diff --git a/src/crypto/decryptverifytask.cpp b/src/crypto/decryptverifytask.cpp index 46c1df7b3..8fc925169 100644 --- a/src/crypto/decryptverifytask.cpp +++ b/src/crypto/decryptverifytask.cpp @@ -1,1783 +1,1788 @@ /* -*- mode: c++; c-basic-offset:4 -*- decryptverifytask.cpp This file is part of Kleopatra, the KDE keymanager SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2008 Klarälvdalens Datakonsult AB SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later */ #include #include "decryptverifytask.h" #include #include #include #include #include #if QGPGME_SUPPORTS_ARCHIVE_JOBS #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "kleopatra_debug.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // Qt::escape #include #include using namespace Kleo::Crypto; using namespace Kleo; using namespace GpgME; using namespace KMime::Types; namespace { static AuditLogEntry auditLogFromSender(QObject *sender) { return AuditLogEntry::fromJob(qobject_cast(sender)); } static bool addrspec_equal(const AddrSpec &lhs, const AddrSpec &rhs, Qt::CaseSensitivity cs) { return lhs.localPart.compare(rhs.localPart, cs) == 0 && lhs.domain.compare(rhs.domain, Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0; } static bool mailbox_equal(const Mailbox &lhs, const Mailbox &rhs, Qt::CaseSensitivity cs) { return addrspec_equal(lhs.addrSpec(), rhs.addrSpec(), cs); } static std::string stripAngleBrackets(const std::string &str) { if (str.empty()) { return str; } if (str[0] == '<' && str[str.size() - 1] == '>') { return str.substr(1, str.size() - 2); } return str; } static std::string email(const UserID &uid) { if (uid.parent().protocol() == OpenPGP) { if (const char *const email = uid.email()) { return stripAngleBrackets(email); } else { return std::string(); } } Q_ASSERT(uid.parent().protocol() == CMS); if (const char *const id = uid.id()) if (*id == '<') { return stripAngleBrackets(id); } else { return DN(id)[QStringLiteral("EMAIL")].trimmed().toUtf8().constData(); } else { return std::string(); } } static Mailbox mailbox(const UserID &uid) { const std::string e = email(uid); Mailbox mbox; if (!e.empty()) { mbox.setAddress(e.c_str()); } return mbox; } static std::vector extractMailboxes(const Key &key) { std::vector res; const auto userIDs{key.userIDs()}; for (const UserID &id : userIDs) { const Mailbox mbox = mailbox(id); if (!mbox.addrSpec().isEmpty()) { res.push_back(mbox); } } return res; } static std::vector extractMailboxes(const std::vector &signers) { std::vector res; for (const Key &i : signers) { const std::vector bxs = extractMailboxes(i); res.insert(res.end(), bxs.begin(), bxs.end()); } return res; } static bool keyContainsMailbox(const Key &key, const Mailbox &mbox) { const std::vector mbxs = extractMailboxes(key); return std::find_if(mbxs.cbegin(), mbxs.cend(), [mbox](const Mailbox &m) { return mailbox_equal(mbox, m, Qt::CaseInsensitive); }) != mbxs.cend(); } static bool keysContainMailbox(const std::vector &keys, const Mailbox &mbox) { return std::find_if(keys.cbegin(), keys.cend(), [mbox](const Key &key) { return keyContainsMailbox(key, mbox); }) != keys.cend(); } static bool relevantInDecryptVerifyContext(const VerificationResult &r) { // for D/V operations, we ignore verification results which are not errors and contain // no signatures (which means that the data was just not signed) return (r.error() && r.error().code() != GPG_ERR_DECRYPT_FAILED) || r.numSignatures() > 0; } static QString signatureSummaryToString(int summary) { if (summary & Signature::None) { return i18n("Error: Signature not verified"); } else if (summary & Signature::Valid || summary & Signature::Green) { return i18n("Good signature"); } else if (summary & Signature::KeyRevoked) { return i18n("Signing certificate was revoked"); } else if (summary & Signature::KeyExpired) { return i18n("Signing certificate is expired"); } else if (summary & Signature::KeyMissing) { return i18n("Certificate is not available"); } else if (summary & Signature::SigExpired) { return i18n("Signature expired"); } else if (summary & Signature::CrlMissing) { return i18n("CRL missing"); } else if (summary & Signature::CrlTooOld) { return i18n("CRL too old"); } else if (summary & Signature::BadPolicy) { return i18n("Bad policy"); } else if (summary & Signature::SysError) { return i18n("System error"); //### retrieve system error details? } else if (summary & Signature::Red) { return i18n("Bad signature"); }return QString(); } static QString formatValidSignatureWithTrustLevel(const UserID &id) { if (id.isNull()) { return QString(); } switch (id.validity()) { case UserID::Marginal: return i18n("The signature is valid but the trust in the certificate's validity is only marginal."); case UserID::Full: return i18n("The signature is valid and the certificate's validity is fully trusted."); case UserID::Ultimate: return i18n("The signature is valid and the certificate's validity is ultimately trusted."); case UserID::Never: return i18n("The signature is valid but the certificate's validity is not trusted."); case UserID::Unknown: return i18n("The signature is valid but the certificate's validity is unknown."); case UserID::Undefined: default: return i18n("The signature is valid but the certificate's validity is undefined."); } } static QString renderKeyLink(const QString &fpr, const QString &text) { return QStringLiteral("%2").arg(fpr, text); } static QString renderKey(const Key &key) { if (key.isNull()) { return i18n("Unknown certificate"); } if (key.primaryFingerprint() && strlen(key.primaryFingerprint()) > 16 && key.numUserIDs()) { const QString text = QStringLiteral("%1 (%2)").arg(Formatting::prettyNameAndEMail(key).toHtmlEscaped()).arg( Formatting::prettyID(QString::fromLocal8Bit(key.primaryFingerprint()).right(16).toLatin1().constData())); return renderKeyLink(QLatin1String(key.primaryFingerprint()), text); } return renderKeyLink(QLatin1String(key.primaryFingerprint()), Formatting::prettyID(key.primaryFingerprint())); } static QString renderKeyEMailOnlyNameAsFallback(const Key &key) { if (key.isNull()) { return i18n("Unknown certificate"); } const QString email = Formatting::prettyEMail(key); const QString user = !email.isEmpty() ? email : Formatting::prettyName(key); return renderKeyLink(QLatin1String(key.primaryFingerprint()), user); } static QString formatDate(const QDateTime &dt) { return QLocale().toString(dt); } static QString formatSigningInformation(const Signature &sig) { if (sig.isNull()) { return QString(); } const QDateTime dt = sig.creationTime() != 0 ? QDateTime::fromSecsSinceEpoch(quint32(sig.creationTime())) : QDateTime(); QString text; Key key = sig.key(); if (dt.isValid()) { text = i18nc("1 is a date", "Signature created on %1", formatDate(dt)) + QStringLiteral("
"); } if (key.isNull()) { return text += i18n("With unavailable certificate:") + QStringLiteral("
ID: 0x%1").arg(QString::fromLatin1(sig.fingerprint()).toUpper()); } text += i18n("With certificate:") + QStringLiteral("
") + renderKey(key); if (DeVSCompliance::isCompliant()) { text += (QStringLiteral("
