diff --git a/src/crypto/gui/signencryptwidget.cpp b/src/crypto/gui/signencryptwidget.cpp index f9e260eba..604c6c33f 100644 --- a/src/crypto/gui/signencryptwidget.cpp +++ b/src/crypto/gui/signencryptwidget.cpp @@ -1,613 +1,612 @@ /* crypto/gui/signencryptwidget.cpp This file is part of Kleopatra, the KDE keymanager SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2016 Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik SPDX-FileContributor: Intevation GmbH SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later */ #include "signencryptwidget.h" #include "kleopatra_debug.h" #include "certificatelineedit.h" #include "settings.h" #include "unknownrecipientwidget.h" #include "commands/detailscommand.h" #include "dialogs/certificateselectiondialog.h" #include "dialogs/groupdetailsdialog.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace Kleo; using namespace Kleo::Dialogs; using namespace GpgME; namespace { class SignCertificateFilter: public DefaultKeyFilter { public: SignCertificateFilter(GpgME::Protocol proto) : DefaultKeyFilter() { setRevoked(DefaultKeyFilter::NotSet); setExpired(DefaultKeyFilter::NotSet); setHasSecret(DefaultKeyFilter::Set); setCanSign(DefaultKeyFilter::Set); if (proto == GpgME::OpenPGP) { setIsOpenPGP(DefaultKeyFilter::Set); } else if (proto == GpgME::CMS) { setIsOpenPGP(DefaultKeyFilter::NotSet); } } }; class EncryptCertificateFilter: public DefaultKeyFilter { public: EncryptCertificateFilter(GpgME::Protocol proto): DefaultKeyFilter() { setRevoked(DefaultKeyFilter::NotSet); setExpired(DefaultKeyFilter::NotSet); setCanEncrypt(DefaultKeyFilter::Set); if (proto == GpgME::OpenPGP) { setIsOpenPGP(DefaultKeyFilter::Set); } else if (proto == GpgME::CMS) { setIsOpenPGP(DefaultKeyFilter::NotSet); } } }; class EncryptSelfCertificateFilter: public EncryptCertificateFilter { public: EncryptSelfCertificateFilter(GpgME::Protocol proto): EncryptCertificateFilter(proto) { setRevoked(DefaultKeyFilter::NotSet); setExpired(DefaultKeyFilter::NotSet); setCanEncrypt(DefaultKeyFilter::Set); setHasSecret(DefaultKeyFilter::Set); } }; } SignEncryptWidget::SignEncryptWidget(QWidget *parent, bool sigEncExclusive) : QWidget(parent), mModel(AbstractKeyListModel::createFlatKeyListModel(this)), mRecpRowCount(2), mIsExclusive(sigEncExclusive) { QVBoxLayout *lay = new QVBoxLayout(this); lay->setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0); mModel->useKeyCache(true, KeyList::IncludeGroups); /* The signature selection */ QHBoxLayout *sigLay = new QHBoxLayout; QGroupBox *sigGrp = new QGroupBox(i18n("Prove authenticity (sign)")); mSigChk = new QCheckBox(i18n("Sign as:")); mSigChk->setChecked(true); mSigSelect = new KeySelectionCombo(); sigLay->addWidget(mSigChk); sigLay->addWidget(mSigSelect, 1); sigGrp->setLayout(sigLay); lay->addWidget(sigGrp); connect(mSigChk, &QCheckBox::toggled, mSigSelect, &QWidget::setEnabled); connect(mSigChk, &QCheckBox::toggled, this, &SignEncryptWidget::updateOp); connect(mSigSelect, &KeySelectionCombo::currentKeyChanged, this, &SignEncryptWidget::updateOp); // Recipient selection mRecpLayout = new QGridLayout; mRecpLayout->setAlignment(Qt::AlignTop); QVBoxLayout *encBoxLay = new QVBoxLayout; QGroupBox *encBox = new QGroupBox(i18nc("@action", "Encrypt")); encBox->setLayout(encBoxLay); encBox->setAlignment(Qt::AlignLeft); // Own key mSelfSelect = new KeySelectionCombo(); mEncSelfChk = new QCheckBox(i18n("Encrypt for me:")); mEncSelfChk->setChecked(true); mRecpLayout->addWidget(mEncSelfChk, 0, 0); mRecpLayout->addWidget(mSelfSelect, 0, 1); // Checkbox for other keys mEncOtherChk = new QCheckBox(i18n("Encrypt for others:")); mRecpLayout->addWidget(mEncOtherChk, 1, 0); mEncOtherChk->setChecked(true); connect(mEncOtherChk, &QCheckBox::toggled, this, [this](bool toggled) { for (CertificateLineEdit *edit : qAsConst(mRecpWidgets)) { edit->setEnabled(toggled); } updateOp(); }); // Scroll area for other keys QWidget *recipientWidget = new QWidget; QScrollArea *recipientScroll = new