci->issuer_dn, issuer_dn)) if (!seq--) { ksba_cert_ref (ci->cert); release_cache_lock (); return ci->cert; } } release_cache_lock (); return NULL; } /* Return the certificate matching SUBJECT_DN. SEQ should initially be set to 0 and bumped up to get the next subject with that DN. */ ksba_cert_t get_cert_bysubject (const char *subject_dn, unsigned int seq) { /* Simple and very inefficient implementation and API. fixme! */ cert_item_t ci; int i; if (!subject_dn) return NULL; acquire_cache_read_lock (); for (i=0; i < 256; i++) { for (ci=cert_cache[i]; ci; ci = ci->next) if (ci->cert && ci->subject_dn && !strcmp (ci->subject_dn, subject_dn)) if (!seq--) { ksba_cert_ref (ci->cert); release_cache_lock (); return ci->cert; } } release_cache_lock (); return NULL; } /* Return a value describing the class of PATTERN. The offset of the actual string to be used for the comparison is stored at R_OFFSET. The offset of the serialnumer is stored at R_SN_OFFSET. */ static enum pattern_class classify_pattern (const char *pattern, size_t *r_offset, size_t *r_sn_offset) { enum pattern_class result; const char *s; int hexprefix = 0; int hexlength; *r_offset = *r_sn_offset = 0; /* Skip leading spaces. */ for(s = pattern; *s && spacep (s); s++ ) ; switch (*s) { case 0: /* Empty string is an error. */ result = PATTERN_UNKNOWN; break; case '.': /* An email address, compare from end. */ result = PATTERN_UNKNOWN; /* Not implemented. */ break; case '<': /* An email address. */ result = PATTERN_EMAIL; s++; break; case '@': /* Part of an email address. */ result = PATTERN_EMAIL_SUBSTR; s++; break; case '=': /* Exact compare. */ result = PATTERN_UNKNOWN; /* Does not make sense for X.509. */ break; case '*': /* Case insensitive substring search. */ result = PATTERN_SUBSTR; s++; break; case '+': /* Compare individual words. */ result = PATTERN_UNKNOWN; /* Not implemented. */ break; case '/': /* Subject's DN. */ s++; if (!*s || spacep (s)) result = PATTERN_UNKNOWN; /* No DN or prefixed with a space. */ else result = PATTERN_SUBJECT; break; case '#': /* Serial number or issuer DN. */ { const char *si; s++; if ( *s == '/') { /* An issuer's DN is indicated by "#/" */ s++; if (!*s || spacep (s)) result = PATTERN_UNKNOWN; /* No DN or prefixed with a space. */ else result = PATTERN_ISSUER; } else { /* Serialnumber + optional issuer ID. */ for (si=s; *si && *si != '/'; si++) if (!strchr("01234567890abcdefABCDEF", *si)) break; if (*si && *si != '/') result = PATTERN_UNKNOWN; /* Invalid digit in serial number. */ else { *r_sn_offset = s - pattern; if (!*si) result = PATTERN_SERIALNO; else { s = si+1; if (!*s || spacep (s)) result = PATTERN_UNKNOWN; /* No DN or prefixed with a space. */ else result = PATTERN_SERIALNO_ISSUER; } } } } break; case ':': /* Unified fingerprint. */ { const char *se, *si; int i; se = strchr (++s, ':'); if (!se) result = PATTERN_UNKNOWN; else { for (i=0, si=s; si < se; si++, i++ ) if (!strchr("01234567890abcdefABCDEF", *si)) break; if ( si < se ) result = PATTERN_UNKNOWN; /* Invalid digit. */ else if (i == 32) result = PATTERN_FINGERPRINT16; else if (i == 40) result = PATTERN_FINGERPRINT20; else result = PATTERN_UNKNOWN; /* Invalid length for a fingerprint. */ } } break; case '&': /* Keygrip. */ result = PATTERN_UNKNOWN; /* Not implemented. */ break; default: if (s[0] == '0' && s[1] == 'x') { hexprefix = 1; s += 2; } hexlength = strspn(s, "0123456789abcdefABCDEF"); /* Check if a hexadecimal number is terminated by EOS or blank. */ if (hexlength && s[hexlength] && !spacep (s+hexlength)) { /* If the "0x" prefix is used a correct termination is required. */ if (hexprefix) { result = PATTERN_UNKNOWN; break; /* switch */ } hexlength = 0; /* Not a hex number. */ } if (hexlength == 8 || (!hexprefix && hexlength == 9 && *s == '0')) { if (hexlength == 9) s++; result = PATTERN_SHORT_KEYID; } else if (hexlength == 16 || (!hexprefix && hexlength == 17 && *s == '0')) { if (hexlength == 17) s++; result = PATTERN_LONG_KEYID; } else if (hexlength == 32 || (!hexprefix && hexlength == 33 && *s == '0')) { if (hexlength == 33) s++; result = PATTERN_FINGERPRINT16; } else if (hexlength == 40 || (!hexprefix && hexlength == 41 && *s == '0')) { if (hexlength == 41) s++; result = PATTERN_FINGERPRINT20; } else if (!hexprefix) { /* The fingerprints used with X.509 are often delimited by colons, so we try to single this case out. */ result = PATTERN_UNKNOWN; hexlength = strspn (s, ":0123456789abcdefABCDEF"); if (hexlength == 59 && (!s[hexlength] || spacep (s+hexlength))) { int i, c; for (i=0; i < 20; i++, s += 3) { c = hextobyte(s); if (c == -1 || (i < 19 && s[2] != ':')) break; } if (i == 20) result = PATTERN_FINGERPRINT20; } if (result == PATTERN_UNKNOWN) /* Default to substring match. */ { result = PATTERN_SUBSTR; } } else /* A hex number with a prefix but with a wrong length. */ result = PATTERN_UNKNOWN; } if (result != PATTERN_UNKNOWN) *r_offset = s - pattern; return result; } /* Given PATTERN, which is a string as used by GnuPG to specify a certificate, return all matching certificates by calling the supplied function RETFNC. */ gpg_error_t get_certs_bypattern (const char *pattern, gpg_error_t (*retfnc)(void*,ksba_cert_t), void *retfnc_data) { gpg_error_t err = GPG_ERR_BUG; enum pattern_class class; size_t offset, sn_offset; const char *hexserialno; ksba_sexp_t serialno = NULL; ksba_cert_t cert = NULL; unsigned int seq; if (!pattern || !retfnc) return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_ARG); class = classify_pattern (pattern, &offset, &sn_offset); hexserialno = pattern + sn_offset; pattern += offset; switch (class) { case PATTERN_UNKNOWN: err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_NAME); break; case PATTERN_FINGERPRINT20: cert = get_cert_byhexfpr (pattern); err = cert? 0 : gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NOT_FOUND); break; case PATTERN_SERIALNO_ISSUER: serialno = hexsn_to_sexp (hexserialno); if (!serialno) err = gpg_error_from_syserror (); else { cert = get_cert_bysn (pattern, serialno); err = cert? 0 : gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NOT_FOUND); } break; case PATTERN_ISSUER: for (seq=0,err=0; !err && (cert = get_cert_byissuer (pattern, seq)); seq++) { err = retfnc (retfnc_data, cert); ksba_cert_release (cert); cert = NULL; } if (!err && !seq) err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NOT_FOUND); break; case PATTERN_SUBJECT: for (seq=0,err=0; !err && (cert = get_cert_bysubject (pattern, seq));seq++) { err = retfnc (retfnc_data, cert); ksba_cert_release (cert); cert = NULL; } if (!err && !seq) err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NOT_FOUND); break; case PATTERN_EMAIL: case PATTERN_EMAIL_SUBSTR: case PATTERN_FINGERPRINT16: case PATTERN_SHORT_KEYID: case PATTERN_LONG_KEYID: case PATTERN_SUBSTR: case PATTERN_SERIALNO: /* Not supported. */ err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_NAME); } if (!err && cert) err = retfnc (retfnc_data, cert); ksba_cert_release (cert); xfree (serialno); return err; } /* Return the certificate matching ISSUER_DN and SERIALNO; if it is * not already in the cache, try to find it from other resources. */ ksba_cert_t find_cert_bysn (ctrl_t ctrl, const char *issuer_dn, ksba_sexp_t serialno) { gpg_error_t err; ksba_cert_t cert; cert_fetch_context_t context = NULL; char *hexsn, *buf; /* First check whether it has already been cached. */ cert = get_cert_bysn (issuer_dn, serialno); if (cert) return cert; /* Ask back to the service requester to return the certificate. * This is because we can assume that he already used the * certificate while checking for the CRL. */ hexsn = serial_hex (serialno); if (!hexsn) { log_error ("serial_hex() failed\n"); return NULL; } buf = strconcat ("#", hexsn, "/", issuer_dn, NULL); if (!buf) { log_error ("can't allocate enough memory: %s\n", strerror (errno)); xfree (hexsn); return NULL; } xfree (hexsn); cert = get_cert_local (ctrl, buf); xfree (buf); if (cert) { cache_cert (cert); return cert; /* Done. */ } if (DBG_LOOKUP) log_debug ("find_cert_bysn: certificate not returned by caller" " - doing lookup\n"); /* Retrieve the certificate from external resources. */ while (!cert) { ksba_sexp_t sn; char *issdn; if (!context) { err = ca_cert_fetch (ctrl, &context, issuer_dn); if (err) { log_error (_("error fetching certificate by S/N: %s\n"), gpg_strerror (err)); break; } } err = fetch_next_ksba_cert (context, &cert); if (err) { log_error (_("error fetching certificate by S/N: %s\n"), gpg_strerror (err) ); break; } issdn = ksba_cert_get_issuer (cert, 0); if (strcmp (issuer_dn, issdn)) { log_debug ("find_cert_bysn: Ooops: issuer DN does not match\n"); ksba_cert_release (cert); cert = NULL; ksba_free (issdn); break; } sn = ksba_cert_get_serial (cert); if (DBG_LOOKUP) { log_debug (" considering certificate (#"); dump_serial (sn); log_printf ("/"); dump_string (issdn); log_printf (")\n"); } if (!compare_serialno (serialno, sn)) { ksba_free (sn); ksba_free (issdn); cache_cert (cert); if (DBG_LOOKUP) log_debug (" found\n"); break; /* Ready. */ } ksba_free (sn); ksba_free (issdn); ksba_cert_release (cert); cert = NULL; } end_cert_fetch (context); return cert; } /* Return the certificate matching SUBJECT_DN and (if not NULL) * KEYID. If it is not already in the cache, try to find it from other * resources. Note, that the external search does not work for user * certificates because the LDAP lookup is on the caCertificate * attribute. For our purposes this is just fine. */ ksba_cert_t find_cert_bysubject (ctrl_t ctrl, const char *subject_dn, ksba_sexp_t keyid) { gpg_error_t err; int seq; ksba_cert_t cert = NULL; cert_fetch_context_t context = NULL; ksba_sexp_t subj; /* If we have certificates from an OCSP request we first try to use * them. This is because these certificates will really be the * required ones and thus even in the case that they can't be * uniquely located by the following code we can use them. This is * for example required by Telesec certificates where a keyId is * used but the issuer certificate comes without a subject keyId! */ if (ctrl->ocsp_certs && subject_dn) { cert_item_t ci; cert_ref_t cr; int i; /* For efficiency reasons we won't use get_cert_bysubject here. */ acquire_cache_read_lock (); for (i=0; i < 256; i++) for (ci=cert_cache[i]; ci; ci = ci->next) if (ci->cert && ci->subject_dn && !strcmp (ci->subject_dn, subject_dn)) for (cr=ctrl->ocsp_certs; cr; cr = cr->next) if (!memcmp (ci->fpr, cr->fpr, 20)) { ksba_cert_ref (ci->cert); release_cache_lock (); if (DBG_LOOKUP) log_debug ("%s: certificate found in the cache" " via ocsp_certs\n", __func__); return ci->cert; /* We use this certificate. */ } release_cache_lock (); if (DBG_LOOKUP) log_debug ("find_cert_bysubject: certificate not in ocsp_certs\n"); } /* Now check whether the certificate is cached. */ for (seq=0; (cert = get_cert_bysubject (subject_dn, seq)); seq++) { if (!keyid) break; /* No keyid requested, so return the first one found. */ if (!ksba_cert_get_subj_key_id (cert, NULL, &subj) && !cmp_simple_canon_sexp (keyid, subj)) { xfree (subj); if (DBG_LOOKUP) log_debug ("%s: certificate found in the cache" " via subject DN\n", __func__); break; /* Found matching cert. */ } xfree (subj); ksba_cert_release (cert); } if (cert) return cert; /* Done. */ /* If we do not have a subject DN but have a keyid, try to locate it * by keyid. */ if (!subject_dn && keyid) { int i; cert_item_t ci; ksba_sexp_t ski; acquire_cache_read_lock (); for (i=0; i < 256; i++) for (ci=cert_cache[i]; ci; ci = ci->next) if (ci->cert && !ksba_cert_get_subj_key_id (ci->cert, NULL, &ski)) { if (!cmp_simple_canon_sexp (keyid, ski)) { ksba_free (ski); ksba_cert_ref (ci->cert); release_cache_lock (); if (DBG_LOOKUP) log_debug ("%s: certificate found in the cache" " via ski\n", __func__); return ci->cert; } ksba_free (ski); } release_cache_lock (); } if (DBG_LOOKUP) log_debug ("find_cert_bysubject: certificate not in cache\n"); /* Ask back to the service requester to return the certificate. * This is because we can assume that he already used the * certificate while checking for the CRL. */ if (keyid) cert = get_cert_local_ski (ctrl, subject_dn, keyid); else { /* In contrast to get_cert_local_ski, get_cert_local uses any * passed pattern, so we need to make sure that an exact subject * search is done. */ char *buf; buf = strconcat ("/", subject_dn, NULL); if (!buf) { log_error ("can't allocate enough memory: %s\n", strerror (errno)); return NULL; } cert = get_cert_local (ctrl, buf); xfree (buf); } if (cert) { cache_cert (cert); return cert; /* Done. */ } if (DBG_LOOKUP) log_debug ("find_cert_bysubject: certificate not returned by caller" " - doing lookup\n"); /* Locate the certificate using external resources. */ while (!cert) { char *subjdn; if (!context) { err = ca_cert_fetch (ctrl, &context, subject_dn); if (err) { log_error (_("error fetching certificate by subject: %s\n"), gpg_strerror (err)); break; } } err = fetch_next_ksba_cert (context, &cert); if (err) { log_error (_("error fetching certificate by subject: %s\n"), gpg_strerror (err) ); break; } subjdn = ksba_cert_get_subject (cert, 0); if (strcmp (subject_dn, subjdn)) { log_info ("find_cert_bysubject: subject DN does not match\n"); ksba_cert_release (cert); cert = NULL; ksba_free (subjdn); continue; } if (DBG_LOOKUP) { log_debug (" considering certificate (/"); dump_string (subjdn); log_printf (")\n"); } ksba_free (subjdn); /* If no key ID has been provided, we return the first match. */ if (!keyid) { cache_cert (cert); if (DBG_LOOKUP) log_debug (" found\n"); break; /* Ready. */ } /* With the key ID given we need to compare it. */ if (!ksba_cert_get_subj_key_id (cert, NULL, &subj)) { if (!cmp_simple_canon_sexp (keyid, subj)) { ksba_free (subj); cache_cert (cert); if (DBG_LOOKUP) log_debug (" found\n"); break; /* Ready. */ } } ksba_free (subj); ksba_cert_release (cert); cert = NULL; } end_cert_fetch (context); return cert; } /* Return 0 if the certificate is a trusted certificate. Returns * GPG_ERR_NOT_TRUSTED if it is not trusted or other error codes in * case of systems errors. TRUSTCLASSES are the bitwise ORed * CERTTRUST_CLASS values to use for the check. */ gpg_error_t is_trusted_cert (ksba_cert_t cert, unsigned int trustclasses) { unsigned char fpr[20]; cert_item_t ci; cert_compute_fpr (cert, fpr); acquire_cache_read_lock (); for (ci=cert_cache[*fpr]; ci; ci = ci->next) if (ci->cert && !memcmp (ci->fpr, fpr, 20)) { if ((ci->trustclasses & trustclasses)) { /* The certificate is trusted in one of the given * TRUSTCLASSES. */ release_cache_lock (); return 0; /* Yes, it is trusted. */ } break; } release_cache_lock (); return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NOT_TRUSTED); } /* Given the certificate CERT locate the issuer for this certificate * and return it at R_CERT. Returns 0 on success or * GPG_ERR_NOT_FOUND. */ gpg_error_t find_issuing_cert (ctrl_t ctrl, ksba_cert_t cert, ksba_cert_t *r_cert) { gpg_error_t err; char *issuer_dn; ksba_cert_t issuer_cert = NULL; ksba_name_t authid; ksba_sexp_t authidno; ksba_sexp_t keyid; *r_cert = NULL; issuer_dn = ksba_cert_get_issuer (cert, 0); if (!issuer_dn) { log_error (_("no issuer found in certificate\n")); err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_BAD_CERT); goto leave; } /* First we need to check whether we can return that certificate using the authorithyKeyIdentifier. */ err = ksba_cert_get_auth_key_id (cert, &keyid, &authid, &authidno); if (err) { log_info (_("error getting authorityKeyIdentifier: %s\n"), gpg_strerror (err)); } else { const char *s = ksba_name_enum (authid, 0); if (s && *authidno) { issuer_cert = find_cert_bysn (ctrl, s, authidno); } if (!issuer_cert && keyid) { /* Not found by issuer+s/n. Now that we have an AKI * keyIdentifier look for a certificate with a matching * SKI. */ issuer_cert = find_cert_bysubject (ctrl, issuer_dn, keyid); } /* Print a note so that the user does not feel too helpless when * an issuer certificate was found and gpgsm prints BAD * signature because it is not the correct one. */ if (!issuer_cert) { log_info ("issuer certificate "); if (keyid) { log_printf ("{"); dump_serial (keyid); log_printf ("} "); } if (authidno) { log_printf ("(#"); dump_serial (authidno); log_printf ("/"); dump_string (s); log_printf (") "); } log_printf ("not found using authorityKeyIdentifier\n"); } ksba_name_release (authid); xfree (authidno); xfree (keyid); } /* If this did not work, try just with the issuer's name and assume * that there is only one such certificate. We only look into our * cache then. */ if (err || !issuer_cert) { issuer_cert = get_cert_bysubject (issuer_dn, 0); if (issuer_cert) err = 0; } leave: if (!err && !issuer_cert) err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NOT_FOUND); xfree (issuer_dn); if (err) ksba_cert_release (issuer_cert); else *r_cert = issuer_cert; return err; } /* Read a list of certificates in PEM format from stream FP and store * them on success at R_CERTLIST. On error NULL is stored at R_CERT * list and an error code returned. Note that even on success an * empty list of certificates can be returned (i.e. NULL stored at * R_CERTLIST) iff the input stream has no certificates. */ gpg_error_t read_certlist_from_stream (certlist_t *r_certlist, estream_t fp) { gpg_error_t err; gnupg_ksba_io_t ioctx = NULL; ksba_reader_t reader; ksba_cert_t cert = NULL; certlist_t certlist = NULL; certlist_t cl, *cltail; *r_certlist = NULL; err = gnupg_ksba_create_reader (&ioctx, (GNUPG_KSBA_IO_PEM | GNUPG_KSBA_IO_MULTIPEM), fp, &reader); if (err) goto leave; /* Loop to read all certificates from the stream. */ cltail = &certlist; do { ksba_cert_release (cert); cert = NULL; err = ksba_cert_new (&cert); if (!err) err = ksba_cert_read_der (cert, reader); if (err) { if (gpg_err_code (err) == GPG_ERR_EOF) err = 0; goto leave; } /* Append the certificate to the list. We also store the * fingerprint and check whether we have a cached certificate; * in that case the cached certificate is put into the list to * take advantage of a validation result which might be stored * in the cached certificate. */ cl = xtrycalloc (1, sizeof *cl); if (!cl) { err = gpg_error_from_syserror (); goto leave; } cert_compute_fpr (cert, cl->fpr); cl->cert = get_cert_byfpr (cl->fpr); if (!cl->cert) { cl->cert = cert; cert = NULL; } *cltail = cl; cltail = &cl->next; ksba_reader_clear (reader, NULL, NULL); } while (!gnupg_ksba_reader_eof_seen (ioctx)); leave: ksba_cert_release (cert); gnupg_ksba_destroy_reader (ioctx); if (err) release_certlist (certlist); else *r_certlist = certlist; return err; } /* Release the certificate list CL. */ void release_certlist (certlist_t cl) { while (cl) { certlist_t next = cl->next; ksba_cert_release (cl->cert); cl = next; } } diff --git a/dirmngr/http-ntbtls.c b/dirmngr/http-ntbtls.c index ed4cdd496..58388b23e 100644 --- a/dirmngr/http-ntbtls.c +++ b/dirmngr/http-ntbtls.c @@ -1,132 +1,134 @@ /* http-ntbtls.c - Support for using NTBTLS with http.c * Copyright (C) 2017 Werner Koch * * This file is part of GnuPG. * * GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, see . */ #include #include #include #include #include "dirmngr.h" #include "certcache.h" #include "validate.h" #include "http-common.h" #ifdef HTTP_USE_NTBTLS # include /* The callback used to verify the peer's certificate. */ gpg_error_t gnupg_http_tls_verify_cb (void *opaque, http_t http, http_session_t session, unsigned int http_flags, void *tls_context) { ctrl_t ctrl = opaque; ntbtls_t tls = tls_context; gpg_error_t err; int idx; ksba_cert_t cert; ksba_cert_t hostcert = NULL; unsigned int validate_flags; const char *hostname; (void)http; (void)session; log_assert (ctrl && ctrl->magic == SERVER_CONTROL_MAGIC); log_assert (!ntbtls_check_context (tls)); /* Get the peer's certs fron ntbtls. */ for (idx = 0; (cert = ntbtls_x509_get_peer_cert (tls, idx)); idx++) { if (!idx) hostcert = cert; else { /* Quick hack to make verification work by inserting the supplied * certs into the cache. FIXME! */ cache_cert (cert); ksba_cert_release (cert); } } if (!idx) { err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_MISSING_CERT); goto leave; } validate_flags = VALIDATE_FLAG_TLS; - /* If we are using the standard hkps:// pool use the dedicated - * root certificate. */ + /* If we are using the standard hkps:// pool use the dedicated root + * certificate. Note that this differes from the GnuTLS + * implementation which uses this special certificate only if no + * other certificates are configured. */ hostname = ntbtls_get_hostname (tls); if (hostname && !ascii_strcasecmp (hostname, get_default_keyserver (1))) { validate_flags |= VALIDATE_FLAG_TRUST_HKPSPOOL; } else /* Use the certificates as requested from the HTTP module. */ { if ((http_flags & HTTP_FLAG_TRUST_CFG)) validate_flags |= VALIDATE_FLAG_TRUST_CONFIG; if ((http_flags & HTTP_FLAG_TRUST_DEF)) validate_flags |= VALIDATE_FLAG_TRUST_HKP; if ((http_flags & HTTP_FLAG_TRUST_SYS)) validate_flags |= VALIDATE_FLAG_TRUST_SYSTEM; /* If HKP trust is requested and there are no HKP certificates * configured, also try the standard system certificates. */ if ((validate_flags & VALIDATE_FLAG_TRUST_HKP) && !cert_cache_any_in_class (CERTTRUST_CLASS_HKP)) validate_flags |= VALIDATE_FLAG_TRUST_SYSTEM; } if ((http_flags & HTTP_FLAG_NO_CRL)) validate_flags |= VALIDATE_FLAG_NOCRLCHECK; err = validate_cert_chain (ctrl, hostcert, NULL, validate_flags, NULL); leave: ksba_cert_release (hostcert); return err; } #else /*!HTTP_USE_NTBTLS*/ /* Dummy function used when not build without ntbtls support. */ gpg_error_t gnupg_http_tls_verify_cb (void *opaque, http_t http, http_session_t session, unsigned int flags, void *tls_context) { (void)opaque; (void)http; (void)session; (void)flags; (void)tls_context; return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED); } #endif /*!HTTP_USE_NTBTLS*/ diff --git a/dirmngr/http.c b/dirmngr/http.c index 0af0cc3fe..84e9c882f 100644 --- a/dirmngr/http.c +++ b/dirmngr/http.c @@ -1,3777 +1,3780 @@ /* http.c - HTTP protocol handler * Copyright (C) 1999, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2006, 2009, 2010, * 2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc. * Copyright (C) 2014 Werner Koch * Copyright (C) 2015-2017 g10 Code GmbH * * This file is part of GnuPG. * * This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of either * * - the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free * Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at * your option) any later version. * * or * * - the GNU General Public License as published by the Free * Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at * your option) any later version. * * or both in parallel, as here. * * This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, see . */ /* Simple HTTP client implementation. We try to keep the code as self-contained as possible. There are some constraints however: - estream is required. We now require estream because it provides a very useful and portable asprintf implementation and the fopencookie function. - stpcpy is required - fixme: list other requirements. - With HTTP_USE_NTBTLS or HTTP_USE_GNUTLS support for https is provided (this also requires estream). - With HTTP_NO_WSASTARTUP the socket initialization is not done under Windows. This is useful if the socket layer has already been initialized elsewhere. This also avoids the installation of an exit handler to cleanup the socket layer. */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM # ifdef HAVE_WINSOCK2_H # include # endif # include #else /*!HAVE_W32_SYSTEM*/ # include # include # include # include # include # include # include # include #endif /*!HAVE_W32_SYSTEM*/ #ifdef WITHOUT_NPTH /* Give the Makefile a chance to build without Pth. */ # undef USE_NPTH #endif #ifdef USE_NPTH # include #endif #if defined (HTTP_USE_GNUTLS) && defined (HTTP_USE_NTBTLS) # error Both, HTTP_USE_GNUTLS and HTTP_USE_NTBTLS, are defined. #endif #ifdef HTTP_USE_NTBTLS # include #elif HTTP_USE_GNUTLS # include # include #endif /*HTTP_USE_GNUTLS*/ #include /* We need the socket wrapper. */ #include "../common/util.h" #include "../common/i18n.h" #include "../common/sysutils.h" /* (gnupg_fd_t) */ #include "dns-stuff.h" #include "dirmngr-status.h" /* (dirmngr_status_printf) */ #include "http.h" #include "http-common.h" #ifdef USE_NPTH # define my_select(a,b,c,d,e) npth_select ((a), (b), (c), (d), (e)) # define my_accept(a,b,c) npth_accept ((a), (b), (c)) #else # define my_select(a,b,c,d,e) select ((a), (b), (c), (d), (e)) # define my_accept(a,b,c) accept ((a), (b), (c)) #endif #ifdef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM #define sock_close(a) closesocket(a) #else #define sock_close(a) close(a) #endif #ifndef EAGAIN #define EAGAIN EWOULDBLOCK #endif #ifndef INADDR_NONE /* Slowaris is missing that. */ #define INADDR_NONE ((unsigned long)(-1)) #endif /*INADDR_NONE*/ #define HTTP_PROXY_ENV "http_proxy" #define MAX_LINELEN 20000 /* Max. length of a HTTP header line. */ #define VALID_URI_CHARS "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" \ "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ" \ "01234567890@" \ "!\"#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?