diff --git a/CMakeLists.txt b/CMakeLists.txt index fbc759403..02375bc2d 100644 --- a/CMakeLists.txt +++ b/CMakeLists.txt @@ -1,204 +1,204 @@ cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.16 FATAL_ERROR) set(RELEASE_SERVICE_VERSION_MAJOR "21") set(RELEASE_SERVICE_VERSION_MINOR "11") set(RELEASE_SERVICE_VERSION_MICRO "40") # The RELEASE_SERVICE_VERSION is used by Gpg4win to add the Gpg4win version if (NOT RELEASE_SERVICE_VERSION) set(RELEASE_SERVICE_VERSION "${RELEASE_SERVICE_VERSION_MAJOR}.${RELEASE_SERVICE_VERSION_MINOR}.${RELEASE_SERVICE_VERSION_MICRO}") endif() if(RELEASE_SERVICE_VERSION_MICRO LESS 10) set(KDE_APPLICATIONS_COMPACT_VERSION "${RELEASE_SERVICE_VERSION_MAJOR}${RELEASE_SERVICE_VERSION_MINOR}0${RELEASE_SERVICE_VERSION_MICRO}") else() set(KDE_APPLICATIONS_COMPACT_VERSION "${RELEASE_SERVICE_VERSION_MAJOR}${RELEASE_SERVICE_VERSION_MINOR}${RELEASE_SERVICE_VERSION_MICRO}") endif() set(KLEOPATRA_VERSION_MAJOR "3") set(KLEOPATRA_VERSION_MINOR "1") set(KLEOPATRA_VERSION_MICRO "19") set(kleopatra_version "${KLEOPATRA_VERSION_MAJOR}.${KLEOPATRA_VERSION_MINOR}.${KLEOPATRA_VERSION_MICRO}.${KDE_APPLICATIONS_COMPACT_VERSION}") # The following is for Windows set(kleopatra_version_win "${KLEOPATRA_VERSION_MAJOR}.${KLEOPATRA_VERSION_MINOR}.${KLEOPATRA_VERSION_MICRO}") set(kleopatra_fileversion_win "${KLEOPATRA_VERSION_MAJOR},${KLEOPATRA_VERSION_MINOR},${KLEOPATRA_VERSION_MICRO},0") project(kleopatra VERSION ${kleopatra_version}) option(DISABLE_KWATCHGNUPG "Don't build the kwatchgnupg tool [default=OFF]" OFF) # Standalone build. Find / include everything necessary. set(KF5_MIN_VERSION "5.87.0") set(KMIME_VERSION "5.18.40") -set(LIBKLEO_VERSION "5.18.42") +set(LIBKLEO_VERSION "5.18.43") set(QT_REQUIRED_VERSION "5.15.2") set(GPGME_REQUIRED_VERSION "1.13.1") set(BOOST_REQUIRED_VERSION "1.58") if (WIN32) set(KF5_WANT_VERSION "5.70.0") set(KMIME_WANT_VERSION "5.12.0") else () set(KF5_WANT_VERSION ${KF5_MIN_VERSION}) set(KMIME_WANT_VERSION ${KMIME_VERSION}) endif () find_package(ECM ${KF5_WANT_VERSION} CONFIG REQUIRED) set(CMAKE_MODULE_PATH ${ECM_MODULE_PATH}) set(CMAKE_MODULE_PATH ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/modules ${CMAKE_MODULE_PATH}) include(ECMInstallIcons) include(ECMSetupVersion) include(ECMAddTests) include(GenerateExportHeader) include(ECMGenerateHeaders) include(FeatureSummary) include(CheckFunctionExists) include(KDEInstallDirs) include(KDECMakeSettings) include(KDECompilerSettings NO_POLICY_SCOPE) include(ECMAddAppIcon) include(ECMQtDeclareLoggingCategory) # Find KF5 packages find_package(KF5WidgetsAddons ${KF5_WANT_VERSION} CONFIG REQUIRED) find_package(KF5ConfigWidgets ${KF5_WANT_VERSION} CONFIG REQUIRED) find_package(KF5CoreAddons ${KF5_WANT_VERSION} CONFIG REQUIRED) find_package(KF5Codecs ${KF5_WANT_VERSION} CONFIG REQUIRED) find_package(KF5Config ${KF5_WANT_VERSION} CONFIG REQUIRED) find_package(KF5I18n ${KF5_WANT_VERSION} CONFIG REQUIRED) find_package(KF5IconThemes ${KF5_WANT_VERSION} CONFIG REQUIRED) find_package(KF5ItemModels ${KF5_WANT_VERSION} CONFIG REQUIRED) find_package(KF5XmlGui ${KF5_WANT_VERSION} CONFIG REQUIRED) find_package(KF5WindowSystem ${KF5_WANT_VERSION} CONFIG REQUIRED) find_package(KF5DocTools ${KF5_WANT_VERSION} CONFIG) find_package(KF5Crash ${KF5_WANT_VERSION} REQUIRED) set_package_properties(KF5DocTools PROPERTIES DESCRIPTION "Documentation tools" PURPOSE "Required to generate Kleopatra documentation." TYPE OPTIONAL) # Optional packages if (WIN32) # Only a replacement available for Windows so this # is required on other platforms. find_package(KF5DBusAddons ${KF5_WANT_VERSION} CONFIG) set_package_properties(KF5DBusAddons PROPERTIES DESCRIPTION "Support library to work with DBus" PURPOSE "DBus session integration" URL "https://inqlude.org/libraries/kdbusaddons.html" TYPE OPTIONAL) else() find_package(KF5DBusAddons ${KF5_WANT_VERSION} CONFIG REQUIRED) set(_kleopatra_dbusaddons_libs KF5::DBusAddons) endif() set(HAVE_QDBUS ${Qt5DBus_FOUND}) find_package(Gpgmepp ${GPGME_REQUIRED_VERSION} CONFIG REQUIRED) if (Gpgmepp_VERSION VERSION_GREATER_EQUAL "1.16.0") set(GPGMEPP_SUPPORTS_TRUST_SIGNATURES 1) endif() find_package(QGpgme ${GPGME_REQUIRED_VERSION} CONFIG REQUIRED) if (QGpgme_VERSION VERSION_GREATER_EQUAL "1.16.0") set(QGPGME_SUPPORTS_TRUST_SIGNATURES 1) set(QGPGME_SUPPORTS_SIGNATURE_EXPIRATION 1) endif() if (QGpgme_VERSION VERSION_GREATER_EQUAL "1.16.1") set(QGPGME_SUPPORTS_CHANGING_EXPIRATION_OF_COMPLETE_KEY 1) set(QGPGME_CRYPTOCONFIGENTRY_HAS_DEFAULT_VALUE 1) endif() # Kdepimlibs packages find_package(KF5Libkleo ${LIBKLEO_VERSION} CONFIG REQUIRED) find_package(KF5Mime ${KMIME_WANT_VERSION} CONFIG REQUIRED) find_package(Qt5 ${QT_REQUIRED_VERSION} CONFIG REQUIRED Widgets Test Network PrintSupport) find_package(Assuan2 REQUIRED) find_package(Boost ${BOOST_REQUIRED_VERSION} MODULE REQUIRED) find_path(Boost_TOPOLOGICAL_SORT_DIR NAMES boost/graph/topological_sort.hpp PATHS ${Boost_INCLUDE_DIRS}) if(NOT Boost_TOPOLOGICAL_SORT_DIR) message(FATAL_ERROR "The Boost Topological_sort header was NOT found. Should be part of Boost graph module.") endif() set(kleopatra_release FALSE) if(NOT kleopatra_release) find_package(Git) if(GIT_FOUND) execute_process(COMMAND ${GIT_EXECUTABLE} rev-parse WORKING_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR} RESULT_VARIABLE rc ERROR_QUIET) if(rc EQUAL 0) execute_process(COMMAND ${GIT_EXECUTABLE} log -1 --oneline --format=%h ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR} WORKING_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR} OUTPUT_VARIABLE Kleopatra_WC_REVISION) string(REGEX REPLACE "\n" "" Kleopatra_WC_REVISION "${Kleopatra_WC_REVISION}") execute_process(COMMAND ${GIT_EXECUTABLE} log -1 --oneline --format=%cI ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR} WORKING_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR} OUTPUT_VARIABLE Kleopatra_WC_LAST_CHANGED_DATE) string(REGEX REPLACE "^([0-9]+)-([0-9]+)-([0-9]+)T([0-9]+):([0-9]+):([0-9]+).*$" "\\1\\2\\3T\\4\\5\\6" Kleopatra_WC_LAST_CHANGED_DATE "${Kleopatra_WC_LAST_CHANGED_DATE}") set(kleopatra_version "${kleopatra_version}+git${Kleopatra_WC_LAST_CHANGED_DATE}~${Kleopatra_WC_REVISION}") endif() endif() endif() configure_file(${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/version-kleopatra.h.cmake ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/version-kleopatra.h) include (ConfigureChecks.cmake) configure_file(${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/config-kleopatra.h.cmake ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/config-kleopatra.h) include_directories( ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR} ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR} ${Boost_INCLUDE_DIRS} ${ASSUAN2_INCLUDES} ) add_definitions(-D_ASSUAN_ONLY_GPG_ERRORS) add_definitions(-DQT_DISABLE_DEPRECATED_BEFORE=0x050e00) add_definitions(-DKF_DISABLE_DEPRECATED_BEFORE_AND_AT=0x055800) if(CMAKE_COMPILER_IS_GNUCXX) set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -Wno-missing-braces -Wno-parentheses -Wno-ignored-qualifiers") endif() add_definitions(-DQT_NO_EMIT) remove_definitions(-DQT_NO_FOREACH) kde_enable_exceptions() option(USE_UNITY_CMAKE_SUPPORT "Use UNITY cmake support (speedup compile time)" OFF) set(COMPILE_WITH_UNITY_CMAKE_SUPPORT OFF) if (USE_UNITY_CMAKE_SUPPORT) set(COMPILE_WITH_UNITY_CMAKE_SUPPORT ON) endif() add_subdirectory(pics) add_subdirectory(src) if(BUILD_TESTING) add_subdirectory(tests) add_subdirectory(autotests) endif() ecm_qt_install_logging_categories( EXPORT KLEOPATRA FILE kleopatra.categories DESTINATION ${KDE_INSTALL_LOGGINGCATEGORIESDIR} ) ki18n_install(po) if(KF5DocTools_FOUND) kdoctools_install(po) add_subdirectory(doc) endif() feature_summary(WHAT ALL FATAL_ON_MISSING_REQUIRED_PACKAGES) diff --git a/src/crypto/decryptverifytask.cpp b/src/crypto/decryptverifytask.cpp index 767374b62..031b99368 100644 --- a/src/crypto/decryptverifytask.cpp +++ b/src/crypto/decryptverifytask.cpp @@ -1,1603 +1,1603 @@ /* -*- mode: c++; c-basic-offset:4 -*- decryptverifytask.cpp This file is part of Kleopatra, the KDE keymanager SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2008 Klarälvdalens Datakonsult AB SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later */ #include #include "decryptverifytask.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "kleopatra_debug.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include // Qt::escape #include #include using namespace Kleo::Crypto; using namespace Kleo; using namespace GpgME; using namespace KMime::Types; namespace { static AuditLog auditLogFromSender(QObject *sender) { return AuditLog::fromJob(qobject_cast(sender)); } static bool addrspec_equal(const AddrSpec &lhs, const AddrSpec &rhs, Qt::CaseSensitivity cs) { return lhs.localPart.compare(rhs.localPart, cs) == 0 && lhs.domain.compare(rhs.domain, Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0; } static bool mailbox_equal(const Mailbox &lhs, const Mailbox &rhs, Qt::CaseSensitivity cs) { return addrspec_equal(lhs.addrSpec(), rhs.addrSpec(), cs); } static std::string stripAngleBrackets(const std::string &str) { if (str.empty()) { return str; } if (str[0] == '<' && str[str.size() - 1] == '>') { return str.substr(1, str.size() - 2); } return str; } static std::string email(const UserID &uid) { if (uid.parent().protocol() == OpenPGP) { if (const char *const email = uid.email()) { return stripAngleBrackets(email); } else { return std::string(); } } Q_ASSERT(uid.parent().protocol() == CMS); if (const char *const id = uid.id()) if (*id == '<') { return stripAngleBrackets(id); } else { return DN(id)[QStringLiteral("EMAIL")].trimmed().toUtf8().constData(); } else { return std::string(); } } static Mailbox mailbox(const UserID &uid) { const std::string e = email(uid); Mailbox mbox; if (!e.empty()) { mbox.setAddress(e.c_str()); } return mbox; } static std::vector extractMailboxes(const Key &key) { std::vector res; const auto userIDs{key.userIDs()}; for (const UserID &id : userIDs) { const Mailbox mbox = mailbox(id); if (!mbox.addrSpec().isEmpty()) { res.push_back(mbox); } } return res; } static std::vector extractMailboxes(const std::vector &signers) { std::vector res; for (const Key &i : signers) { const std::vector bxs = extractMailboxes(i); res.insert(res.end(), bxs.begin(), bxs.end()); } return res; } static bool keyContainsMailbox(const Key &key, const Mailbox &mbox) { const std::vector mbxs = extractMailboxes(key); return std::find_if(mbxs.cbegin(), mbxs.cend(), [mbox](const Mailbox &m) { return mailbox_equal(mbox, m, Qt::CaseInsensitive); }) != mbxs.cend(); } static bool keysContainMailbox(const std::vector &keys, const Mailbox &mbox) { return std::find_if(keys.cbegin(), keys.cend(), [mbox](const Key &key) { return keyContainsMailbox(key, mbox); }) != keys.cend(); } static bool relevantInDecryptVerifyContext(const VerificationResult &r) { // for D/V