QScrollArea; recipientWidget->setLayout(mRecpLayout); recipientScroll->setWidget(recipientWidget); recipientScroll->setWidgetResizable(true); recipientScroll->setSizeAdjustPolicy(QAbstractScrollArea::AdjustToContentsOnFirstShow); recipientScroll->setFrameStyle(QFrame::NoFrame); mRecpLayout->setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0); encBoxLay->addWidget(recipientScroll, 1); auto bar = recipientScroll->verticalScrollBar(); connect (bar, &QScrollBar::rangeChanged, this, [bar] (int, int max) { bar->setValue(max); }); // Checkbox for password mSymmetric = new QCheckBox(i18n("Encrypt with password. Anyone you share the password with can read the data.")); mSymmetric->setToolTip(i18nc("Tooltip information for symetric encryption", "Additionally to the keys of the recipients you can encrypt your data with a password. " "Anyone who has the password can read the data without any secret key. " "Using a password is less secure then public key cryptography. Even if you pick a very strong password.")); encBoxLay->addWidget(mSymmetric); // Connect it connect(encBox, &QGroupBox::toggled, recipientWidget, &QWidget::setEnabled); connect(encBox, &QGroupBox::toggled, this, &SignEncryptWidget::updateOp); connect(mEncSelfChk, &QCheckBox::toggled, mSelfSelect, &QWidget::setEnabled); connect(mEncSelfChk, &QCheckBox::toggled, this, &SignEncryptWidget::updateOp); connect(mSymmetric, &QCheckBox::toggled, this, &SignEncryptWidget::updateOp); connect(mSelfSelect, &KeySelectionCombo::currentKeyChanged, this, &SignEncryptWidget::updateOp); if (mIsExclusive) { connect(mEncOtherChk, &QCheckBox::toggled, this, [this](bool value) { if (mCurrentProto != GpgME::CMS) { return; } if (value) { mSigChk->setChecked(false); } }); connect(mEncSelfChk, &QCheckBox::toggled, this, [this](bool value) { if (mCurrentProto != GpgME::CMS) { return; } if (value) { mSigChk->setChecked(false); } }); connect(mSigChk, &QCheckBox::toggled, this, [this](bool value) { if (mCurrentProto != GpgME::CMS) { return; } if (value) { mEncSelfChk->setChecked(false); mEncOtherChk->setChecked(false); } }); } // Ensure that the mSigChk is aligned togehter with the encryption check boxes. mSigChk->setMinimumWidth(qMax(mEncOtherChk->width(), mEncSelfChk->width())); lay->addWidget(encBox); loadKeys(); setProtocol(GpgME::UnknownProtocol); addRecipientWidget(); updateOp(); } CertificateLineEdit *SignEncryptWidget::addRecipientWidget() { CertificateLineEdit *certSel = new CertificateLineEdit(mModel, this, new EncryptCertificateFilter(mCurrentProto)); mRecpWidgets << certSel; if (!mRecpLayout->itemAtPosition(mRecpRowCount - 1, 1)) { // First widget. Should align with the row above that // contains the encrypt for others checkbox. mRecpLayout->addWidget(certSel, mRecpRowCount - 1, 1); } else { mRecpLayout->addWidget(certSel, mRecpRowCount++, 1); } connect(certSel, &CertificateLineEdit::keyChanged, this, &SignEncryptWidget::recipientsChanged); connect(certSel, &CertificateLineEdit::wantsRemoval, this, &SignEncryptWidget::recpRemovalRequested); connect(certSel, &CertificateLineEdit::editingStarted, this, [this] () { addRecipientWidget(); }); connect(certSel, &CertificateLineEdit::dialogRequested, this, [this, certSel] () { dialogRequested(certSel); }); return certSel; } void SignEncryptWidget::addRecipient(const Key &key) { CertificateLineEdit *certSel = addRecipientWidget(); if (!key.isNull()) { certSel->setKey(key); mAddedKeys << key; } } void SignEncryptWidget::addRecipient(const KeyGroup &group) { CertificateLineEdit *certSel = addRecipientWidget(); if (!group.isNull()) { certSel->setGroup(group); mAddedGroups << group; } } void SignEncryptWidget::dialogRequested(CertificateLineEdit *certificateLineEdit) { if (!certificateLineEdit->key().isNull()) { auto cmd = new Commands::DetailsCommand(certificateLineEdit->key(), nullptr); cmd->start(); return; } if (!certificateLineEdit->group().isNull()) { GroupDetailsDialog *dlg = new