") + (sig.isDeVs() ? i18nc("%1 is a placeholder for the name of a compliance mode. E.g. NATO RESTRICTED compliant or VS-NfD compliant", "The signature is %1", DeVSCompliance::name(true)) : i18nc("%1 is a placeholder for the name of a compliance mode. E.g. NATO RESTRICTED compliant or VS-NfD compliant", "The signature is not %1.", DeVSCompliance::name(true)))); } return text; } static QString strikeOut(const QString &str, bool strike) { return QString(strike ? QStringLiteral("%1") : QStringLiteral("%1")).arg(str.toHtmlEscaped()); } static QString formatInputOutputLabel(const QString &input, const QString &output, bool inputDeleted, bool outputDeleted) { if (output.isEmpty()) { return strikeOut(input, inputDeleted); } return i18nc("Input file --> Output file (rarr is arrow", "%1 → %2", strikeOut(input, inputDeleted), strikeOut(output, outputDeleted)); } static bool IsErrorOrCanceled(const GpgME::Error &err) { return err || err.isCanceled(); } static bool IsErrorOrCanceled(const Result &res) { return IsErrorOrCanceled(res.error()); } static bool IsBad(const Signature &sig) { return sig.summary() & Signature::Red; } static bool IsGoodOrValid(const Signature &sig) { return (sig.summary() & Signature::Valid) || (sig.summary() & Signature::Green); } static UserID findUserIDByMailbox(const Key &key, const Mailbox &mbox) { const auto userIDs{key.userIDs()}; for (const UserID &id : userIDs) if (mailbox_equal(mailbox(id), mbox, Qt::CaseInsensitive)) { return id; } return UserID(); } static void updateKeys(const VerificationResult &result) { // This little hack works around the problem that GnuPG / GpgME does not // provide Key information in a verification result. The Key object is // a dummy just holding the KeyID. This hack ensures that all available // keys are fetched from the backend and are populated for (const auto &sig: result.signatures()) { // Update key information sig.key(true, true); } } static QString ensureUniqueDirectory(const QString &path) { // make sure that we don't use an existing directory QString uniquePath = path; const QFileInfo outputInfo{path}; if (outputInfo.exists()) { const auto uniqueName = KFileUtils::suggestName(QUrl::fromLocalFile(outputInfo.absolutePath()), outputInfo.fileName()); uniquePath = outputInfo.dir().filePath(uniqueName); } if (!QDir{}.mkpath(uniquePath)) { return {}; } return uniquePath; } } class DecryptVerifyResult::SenderInfo { public: explicit SenderInfo(const Mailbox &infSender, const std::vector &signers_) : informativeSender(infSender), signers(signers_) {} const Mailbox informativeSender; const std::vector signers; bool hasInformativeSender() const { return !informativeSender.addrSpec().isEmpty(); } bool conflicts() const { return hasInformativeSender() && hasKeys() && !keysContainMailbox(signers, informativeSender); } bool hasKeys() const { return std::any_of(signers.cbegin(), signers.cend(), [](const Key &key) { return !key.isNull(); }); } std::vector signerMailboxes() const { return extractMailboxes(signers); } }; namespace { static Task::Result::VisualCode codeForVerificationResult(const VerificationResult &res) { if (res.isNull()) { return Task::Result::NeutralSuccess; } const std::vector sigs = res.signatures(); if (sigs.empty()) { return Task::Result::Warning; } if (std::find_if(sigs.begin(), sigs.end(), IsBad) != sigs.end()) { return Task::Result::Danger; } if ((size_t)std::count_if(sigs.begin(), sigs.end(), IsGoodOrValid) == sigs.size()) { return Task::Result::AllGood; } return Task::Result::Warning; } static QString formatVerificationResultOverview(const VerificationResult &res, const DecryptVerifyResult::SenderInfo &info) { if (res.isNull()) { return QString(); } const Error err = res.error(); if (err.isCanceled()) { return i18n("Verification canceled."); } else if (err) { return i18n("Verification failed: %1.", Formatting::errorAsString(err).toHtmlEscaped()); } const std::vector sigs = res.signatures(); if (sigs.empty()) { return i18n("No signatures found."); } const uint bad = std::count_if(sigs.cbegin(), sigs.cend(), IsBad); if (bad > 0) { return i18np("Invalid signature.", "%1 invalid signatures.", bad); } const uint warn = std::count_if(sigs.cbegin(), sigs.cend(), [](const Signature &sig) { return !IsGoodOrValid(sig); }); if (warn == sigs.size()) { return i18np("The data could not be verified.", "%1 signatures could not be verified.", warn); } //Good signature: QString text; if (sigs.size() == 1) { text = i18n("Valid signature by %1", renderKeyEMailOnlyNameAsFallback(sigs[0].key())); if (info.conflicts()) text += i18n("
Warning: The sender's mail address is not stored in the %1 used for signing.", renderKeyLink(QLatin1String(sigs[0].key().primaryFingerprint()), i18n("certificate"))); } else { text = i18np("Valid signature.", "%1 valid signatures.", sigs.size()); if (info.conflicts()) { text += i18n("
Warning: The sender's mail address is not stored in the certificates used for signing."); } } return text; } static QString formatDecryptionResultOverview(const DecryptionResult &result, const QString &errorString = QString()) { const Error err = result.error(); if (err.isCanceled()) { return i18n("Decryption canceled."); } else if (result.isLegacyCipherNoMDC()) { return i18n("Decryption failed: %1.", i18n("No integrity protection (MDC).")); } else if (!errorString.isEmpty()) { return i18n("Decryption failed: %1.", errorString.toHtmlEscaped()); } else if (err) { return i18n("Decryption failed: %1.", Formatting::errorAsString(err).toHtmlEscaped()); } return i18n("Decryption succeeded."); } static QString formatSignature(const Signature &sig, const DecryptVerifyResult::SenderInfo &info) { if (sig.isNull()) { return QString(); } const QString text = formatSigningInformation(sig) + QLatin1String("
"); const Key key = sig.key(); // Green if (sig.summary() & Signature::Valid) { const UserID id = findUserIDByMailbox(key, info.informativeSender); return text + formatValidSignatureWithTrustLevel(!id.isNull() ? id : key.userID(0)); } // Red if ((sig.summary() & Signature::Red)) { const QString ret = text + i18n("The signature is invalid: %1", signatureSummaryToString(sig.summary())); if (sig.summary() & Signature::SysError) { return ret + QStringLiteral(" (%1)").arg(Formatting::errorAsString(sig.status())); } return ret; } // Key missing if ((sig.summary() & Signature::KeyMissing)) { return text + i18n("You can search the certificate on a keyserver or import it from a file."); } // Yellow if ((sig.validity() & Signature::Validity::Undefined) || (sig.validity() & Signature::Validity::Unknown) || (sig.summary() == Signature::Summary::None)) { return text + (key.protocol() == OpenPGP ? i18n("The used key is not certified by you or any trusted person.") : i18n("The used certificate is not certified by a trustworthy Certificate Authority or the Certificate Authority is unknown.")); } // Catch all fall through const QString ret = text + i18n("The signature is invalid: %1", signatureSummaryToString(sig.summary())); if (sig.summary() & Signature::SysError) { return ret + QStringLiteral(" (%1)").arg(Formatting::errorAsString(sig.status())); } return ret; } static QStringList format(const std::vector &mbxs) { QStringList res; std::transform(mbxs.cbegin(), mbxs.cend(), std::back_inserter(res), [](const Mailbox &mbox) { return mbox.prettyAddress(); }); return res; } static QString formatVerificationResultDetails(const VerificationResult &res, const DecryptVerifyResult::SenderInfo &info, const QString &errorString) { if ((res.error().code() == GPG_ERR_EIO || res.error().code() == GPG_ERR_NO_DATA) && !errorString.isEmpty()) { return i18n("Input error: %1", errorString); } const std::vector sigs = res.signatures(); QString details; for (const Signature &sig : sigs) { details += formatSignature(sig, info) + QLatin1Char('\n'); } details = details.trimmed(); details.replace(QLatin1Char('\n'), QStringLiteral("