[\\]^_{|}~" #if HTTP_USE_NTBTLS typedef ntbtls_t tls_session_t; # define USE_TLS 1 #elif HTTP_USE_GNUTLS typedef gnutls_session_t tls_session_t; # define USE_TLS 1 #else typedef void *tls_session_t; # undef USE_TLS #endif static gpg_err_code_t do_parse_uri (parsed_uri_t uri, int only_local_part, int no_scheme_check, int force_tls); static gpg_error_t parse_uri (parsed_uri_t *ret_uri, const char *uri, int no_scheme_check, int force_tls); static int remove_escapes (char *string); static int insert_escapes (char *buffer, const char *string, const char *special); static uri_tuple_t parse_tuple (char *string); static gpg_error_t send_request (http_t hd, const char *httphost, const char *auth,const char *proxy, const char *srvtag, unsigned int timeout, strlist_t headers); static char *build_rel_path (parsed_uri_t uri); static gpg_error_t parse_response (http_t hd); static gpg_error_t connect_server (const char *server, unsigned short port, unsigned int flags, const char *srvtag, unsigned int timeout, assuan_fd_t *r_sock); static gpgrt_ssize_t read_server (assuan_fd_t sock, void *buffer, size_t size); static gpg_error_t write_server (assuan_fd_t sock, const char *data, size_t length); static gpgrt_ssize_t cookie_read (void *cookie, void *buffer, size_t size); static gpgrt_ssize_t cookie_write (void *cookie, const void *buffer, size_t size); static int cookie_close (void *cookie); #if defined(HAVE_W32_SYSTEM) && defined(HTTP_USE_NTBTLS) static gpgrt_ssize_t simple_cookie_read (void *cookie, void *buffer, size_t size); static gpgrt_ssize_t simple_cookie_write (void *cookie, const void *buffer, size_t size); #endif /* A socket object used to a allow ref counting of sockets. */ struct my_socket_s { assuan_fd_t fd; /* The actual socket - shall never be ASSUAN_INVALID_FD. */ int refcount; /* Number of references to this socket. */ }; typedef struct my_socket_s *my_socket_t; /* Cookie function structure and cookie object. */ static es_cookie_io_functions_t cookie_functions = { cookie_read, cookie_write, NULL, cookie_close }; struct cookie_s { /* Socket object or NULL if already closed. */ my_socket_t sock; /* The session object or NULL if not used. */ http_session_t session; /* True if TLS is to be used. */ int use_tls; /* The remaining content length and a flag telling whether to use the content length. */ uint64_t content_length; unsigned int content_length_valid:1; }; typedef struct cookie_s *cookie_t; /* Simple cookie functions. Here the cookie is an int with the * socket. */ #if defined(HAVE_W32_SYSTEM) && defined(HTTP_USE_NTBTLS) static es_cookie_io_functions_t simple_cookie_functions = { simple_cookie_read, simple_cookie_write, NULL, NULL }; #endif #if SIZEOF_UNSIGNED_LONG == 8 # define HTTP_SESSION_MAGIC 0x0068545470534553 /* "hTTpSES" */ #else # define HTTP_SESSION_MAGIC 0x68547365 /* "hTse" */ #endif /* The session object. */ struct http_session_s { unsigned long magic; int refcount; /* Number of references to this object. */ #ifdef HTTP_USE_GNUTLS gnutls_certificate_credentials_t certcred; #endif /*HTTP_USE_GNUTLS*/ #ifdef USE_TLS tls_session_t tls_session; struct { int done; /* Verifciation has been done. */ int rc; /* TLS verification return code. */ unsigned int status; /* Verification status. */ } verify; char *servername; /* Malloced server name. */ #endif /*USE_TLS*/ /* A callback function to log details of TLS certifciates. */ void (*cert_log_cb) (http_session_t, gpg_error_t, const char *, const void **, size_t *); /* The flags passed to the session object. */ unsigned int flags; /* A per-session TLS verification callback. */ http_verify_cb_t verify_cb; void *verify_cb_value; /* The connect timeout */ unsigned int connect_timeout; }; /* An object to save header lines. */ struct header_s { struct header_s *next; char *value; /* The value of the header (malloced). */ char name[1]; /* The name of the header (canonicalized). */ }; typedef struct header_s *header_t; #if SIZEOF_UNSIGNED_LONG == 8 # define HTTP_CONTEXT_MAGIC 0x0068545470435458 /* "hTTpCTX" */ #else # define HTTP_CONTEXT_MAGIC 0x68546378 /* "hTcx" */ #endif /* Our handle context. */ struct http_context_s { unsigned long magic; unsigned int status_code; my_socket_t sock; unsigned int in_data:1; unsigned int is_http_0_9:1; estream_t fp_read; estream_t fp_write; void *write_cookie; void *read_cookie; http_session_t session; parsed_uri_t uri; http_req_t req_type; char *buffer; /* Line buffer. */ size_t buffer_size; unsigned int flags; header_t headers; /* Received headers. */ }; /* Two flags to enable verbose and debug mode. Although currently not * set-able a value > 1 for OPT_DEBUG enables debugging of the session * reference counting. */ static int opt_verbose; static int opt_debug; /* The global callback for the verification function. */ static gpg_error_t (*tls_callback) (http_t, http_session_t, int); /* The list of files with trusted CA certificates. */ static strlist_t tls_ca_certlist; /* The list of files with extra trusted CA certificates. */ static strlist_t cfg_ca_certlist; /* The global callback for net activity. */ static void (*netactivity_cb)(void); #if defined(HAVE_W32_SYSTEM) && !defined(HTTP_NO_WSASTARTUP) #if GNUPG_MAJOR_VERSION == 1 #define REQ_WINSOCK_MAJOR 1 #define REQ_WINSOCK_MINOR 1 #else #define REQ_WINSOCK_MAJOR 2 #define REQ_WINSOCK_MINOR 2 #endif static void deinit_sockets (void) { WSACleanup(); } static void init_sockets (void) { static int initialized; static WSADATA wsdata; if (initialized) return; if ( WSAStartup( MAKEWORD (REQ_WINSOCK_MINOR, REQ_WINSOCK_MAJOR), &wsdata ) ) { log_error ("error initializing socket library: ec=%d\n", (int)WSAGetLastError () ); return; } if ( LOBYTE(wsdata.wVersion) != REQ_WINSOCK_MAJOR || HIBYTE(wsdata.wVersion) != REQ_WINSOCK_MINOR ) { log_error ("socket library version is %x.%x - but %d.%d needed\n", LOBYTE(wsdata.wVersion), HIBYTE(wsdata.wVersion), REQ_WINSOCK_MAJOR, REQ_WINSOCK_MINOR); WSACleanup(); return; } atexit ( deinit_sockets ); initialized = 1; } #endif /*HAVE_W32_SYSTEM && !HTTP_NO_WSASTARTUP*/ /* Create a new socket object. Returns NULL and closes FD if not enough memory is available. */ static my_socket_t _my_socket_new (int lnr, assuan_fd_t fd) { my_socket_t so; so = xtrymalloc (sizeof *so); if (!so) { int save_errno = errno; assuan_sock_close (fd); gpg_err_set_errno (save_errno); return NULL; } so->fd = fd; so->refcount = 1; if (opt_debug) log_debug ("http.c:%d:socket_new: object %p for fd %d created\n", lnr, so, (int)so->fd); return so; } #define my_socket_new(a) _my_socket_new (__LINE__, (a)) /* Bump up the reference counter for the socket object SO. */ static my_socket_t _my_socket_ref (int lnr, my_socket_t so) { so->refcount++; if (opt_debug > 1) log_debug ("http.c:%d:socket_ref: object %p for fd %d refcount now %d\n", lnr, so, (int)so->fd, so->refcount); return so; } #define my_socket_ref(a) _my_socket_ref (__LINE__,(a)) /* Bump down the reference counter for the socket object SO. If SO has no more references, close the socket and release the object. */ static void _my_socket_unref (int lnr, my_socket_t so, void (*preclose)(void*), void *preclosearg) { if (so) { so->refcount--; if (opt_debug > 1) log_debug ("http.c:%d:socket_unref: object %p for fd %d ref now %d\n", lnr, so, (int)so->fd, so->refcount); if (!so->refcount) { if (preclose) preclose (preclosearg); assuan_sock_close (so->fd); xfree (so); } } } #define my_socket_unref(a,b,c) _my_socket_unref (__LINE__,(a),(b),(c)) #ifdef HTTP_USE_GNUTLS static ssize_t my_gnutls_read (gnutls_transport_ptr_t ptr, void *buffer, size_t size) { my_socket_t sock = ptr; #if USE_NPTH return npth_read (sock->fd, buffer, size); #else return read (sock->fd, buffer, size); #endif } static ssize_t my_gnutls_write (gnutls_transport_ptr_t ptr, const void *buffer, size_t size) { my_socket_t sock = ptr; #if USE_NPTH return npth_write (sock->fd, buffer, size); #else return write (sock->fd, buffer, size); #endif } #endif /*HTTP_USE_GNUTLS*/ #ifdef HTTP_USE_NTBTLS /* Connect the ntbls callback to our generic callback. */ static gpg_error_t my_ntbtls_verify_cb (void *opaque, ntbtls_t tls, unsigned int verify_flags) { http_t hd = opaque; (void)verify_flags; log_assert (hd && hd->session && hd->session->verify_cb); log_assert (hd->magic == HTTP_CONTEXT_MAGIC); log_assert (hd->session->magic == HTTP_SESSION_MAGIC); return hd->session->verify_cb (hd->session->verify_cb_value, hd, hd->session, (hd->flags | hd->session->flags), tls); } #endif /*HTTP_USE_NTBTLS*/ /* This notification function is called by estream whenever stream is closed. Its purpose is to mark the closing in the handle so that a http_close won't accidentally close the estream. The function http_close removes this notification so that it won't be called if http_close was used before an es_fclose. */ static void fp_onclose_notification (estream_t stream, void *opaque) { http_t hd = opaque; log_assert (hd->magic == HTTP_CONTEXT_MAGIC); if (hd->fp_read && hd->fp_read == stream) hd->fp_read = NULL; else if (hd->fp_write && hd->fp_write == stream) hd->fp_write = NULL; } /* * Helper function to create an HTTP header with hex encoded data. A * new buffer is returned. This buffer is the concatenation of the * string PREFIX, the hex-encoded DATA of length LEN and the string * SUFFIX. On error NULL is returned and ERRNO set. */ static char * make_header_line (const char *prefix, const char *suffix, const void *data, size_t len ) { static unsigned char bintoasc[] = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ" "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" "0123456789+/"; const unsigned char *s = data; char *buffer, *p; buffer = xtrymalloc (strlen (prefix) + (len+2)/3*4 + strlen (suffix) + 1); if (!buffer) return NULL; p = stpcpy (buffer, prefix); for ( ; len >= 3 ; len -= 3, s += 3 ) { *p++ = bintoasc[(s[0] >> 2) & 077]; *p++ = bintoasc[(((s[0] <<4)&060)|((s[1] >> 4)&017))&077]; *p++ = bintoasc[(((s[1]<<2)&074)|((s[2]>>6)&03))&077]; *p++ = bintoasc[s[2]&077]; *p = 0; } if ( len == 2 ) { *p++ = bintoasc[(s[0] >> 2) & 077]; *p++ = bintoasc[(((s[0] <<4)&060)|((s[1] >> 4)&017))&077]; *p++ = bintoasc[((s[1]<<2)&074)]; *p++ = '='; } else if ( len == 1 ) { *p++ = bintoasc[(s[0] >> 2) & 077]; *p++ = bintoasc[(s[0] <<4)&060]; *p++ = '='; *p++ = '='; } *p = 0; strcpy (p, suffix); return buffer; } /* Set verbosity and debug mode for this module. */ void http_set_verbose (int verbose, int debug) { opt_verbose = verbose; opt_debug = debug; } /* Register a non-standard global TLS callback function. If no verification is desired a callback needs to be registered which always returns NULL. */ void http_register_tls_callback (gpg_error_t (*cb)(http_t, http_session_t, int)) { tls_callback = cb; } /* Register a CA certificate for future use. The certificate is expected to be in FNAME. PEM format is assume if FNAME has a suffix of ".pem". If FNAME is NULL the list of CA files is removed. */ void http_register_tls_ca (const char *fname) { strlist_t sl; if (!fname) { free_strlist (tls_ca_certlist); tls_ca_certlist = NULL; } else { /* Warn if we can't access right now, but register it anyway in case it becomes accessible later */ if (access (fname, F_OK)) log_info (_("can't access '%s': %s\n"), fname, gpg_strerror (gpg_error_from_syserror())); sl = add_to_strlist (&tls_ca_certlist, fname); if (*sl->d && !strcmp (sl->d + strlen (sl->d) - 4, ".pem")) sl->flags = 1; } } /* Register a CA certificate for future use. The certificate is * expected to be in FNAME. PEM format is assume if FNAME has a * suffix of ".pem". If FNAME is NULL the list of CA files is * removed. This is a variant of http_register_tls_ca which puts the * certificate into a separate list enabled using HTTP_FLAG_TRUST_CFG. */ void http_register_cfg_ca (const char *fname) { strlist_t sl; if (!fname) { free_strlist (cfg_ca_certlist); cfg_ca_certlist = NULL; } else { /* Warn if we can't access right now, but register it anyway in case it becomes accessible later */ if (access (fname, F_OK)) log_info (_("can't access '%s': %s\n"), fname, gpg_strerror (gpg_error_from_syserror())); sl = add_to_strlist (&cfg_ca_certlist, fname); if (*sl->d && !strcmp (sl->d + strlen (sl->d) - 4, ".pem")) sl->flags = 1; } } /* Register a callback which is called every time the HTTP mode has * made a successful connection to some server. */ void http_register_netactivity_cb (void (*cb)(void)) { netactivity_cb = cb; } /* Call the netactivity callback if any. */ static void notify_netactivity (void) { if (netactivity_cb) netactivity_cb (); } #ifdef USE_TLS /* Free the TLS session associated with SESS, if any. */ static void close_tls_session (http_session_t sess) { if (sess->tls_session) { # if HTTP_USE_NTBTLS /* FIXME!! Possibly, ntbtls_get_transport and close those streams. Somehow get SOCK to call my_socket_unref. */ ntbtls_release (sess->tls_session); # elif HTTP_USE_GNUTLS my_socket_t sock = gnutls_transport_get_ptr (sess->tls_session); my_socket_unref (sock, NULL, NULL); gnutls_deinit (sess->tls_session); if (sess->certcred) gnutls_certificate_free_credentials (sess->certcred); # endif /*HTTP_USE_GNUTLS*/ xfree (sess->servername); sess->tls_session = NULL; } } #endif /*USE_TLS*/ /* Release a session. Take care not to release it while it is being used by a http context object. */ static void session_unref (int lnr, http_session_t sess) { if (!sess) return; log_assert (sess->magic == HTTP_SESSION_MAGIC); sess->refcount--; if (opt_debug > 1) log_debug ("http.c:%d:session_unref: sess %p ref now %d\n", lnr, sess, sess->refcount); if (sess->refcount) return; #ifdef USE_TLS close_tls_session (sess); #endif /*USE_TLS*/ sess->magic = 0xdeadbeef; xfree (sess); } #define http_session_unref(a) session_unref (__LINE__, (a)) void http_session_release (http_session_t sess) { http_session_unref (sess); } /* Create a new session object which is currently used to enable TLS * support. It may eventually allow reusing existing connections. * Valid values for FLAGS are: * HTTP_FLAG_TRUST_DEF - Use the CAs set with http_register_tls_ca * HTTP_FLAG_TRUST_SYS - Also use the CAs defined by the system * HTTP_FLAG_TRUST_CFG - Also use CAs set with http_register_cfg_ca * HTTP_FLAG_NO_CRL - Do not consult CRLs for https. */ gpg_error_t http_session_new (http_session_t *r_session, const char *intended_hostname, unsigned int flags, http_verify_cb_t verify_cb, void *verify_cb_value) { gpg_error_t err; http_session_t sess; *r_session = NULL; sess = xtrycalloc (1, sizeof *sess); if (!sess) return gpg_error_from_syserror (); sess->magic = HTTP_SESSION_MAGIC; sess->refcount = 1; sess->flags = flags; sess->verify_cb = verify_cb; sess->verify_cb_value = verify_cb_value; sess->connect_timeout = 0; #if HTTP_USE_NTBTLS { (void)intended_hostname; /* Not needed because we do not preload * certificates. */ err = ntbtls_new (&sess->tls_session, NTBTLS_CLIENT); if (err) { log_error ("ntbtls_new failed: %s\n", gpg_strerror (err)); goto leave; } } #elif HTTP_USE_GNUTLS { const char *errpos; int rc; strlist_t sl; int add_system_cas = !!