GroupDetailsDialog; dlg->setAttribute(Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose); dlg->setGroup(certificateLineEdit->group()); dlg->show(); return; } CertificateSelectionDialog *const dlg = new CertificateSelectionDialog(this); - dlg->setKeyFilter(std::make_shared(mCurrentProto)); dlg->setOptions(CertificateSelectionDialog::Options( CertificateSelectionDialog::MultiSelection | CertificateSelectionDialog::EncryptOnly | CertificateSelectionDialog::optionsFromProtocol(mCurrentProto) | CertificateSelectionDialog::IncludeGroups)); if (dlg->exec()) { const std::vector keys = dlg->selectedCertificates(); const std::vector groups = dlg->selectedGroups(); if (keys.size() == 0 && groups.size() == 0) { return; } bool isFirstItem = true; for (const Key &key : keys) { if (isFirstItem) { certificateLineEdit->setKey(key); isFirstItem = false; } else { addRecipient(key); } } for (const KeyGroup &group : groups) { if (isFirstItem) { certificateLineEdit->setGroup(group); isFirstItem = false; } else { addRecipient(group); } } } delete dlg; recipientsChanged(); } void SignEncryptWidget::clearAddedRecipients() { for (auto w: qAsConst(mUnknownWidgets)) { mRecpLayout->removeWidget(w); delete w; } for (auto &key: qAsConst(mAddedKeys)) { removeRecipient(key); } for (auto &group: qAsConst(mAddedGroups)) { removeRecipient(group); } } void SignEncryptWidget::addUnknownRecipient(const char *keyID) { auto unknownWidget = new UnknownRecipientWidget(keyID); mUnknownWidgets << unknownWidget; if (!mRecpLayout->itemAtPosition(mRecpRowCount - 1, 1)) { // First widget. Should align with the row above that // contains the encrypt for others checkbox. mRecpLayout->addWidget(unknownWidget, mRecpRowCount - 1, 1); } else { mRecpLayout->addWidget(unknownWidget, mRecpRowCount++, 1); } connect(KeyCache::instance().get(), &Kleo::KeyCache::keysMayHaveChanged, this, [this] () { // Check if any unknown recipient can now be found. for (auto w: mUnknownWidgets) { auto key = KeyCache::instance()->findByKeyIDOrFingerprint(w->keyID().toLatin1().constData()); if (key.isNull()) { std::vector subids; subids.push_back(std::string(w->keyID().toLatin1().constData())); for (const auto &subkey: KeyCache::instance()->findSubkeysByKeyID(subids)) { key = subkey.parent(); } } if (key.isNull()) { continue; } // Key is now available replace by line edit. qCDebug(KLEOPATRA_LOG) << "Removing widget for keyid: " << w->keyID(); mRecpLayout->removeWidget(w); mUnknownWidgets.removeAll(w); delete w; addRecipient(key); } }); } void SignEncryptWidget::recipientsChanged() { bool oneEmpty = false; for (const CertificateLineEdit *w : qAsConst(mRecpWidgets)) { if (w->key().isNull() && w->group().isNull()) { oneEmpty = true; break; } } if (!oneEmpty) { addRecipientWidget(); } updateOp(); } Key SignEncryptWidget::signKey() const { if (mSigSelect->isEnabled()) { return mSigSelect->currentKey(); } return Key(); } Key SignEncryptWidget::selfKey() const { if (mSelfSelect->isEnabled()) { return mSelfSelect->currentKey(); } return Key(); } std::vector SignEncryptWidget::recipients() const { std::vector ret; for (const CertificateLineEdit *w : qAsConst(mRecpWidgets)) { if (!w->isEnabled()) { // If one is disabled, all are disabled. break; } const Key k = w->key(); const KeyGroup g = w->group(); if (!k.isNull()) { ret.push_back(k); } else if (!g.isNull()) { const auto keys = g.keys(); std::copy(keys.begin(), keys.end(), std::back_inserter(ret)); } } const Key k = selfKey(); if (!k.isNull()) { ret.push_back(k); } return ret; } bool SignEncryptWidget::isDeVsAndValid() const { if (!signKey().isNull() && (!IS_DE_VS(signKey()) || keyValidity(signKey()) < GpgME::UserID::Validity::Full)) { return false; } if (!selfKey().isNull() && (!IS_DE_VS(selfKey()) || keyValidity(selfKey()) < GpgME::UserID::Validity::Full)) { return false; } for (const auto &key: recipients()) { if (!IS_DE_VS(key) || keyValidity(key) < GpgME::UserID::Validity::Full) { return false; } } return true; } void SignEncryptWidget::updateOp() { const Key sigKey = signKey(); const std::vector recp = recipients(); QString newOp; if (!sigKey.isNull() && (!recp.empty() || encryptSymmetric())) { newOp = i18nc("@action", "Sign / Encrypt"); } else if (!recp.empty() || encryptSymmetric()) { newOp = i18nc("@action", "Encrypt"); } else if (!sigKey.isNull()) { newOp = i18nc("@action", "Sign"); } else { newOp = QString(); } mOp = newOp; Q_EMIT operationChanged(mOp); Q_EMIT keysChanged(); } QString SignEncryptWidget::currentOp() const { return mOp; } void SignEncryptWidget::recpRemovalRequested(CertificateLineEdit *w) { if (!w) { return; } int emptyEdits = 0; for (const CertificateLineEdit *edit : qAsConst(mRecpWidgets)) { if (edit->isEmpty()) { emptyEdits++; } if (emptyEdits > 1) { int row, col, rspan, cspan; mRecpLayout->getItemPosition(mRecpLayout->indexOf(w), &row, &col, &rspan, &cspan); mRecpLayout->removeWidget(w); mRecpWidgets.removeAll(w); // The row count of the grid layout does not reflect the actual // items so we keep our internal count. mRecpRowCount--; for (int i = row + 1; i <= mRecpRowCount; i++) { // move widgets one up auto item = mRecpLayout->itemAtPosition(i, 1); if (!item) { break; } mRecpLayout->removeItem(item); mRecpLayout->addItem(item, i - 1, 1); } w->deleteLater(); return; } } } void SignEncryptWidget::removeRecipient(const GpgME::Key &key) { for (CertificateLineEdit *edit: qAsConst(mRecpWidgets)) { const auto editKey = edit->key(); if (key.isNull() && editKey.isNull()) { recpRemovalRequested(edit); return; } if (editKey.primaryFingerprint() && key.primaryFingerprint() && !strcmp(editKey.primaryFingerprint(), key.primaryFingerprint())) { recpRemovalRequested(edit); return; } } } void SignEncryptWidget::removeRecipient(const KeyGroup &group) { for (CertificateLineEdit *edit: qAsConst(mRecpWidgets)) { const auto editGroup = edit->group(); if (group.isNull() && editGroup.isNull()) { recpRemovalRequested(edit); return; } if (editGroup.name() == group.name()) { recpRemovalRequested(edit); return; } } } bool SignEncryptWidget::encryptSymmetric() const { return mSymmetric->isChecked(); } void SignEncryptWidget::loadKeys() { KConfigGroup keys(KSharedConfig::openConfig(), "SignEncryptKeys"); auto cache = KeyCache::instance(); mSigSelect->setDefaultKey(keys.readEntry("SigningKey", QString())); mSelfSelect->setDefaultKey(keys.readEntry("EncryptKey", QString())); } void SignEncryptWidget::saveOwnKeys() const { KConfigGroup keys(KSharedConfig::openConfig(), "SignEncryptKeys"); auto sigKey = mSigSelect->currentKey(); auto encKey = mSelfSelect->currentKey(); if (!sigKey.isNull()) { keys.writeEntry("SigningKey", sigKey.primaryFingerprint()); } if (!encKey.isNull()) { keys.writeEntry("EncryptKey", encKey.primaryFingerprint()); } } void SignEncryptWidget::setSigningChecked(bool value) { mSigChk->setChecked(value); } void SignEncryptWidget::setEncryptionChecked(bool value) { mEncSelfChk->setChecked(value); mEncOtherChk->setChecked(value); } void SignEncryptWidget::setProtocol(GpgME::Protocol proto) { if (mCurrentProto == proto) { return; } mCurrentProto = proto; mSigSelect->setKeyFilter(std::shared_ptr(new SignCertificateFilter(proto))); mSelfSelect->setKeyFilter(std::shared_ptr(new EncryptSelfCertificateFilter(proto))); const auto encFilter = std::shared_ptr(new EncryptCertificateFilter(proto)); for (CertificateLineEdit *edit : qAsConst(mRecpWidgets)) { edit->setKeyFilter(encFilter); } if (mIsExclusive) { mSymmetric->setDisabled(proto == GpgME::CMS); if (mSymmetric->isChecked() && proto == GpgME::CMS) { mSymmetric->setChecked(false); } if (mSigChk->isChecked() && proto == GpgME::CMS && (mEncSelfChk->isChecked() || mEncOtherChk->isChecked())) { mSigChk->setChecked(false); } } } bool SignEncryptWidget::validate() { for (const auto edit: qAsConst(mRecpWidgets)) { if (!edit->isEmpty() && edit->key().isNull() && edit->group().isNull()) { KMessageBox::error(this, i18nc("%1 is user input that could not be found", "Could not find a key for '%1'", edit->text().toHtmlEscaped()), i18n("Failed to find recipient"), KMessageBox::Notify); return false; } } return true; }