operations, we ignore verification results which are not errors and contain // no signatures (which means that the data was just not signed) return (r.error() && r.error().code() != GPG_ERR_DECRYPT_FAILED) || r.numSignatures() > 0; } static QString signatureSummaryToString(int summary) { if (summary & Signature::None) { return i18n("Error: Signature not verified"); } else if (summary & Signature::Valid || summary & Signature::Green) { return i18n("Good signature"); } else if (summary & Signature::KeyRevoked) { return i18n("Signing certificate was revoked"); } else if (summary & Signature::KeyExpired) { return i18n("Signing certificate is expired"); } else if (summary & Signature::KeyMissing) { return i18n("Certificate is not available"); } else if (summary & Signature::SigExpired) { return i18n("Signature expired"); } else if (summary & Signature::CrlMissing) { return i18n("CRL missing"); } else if (summary & Signature::CrlTooOld) { return i18n("CRL too old"); } else if (summary & Signature::BadPolicy) { return i18n("Bad policy"); } else if (summary & Signature::SysError) { return i18n("System error"); //### retrieve system error details? } else if (summary & Signature::Red) { return i18n("Bad signature"); }return QString(); } static QString formatValidSignatureWithTrustLevel(const UserID &id) { if (id.isNull()) { return QString(); } switch (id.validity()) { case UserID::Marginal: return i18n("The signature is valid but the trust in the certificate's validity is only marginal."); case UserID::Full: return i18n("The signature is valid and the certificate's validity is fully trusted."); case UserID::Ultimate: return i18n("The signature is valid and the certificate's validity is ultimately trusted."); case UserID::Never: return i18n("The signature is valid but the certificate's validity is not trusted."); case UserID::Unknown: return i18n("The signature is valid but the certificate's validity is unknown."); case UserID::Undefined: default: return i18n("The signature is valid but the certificate's validity is undefined."); } } static QString renderKeyLink(const QString &fpr, const QString &text) { return QStringLiteral("%2").arg(fpr, text); } static QString renderKey(const Key &key) { if (key.isNull()) { return i18n("Unknown certificate"); } if (key.primaryFingerprint() && strlen(key.primaryFingerprint()) > 16 && key.numUserIDs()) { const QString text = QStringLiteral("%1 (%2)").arg(Formatting::prettyNameAndEMail(key).toHtmlEscaped()).arg( Formatting::prettyID(QString::fromLocal8Bit(key.primaryFingerprint()).right(16).toLatin1().constData())); return renderKeyLink(QLatin1String(key.primaryFingerprint()), text); } return renderKeyLink(QLatin1String(key.primaryFingerprint()), Formatting::prettyID(key.primaryFingerprint())); } static QString renderKeyEMailOnlyNameAsFallback(const Key &key) { if (key.isNull()) { return i18n("Unknown certificate"); } const QString email = Formatting::prettyEMail(key); const QString user = !email.isEmpty() ? email : Formatting::prettyName(key); return renderKeyLink(QLatin1String(key.primaryFingerprint()), user); } static QString formatDate(const QDateTime &dt) { return QLocale().toString(dt); } static QString formatSigningInformation(const Signature &sig) { if (sig.isNull()) { return QString(); } const QDateTime dt = sig.creationTime() != 0 ? QDateTime::fromSecsSinceEpoch(sig.creationTime()) : QDateTime(); QString text; Key key = sig.key(); if (dt.isValid()) { text = i18nc("1 is a date", "Signature created on %1", formatDate(dt)) + QStringLiteral("
"); } if (key.isNull()) { return text += i18n("With unavailable certificate:") + QStringLiteral("
ID: 0x%1").arg(QString::fromLatin1(sig.fingerprint()).toUpper()); } text += i18n("With certificate:") + QStringLiteral("
") + renderKey(key); - if (Kleo::gpgComplianceP("de-vs")) { + if (Kleo::gnupgIsDeVsCompliant()) { text += (QStringLiteral("
") + (IS_DE_VS(sig) ? i18nc("%1 is a placeholder for the name of a compliance mode. E.g. NATO RESTRICTED compliant or VS-NfD compliant", "The signature is %1", Formatting::deVsString()) : i18nc("%1 is a placeholder for the name of a compliance mode. E.g. NATO RESTRICTED compliant or VS-NfD compliant", "The signature is not %1.", Formatting::deVsString()))); } return text; } static QString strikeOut(const QString &str, bool strike) { return QString(strike ? QStringLiteral("%1") : QStringLiteral("%1")).arg(str.toHtmlEscaped()); } static QString formatInputOutputLabel(const QString &input, const QString &output, bool inputDeleted, bool outputDeleted) { if (output.isEmpty()) { return strikeOut(input, inputDeleted); } return i18nc("Input file --> Output file (rarr is arrow", "%1 → %2", strikeOut(input, inputDeleted), strikeOut(output, outputDeleted)); } static bool IsErrorOrCanceled(const GpgME::Error &err) { return err || err.isCanceled(); } static bool IsErrorOrCanceled(const Result &res) { return IsErrorOrCanceled(res.error()); } static bool IsBad(const Signature &sig) { return sig.summary() & Signature::Red; } static bool IsGoodOrValid(const Signature &sig) { return (sig.summary() & Signature::Valid) || (sig.summary() & Signature::Green); } static UserID findUserIDByMailbox(const Key &key, const Mailbox &mbox) { const auto userIDs{key.userIDs()}; for (const UserID &id : userIDs) if (mailbox_equal(mailbox(id), mbox, Qt::CaseInsensitive)) { return id; } return UserID(); } static void updateKeys(const VerificationResult &result) { // This little hack works around the problem that GnuPG / GpgME does not // provide Key information in a verification result. The Key object is // a dummy just holding the KeyID. This hack ensures that all available // keys are fetched from the backend and are populated for (const auto &sig: result.signatures()) { // Update key information sig.key(true, true); } } } class DecryptVerifyResult::SenderInfo { public: explicit SenderInfo(const Mailbox &infSender, const std::vector &signers_) : informativeSender(infSender), signers(signers_) {} const Mailbox informativeSender; const std::vector signers; bool hasInformativeSender() const { return !informativeSender.addrSpec().isEmpty(); } bool conflicts() const { return hasInformativeSender() && hasKeys() && !keysContainMailbox(signers, informativeSender); } bool hasKeys() const { return std::any_of(signers.cbegin(), signers.cend(), [](const Key &key) { return !key.isNull(); }); } std::vector signerMailboxes() const { return extractMailboxes(signers); } }; namespace { static Task::Result::VisualCode codeForVerificationResult(const VerificationResult &res) { if (res.isNull()) { return Task::Result::NeutralSuccess; } const std::vector sigs = res.signatures(); if (sigs.empty()) { return Task::Result::Warning; } if (std::find_if(sigs.begin(), sigs.end(), IsBad) != sigs.end()) { return Task::Result::Danger; } if ((size_t)std::count_if(sigs.begin(), sigs.end(), IsGoodOrValid) == sigs.size()) { return Task::Result::AllGood; } return Task::Result::Warning; } static QString formatVerificationResultOverview(const VerificationResult &res, const DecryptVerifyResult::SenderInfo &info) { if (res.isNull()) { return QString(); } const Error err = res.error(); if (err.isCanceled()) { return i18n("Verification canceled."); } else if (err) { return i18n("Verification failed: %1.", QString::fromLocal8Bit(err.asString()).toHtmlEscaped()); } const std::vector sigs = res.signatures(); if (sigs.empty()) { return i18n("No signatures found."); } const uint bad = std::count_if(sigs.cbegin(), sigs.cend(), IsBad); if (bad > 0) { return i18np("Invalid signature.", "%1 invalid signatures.", bad); } const uint warn = std::count_if(sigs.cbegin(), sigs.cend(), [](const Signature &sig) { return !IsGoodOrValid(sig); }); if (warn == sigs.size()) { return i18np("The data could not be verified.", "%1 signatures could not be verified.", warn); } //Good signature: QString text; if (sigs.size() == 1) { text = i18n("Valid signature by %1", renderKeyEMailOnlyNameAsFallback(sigs[0].key())); if (info.conflicts()) text += i18n("
Warning: The sender's mail address is not stored in the %1 used for signing.", renderKeyLink(QLatin1String(sigs[0].key().primaryFingerprint()), i18n("certificate"))); } else { text = i18np("Valid signature.", "%1 valid signatures.", sigs.size()); if (info.conflicts()) { text += i18n("
Warning: The sender's mail address is not stored in the certificates used for signing."); } } return text; } static QString formatDecryptionResultOverview(const DecryptionResult &result, const QString &errorString = QString()) { const Error err = result.error(); if (err.isCanceled()) { return i18n("Decryption canceled."); } else if (result.isLegacyCipherNoMDC()) { return i18n("Decryption failed: %1.", i18n("No integrity protection (MDC).")); } else if (!errorString.isEmpty()) { return i18n("Decryption failed: %1.", errorString.toHtmlEscaped()); } else if (err) { return i18n("Decryption failed: %1.", QString::fromLocal8Bit(err.asString()).toHtmlEscaped()); } return i18n("Decryption succeeded."); } static QString formatSignature(const Signature &sig, const DecryptVerifyResult::SenderInfo &info) { if (sig.isNull()) { return QString(); } const QString text = formatSigningInformation(sig) + QLatin1String("
"); const Key key = sig.key(); // Green if (sig.summary() & Signature::Valid) { const UserID id = findUserIDByMailbox(key, info.informativeSender); return text + formatValidSignatureWithTrustLevel(!id.isNull() ? id : key.userID(0)); } // Red if ((sig.summary() & Signature::Red)) { const QString ret = text + i18n("The signature is invalid: %1", signatureSummaryToString(sig.summary())); if (sig.summary() & Signature::SysError) { return ret + QStringLiteral(" (%1)").arg(QString::fromLocal8Bit(sig.status().asString())); } return ret; } // Key missing if ((sig.summary() & Signature::KeyMissing)) { return text + i18n("You can search the certificate on a keyserver or import it from a file."); } // Yellow if ((sig.validity() & Signature::Validity::Undefined) || (sig.validity() & Signature::Validity::Unknown) || (sig.summary() == Signature::Summary::None)) { return text + (key.protocol() == OpenPGP ? i18n("The used key is not certified by you or any trusted person.") : i18n("The used certificate is not certified by a trustworthy Certificate Authority or the Certificate Authority is unknown.")); } // Catch all fall through const QString ret = text + i18n("The signature is invalid: %1", signatureSummaryToString(sig.summary())); if (sig.summary() & Signature::SysError) { return ret + QStringLiteral(" (%1)").arg(QString::fromLocal8Bit(sig.status().asString())); } return ret; } static QStringList format(const std::vector &mbxs) { QStringList res; std::transform(mbxs.cbegin(), mbxs.cend(), std::back_inserter(res), [](const Mailbox &mbox) { return mbox.prettyAddress(); }); return res; } static QString formatVerificationResultDetails(const VerificationResult &res, const DecryptVerifyResult::SenderInfo &info, const QString &errorString) { if ((res.error().code() == GPG_ERR_EIO || res.error().code() == GPG_ERR_NO_DATA) && !errorString.isEmpty()) { return i18n("Input error: %1", errorString); } const std::vector sigs = res.signatures(); QString details; for (const Signature &sig : sigs) { details += formatSignature(sig, info) + QLatin1Char('\n'); } details = details.trimmed(); details.replace(QLatin1Char('\n'), QStringLiteral("

