diff --git a/src/newcertificatewizard/newcertificatewizard.cpp b/src/newcertificatewizard/newcertificatewizard.cpp index 6b41b8128..1dfa2dda9 100644 --- a/src/newcertificatewizard/newcertificatewizard.cpp +++ b/src/newcertificatewizard/newcertificatewizard.cpp @@ -1,1878 +1,1882 @@ /* -*- mode: c++; c-basic-offset:4 -*- newcertificatewizard/newcertificatewizard.cpp This file is part of Kleopatra, the KDE keymanager Copyright (c) 2008 Klarälvdalens Datakonsult AB 2016 Intevation GmbH Kleopatra is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Kleopatra is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the code of this program with any edition of the Qt library by Trolltech AS, Norway (or with modified versions of Qt that use the same license as Qt), and distribute linked combinations including the two. You must obey the GNU General Public License in all respects for all of the code used other than Qt. If you modify this file, you may extend this exception to your version of the file, but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, delete this exception statement from your version. */ #include #include "newcertificatewizard.h" #include "ui_chooseprotocolpage.h" #include "ui_enterdetailspage.h" #include "ui_overviewpage.h" #include "ui_keycreationpage.h" #include "ui_resultpage.h" #include "ui_advancedsettingsdialog.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "utils/gnupg-helper.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "kleopatra_debug.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include +#include #include #include #include #include using namespace Kleo; using namespace Kleo::NewCertificateUi; using namespace Kleo::Commands; using namespace GpgME; using namespace boost; static const char RSA_KEYSIZES_ENTRY[] = "RSAKeySizes"; static const char DSA_KEYSIZES_ENTRY[] = "DSAKeySizes"; static const char ELG_KEYSIZES_ENTRY[] = "ELGKeySizes"; static const char RSA_KEYSIZE_LABELS_ENTRY[] = "RSAKeySizeLabels"; static const char DSA_KEYSIZE_LABELS_ENTRY[] = "DSAKeySizeLabels"; static const char ELG_KEYSIZE_LABELS_ENTRY[] = "ELGKeySizeLabels"; static const char PGP_KEY_TYPE_ENTRY[] = "PGPKeyType"; static const char CMS_KEY_TYPE_ENTRY[] = "CMSKeyType"; // We need to be build gpgme with ECC support and GnuPG 2.1 at runtime. #if GPGME_VERSION_NUMBER > 0x010300 # define GPGME_ECDSA_ECDH_SUPPORT #endif // This should come from gpgme in the future // For now we only support the basic 2.1 curves and check // for GnuPG 2.1. The whole subkey / usage generation needs // new api and a reworked dialog. (ah 10.3.16) // EDDSA should be supported, too. static const QStringList curveNames { { QStringLiteral("brainpoolP256r1") }, { QStringLiteral("brainpoolP384r1") }, { QStringLiteral("brainpoolP512r1") }, { QStringLiteral("NIST P-256") }, { QStringLiteral("NIST P-384") }, { QStringLiteral("NIST P-521") }, }; static void set_tab_order(const QList &wl) { kdtools::for_each_adjacent_pair(wl, &QWidget::setTabOrder); } enum KeyAlgo { RSA, DSA, ELG, ECDSA, ECDH }; static bool is_algo(gpgme_pubkey_algo_t algo, KeyAlgo what) { switch (algo) { case GPGME_PK_RSA: case GPGME_PK_RSA_E: case GPGME_PK_RSA_S: return what == RSA; case GPGME_PK_ELG_E: case GPGME_PK_ELG: return what == ELG; case GPGME_PK_DSA: return what == DSA; #ifdef GPGME_ECDSA_ECDH_SUPPORT case GPGME_PK_ECDSA: return what == ECDSA; case GPGME_PK_ECDH: return what == ECDH; #endif default: break; } return false; } static bool is_rsa(unsigned int algo) { return is_algo(static_cast(algo), RSA); } static bool is_dsa(unsigned int algo) { return is_algo(static_cast(algo), DSA); } static bool is_elg(unsigned int algo) { return is_algo(static_cast(algo), ELG); } static bool is_ecdsa(unsigned int algo) { #ifdef GPGME_ECDSA_ECDH_SUPPORT return is_algo(static_cast(algo), ECDSA); #else Q_UNUSED(algo); return false; #endif } static bool is_ecdh(unsigned int algo) { #ifdef GPGME_ECDSA_ECDH_SUPPORT return is_algo(static_cast(algo), ECDH); #else Q_UNUSED(algo); return false; #endif } static void force_set_checked(QAbstractButton *b, bool on) { // work around Qt bug (tested: 4.1.4, 4.2.3, 4.3.4) const bool autoExclusive = b->autoExclusive(); b->setAutoExclusive(false); b->setChecked(b->isEnabled() && on); b->setAutoExclusive(autoExclusive); } static void set_keysize(QComboBox *cb, unsigned int strength) { if (!cb) { return; } const int idx = cb->findData(static_cast(strength)); if (idx < 0) { qCWarning(KLEOPATRA_LOG) << "keysize " << strength << " not allowed"; } cb->setCurrentIndex(idx); } static unsigned int get_keysize(const QComboBox *cb) { if (!cb) { return 0; } const int idx = cb->currentIndex(); if (idx < 0) { return 0; } return cb->itemData(idx).toInt(); } static void set_curve(QComboBox *cb, const QString &curve) { if (!cb) { return; } const int idx = cb->findData(curve); if (idx < 0) { // Can't happen as we don't have them configurable. qCWarning(KLEOPATRA_LOG) << "curve " << curve << " not allowed"; } cb->setCurrentIndex(idx); } static QString get_curve(const QComboBox *cb) { if (!cb) { return QString(); } return cb->currentText(); } namespace Kleo { namespace NewCertificateUi { class WizardPage : public QWizardPage { Q_OBJECT protected: explicit WizardPage(QWidget *parent = Q_NULLPTR) : QWizardPage(parent) {} NewCertificateWizard *wizard() const { assert(static_cast(QWizardPage::wizard()) == qobject_cast(QWizardPage::wizard())); return static_cast(QWizardPage::wizard()); } QAbstractButton *button(QWizard::WizardButton button) const { return QWizardPage::wizard() ? QWizardPage::wizard()->button(button) : 0; } bool isButtonVisible(QWizard::WizardButton button) const { if (const QAbstractButton *const b = this->button(button)) { return b->isVisible(); } else { return false; } } QDir tmpDir() const; protected Q_SLOTS: void setButtonVisible(QWizard::WizardButton button, bool visible) { if (QAbstractButton *const b = this->button(button)) { b->setVisible(visible); } } protected: #define FIELD(type, name) type name() const { return