(flags & HTTP_FLAG_TRUST_SYS); int is_hkps_pool; rc = gnutls_certificate_allocate_credentials (&sess->certcred); if (rc < 0) { log_error ("gnutls_certificate_allocate_credentials failed: %s\n", gnutls_strerror (rc)); err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_GENERAL); goto leave; } is_hkps_pool = (intended_hostname && !ascii_strcasecmp (intended_hostname, get_default_keyserver (1))); - /* If the user has not specified a CA list, and they are looking - * for the hkps pool from sks-keyservers.net, then default to - * Kristian's certificate authority: */ - if (!tls_ca_certlist && is_hkps_pool) + /* If we are looking for the hkps pool from sks-keyservers.net, + * then forcefully use its dedicated certificate authority. */ + if (is_hkps_pool) { char *pemname = make_filename_try (gnupg_datadir (), "sks-keyservers.netCA.pem", NULL); if (!pemname) { err = gpg_error_from_syserror (); log_error ("setting CA from file '%s' failed: %s\n", pemname, gpg_strerror (err)); } else { rc = gnutls_certificate_set_x509_trust_file (sess->certcred, pemname, GNUTLS_X509_FMT_PEM); if (rc < 0) log_info ("setting CA from file '%s' failed: %s\n", pemname, gnutls_strerror (rc)); xfree (pemname); } - add_system_cas = 0; + if (is_hkps_pool) + add_system_cas = 0; } /* Add configured certificates to the session. */ - if ((flags & HTTP_FLAG_TRUST_DEF)) + if ((flags & HTTP_FLAG_TRUST_DEF) && !is_hkps_pool) { for (sl = tls_ca_certlist; sl; sl = sl->next) { rc = gnutls_certificate_set_x509_trust_file (sess->certcred, sl->d, (sl->flags & 1)? GNUTLS_X509_FMT_PEM : GNUTLS_X509_FMT_DER); if (rc < 0) log_info ("setting CA from file '%s' failed: %s\n", sl->d, gnutls_strerror (rc)); } - if (!tls_ca_certlist && !is_hkps_pool) + + /* If HKP trust is requested and there are no HKP certificates + * configured, also try the standard system certificates. */ + if (!tls_ca_certlist) add_system_cas = 1; } /* Add system certificates to the session. */ if (add_system_cas) { #if GNUTLS_VERSION_NUMBER >= 0x030014 static int shown; rc = gnutls_certificate_set_x509_system_trust (sess->certcred); if (rc < 0) log_info ("setting system CAs failed: %s\n", gnutls_strerror (rc)); else if (!shown) { shown = 1; log_info ("number of system provided CAs: %d\n", rc); } #endif /* gnutls >= 3.0.20 */ } /* Add other configured certificates to the session. */ - if ((flags & HTTP_FLAG_TRUST_CFG)) + if ((flags & HTTP_FLAG_TRUST_CFG) && !is_hkps_pool) { for (sl = cfg_ca_certlist; sl; sl = sl->next) { rc = gnutls_certificate_set_x509_trust_file (sess->certcred, sl->d, (sl->flags & 1)? GNUTLS_X509_FMT_PEM : GNUTLS_X509_FMT_DER); if (rc < 0) log_info ("setting extra CA from file '%s' failed: %s\n", sl->d, gnutls_strerror (rc)); } } rc = gnutls_init (&sess->tls_session, GNUTLS_CLIENT); if (rc < 0) { log_error ("gnutls_init failed: %s\n", gnutls_strerror (rc)); err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_GENERAL); goto leave; } /* A new session has the transport ptr set to (void*(-1), we need it to be NULL. */ gnutls_transport_set_ptr (sess->tls_session, NULL); rc = gnutls_priority_set_direct (sess->tls_session, "NORMAL", &errpos); if (rc < 0) { log_error ("gnutls_priority_set_direct failed at '%s': %s\n", errpos, gnutls_strerror (rc)); err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_GENERAL); goto leave; } rc = gnutls_credentials_set (sess->tls_session, GNUTLS_CRD_CERTIFICATE, sess->certcred); if (rc < 0) { log_error ("gnutls_credentials_set failed: %s\n", gnutls_strerror (rc)); err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_GENERAL); goto leave; } } #else /*!HTTP_USE_GNUTLS && !HTTP_USE_NTBTLS*/ { (void)intended_hostname; (void)flags; } #endif /*!HTTP_USE_GNUTLS && !HTTP_USE_NTBTLS*/ if (opt_debug > 1) log_debug ("http.c:session_new: sess %p created\n", sess); err = 0; #if USE_TLS leave: #endif /*USE_TLS*/ if (err) http_session_unref (sess); else *r_session = sess; return err; } /* Increment the reference count for session SESS. Passing NULL for SESS is allowed. */ http_session_t http_session_ref (http_session_t sess) { if (sess) { sess->refcount++; if (opt_debug > 1) log_debug ("http.c:session_ref: sess %p ref now %d\n", sess, sess->refcount); } return sess; } void http_session_set_log_cb (http_session_t sess, void (*cb)(http_session_t, gpg_error_t, const char *hostname, const void **certs, size_t *certlens)) { sess->cert_log_cb = cb; } /* Set the TIMEOUT in milliseconds for the connection's connect * calls. Using 0 disables the timeout. */ void http_session_set_timeout (http_session_t sess, unsigned int timeout) { sess->connect_timeout = timeout; } /* Start a HTTP retrieval and on success store at R_HD a context pointer for completing the request and to wait for the response. If HTTPHOST is not NULL it is used for the Host header instead of a Host header derived from the URL. */ gpg_error_t http_open (http_t *r_hd, http_req_t reqtype, const char *url, const char *httphost, const char *auth, unsigned int flags, const char *proxy, http_session_t session, const char *srvtag, strlist_t headers) { gpg_error_t err; http_t hd; *r_hd = NULL; if (!(reqtype == HTTP_REQ_GET || reqtype == HTTP_REQ_POST)) return gpg_err_make (default_errsource, GPG_ERR_INV_ARG); /* Create the handle. */ hd = xtrycalloc (1, sizeof *hd); if (!hd) return gpg_error_from_syserror (); hd->magic = HTTP_CONTEXT_MAGIC; hd->req_type = reqtype; hd->flags = flags; hd->session = http_session_ref (session); err = parse_uri (&hd->uri, url, 0, !!(flags & HTTP_FLAG_FORCE_TLS)); if (!err) err = send_request (hd, httphost, auth, proxy, srvtag, hd->session? hd->session->connect_timeout : 0, headers); if (err) { my_socket_unref (hd->sock, NULL, NULL); if (hd->fp_read) es_fclose (hd->fp_read); if (hd->fp_write) es_fclose (hd->fp_write); http_session_unref (hd->session); xfree (hd); } else *r_hd = hd; return err; } /* This function is useful to connect to a generic TCP service using this http abstraction layer. This has the advantage of providing service tags and an estream interface. TIMEOUT is in milliseconds. */ gpg_error_t http_raw_connect (http_t *r_hd, const char *server, unsigned short port, unsigned int flags, const char *srvtag, unsigned int timeout) { gpg_error_t err = 0; http_t hd; cookie_t cookie; *r_hd = NULL; if ((flags & HTTP_FLAG_FORCE_TOR)) { int mode; if (assuan_sock_get_flag (ASSUAN_INVALID_FD, "tor-mode", &mode) || !mode) { log_error ("Tor support is not available\n"); return gpg_err_make (default_errsource, GPG_ERR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED); } /* Non-blocking connects do not work with our Tor proxy because * we can't continue the Socks protocol after the EINPROGRESS. * Disable the timeout to use a blocking connect. */ timeout = 0; } /* Create the handle. */ hd = xtrycalloc (1, sizeof *hd); if (!hd) return gpg_error_from_syserror (); hd->magic = HTTP_CONTEXT_MAGIC; hd->req_type = HTTP_REQ_OPAQUE; hd->flags = flags; /* Connect. */ { assuan_fd_t sock; err = connect_server (server, port, hd->flags, srvtag, timeout, &sock); if (err) { xfree (hd); return err; } hd->sock = my_socket_new (sock); if (!hd->sock) { err = gpg_err_make (default_errsource, gpg_err_code_from_syserror ()); xfree (hd); return err; } } /* Setup estreams for reading and writing. */ cookie = xtrycalloc (1, sizeof *cookie); if (!cookie) { err = gpg_err_make (default_errsource, gpg_err_code_from_syserror ()); goto leave; } cookie->sock = my_socket_ref (hd->sock); hd->fp_write = es_fopencookie (cookie, "w", cookie_functions); if (!hd->fp_write) { err = gpg_err_make (default_errsource, gpg_err_code_from_syserror ()); my_socket_unref (cookie->sock, NULL, NULL); xfree (cookie); goto leave; } hd->write_cookie = cookie; /* Cookie now owned by FP_WRITE. */ cookie = xtrycalloc (1, sizeof *cookie); if (!cookie) { err = gpg_err_make (default_errsource, gpg_err_code_from_syserror ()); goto leave; } cookie->sock = my_socket_ref (hd->sock); hd->fp_read = es_fopencookie (cookie, "r", cookie_functions); if (!hd->fp_read) { err = gpg_err_make (default_errsource, gpg_err_code_from_syserror ()); my_socket_unref (cookie->sock, NULL, NULL); xfree (cookie); goto leave; } hd->read_cookie = cookie; /* Cookie now owned by FP_READ. */ /* Register close notification to interlock the use of es_fclose in http_close and in user code. */ err = es_onclose (hd->fp_write, 1, fp_onclose_notification, hd); if (!err) err = es_onclose (hd->fp_read, 1, fp_onclose_notification, hd); leave: if (err) { if (hd->fp_read) es_fclose (hd->fp_read); if (hd->fp_write) es_fclose (hd->fp_write); my_socket_unref (hd->sock, NULL, NULL); xfree (hd); } else *r_hd = hd; return err; } void http_start_data (http_t hd) { if (!hd->in_data) { if (opt_debug || (hd->flags & HTTP_FLAG_LOG_RESP)) log_debug_with_string ("\r\n", "http.c:request-header:"); es_fputs ("\r\n", hd->fp_write); es_fflush (hd->fp_write); hd->in_data = 1; } else es_fflush (hd->fp_write); } gpg_error_t http_wait_response (http_t hd) { gpg_error_t err; cookie_t cookie; int use_tls; /* Make sure that we are in the data. */ http_start_data (hd); /* Close the write stream. Note that the reference counted socket object keeps the actual system socket open. */ cookie = hd->write_cookie; if (!cookie) return gpg_err_make (default_errsource, GPG_ERR_INTERNAL); use_tls = cookie->use_tls; es_fclose (hd->fp_write); hd->fp_write = NULL; /* The close has released the cookie and thus we better set it to NULL. */ hd->write_cookie = NULL; /* Shutdown one end of the socket is desired. As per HTTP/1.0 this is not required but some very old servers (e.g. the original pksd keyserver didn't worked without it. */ if ((hd->flags & HTTP_FLAG_SHUTDOWN)) shutdown (FD2INT (hd->sock->fd), 1); hd->in_data = 0; /* Create a new cookie and a stream for reading. */ cookie = xtrycalloc (1, sizeof *cookie); if (!cookie) return gpg_err_make (default_errsource, gpg_err_code_from_syserror ()); cookie->sock = my_socket_ref (hd->sock); cookie->session = http_session_ref (hd->session); cookie->use_tls = use_tls; hd->read_cookie = cookie; hd->fp_read = es_fopencookie (cookie, "r", cookie_functions); if (!hd->fp_read) { err = gpg_err_make (default_errsource, gpg_err_code_from_syserror ()); my_socket_unref (cookie->sock, NULL, NULL); http_session_unref (cookie->session); xfree (cookie); hd->read_cookie = NULL; return err; } err = parse_response (hd); if (!err) err = es_onclose (hd->fp_read, 1, fp_onclose_notification, hd); return err; } /* Convenience function to send a request and wait for the response. Closes the handle on error. If PROXY is not NULL, this value will be used as an HTTP proxy and any enabled $http_proxy gets ignored. */ gpg_error_t http_open_document (http_t *r_hd, const char *document, const char *auth, unsigned int flags, const char *proxy, http_session_t session, const char *srvtag, strlist_t headers) { gpg_error_t err; err = http_open (r_hd, HTTP_REQ_GET, document, NULL, auth, flags, proxy, session, srvtag, headers); if (err) return err; err = http_wait_response (*r_hd); if (err) http_close (*r_hd, 0); return err; } void http_close (http_t hd, int keep_read_stream) { if (!hd) return; log_assert (hd->magic == HTTP_CONTEXT_MAGIC); /* First remove the close notifications for the streams. */ if (hd->fp_read) es_onclose (hd->fp_read, 0, fp_onclose_notification, hd); if (hd->fp_write) es_onclose (hd->fp_write, 0, fp_onclose_notification, hd); /* Now we can close the streams. */ my_socket_unref (hd->sock, NULL, NULL); if (hd->fp_read && !keep_read_stream) es_fclose (hd->fp_read); if (hd->fp_write) es_fclose (hd->fp_write); http_session_unref (hd->session); hd->magic = 0xdeadbeef; http_release_parsed_uri (hd->uri); while (hd->headers) { header_t tmp = hd->headers->next; xfree (hd->headers->value); xfree (hd->headers); hd->headers = tmp; } xfree (hd->buffer); xfree (hd); } estream_t http_get_read_ptr (http_t hd) { return hd?hd->fp_read:NULL; } estream_t http_get_write_ptr (http_t hd) { return hd?hd->fp_write:NULL; } unsigned int http_get_status_code (http_t hd) { return hd?hd->status_code:0; } /* Return information pertaining to TLS. If TLS is not in use for HD, NULL is returned. WHAT is used ask for specific information: (NULL) := Only check whether TLS is in use. Returns an unspecified string if TLS is in use. That string may even be the empty string. */ const char * http_get_tls_info (http_t hd, const char *what) { (void)what; if (!hd) return NULL; return hd->uri->use_tls? "":NULL; } static gpg_error_t parse_uri (parsed_uri_t *ret_uri, const char *uri, int no_scheme_check, int force_tls) { gpg_err_code_t ec; *ret_uri = xtrycalloc (1, sizeof **ret_uri + 2 * strlen (uri) + 1); if (!*ret_uri) return gpg_err_make (default_errsource, gpg_err_code_from_syserror ()); strcpy ((*ret_uri)->buffer, uri); strcpy ((*ret_uri)->buffer + strlen (uri) + 1, uri); (*ret_uri)->original = (*ret_uri)->buffer + strlen (uri) + 1; ec = do_parse_uri (*ret_uri, 0, no_scheme_check, force_tls); if (ec) { http_release_parsed_uri (*ret_uri); *ret_uri = NULL; } return gpg_err_make (default_errsource, ec); } /* * Parse an URI and put the result into the newly allocated RET_URI. * On success the caller must use http_release_parsed_uri() to * releases the resources. If NO_SCHEME_CHECK is set, the function * tries to parse the URL in the same way it would do for an HTTP * style URI. */ gpg_error_t http_parse_uri (parsed_uri_t *ret_uri, const char *uri, int no_scheme_check) { return parse_uri (ret_uri, uri, no_scheme_check, 0); } void http_release_parsed_uri (parsed_uri_t uri) { if (uri) { uri_tuple_t r, r2; for (r = uri->params; r; r = r2) { r2 = r->next; xfree (r); } for (r = uri->query; r; r = r2) { r2 = r->next; xfree (r); } xfree (uri); } } static gpg_err_code_t do_parse_uri (parsed_uri_t uri, int only_local_part, int no_scheme_check, int force_tls) { uri_tuple_t *tail; char *p, *p2, *p3, *pp; int n; p = uri->buffer; n = strlen (uri->buffer); /* Initialize all fields to an empty string or an empty list. */ uri->scheme = uri->host = uri->path = p + n; uri->port = 0; uri->params = uri->query = NULL; uri->use_tls = 0; uri->is_http = 0; uri->opaque = 0; uri->v6lit = 0; uri->onion = 0; uri->explicit_port = 0; uri->off_host = 0; uri->off_path = 0; /* A quick validity check. */ if (strspn (p, VALID_URI_CHARS) != n) return GPG_ERR_BAD_URI; /* Invalid characters found. */ if (!only_local_part) { /* Find the scheme. */ if (!