")); if (info.conflicts()) { details += i18n("

The sender's address %1 is not stored in the certificate. Stored: %2

", info.informativeSender.prettyAddress(), format(info.signerMailboxes()).join(i18nc("separator for a list of e-mail addresses", ", "))); } return details; } static QString formatRecipientsDetails(const std::vector &knownRecipients, unsigned int numRecipients) { if (numRecipients == 0) { return {}; } if (knownRecipients.empty()) { return QLatin1String("") + i18np("One unknown recipient.", "%1 unknown recipients.", numRecipients) + QLatin1String(""); } QString details = i18np("Recipient:", "Recipients:", numRecipients); if (numRecipients == 1) { details += QLatin1Char(' ') + renderKey(knownRecipients.front()); } else { details += QLatin1String("
    "); for (const Key &key : knownRecipients) { details += QLatin1String("
  • ") + renderKey(key) + QLatin1String("
  • "); } if (knownRecipients.size() < numRecipients) { details += QLatin1String("
  • ") + i18np("One unknown recipient", "%1 unknown recipients", numRecipients - knownRecipients.size()) + QLatin1String("
  • "); } details += QLatin1String("
"); } return details; } static QString formatDecryptionResultDetails(const DecryptionResult &res, const std::vector &recipients, const QString &errorString, bool isSigned, const QPointer &task) { if ((res.error().code() == GPG_ERR_EIO || res.error().code() == GPG_ERR_NO_DATA) && !errorString.isEmpty()) { return i18n("Input error: %1", errorString); } if (res.isNull() || res.error() || res.error().isCanceled()) { return formatRecipientsDetails(recipients, res.numRecipients()); } QString details; - if (Kleo::gpgComplianceP("de-vs")) { + if (Kleo::gnupgIsDeVsCompliant()) { details += ((IS_DE_VS(res) ? i18nc("%1 is a placeholder for the name of a compliance mode. E.g. NATO RESTRICTED compliant or VS-NfD compliant", "The decryption is %1.", Formatting::deVsString()) : i18nc("%1 is a placeholder for the name of a compliance mode. E.g. NATO RESTRICTED compliant or VS-NfD compliant", "The decryption is not %1."), Formatting::deVsString()) + QStringLiteral("
")); } if (res.fileName()) { const auto decVerifyTask = qobject_cast (task.data()); if (decVerifyTask) { const auto embedFileName = QString::fromUtf8(res.fileName()).toHtmlEscaped(); if (embedFileName != decVerifyTask->outputLabel()) { details += i18n("Embedded file name: '%1'", embedFileName); details += QStringLiteral("
"); } } } if (!isSigned) { details += i18n("Note: You cannot be sure who encrypted this message as it is not signed.") + QLatin1String("
"); } if (res.isLegacyCipherNoMDC()) { details += i18nc("Integrity protection was missing because an old cipher was used.", "Hint: If this file was encrypted before the year 2003 it is " "likely that the file is legitimate. This is because back " "then integrity protection was not widely used.") + QStringLiteral("

") + i18nc("The user is offered to force decrypt a non integrity protected message. With the strong advice to re-encrypt it.", "If you are confident that the file was not manipulated you should re-encrypt it after you have forced the decryption.") + QStringLiteral("

"); } details += formatRecipientsDetails(recipients, res.numRecipients()); return details; } static QString formatDecryptVerifyResultOverview(const DecryptionResult &dr, const VerificationResult &vr, const DecryptVerifyResult::SenderInfo &info) { if (IsErrorOrCanceled(dr) || !relevantInDecryptVerifyContext(vr)) { return formatDecryptionResultOverview(dr); } return formatVerificationResultOverview(vr, info); } static QString formatDecryptVerifyResultDetails(const DecryptionResult &dr, const VerificationResult &vr, const std::vector &recipients, const DecryptVerifyResult::SenderInfo &info, const QString &errorString, const QPointer &task) { const QString drDetails = formatDecryptionResultDetails(dr, recipients, errorString, relevantInDecryptVerifyContext(vr), task); if (IsErrorOrCanceled(dr) || !relevantInDecryptVerifyContext(vr)) { return drDetails; } return drDetails + (drDetails.isEmpty() ? QString() : QStringLiteral("
")) + formatVerificationResultDetails(vr, info, errorString); } } // anon namespace class DecryptVerifyResult::Private { DecryptVerifyResult *const q; public: Private(DecryptVerifyOperation type, const VerificationResult &vr, const DecryptionResult &dr, const QByteArray &stuff, int errCode, const QString &errString, const QString &input, const QString &output, const AuditLog &auditLog, Task *parentTask, const Mailbox &informativeSender, DecryptVerifyResult *qq) : q(qq), m_type(type), m_verificationResult(vr), m_decryptionResult(dr), m_stuff(stuff), m_error(errCode), m_errorString(errString), m_inputLabel(input), m_outputLabel(output), m_auditLog(auditLog), m_parentTask(QPointer(parentTask)), m_informativeSender(informativeSender) { } QString label() const { return formatInputOutputLabel(m_inputLabel, m_outputLabel, false, q->hasError()); } DecryptVerifyResult::SenderInfo makeSenderInfo() const; bool isDecryptOnly() const { return m_type == Decrypt; } bool isVerifyOnly() const { return m_type == Verify; } bool isDecryptVerify() const { return m_type == DecryptVerify; } DecryptVerifyOperation m_type; VerificationResult m_verificationResult; DecryptionResult m_decryptionResult; QByteArray m_stuff; int m_error; QString m_errorString; QString m_inputLabel; QString m_outputLabel; const AuditLog m_auditLog; QPointer m_parentTask; const Mailbox m_informativeSender; }; DecryptVerifyResult::SenderInfo DecryptVerifyResult::Private::makeSenderInfo() const { return SenderInfo(m_informativeSender, KeyCache::instance()->findSigners(m_verificationResult)); } std::shared_ptr AbstractDecryptVerifyTask::fromDecryptResult(const DecryptionResult &dr, const QByteArray &plaintext, const AuditLog &auditLog) { return std::shared_ptr(new DecryptVerifyResult( Decrypt, VerificationResult(), dr, plaintext, 0, QString(), inputLabel(), outputLabel(), auditLog, this, informativeSender())); } std::shared_ptr AbstractDecryptVerifyTask::fromDecryptResult(const GpgME::Error &err, const QString &what, const AuditLog &auditLog) { return std::shared_ptr(new DecryptVerifyResult( Decrypt, VerificationResult(), DecryptionResult(err), QByteArray(), err.code(), what, inputLabel(), outputLabel(), auditLog, this, informativeSender())); } std::shared_ptr AbstractDecryptVerifyTask::fromDecryptVerifyResult(const DecryptionResult &dr, const VerificationResult &vr, const QByteArray &plaintext, const AuditLog &auditLog) { int err = dr.error() ? dr.error().code() : vr.error().code(); return std::shared_ptr(new DecryptVerifyResult( DecryptVerify, vr, dr, plaintext, err, QString(), inputLabel(), outputLabel(), auditLog, this, informativeSender())); } std::shared_ptr AbstractDecryptVerifyTask::fromDecryptVerifyResult(const GpgME::Error &err, const QString &details, const AuditLog &auditLog) { return std::shared_ptr(new DecryptVerifyResult( DecryptVerify, VerificationResult(), DecryptionResult(err), QByteArray(), err.code(), details, inputLabel(), outputLabel(), auditLog, this, informativeSender())); } std::shared_ptr AbstractDecryptVerifyTask::fromVerifyOpaqueResult(const VerificationResult &vr, const QByteArray &plaintext, const AuditLog &auditLog) { return std::shared_ptr(new DecryptVerifyResult( Verify, vr, DecryptionResult(), plaintext, 0, QString(), inputLabel(), outputLabel(), auditLog, this, informativeSender())); } std::shared_ptr AbstractDecryptVerifyTask::fromVerifyOpaqueResult(const GpgME::Error &err, const QString &details, const AuditLog &auditLog) { return std::shared_ptr(new DecryptVerifyResult( Verify, VerificationResult(err), DecryptionResult(), QByteArray(), err.code(), details, inputLabel(), outputLabel(), auditLog, this, informativeSender())); } std::shared_ptr AbstractDecryptVerifyTask::fromVerifyDetachedResult(const VerificationResult &vr, const AuditLog &auditLog) { return std::shared_ptr(new DecryptVerifyResult( Verify, vr, DecryptionResult(), QByteArray(), 0, QString(), inputLabel(), outputLabel(), auditLog, this, informativeSender())); } std::shared_ptr AbstractDecryptVerifyTask::fromVerifyDetachedResult(const GpgME::Error &err, const QString &details, const AuditLog &auditLog) { return std::shared_ptr(new DecryptVerifyResult( Verify, VerificationResult(err), DecryptionResult(), QByteArray(), err.code(), details, inputLabel(), outputLabel(), auditLog, this, informativeSender())); } DecryptVerifyResult::DecryptVerifyResult(DecryptVerifyOperation type, const VerificationResult &vr, const DecryptionResult &dr, const QByteArray &stuff, int errCode, const QString &errString, const QString &inputLabel, const QString &outputLabel, const AuditLog &auditLog, Task *parentTask, const Mailbox &informativeSender) : Task::Result(), d(new Private(type, vr, dr, stuff, errCode, errString, inputLabel, outputLabel, auditLog, parentTask, informativeSender, this)) { } QString DecryptVerifyResult::overview() const { QString ov; if (d->isDecryptOnly()) { ov += formatDecryptionResultOverview(d->m_decryptionResult); } else if (d->isVerifyOnly()) { ov += formatVerificationResultOverview(d->m_verificationResult, d->makeSenderInfo()); } else { ov += formatDecryptVerifyResultOverview(d->m_decryptionResult, d->m_verificationResult, d->makeSenderInfo()); } if (ov.size() + d->label().size() > 120) { // Avoid ugly breaks ov = QStringLiteral("