")); if (info.conflicts()) { details += i18n("

The sender's address %1 is not stored in the certificate. Stored: %2

", info.informativeSender.prettyAddress(), format(info.signerMailboxes()).join(i18nc("separator for a list of e-mail addresses", ", "))); } return details; } static QString formatRecipientsDetails(const std::vector &knownRecipients, unsigned int numRecipients) { if (numRecipients == 0) { return {}; } if (knownRecipients.empty()) { return QLatin1String("") + i18np("One unknown recipient.", "%1 unknown recipients.", numRecipients) + QLatin1String(""); } QString details = i18np("Recipient:", "Recipients:", numRecipients); if (numRecipients == 1) { details += QLatin1Char(' ') + renderKey(knownRecipients.front()); } else { details += QLatin1String("
    "); for (const Key &key : knownRecipients) { details += QLatin1String("
  • ") + renderKey(key) + QLatin1String("
  • "); } if (knownRecipients.size() < numRecipients) { details += QLatin1String("
  • ") + i18np("One unknown recipient", "%1 unknown recipients", numRecipients - knownRecipients.size()) + QLatin1String("
  • "); } details += QLatin1String("
"); } return details; } static QString formatDecryptionResultDetails(const DecryptionResult &res, const std::vector &recipients, const QString &errorString, bool isSigned, const QPointer &task) { if ((res.error().code() == GPG_ERR_EIO || res.error().code() == GPG_ERR_NO_DATA) && !errorString.isEmpty()) { return i18n("Input error: %1", errorString); } if (res.isNull() || res.error() || res.error().isCanceled()) { return formatRecipientsDetails(recipients, res.numRecipients()); } QString details; if (DeVSCompliance::isCompliant()) { details += ((res.isDeVs() ? i18nc("%1 is a placeholder for the name of a compliance mode. E.g. NATO RESTRICTED compliant or VS-NfD compliant", "The decryption is %1.", DeVSCompliance::name(true)) : i18nc("%1 is a placeholder for the name of a compliance mode. E.g. NATO RESTRICTED compliant or VS-NfD compliant", "The decryption is not %1.", DeVSCompliance::name(true))) + QStringLiteral("
")); } if (res.fileName()) { const auto decVerifyTask = qobject_cast (task.data()); if (decVerifyTask) { const auto embedFileName = QString::fromUtf8(res.fileName()).toHtmlEscaped(); if (embedFileName != decVerifyTask->outputLabel()) { details += i18n("Embedded file name: '%1'", embedFileName); details += QStringLiteral("
"); } } } if (!isSigned) { details += i18n("Note: You cannot be sure who encrypted this message as it is not signed.") + QLatin1String("
"); } if (res.isLegacyCipherNoMDC()) { details += i18nc("Integrity protection was missing because an old cipher was used.", "Hint: If this file was encrypted before the year 2003 it is " "likely that the file is legitimate. This is because back " "then integrity protection was not widely used.") + QStringLiteral("

") + i18nc("The user is offered to force decrypt a non integrity protected message. With the strong advice to re-encrypt it.", "If you are confident that the file was not manipulated you should re-encrypt it after you have forced the decryption.") + QStringLiteral("

"); } details += formatRecipientsDetails(recipients, res.numRecipients()); return details; } static QString formatDecryptVerifyResultOverview(const DecryptionResult &dr, const VerificationResult &vr, const DecryptVerifyResult::SenderInfo &info) { if (IsErrorOrCanceled(dr) || !relevantInDecryptVerifyContext(vr)) { return formatDecryptionResultOverview(dr); } return formatVerificationResultOverview(vr, info); } static QString formatDecryptVerifyResultDetails(const DecryptionResult &dr, const VerificationResult &vr, const std::vector &recipients, const DecryptVerifyResult::SenderInfo &info, const QString &errorString, const QPointer &task) { const QString drDetails = formatDecryptionResultDetails(dr, recipients, errorString, relevantInDecryptVerifyContext(vr), task); if (IsErrorOrCanceled(dr) || !relevantInDecryptVerifyContext(vr)) { return drDetails; } return drDetails + (drDetails.isEmpty() ? QString() : QStringLiteral("
")) + formatVerificationResultDetails(vr, info, errorString); } } // anon namespace class DecryptVerifyResult::Private { DecryptVerifyResult *const q; public: Private(DecryptVerifyOperation type, const VerificationResult &vr, const DecryptionResult &dr, const QByteArray &stuff, const QString &fileName, const GpgME::Error &error, const QString &errString, const QString &input, const QString &output, const AuditLogEntry &auditLog, Task *parentTask, const Mailbox &informativeSender, DecryptVerifyResult *qq) : q(qq), m_type(type), m_verificationResult(vr), m_decryptionResult(dr), m_stuff(stuff), m_fileName(fileName), m_error(error), m_errorString(errString), m_inputLabel(input), m_outputLabel(output), m_auditLog(auditLog), m_parentTask(QPointer(parentTask)), m_informativeSender(informativeSender) { } QString label() const { return formatInputOutputLabel(m_inputLabel, m_outputLabel, false, q->hasError()); } DecryptVerifyResult::SenderInfo makeSenderInfo() const; bool isDecryptOnly() const { return m_type == Decrypt; } bool isVerifyOnly() const { return m_type == Verify; } bool isDecryptVerify() const { return m_type == DecryptVerify; } DecryptVerifyOperation m_type; VerificationResult m_verificationResult; DecryptionResult m_decryptionResult; QByteArray m_stuff; QString m_fileName; GpgME::Error m_error; QString m_errorString; QString m_inputLabel; QString m_outputLabel; const AuditLogEntry m_auditLog; QPointer m_parentTask; const Mailbox m_informativeSender; }; DecryptVerifyResult::SenderInfo DecryptVerifyResult::Private::makeSenderInfo() const { return SenderInfo(m_informativeSender, KeyCache::instance()->findSigners(m_verificationResult)); } std::shared_ptr AbstractDecryptVerifyTask::fromDecryptResult(const DecryptionResult &dr, const QByteArray &plaintext, const AuditLogEntry &auditLog) { return std::shared_ptr(new DecryptVerifyResult( Decrypt, VerificationResult(), dr, plaintext, {}, {}, QString(), inputLabel(), outputLabel(), auditLog, this, informativeSender())); } std::shared_ptr AbstractDecryptVerifyTask::fromDecryptResult(const GpgME::Error &err, const QString &what, const AuditLogEntry &auditLog) { return std::shared_ptr(new DecryptVerifyResult( Decrypt, VerificationResult(), DecryptionResult(err), QByteArray(), {}, err, what, inputLabel(), outputLabel(), auditLog, this, informativeSender())); } std::shared_ptr AbstractDecryptVerifyTask::fromDecryptVerifyResult(const DecryptionResult &dr, const VerificationResult &vr, const QByteArray &plaintext, const QString &fileName, const AuditLogEntry &auditLog) { const auto err = dr.error().code() ? dr.error() : vr.error(); return std::shared_ptr(new DecryptVerifyResult( DecryptVerify, vr, dr, plaintext, fileName, err, QString(), inputLabel(), outputLabel(), auditLog, this, informativeSender())); } std::shared_ptr AbstractDecryptVerifyTask::fromDecryptVerifyResult(const GpgME::Error &err, const QString &details, const AuditLogEntry &auditLog) { return std::shared_ptr(new