field( QLatin1String(#name) ).value(); } FIELD(bool, pgp) FIELD(bool, signingAllowed) FIELD(bool, encryptionAllowed) FIELD(bool, certificationAllowed) FIELD(bool, authenticationAllowed) FIELD(QString, name) FIELD(QString, email) FIELD(QString, comment) FIELD(QString, dn) FIELD(int, keyType) FIELD(int, keyStrength) FIELD(QString, keyCurve); FIELD(int, subkeyType) FIELD(int, subkeyStrength) FIELD(QString, subkeyCurve); FIELD(QDate, expiryDate) FIELD(QStringList, additionalUserIDs) FIELD(QStringList, additionalEMailAddresses) FIELD(QStringList, dnsNames) FIELD(QStringList, uris) FIELD(QString, url) FIELD(QString, error) FIELD(QString, result) FIELD(QString, fingerprint) #undef FIELD }; } // namespace NewCertificateUi } // namespace Kleo using namespace Kleo::NewCertificateUi; namespace { class AdvancedSettingsDialog : public QDialog { Q_OBJECT Q_PROPERTY(QStringList additionalUserIDs READ additionalUserIDs WRITE setAdditionalUserIDs) Q_PROPERTY(QStringList additionalEMailAddresses READ additionalEMailAddresses WRITE setAdditionalEMailAddresses) Q_PROPERTY(QStringList dnsNames READ dnsNames WRITE setDnsNames) Q_PROPERTY(QStringList uris READ uris WRITE setUris) Q_PROPERTY(uint keyStrength READ keyStrength WRITE setKeyStrength) Q_PROPERTY(uint keyType READ keyType WRITE setKeyType) Q_PROPERTY(QString keyCurve READ keyCurve WRITE setKeyCurve) Q_PROPERTY(uint subkeyStrength READ subkeyStrength WRITE setSubkeyStrength) Q_PROPERTY(QString subkeyCurve READ keyCurve WRITE setSubkeyCurve) Q_PROPERTY(uint subkeyType READ subkeyType WRITE setSubkeyType) Q_PROPERTY(bool signingAllowed READ signingAllowed WRITE setSigningAllowed) Q_PROPERTY(bool encryptionAllowed READ encryptionAllowed WRITE setEncryptionAllowed) Q_PROPERTY(bool certificationAllowed READ certificationAllowed WRITE setCertificationAllowed) Q_PROPERTY(bool authenticationAllowed READ authenticationAllowed WRITE setAuthenticationAllowed) Q_PROPERTY(QDate expiryDate READ expiryDate WRITE setExpiryDate) public: explicit AdvancedSettingsDialog(QWidget *parent = Q_NULLPTR) : QDialog(parent), protocol(UnknownProtocol), pgpDefaultAlgorithm(GPGME_PK_ELG_E), cmsDefaultAlgorithm(GPGME_PK_RSA), keyTypeImmutable(false), ui(), mECCSupported(engineIsVersion(2, 1, 0)) { ui.setupUi(this); const QDate today = QDate::currentDate(); ui.expiryDE->setMinimumDate(today); ui.expiryDE->setDate(today.addYears(2)); ui.emailLW->setDefaultValue(i18n("new email")); ui.dnsLW->setDefaultValue(i18n("new dns name")); ui.uriLW->setDefaultValue(i18n("new uri")); fillKeySizeComboBoxen(); } void setProtocol(GpgME::Protocol proto) { if (protocol == proto) { return; } protocol = proto; loadDefaultKeyType(); } void setAdditionalUserIDs(const QStringList &items) { ui.uidLW->setItems(items); } QStringList additionalUserIDs() const { return ui.uidLW->items(); } void setAdditionalEMailAddresses(const QStringList &items) { ui.emailLW->setItems(items); } QStringList additionalEMailAddresses() const { return ui.emailLW->items(); } void setDnsNames(const QStringList &items) { ui.dnsLW->setItems(items); } QStringList dnsNames() const { return ui.dnsLW->items(); } void setUris(const QStringList &items) { ui.uriLW->setItems(items); } QStringList uris() const { return ui.uriLW->items(); } void setKeyStrength(unsigned int strength) { set_keysize(ui.rsaKeyStrengthCB, strength); set_keysize(ui.dsaKeyStrengthCB, strength); } unsigned int keyStrength() const { return ui.dsaRB->isChecked() ? get_keysize(ui.dsaKeyStrengthCB) : ui.rsaRB->isChecked() ? get_keysize(ui.rsaKeyStrengthCB) : 0; } void setKeyType(unsigned int algo) { QRadioButton *const rb = is_rsa(algo) ? ui.rsaRB : is_dsa(algo) ? ui.dsaRB : is_ecdsa(algo) ? ui.ecdsaRB : Q_NULLPTR; if (rb) { rb->setChecked(true); } } unsigned int keyType() const { return ui.dsaRB->isChecked() ? GPGME_PK_DSA : ui.rsaRB->isChecked() ? GPGME_PK_RSA : #ifdef GPGME_ECDSA_ECDH_SUPPORT ui.ecdsaRB->isChecked() ? GPGME_PK_ECDSA : #endif 0; } void setKeyCurve(const QString &curve) { set_curve(ui.ecdsaKeyCurvesCB, curve); } QString keyCurve() const { return get_curve(ui.ecdsaKeyCurvesCB); } void setSubkeyType(unsigned int algo) { ui.elgCB->setChecked(is_elg(algo)); ui.rsaSubCB->setChecked(is_rsa(algo)); ui.ecdhCB->setChecked(is_ecdh(algo)); } unsigned int subkeyType() const { if (ui.elgCB->isChecked()) { return GPGME_PK_ELG_E; } else if (ui.rsaSubCB->isChecked()) { return GPGME_PK_RSA; #ifdef GPGME_ECDSA_ECDH_SUPPORT } else if (ui.ecdhCB->isChecked()) { return GPGME_PK_ECDH; #endif } return 0; } void setSubkeyCurve(const QString &curve) { set_curve(ui.ecdhKeyCurvesCB, curve); } QString subkeyCurve() const { return get_curve(ui.ecdhKeyCurvesCB); } void setSubkeyStrength(unsigned int strength) { if (subkeyType() == GPGME_PK_RSA) { set_keysize(ui.rsaKeyStrengthSubCB, strength); } else { set_keysize(ui.elgKeyStrengthCB, strength); } } unsigned int subkeyStrength() const { if (subkeyType() == GPGME_PK_RSA) { return get_keysize(ui.rsaKeyStrengthSubCB); } return get_keysize(ui.elgKeyStrengthCB); } void setSigningAllowed(bool on) { ui.signingCB->setChecked(on); } bool signingAllowed() const { return ui.signingCB->isChecked(); } void setEncryptionAllowed(bool on) { ui.encryptionCB->setChecked(on); } bool encryptionAllowed() const { return ui.encryptionCB->isChecked(); } void setCertificationAllowed(bool on) { ui.certificationCB->setChecked(on); } bool certificationAllowed() const { return ui.certificationCB->isChecked(); } void setAuthenticationAllowed(bool on) { ui.authenticationCB->setChecked(on); } bool authenticationAllowed() const { return ui.authenticationCB->isChecked(); } void setExpiryDate(const QDate &date) { if (date.isValid()) { ui.expiryDE->setDate(date); } else { ui.expiryCB->setChecked(false); } } QDate expiryDate() const { return ui.expiryCB->isChecked() ? ui.expiryDE->date() : QDate(); } Q_SIGNALS: void changed(); private Q_SLOTS: void slotKeyMaterialSelectionChanged() { const unsigned int algo = keyType(); const unsigned int sk_algo = subkeyType(); if (protocol == OpenPGP) { if (!keyTypeImmutable) { ui.elgCB->setEnabled(is_dsa(algo)); ui.rsaSubCB->setEnabled(is_rsa(algo)); ui.ecdhCB->setEnabled(is_ecdsa(algo)); if (sender() == ui.dsaRB || sender() == ui.rsaRB || sender() == ui.ecdsaRB) { ui.elgCB->setChecked(is_dsa(algo)); ui.ecdhCB->setChecked(is_ecdsa(algo)); ui.rsaSubCB->setChecked(is_rsa(algo)); } if (is_rsa(algo)) { ui.encryptionCB->setEnabled(true); ui.encryptionCB->setChecked(true); ui.signingCB->setEnabled(true); ui.signingCB->setChecked(true); ui.authenticationCB->setEnabled(true); if (is_rsa(sk_algo)) { ui.encryptionCB->setEnabled(false); ui.encryptionCB->setChecked(true); } else { ui.encryptionCB->setEnabled(true); } } else if (is_dsa(algo)) { ui.encryptionCB->setEnabled(false); if (is_elg(sk_algo)) { ui.encryptionCB->setChecked(true); } else { ui.encryptionCB->setChecked(false); } } else if (is_ecdsa(algo)) { ui.signingCB->setEnabled(true); ui.signingCB->setChecked(true); ui.authenticationCB->setEnabled(true); ui.encryptionCB->setEnabled(false); ui.encryptionCB->setChecked(is_ecdh(sk_algo)); } } } else { //assert( is_rsa( keyType() ) ); // it can happen through misconfiguration by the admin that no key type is selectable at all } } void slotSigningAllowedToggled(bool on) { if (!on && protocol == CMS && !encryptionAllowed()) { setEncryptionAllowed(true); } } void slotEncryptionAllowedToggled(bool on) { if (!on && protocol == CMS && !signingAllowed()) { setSigningAllowed(true); } } private: void fillKeySizeComboBoxen(); void loadDefaultKeyType(); void updateWidgetVisibility(); private: GpgME::Protocol protocol; unsigned int pgpDefaultAlgorithm; unsigned int cmsDefaultAlgorithm; bool keyTypeImmutable; Ui_AdvancedSettingsDialog ui; bool mECCSupported; }; class ChooseProtocolPage : public WizardPage { Q_OBJECT public: explicit ChooseProtocolPage(QWidget *p = Q_NULLPTR) : WizardPage(p), initialized(false), ui() { ui.setupUi(this); registerField(QStringLiteral("pgp"), ui.pgpCLB); } void setProtocol(Protocol proto) { if (proto == OpenPGP) { ui.pgpCLB->setChecked(true); } else if (proto == CMS) { ui.x509CLB->setChecked(true); } else { force_set_checked(ui.pgpCLB, false); force_set_checked(ui.x509CLB, false); } } Protocol protocol() const { return ui.pgpCLB->isChecked() ? OpenPGP : ui.x509CLB->isChecked() ? CMS : UnknownProtocol; } void initializePage() Q_DECL_OVERRIDE { if (!initialized) { connect(ui.pgpCLB, &QAbstractButton::clicked, wizard(), &QWizard::next, Qt::QueuedConnection); connect(ui.x509CLB, &QAbstractButton::clicked, wizard(), &QWizard::next, Qt::QueuedConnection); } initialized = true; } bool isComplete() const Q_DECL_OVERRIDE { return protocol() != UnknownProtocol; } private: bool initialized : 1; Ui_ChooseProtocolPage ui; }; struct Line { QString attr; QString label; QString regex; QLineEdit *edit; }; class EnterDetailsPage : public WizardPage { Q_OBJECT public: explicit EnterDetailsPage(QWidget *p = Q_NULLPTR) : WizardPage(p), dialog(this), ui() { ui.setupUi(this); // set errorLB to have a fixed height of two lines: ui.errorLB->setText(QStringLiteral("2
1")); ui.errorLB->setFixedHeight(ui.errorLB->minimumSizeHint().height()); ui.errorLB->clear(); connect(ui.resultLE, &QLineEdit::textChanged, this, &QWizardPage::completeChanged); // The email doesn't necessarily show up in ui.resultLE: connect(ui.emailLE, &QLineEdit::textChanged, this, &QWizardPage::completeChanged); connect(ui.addEmailToDnCB, &QAbstractButton::toggled, this, &EnterDetailsPage::slotUpdateResultLabel); registerDialogPropertiesAsFields(); registerField(QStringLiteral("dn"), ui.resultLE); registerField(QStringLiteral("name"), ui.nameLE); registerField(QStringLiteral("email"), ui.emailLE); registerField(QStringLiteral("comment"), ui.commentLE); updateForm(); } bool isComplete() const Q_DECL_OVERRIDE; void initializePage() Q_DECL_OVERRIDE { updateForm(); dialog.setProtocol(pgp() ? OpenPGP : CMS); } void cleanupPage() Q_DECL_OVERRIDE { saveValues(); } private: void updateForm(); void clearForm(); void saveValues(); void registerDialogPropertiesAsFields(); private: QString pgpUserID() const; QString cmsDN() const; private Q_SLOTS: void slotAdvancedSettingsClicked(); void slotUpdateResultLabel() { ui.resultLE->setText(pgp() ? pgpUserID() : cmsDN()); } private: QVector lineList; QList dynamicWidgets; QMap savedValues; AdvancedSettingsDialog dialog; Ui_EnterDetailsPage ui; }; class OverviewPage : public WizardPage { Q_OBJECT public: explicit OverviewPage(QWidget *p = Q_NULLPTR) : WizardPage(p), ui() { ui.setupUi(this); setCommitPage(true); setButtonText(QWizard::CommitButton, i18nc("@action", "Create Key")); } void initializePage() Q_DECL_OVERRIDE { slotShowDetails(); } private Q_SLOTS: void slotShowDetails() { ui.textBrowser->setHtml(i18nFormatGnupgKeyParms(ui.showAllDetailsCB->isChecked())); } private: QStringList i18nKeyUsages() const; QStringList i18nSubkeyUsages() const; QStringList i18nCombinedKeyUsages() const; QString i18nFormatGnupgKeyParms(bool details) const; private: Ui_OverviewPage ui; }; class KeyCreationPage : public WizardPage { Q_OBJECT public: explicit KeyCreationPage(QWidget *p = Q_NULLPTR) : WizardPage(p), ui() { ui.setupUi(this); } bool isComplete() const Q_DECL_OVERRIDE { return !job; } void initializePage() Q_DECL_OVERRIDE { startJob(); } private: void startJob() { const CryptoBackend::Protocol *const proto = CryptoBackendFactory::instance()->protocol(pgp() ? OpenPGP : CMS); if (!proto) { return; } KeyGenerationJob *const j = proto->keyGenerationJob(); if (!j) { return; } connect(j, SIGNAL(result(GpgME::KeyGenerationResult,QByteArray,QString)), this, SLOT(slotResult(GpgME::KeyGenerationResult,QByteArray,QString))); if (const Error err = j->start(createGnupgKeyParms())) setField(QStringLiteral("error"), i18n("Could not start certificate creation: %1", QString::fromLocal8Bit(err.asString()))); else { job = j; } } QStringList keyUsages() const; QStringList subkeyUsages() const; QString createGnupgKeyParms() const; private Q_SLOTS: void slotResult(const GpgME::KeyGenerationResult &result, const QByteArray &request, const QString &auditLog) { Q_UNUSED(auditLog); if (result.error().code()) { setField(QStringLiteral("error"), result.error().isCanceled() ? i18n("Operation canceled.") : i18n("Could not create certificate: %1", QString::fromLocal8Bit(result.error().asString()))); setField(QStringLiteral("url"), QString()); setField(QStringLiteral("result"), QString()); } else if (pgp()) { setField(QStringLiteral("error"), QString()); setField(QStringLiteral("url"), QString()); setField(QStringLiteral("result"), i18n("Certificate created successfully.