") + ov; } return i18nc("label: result example: foo.sig: Verification failed. ", "%1: %2", d->label(), ov); } QString DecryptVerifyResult::details() const { if (d->isDecryptOnly()) { return formatDecryptionResultDetails(d->m_decryptionResult, KeyCache::instance()->findRecipients(d->m_decryptionResult), errorString(), false, d->m_parentTask); } if (d->isVerifyOnly()) { return formatVerificationResultDetails(d->m_verificationResult, d->makeSenderInfo(), errorString()); } return formatDecryptVerifyResultDetails(d->m_decryptionResult, d->m_verificationResult, KeyCache::instance()->findRecipients( d->m_decryptionResult), d->makeSenderInfo(), errorString(), d->m_parentTask); } bool DecryptVerifyResult::hasError() const { return d->m_error != 0; } int DecryptVerifyResult::errorCode() const { return d->m_error; } QString DecryptVerifyResult::errorString() const { return d->m_errorString; } AuditLog DecryptVerifyResult::auditLog() const { return d->m_auditLog; } QPointer DecryptVerifyResult::parentTask() const { return d->m_parentTask; } Task::Result::VisualCode DecryptVerifyResult::code() const { if ((d->m_type == DecryptVerify || d->m_type == Verify) && relevantInDecryptVerifyContext(verificationResult())) { return codeForVerificationResult(verificationResult()); } return hasError() ? NeutralError : NeutralSuccess; } GpgME::VerificationResult DecryptVerifyResult::verificationResult() const { return d->m_verificationResult; } GpgME::DecryptionResult DecryptVerifyResult::decryptionResult() const { return d->m_decryptionResult; } class AbstractDecryptVerifyTask::Private { public: Mailbox informativeSender; }; AbstractDecryptVerifyTask::AbstractDecryptVerifyTask(QObject *parent) : Task(parent), d(new Private) {} AbstractDecryptVerifyTask::~AbstractDecryptVerifyTask() {} Mailbox AbstractDecryptVerifyTask::informativeSender() const { return d->informativeSender; } void AbstractDecryptVerifyTask::setInformativeSender(const Mailbox &sender) { d->informativeSender = sender; } class DecryptVerifyTask::Private { DecryptVerifyTask *const q; public: explicit Private(DecryptVerifyTask *qq) : q(qq), m_backend(nullptr), m_protocol(UnknownProtocol), m_ignoreMDCError(false) {} void slotResult(const DecryptionResult &, const VerificationResult &, const QByteArray &); void registerJob(QGpgME::DecryptVerifyJob *job) { q->connect(job, SIGNAL(result(GpgME::DecryptionResult,GpgME::VerificationResult,QByteArray)), q, SLOT(slotResult(GpgME::DecryptionResult,GpgME::VerificationResult,QByteArray))); q->connect(job, SIGNAL(progress(QString,int,int)), q, SLOT(setProgress(QString,int,int))); } void emitResult(const std::shared_ptr &result); std::shared_ptr m_input; std::shared_ptr m_output; const QGpgME::Protocol *m_backend; Protocol m_protocol; bool m_ignoreMDCError; }; void DecryptVerifyTask::Private::emitResult(const std::shared_ptr &result) { q->emitResult(result); Q_EMIT q->decryptVerifyResult(result); } void DecryptVerifyTask::Private::slotResult(const DecryptionResult &dr, const VerificationResult &vr, const QByteArray &plainText) { updateKeys(vr); { std::stringstream ss; ss << dr << '\n' << vr; qCDebug(KLEOPATRA_LOG) << ss.str().c_str(); } const AuditLog auditLog = auditLogFromSender(q->sender()); if (dr.error().code() || vr.error().code()) { m_output->cancel(); } else { try { kleo_assert(!dr.isNull() || !vr.isNull()); m_output->finalize(); } catch (const GpgME::Exception &e) { emitResult(q->fromDecryptResult(e.error(), QString::fromLocal8Bit(e.what()), auditLog)); return; } catch (const std::exception &e) { emitResult(q->fromDecryptResult(Error::fromCode(GPG_ERR_INTERNAL), i18n("Caught exception: %1", QString::fromLocal8Bit(e.what())), auditLog)); return; } catch (...) { emitResult(q->fromDecryptResult(Error::fromCode(GPG_ERR_INTERNAL), i18n("Caught unknown exception"), auditLog)); return; } } const int drErr = dr.error().code(); const QString errorString = m_output->errorString(); if (((drErr == GPG_ERR_EIO || drErr == GPG_ERR_NO_DATA) && !errorString.isEmpty()) || m_output->failed()) { emitResult(q->fromDecryptResult(drErr ? dr.error() : Error::fromCode(GPG_ERR_EIO), errorString, auditLog)); return; } emitResult(q->fromDecryptVerifyResult(dr, vr, plainText, auditLog)); } DecryptVerifyTask::DecryptVerifyTask(QObject *parent) : AbstractDecryptVerifyTask(parent), d(new Private(this)) { } DecryptVerifyTask::~DecryptVerifyTask() { } void DecryptVerifyTask::setInput(const std::shared_ptr &input) { d->m_input = input; kleo_assert(d->m_input && d->m_input->ioDevice()); } void DecryptVerifyTask::setOutput(const std::shared_ptr &output) { d->m_output = output; kleo_assert(d->m_output && d->m_output->ioDevice()); } void DecryptVerifyTask::setProtocol(Protocol prot) { kleo_assert(prot != UnknownProtocol); d->m_protocol = prot; d->m_backend = prot == GpgME::OpenPGP ? QGpgME::openpgp() : QGpgME::smime(); kleo_assert(d->m_backend); } void DecryptVerifyTask::autodetectProtocolFromInput() { if (!d->m_input) { return; } const Protocol p = findProtocol(d->m_input->classification()); if (p == UnknownProtocol) { throw Exception(gpg_error(GPG_ERR_NOTHING_FOUND), i18n("Could not determine whether this is an S/MIME or an OpenPGP signature/ciphertext - maybe it is neither ciphertext nor a signature?"), Exception::MessageOnly); } setProtocol(p); } QString DecryptVerifyTask::label() const { return i18n("Decrypting: %1...", d->m_input->label()); } unsigned long long DecryptVerifyTask::inputSize() const { return d->m_input ? d->m_input->size() : 0; } QString DecryptVerifyTask::inputLabel() const { return d->m_input ? d->m_input->label() : QString(); } QString DecryptVerifyTask::outputLabel() const { return d->m_output ? d->m_output->label() : QString(); } Protocol DecryptVerifyTask::protocol() const { return d->m_protocol; } void DecryptVerifyTask::cancel() { } static void ensureIOOpen(QIODevice *input, QIODevice *output) { if (input && !input->isOpen()) { input->open(QIODevice::ReadOnly); } if (output && !output->isOpen()) { output->open(QIODevice::WriteOnly); } } void DecryptVerifyTask::setIgnoreMDCError(bool value) { d->m_ignoreMDCError = value; } void DecryptVerifyTask::doStart() { kleo_assert(d->m_backend); try { QGpgME::DecryptVerifyJob *const job = d->m_backend->decryptVerifyJob(); if (d->m_ignoreMDCError) { qCDebug(KLEOPATRA_LOG) << "Modifying job to ignore MDC errors."; auto ctx = QGpgME::Job::context(job); if (!ctx) { qCWarning(KLEOPATRA_LOG) << "Failed to get context for job"; } else { const auto err = ctx->setFlag("ignore-mdc-error", "1"); if (err) { qCWarning(KLEOPATRA_LOG) << "Failed to set ignore mdc errors" << err.asString(); } } } kleo_assert(job); d->registerJob(job); ensureIOOpen(d->m_input->ioDevice().get(), d->m_output->ioDevice().get()); job->start(d->m_input->ioDevice(), d->m_output->ioDevice()); } catch (const GpgME::Exception &e) { d->emitResult(fromDecryptVerifyResult(e.error(), QString::fromLocal8Bit(e.what()), AuditLog())); } catch (const std::exception &e) { d->emitResult(fromDecryptVerifyResult(Error::fromCode(GPG_ERR_INTERNAL), i18n("Caught exception: %1", QString::fromLocal8Bit(e.what())), AuditLog())); } catch (...) { d->emitResult(fromDecryptVerifyResult(Error::fromCode(GPG_ERR_INTERNAL), i18n("Caught unknown exception"), AuditLog())); } } class DecryptTask::Private { DecryptTask *const q; public: explicit Private(DecryptTask *qq) : q(qq), m_backend(nullptr), m_protocol(UnknownProtocol) {} void slotResult(const DecryptionResult &, const QByteArray &); void registerJob(QGpgME::DecryptJob *job) { q->connect(job, SIGNAL(result(GpgME::DecryptionResult,QByteArray)), q, SLOT(slotResult(GpgME::DecryptionResult,QByteArray))); q->connect(job, SIGNAL(progress(QString,int,int)), q, SLOT(setProgress(QString,int,int))); } void emitResult(const std::shared_ptr &result); std::shared_ptr m_input; std::shared_ptr m_output; const QGpgME::Protocol *m_backend; Protocol m_protocol; }; void DecryptTask::Private::emitResult(const std::shared_ptr &result) { q->emitResult(result); Q_EMIT q->decryptVerifyResult(result); } void DecryptTask::Private::slotResult(const DecryptionResult &result, const QByteArray &plainText) { { std::stringstream ss; ss << result; qCDebug(KLEOPATRA_LOG) << ss.str().c_str(); } const AuditLog auditLog = auditLogFromSender(q->sender()); if (result.error().code()) { m_output->cancel(); } else { try { kleo_assert(!result.isNull()); m_output->finalize(); } catch (const GpgME::Exception &e) { emitResult(q->fromDecryptResult(e.error(), QString::fromLocal8Bit(e.what()), auditLog)); return; } catch (const std::exception &e) { emitResult(q->fromDecryptResult(Error::fromCode(GPG_ERR_INTERNAL), i18n("Caught exception: %1", QString::fromLocal8Bit(e.what())), auditLog)); return; } catch (...) { emitResult(q->fromDecryptResult(Error::fromCode(GPG_ERR_INTERNAL), i18n("Caught unknown exception"), auditLog)); return; } } const int drErr = result.error().code(); const QString errorString = m_output->errorString(); if (((drErr == GPG_ERR_EIO || drErr == GPG_ERR_NO_DATA) && !errorString.isEmpty()) || m_output->failed()) { emitResult(q->fromDecryptResult(result.error() ? result.error() : Error::fromCode(GPG_ERR_EIO), errorString, auditLog)); return; } emitResult(q->fromDecryptResult(result, plainText, auditLog)); } DecryptTask::DecryptTask(QObject *parent) : AbstractDecryptVerifyTask(parent), d(new Private(this)) { } DecryptTask::~DecryptTask() { } void DecryptTask::setInput(const std::shared_ptr &input) { d->m_input = input; kleo_assert(d->m_input && d->m_input->ioDevice()); } void DecryptTask::setOutput(const std::shared_ptr &output) { d->m_output = output; kleo_assert(d->m_output && d->m_output->ioDevice()); } void DecryptTask::setProtocol(Protocol prot) { kleo_assert(prot != UnknownProtocol); d->m_protocol = prot; d->m_backend = (prot == GpgME::OpenPGP) ? QGpgME::openpgp() : QGpgME::smime(); kleo_assert(d->m_backend); } void DecryptTask::autodetectProtocolFromInput() { if (!d->m_input) { return; } const Protocol p = findProtocol(d->m_input->classification()); if (p == UnknownProtocol) { throw Exception(gpg_error(GPG_ERR_NOTHING_FOUND), i18n("Could not determine whether this was S/MIME- or OpenPGP-encrypted - maybe it is not ciphertext at all?"), Exception::MessageOnly); } setProtocol(p); } QString DecryptTask::label() const { return i18n("Decrypting: %1...", d->m_input->label()); } unsigned long long DecryptTask::inputSize() const { return d->m_input ? d->m_input->size() : 0; } QString DecryptTask::inputLabel() const { return d->m_input ? d->m_input->label() : QString(); } QString DecryptTask::outputLabel() const { return d->m_output ? d->m_output->label() : QString(); } Protocol DecryptTask::protocol() const { return d->m_protocol; } void DecryptTask::cancel() { } void DecryptTask::doStart() { kleo_assert(d->m_backend); try { QGpgME::DecryptJob *const job = d->m_backend->decryptJob(); kleo_assert(job); d->registerJob(job); ensureIOOpen(d->m_input->ioDevice().get(), d->m_output->ioDevice().get()); job->start(d->m_input->ioDevice(), d->m_output->ioDevice()); } catch (const GpgME::Exception &e) { d->emitResult(fromDecryptResult(e.error(), QString::fromLocal8Bit(e.what()), AuditLog())); } catch (const std::exception &e) { d->emitResult(fromDecryptResult(Error::fromCode(GPG_ERR_INTERNAL), i18n("Caught exception: %1", QString::fromLocal8Bit(e.what())), AuditLog())); } catch (...) { d->emitResult(fromDecryptResult(Error::fromCode(GPG_ERR_INTERNAL), i18n("Caught unknown exception"), AuditLog())); } } class VerifyOpaqueTask::Private { VerifyOpaqueTask *const q; public: explicit Private(VerifyOpaqueTask *qq) : q(qq), m_backend(nullptr), m_protocol(UnknownProtocol) {} void slotResult(const VerificationResult &, const QByteArray &); void registerJob(QGpgME::VerifyOpaqueJob *job) { q->connect(job, SIGNAL(result(GpgME::VerificationResult,QByteArray)), q, SLOT(slotResult(GpgME::VerificationResult,QByteArray))); q->connect(job, SIGNAL(progress(QString,int,int)), q, SLOT(setProgress(QString,int,int))); } void