DecryptVerifyResult( DecryptVerify, VerificationResult(), DecryptionResult(err), QByteArray(), {}, err, details, inputLabel(), outputLabel(), auditLog, this, informativeSender())); } std::shared_ptr AbstractDecryptVerifyTask::fromVerifyOpaqueResult(const VerificationResult &vr, const QByteArray &plaintext, const AuditLogEntry &auditLog) { return std::shared_ptr(new DecryptVerifyResult( Verify, vr, DecryptionResult(), plaintext, {}, {}, QString(), inputLabel(), outputLabel(), auditLog, this, informativeSender())); } std::shared_ptr AbstractDecryptVerifyTask::fromVerifyOpaqueResult(const GpgME::Error &err, const QString &details, const AuditLogEntry &auditLog) { return std::shared_ptr(new DecryptVerifyResult( Verify, VerificationResult(err), DecryptionResult(), QByteArray(), {}, err, details, inputLabel(), outputLabel(), auditLog, this, informativeSender())); } std::shared_ptr AbstractDecryptVerifyTask::fromVerifyDetachedResult(const VerificationResult &vr, const AuditLogEntry &auditLog) { return std::shared_ptr(new DecryptVerifyResult( Verify, vr, DecryptionResult(), QByteArray(), {}, {}, QString(), inputLabel(), outputLabel(), auditLog, this, informativeSender())); } std::shared_ptr AbstractDecryptVerifyTask::fromVerifyDetachedResult(const GpgME::Error &err, const QString &details, const AuditLogEntry &auditLog) { return std::shared_ptr(new DecryptVerifyResult( Verify, VerificationResult(err), DecryptionResult(), QByteArray(), {}, err, details, inputLabel(), outputLabel(), auditLog, this, informativeSender())); } DecryptVerifyResult::DecryptVerifyResult(DecryptVerifyOperation type, const VerificationResult &vr, const DecryptionResult &dr, const QByteArray &stuff, const QString &fileName, const GpgME::Error &error, const QString &errString, const QString &inputLabel, const QString &outputLabel, const AuditLogEntry &auditLog, Task *parentTask, const Mailbox &informativeSender) : Task::Result(), d(new Private(type, vr, dr, stuff, fileName, error, errString, inputLabel, outputLabel, auditLog, parentTask, informativeSender, this)) { } QString DecryptVerifyResult::overview() const { QString ov; if (d->isDecryptOnly()) { ov += formatDecryptionResultOverview(d->m_decryptionResult); } else if (d->isVerifyOnly()) { ov += formatVerificationResultOverview(d->m_verificationResult, d->makeSenderInfo()); } else { ov += formatDecryptVerifyResultOverview(d->m_decryptionResult, d->m_verificationResult, d->makeSenderInfo()); } if (ov.size() + d->label().size() > 120) { // Avoid ugly breaks ov = QStringLiteral("
") + ov; } return i18nc("label: result example: foo.sig: Verification failed. ", "%1: %2", d->label(), ov); } QString DecryptVerifyResult::details() const { if (d->isDecryptOnly()) { return formatDecryptionResultDetails(d->m_decryptionResult, KeyCache::instance()->findRecipients(d->m_decryptionResult), errorString(), false, d->m_parentTask); } if (d->isVerifyOnly()) { return formatVerificationResultDetails(d->m_verificationResult, d->makeSenderInfo(), errorString()); } return formatDecryptVerifyResultDetails(d->m_decryptionResult, d->m_verificationResult, KeyCache::instance()->findRecipients( d->m_decryptionResult), d->makeSenderInfo(), errorString(), d->m_parentTask); } GpgME::Error DecryptVerifyResult::error() const { return d->m_error; } QString DecryptVerifyResult::errorString() const { return d->m_errorString; } AuditLogEntry DecryptVerifyResult::auditLog() const { return d->m_auditLog; } QPointer DecryptVerifyResult::parentTask() const { return d->m_parentTask; } Task::Result::VisualCode DecryptVerifyResult::code() const { if ((d->m_type == DecryptVerify || d->m_type == Verify) && relevantInDecryptVerifyContext(verificationResult())) { return codeForVerificationResult(verificationResult()); } return hasError() ? NeutralError : NeutralSuccess; } GpgME::VerificationResult DecryptVerifyResult::verificationResult() const { return d->m_verificationResult; } GpgME::DecryptionResult DecryptVerifyResult::decryptionResult() const { return d->m_decryptionResult; } QString DecryptVerifyResult::fileName() const { return d->m_fileName; } class AbstractDecryptVerifyTask::Private { public: Mailbox informativeSender; + QPointer job; }; AbstractDecryptVerifyTask::AbstractDecryptVerifyTask(QObject *parent) : Task(parent), d(new Private) {} AbstractDecryptVerifyTask::~AbstractDecryptVerifyTask() {} +void AbstractDecryptVerifyTask::cancel() +{ + qCDebug(KLEOPATRA_LOG) << this << __func__; + if (d->job) { + d->job->slotCancel(); + } +} + Mailbox AbstractDecryptVerifyTask::informativeSender() const { return d->informativeSender; } void AbstractDecryptVerifyTask::setInformativeSender(const Mailbox &sender) { d->informativeSender = sender; } +QGpgME::Job *AbstractDecryptVerifyTask::job() const +{ + return d->job; +} + +void AbstractDecryptVerifyTask::setJob(QGpgME::Job *job) +{ + d->job = job; +} + class DecryptVerifyTask::Private { DecryptVerifyTask *const q; public: explicit Private(DecryptVerifyTask *qq) : q{qq} { } void startDecryptVerifyJob(); #if QGPGME_SUPPORTS_ARCHIVE_JOBS void startDecryptVerifyArchiveJob(); #endif void slotResult(const DecryptionResult &, const VerificationResult &, const QByteArray & = {}); std::shared_ptr m_input; std::shared_ptr m_output; const QGpgME::Protocol *m_backend = nullptr; Protocol m_protocol = UnknownProtocol; bool m_ignoreMDCError = false; bool m_extractArchive = false; QString m_inputFilePath; QString m_outputDirectory; }; void DecryptVerifyTask::Private::slotResult(const DecryptionResult &dr, const VerificationResult &vr, const QByteArray &plainText) { updateKeys(vr); { std::stringstream ss; ss << dr << '\n' << vr; qCDebug(KLEOPATRA_LOG) << ss.str().c_str(); } const AuditLogEntry auditLog = auditLogFromSender(q->sender()); if (m_output) { if (dr.error().code() || vr.error().code()) { m_output->cancel(); } else { try { kleo_assert(!dr.isNull() || !vr.isNull()); m_output->finalize(); } catch (const GpgME::Exception &e) { q->emitResult(q->fromDecryptResult(e.error(), QString::fromLocal8Bit(e.what()), auditLog)); return; } catch (const std::exception &e) { q->emitResult(q->fromDecryptResult(Error::fromCode(GPG_ERR_INTERNAL), i18n("Caught exception: %1", QString::fromLocal8Bit(e.what())), auditLog)); return; } catch (...) { q->emitResult(q->fromDecryptResult(Error::fromCode(GPG_ERR_INTERNAL), i18n("Caught unknown exception"), auditLog)); return; } } } const int drErr = dr.error().code(); const QString errorString = m_output ? m_output->errorString() : QString{}; if (((drErr == GPG_ERR_EIO || drErr == GPG_ERR_NO_DATA) && !errorString.isEmpty()) || (m_output && m_output->failed())) { q->emitResult(q->fromDecryptResult(drErr ? dr.error() : Error::fromCode(GPG_ERR_EIO), errorString, auditLog)); return; } q->emitResult(q->fromDecryptVerifyResult(dr, vr, plainText, m_output ? m_output->fileName() : QString{}, auditLog)); } DecryptVerifyTask::DecryptVerifyTask(QObject *parent) : AbstractDecryptVerifyTask(parent), d(new Private(this)) { } DecryptVerifyTask::~DecryptVerifyTask() { } void DecryptVerifyTask::setInput(const std::shared_ptr &input) { d->m_input = input; kleo_assert(d->m_input && d->m_input->ioDevice()); } void DecryptVerifyTask::setOutput(const std::shared_ptr &output) { d->m_output = output; kleo_assert(d->m_output && d->m_output->ioDevice()); } void