diff --git a/src/dialogs/adduseriddialog.cpp b/src/dialogs/adduseriddialog.cpp index 51220cdf6..4d6ae4450 100644 --- a/src/dialogs/adduseriddialog.cpp +++ b/src/dialogs/adduseriddialog.cpp @@ -1,250 +1,250 @@ /* -*- mode: c++; c-basic-offset:4 -*- dialogs/adduseriddialog.cpp This file is part of Kleopatra, the KDE keymanager SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2008 Klarälvdalens Datakonsult AB SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2022 g10 Code GmbH SPDX-FileContributor: Ingo Klöcker SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later */ #include #include "adduseriddialog.h" #include "utils/accessibility.h" #include "view/errorlabel.h" #include "view/formtextinput.h" #include "view/htmllabel.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "kleopatra_debug.h" using namespace Kleo; namespace { QString buildUserId(const QString &name, const QString &email) { if (name.isEmpty()) { return email; } else if (email.isEmpty()) { return name; } else { return QStringLiteral("%1 <%2>").arg(name, email); } } } class AddUserIDDialog::Private { friend class ::Kleo::AddUserIDDialog; AddUserIDDialog *const q; struct { std::unique_ptr> nameInput; std::unique_ptr> emailInput; HtmlLabel *resultLabel; QDialogButtonBox *buttonBox; } ui; LabelHelper labelHelper; public: explicit Private(AddUserIDDialog *qq) : q{qq} { q->setWindowTitle(i18nc("title:window", "Add User ID")); const KConfigGroup config{KSharedConfig::openConfig(), "CertificateCreationWizard"}; const auto attrOrder = config.readEntry("OpenPGPAttributeOrder", QStringList{}); const auto nameIsRequired = attrOrder.contains(QLatin1String{"NAME!"}, Qt::CaseInsensitive); const auto emailIsRequired = attrOrder.contains(QLatin1String{"EMAIL!"}, Qt::CaseInsensitive); auto mainLayout = new QVBoxLayout{q}; const auto infoText = nameIsRequired || emailIsRequired ? i18n("Enter a name and an email address to use for the user ID.") : i18n("Enter a name and/or an email address to use for the user ID."); mainLayout->addWidget(new QLabel{infoText, q}); mainLayout->addWidget(new KSeparator{Qt::Horizontal, q}); { ui.nameInput = FormTextInput::create(q); ui.nameInput->setLabelText(i18nc("@label", "Name")); ui.nameInput->setIsRequired(nameIsRequired); ui.nameInput->setValueRequiredErrorMessage(i18n("Enter a name.")); const auto regexp = config.readEntry("NAME_regex"); if (regexp.isEmpty()) { ui.nameInput->setValidator(Validation::simpleName(Validation::Optional, q)); ui.nameInput->setHint(i18n("Must not include <, >, and @."), i18nc("text for screen readers", "Must not include less-than sign, greater-than sign, and at sign.")); ui.nameInput->setInvalidEntryErrorMessage( i18n("The name must not include <, >, and @."), i18nc("text for screen readers", "The name must not include less-than sign, greater-than sign, and at sign.")); } else { ui.nameInput->setValidator(Validation::simpleName(regexp, Validation::Optional, q)); ui.nameInput->setHint(i18n("Must be in the format required by your organization and " "must not include <, >, and @."), i18nc("text for screen readers", "Must be in the format required by your organization and " "must not include less-than sign, greater-than sign, and at sign.")); ui.nameInput->setInvalidEntryErrorMessage( i18n("The name must be in the format required by your organization and " "it must not include <, >, and @."), i18nc("text for screen readers", "The name must be in the format required by your organization and " "it must not include less-than sign, greater-than sign, and at