emitResult(const std::shared_ptr &result); std::shared_ptr m_input; std::shared_ptr m_output; const QGpgME::Protocol *m_backend; Protocol m_protocol; }; void VerifyOpaqueTask::Private::emitResult(const std::shared_ptr &result) { q->emitResult(result); Q_EMIT q->decryptVerifyResult(result); } void VerifyOpaqueTask::Private::slotResult(const VerificationResult &result, const QByteArray &plainText) { updateKeys(result); { std::stringstream ss; ss << result; qCDebug(KLEOPATRA_LOG) << ss.str().c_str(); } const AuditLog auditLog = auditLogFromSender(q->sender()); if (result.error().code()) { m_output->cancel(); } else { try { kleo_assert(!result.isNull()); m_output->finalize(); } catch (const GpgME::Exception &e) { emitResult(q->fromDecryptResult(e.error(), QString::fromLocal8Bit(e.what()), auditLog)); return; } catch (const std::exception &e) { emitResult(q->fromDecryptResult(Error::fromCode(GPG_ERR_INTERNAL), i18n("Caught exception: %1", QString::fromLocal8Bit(e.what())), auditLog)); return; } catch (...) { emitResult(q->fromDecryptResult(Error::fromCode(GPG_ERR_INTERNAL), i18n("Caught unknown exception"), auditLog)); return; } } const int drErr = result.error().code(); const QString errorString = m_output->errorString(); if (((drErr == GPG_ERR_EIO || drErr == GPG_ERR_NO_DATA) && !errorString.isEmpty()) || m_output->failed()) { emitResult(q->fromDecryptResult(result.error() ? result.error() : Error::fromCode(GPG_ERR_EIO), errorString, auditLog)); return; } emitResult(q->fromVerifyOpaqueResult(result, plainText, auditLog)); } VerifyOpaqueTask::VerifyOpaqueTask(QObject *parent) : AbstractDecryptVerifyTask(parent), d(new Private(this)) { } VerifyOpaqueTask::~VerifyOpaqueTask() { } void VerifyOpaqueTask::setInput(const std::shared_ptr &input) { d->m_input = input; kleo_assert(d->m_input && d->m_input->ioDevice()); } void VerifyOpaqueTask::setOutput(const std::shared_ptr &output) { d->m_output = output; kleo_assert(d->m_output && d->m_output->ioDevice()); } void VerifyOpaqueTask::setProtocol(Protocol prot) { kleo_assert(prot != UnknownProtocol); d->m_protocol = prot; d->m_backend = (prot == GpgME::OpenPGP) ? QGpgME::openpgp() : QGpgME::smime(); kleo_assert(d->m_backend); } void VerifyOpaqueTask::autodetectProtocolFromInput() { if (!d->m_input) { return; } const Protocol p = findProtocol(d->m_input->classification()); if (p == UnknownProtocol) { throw Exception(gpg_error(GPG_ERR_NOTHING_FOUND), i18n("Could not determine whether this is an S/MIME or an OpenPGP signature - maybe it is not a signature at all?"), Exception::MessageOnly); } setProtocol(p); } QString VerifyOpaqueTask::label() const { return i18n("Verifying: %1...", d->m_input->label()); } unsigned long long VerifyOpaqueTask::inputSize() const { return d->m_input ? d->m_input->size() : 0; } QString VerifyOpaqueTask::inputLabel() const { return d->m_input ? d->m_input->label() : QString(); } QString VerifyOpaqueTask::outputLabel() const { return d->m_output ? d->m_output->label() : QString(); } Protocol VerifyOpaqueTask::protocol() const { return d->m_protocol; } void VerifyOpaqueTask::cancel() { } void VerifyOpaqueTask::doStart() { kleo_assert(d->m_backend); try { QGpgME::VerifyOpaqueJob *const job = d->m_backend->verifyOpaqueJob(); kleo_assert(job); d->registerJob(job); ensureIOOpen(d->m_input->ioDevice().get(), d->m_output ? d->m_output->ioDevice().get() : nullptr); job->start(d->m_input->ioDevice(), d->m_output ? d->m_output->ioDevice() : std::shared_ptr()); } catch (const GpgME::Exception &e) { d->emitResult(fromVerifyOpaqueResult(e.error(), QString::fromLocal8Bit(e.what()), AuditLog())); } catch (const std::exception &e) { d->emitResult(fromVerifyOpaqueResult(Error::fromCode(GPG_ERR_INTERNAL), i18n("Caught exception: %1", QString::fromLocal8Bit(e.what())), AuditLog())); } catch (...) { d->emitResult(fromVerifyOpaqueResult(Error::fromCode(GPG_ERR_INTERNAL), i18n("Caught unknown exception"), AuditLog())); } } class VerifyDetachedTask::Private { VerifyDetachedTask *const q; public: explicit Private(VerifyDetachedTask *qq) : q(qq), m_backend(nullptr), m_protocol(UnknownProtocol) {} void slotResult(const VerificationResult &); void registerJob(QGpgME::VerifyDetachedJob *job) { q->connect(job, SIGNAL(result(GpgME::VerificationResult)), q, SLOT(slotResult(GpgME::VerificationResult))); q->connect(job, SIGNAL(progress(QString,int,int)), q, SLOT(setProgress(QString,int,int))); } void emitResult(const std::shared_ptr &result); std::shared_ptr m_input, m_signedData; const QGpgME::Protocol *m_backend; Protocol m_protocol; }; void VerifyDetachedTask::Private::emitResult(const std::shared_ptr &result) { q->emitResult(result); Q_EMIT q->decryptVerifyResult(result); } void VerifyDetachedTask::Private::slotResult(const VerificationResult &result) { updateKeys(result); { std::stringstream ss; ss << result; qCDebug(KLEOPATRA_LOG) << ss.str().c_str(); } const AuditLog auditLog = auditLogFromSender(q->sender()); try { kleo_assert(!result.isNull()); emitResult(q->fromVerifyDetachedResult(result, auditLog)); } catch (const GpgME::Exception &e) { emitResult(q->fromVerifyDetachedResult(e.error(), QString::fromLocal8Bit(e.what()), auditLog)); } catch (const std::exception &e) { emitResult(q->fromVerifyDetachedResult(Error::fromCode(GPG_ERR_INTERNAL), i18n("Caught exception: %1", QString::fromLocal8Bit(e.what())), auditLog)); } catch (...) { emitResult(q->fromVerifyDetachedResult(Error::fromCode(GPG_ERR_INTERNAL), i18n("Caught unknown exception"), auditLog)); } } VerifyDetachedTask::VerifyDetachedTask(QObject *parent) : AbstractDecryptVerifyTask(parent), d(new Private(this)) { } VerifyDetachedTask::~VerifyDetachedTask() { } void VerifyDetachedTask::setInput(const std::shared_ptr &input) { d->m_input = input; kleo_assert(d->m_input && d->m_input->ioDevice()); } void VerifyDetachedTask::setSignedData(const std::shared_ptr &signedData) { d->m_signedData = signedData; kleo_assert(d->m_signedData && d->m_signedData->ioDevice()); } void VerifyDetachedTask::setProtocol(Protocol prot) { kleo_assert(prot != UnknownProtocol); d->m_protocol = prot; d->m_backend = (prot == GpgME::OpenPGP) ? QGpgME::openpgp() : QGpgME::smime(); kleo_assert(d->m_backend); } void VerifyDetachedTask::autodetectProtocolFromInput() { if (!d->m_input) { return; } const Protocol p = findProtocol(d->m_input->classification()); if (p == UnknownProtocol) { throw Exception(gpg_error(GPG_ERR_NOTHING_FOUND), i18n("Could not determine whether this is an S/MIME or an OpenPGP signature - maybe it is not a signature at all?"), Exception::MessageOnly); } setProtocol(p); } unsigned long long VerifyDetachedTask::inputSize() const { return d->m_signedData ? d->m_signedData->size() : 0; } QString VerifyDetachedTask::label() const { if (d->m_signedData) { return xi18nc("Verification of a detached signature in progress. The first file contains the data." "The second file is the signature file.", "Verifying: %1 with %2...", d->m_signedData->label(), d->m_input->label()); } return i18n("Verifying signature: %1...", d->m_input->label()); } QString VerifyDetachedTask::inputLabel() const { if (d->m_signedData && d->m_input) { return xi18nc("Verification of a detached signature summary. The first file contains the data." "The second file is signature.", "Verified %1 with %2", d->m_signedData->label(), d->m_input->label()); } return d->m_input ? d->m_input->label() : QString(); } QString VerifyDetachedTask::outputLabel() const { return QString(); } Protocol VerifyDetachedTask::protocol() const { return d->m_protocol; } void VerifyDetachedTask::cancel() { } void VerifyDetachedTask::doStart() { kleo_assert(d->m_backend); try { QGpgME::VerifyDetachedJob *const job = d->m_backend->verifyDetachedJob(); kleo_assert(job); d->registerJob(job); ensureIOOpen(d->m_input->ioDevice().get(), nullptr); ensureIOOpen(d->m_signedData->ioDevice().get(), nullptr); job->start(d->m_input->ioDevice(), d->m_signedData->ioDevice()); } catch (const GpgME::Exception &e) { d->emitResult(fromVerifyDetachedResult(e.error(), QString::fromLocal8Bit(e.what()), AuditLog())); } catch (const std::exception &e) { d->emitResult(fromVerifyDetachedResult(Error::fromCode(GPG_ERR_INTERNAL), i18n("Caught exception: %1", QString::fromLocal8Bit(e.what())), AuditLog())); } catch (...) { d->emitResult(fromVerifyDetachedResult(Error::fromCode(GPG_ERR_INTERNAL), i18n("Caught unknown exception"), AuditLog())); } } #include "moc_decryptverifytask.cpp" diff --git a/src/crypto/gui/signencryptemailconflictdialog.cpp b/src/crypto/gui/signencryptemailconflictdialog.cpp index 38fbf22f6..f8ad40086 100644 --- a/src/crypto/gui/signencryptemailconflictdialog.cpp +++ b/src/crypto/gui/signencryptemailconflictdialog.cpp @@ -1,644 +1,645 @@ /* -*- mode: c++; c-basic-offset:4 -*- crypto/gui/signencryptemailconflictdialog.cpp This file is part of Kleopatra, the KDE keymanager SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2009 Klarälvdalens Datakonsult AB SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later */ #include #include "signencryptemailconflictdialog.h" #include #include #include "dialogs/certificateselectiondialog.h" #include "certificateselectionline.h" #include #include "utils/gui-helper.h" #include "utils/kleo_assert.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace Kleo; using namespace Kleo::Crypto; using namespace Kleo::Crypto::Gui; using namespace Kleo::Dialogs; using namespace GpgME; Q_DECLARE_METATYPE(GpgME::Key) Q_DECLARE_METATYPE(GpgME::UserID) static CertificateSelectionDialog * create_certificate_selection_dialog(QWidget *parent, Protocol proto) { auto const dlg = new CertificateSelectionDialog(parent); dlg->setOptions(proto == OpenPGP ? CertificateSelectionDialog::OpenPGPFormat : proto == CMS ? CertificateSelectionDialog::CMSFormat : CertificateSelectionDialog::AnyFormat); return dlg; } static CertificateSelectionDialog * create_encryption_certificate_selection_dialog(QWidget *parent, Protocol proto, const QString &mailbox) { CertificateSelectionDialog *const dlg = create_certificate_selection_dialog(parent, proto); dlg->setCustomLabelText(i18n("Please select an encryption certificate for recipient \"%1\"", mailbox)); dlg->setOptions(CertificateSelectionDialog::SingleSelection | CertificateSelectionDialog::EncryptOnly | dlg->options()); return dlg; } static CertificateSelectionDialog * create_signing_certificate_selection_dialog(QWidget *parent, Protocol proto, const QString &mailbox) { CertificateSelectionDialog *const dlg = create_certificate_selection_dialog(parent, proto); dlg->setCustomLabelText(i18n("Please select a signing certificate for sender \"%1\"", mailbox)); dlg->setOptions(CertificateSelectionDialog::SingleSelection | CertificateSelectionDialog::SignOnly | CertificateSelectionDialog::SecretKeys | dlg->options()); return dlg; } static QString make_top_label_conflict_text(bool sign, bool enc) { return sign && enc ? i18n("Kleopatra cannot unambiguously determine matching certificates " "for all recipients/senders of the message.