DecryptVerifyTask::setProtocol(Protocol prot) { kleo_assert(prot != UnknownProtocol); d->m_protocol = prot; d->m_backend = prot == GpgME::OpenPGP ? QGpgME::openpgp() : QGpgME::smime(); kleo_assert(d->m_backend); } void DecryptVerifyTask::autodetectProtocolFromInput() { if (!d->m_input) { return; } const Protocol p = findProtocol(d->m_input->classification()); if (p == UnknownProtocol) { throw Exception(gpg_error(GPG_ERR_NOTHING_FOUND), i18n("Could not determine whether this is an S/MIME or an OpenPGP signature/ciphertext - maybe it is neither ciphertext nor a signature?"), Exception::MessageOnly); } setProtocol(p); } QString DecryptVerifyTask::label() const { return i18n("Decrypting: %1...", d->m_input->label()); } unsigned long long DecryptVerifyTask::inputSize() const { return d->m_input ? d->m_input->size() : 0; } QString DecryptVerifyTask::inputLabel() const { return d->m_input ? d->m_input->label() : QString(); } QString DecryptVerifyTask::outputLabel() const { return d->m_output ? d->m_output->label() : d->m_outputDirectory; } Protocol DecryptVerifyTask::protocol() const { return d->m_protocol; } -void DecryptVerifyTask::cancel() -{ - -} - static void ensureIOOpen(QIODevice *input, QIODevice *output) { if (input && !input->isOpen()) { input->open(QIODevice::ReadOnly); } if (output && !output->isOpen()) { output->open(QIODevice::WriteOnly); } } void DecryptVerifyTask::setIgnoreMDCError(bool value) { d->m_ignoreMDCError = value; } void DecryptVerifyTask::setExtractArchive(bool extract) { d->m_extractArchive = extract; } void DecryptVerifyTask::setInputFile(const QString &path) { d->m_inputFilePath = path; } void DecryptVerifyTask::setOutputDirectory(const QString &directory) { d->m_outputDirectory = directory; } #if QGPGME_SUPPORTS_ARCHIVE_JOBS static bool archiveJobsCanBeUsed(GpgME::Protocol protocol) { return (protocol == GpgME::OpenPGP) && QGpgME::DecryptVerifyArchiveJob::isSupported(); } #endif void DecryptVerifyTask::doStart() { kleo_assert(d->m_backend); #if QGPGME_SUPPORTS_ARCHIVE_JOBS if (d->m_extractArchive && archiveJobsCanBeUsed(d->m_protocol)) { d->startDecryptVerifyArchiveJob(); } else #endif { d->startDecryptVerifyJob(); } } static void setIgnoreMDCErrorFlag(QGpgME::Job *job, bool ignoreMDCError) { if (ignoreMDCError) { qCDebug(KLEOPATRA_LOG) << "Modifying job to ignore MDC errors."; auto ctx = QGpgME::Job::context(job); if (!ctx) { qCWarning(KLEOPATRA_LOG) << "Failed to get context for job"; } else { const auto err = ctx->setFlag("ignore-mdc-error", "1"); if (err) { qCWarning(KLEOPATRA_LOG) << "Failed to set ignore mdc errors" << Formatting::errorAsString(err); } } } } void DecryptVerifyTask::Private::startDecryptVerifyJob() { try { - QGpgME::DecryptVerifyJob *const job = m_backend->decryptVerifyJob(); + std::unique_ptr job{m_backend->decryptVerifyJob()}; kleo_assert(job); - setIgnoreMDCErrorFlag(job, m_ignoreMDCError); - QObject::connect(job, &QGpgME::DecryptVerifyJob::result, q, [this](const GpgME::DecryptionResult &decryptResult, const GpgME::VerificationResult &verifyResult, const QByteArray &plainText) { + setIgnoreMDCErrorFlag(job.get(), m_ignoreMDCError); + QObject::connect(job.get(), &QGpgME::DecryptVerifyJob::result, q, [this](const GpgME::DecryptionResult &decryptResult, const GpgME::VerificationResult &verifyResult, const QByteArray &plainText) { slotResult(decryptResult, verifyResult, plainText); }); #if QGPGME_JOB_HAS_NEW_PROGRESS_SIGNALS - connect(job, &QGpgME::Job::jobProgress, q, &DecryptVerifyTask::setProgress); + connect(job.get(), &QGpgME::Job::jobProgress, q, &DecryptVerifyTask::setProgress); #else - QObject::connect(job, &QGpgME::Job::progress, q, [this](const QString &, int processed, int total) { + QObject::connect(job.get(), &QGpgME::Job::progress, q, [this](const QString &, int processed, int total) { q->setProgress(processed, total); }); #endif ensureIOOpen(m_input->ioDevice().get(), m_output->ioDevice().get()); job->start(m_input->ioDevice(), m_output->ioDevice()); + q->setJob(job.release()); } catch (const GpgME::Exception &e) { q->emitResult(q->fromDecryptVerifyResult(e.error(), QString::fromLocal8Bit(e.what()), AuditLogEntry())); } catch (const std::exception &e) { q->emitResult(q->fromDecryptVerifyResult(Error::fromCode(GPG_ERR_INTERNAL), i18n("Caught exception: %1", QString::fromLocal8Bit(e.what())), AuditLogEntry())); } catch (...) { q->emitResult(q->fromDecryptVerifyResult(Error::fromCode(GPG_ERR_INTERNAL), i18n("Caught unknown exception"), AuditLogEntry())); } } #if QGPGME_SUPPORTS_ARCHIVE_JOBS void DecryptVerifyTask::Private::startDecryptVerifyArchiveJob() { - auto *const job = m_backend->decryptVerifyArchiveJob(); + std::unique_ptr job{m_backend->decryptVerifyArchiveJob()}; kleo_assert(job); - setIgnoreMDCErrorFlag(job, m_ignoreMDCError); - connect(job, &QGpgME::DecryptVerifyArchiveJob::result, q, [this](const GpgME::DecryptionResult &decryptResult, const GpgME::VerificationResult &verifyResult) { + setIgnoreMDCErrorFlag(job.get(), m_ignoreMDCError); + connect(job.get(), &QGpgME::DecryptVerifyArchiveJob::result, q, [this](const GpgME::DecryptionResult &decryptResult, const GpgME::VerificationResult &verifyResult) { slotResult(decryptResult, verifyResult); }); #if QGPGME_JOB_HAS_NEW_PROGRESS_SIGNALS - connect(job, &QGpgME::Job::jobProgress, q, &DecryptVerifyTask::setProgress); + connect(job.get(), &QGpgME::Job::jobProgress, q, &DecryptVerifyTask::setProgress); #else - connect(job, &QGpgME::Job::progress, q, [this](const QString &, int processed, int total) { + connect(job.get(), &QGpgME::Job::progress, q, [this](const QString &, int processed, int total) { q->setProgress(processed, total); }); #endif #if QGPGME_ARCHIVE_JOBS_SUPPORT_INPUT_FILENAME // make sure that we don't use an existing output directory const auto outputDirectory = ensureUniqueDirectory(m_outputDirectory); if (outputDirectory.isEmpty()) { q->emitResult(q->fromDecryptVerifyResult(Error::fromCode(GPG_ERR_GENERAL), {}, {})); return; } m_outputDirectory = outputDirectory; job->setInputFile(m_inputFilePath); job->setOutputDirectory(m_outputDirectory); const auto err = job->startIt(); #else ensureIOOpen(m_input->ioDevice().get(), nullptr); job->setOutputDirectory(m_outputDirectory); const auto err = job->start(m_input->ioDevice()); #endif + q->setJob(job.release()); if (err) { q->emitResult(q->fromDecryptVerifyResult(err, {}, {})); } } #endif class DecryptTask::Private { DecryptTask *const q; public: explicit Private(DecryptTask *qq) : q{qq} { } void slotResult(const DecryptionResult &, const QByteArray &); void registerJob(QGpgME::DecryptJob *job) { q->connect(job, SIGNAL(result(GpgME::DecryptionResult,QByteArray)), q, SLOT(slotResult(GpgME::DecryptionResult,QByteArray))); #if QGPGME_JOB_HAS_NEW_PROGRESS_SIGNALS q->connect(job, &QGpgME::Job::jobProgress, q, &DecryptTask::setProgress); #else q->connect(job, &QGpgME::Job::progress, q, [this](const QString &, int processed, int total) { q->setProgress(processed, total); }); #endif } std::shared_ptr m_input; std::shared_ptr m_output; const QGpgME::Protocol *m_backend = nullptr; Protocol m_protocol = UnknownProtocol; }; void DecryptTask::Private::slotResult(const DecryptionResult &result, const QByteArray &plainText) { { std::stringstream ss; ss << result; qCDebug(KLEOPATRA_LOG) << ss.str().c_str(); } const AuditLogEntry auditLog = auditLogFromSender(q->sender()); if (result.error().code()) { m_output->cancel(); } else { try { kleo_assert(!result.isNull()); m_output->finalize(); } catch (const GpgME::Exception &e) { q->emitResult(q->fromDecryptResult(e.error(), QString::fromLocal8Bit(e.what()), auditLog)); return; } catch (const std::exception &e) { q->emitResult(q->fromDecryptResult(Error::fromCode(GPG_ERR_INTERNAL), i18n("Caught exception: %1", QString::fromLocal8Bit(e.what())), auditLog)); return; } catch (...) { q->emitResult(q->fromDecryptResult(Error::fromCode(GPG_ERR_INTERNAL), i18n("Caught unknown exception"), auditLog)); return; } } const int drErr = result.error().code(); const QString errorString = m_output->errorString(); if (((drErr == GPG_ERR_EIO || drErr == GPG_ERR_NO_DATA) && !errorString.isEmpty()) || m_output->failed()) { q->emitResult(q->fromDecryptResult(result.error() ? result.error() : Error::fromCode(GPG_ERR_EIO), errorString, auditLog)); return; } q->emitResult(q->fromDecryptResult(result, plainText, auditLog)); } DecryptTask::DecryptTask(QObject *parent) : AbstractDecryptVerifyTask(parent), d(new Private(this)) { } DecryptTask::~DecryptTask() { } void DecryptTask::setInput(const std::shared_ptr &input) { d->m_input = input; kleo_assert(d->m_input && d->m_input->ioDevice()); } void DecryptTask::setOutput(const std::shared_ptr &output) { d->m_output = output; kleo_assert(d->m_output && d->m_output->ioDevice()); } void DecryptTask::setProtocol(Protocol prot) { kleo_assert(prot != UnknownProtocol); d->m_protocol = prot; d->m_backend = (prot == GpgME::OpenPGP) ? QGpgME::openpgp() : QGpgME::smime(); kleo_assert(d->m_backend); } void DecryptTask::autodetectProtocolFromInput() { if (!d->m_input) { return; } const Protocol p = findProtocol(d->m_input->classification()); if (p == UnknownProtocol) { throw Exception(gpg_error(GPG_ERR_NOTHING_FOUND), i18n("Could not determine whether this was S/MIME- or OpenPGP-encrypted - maybe it is not ciphertext at all?"), Exception::MessageOnly); } setProtocol(p); } QString DecryptTask::label() const { return i18n("Decrypting: %1...", d->m_input->label()); } unsigned long long DecryptTask::inputSize() const { return d->m_input ? d->m_input->size() : 0; } QString DecryptTask::inputLabel() const { return d->m_input ? d->m_input->label() : QString(); } QString DecryptTask::outputLabel() const { return d->m_output ? d->m_output->label() : QString(); } Protocol DecryptTask::protocol() const { return d->m_protocol; } -void DecryptTask::cancel() -{ - -} - void DecryptTask::doStart() { kleo_assert(d->m_backend); try { - QGpgME::DecryptJob *const job = d->m_backend->decryptJob(); + std::unique_ptr job{d->m_backend->decryptJob()}; kleo_assert(job); - d->registerJob(job); + d->registerJob(job.get()); ensureIOOpen(d->m_input->ioDevice().get(), d->m_output->ioDevice().get()); job->start(d->m_input->ioDevice(), d->m_output->ioDevice()); + setJob(job.release()); } catch (const GpgME::Exception &e) { emitResult(fromDecryptResult(e.error(), QString::fromLocal8Bit(e.what()), AuditLogEntry())); } catch (const std::exception &e) { emitResult(fromDecryptResult(Error::fromCode(GPG_ERR_INTERNAL), i18n("Caught exception: %1", QString::fromLocal8Bit(e.what())), AuditLogEntry())); } catch (...) { emitResult(fromDecryptResult(Error::fromCode(GPG_ERR_INTERNAL), i18n("Caught unknown exception"), AuditLogEntry())); } } class VerifyOpaqueTask::Private { VerifyOpaqueTask *const q; public: explicit Private(VerifyOpaqueTask *qq) : q{qq} { } void startVerifyOpaqueJob(); #if QGPGME_SUPPORTS_ARCHIVE_JOBS void startDecryptVerifyArchiveJob(); #endif void slotResult(const VerificationResult &, const QByteArray & = {}); std::shared_ptr m_input; std::shared_ptr m_output; const QGpgME::Protocol *m_backend = nullptr; Protocol m_protocol = UnknownProtocol; bool m_extractArchive = false; QString m_inputFilePath; QString m_outputDirectory; }; void VerifyOpaqueTask::Private::slotResult(const VerificationResult &result, const QByteArray &plainText) { updateKeys(result); { std::stringstream ss; ss << result; qCDebug(KLEOPATRA_LOG) << ss.str().c_str(); } const AuditLogEntry auditLog = auditLogFromSender(q->sender()); if (m_output) { if (result.error().code()) { m_output->cancel(); } else { try { kleo_assert(!result.isNull()); m_output->finalize(); } catch (const GpgME::Exception &e) { q->emitResult(q->fromVerifyOpaqueResult(e.error(), QString::fromLocal8Bit(e.what()), auditLog)); return; } catch (const std::exception &e) { q->emitResult(q->fromVerifyOpaqueResult(Error::fromCode(GPG_ERR_INTERNAL), i18n("Caught exception: %1", QString::fromLocal8Bit(e.what())), auditLog)); return; } catch (...) { q->emitResult(q->fromVerifyOpaqueResult(Error::fromCode(GPG_ERR_INTERNAL), i18n("Caught unknown exception"), auditLog)); return; } } } const int drErr = result.error().code(); const QString errorString = m_output ? m_output->errorString() : QString{}; if (((drErr == GPG_ERR_EIO || drErr == GPG_ERR_NO_DATA) && !errorString.isEmpty()) || (m_output && m_output->failed())) { q->emitResult(q->fromVerifyOpaqueResult(result.error() ? result.error() : Error::fromCode(GPG_ERR_EIO), errorString, auditLog)); return; } q->emitResult(q->fromVerifyOpaqueResult(result, plainText, auditLog)); } VerifyOpaqueTask::VerifyOpaqueTask(QObject *parent) : AbstractDecryptVerifyTask(parent), d(new Private(this)) { } VerifyOpaqueTask::~VerifyOpaqueTask() { } void VerifyOpaqueTask::setInput(const std::shared_ptr &input) { d->m_input = input; kleo_assert(d->m_input && d->m_input->ioDevice()); } void VerifyOpaqueTask::setOutput(const std::shared_ptr &output) { d->m_output = output; kleo_assert(d->m_output && d->m_output->ioDevice()); } void VerifyOpaqueTask::setProtocol(Protocol prot) { kleo_assert(prot != UnknownProtocol); d->m_protocol = prot; d->m_backend = (prot == GpgME::OpenPGP) ? QGpgME::openpgp() : QGpgME::smime(); kleo_assert(d->m_backend); } void VerifyOpaqueTask::autodetectProtocolFromInput() { if (!d->m_input) { return; } const Protocol p = findProtocol(d->m_input->classification()); if (p == UnknownProtocol) { throw Exception(gpg_error(GPG_ERR_NOTHING_FOUND), i18n("Could not determine whether this is an S/MIME or an OpenPGP signature - maybe it is not a signature at all?"), Exception::MessageOnly); } setProtocol(p); } QString VerifyOpaqueTask::label() const { return i18n("Verifying: %1...", d->m_input->label()); } unsigned long long VerifyOpaqueTask::inputSize() const { return d->m_input ? d->m_input->size() : 0; } QString VerifyOpaqueTask::inputLabel() const { return d->m_input ? d->m_input->label() : QString(); } QString VerifyOpaqueTask::outputLabel() const { return d->m_output ? d->m_output->label() : d->m_outputDirectory; } Protocol VerifyOpaqueTask::protocol() const { return d->m_protocol; } void VerifyOpaqueTask::setExtractArchive(bool extract) { d->m_extractArchive = extract; } void VerifyOpaqueTask::setInputFile(const QString &path) { d->m_inputFilePath = path; } void VerifyOpaqueTask::setOutputDirectory(const QString &directory) { d->m_outputDirectory = directory; } -void VerifyOpaqueTask::cancel() -{ - -} - void VerifyOpaqueTask::doStart() { kleo_assert(d->m_backend); #if QGPGME_SUPPORTS_ARCHIVE_JOBS if (d->m_extractArchive && archiveJobsCanBeUsed(d->m_protocol)) { d->startDecryptVerifyArchiveJob(); } else #endif { d->startVerifyOpaqueJob(); } } void VerifyOpaqueTask::Private::startVerifyOpaqueJob() { try { - QGpgME::VerifyOpaqueJob *const job = m_backend->verifyOpaqueJob(); + std::unique_ptr job{m_backend->verifyOpaqueJob()}; kleo_assert(job); - connect(job, &QGpgME::VerifyOpaqueJob::result, q, [this](const GpgME::VerificationResult &result, const QByteArray &plainText) { + connect(job.get(), &QGpgME::VerifyOpaqueJob::result, q, [this](const GpgME::VerificationResult &result, const QByteArray &plainText) { slotResult(result, plainText); }); #if QGPGME_JOB_HAS_NEW_PROGRESS_SIGNALS - connect(job, &QGpgME::Job::jobProgress, q, &VerifyOpaqueTask::setProgress); + connect(job.get(), &QGpgME::Job::jobProgress, q, &VerifyOpaqueTask::setProgress); #else - connect(job, &QGpgME::Job::progress, q, [this](const QString &, int processed, int total) { + connect(job.get(), &QGpgME::Job::progress, q, [this](const QString &, int processed, int total) { q->setProgress(processed, total); }); #endif ensureIOOpen(m_input->ioDevice().get(), m_output ? m_output->ioDevice().get() : nullptr); job->start(m_input->ioDevice(), m_output ? m_output->ioDevice() : std::shared_ptr()); + q->setJob(job.release()); } catch (const GpgME::Exception &e) { q->emitResult(q->fromVerifyOpaqueResult(e.error(), QString::fromLocal8Bit(e.what()), AuditLogEntry())); } catch (const std::exception &e) { q->emitResult(q->fromVerifyOpaqueResult(Error::fromCode(GPG_ERR_INTERNAL), i18n("Caught exception: %1", QString::fromLocal8Bit(e.what())), AuditLogEntry())); } catch (...) { q->emitResult(q->fromVerifyOpaqueResult(Error::fromCode(GPG_ERR_INTERNAL), i18n("Caught unknown exception"), AuditLogEntry())); } } #if QGPGME_SUPPORTS_ARCHIVE_JOBS void VerifyOpaqueTask::Private::startDecryptVerifyArchiveJob() { - auto *const job = m_backend->decryptVerifyArchiveJob(); + std::unique_ptr job{m_backend->decryptVerifyArchiveJob()}; kleo_assert(job); - connect(job, &QGpgME::DecryptVerifyArchiveJob::result, q, [this](const DecryptionResult &, const VerificationResult &verifyResult) { + connect(job.get(), &QGpgME::DecryptVerifyArchiveJob::result, q, [this](const DecryptionResult &, const VerificationResult &verifyResult) { slotResult(verifyResult); }); - connect(job, &QGpgME::DecryptVerifyArchiveJob::dataProgress, q, &VerifyOpaqueTask::setProgress); + connect(job.get(), &QGpgME::DecryptVerifyArchiveJob::dataProgress, q, &VerifyOpaqueTask::setProgress); #if QGPGME_ARCHIVE_JOBS_SUPPORT_INPUT_FILENAME // make sure that we don't use an existing output directory const auto outputDirectory = ensureUniqueDirectory(m_outputDirectory); if (outputDirectory.isEmpty()) { q->emitResult(q->fromDecryptVerifyResult(Error::fromCode(GPG_ERR_GENERAL), {}, {})); return; } m_outputDirectory = outputDirectory; job->setInputFile(m_inputFilePath); job->setOutputDirectory(m_outputDirectory); const auto err = job->startIt(); #else ensureIOOpen(m_input->ioDevice().get(), nullptr); job->setOutputDirectory(m_outputDirectory); const auto err = job->start(m_input->ioDevice()); #endif + q->setJob(job.release()); if (err) { q->emitResult(q->fromVerifyOpaqueResult(err, {}, {})); } } #endif class VerifyDetachedTask::Private { VerifyDetachedTask *const q; public: explicit Private(VerifyDetachedTask *qq) : q{qq} { } void slotResult(const VerificationResult &); void registerJob(QGpgME::VerifyDetachedJob *job) { q->connect(job, SIGNAL(result(GpgME::VerificationResult)), q, SLOT(slotResult(GpgME::VerificationResult))); #if QGPGME_JOB_HAS_NEW_PROGRESS_SIGNALS q->connect(job, &QGpgME::Job::jobProgress, q, &VerifyDetachedTask::setProgress); #else q->connect(job, &QGpgME::Job::progress, q, [this](const QString &, int processed, int total) { q->setProgress(processed, total); }); #endif } std::shared_ptr m_input, m_signedData; const QGpgME::Protocol *m_backend = nullptr; Protocol m_protocol = UnknownProtocol; }; void VerifyDetachedTask::Private::slotResult(const VerificationResult &result) { updateKeys(result); { std::stringstream ss; ss << result; qCDebug(KLEOPATRA_LOG) << ss.str().c_str(); } const AuditLogEntry auditLog = auditLogFromSender(q->sender()); try { kleo_assert(!result.isNull()); q->emitResult(q->fromVerifyDetachedResult(result, auditLog)); } catch (const GpgME::Exception &e) { q->emitResult(q->fromVerifyDetachedResult(e.error(), QString::fromLocal8Bit(e.what()), auditLog)); } catch (const std::exception &e) { q->emitResult(q->fromVerifyDetachedResult(Error::fromCode(GPG_ERR_INTERNAL), i18n("Caught exception: %1", QString::fromLocal8Bit(e.what())), auditLog)); } catch (...) { q->emitResult(q->fromVerifyDetachedResult(Error::fromCode(GPG_ERR_INTERNAL), i18n("Caught unknown exception"), auditLog)); } } VerifyDetachedTask::VerifyDetachedTask(QObject *parent) : AbstractDecryptVerifyTask(parent), d(new Private(this)) { } VerifyDetachedTask::~VerifyDetachedTask() { } void VerifyDetachedTask::setInput(const std::shared_ptr &input) { d->m_input = input; kleo_assert(d->m_input && d->m_input->ioDevice()); } void VerifyDetachedTask::setSignedData(const std::shared_ptr &signedData) { d->m_signedData = signedData; kleo_assert(d->m_signedData && d->m_signedData->ioDevice()); } void VerifyDetachedTask::setProtocol(Protocol prot) { kleo_assert(prot != UnknownProtocol); d->m_protocol = prot; d->m_backend = (prot == GpgME::OpenPGP) ? QGpgME::openpgp() : QGpgME::smime(); kleo_assert(d->m_backend); } void VerifyDetachedTask::autodetectProtocolFromInput() { if (!d->m_input) { return; } const Protocol p = findProtocol(d->m_input->classification()); if (p == UnknownProtocol) { throw Exception(gpg_error(GPG_ERR_NOTHING_FOUND), i18n("Could not determine whether this is an S/MIME or an OpenPGP signature - maybe it is not a signature at all?"), Exception::MessageOnly); } setProtocol(p); } unsigned long long VerifyDetachedTask::inputSize() const { return d->m_signedData ? d->m_signedData->size() : 0; } QString VerifyDetachedTask::label() const { if (d->m_signedData) { return xi18nc("Verification of a detached signature in progress. The first file contains the data." "The second file is the signature file.", "Verifying: %1 with %2...", d->m_signedData->label(), d->m_input->label()); } return i18n("Verifying signature: %1...", d->m_input->label()); } QString VerifyDetachedTask::inputLabel() const { if (d->m_signedData && d->m_input) { return xi18nc("Verification of a detached signature summary. The first file contains the data." "The second file is signature.", "Verified %1 with %2", d->m_signedData->label(), d->m_input->label()); } return d->m_input ? d->m_input->label() : QString(); } QString VerifyDetachedTask::outputLabel() const { return QString(); } Protocol VerifyDetachedTask::protocol() const { return d->m_protocol; } -void VerifyDetachedTask::cancel() -{ - -} - void VerifyDetachedTask::doStart() { kleo_assert(d->m_backend); try { - QGpgME::VerifyDetachedJob *const job = d->m_backend->verifyDetachedJob(); + std::unique_ptr job{d->m_backend->verifyDetachedJob()}; kleo_assert(job); - d->registerJob(job); + d->registerJob(job.get()); ensureIOOpen(d->m_input->ioDevice().get(), nullptr); ensureIOOpen(d->m_signedData->ioDevice().get(), nullptr); job->start(d->m_input->ioDevice(), d->m_signedData->ioDevice()); + setJob(job.release()); } catch (const GpgME::Exception &e) { emitResult(fromVerifyDetachedResult(e.error(), QString::fromLocal8Bit(e.what()), AuditLogEntry())); } catch (const std::exception &e) { emitResult(fromVerifyDetachedResult(Error::fromCode(GPG_ERR_INTERNAL), i18n("Caught exception: %1", QString::fromLocal8Bit(e.what())), AuditLogEntry())); } catch (...) { emitResult(fromVerifyDetachedResult(Error::fromCode(GPG_ERR_INTERNAL), i18n("Caught unknown exception"), AuditLogEntry())); } } #include "moc_decryptverifytask.cpp" diff --git a/src/crypto/decryptverifytask.h b/src/crypto/decryptverifytask.h index 4c66be814..e658c546a 100644 --- a/src/crypto/decryptverifytask.h +++ b/src/crypto/decryptverifytask.h @@ -1,260 +1,261 @@ /* -*- mode: c++; c-basic-offset:4 -*- decryptverifytask.h This file is part of Kleopatra, the KDE keymanager SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2008 Klarälvdalens Datakonsult AB SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later */ #pragma once #include "task.h" #include #include #include namespace KMime { namespace Types { class Mailbox; } } namespace GpgME { class DecryptionResult; class VerificationResult; class Key; class Signature; } +namespace QGpgME +{ +class Job; +} + namespace Kleo { class Input; class Output; class AuditLogEntry; } namespace Kleo { namespace Crypto { class DecryptVerifyResult; class AbstractDecryptVerifyTask : public Task { Q_OBJECT public: explicit AbstractDecryptVerifyTask(QObject *parent = nullptr); ~AbstractDecryptVerifyTask() override; virtual void autodetectProtocolFromInput() = 0; KMime::Types::Mailbox informativeSender() const; void setInformativeSender(const KMime::Types::Mailbox &senders); virtual QString inputLabel() const = 0; virtual QString outputLabel() const = 0; +public Q_SLOTS: + void cancel() override; + protected: std::shared_ptr fromDecryptResult(const GpgME::DecryptionResult &dr, const QByteArray &plaintext, const AuditLogEntry &auditLog); std::shared_ptr fromDecryptResult(const GpgME::Error &err, const QString &details, const AuditLogEntry &auditLog); std::shared_ptr fromDecryptVerifyResult(const GpgME::DecryptionResult &dr, const GpgME::VerificationResult &vr, const QByteArray &plaintext, const QString &fileName, const AuditLogEntry &auditLog); std::shared_ptr fromDecryptVerifyResult(const GpgME::Error &err, const QString &what, const AuditLogEntry &auditLog); std::shared_ptr fromVerifyOpaqueResult(const GpgME::VerificationResult &vr, const QByteArray &plaintext, const AuditLogEntry &auditLog); std::shared_ptr fromVerifyOpaqueResult(const GpgME::Error &err, const QString &details, const AuditLogEntry &auditLog); std::shared_ptr fromVerifyDetachedResult(const GpgME::VerificationResult &vr, const AuditLogEntry &auditLog); std::shared_ptr fromVerifyDetachedResult(const GpgME::Error &err, const QString &details, const AuditLogEntry &auditLog); +public: + // public to allow access from the Private classes of the concrete tasks + QGpgME::Job *job() const; + void setJob(QGpgME::Job *job); + private: class Private; kdtools::pimpl_ptr d; }; class DecryptTask : public AbstractDecryptVerifyTask { Q_OBJECT public: explicit DecryptTask(QObject *parent = nullptr); ~DecryptTask() override; void setInput(const std::shared_ptr &input); void setOutput(const std::shared_ptr &output); void setProtocol(GpgME::Protocol prot); void autodetectProtocolFromInput() override; QString label() const override; GpgME::Protocol protocol() const override; QString inputLabel() const override; QString outputLabel() const override; -public Q_SLOTS: - void cancel() override; - private: void doStart() override; unsigned long long inputSize() const override; private: class Private; kdtools::pimpl_ptr d; Q_PRIVATE_SLOT(d, void slotResult(GpgME::DecryptionResult, QByteArray)) }; class VerifyDetachedTask : public AbstractDecryptVerifyTask { Q_OBJECT public: explicit VerifyDetachedTask(QObject *parent = nullptr); ~VerifyDetachedTask() override; void setInput(const std::shared_ptr &input); void setSignedData(const std::shared_ptr &signedData); void setProtocol(GpgME::Protocol prot); void autodetectProtocolFromInput() override; QString label() const override; GpgME::Protocol protocol() const override; QString inputLabel() const override; QString outputLabel() const override; -public Q_SLOTS: - void cancel() override; - private: void doStart() override; unsigned long long inputSize() const override; private: class Private; kdtools::pimpl_ptr d; Q_PRIVATE_SLOT(d, void slotResult(GpgME::VerificationResult)) }; class VerifyOpaqueTask : public AbstractDecryptVerifyTask { Q_OBJECT public: explicit VerifyOpaqueTask(QObject *parent = nullptr); ~VerifyOpaqueTask() override; void setInput(const std::shared_ptr &input); void setOutput(const std::shared_ptr &output); void setProtocol(GpgME::Protocol prot); void autodetectProtocolFromInput()override; QString label() const override; GpgME::Protocol protocol() const override; void setExtractArchive(bool extract); void setInputFile(const QString &path); void setOutputDirectory(const QString &directory); QString inputLabel() const override; QString outputLabel() const override; -public Q_SLOTS: - void cancel() override; - private: void doStart() override; unsigned long long inputSize() const override; private: class Private; kdtools::pimpl_ptr d; Q_PRIVATE_SLOT(d, void slotResult(GpgME::VerificationResult, QByteArray)) }; class DecryptVerifyTask : public AbstractDecryptVerifyTask { Q_OBJECT public: explicit DecryptVerifyTask(QObject *parent = nullptr); ~DecryptVerifyTask() override; void setInput(const std::shared_ptr &input); void setOutput(const std::shared_ptr &output); void setProtocol(GpgME::Protocol prot); void autodetectProtocolFromInput() override; QString label() const override; GpgME::Protocol protocol() const override; void setIgnoreMDCError(bool value); void setExtractArchive(bool extract); void setInputFile(const QString &path); void setOutputDirectory(const QString &directory); QString inputLabel() const override; QString outputLabel() const override; -public Q_SLOTS: - void cancel() override; - private: void doStart() override; unsigned long long inputSize() const override; private: class Private; kdtools::pimpl_ptr d; Q_PRIVATE_SLOT(d, void slotResult(GpgME::DecryptionResult, GpgME::VerificationResult, QByteArray)) }; class DecryptVerifyResult : public Task::Result { friend class ::Kleo::Crypto::AbstractDecryptVerifyTask; public: class SenderInfo; QString overview() const override; QString details() const override; GpgME::Error error() const override; QString errorString() const override; VisualCode code() const override; AuditLogEntry auditLog() const override; QPointer parentTask() const override; GpgME::VerificationResult verificationResult() const; GpgME::DecryptionResult decryptionResult() const; QString fileName() const; private: DecryptVerifyResult(); DecryptVerifyResult(const DecryptVerifyResult &); DecryptVerifyResult &operator=(const DecryptVerifyResult &other); DecryptVerifyResult(DecryptVerifyOperation op, const GpgME::VerificationResult &vr, const GpgME::DecryptionResult &dr, const QByteArray &stuff, const QString &fileName, const GpgME::Error &error, const QString &errString, const QString &inputLabel, const QString &outputLabel, const AuditLogEntry &auditLog, Task *parentTask, const KMime::Types::Mailbox &informativeSender); private: class Private; kdtools::pimpl_ptr d; }; } }