(p2 = strchr (p, ':')) || p2 == p) return GPG_ERR_BAD_URI; /* No scheme. */ *p2++ = 0; for (pp=p; *pp; pp++) *pp = tolower (*(unsigned char*)pp); uri->scheme = p; if (!strcmp (uri->scheme, "http") && !force_tls) { uri->port = 80; uri->is_http = 1; } else if (!strcmp (uri->scheme, "hkp") && !force_tls) { uri->port = 11371; uri->is_http = 1; } #ifdef USE_TLS else if (!strcmp (uri->scheme, "https") || !strcmp (uri->scheme,"hkps") || (force_tls && (!strcmp (uri->scheme, "http") || !strcmp (uri->scheme,"hkp")))) { uri->port = 443; uri->is_http = 1; uri->use_tls = 1; } #endif /*USE_TLS*/ else if (!no_scheme_check) return GPG_ERR_INV_URI; /* Unsupported scheme */ p = p2; if (*p == '/' && p[1] == '/' ) /* There seems to be a hostname. */ { p += 2; if ((p2 = strchr (p, '/'))) { if (p2 - uri->buffer > 10000) return GPG_ERR_BAD_URI; uri->off_path = p2 - uri->buffer; *p2++ = 0; } else { n = (p - uri->buffer) + strlen (p); if (n > 10000) return GPG_ERR_BAD_URI; uri->off_path = n; } /* Check for username/password encoding */ if ((p3 = strchr (p, '@'))) { uri->auth = p; *p3++ = '\0'; p = p3; } for (pp=p; *pp; pp++) *pp = tolower (*(unsigned char*)pp); /* Handle an IPv6 literal */ if( *p == '[' && (p3=strchr( p, ']' )) ) { *p3++ = '\0'; /* worst case, uri->host should have length 0, points to \0 */ uri->host = p + 1; if (p - uri->buffer > 10000) return GPG_ERR_BAD_URI; uri->off_host = (p + 1) - uri->buffer; uri->v6lit = 1; p = p3; } else { uri->host = p; if (p - uri->buffer > 10000) return GPG_ERR_BAD_URI; uri->off_host = p - uri->buffer; } if ((p3 = strchr (p, ':'))) { *p3++ = '\0'; uri->port = atoi (p3); uri->explicit_port = 1; } if ((n = remove_escapes (uri->host)) < 0) return GPG_ERR_BAD_URI; if (n != strlen (uri->host)) return GPG_ERR_BAD_URI; /* Hostname includes a Nul. */ p = p2 ? p2 : NULL; } else if (uri->is_http) return GPG_ERR_INV_URI; /* No Leading double slash for HTTP. */ else { uri->opaque = 1; uri->path = p; if (is_onion_address (uri->path)) uri->onion = 1; return 0; } } /* End global URI part. */ /* Parse the pathname part if any. */ if (p && *p) { /* TODO: Here we have to check params. */ /* Do we have a query part? */ if ((p2 = strchr (p, '?'))) *p2++ = 0; uri->path = p; if ((n = remove_escapes (p)) < 0) return GPG_ERR_BAD_URI; if (n != strlen (p)) return GPG_ERR_BAD_URI; /* Path includes a Nul. */ p = p2 ? p2 : NULL; /* Parse a query string if any. */ if (p && *p) { tail = &uri->query; for (;;) { uri_tuple_t elem; if ((p2 = strchr (p, '&'))) *p2++ = 0; if (!(elem = parse_tuple (p))) return GPG_ERR_BAD_URI; *tail = elem; tail = &elem->next; if (!p2) break; /* Ready. */ p = p2; } } } if (is_onion_address (uri->host)) uri->onion = 1; return 0; } /* * Remove all %xx escapes; this is done in-place. Returns: New length * of the string. */ static int remove_escapes (char *string) { int n = 0; unsigned char *p, *s; for (p = s = (unsigned char*)string; *s; s++) { if (*s == '%') { if (s[1] && s[2] && isxdigit (s[1]) && isxdigit (s[2])) { s++; *p = *s >= '0' && *s <= '9' ? *s - '0' : *s >= 'A' && *s <= 'F' ? *s - 'A' + 10 : *s - 'a' + 10; *p <<= 4; s++; *p |= *s >= '0' && *s <= '9' ? *s - '0' : *s >= 'A' && *s <= 'F' ? *s - 'A' + 10 : *s - 'a' + 10; p++; n++; } else { *p++ = *s++; if (*s) *p++ = *s++; if (*s) *p++ = *s++; if (*s) *p = 0; return -1; /* Bad URI. */ } } else { *p++ = *s; n++; } } *p = 0; /* Make sure to keep a string terminator. */ return n; } /* If SPECIAL is NULL this function escapes in forms mode. */ static size_t escape_data (char *buffer, const void *data, size_t datalen, const char *special) { int forms = !special; const unsigned char *s; size_t n = 0; if (forms) special = "%;?&="; for (s = data; datalen; s++, datalen--) { if (forms && *s == ' ') { if (buffer) *buffer++ = '+'; n++; } else if (forms && *s == '\n') { if (buffer) memcpy (buffer, "%0D%0A", 6); n += 6; } else if (forms && *s == '\r' && datalen > 1 && s[1] == '\n') { if (buffer) memcpy (buffer, "%0D%0A", 6); n += 6; s++; datalen--; } else if (strchr (VALID_URI_CHARS, *s) && !strchr (special, *s)) { if (buffer) *(unsigned char*)buffer++ = *s; n++; } else { if (buffer) { snprintf (buffer, 4, "%%%02X", *s); buffer += 3; } n += 3; } } return n; } static int insert_escapes (char *buffer, const char *string, const char *special) { return escape_data (buffer, string, strlen (string), special); } /* Allocate a new string from STRING using standard HTTP escaping as well as escaping of characters given in SPECIALS. A common pattern for SPECIALS is "%;?&=". However it depends on the needs, for example "+" and "/: often needs to be escaped too. Returns NULL on failure and sets ERRNO. If SPECIAL is NULL a dedicated forms encoding mode is used. */ char * http_escape_string (const char *string, const char *specials) { int n; char *buf; n = insert_escapes (NULL, string, specials); buf = xtrymalloc (n+1); if (buf) { insert_escapes (buf, string, specials); buf[n] = 0; } return buf; } /* Allocate a new string from {DATA,DATALEN} using standard HTTP escaping as well as escaping of characters given in SPECIALS. A common pattern for SPECIALS is "%;?&=". However it depends on the needs, for example "+" and "/: often needs to be escaped too. Returns NULL on failure and sets ERRNO. If SPECIAL is NULL a dedicated forms encoding mode is used. */ char * http_escape_data (const void *data, size_t datalen, const char *specials) { int n; char *buf; n = escape_data (NULL, data, datalen, specials); buf = xtrymalloc (n+1); if (buf) { escape_data (buf, data, datalen, specials); buf[n] = 0; } return buf; } static uri_tuple_t parse_tuple (char *string) { char *p = string; char *p2; int n; uri_tuple_t tuple; if ((p2 = strchr (p, '='))) *p2++ = 0; if ((n = remove_escapes (p)) < 0) return NULL; /* Bad URI. */ if (n != strlen (p)) return NULL; /* Name with a Nul in it. */ tuple = xtrycalloc (1, sizeof *tuple); if (!tuple) return NULL; /* Out of core. */ tuple->name = p; if (!p2) /* We have only the name, so we assume an empty value string. */ { tuple->value = p + strlen (p); tuple->valuelen = 0; tuple->no_value = 1; /* Explicitly mark that we have seen no '='. */ } else /* Name and value. */ { if ((n = remove_escapes (p2)) < 0) { xfree (tuple); return NULL; /* Bad URI. */ } tuple->value = p2; tuple->valuelen = n; } return tuple; } /* Return true if STRING is likely "hostname:port" or only "hostname". */ static int is_hostname_port (const char *string) { int colons = 0; if (!string || !*string) return 0; for (; *string; string++) { if (*string == ':') { if (colons) return 0; if (!string[1]) return 0; colons++; } else if (!colons && strchr (" \t\f\n\v_@[]/", *string)) return 0; /* Invalid characters in hostname. */ else if (colons && !digitp (string)) return 0; /* Not a digit in the port. */ } return 1; } /* * Send a HTTP request to the server * Returns 0 if the request was successful */ static gpg_error_t send_request (http_t hd, const char *httphost, const char *auth, const char *proxy, const char *srvtag, unsigned int timeout, strlist_t headers) { gpg_error_t err; const char *server; char *request, *p; unsigned short port; const char *http_proxy = NULL; char *proxy_authstr = NULL; char *authstr = NULL; assuan_fd_t sock; #ifdef USE_TLS int have_http_proxy = 0; #endif if (hd->uri->use_tls && !hd->session) { log_error ("TLS requested but no session object provided\n"); return gpg_err_make (default_errsource, GPG_ERR_INTERNAL); } #ifdef USE_TLS if (hd->uri->use_tls && !hd->session->tls_session) { log_error ("TLS requested but no TLS context available\n"); return gpg_err_make (default_errsource, GPG_ERR_INTERNAL); } if (opt_debug) log_debug ("Using TLS library: %s %s\n", # if HTTP_USE_NTBTLS "NTBTLS", ntbtls_check_version (NULL) # elif HTTP_USE_GNUTLS "GNUTLS", gnutls_check_version (NULL) # else "?", "?" # endif /*HTTP_USE_*TLS*/ ); #endif /*USE_TLS*/ if ((hd->flags & HTTP_FLAG_FORCE_TOR)) { int mode; if (assuan_sock_get_flag (ASSUAN_INVALID_FD, "tor-mode", &mode) || !mode) { log_error ("Tor support is not available\n"); return gpg_err_make (default_errsource, GPG_ERR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED); } /* Non-blocking connects do not work with our Tor proxy because * we can't continue the Socks protocol after the EINPROGRESS. * Disable the timeout to use a blocking connect. */ timeout = 0; } server = *hd->uri->host ? hd->uri->host : "localhost"; port = hd->uri->port ? hd->uri->port : 80; /* Try to use SNI. */ #ifdef USE_TLS if (hd->uri->use_tls) { # if HTTP_USE_GNUTLS int rc; # endif xfree (hd->session->servername); hd->session->servername = xtrystrdup (httphost? httphost : server); if (!hd->session->servername) { err = gpg_err_make (default_errsource, gpg_err_code_from_syserror ()); return err; } # if HTTP_USE_NTBTLS err = ntbtls_set_hostname (hd->session->tls_session, hd->session->servername); if (err) { log_info ("ntbtls_set_hostname failed: %s\n", gpg_strerror (err)); return err; } # elif HTTP_USE_GNUTLS rc = gnutls_server_name_set (hd->session->tls_session, GNUTLS_NAME_DNS, hd->session->servername, strlen (hd->session->servername)); if (rc < 0) log_info ("gnutls_server_name_set failed: %s\n", gnutls_strerror (rc)); # endif /*HTTP_USE_GNUTLS*/ } #endif /*USE_TLS*/ if ( (proxy && *proxy) || ( (hd->flags & HTTP_FLAG_TRY_PROXY) && (http_proxy = getenv (HTTP_PROXY_ENV)) && *http_proxy )) { parsed_uri_t uri; if (proxy) http_proxy = proxy; err = parse_uri (&uri, http_proxy, 0, 0); if (gpg_err_code (err) == GPG_ERR_INV_URI && is_hostname_port (http_proxy)) { /* Retry assuming a "hostname:port" string. */ char *tmpname = strconcat ("http://", http_proxy, NULL); if (tmpname && !parse_uri (&uri, tmpname, 0, 0)) err = 0; xfree (tmpname); } if (err) ; #ifdef USE_TLS else if (!strcmp (uri->scheme, "http")) have_http_proxy = 1; #endif else if (!strcmp (uri->scheme, "socks4") || !strcmp (uri->scheme, "socks5h")) err = gpg_err_make (default_errsource, GPG_ERR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED); else err = gpg_err_make (default_errsource, GPG_ERR_INV_URI); if (err) { log_error ("invalid HTTP proxy (%s): %s\n", http_proxy, gpg_strerror (err)); return gpg_err_make (default_errsource, GPG_ERR_CONFIGURATION); } if (uri->auth) { remove_escapes (uri->auth); proxy_authstr = make_header_line ("Proxy-Authorization: Basic ", "\r\n", uri->auth, strlen(uri->auth)); if (!proxy_authstr) { err = gpg_err_make (default_errsource, gpg_err_code_from_syserror ()); http_release_parsed_uri (uri); return err; } } err = connect_server (*uri->host ? uri->host : "localhost", uri->port ? uri->port : 80, hd->flags, NULL, timeout, &sock); http_release_parsed_uri (uri); } else { err = connect_server (server, port, hd->flags, srvtag, timeout, &sock); } if (err) { xfree (proxy_authstr); return err; } hd->sock = my_socket_new (sock); if (!hd->sock) { xfree (proxy_authstr); return gpg_err_make (default_errsource, gpg_err_code_from_syserror ()); } #if USE_TLS if (have_http_proxy && hd->uri->use_tls) { int saved_flags; cookie_t cookie; /* Try to use the CONNECT method to proxy our TLS stream. */ request = es_bsprintf ("CONNECT %s:%hu HTTP/1.0\r\nHost: %s:%hu\r\n%s", httphost ? httphost : server, port, httphost ? httphost : server, port, proxy_authstr ? proxy_authstr : ""); xfree (proxy_authstr); proxy_authstr = NULL; if (! request) return gpg_err_make (default_errsource, gpg_err_code_from_syserror ()); if (opt_debug || (hd->flags & HTTP_FLAG_LOG_RESP)) log_debug_with_string (request, "http.c:request:"); cookie = xtrycalloc (1, sizeof *cookie); if (! cookie) { err = gpg_err_make (default_errsource, gpg_err_code_from_syserror ()); xfree (request); return err; } cookie->sock = my_socket_ref (hd->sock); hd->write_cookie = cookie; hd->fp_write = es_fopencookie (cookie, "w", cookie_functions); if (! hd->fp_write) { err = gpg_err_make (default_errsource, gpg_err_code_from_syserror ()); my_socket_unref (cookie->sock, NULL, NULL); xfree (cookie); xfree (request); hd->write_cookie = NULL; return err; } else if (es_fputs (request, hd->fp_write) || es_fflush (hd->fp_write)) err = gpg_err_make (default_errsource, gpg_err_code_from_syserror ()); xfree (request); request = NULL; /* Make sure http_wait_response doesn't close the stream. */ saved_flags = hd->flags; hd->flags &= ~HTTP_FLAG_SHUTDOWN; /* Get the response. */ err = http_wait_response (hd); /* Restore flags, destroy stream. */ hd->flags = saved_flags; es_fclose (hd->fp_read); hd->fp_read = NULL; hd->read_cookie = NULL; /* Reset state. */ hd->in_data = 0; if (err) return err; if (hd->status_code != 200) { request = es_bsprintf ("CONNECT %s:%hu", httphost ? httphost : server, port); log_error (_("error accessing '%s': http status %u\n"), request ? request : "out of core", http_get_status_code (hd)); xfree (request); return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NO_DATA); } /* We are done with the proxy, the code below will establish a * TLS session and talk directly to the target server. */ http_proxy = NULL; } #endif /* USE_TLS */ #if HTTP_USE_NTBTLS if (hd->uri->use_tls) { estream_t in, out; my_socket_ref (hd->sock); /* Until we support send/recv in estream under Windows we need * to use es_fopencookie. */ #ifdef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM in = es_fopencookie ((void*)(unsigned int)hd->sock->fd, "rb", simple_cookie_functions); #else in = es_fdopen_nc (hd->sock->fd, "rb"); #endif if (!in) { err = gpg_error_from_syserror (); xfree (proxy_authstr); return err; } #ifdef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM out = es_fopencookie ((void*)(unsigned int)hd->sock->fd, "wb", simple_cookie_functions); #else out = es_fdopen_nc (hd->sock->fd, "wb"); #endif if (!out) { err = gpg_error_from_syserror (); es_fclose (in); xfree (proxy_authstr); return err; } err = ntbtls_set_transport (hd->session->tls_session, in, out); if (err) { log_info ("TLS set_transport failed: %s <%s>\n", gpg_strerror (err), gpg_strsource (err)); xfree (proxy_authstr); return err; } #ifdef HTTP_USE_NTBTLS if (hd->session->verify_cb) { err = ntbtls_set_verify_cb (hd->session->tls_session, my_ntbtls_verify_cb, hd); if (err) { log_error ("ntbtls_set_verify_cb failed: %s\n", gpg_strerror (err)); xfree (proxy_authstr); return err; } } #endif /*HTTP_USE_NTBTLS*/ while ((err = ntbtls_handshake (hd->session->tls_session))) { #if NTBTLS_VERSION_NUMBER >= 0x000200 unsigned int tlevel, ttype; const char *s = ntbtls_get_last_alert (hd->session->tls_session, &tlevel, &ttype); if (s) log_info ("TLS alert: %s (%u.