\n" "Please select the correct certificates for each recipient:") : sign ? i18n("Kleopatra cannot unambiguously determine matching certificates " "for the sender of the message.\n" "Please select the correct certificates for the sender:") : enc ? i18n("Kleopatra cannot unambiguously determine matching certificates " "for all recipients of the message.\n" "Please select the correct certificates for each recipient:") : /* else */ (kleo_assert_fail(sign || enc), QString()); } static QString make_top_label_quickmode_text(bool sign, bool enc) { return enc ? i18n("Please verify that correct certificates have been selected for each recipient:") : sign ? i18n("Please verify that the correct certificate has been selected for the sender:") : /*else*/ (kleo_assert_fail(sign || enc), QString()); } class SignEncryptEMailConflictDialog::Private { friend class ::Kleo::Crypto::Gui::SignEncryptEMailConflictDialog; SignEncryptEMailConflictDialog *const q; public: explicit Private(SignEncryptEMailConflictDialog *qq) : q(qq), senders(), recipients(), sign(true), encrypt(true), presetProtocol(UnknownProtocol), ui(q) { } private: void updateTopLabelText() { ui.conflictTopLB.setText(make_top_label_conflict_text(sign, encrypt)); ui.quickModeTopLB.setText(make_top_label_quickmode_text(sign, encrypt)); } void showHideWidgets() { const Protocol proto = q->selectedProtocol(); const bool quickMode = q->isQuickMode(); const bool needProtocolSelection = presetProtocol == UnknownProtocol; const bool needShowAllRecipientsCB = quickMode ? false : needProtocolSelection ? needShowAllRecipients(OpenPGP) || needShowAllRecipients(CMS) : /* else */ needShowAllRecipients(proto) ; ui.showAllRecipientsCB.setVisible(needShowAllRecipientsCB); ui.pgpRB.setVisible(needProtocolSelection); ui.cmsRB.setVisible(needProtocolSelection); const bool showAll = !needShowAllRecipientsCB || ui.showAllRecipientsCB.isChecked(); bool first; first = true; for (const CertificateSelectionLine &line : std::as_const(ui.signers)) { line.showHide(proto, first, showAll, sign); } ui.selectSigningCertificatesGB.setVisible(sign && (showAll || !first)); first = true; for (const CertificateSelectionLine &line : std::as_const(ui.recipients)) { line.showHide(proto, first, showAll, encrypt); } ui.selectEncryptionCertificatesGB.setVisible(encrypt && (showAll || !first)); } bool needShowAllRecipients(Protocol proto) const { if (sign) { if (const unsigned int num = std::count_if(ui.signers.cbegin(), ui.signers.cend(), [proto](const CertificateSelectionLine &l) { return l.wasInitiallyAmbiguous(proto); })) { if (num != ui.signers.size()) { return true; } } } if (encrypt) { if (const unsigned int num = std::count_if(ui.recipients.cbegin(), ui.recipients.cend(), [proto](const CertificateSelectionLine &l) { return l.wasInitiallyAmbiguous(proto); })) { if (num != ui.recipients.size()) { return true; } } } return false; } void createSendersAndRecipients() { ui.clearSendersAndRecipients(); ui.addSelectSigningCertificatesGB(); for (const Sender &s : std::as_const(senders)) { addSigner(s); } ui.addSelectEncryptionCertificatesGB(); for (const Sender &s : std::as_const(senders)) { addRecipient(s); } for (const Recipient &r : std::as_const(recipients)) { addRecipient(r); } } void addSigner(const Sender &s) { ui.addSigner(s.mailbox().prettyAddress(), s.signingCertificateCandidates(OpenPGP), s.isSigningAmbiguous(OpenPGP), s.signingCertificateCandidates(CMS), s.isSigningAmbiguous(CMS), q); } void addRecipient(const Sender &s) { ui.addRecipient(s.mailbox().prettyAddress(), s.encryptToSelfCertificateCandidates(OpenPGP), s.isEncryptionAmbiguous(OpenPGP), s.encryptToSelfCertificateCandidates(CMS), s.isEncryptionAmbiguous(CMS), q); } void addRecipient(const Recipient &r) { ui.addRecipient(r.mailbox().prettyAddress(), r.encryptionCertificateCandidates(OpenPGP), r.isEncryptionAmbiguous(OpenPGP), r.encryptionCertificateCandidates(CMS), r.isEncryptionAmbiguous(CMS), q); } bool isComplete(Protocol proto) const; private: void updateComplianceStatus() { + if (!Kleo::gnupgIsDeVsCompliant()) { + return; + } if (q->selectedProtocol() == UnknownProtocol || (q->resolvedSigningKeys().empty() && q->resolvedEncryptionKeys().empty())) { return; } // Handle compliance bool de_vs = true; for (const auto &key: q->resolvedSigningKeys()) { if (!IS_DE_VS(key) || keyValidity(key) < GpgME::UserID::Validity::Full) { de_vs = false; break; } } if (de_vs) { for (const auto &key: q->resolvedEncryptionKeys()) { if (!IS_DE_VS(key) || keyValidity(key) < GpgME::UserID::Validity::Full) { de_vs = false; break; } } } auto btn = ui.buttonBox.button(QDialogButtonBox::Ok); btn->setIcon(QIcon::fromTheme(de_vs ? QStringLiteral("security-high") : QStringLiteral("security-medium"))); btn->setStyleSheet(QStringLiteral("background-color: ") + (de_vs ? KColorScheme(QPalette::Active, KColorScheme::View).background(KColorScheme::PositiveBackground).color().name() : KColorScheme(QPalette::Active, KColorScheme::View).background(KColorScheme::NegativeBackground).color().name())); ui.complianceLB.setText(de_vs ? i18nc("%1 is a placeholder for the name of a compliance mode. E.g. NATO RESTRICTED compliant or VS-NfD compliant", "%1 communication possible.", Formatting::deVsString()) : i18nc("%1 is a placeholder for the name of a compliance mode. E.g. NATO RESTRICTED compliant or VS-NfD compliant", "%1 communication not possible.", Formatting::deVsString())); ui.complianceLB.setVisible(true); } void updateDialogStatus() { ui.setOkButtonEnabled(q->isComplete()); - if (Kleo::gpgComplianceP("de-vs")) { - updateComplianceStatus(); - } + updateComplianceStatus(); } void slotCompleteChanged() { updateDialogStatus(); } void slotShowAllRecipientsToggled(bool) { showHideWidgets(); } void slotProtocolChanged() { showHideWidgets(); updateDialogStatus(); } void slotCertificateSelectionDialogRequested() { const QObject *const s = q->sender(); const Protocol proto = q->selectedProtocol(); QPointer dlg; for (const CertificateSelectionLine &l : std::as_const(ui.signers)) if (s == l.toolButton()) { dlg = create_signing_certificate_selection_dialog(q, proto, l.mailboxText()); if (dlg->exec()) { l.addAndSelectCertificate(dlg->selectedCertificate()); } // ### switch to key.protocol(), in case proto == UnknownProtocol break; } for (const CertificateSelectionLine &l : std::as_const(ui.recipients)) if (s == l.toolButton()) { dlg = create_encryption_certificate_selection_dialog(q, proto, l.mailboxText()); if (dlg->exec()) { l.addAndSelectCertificate(dlg->selectedCertificate()); } // ### switch to key.protocol(), in case proto == UnknownProtocol break; } #ifndef Q_OS_WIN // This leads to a crash on Windows. We don't really // leak memory here anyway because the destruction of the // dialog happens when the parent (q) is destroyed anyway. delete dlg; #endif } private: std::vector senders; std::vector recipients; bool sign : 1; bool encrypt : 1; Protocol presetProtocol; private: struct Ui { QLabel conflictTopLB, quickModeTopLB; QCheckBox showAllRecipientsCB; QRadioButton pgpRB, cmsRB; QGroupBox selectSigningCertificatesGB; QGroupBox selectEncryptionCertificatesGB; QCheckBox quickModeCB; QDialogButtonBox buttonBox; QVBoxLayout vlay; QHBoxLayout hlay; QHBoxLayout hlay2; QGridLayout glay; std::vector signers, recipients; QLabel complianceLB; void setOkButtonEnabled(bool enable) { return buttonBox.button(QDialogButtonBox::Ok)->setEnabled(enable); } explicit Ui(SignEncryptEMailConflictDialog *q) : conflictTopLB(make_top_label_conflict_text(true, true), q), quickModeTopLB(make_top_label_quickmode_text(true, true), q), showAllRecipientsCB(i18n("Show all recipients"), q), pgpRB(i18n("OpenPGP"), q), cmsRB(i18n("S/MIME"), q), selectSigningCertificatesGB(i18n("Select Signing Certificate"), q), selectEncryptionCertificatesGB(i18n("Select Encryption Certificate"), q), quickModeCB(i18n("Only show this dialog in case of conflicts (experimental)"), q), buttonBox(QDialogButtonBox::Ok | QDialogButtonBox::Cancel, Qt::Horizontal, q), vlay(q), hlay(), glay(), signers(), recipients() { KDAB_SET_OBJECT_NAME(conflictTopLB); KDAB_SET_OBJECT_NAME(quickModeTopLB); KDAB_SET_OBJECT_NAME(showAllRecipientsCB); KDAB_SET_OBJECT_NAME(pgpRB); KDAB_SET_OBJECT_NAME(cmsRB); KDAB_SET_OBJECT_NAME(selectSigningCertificatesGB); KDAB_SET_OBJECT_NAME(selectEncryptionCertificatesGB); KDAB_SET_OBJECT_NAME(quickModeCB); KDAB_SET_OBJECT_NAME(buttonBox); KDAB_SET_OBJECT_NAME(hlay); KDAB_SET_OBJECT_NAME(glay); KDAB_SET_OBJECT_NAME(vlay); q->setWindowTitle(i18nc("@title:window", "Select Certificates for Message")); conflictTopLB.hide(); selectSigningCertificatesGB.setFlat(true); selectEncryptionCertificatesGB.setFlat(true); selectSigningCertificatesGB.setAlignment(Qt::AlignCenter); selectEncryptionCertificatesGB.setAlignment(Qt::AlignCenter); glay.setColumnStretch(2, 1); glay.setColumnStretch(3, 1); vlay.setSizeConstraint(QLayout::SetMinimumSize); vlay.addWidget(&conflictTopLB); vlay.addWidget(&quickModeTopLB); hlay.addWidget(&showAllRecipientsCB); hlay.addStretch(1); hlay.addWidget(&pgpRB); hlay.addWidget(&cmsRB); vlay.addLayout(&hlay); addSelectSigningCertificatesGB(); addSelectEncryptionCertificatesGB(); vlay.addLayout(&glay); vlay.addStretch(1); complianceLB.setVisible(false); hlay2.addStretch(1); hlay2.addWidget(&complianceLB, 0, Qt::AlignRight); hlay2.addWidget(&buttonBox, 0, Qt::AlignRight); vlay.addWidget(&quickModeCB, 0, Qt::AlignRight); vlay.addLayout(&hlay2); connect(&buttonBox, &QDialogButtonBox::accepted, q, &SignEncryptEMailConflictDialog::accept); connect(&buttonBox, &QDialogButtonBox::rejected, q, &SignEncryptEMailConflictDialog::reject); connect(&showAllRecipientsCB, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), q, SLOT(slotShowAllRecipientsToggled(bool))); connect(&pgpRB, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), q, SLOT(slotProtocolChanged())); connect(&cmsRB, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), q, SLOT(slotProtocolChanged())); } void clearSendersAndRecipients() { std::vector sig, enc; sig.swap(signers); enc.swap(recipients); std::for_each(sig.begin(), sig.end(), std::mem_fn(&CertificateSelectionLine::kill)); std::for_each(enc.begin(), enc.end(), std::mem_fn(&CertificateSelectionLine::kill)); glay.removeWidget(&selectSigningCertificatesGB); glay.removeWidget(&selectEncryptionCertificatesGB); } void addSelectSigningCertificatesGB() { glay.addWidget(&selectSigningCertificatesGB, glay.rowCount(), 0, 1, CertificateSelectionLine::NumColumns); } void addSelectEncryptionCertificatesGB() { glay.addWidget(&selectEncryptionCertificatesGB, glay.rowCount(), 0, 1, CertificateSelectionLine::NumColumns); } void addSigner(const QString &mailbox, const std::vector &pgp, bool pgpAmbiguous, const std::vector &cms, bool cmsAmbiguous, QWidget *q) { CertificateSelectionLine