\n" "Fingerprint: %1", QLatin1String(result.fingerprint()))); } else { QFile file(tmpDir().absoluteFilePath(QStringLiteral("request.p10"))); if (!file.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly)) { setField(QStringLiteral("error"), i18n("Could not write output file %1: %2", file.fileName(), file.errorString())); setField(QStringLiteral("url"), QString()); setField(QStringLiteral("result"), QString()); } else { file.write(request); setField(QStringLiteral("error"), QString()); setField(QStringLiteral("url"), QUrl::fromLocalFile(file.fileName()).toString()); setField(QStringLiteral("result"), i18n("Certificate created successfully.")); } } setField(QStringLiteral("fingerprint"), QString::fromLatin1(result.fingerprint())); job = 0; Q_EMIT completeChanged(); QMetaObject::invokeMethod(wizard(), "next", Qt::QueuedConnection); } private: QPointer job; Ui_KeyCreationPage ui; }; class ResultPage : public WizardPage { Q_OBJECT public: explicit ResultPage(QWidget *p = Q_NULLPTR) : WizardPage(p), initialized(false), successfullyCreatedSigningCertificate(false), successfullyCreatedEncryptionCertificate(false), ui() { ui.setupUi(this); ui.dragQueen->setPixmap(QIcon::fromTheme(QStringLiteral("kleopatra")).pixmap(64, 64)); registerField(QStringLiteral("error"), ui.errorTB, "plainText"); registerField(QStringLiteral("result"), ui.resultTB, "plainText"); registerField(QStringLiteral("url"), ui.dragQueen, "url"); // hidden field, since QWizard can't deal with non-widget-backed fields... QLineEdit *le = new QLineEdit(this); le->hide(); registerField(QStringLiteral("fingerprint"), le); } void initializePage() Q_DECL_OVERRIDE { const bool error = isError(); if (error) { setTitle(i18nc("@title", "Key Creation Failed")); setSubTitle(i18n("Key pair creation failed. Please find details about the failure below.")); } else { setTitle(i18nc("@title", "Key Pair Successfully Created")); setSubTitle(i18n("Your new key pair was created successfully. Please find details on the result and some suggested next steps below.")); } ui.resultTB ->setVisible(!error); ui.errorTB ->setVisible(error); ui.dragQueen ->setVisible(!error &&!pgp()); ui.restartWizardPB ->setVisible(error); ui.nextStepsGB ->setVisible(!error); ui.saveRequestToFilePB ->setVisible(!pgp()); ui.makeBackupPB ->setVisible(pgp()); ui.createRevocationRequestPB->setVisible(pgp() &&false); // not implemented ui.sendCertificateByEMailPB ->setVisible(pgp()); ui.sendRequestByEMailPB ->setVisible(!pgp()); ui.uploadToKeyserverPB ->setVisible(pgp()); if (!error && !pgp()) { if (signingAllowed() && !encryptionAllowed()) { successfullyCreatedSigningCertificate = true; } else if (!signingAllowed() && encryptionAllowed()) { successfullyCreatedEncryptionCertificate = true; } else { successfullyCreatedEncryptionCertificate = successfullyCreatedSigningCertificate = true; } } ui.createSigningCertificatePB->setVisible(successfullyCreatedEncryptionCertificate &&!successfullyCreatedSigningCertificate); ui.createEncryptionCertificatePB->setVisible(successfullyCreatedSigningCertificate &&!successfullyCreatedEncryptionCertificate); setButtonVisible(QWizard::CancelButton, error); if (!initialized) connect(ui.restartWizardPB, &QAbstractButton::clicked, wizard(), &QWizard::restart); initialized = true; } void cleanupPage() Q_DECL_OVERRIDE { setButtonVisible(QWizard::CancelButton, true); } bool isError() const { return !ui.errorTB->toPlainText().isEmpty(); } bool isComplete() const Q_DECL_OVERRIDE { return !isError(); } private: Key key() const { return KeyCache::instance()->findByFingerprint(fingerprint().toLatin1().constData()); } private Q_SLOTS: void slotSaveRequestToFile() { QString fileName = FileDialog::getSaveFileName(this, i18nc("@title", "Save Request"), QStringLiteral("imp"), i18n("PKCS#10 Requests (*.p10)")); if (fileName.isEmpty()) { return; } if (!fileName.endsWith(QLatin1String(".p10"), Qt::CaseInsensitive)) { fileName += QLatin1String(".p10"); } QFile src(QUrl(url()).toLocalFile()); if (!src.copy(fileName)) KMessageBox::error(this, xi18nc("@info", "Could not copy temporary file %1 " "to file %2: %3", src.fileName(), fileName, src.errorString()), i18nc("@title", "Error Saving Request")); else KMessageBox::information(this, xi18nc("@info", "Successfully wrote request to %1." "You should now send the request to the Certification Authority (CA).", fileName), i18nc("@title", "Request Saved")); } void slotSendRequestByEMail() { if (pgp()) { return; } const KConfigGroup config(KSharedConfig::openConfig(), "CertificateCreationWizard"); invokeMailer(config.readEntry("CAEmailAddress"), // to i18n("Please process this certificate."), // subject i18n("Please process this certificate and inform the sender about the location to fetch the resulting certificate.