%u)\n", s, tlevel, ttype); #endif switch (err) { default: log_info ("TLS handshake failed: %s <%s>\n", gpg_strerror (err), gpg_strsource (err)); xfree (proxy_authstr); return err; } } hd->session->verify.done = 0; /* Try the available verify callbacks until one returns success * or a real error. Note that NTBTLS does the verification * during the handshake via */ #ifdef HTTP_USE_NTBTLS err = 0; /* Fixme check that the CB has been called. */ #else err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED); #endif if (hd->session->verify_cb && gpg_err_source (err) == GPG_ERR_SOURCE_DIRMNGR && gpg_err_code (err) == GPG_ERR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED) err = hd->session->verify_cb (hd->session->verify_cb_value, hd, hd->session, (hd->flags | hd->session->flags), hd->session->tls_session); if (tls_callback && gpg_err_source (err) == GPG_ERR_SOURCE_DIRMNGR && gpg_err_code (err) == GPG_ERR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED) err = tls_callback (hd, hd->session, 0); if (gpg_err_source (err) == GPG_ERR_SOURCE_DIRMNGR && gpg_err_code (err) == GPG_ERR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED) err = http_verify_server_credentials (hd->session); if (err) { log_info ("TLS connection authentication failed: %s <%s>\n", gpg_strerror (err), gpg_strsource (err)); xfree (proxy_authstr); return err; } } #elif HTTP_USE_GNUTLS if (hd->uri->use_tls) { int rc; my_socket_ref (hd->sock); gnutls_transport_set_ptr (hd->session->tls_session, hd->sock); gnutls_transport_set_pull_function (hd->session->tls_session, my_gnutls_read); gnutls_transport_set_push_function (hd->session->tls_session, my_gnutls_write); handshake_again: do { rc = gnutls_handshake (hd->session->tls_session); } while (rc == GNUTLS_E_INTERRUPTED || rc == GNUTLS_E_AGAIN); if (rc < 0) { if (rc == GNUTLS_E_WARNING_ALERT_RECEIVED || rc == GNUTLS_E_FATAL_ALERT_RECEIVED) { gnutls_alert_description_t alertno; const char *alertstr; alertno = gnutls_alert_get (hd->session->tls_session); alertstr = gnutls_alert_get_name (alertno); log_info ("TLS handshake %s: %s (alert %d)\n", rc == GNUTLS_E_WARNING_ALERT_RECEIVED ? "warning" : "failed", alertstr, (int)alertno); if (alertno == GNUTLS_A_UNRECOGNIZED_NAME && server) log_info (" (sent server name '%s')\n", server); if (rc == GNUTLS_E_WARNING_ALERT_RECEIVED) goto handshake_again; } else log_info ("TLS handshake failed: %s\n", gnutls_strerror (rc)); xfree (proxy_authstr); return gpg_err_make (default_errsource, GPG_ERR_NETWORK); } hd->session->verify.done = 0; if (tls_callback) err = tls_callback (hd, hd->session, 0); else err = http_verify_server_credentials (hd->session); if (err) { log_info ("TLS connection authentication failed: %s\n", gpg_strerror (err)); xfree (proxy_authstr); return err; } } #endif /*HTTP_USE_GNUTLS*/ if (auth || hd->uri->auth) { char *myauth; if (auth) { myauth = xtrystrdup (auth); if (!myauth) { xfree (proxy_authstr); return gpg_err_make (default_errsource, gpg_err_code_from_syserror ()); } remove_escapes (myauth); } else { remove_escapes (hd->uri->auth); myauth = hd->uri->auth; } authstr = make_header_line ("Authorization: Basic ", "\r\n", myauth, strlen (myauth)); if (auth) xfree (myauth); if (!authstr) { xfree (proxy_authstr); return gpg_err_make (default_errsource, gpg_err_code_from_syserror ()); } } p = build_rel_path (hd->uri); if (!p) return gpg_err_make (default_errsource, gpg_err_code_from_syserror ()); if (http_proxy && *http_proxy) { request = es_bsprintf ("%s %s://%s:%hu%s%s HTTP/1.0\r\n%s%s", hd->req_type == HTTP_REQ_GET ? "GET" : hd->req_type == HTTP_REQ_HEAD ? "HEAD" : hd->req_type == HTTP_REQ_POST ? "POST" : "OOPS", hd->uri->use_tls? "https" : "http", httphost? httphost : server, port, *p == '/' ? "" : "/", p, authstr ? authstr : "", proxy_authstr ? proxy_authstr : ""); } else { char portstr[35]; if (port == (hd->uri->use_tls? 443 : 80)) *portstr = 0; else snprintf (portstr, sizeof portstr, ":%u", port); request = es_bsprintf ("%s %s%s HTTP/1.0\r\nHost: %s%s\r\n%s", hd->req_type == HTTP_REQ_GET ? "GET" : hd->req_type == HTTP_REQ_HEAD ? "HEAD" : hd->req_type == HTTP_REQ_POST ? "POST" : "OOPS", *p == '/' ? "" : "/", p, httphost? httphost : server, portstr, authstr? authstr:""); } xfree (p); if (!request) { err = gpg_err_make (default_errsource, gpg_err_code_from_syserror ()); xfree (authstr); xfree (proxy_authstr); return err; } if (opt_debug || (hd->flags & HTTP_FLAG_LOG_RESP)) log_debug_with_string (request, "http.c:request:"); /* First setup estream so that we can write even the first line using estream. This is also required for the sake of gnutls. */ { cookie_t cookie; cookie = xtrycalloc (1, sizeof *cookie); if (!cookie) { err = gpg_err_make (default_errsource, gpg_err_code_from_syserror ()); goto leave; } cookie->sock = my_socket_ref (hd->sock); hd->write_cookie = cookie; cookie->use_tls = hd->uri->use_tls; cookie->session = http_session_ref (hd->session); hd->fp_write = es_fopencookie (cookie, "w", cookie_functions); if (!hd->fp_write) { err = gpg_err_make (default_errsource, gpg_err_code_from_syserror ()); my_socket_unref (cookie->sock, NULL, NULL); xfree (cookie); hd->write_cookie = NULL; } else if (es_fputs (request, hd->fp_write) || es_fflush (hd->fp_write)) err = gpg_err_make (default_errsource, gpg_err_code_from_syserror ()); else err = 0; if (!err) { for (;headers; headers=headers->next) { if (opt_debug || (hd->flags & HTTP_FLAG_LOG_RESP)) log_debug_with_string (headers->d, "http.c:request-header:"); if ((es_fputs (headers->d, hd->fp_write) || es_fflush (hd->fp_write)) || (es_fputs("\r\n",hd->fp_write) || es_fflush(hd->fp_write))) { err = gpg_err_make (default_errsource, gpg_err_code_from_syserror ()); break; } } } } leave: es_free (request); xfree (authstr); xfree (proxy_authstr); return err; } /* * Build the relative path from the parsed URI. Minimal * implementation. May return NULL in case of memory failure; errno * is then set accordingly. */ static char * build_rel_path (parsed_uri_t uri) { uri_tuple_t r; char *rel_path, *p; int n; /* Count the needed space. */ n = insert_escapes (NULL, uri->path, "%;?&"); /* TODO: build params. */ for (r = uri->query; r; r = r->next) { n++; /* '?'/'&' */ n += insert_escapes (NULL, r->name, "%;?&="); if (!r->no_value) { n++; /* '=' */ n += insert_escapes (NULL, r->value, "%;?&="); } } n++; /* Now allocate and copy. */ p = rel_path = xtrymalloc (n); if (!p) return NULL; n = insert_escapes (p, uri->path, "%;?&"); p += n; /* TODO: add params. */ for (r = uri->query; r; r = r->next) { *p++ = r == uri->query ? '?' : '&'; n = insert_escapes (p, r->name, "%;?&="); p += n; if (!r->no_value) { *p++ = '='; /* TODO: Use valuelen. */ n = insert_escapes (p, r->value, "%;?&="); p += n; } } *p = 0; return rel_path; } /* Transform a header name into a standard capitalized format; e.g. "Content-Type". Conversion stops at the colon. As usual we don't use the localized versions of ctype.h. */ static void capitalize_header_name (char *name) { int first = 1; for (; *name && *name != ':'; name++) { if (*name == '-') first = 1; else if (first) { if (*name >= 'a' && *name <= 'z') *name = *name - 'a' + 'A'; first = 0; } else if (*name >= 'A' && *name <= 'Z') *name = *name - 'A' + 'a'; } } /* Store an HTTP header line in LINE away. Line continuation is supported as well as merging of headers with the same name. This function may modify LINE. */ static gpg_err_code_t store_header (http_t hd, char *line) { size_t n; char *p, *value; header_t h; n = strlen (line); if (n && line[n-1] == '\n') { line[--n] = 0; if (n && line[n-1] == '\r') line[--n] = 0; } if (!n) /* we are never called to hit this. */ return GPG_ERR_BUG; if (*line == ' ' || *line == '\t') { /* Continuation. This won't happen too often as it is not recommended. We use a straightforward implementation. */ if (!hd->headers) return GPG_ERR_PROTOCOL_VIOLATION; n += strlen (hd->headers->value); p = xtrymalloc (n+1); if (!p) return gpg_err_code_from_syserror (); strcpy (stpcpy (p, hd->headers->value), line); xfree (hd->headers->value); hd->headers->value = p; return 0; } capitalize_header_name (line); p = strchr (line, ':'); if (!p) return GPG_ERR_PROTOCOL_VIOLATION; *p++ = 0; while (*p == ' ' || *p == '\t') p++; value = p; for (h=hd->headers; h; h = h->next) if ( !strcmp (h->name, line) ) break; if (h) { /* We have already seen a line with that name. Thus we assume * it is a comma separated list and merge them. */ p = strconcat (h->value, ",", value, NULL); if (!p) return gpg_err_code_from_syserror (); xfree (h->value); h->value = p; return 0; } /* Append a new header. */ h = xtrymalloc (sizeof *h + strlen (line)); if (!h) return gpg_err_code_from_syserror (); strcpy (h->name, line); h->value = xtrymalloc (strlen (value)+1); if (!h->value) { xfree (h); return gpg_err_code_from_syserror (); } strcpy (h->value, value); h->next = hd->headers; hd->headers = h; return 0; } /* Return the header NAME from the last response. The returned value is valid as along as HD has not been closed and no other request has been send. If the header was not found, NULL is returned. NAME must be canonicalized, that is the first letter of each dash delimited part must be uppercase and all other letters lowercase. */ const char * http_get_header (http_t hd, const char *name) { header_t h; for (h=hd->headers; h; h = h->next) if ( !strcmp (h->name, name) ) return h->value; return NULL; } /* Return a newly allocated and NULL terminated array with pointers to header names. The array must be released with xfree() and its content is only values as long as no other request has been send. */ const char ** http_get_header_names (http_t hd) { const char **array; size_t n; header_t h; for (n=0, h = hd->headers; h; h = h->next) n++; array = xtrycalloc (n+1, sizeof *array); if (array) { for (n=0, h = hd->headers; h; h = h->next) array[n++] = h->name; } return array; } /* * Parse the response from a server. * Returns: Errorcode and sets some files in the handle */ static gpg_err_code_t parse_response (http_t hd) { char *line, *p, *p2; size_t maxlen, len; cookie_t cookie = hd->read_cookie; const char *s; /* Delete old header lines. */ while (hd->headers) { header_t tmp = hd->headers->next; xfree (hd->headers->value); xfree (hd->headers); hd->headers = tmp; } /* Wait for the status line. */ do { maxlen = MAX_LINELEN; len = es_read_line (hd->fp_read, &hd->buffer, &hd->buffer_size, &maxlen); line = hd->buffer; if (!line) return gpg_err_code_from_syserror (); /* Out of core. */ if (!maxlen) return GPG_ERR_TRUNCATED; /* Line has been truncated. */ if (!len) return GPG_ERR_EOF; if (opt_debug || (hd->flags & HTTP_FLAG_LOG_RESP)) log_debug_with_string (line, "http.c:response:\n"); } while (!*line); if ((p = strchr (line, '/'))) *p++ = 0; if (!p || strcmp (line, "HTTP")) return 0; /* Assume http 0.9. */ if ((p2 = strpbrk (p, " \t"))) { *p2++ = 0; p2 += strspn (p2, " \t"); } if (!p2) return 0; /* Also assume http 0.9. */ p = p2; /* TODO: Add HTTP version number check. */ if ((p2 = strpbrk (p, " \t"))) *p2++ = 0; if (!isdigit ((unsigned int)p[0]) || !isdigit ((unsigned int)p[1]) || !isdigit ((unsigned int)p[2]) || p[3]) { /* Malformed HTTP status code - assume http 0.9. */ hd->is_http_0_9 = 1; hd->status_code = 200; return 0; } hd->status_code = atoi (p); /* Skip all the header lines and wait for the empty line. */ do { maxlen = MAX_LINELEN; len = es_read_line (hd->fp_read, &hd->buffer, &hd->buffer_size, &maxlen); line = hd->buffer; if (!line) return gpg_err_code_from_syserror (); /* Out of core. */ /* Note, that we can silently ignore truncated lines. */ if (!len) return GPG_ERR_EOF; /* Trim line endings of empty lines. */ if ((*line == '\r' && line[1] == '\n') || *line == '\n') *line = 0; if (opt_debug || (hd->flags & HTTP_FLAG_LOG_RESP)) log_info ("http.c:RESP: '%.