line(i18n("From:"), mailbox, pgp, pgpAmbiguous, cms, cmsAmbiguous, q, glay); signers.push_back(line); } void addRecipient(const QString &mailbox, const std::vector &pgp, bool pgpAmbiguous, const std::vector &cms, bool cmsAmbiguous, QWidget *q) { CertificateSelectionLine line(i18n("To:"), mailbox, pgp, pgpAmbiguous, cms, cmsAmbiguous, q, glay); recipients.push_back(line); } } ui; }; SignEncryptEMailConflictDialog::SignEncryptEMailConflictDialog(QWidget *parent) : QDialog(parent), d(new Private(this)) { } SignEncryptEMailConflictDialog::~SignEncryptEMailConflictDialog() {} void SignEncryptEMailConflictDialog::setPresetProtocol(Protocol p) { if (p == d->presetProtocol) { return; } const QSignalBlocker pgpBlocker(d->ui.pgpRB); const QSignalBlocker cmsBlocker(d->ui.cmsRB); really_check(d->ui.pgpRB, p == OpenPGP); really_check(d->ui.cmsRB, p == CMS); d->presetProtocol = p; d->showHideWidgets(); d->updateDialogStatus(); } Protocol SignEncryptEMailConflictDialog::selectedProtocol() const { if (d->presetProtocol != UnknownProtocol) { return d->presetProtocol; } if (d->ui.pgpRB.isChecked()) { return OpenPGP; } if (d->ui.cmsRB.isChecked()) { return CMS; } return UnknownProtocol; } void SignEncryptEMailConflictDialog::setSubject(const QString &subject) { setWindowTitle(i18nc("@title:window", "Select Certificates for Message \"%1\"", subject)); } void SignEncryptEMailConflictDialog::setSign(bool sign) { if (sign == d->sign) { return; } d->sign = sign; d->updateTopLabelText(); d->showHideWidgets(); d->updateDialogStatus(); } void SignEncryptEMailConflictDialog::setEncrypt(bool encrypt) { if (encrypt == d->encrypt) { return; } d->encrypt = encrypt; d->updateTopLabelText(); d->showHideWidgets(); d->updateDialogStatus(); } void SignEncryptEMailConflictDialog::setSenders(const std::vector &senders) { if (senders == d->senders) { return; } d->senders = senders; d->createSendersAndRecipients(); d->showHideWidgets(); d->updateDialogStatus(); } void SignEncryptEMailConflictDialog::setRecipients(const std::vector &recipients) { if (d->recipients == recipients) { return; } d->recipients = recipients; d->createSendersAndRecipients(); d->showHideWidgets(); d->updateDialogStatus(); } void SignEncryptEMailConflictDialog::pickProtocol() { if (selectedProtocol() != UnknownProtocol) { return; // already picked } const bool pgp = d->isComplete(OpenPGP); const bool cms = d->isComplete(CMS); if (pgp && !cms) { d->ui.pgpRB.setChecked(true); } else if (cms && !pgp) { d->ui.cmsRB.setChecked(true); } } bool SignEncryptEMailConflictDialog::isComplete() const { const Protocol proto = selectedProtocol(); return proto != UnknownProtocol && d->isComplete(proto); } bool SignEncryptEMailConflictDialog::Private::isComplete(Protocol proto) const { return (!sign || std::none_of(ui.signers.cbegin(), ui.signers.cend(), [proto](const CertificateSelectionLine &l) { return l.isStillAmbiguous(proto); })) && (!encrypt || std::none_of(ui.recipients.cbegin(), ui.recipients.cend(), [proto](const CertificateSelectionLine &l) { return l.isStillAmbiguous(proto); })); } static std::vector get_keys(const std::vector &lines, Protocol proto) { if (proto == UnknownProtocol) { return std::vector(); } Q_ASSERT(proto == OpenPGP || proto == CMS); std::vector keys; keys.reserve(lines.size()); std::transform(lines.cbegin(), lines.cend(), std::back_inserter(keys), [proto](const CertificateSelectionLine &l) { return l.key(proto); }); return keys; } std::vector SignEncryptEMailConflictDialog::resolvedSigningKeys() const { return d->sign ? get_keys(d->ui.signers, selectedProtocol()) : std::vector(); } std::vector SignEncryptEMailConflictDialog::resolvedEncryptionKeys() const { return d->encrypt ? get_keys(d->ui.recipients, selectedProtocol()) : std::vector(); } void SignEncryptEMailConflictDialog::setQuickMode(bool on) { d->ui.quickModeCB.setChecked(on); } bool SignEncryptEMailConflictDialog::isQuickMode() const { return d->ui.quickModeCB.isChecked(); } void SignEncryptEMailConflictDialog::setConflict(bool conflict) { d->ui.conflictTopLB.setVisible(conflict); d->ui.quickModeTopLB.setVisible(!conflict); } #include "moc_signencryptemailconflictdialog.cpp" diff --git a/src/crypto/gui/signencryptfileswizard.cpp b/src/crypto/gui/signencryptfileswizard.cpp index e7ad5b135..14cc9600b 100644 --- a/src/crypto/gui/signencryptfileswizard.cpp +++ b/src/crypto/gui/signencryptfileswizard.cpp @@ -1,600 +1,600 @@ /* crypto/gui/signencryptfileswizard.cpp This file is part of Kleopatra, the KDE keymanager SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2009 Klarälvdalens Datakonsult AB SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2016 Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik SPDX-FileContributor: Intevation GmbH SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later */ #include #include "signencryptfileswizard.h" #include "signencryptwidget.h" #include "newresultpage.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "kleopatra_debug.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace GpgME; using namespace Kleo; using namespace Kleo::Crypto::Gui; enum Page { SigEncPageId, ResultPageId, NumPages }; class FileNameRequesterWithIcon : public QWidget { Q_OBJECT public: explicit FileNameRequesterWithIcon(QDir::Filters filter, QWidget *parent = nullptr) : QWidget(parent) { auto layout = new QHBoxLayout{this}; layout->setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0); mIconLabel = new QLabel{this}; mRequester = new FileNameRequester{filter, this}; mRequester->setExistingOnly(false); layout->addWidget(mIconLabel); layout->addWidget(mRequester); setFocusPolicy(mRequester->focusPolicy()); setFocusProxy(mRequester); connect(mRequester, &FileNameRequester::fileNameChanged, this, &FileNameRequesterWithIcon::fileNameChanged); } void setIcon(const QIcon &icon) { mIconLabel->setPixmap(icon.pixmap(32, 32)); } void setFileName(const QString &name) { mRequester->setFileName(name); } QString fileName() const { return mRequester->fileName(); } Q_SIGNALS: void fileNameChanged(const QString &filename); protected: bool event(QEvent *e) override { if (e->type() == QEvent::ToolTipChange) { mRequester->setToolTip(toolTip()); } return QWidget::event(e); } private: QLabel *mIconLabel; FileNameRequester *mRequester; }; class SigEncPage: public QWizardPage { Q_OBJECT public: explicit SigEncPage(QWidget *parent = nullptr) : QWizardPage(parent), mParent((SignEncryptFilesWizard *) parent), mWidget(new SignEncryptWidget), mOutLayout(new QVBoxLayout), mOutputLabel{nullptr}, mArchive(false), mUseOutputDir(false), mSingleFile{true} { setTitle(i18nc("@title", "Sign / Encrypt Files")); auto vLay = new QVBoxLayout(this); vLay->setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0); mWidget->setSignAsText(i18nc("@option:check on SignEncryptPage", "&Sign as:")); mWidget->setEncryptForMeText(i18nc("@option:check on SignEncryptPage", "Encrypt for &me:")); mWidget->setEncryptForOthersText(i18nc("@option:check on SignEncryptPage", "Encrypt for &others:")); mWidget->setEncryptWithPasswordText(i18nc("@option:check on SignEncryptPage", "Encrypt with &password. Anyone you share the password with can read the data.")); vLay->addWidget(mWidget); connect(mWidget, &SignEncryptWidget::operationChanged, this, &SigEncPage::updateCommitButton); connect(mWidget, &SignEncryptWidget::keysChanged, this, &SigEncPage::updateFileWidgets); auto outputGrp = new QGroupBox(i18nc("@title:group", "Output")); outputGrp->setLayout(mOutLayout); mPlaceholderWidget = new QLabel(i18n("Please select an action.")); mOutLayout->addWidget(mPlaceholderWidget); mOutputLabel = new QLabel(i18nc("@label on SignEncryptPage", "Output &files/folder:")); mOutLayout->addWidget(mOutputLabel); createRequesters(mOutLayout); mUseOutputDirChk = new QCheckBox(i18nc("@option:check on SignEncryptPage", "Encrypt / Sign &each file separately.")); mUseOutputDirChk->setToolTip(i18nc("@info:tooltip", "Keep each file separate instead of creating an archive for all.")); mOutLayout->addWidget(mUseOutputDirChk); connect (mUseOutputDirChk, &QCheckBox::toggled, this, [this] (bool state) { mUseOutputDir = state; mArchive = !mUseOutputDir && !mSingleFile; updateFileWidgets(); }); vLay->addWidget(outputGrp); setMinimumHeight(300); } void setEncryptionPreset(bool value) { mWidget->setEncryptionChecked(value); } void setSigningPreset(bool value) { mWidget->setSigningChecked(value); } bool isComplete() const override { return !mWidget->currentOp().isNull(); } int nextId() const override { return ResultPageId; } void initializePage() override { setCommitPage(true); updateCommitButton(mWidget->currentOp()); } void setArchiveForced(bool archive) { mArchive = archive; setArchiveMutable(!archive); } void setArchiveMutable(bool archive) { mUseOutputDirChk->setVisible(archive); if (archive) { const KConfigGroup archCfg(KSharedConfig::openConfig(), "SignEncryptFilesWizard"); mUseOutputDirChk->setChecked(archCfg.readEntry("LastUseOutputDir", false)); } else { mUseOutputDirChk->setChecked(false); } } void setSingleFile(bool singleFile) { mSingleFile = singleFile; mArchive = !mUseOutputDir && !mSingleFile; } bool validatePage() override { bool sign = !mWidget->signKey().isNull(); bool encrypt = !mWidget->selfKey().isNull() || !mWidget->recipients().empty(); if (!mWidget->validate()) { return false; } mWidget->saveOwnKeys(); if (mUseOutputDirChk->isVisible()) { KConfigGroup archCfg(KSharedConfig::openConfig(), "SignEncryptFilesWizard"); archCfg.writeEntry("LastUseOutputDir", mUseOutputDir); } if (sign && !encrypt && mArchive) { return KMessageBox::warningContinueCancel(this, xi18nc("@info", "Archiving in combination with sign-only currently requires what are known as opaque signatures - " "unlike detached ones, these embed the content in the signature." "This format is rather unusual. You might want to archive the files separately, " "and then sign the archive as one file with Kleopatra." "Future versions of Kleopatra are expected to also support detached signatures in this case."), i18nc("@title:window", "Unusual Signature Warning"), KStandardGuiItem::cont(), KStandardGuiItem::cancel(), QStringLiteral("signencryptfileswizard-archive+sign-only-warning")) == KMessageBox::Continue; } else if (sign && !encrypt) { return true; } if (!mWidget->selfKey().isNull() || mWidget->encryptSymmetric()) { return true; } const auto recipientKeys = recipients(); const bool hasSecret = std::any_of(std::begin(recipientKeys), std::end(recipientKeys), [](const auto &k) { return k.hasSecret(); }); if (!hasSecret) { if (KMessageBox::warningContinueCancel(this, xi18nc("@info", "None of the recipients you are encrypting to seems to be your own." "This means that you will not be able to decrypt the data anymore, once encrypted." "Do you want to continue, or cancel to change the recipient selection?"), i18nc("@title:window", "Encrypt-To-Self