\n\nThanks,\n"), // body QUrl(url()).toLocalFile()); // attachment } void slotSendCertificateByEMail() { if (!pgp() || exportCertificateCommand) { return; } ExportCertificateCommand *cmd = new ExportCertificateCommand(key()); connect(cmd, &ExportCertificateCommand::finished, this, &ResultPage::slotSendCertificateByEMailContinuation); cmd->setOpenPGPFileName(tmpDir().absoluteFilePath(fingerprint() + QLatin1String(".asc"))); cmd->start(); exportCertificateCommand = cmd; } void slotSendCertificateByEMailContinuation() { if (!exportCertificateCommand) { return; } // ### better error handling? const QString fileName = exportCertificateCommand->openPGPFileName(); qCDebug(KLEOPATRA_LOG) << "fileName" << fileName; exportCertificateCommand = 0; if (fileName.isEmpty()) { return; } invokeMailer(QString(), // to i18n("My new OpenPGP certificate"), // subject i18n("Please find attached my new OpenPGP certificate."), // body fileName); } QByteArray ol_quote(QByteArray str) { #ifdef Q_OS_WIN return "\"\"" + str.replace('"', "\\\"") + "\"\""; //return '"' + str.replace( '"', "\\\"" ) + '"'; #else return str; #endif } void invokeMailer(const QString &to, const QString &subject, QString body, const QString &attachment) { qCDebug(KLEOPATRA_LOG) << "to:" << to << "subject:" << subject << "body:" << body << "attachment:" << attachment; // RFC 2368 says body's linebreaks need to be encoded as // "%0D%0A", so normalize body to CRLF: - body.replace(QLatin1Char('\n'), QStringLiteral("\r\n")).remove(QStringLiteral("\r\r")); + //body.replace(QLatin1Char('\n'), QStringLiteral("\r\n")).remove(QStringLiteral("\r\r")); - QByteArray encoded = "mailto:?to=" + QUrl::toPercentEncoding(to) - + "&subject=" + QUrl::toPercentEncoding(subject) - + "&body=" + QUrl::toPercentEncoding(body); + QUrlQuery query; + query.addQueryItem(QStringLiteral("subject"), subject); + query.addQueryItem(QStringLiteral("body"), body); if (!attachment.isEmpty()) { - encoded += "&attach=" + ol_quote(QUrl::toPercentEncoding(QFileInfo(attachment).absoluteFilePath())); + query.addQueryItem(QStringLiteral("attach"), attachment); } - qCDebug(KLEOPATRA_LOG) << "openUrl" << QUrl::fromEncoded(encoded); - QDesktopServices::openUrl(QUrl::fromEncoded(encoded)); + QUrl url; + url.setScheme(QStringLiteral("mailto")); + url.setQuery(query); + qCDebug(KLEOPATRA_LOG) << "openUrl" << url; + QDesktopServices::openUrl(url); KMessageBox::information(this, xi18nc("@info", "Kleopatra tried to send a mail via your default mail client." "Some mail clients are known not to support attachments when invoked this way." "If your mail client does not have an attachment, then drag the Kleopatra icon and drop it on the message compose window of your mail client." "If that does not work, either, save the request to a file, and then attach that."), i18nc("@title", "Sending Mail"), QStringLiteral("newcertificatewizard-mailto-troubles")); } void slotUploadCertificateToDirectoryServer() { if (pgp()) { (new ExportOpenPGPCertsToServerCommand(key()))->start(); } } void slotBackupCertificate() { if (pgp()) { (new ExportSecretKeyCommand(key()))->start(); } } void slotCreateRevocationRequest() { } void slotCreateSigningCertificate() { if (successfullyCreatedSigningCertificate) { return; } toggleSignEncryptAndRestart(); } void slotCreateEncryptionCertificate() { if (successfullyCreatedEncryptionCertificate) { return; } toggleSignEncryptAndRestart(); } private: void toggleSignEncryptAndRestart() { if (!wizard()) { return; } if (KMessageBox::warningContinueCancel( this, i18nc("@info", "This operation will delete the certification request. " "Please make sure that you have sent or saved it before proceeding."), i18nc("@title", "Certification Request About To Be Deleted")) != KMessageBox::Continue) { return; } const bool sign = signingAllowed(); const bool encr = encryptionAllowed(); setField(QStringLiteral("signingAllowed"), !sign); setField(QStringLiteral("encryptionAllowed"), !encr); // restart and skip to Overview Page: wizard()->restart(); for (int i = wizard()->currentId(); i < NewCertificateWizard::OverviewPageId; ++i) { wizard()->next(); } } private: bool initialized : 1; bool successfullyCreatedSigningCertificate : 1; bool successfullyCreatedEncryptionCertificate : 1; QPointer exportCertificateCommand; Ui_ResultPage ui; }; } class NewCertificateWizard::Private { friend class ::Kleo::NewCertificateWizard; friend class ::Kleo::NewCertificateUi::WizardPage; NewCertificateWizard *const q; public: explicit Private(NewCertificateWizard *qq) : q(qq), tmp(QDir::temp().absoluteFilePath(QStringLiteral("kleo-"))), ui(q) { q->setWindowTitle(i18nc("@title", "Certificate Creation Wizard")); } private: QTemporaryDir tmp; struct Ui { ChooseProtocolPage chooseProtocolPage; EnterDetailsPage enterDetailsPage; OverviewPage overviewPage; KeyCreationPage keyCreationPage; ResultPage resultPage; explicit Ui(NewCertificateWizard *q) : chooseProtocolPage(q), enterDetailsPage(q), overviewPage(q), keyCreationPage(q), resultPage(q) { KDAB_SET_OBJECT_NAME(chooseProtocolPage); KDAB_SET_OBJECT_NAME(enterDetailsPage); KDAB_SET_OBJECT_NAME(overviewPage); KDAB_SET_OBJECT_NAME(keyCreationPage); KDAB_SET_OBJECT_NAME(resultPage); q->setOptions(DisabledBackButtonOnLastPage); q->setPage(ChooseProtocolPageId, &chooseProtocolPage); q->setPage(EnterDetailsPageId, &enterDetailsPage); q->setPage(OverviewPageId, &overviewPage); q->setPage(KeyCreationPageId, &keyCreationPage); q->setPage(ResultPageId, &resultPage); q->setStartId(ChooseProtocolPageId); } } ui; }; NewCertificateWizard::NewCertificateWizard(QWidget *p) : QWizard(p), d(new Private(this)) { } NewCertificateWizard::~NewCertificateWizard() {} void NewCertificateWizard::setProtocol(Protocol proto) { d->ui.chooseProtocolPage.setProtocol(proto); setStartId(proto == UnknownProtocol ? ChooseProtocolPageId : EnterDetailsPageId); } Protocol NewCertificateWizard::protocol() const { return d->ui.chooseProtocolPage.protocol(); } static QString pgpLabel(const QString &attr) { if (attr == QLatin1String("NAME")) { return i18n("Name"); } if (attr == QLatin1String("COMMENT")) { return i18n("Comment"); } if (attr == QLatin1String("EMAIL")) { return i18n("EMail"); } return QString(); } static QString attributeLabel(const QString &attr, bool pgp) { if (attr.isEmpty()) { return QString(); } const QString label = pgp ? pgpLabel(attr) : Kleo::DNAttributeMapper::instance()->name2label(attr); if (!label.isEmpty()) if (pgp) { return label; } else return i18nc("Format string for the labels in the \"Your Personal Data\" page", "%1 (%2)", label, attr); else { return attr; } } #if 0 //Not used anywhere static QString attributeLabelWithColor(const QString &attr, bool pgp) { const QString result = attributeLabel(attr, pgp); if (result.isEmpty()) { return QString(); } else { return