sign.")); } mainLayout->addWidget(ui.nameInput->label()); mainLayout->addWidget(ui.nameInput->hintLabel()); mainLayout->addWidget(ui.nameInput->errorLabel()); mainLayout->addWidget(ui.nameInput->widget()); } connect(ui.nameInput->widget(), &QLineEdit::textChanged, q, [this]() { updateResultLabel(); }); { ui.emailInput = FormTextInput::create(q); ui.emailInput->setLabelText(i18nc("@label", "Email address")); ui.emailInput->setIsRequired(emailIsRequired); ui.emailInput->setValueRequiredErrorMessage(i18n("Enter an email address.")); const auto regexp = config.readEntry(QLatin1String("EMAIL_regex")); if (regexp.isEmpty()) { ui.emailInput->setValidator(Validation::email(Validation::Optional, q)); ui.emailInput->setInvalidEntryErrorMessage(i18n( "Enter an email address in the correct format, like name@example.com.")); } else { ui.emailInput->setValidator(Validation::email(regexp, Validation::Optional, q)); ui.emailInput->setHint(i18n( "Must be in the format required by your organization")); ui.emailInput->setInvalidEntryErrorMessage(i18n( "Enter an email address in the correct format required by your organization.")); } mainLayout->addWidget(ui.emailInput->label()); mainLayout->addWidget(ui.emailInput->hintLabel()); mainLayout->addWidget(ui.emailInput->errorLabel()); mainLayout->addWidget(ui.emailInput->widget()); } connect(ui.emailInput->widget(), &QLineEdit::textChanged, q, [this]() { updateResultLabel(); }); mainLayout->addWidget(new KSeparator{Qt::Horizontal, q}); { ui.resultLabel = new HtmlLabel{q}; ui.resultLabel->setFocusPolicy(Qt::ClickFocus); labelHelper.addLabel(ui.resultLabel); mainLayout->addWidget(ui.resultLabel); } mainLayout->addWidget(new KSeparator{Qt::Horizontal, q}); mainLayout->addStretch(1); ui.buttonBox = new QDialogButtonBox{QDialogButtonBox::Ok | QDialogButtonBox::Cancel, q}; mainLayout->addWidget(ui.buttonBox); connect(ui.buttonBox, &QDialogButtonBox::accepted, q, [this]() { checkAccept(); }); connect(ui.buttonBox, &QDialogButtonBox::rejected, q, &QDialog::reject); updateResultLabel(); } QString name() const { return ui.nameInput->widget()->text().trimmed(); } QString email() const { return ui.emailInput->widget()->text().trimmed(); } private: void checkAccept() { QStringList errors; if (ui.resultLabel->text().isEmpty() && !ui.nameInput->isRequired() && !ui.emailInput->isRequired()) { errors.push_back(i18n("Enter a name or an email address.")); } const auto nameError = ui.nameInput->currentError(); if (!nameError.isEmpty()) { errors.push_back(nameError); } const auto emailError = ui.emailInput->currentError(); if (!emailError.isEmpty()) { errors.push_back(emailError); } if (errors.size() > 1) { - KMessageBox::errorList(q, i18n("Sorry, the entered data is not acceptable."), errors); + KMessageBox::errorList(q, i18n("There is a problem."), errors); } else if (!errors.empty()) { - KMessageBox::sorry(q, errors.first()); + KMessageBox::error(q, errors.first()); } else { q->accept(); } } void updateResultLabel() { ui.resultLabel->setHtml(i18nc("@info", "
This is how the new user ID will be stored in the certificate:
" "
", buildUserId(name(), email()).toHtmlEscaped())); } }; AddUserIDDialog::AddUserIDDialog(QWidget *parent, Qt::WindowFlags f) : QDialog{parent, f} , d(new Private{this}) { } AddUserIDDialog::~AddUserIDDialog() = default; void AddUserIDDialog::setName(const QString &name) { d->ui.nameInput->widget()->setText(name); } QString AddUserIDDialog::name() const { return d->name(); } void AddUserIDDialog::setEmail(const QString &email) { d->ui.emailInput->widget()->setText(email); } QString AddUserIDDialog::email() const { return d->email(); } QString AddUserIDDialog::userID() const { return d->ui.resultLabel->text(); }