*s'\n", (int)strlen(line)-(*line&&line[1]?2:0),line); if (*line) { gpg_err_code_t ec = store_header (hd, line); if (ec) return ec; } } while (len && *line); cookie->content_length_valid = 0; if (!(hd->flags & HTTP_FLAG_IGNORE_CL)) { s = http_get_header (hd, "Content-Length"); if (s) { cookie->content_length_valid = 1; cookie->content_length = string_to_u64 (s); } } return 0; } #if 0 static int start_server () { struct sockaddr_in mya; struct sockaddr_in peer; int fd, client; fd_set rfds; int addrlen; int i; if ((fd = socket (AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0)) == -1) { log_error ("socket() failed: %s\n", strerror (errno)); return -1; } i = 1; if (setsockopt (fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, (byte *) & i, sizeof (i))) log_info ("setsockopt(SO_REUSEADDR) failed: %s\n", strerror (errno)); mya.sin_family = AF_INET; memset (&mya.sin_addr, 0, sizeof (mya.sin_addr)); mya.sin_port = htons (11371); if (bind (fd, (struct sockaddr *) &mya, sizeof (mya))) { log_error ("bind to port 11371 failed: %s\n", strerror (errno)); sock_close (fd); return -1; } if (listen (fd, 5)) { log_error ("listen failed: %s\n", strerror (errno)); sock_close (fd); return -1; } for (;;) { FD_ZERO (&rfds); FD_SET (fd, &rfds); if (my_select (fd + 1, &rfds, NULL, NULL, NULL) <= 0) continue; /* ignore any errors */ if (!FD_ISSET (fd, &rfds)) continue; addrlen = sizeof peer; client = my_accept (fd, (struct sockaddr *) &peer, &addrlen); if (client == -1) continue; /* oops */ log_info ("connect from %s\n", inet_ntoa (peer.sin_addr)); fflush (stdout); fflush (stderr); if (!fork ()) { int c; FILE *fp; fp = fdopen (client, "r"); while ((c = getc (fp)) != EOF) putchar (c); fclose (fp); exit (0); } sock_close (client); } return 0; } #endif /* Return true if SOCKS shall be used. This is the case if tor_mode * is enabled and the desired address is not the loopback address. * This function is basically a copy of the same internal function in * Libassuan. */ static int use_socks (struct sockaddr_storage *addr) { int mode; if (assuan_sock_get_flag (ASSUAN_INVALID_FD, "tor-mode", &mode) || !mode) return 0; /* Not in Tor mode. */ else if (addr->ss_family == AF_INET6) { struct sockaddr_in6 *addr_in6 = (struct sockaddr_in6 *)addr; const unsigned char *s; int i; s = (unsigned char *)&addr_in6->sin6_addr.s6_addr; if (s[15] != 1) return 1; /* Last octet is not 1 - not the loopback address. */ for (i=0; i < 15; i++, s++) if (*s) return 1; /* Non-zero octet found - not the loopback address. */ return 0; /* This is the loopback address. */ } else if (addr->ss_family == AF_INET) { struct sockaddr_in *addr_in = (struct sockaddr_in *)addr; if (*(unsigned char*)&addr_in->sin_addr.s_addr == 127) return 0; /* Loopback ( */ return 1; } else return 0; } /* Wrapper around assuan_sock_new which takes the domain from an * address parameter. */ static assuan_fd_t my_sock_new_for_addr (struct sockaddr_storage *addr, int type, int proto) { int domain; if (use_socks (addr)) { /* Libassaun always uses to connect to the socks * server (i.e. the Tor daemon). */ domain = AF_INET; } else domain = addr->ss_family; return assuan_sock_new (domain, type, proto); } /* Call WSAGetLastError and map it to a libgpg-error. */ #ifdef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM static gpg_error_t my_wsagetlasterror (void) { int wsaerr; gpg_err_code_t ec; wsaerr = WSAGetLastError (); switch (wsaerr) { case WSAENOTSOCK: ec = GPG_ERR_EINVAL; break; case WSAEWOULDBLOCK: ec = GPG_ERR_EAGAIN; break; case ERROR_BROKEN_PIPE: ec = GPG_ERR_EPIPE; break; case WSANOTINITIALISED: ec = GPG_ERR_ENOSYS; break; case WSAENOBUFS: ec = GPG_ERR_ENOBUFS; break; case WSAEMSGSIZE: ec = GPG_ERR_EMSGSIZE; break; case WSAECONNREFUSED: ec = GPG_ERR_ECONNREFUSED; break; case WSAEISCONN: ec = GPG_ERR_EISCONN; break; case WSAEALREADY: ec = GPG_ERR_EALREADY; break; case WSAETIMEDOUT: ec = GPG_ERR_ETIMEDOUT; break; default: ec = GPG_ERR_EIO; break; } return gpg_err_make (default_errsource, ec); } #endif /*HAVE_W32_SYSTEM*/ /* Connect SOCK and return GPG_ERR_ETIMEOUT if a connection could not * be established within TIMEOUT milliseconds. 0 indicates the * system's default timeout. The other args are the usual connect * args. On success 0 is returned, on timeout GPG_ERR_ETIMEDOUT, and * another error code for other errors. On timeout the caller needs * to close the socket as soon as possible to stop an ongoing * handshake. * * This implementation is for well-behaving systems; see Stevens, * Network Programming, 2nd edition, Vol 1, 15.4. */ static gpg_error_t connect_with_timeout (assuan_fd_t sock, struct sockaddr *addr, int addrlen, unsigned int timeout) { gpg_error_t err; int syserr; socklen_t slen; fd_set rset, wset; struct timeval tval; int n; #ifndef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM int oflags; # define RESTORE_BLOCKING() do { \ fcntl (sock, F_SETFL, oflags); \ } while (0) #else /*HAVE_W32_SYSTEM*/ # define RESTORE_BLOCKING() do { \ unsigned long along = 0; \ ioctlsocket (FD2INT (sock), FIONBIO, &along); \ } while (0) #endif /*HAVE_W32_SYSTEM*/ if (!timeout) { /* Shortcut. */ if (assuan_sock_connect (sock, addr, addrlen)) err = gpg_err_make (default_errsource, gpg_err_code_from_syserror ()); else err = 0; return err; } /* Switch the socket into non-blocking mode. */ #ifdef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM { unsigned long along = 1; if (ioctlsocket (FD2INT (sock), FIONBIO, &along)) return my_wsagetlasterror (); } #else oflags = fcntl (sock, F_GETFL, 0); if (fcntl (sock, F_SETFL, oflags | O_NONBLOCK)) return gpg_err_make (default_errsource, gpg_err_code_from_syserror ()); #endif /* Do the connect. */ if (!assuan_sock_connect (sock, addr, addrlen)) { /* Immediate connect. Restore flags. */ RESTORE_BLOCKING (); return 0; /* Success. */ } err = gpg_err_make (default_errsource, gpg_err_code_from_syserror ()); if (gpg_err_code (err) != GPG_ERR_EINPROGRESS #ifdef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM && gpg_err_code (err) != GPG_ERR_EAGAIN #endif ) { RESTORE_BLOCKING (); return err; } FD_ZERO (&rset); FD_SET (FD2INT (sock), &rset); wset = rset; tval.tv_sec = timeout / 1000; tval.tv_usec = (timeout % 1000) * 1000; n = my_select (FD2INT(sock)+1, &rset, &wset, NULL, &tval); if (n < 0) { err = gpg_err_make (default_errsource, gpg_err_code_from_syserror ()); RESTORE_BLOCKING (); return err; } if (!n) { /* Timeout: We do not restore the socket flags on timeout * because the caller is expected to close the socket. */ return gpg_err_make (default_errsource, GPG_ERR_ETIMEDOUT); } if (!FD_ISSET (sock, &rset) && !FD_ISSET (sock, &wset)) { /* select misbehaved. */ return gpg_err_make (default_errsource, GPG_ERR_SYSTEM_BUG); } slen = sizeof (syserr); if (getsockopt (FD2INT(sock), SOL_SOCKET, SO_ERROR, (void*)&syserr, &slen) < 0) { /* Assume that this is Solaris which returns the error in ERRNO. */ err = gpg_err_make (default_errsource, gpg_err_code_from_syserror ()); } else if (syserr) err = gpg_err_make (default_errsource, gpg_err_code_from_errno (syserr)); else err = 0; /* Connected. */ RESTORE_BLOCKING (); return err; #undef RESTORE_BLOCKING } /* Actually connect to a server. On success 0 is returned and the * file descriptor for the socket is stored at R_SOCK; on error an * error code is returned and ASSUAN_INVALID_FD is stored at R_SOCK. * TIMEOUT is the connect timeout in milliseconds. Note that the * function tries to connect to all known addresses and the timeout is * for each one. */ static gpg_error_t connect_server (const char *server, unsigned short port, unsigned int flags, const char *srvtag, unsigned int timeout, assuan_fd_t *r_sock) { gpg_error_t err; assuan_fd_t sock = ASSUAN_INVALID_FD; unsigned int srvcount = 0; int hostfound = 0; int anyhostaddr = 0; int srv, connected, v4_valid, v6_valid; gpg_error_t last_err = 0; struct srventry *serverlist = NULL; *r_sock = ASSUAN_INVALID_FD; #if defined(HAVE_W32_SYSTEM) && !defined(HTTP_NO_WSASTARTUP) init_sockets (); #endif /*Windows*/ check_inet_support (&v4_valid, &v6_valid); /* Onion addresses require special treatment. */ if (is_onion_address (server)) { #ifdef ASSUAN_SOCK_TOR if (opt_debug) log_debug ("http.c:connect_server:onion: name='%s' port=%hu\n", server, port); sock = assuan_sock_connect_byname (server, port, 0, NULL, ASSUAN_SOCK_TOR); if (sock == ASSUAN_INVALID_FD) { err = gpg_err_make (default_errsource, (errno == EHOSTUNREACH)? GPG_ERR_UNKNOWN_HOST : gpg_err_code_from_syserror ()); log_error ("can't connect to '%s': %s\n", server, gpg_strerror (err)); return err; } notify_netactivity (); *r_sock = sock; return 0; #else /*!ASSUAN_SOCK_TOR*/ err = gpg_err_make (default_errsource, GPG_ERR_ENETUNREACH); return ASSUAN_INVALID_FD; #endif /*!HASSUAN_SOCK_TOR*/ } /* Do the SRV thing */ if (srvtag) { err = get_dns_srv (server, srvtag, NULL, &serverlist, &srvcount); if (err) log_info ("getting '%s' SRV for '%s' failed: %s\n", srvtag, server, gpg_strerror (err)); /* Note that on error SRVCOUNT is zero. */ err = 0; } if (!serverlist) { /* Either we're not using SRV, or the SRV lookup failed. Make up a fake SRV record. */ serverlist = xtrycalloc (1, sizeof *serverlist); if (!serverlist) return gpg_err_make (default_errsource, gpg_err_code_from_syserror ()); serverlist->port = port; strncpy (serverlist->target, server, DIMof (struct srventry, target)); serverlist->target[DIMof (struct srventry, target)-1] = '\0'; srvcount = 1; } connected = 0; for (srv=0; srv < srvcount && !connected; srv++) { dns_addrinfo_t aibuf, ai; if (opt_debug) log_debug ("http.c:connect_server: trying name='%s' port=%hu\n", serverlist[srv].target, port); err = resolve_dns_name (serverlist[srv].target, port, 0, SOCK_STREAM, &aibuf, NULL); if (err) { log_info ("resolving '%s' failed: %s\n", serverlist[srv].target, gpg_strerror (err)); last_err = err; continue; /* Not found - try next one. */ } hostfound = 1; for (ai = aibuf; ai && !connected; ai = ai->next) { if (ai->family == AF_INET && ((flags & HTTP_FLAG_IGNORE_IPv4) || !v4_valid)) continue; if (ai->family == AF_INET6 && ((flags & HTTP_FLAG_IGNORE_IPv6) || !v6_valid)) continue; if (sock != ASSUAN_INVALID_FD) assuan_sock_close (sock); sock = my_sock_new_for_addr (ai->addr, ai->socktype, ai->protocol); if (sock == ASSUAN_INVALID_FD) { if (errno == EAFNOSUPPORT) { if (ai->family == AF_INET) v4_valid = 0; if (ai->family == AF_INET6) v6_valid = 0; continue; } err = gpg_err_make (default_errsource, gpg_err_code_from_syserror ()); log_error ("error creating socket: %s\n", gpg_strerror (err)); free_dns_addrinfo (aibuf); xfree (serverlist); return err; } anyhostaddr = 1; err = connect_with_timeout (sock, (struct sockaddr *)ai->addr, ai->addrlen, timeout); if (err) { last_err = err; } else { connected = 1; notify_netactivity (); } } free_dns_addrinfo (aibuf); } xfree (serverlist); if (!connected) { if (!hostfound) log_error ("can't connect to '%s': %s\n", server, "host not found"); else if (!anyhostaddr) log_error ("can't connect to '%s': %s\n", server, "no IP address for host"); else { #ifdef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM log_error ("can't connect to '%s': ec=%d\n", server, (int)WSAGetLastError()); #else log_error ("can't connect to '%s': %s\n", server, gpg_strerror (last_err)); #endif } err = last_err? last_err : gpg_err_make (default_errsource, GPG_ERR_UNKNOWN_HOST); if (sock != ASSUAN_INVALID_FD) assuan_sock_close (sock); return err; } *r_sock = sock; return 0; } /* Helper to read from a socket. This handles npth things and * EINTR. */ static gpgrt_ssize_t read_server (assuan_fd_t sock, void *buffer, size_t size) { int nread; do { #ifdef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM /* Under Windows we need to use recv for a socket. */ # if defined(USE_NPTH) npth_unprotect (); # endif nread = recv (FD2INT (sock), buffer, size, 0); # if defined(USE_NPTH) npth_protect (); # endif #else /*!HAVE_W32_SYSTEM*/ # ifdef USE_NPTH nread = npth_read (sock, buffer, size); # else nread = read (sock, buffer, size); # endif #endif /*!HAVE_W32_SYSTEM*/ } while (nread == -1 && errno == EINTR); return nread; } static gpg_error_t write_server (assuan_fd_t sock, const char *data, size_t length) { int nleft; int nwritten; nleft = length; while (nleft > 0) { #if defined(HAVE_W32_SYSTEM) # if defined(USE_NPTH) npth_unprotect (); # endif nwritten = send (FD2INT (sock), data, nleft, 0); # if defined(USE_NPTH) npth_protect (); # endif if ( nwritten == SOCKET_ERROR ) { log_info ("network write failed: ec=%d\n", (int)WSAGetLastError ()); return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NETWORK); } #else /*!HAVE_W32_SYSTEM*/ # ifdef USE_NPTH nwritten = npth_write (sock, data, nleft); # else nwritten = write (sock, data, nleft); # endif if (nwritten == -1) { if (errno == EINTR) continue; if (errno == EAGAIN) { struct timeval tv; tv.tv_sec = 0; tv.tv_usec = 50000; my_select (0, NULL, NULL, NULL, &tv); continue; } log_info ("network write failed: %s\n", strerror (errno)); return gpg_error_from_syserror (); } #endif /*!HAVE_W32_SYSTEM*/ nleft -= nwritten; data += nwritten; } return 0; } /* Read handler for estream. */ static gpgrt_ssize_t cookie_read (void *cookie, void *buffer, size_t size) { cookie_t c = cookie; int nread; if (c->content_length_valid) { if (!c->content_length) return 0; /* EOF */ if (c->content_length < size) size = c->content_length; } #if HTTP_USE_NTBTLS if (c->use_tls && c->session && c->session->tls_session) { estream_t in, out; ntbtls_get_stream (c->session->tls_session, &in, &out); nread = es_fread (buffer, 1, size, in); if (opt_debug) log_debug ("TLS network read: %d/%zu\n", nread, size); } else #elif HTTP_USE_GNUTLS if (c->use_tls && c->session && c->session->tls_session) { again: nread = gnutls_record_recv (c->session->tls_session, buffer, size); if (nread < 0) { if (nread == GNUTLS_E_INTERRUPTED) goto again; if (nread == GNUTLS_E_AGAIN) { struct timeval tv; tv.tv_sec = 0; tv.tv_usec = 50000; my_select (0, NULL, NULL, NULL, &tv); goto again; } if (nread == GNUTLS_E_REHANDSHAKE) goto again; /* A client is allowed to just ignore this request. */ if (nread == GNUTLS_E_PREMATURE_TERMINATION) { /* The server terminated the connection. Close the TLS session, and indicate EOF using a short read. */ close_tls_session (c->session); return 0; } log_info ("TLS network read failed: %s\n", gnutls_strerror (nread)); gpg_err_set_errno (EIO); return -1; } } else #endif /*HTTP_USE_GNUTLS*/ { nread = read_server (c->sock->fd, buffer, size); } if (c->content_length_valid && nread > 0) { if (nread < c->content_length) c->content_length -= nread; else c->content_length = 0; } return (gpgrt_ssize_t)nread; } /* Write handler for estream. */ static gpgrt_ssize_t cookie_write (void *cookie, const void *buffer_arg, size_t size) { const char *buffer = buffer_arg; cookie_t c = cookie; int nwritten = 0; #if HTTP_USE_NTBTLS if (c->use_tls && c->session && c->session->tls_session) { estream_t in, out; ntbtls_get_stream (c->session->tls_session, &in, &out); if (size == 0) es_fflush (out); else nwritten = es_fwrite (buffer, 1, size, out); if (opt_debug) log_debug ("TLS network write: %d/%zu\n", nwritten, size); } else #elif HTTP_USE_GNUTLS if (c->use_tls && c->session && c->session->tls_session) { int nleft = size; while (nleft > 0) { nwritten = gnutls_record_send (c->session->tls_session, buffer, nleft); if (nwritten <= 0) { if (nwritten == GNUTLS_E_INTERRUPTED) continue; if (nwritten == GNUTLS_E_AGAIN) { struct timeval tv; tv.tv_sec = 0; tv.tv_usec = 50000; my_select (0, NULL, NULL, NULL, &tv); continue; } log_info ("TLS network write failed: %s\n", gnutls_strerror (nwritten)); gpg_err_set_errno (EIO); return -1; } nleft -= nwritten; buffer += nwritten; } } else #endif /*HTTP_USE_GNUTLS*/ { if ( write_server (c->sock->fd, buffer, size) ) { gpg_err_set_errno (EIO); nwritten = -1; } else nwritten = size; } return (gpgrt_ssize_t)nwritten; } #if defined(HAVE_W32_SYSTEM) && defined(HTTP_USE_NTBTLS) static gpgrt_ssize_t simple_cookie_read (void *cookie, void *buffer, size_t size) { assuan_fd_t sock = (assuan_fd_t)cookie; return read_server (sock, buffer, size); } static gpgrt_ssize_t simple_cookie_write (void *cookie, const void *buffer_arg, size_t size) { assuan_fd_t sock = (assuan_fd_t)cookie; const char *buffer = buffer_arg; int nwritten; if (write_server (sock, buffer, size)) { gpg_err_set_errno (EIO); nwritten = -1; } else nwritten = size; return (gpgrt_ssize_t)nwritten; } #endif /*HAVE_W32_SYSTEM*/ #ifdef HTTP_USE_GNUTLS /* Wrapper for gnutls_bye used by my_socket_unref. */ static void send_gnutls_bye (void *opaque) { tls_session_t tls_session = opaque; int ret; again: do ret = gnutls_bye (tls_session, GNUTLS_SHUT_RDWR); while (ret == GNUTLS_E_INTERRUPTED); if (ret == GNUTLS_E_AGAIN) { struct timeval tv; tv.tv_sec = 0; tv.tv_usec = 50000; my_select (0, NULL, NULL, NULL, &tv); goto again; } } #endif /*HTTP_USE_GNUTLS*/ /* Close handler for estream. */ static int cookie_close (void *cookie) { cookie_t c = cookie; if (!c) return 0; #if HTTP_USE_NTBTLS if (c->use_tls && c->session && c->session->tls_session) { /* FIXME!! Possibly call ntbtls_close_notify for close of write stream. */ my_socket_unref (c->sock, NULL, NULL); } else #elif HTTP_USE_GNUTLS if (c->use_tls && c->session && c->session->tls_session) my_socket_unref (c->sock, send_gnutls_bye, c->session->tls_session); else #endif /*HTTP_USE_GNUTLS*/ if (c->sock) my_socket_unref (c->sock, NULL, NULL); if (c->session) http_session_unref (c->session); xfree (c); return 0; } /* Verify the credentials of the server. Returns 0 on success and store the result in the session object. */ gpg_error_t http_verify_server_credentials (http_session_t sess) { #if HTTP_USE_GNUTLS static const char errprefix[] = "TLS verification of peer failed"; int rc; unsigned int status; const char *hostname; const gnutls_datum_t *certlist; unsigned int certlistlen; gnutls_x509_crt_t cert; gpg_error_t err = 0; sess->verify.done = 1; sess->verify.status = 0; sess->verify.rc = GNUTLS_E_CERTIFICATE_ERROR; if (gnutls_certificate_type_get (sess->tls_session) != GNUTLS_CRT_X509) { log_error ("%s: %s\n", errprefix, "not an X.509 certificate"); sess->verify.rc = GNUTLS_E_UNSUPPORTED_CERTIFICATE_TYPE; return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_GENERAL); } rc = gnutls_certificate_verify_peers2 (sess->tls_session, &status); if (rc) { log_error ("%s: %s\n", errprefix, gnutls_strerror (rc)); if (!err) err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_GENERAL); } else if (status) { log_error ("%s: status=0x%04x\n", errprefix, status); #if GNUTLS_VERSION_NUMBER >= 0x030104 { gnutls_datum_t statusdat; if (!gnutls_certificate_verification_status_print (status, GNUTLS_CRT_X509, &statusdat, 0)) { log_info ("%s: %s\n", errprefix, statusdat.data); gnutls_free (statusdat.data); } } #endif /*gnutls >= 3.1.4*/ sess->verify.status = status; if (!err) err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_GENERAL); } hostname = sess->servername; if (!hostname || !strchr (hostname, '.')) { log_error ("%s: %s\n", errprefix, "hostname missing"); if (!err) err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_GENERAL); } certlist = gnutls_certificate_get_peers (sess->tls_session, &certlistlen); if (!certlistlen) { log_error ("%s: %s\n", errprefix, "server did not send a certificate"); if (!err) err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_GENERAL); /* Need to stop here. */ if (err) return err; } rc = gnutls_x509_crt_init (&cert); if (rc < 0) { if (!err) err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_GENERAL); if (err) return err; } rc = gnutls_x509_crt_import (cert, &certlist[0], GNUTLS_X509_FMT_DER); if (rc < 0) { log_error ("%s: %s: %s\n", errprefix, "error importing certificate", gnutls_strerror (rc)); if (!err) err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_GENERAL); } if (!gnutls_x509_crt_check_hostname (cert, hostname)) { log_error ("%s: %s\n", errprefix, "hostname does not match"); if (!err) err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_GENERAL); } gnutls_x509_crt_deinit (cert); if (!err) sess->verify.rc = 0; if (sess->cert_log_cb) { const void *bufarr[10]; size_t buflenarr[10]; size_t n; for (n = 0; n < certlistlen && n < DIM (bufarr)-1; n++) { bufarr[n] = certlist[n].data; buflenarr[n] = certlist[n].size; } bufarr[n] = NULL; buflenarr[n] = 0; sess->cert_log_cb (sess, err, hostname, bufarr, buflenarr); } return err; #else /*!HTTP_USE_GNUTLS*/ (void)sess; return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED); #endif } /* Return the first query variable with the specified key. If there is no such variable, return NULL. */ struct uri_tuple_s * uri_query_lookup (parsed_uri_t uri, const char *key) { struct uri_tuple_s *t; for (t = uri->query; t; t = t->next) if (strcmp (t->name, key) == 0) return t; return NULL; } /* Return true if both URI point to the same host for the purpose of * redirection check. A is the original host and B the host given in * the Location header. As a temporary workaround a fixed list of * exceptions is also consulted. */ static int same_host_p (parsed_uri_t a, parsed_uri_t b) { static struct { const char *from; /* NULL uses the last entry from the table. */ const char *to; } allow[] = { { "protonmail.com", "api.protonmail.com" }, { NULL, "api.protonmail.ch" }, { "protonmail.ch", "api.protonmail.com" }, { NULL, "api.protonmail.ch" }, { "pm.me", "api.protonmail.ch" } }; static const char *subdomains[] = { "openpgpkey." }; int i; const char *from; if (!a->host || !b->host) return 0; if (!ascii_strcasecmp (a->host, b->host)) return 1; from = NULL; for (i=0; i < DIM (allow); i++) { if (allow[i].from) from = allow[i].from; if (!from) continue; if (!ascii_strcasecmp (from, a->host) && !ascii_strcasecmp (allow[i].to, b->host)) return 1; } /* Also consider hosts the same if they differ only in a subdomain; * in both direction. This allows to have redirection between the * WKD advanced and direct lookup methods. */ for (i=0; i < DIM (subdomains); i++) { const char *subdom = subdomains[i]; size_t subdomlen = strlen (subdom); if (!ascii_strncasecmp (a->host, subdom, subdomlen) && !ascii_strcasecmp (a->host + subdomlen, b->host)) return 1; if (!ascii_strncasecmp (b->host, subdom, subdomlen) && !ascii_strcasecmp (b->host + subdomlen, a->host)) return 1; } return 0; } /* Prepare a new URL for a HTTP redirect. INFO has flags controlling * the operation, STATUS_CODE is used for diagnostics, LOCATION is the * value of the "Location" header, and R_URL reveives the new URL on * success or NULL or error. Note that INFO->ORIG_URL is * required. */ gpg_error_t http_prepare_redirect (http_redir_info_t *info, unsigned int status_code, const char *location, char **r_url) { gpg_error_t err; parsed_uri_t locuri; parsed_uri_t origuri; char *newurl; char *p; *r_url = NULL; if (!info || !info->orig_url) return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_ARG); if (!info->silent) log_info (_("URL '%s' redirected to '%s' (%u)\n"), info->orig_url, location? location:"[none]", status_code); if (!info->redirects_left) { if (!info->silent) log_error (_("too many redirections\n")); return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NO_DATA); } info->redirects_left--; if (!location || !*location) return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NO_DATA); err = http_parse_uri (&locuri, location, 0); if (err) return err; /* Make sure that an onion address only redirects to another * onion address, or that a https address only redirects to a * https address. */ if (info->orig_onion && !locuri->onion) { dirmngr_status_printf (info->ctrl, "WARNING", "http_redirect %u" " redirect from onion to non-onion address" " rejected", err); http_release_parsed_uri (locuri); return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_FORBIDDEN); } if (!info->allow_downgrade && info->orig_https && !locuri->use_tls) { err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_FORBIDDEN); dirmngr_status_printf (info->ctrl, "WARNING", "http_redirect %u" " redirect '%s' to '%s' rejected", err, info->orig_url, location); http_release_parsed_uri (locuri); return err; } if (info->trust_location) { /* We trust the Location - return it verbatim. */ http_release_parsed_uri (locuri); newurl = xtrystrdup (location); if (!newurl) { err = gpg_error_from_syserror (); http_release_parsed_uri (locuri); return err; } } else if ((err = http_parse_uri (&origuri, info->orig_url, 0))) { http_release_parsed_uri (locuri); return err; } else if (same_host_p (origuri, locuri)) { /* The host is the same or on an exception list and thus we can * take the location verbatim. */ http_release_parsed_uri (origuri); http_release_parsed_uri (locuri); newurl = xtrystrdup (location); if (!newurl) { err = gpg_error_from_syserror (); http_release_parsed_uri (locuri); return err; } } else { /* We take only the host and port from the URL given in the * Location. This limits the effects of redirection attacks by * rogue hosts returning an URL to servers in the client's own * network. We don't even include the userinfo because they * should be considered similar to the path and query parts. */ if (!(locuri->off_path - locuri->off_host)) { http_release_parsed_uri (origuri); http_release_parsed_uri (locuri); return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_BAD_URI); } if (!(origuri->off_path - origuri->off_host)) { http_release_parsed_uri (origuri); http_release_parsed_uri (locuri); return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_BAD_URI); } newurl = xtrymalloc (strlen (origuri->original) + (locuri->off_path - locuri->off_host) + 1); if (!newurl) { err = gpg_error_from_syserror (); http_release_parsed_uri (origuri); http_release_parsed_uri (locuri); return err; } /* Build new URL from * uriguri: scheme userinfo ---- ---- path rest * locuri: ------ -------- host port ---- ---- */ p = newurl; memcpy (p, origuri->original, origuri->off_host); p += origuri->off_host; memcpy (p, locuri->original + locuri->off_host, (locuri->off_path - locuri->off_host)); p += locuri->off_path - locuri->off_host; strcpy (p, origuri->original + origuri->off_path); http_release_parsed_uri (origuri); http_release_parsed_uri (locuri); if (!info->silent) log_info (_("redirection changed to '%s'\n"), newurl); dirmngr_status_printf (info->ctrl, "WARNING", "http_redirect_cleanup %u" " changed from '%s' to '%s'", 0, info->orig_url, newurl); } *r_url = newurl; return 0; } /* Return string describing the http STATUS. Returns an empty string * for an unknown status. */ const char * http_status2string (unsigned int status) { switch (status) { case 500: return "Internal Server Error"; case 501: return "Not Implemented"; case 502: return "Bad Gateway"; case 503: return "Service Unavailable"; case 504: return "Gateway Timeout"; case 505: return "HTTP version Not Supported"; case 506: return "Variant Also Negation"; case 507: return "Insufficient Storage"; case 508: return "Loop Detected"; case 510: return "Not Extended"; case 511: return "Network Authentication Required"; } return ""; }