result + ':'; } } #endif static QString attributeFromKey(QString key) { return key.remove(QLatin1Char('!')); } static const char *oidForAttributeName(const QString &attr) { QByteArray attrUtf8 = attr.toUtf8(); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < numOidMaps; ++i) if (qstricmp(attrUtf8, oidmap[i].name) == 0) { return oidmap[i].oid; } return 0; } QDir WizardPage::tmpDir() const { return wizard() ? QDir(wizard()->d->tmp.path()) : QDir::home(); } void EnterDetailsPage::registerDialogPropertiesAsFields() { const QMetaObject *const mo = dialog.metaObject(); for (unsigned int i = mo->propertyOffset(), end = i + mo->propertyCount(); i != end; ++i) { const QMetaProperty mp = mo->property(i); if (mp.isValid()) { registerField(QLatin1String(mp.name()), &dialog, mp.name(), SIGNAL(accepted())); } } } void EnterDetailsPage::saveValues() { Q_FOREACH (const Line &line, lineList) { savedValues[ attributeFromKey(line.attr) ] = line.edit->text().trimmed(); } } void EnterDetailsPage::clearForm() { qDeleteAll(dynamicWidgets); dynamicWidgets.clear(); lineList.clear(); ui.nameLE->hide(); ui.nameLE->clear(); ui.nameLB->hide(); ui.nameRequiredLB->hide(); ui.emailLE->hide(); ui.emailLE->clear(); ui.emailLB->hide(); ui.emailRequiredLB->hide(); ui.commentLE->hide(); ui.commentLE->clear(); ui.commentLB->hide(); ui.commentRequiredLB->hide(); ui.addEmailToDnCB->hide(); } static int row_index_of(QWidget *w, QGridLayout *l) { const int idx = l->indexOf(w); int r, c, rs, cs; l->getItemPosition(idx, &r, &c, &rs, &cs); return r; } static QLineEdit *adjust_row(QGridLayout *l, int row, const QString &label, const QString &preset, QValidator *validator, bool readonly, bool required) { assert(l); assert(row >= 0); assert(row < l->rowCount()); QLabel *lb = qobject_cast(l->itemAtPosition(row, 0)->widget()); assert(lb); QLineEdit *le = qobject_cast(l->itemAtPosition(row, 1)->widget()); assert(le); lb->setBuddy(le); // For better accessibility QLabel *reqLB = qobject_cast(l->itemAtPosition(row, 2)->widget()); assert(reqLB); lb->setText(i18nc("interpunctation for labels", "%1:", label)); le->setText(preset); reqLB->setText(required ? i18n("(required)") : i18n("(optional)")); delete le->validator(); if (validator) { if (!validator->parent()) { validator->setParent(le); } le->setValidator(validator); } le->setReadOnly(readonly && le->hasAcceptableInput()); lb->show(); le->show(); reqLB->show(); return le; } static int add_row(QGridLayout *l, QList *wl) { assert(l); assert(wl); const int row = l->rowCount(); QWidget *w1, *w2, *w3; l->addWidget(w1 = new QLabel(l->parentWidget()), row, 0); l->addWidget(w2 = new QLineEdit(l->parentWidget()), row, 1); l->addWidget(w3 = new QLabel(l->parentWidget()), row, 2); wl->push_back(w1); wl->push_back(w2); wl->push_back(w3); return row; } void EnterDetailsPage::updateForm() { clearForm(); const KConfigGroup config(KSharedConfig::openConfig(), "CertificateCreationWizard"); QStringList attrOrder = config.readEntry(pgp() ? "OpenPGPAttributeOrder" : "DNAttributeOrder", QStringList()); if (attrOrder.empty()) { if (pgp()) { attrOrder << QStringLiteral("NAME!") << QStringLiteral("EMAIL!") << QStringLiteral("COMMENT"); } else { attrOrder << QStringLiteral("CN!") << QStringLiteral("L") << QStringLiteral("OU") << QStringLiteral("O!") << QStringLiteral("C!") << QStringLiteral("EMAIL!"); } } QList widgets; widgets.push_back(ui.nameLE); widgets.push_back(ui.emailLE); widgets.push_back(ui.commentLE); QMap lines; Q_FOREACH (const QString &rawKey, attrOrder) { const QString key = rawKey.trimmed().toUpper(); const QString attr = attributeFromKey(key); if (attr.isEmpty()) { continue; } const QString preset = savedValues.value(attr, config.readEntry(attr, QString())); const bool required = key.endsWith(QLatin1Char('!')); const bool readonly = config.isEntryImmutable(attr); const QString label = config.readEntry(attr + QLatin1String("_label"), attributeLabel(attr, pgp())); const QString regex = config.readEntry(attr + QLatin1String("_regex")); int row; bool known = true; QValidator *validator = 0; if (attr == QLatin1String("EMAIL")) { row = row_index_of(ui.emailLE, ui.gridLayout); validator = regex.isEmpty() ? Validation::email() : Validation::email(QRegExp(regex)); if (!pgp()) { ui.addEmailToDnCB->show(); } } else if (attr == QLatin1String("NAME") || attr == QLatin1String("CN")) { if ((pgp() && attr == QLatin1String("CN")) || (!pgp() && attr == QLatin1String("NAME"))) { continue; } if (pgp()) { validator = regex.isEmpty() ? Validation::pgpName() : Validation::pgpName(QRegExp(regex)); } row = row_index_of(ui.nameLE, ui.gridLayout); } else if (attr == QLatin1String("COMMENT")) { if (!pgp()) { continue; } validator = regex.isEmpty() ? Validation::pgpComment() : Validation::pgpComment(QRegExp(regex)); row = row_index_of(ui.commentLE, ui.gridLayout); } else { known = false; row = add_row(ui.gridLayout, &dynamicWidgets); } if (!validator && !regex.isEmpty()) { validator = new QRegExpValidator(QRegExp(regex), 0); } QLineEdit *le = adjust_row(ui.gridLayout, row, label, preset, validator, readonly, required); const Line line = { key, label, regex, le }; lines[row] = line; if (!known) { widgets.push_back(le); } // don't connect twice: disconnect(le, &QLineEdit::textChanged, this, &EnterDetailsPage::slotUpdateResultLabel); connect(le, &QLineEdit::textChanged, this, &EnterDetailsPage::slotUpdateResultLabel); } // create lineList in visual order, so requirementsAreMet() // complains from top to bottom: lineList = kdtools::copy< QVector >(lines); widgets.push_back(ui.resultLE); widgets.push_back(ui.addEmailToDnCB); widgets.push_back(ui.advancedPB); set_tab_order(widgets); } QString EnterDetailsPage::cmsDN() const { DN dn; for (QVector::const_iterator it = lineList.begin(), end = lineList.end(); it != end; ++it) { const QString text = it->edit->text().trimmed(); if (text.isEmpty()) { continue; } QString attr = attributeFromKey(it->attr); if (attr == QLatin1String("EMAIL") && !ui.addEmailToDnCB->isChecked()) { continue; } if (const char *const oid = oidForAttributeName(attr)) { attr = QString::fromUtf8(oid); } dn.append(DN::Attribute(attr, text)); } return dn.dn(); } QString EnterDetailsPage::pgpUserID() const { return Formatting::prettyNameAndEMail(OpenPGP, QString(), ui.nameLE->text().trimmed(), ui.emailLE->text().trimmed(), ui.commentLE->text().trimmed()); } static bool has_intermediate_input(const QLineEdit *le) { QString text = le->text(); int pos = le->cursorPosition(); const QValidator *const v = le->validator(); return v && v->validate(text, pos) == QValidator::Intermediate; } static bool requirementsAreMet(const QVector &list, QString &error) { Q_FOREACH (const Line &line, list) { const QLineEdit *le = line.edit; if (!le) { continue; } const QString key = line.attr; qCDebug(KLEOPATRA_LOG) << "requirementsAreMet(): checking \"" << key << "\" against \"" << le->text() << "\":"; if (le->text().trimmed().isEmpty()) { if (key.endsWith(QLatin1Char('!'))) { if (line.regex.isEmpty()) { error = xi18nc("@info", "%1 is required, but empty.", line.label); } else error = xi18nc("@info", "%1 is required, but empty." "Local Admin rule: %2", line.label, line.regex); return false; } } else if (has_intermediate_input(le)) { if (line.regex.isEmpty()) { error = xi18nc("@info", "%1 is incomplete.", line.label); } else error = xi18nc("@info", "%1 is incomplete." "Local Admin rule: %2", line.label, line.regex); return false; } else if (!le->hasAcceptableInput()) { if (line.regex.isEmpty()) { error = xi18nc("@info", "%1 is invalid.", line.label); } else error = xi18nc("@info", "%1 is invalid." "Local Admin rule: %2", line.label, line.regex); return false; } qCDebug(KLEOPATRA_LOG) << "ok"; } return true; } bool EnterDetailsPage::isComplete() const { QString error; const bool ok = requirementsAreMet(lineList, error); ui.errorLB->setText(error); return ok; } void EnterDetailsPage::slotAdvancedSettingsClicked() { dialog.exec(); } QStringList KeyCreationPage::keyUsages() const { QStringList usages; if (signingAllowed()) { usages << QStringLiteral("sign"); } if (encryptionAllowed() && !is_ecdh(subkeyType()) && !is_dsa(keyType()) && !is_rsa(subkeyType())) { usages << QStringLiteral("encrypt"); } if (0) // not needed in pgp (implied) and not supported in cms if (certificationAllowed()) { usages << QStringLiteral("certify"); } if (authenticationAllowed()) { usages << QStringLiteral("auth"); } return usages; } QStringList OverviewPage::i18nKeyUsages() const { QStringList usages; if (signingAllowed()) { usages << i18n("Sign"); } if (encryptionAllowed() && !is_ecdh(subkeyType()) && !is_dsa(keyType()) && !is_rsa(subkeyType())) { usages << i18n("Encrypt"); } if (0) // not needed in pgp (implied) and not supported in cms if (certificationAllowed()) { usages << i18n("Certify"); } if (authenticationAllowed()) { usages << i18n("Authenticate"); } return usages; } QStringList KeyCreationPage::subkeyUsages() const { QStringList usages; if (encryptionAllowed() && (is_dsa(keyType()) || is_rsa(subkeyType()) || is_ecdh(subkeyType()))) { assert(subkeyType()); usages << QStringLiteral("encrypt"); } return usages; } QStringList OverviewPage::i18nSubkeyUsages() const { QStringList usages; if (encryptionAllowed() && (is_dsa(keyType()) || is_rsa(subkeyType()) || is_ecdh(subkeyType()))) { assert(subkeyType()); usages << i18n("Encrypt"); } return usages; } QStringList OverviewPage::i18nCombinedKeyUsages() const { return i18nSubkeyUsages() + i18nKeyUsages(); } namespace { template struct Row { QString key; T value; Row(const QString &k, const T &v) : key(k), value(v) {} }; template QTextStream &operator<<(QTextStream &s, const Row &row) { if (row.key.isEmpty()) { return s; } else { return s << "" << row.key << "" << row.value << ""; } } } QString OverviewPage::i18nFormatGnupgKeyParms(bool details) const { QString result; QTextStream s(&result); s << ""; if (pgp()) { s << Row< >(i18n("Name:"), name()); } s << Row< >(i18n("Email Address:"), email()); if (pgp()) { if (!comment().isEmpty()) { s << Row< >(i18n("Comment:"), comment()); } } else { s << Row< >(i18n("Subject-DN:"), DN(dn()).dn(QStringLiteral(",
"))); } if (details) { s << Row< >(i18n("Key Type:"), QLatin1String(gpgme_pubkey_algo_name(static_cast(keyType())))); if (is_ecdsa(keyType())) { s << Row< >(i18n("Key Curve:"), keyCurve()); } else if (const unsigned int strength = keyStrength()) { s << Row< >(i18n("Key Strength:"), i18np("1 bit", "%1 bits", strength)); } else { s << Row< >(i18n("Key Strength:"), i18n("default")); } s << Row< >(i18n("Certificate Usage:"), i18nCombinedKeyUsages().join(i18nc("separator for key usages", ", "))); if (const unsigned int subkey = subkeyType()) { s << Row< >(i18n("Subkey Type:"), QLatin1String(gpgme_pubkey_algo_name(static_cast(subkey)))); if (is_ecdh(subkeyType())) { s << Row< >(i18n("Key Curve:"), subkeyCurve()); } else if (const unsigned int strength = subkeyStrength()) { s << Row< >(i18n("Subkey Strength:"), i18np("1 bit", "%1 bits", strength)); } else { s << Row< >(i18n("Subkey Strength:"), i18n("default")); } s << Row< >(i18n("Subkey Usage:"), i18nSubkeyUsages().join(i18nc("separator for key usages", ", "))); } } if (pgp() && details && expiryDate().isValid()) { s << Row< >(i18n("Valid Until:"), QLocale().toString(expiryDate())); } if (!pgp() && details) { Q_FOREACH (const QString &email, additionalEMailAddresses()) { s << Row< >(i18n("Add. Email Address:"), email); } Q_FOREACH (const QString &dns, dnsNames()) { s << Row< >(i18n("DNS Name:"), dns); } Q_FOREACH (const QString &uri, uris()) { s << Row< >(i18n("URI:"), uri); } } return result; } static QString encode_dns(const QString &dns) { return QLatin1String(QUrl::toAce(dns)); } static QString encode_email(const QString &email) { const int at = email.lastIndexOf(QLatin1Char('@')); if (at < 0) { return email; } return email.left(at + 1) + encode_dns(email.mid(at + 1)); } QString KeyCreationPage::createGnupgKeyParms() const { QString result; QTextStream s(&result); s << "" << endl; if (pgp()) { s << "%ask-passphrase" << endl; } s << "key-type: " << gpgme_pubkey_algo_name(static_cast(keyType())) << endl; if (is_ecdsa(keyType())) { s << "key-curve: " << keyCurve() << endl; } else if (const unsigned int strength = keyStrength()) { s << "key-length: " << strength << endl; } s << "key-usage: " << keyUsages().join(QStringLiteral(" ")) << endl; if (const unsigned int subkey = subkeyType()) { s << "subkey-type: " << gpgme_pubkey_algo_name(static_cast(subkey)) << endl; if (is_ecdh(subkeyType())) { s << "subkey-curve: " << subkeyCurve() << endl; } else if (const unsigned int strength = subkeyStrength()) { s << "subkey-length: " << strength << endl; } s << "subkey-usage: " << subkeyUsages().join(QStringLiteral(" ")) << endl; } if (pgp() && expiryDate().isValid()) { s << "expire-date: " << expiryDate().toString(Qt::ISODate) << endl; } s << "name-email: " << encode_email(email()) << endl; if (pgp()) { s << "name-real: " << name() << endl; if (!comment().isEmpty()) { s << "name-comment: " << comment() << endl; } } else { s << "name-dn: " << dn() << endl; Q_FOREACH (const QString &email, additionalEMailAddresses()) { s << "name-email: " << encode_email(email) << endl; } Q_FOREACH (const QString &dns, dnsNames()) { s << "name-dns: " << encode_dns(dns) << endl; } Q_FOREACH (const QString &uri, uris()) { s << "name-uri: " << uri << endl; } } s << "" << endl; qCDebug(KLEOPATRA_LOG) << '\n' << result; return result; } static void fill_combobox(QComboBox &cb, const QList &sizes, const QStringList &labels) { cb.clear(); for (int i = 0, end = sizes.size(); i != end; ++i) { cb.addItem(i < labels.size() && !labels[i].trimmed().isEmpty() ? sizes[i] < 0 ? i18ncp("%2: some admin-supplied text, %1: key size in bits", "%2 (1 bit; default)", "%2 (%1 bits; default)", -sizes[i], labels[i].trimmed()) : i18ncp("%2: some admin-supplied text, %1: key size in bits", "%2 (1 bit)", "%2 (%1 bits)", sizes[i], labels[i].trimmed()) : sizes[i] < 0 ? i18ncp("%1: key size in bits", "1 bit (default)", "%1 bits (default)", -sizes[i]) : i18ncp("%1: key size in bits", "1 bit", "%1 bits", sizes[i]), std::abs(sizes[i])); if (sizes[i] < 0) { cb.setCurrentIndex(cb.count() - 1); } } } void AdvancedSettingsDialog::fillKeySizeComboBoxen() { const KConfigGroup config(KSharedConfig::openConfig(), "CertificateCreationWizard"); const QList rsaKeySizes = config.readEntry(RSA_KEYSIZES_ENTRY, QList() << 1536 << -2048 << 3072 << 4096); const QList dsaKeySizes = config.readEntry(DSA_KEYSIZES_ENTRY, QList() << -2048); const QList elgKeySizes = config.readEntry(ELG_KEYSIZES_ENTRY, QList() << 1536 << -2048 << 3072 << 4096); const QStringList rsaKeySizeLabels = config.readEntry(RSA_KEYSIZE_LABELS_ENTRY, QStringList()); const QStringList dsaKeySizeLabels = config.readEntry(DSA_KEYSIZE_LABELS_ENTRY, QStringList()); const QStringList elgKeySizeLabels = config.readEntry(ELG_KEYSIZE_LABELS_ENTRY, QStringList()); fill_combobox(*ui.rsaKeyStrengthCB, rsaKeySizes, rsaKeySizeLabels); fill_combobox(*ui.rsaKeyStrengthSubCB, rsaKeySizes, rsaKeySizeLabels); fill_combobox(*ui.dsaKeyStrengthCB, dsaKeySizes, dsaKeySizeLabels); fill_combobox(*ui.elgKeyStrengthCB, elgKeySizes, elgKeySizeLabels); ui.ecdhKeyCurvesCB->addItems(curveNames); ui.ecdsaKeyCurvesCB->addItems(curveNames); } void AdvancedSettingsDialog::loadDefaultKeyType() { if (protocol != CMS && protocol != OpenPGP) { return; } const KConfigGroup config(KSharedConfig::openConfig(), "CertificateCreationWizard"); const QString entry = protocol == CMS ? QLatin1String(CMS_KEY_TYPE_ENTRY) : QLatin1String(PGP_KEY_TYPE_ENTRY); const QString keyType = config.readEntry(entry).trimmed().toUpper(); if (protocol == OpenPGP && keyType == QLatin1String("DSA")) { setKeyType(GPGME_PK_DSA); setSubkeyType(0); } else if (protocol == OpenPGP && keyType == QLatin1String("DSA+ELG")) { setKeyType(GPGME_PK_DSA); setSubkeyType(GPGME_PK_ELG_E); } else { if (!keyType.isEmpty() && keyType != QLatin1String("RSA")) qCWarning(KLEOPATRA_LOG) << "invalid value \"" << qPrintable(keyType) << "\" for entry \"[CertificateCreationWizard]" << qPrintable(entry) << "\""; setKeyType(GPGME_PK_RSA); setSubkeyType(GPGME_PK_RSA); } keyTypeImmutable = config.isEntryImmutable(entry); updateWidgetVisibility(); } void AdvancedSettingsDialog::updateWidgetVisibility() { // Personal Details Page if (protocol == OpenPGP) { // ### hide until multi-uid is implemented if (ui.tabWidget->indexOf(ui.personalTab) != -1) { ui.tabWidget->removeTab(ui.tabWidget->indexOf(ui.personalTab)); } } else { if (ui.tabWidget->indexOf(ui.personalTab) == -1) { ui.tabWidget->addTab(ui.personalTab, tr2i18n("Personal Details", 0)); } } ui.uidGB->setVisible(protocol == OpenPGP); ui.uidGB->setEnabled(false); ui.uidGB->setToolTip(i18nc("@info:tooltip", "Adding more than one User ID is not yet implemented.")); ui.emailGB->setVisible(protocol == CMS); ui.dnsGB->setVisible(protocol == CMS); ui.uriGB->setVisible(protocol == CMS); ui.ecdhCB->setVisible(mECCSupported); ui.ecdhKeyCurvesCB->setVisible(mECCSupported); ui.ecdsaKeyCurvesCB->setVisible(mECCSupported); ui.ecdsaRB->setVisible(mECCSupported); // Technical Details Page if (keyTypeImmutable) { ui.rsaRB->setEnabled(false); ui.rsaSubCB->setEnabled(false); ui.dsaRB->setEnabled(false); ui.elgCB->setEnabled(false); ui.ecdsaRB->setEnabled(false); ui.ecdhCB->setEnabled(false); } else { ui.rsaRB->setEnabled(true); ui.rsaSubCB->setEnabled(protocol == OpenPGP); ui.dsaRB->setEnabled(protocol == OpenPGP); ui.elgCB->setEnabled(protocol == OpenPGP); ui.ecdsaRB->setEnabled(protocol == OpenPGP); ui.ecdhCB->setEnabled(protocol == OpenPGP); } ui.certificationCB->setVisible(protocol == OpenPGP); // gpgsm limitation? ui.authenticationCB->setVisible(protocol == OpenPGP); if (protocol == OpenPGP) { // pgp keys must have certify capability ui.certificationCB->setChecked(true); ui.certificationCB->setEnabled(false); } if (protocol == CMS) { ui.encryptionCB->setEnabled(true); ui.rsaSubCB->setChecked(false); } ui.expiryDE->setVisible(protocol == OpenPGP); ui.expiryCB->setVisible(protocol == OpenPGP); slotKeyMaterialSelectionChanged(); } #include "newcertificatewizard.moc"