Warning"), KStandardGuiItem::cont(), KStandardGuiItem::cancel(), QStringLiteral("warn-encrypt-to-non-self"), KMessageBox::Notify | KMessageBox::Dangerous) == KMessageBox::Cancel) { return false; } } return true; } std::vector recipients() const { return mWidget->recipients(); } /* In the future we might find a usecase for multiple * signers */ std::vector signers() const { const Key k = mWidget->signKey(); if (!k.isNull()) { return {k}; } return {}; } private: void createRequesters(QBoxLayout *lay) { static const QMap icons = { { SignEncryptFilesWizard::SignatureCMS, QStringLiteral("document-sign") }, { SignEncryptFilesWizard::SignaturePGP, QStringLiteral("document-sign") }, { SignEncryptFilesWizard::CombinedPGP, QStringLiteral("document-edit-sign-encrypt") }, { SignEncryptFilesWizard::EncryptedPGP, QStringLiteral("document-encrypt") }, { SignEncryptFilesWizard::EncryptedCMS, QStringLiteral("document-encrypt") }, { SignEncryptFilesWizard::Directory, QStringLiteral("folder") } }; static const QMap toolTips = { { SignEncryptFilesWizard::SignatureCMS, i18n("The S/MIME signature.") }, { SignEncryptFilesWizard::SignaturePGP, i18n("The signature.") }, { SignEncryptFilesWizard::CombinedPGP, i18n("The signed and encrypted file.") }, { SignEncryptFilesWizard::EncryptedPGP, i18n("The encrypted file.") }, { SignEncryptFilesWizard::EncryptedCMS, i18n("The S/MIME encrypted file.") }, { SignEncryptFilesWizard::Directory, i18n("Output directory.") } }; if (!mRequesters.empty()) { return; } for (auto kind : icons.keys()) { auto requesterWithIcon = new FileNameRequesterWithIcon{ kind == SignEncryptFilesWizard::Directory ? QDir::Dirs : QDir::Files, this}; requesterWithIcon->setIcon(QIcon::fromTheme(icons[kind])); requesterWithIcon->setToolTip(toolTips[kind]); lay->addWidget(requesterWithIcon); connect(requesterWithIcon, &FileNameRequesterWithIcon::fileNameChanged, this, [this, kind](const QString &newName) { mOutNames[kind] = newName; }); mRequesters.insert(kind, requesterWithIcon); } } public: void setOutputNames(const QMap &names) { Q_ASSERT(mOutNames.isEmpty()); for (auto it = std::begin(names); it != std::end(names); ++it) { mRequesters.value(it.key())->setFileName(it.value()); } mOutNames = names; updateFileWidgets(); } QMap outputNames() const { if (!mUseOutputDir) { auto ret = mOutNames; ret.remove(SignEncryptFilesWizard::Directory); return ret; } return mOutNames; } bool encryptSymmetric() const { return mWidget->encryptSymmetric(); } private Q_SLOTS: void updateCommitButton(const QString &label) { if (mParent->currentPage() != this) { return; } auto btn = mParent->button(QWizard::CommitButton); if (!label.isEmpty()) { mParent->setButtonText(QWizard::CommitButton, label); - if (Kleo::gpgComplianceP("de-vs")) { - bool de_vs = mWidget->isDeVsAndValid(); + if (Kleo::gnupgUsesDeVsCompliance()) { + const bool de_vs = Kleo::gnupgIsDeVsCompliant() && mWidget->isDeVsAndValid(); btn->setIcon(QIcon::fromTheme(de_vs ? QStringLiteral("security-high") : QStringLiteral("security-medium"))); btn->setStyleSheet(QStringLiteral("background-color: ") + (de_vs ? KColorScheme(QPalette::Active, KColorScheme::View).background(KColorScheme::PositiveBackground).color().name() : KColorScheme(QPalette::Active, KColorScheme::View).background(KColorScheme::NegativeBackground).color().name())); mParent->setLabelText(de_vs ? i18nc("%1 is a placeholder for the name of a compliance mode. E.g. NATO RESTRICTED compliant or VS-NfD compliant", "%1 communication possible.", Formatting::deVsString()) : i18nc("%1 is a placeholder for the name of a compliance mode. E.g. NATO RESTRICTED compliant or VS-NfD compliant", "%1 communication not possible.", Formatting::deVsString())); } } else { mParent->setButtonText(QWizard::CommitButton, i18n("Next")); btn->setIcon(QIcon()); btn->setStyleSheet(QString()); } Q_EMIT completeChanged(); } void updateFileWidgets() { if (mRequesters.isEmpty()) { return; } const std::vector recipients = mWidget->recipients(); const Key sigKey = mWidget->signKey(); const bool pgp = mWidget->encryptSymmetric() || std::any_of(std::cbegin(recipients), std::cend(recipients), [](const auto &k) { return k.protocol() == Protocol::OpenPGP; }); const bool cms = std::any_of(std::cbegin(recipients), std::cend(recipients), [](const auto &k) { return k.protocol() == Protocol::CMS; }); mOutLayout->setEnabled(false); if (cms || pgp || !sigKey.isNull()) { mPlaceholderWidget->setVisible(false); mOutputLabel->setVisible(true); mRequesters[SignEncryptFilesWizard::SignatureCMS]->setVisible(!mUseOutputDir && sigKey.protocol() == Protocol::CMS); mRequesters[SignEncryptFilesWizard::EncryptedCMS]->setVisible(!mUseOutputDir && cms); mRequesters[SignEncryptFilesWizard::CombinedPGP]->setVisible(!mUseOutputDir && sigKey.protocol() == Protocol::OpenPGP && pgp); mRequesters[SignEncryptFilesWizard::EncryptedPGP]->setVisible(!mUseOutputDir && sigKey.protocol() != Protocol::OpenPGP && pgp); mRequesters[SignEncryptFilesWizard::SignaturePGP]->setVisible(!mUseOutputDir && sigKey.protocol() == Protocol::OpenPGP && !pgp); mRequesters[SignEncryptFilesWizard::Directory]->setVisible(mUseOutputDir); auto firstNotHidden = std::find_if(std::cbegin(mRequesters), std::cend(mRequesters), [](auto w) { return !w->isHidden(); }); mOutputLabel->setBuddy(*firstNotHidden); } else { mPlaceholderWidget->setVisible(true); mOutputLabel->setVisible(false); std::for_each(std::cbegin(mRequesters), std::cend(mRequesters), [](auto w) { w->setVisible(false); }); mOutputLabel->setBuddy(nullptr); } mOutLayout->setEnabled(true); } private: SignEncryptFilesWizard *mParent; SignEncryptWidget *mWidget; QMap mOutNames; QMap mRequesters; QVBoxLayout *mOutLayout; QWidget *mPlaceholderWidget; QCheckBox *mUseOutputDirChk; QLabel *mOutputLabel; bool mArchive; bool mUseOutputDir; bool mSingleFile; }; class ResultPage : public NewResultPage { Q_OBJECT public: explicit ResultPage(QWidget *parent = nullptr) : NewResultPage(parent), mParent((SignEncryptFilesWizard *) parent) { setTitle(i18nc("@title", "Results")); setSubTitle(i18nc("@title", "Status and progress of the crypto operations is shown here.")); } void initializePage() override { mParent->setLabelText(QString()); } private: SignEncryptFilesWizard *mParent; }; SignEncryptFilesWizard::SignEncryptFilesWizard(QWidget *parent, Qt::WindowFlags f) : QWizard(parent, f) { readConfig(); - bool de_vs = Kleo::gpgComplianceP("de-vs"); + const bool de_vs = Kleo::gnupgUsesDeVsCompliance(); #ifdef Q_OS_WIN // Enforce modern style to avoid vista style ugliness. setWizardStyle(QWizard::ModernStyle); #endif mSigEncPage = new SigEncPage(this); mResultPage = new ResultPage(this); connect(this, &QWizard::currentIdChanged, this, &SignEncryptFilesWizard::slotCurrentIdChanged); setPage(SigEncPageId, mSigEncPage); setPage(ResultPageId, mResultPage); setOptions(QWizard::IndependentPages | (de_vs ? QWizard::HaveCustomButton1 : QWizard::WizardOption(0)) | QWizard::NoBackButtonOnLastPage | QWizard::NoBackButtonOnStartPage); if (de_vs) { /* We use a custom button to display a label next to the buttons. */ auto btn = button(QWizard::CustomButton1); /* We style the button so that it looks and acts like a label. */ btn->setStyleSheet(QStringLiteral("border: none")); btn->setFocusPolicy(Qt::NoFocus); } } void SignEncryptFilesWizard::setLabelText(const QString &label) { button(QWizard::CommitButton)->setToolTip(label); setButtonText(QWizard::CustomButton1, label); } void SignEncryptFilesWizard::slotCurrentIdChanged(int id) { if (id == ResultPageId) { Q_EMIT operationPrepared(); } } SignEncryptFilesWizard::~SignEncryptFilesWizard() { qCDebug(KLEOPATRA_LOG); writeConfig(); } void SignEncryptFilesWizard::setSigningPreset(bool preset) { mSigEncPage->setSigningPreset(preset); } void SignEncryptFilesWizard::setSigningUserMutable(bool mut) { if (mut == mSigningUserMutable) { return; } mSigningUserMutable = mut; } void SignEncryptFilesWizard::setEncryptionPreset(bool preset) { mSigEncPage->setEncryptionPreset(preset); } void SignEncryptFilesWizard::setEncryptionUserMutable(bool mut) { if (mut == mEncryptionUserMutable) { return; } mEncryptionUserMutable = mut; } void SignEncryptFilesWizard::setArchiveForced(bool archive) { mSigEncPage->setArchiveForced(archive); } void SignEncryptFilesWizard::setArchiveMutable(bool archive) { mSigEncPage->setArchiveMutable(archive); } void SignEncryptFilesWizard::setSingleFile(bool singleFile) { mSigEncPage->setSingleFile(singleFile); } std::vector SignEncryptFilesWizard::resolvedRecipients() const { return mSigEncPage->recipients(); } std::vector SignEncryptFilesWizard::resolvedSigners() const { return mSigEncPage->signers(); } void SignEncryptFilesWizard::setTaskCollection(const std::shared_ptr &coll) { mResultPage->setTaskCollection(coll); } void SignEncryptFilesWizard::setOutputNames(const QMap &map) const { mSigEncPage->setOutputNames(map); } QMap SignEncryptFilesWizard::outputNames() const { return mSigEncPage->outputNames(); } bool SignEncryptFilesWizard::encryptSymmetric() const { return mSigEncPage->encryptSymmetric(); } void SignEncryptFilesWizard::readConfig() { winId(); // ensure there's a window created // set default window size windowHandle()->resize(640, 480); // restore size from config file KConfigGroup cfgGroup(KSharedConfig::openConfig(), "SignEncryptFilesWizard"); KWindowConfig::restoreWindowSize(windowHandle(), cfgGroup); // NOTICE: QWindow::setGeometry() does NOT impact the backing QWidget geometry even if the platform // window was created -> QTBUG-40584. We therefore copy the size here. // TODO: remove once this was resolved in QWidget QPA resize(windowHandle()->size()); } void SignEncryptFilesWizard::writeConfig() { KConfigGroup cfgGroup(KSharedConfig::openConfig(), "SignEncryptFilesWizard"); KWindowConfig::saveWindowSize(windowHandle(), cfgGroup); cfgGroup.sync(); } #include "signencryptfileswizard.moc" diff --git a/src/crypto/newsignencryptemailcontroller.cpp b/src/crypto/newsignencryptemailcontroller.cpp index 57161e4f3..b978f43f2 100644 --- a/src/crypto/newsignencryptemailcontroller.cpp +++ b/src/crypto/newsignencryptemailcontroller.cpp @@ -1,632 +1,633 @@ /* -*- mode: c++; c-basic-offset:4 -*- crypto/newsignencryptemailcontroller.cpp This file is part of Kleopatra, the KDE keymanager SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2009, 2010 Klarälvdalens Datakonsult AB SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later */ #include #include "newsignencryptemailcontroller.h" #include "kleopatra_debug.h" #include "encryptemailtask.h" #include "signemailtask.h" #include "taskcollection.h" #include "sender.h" #include "recipient.h" #include "emailoperationspreferences.h" #include #include "utils/input.h" #include "utils/output.h" #include #include "utils/kleo_assert.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace Kleo; using namespace Kleo::Crypto; using namespace Kleo::Crypto::Gui; using namespace GpgME; using namespace KMime::Types; // // BEGIN Conflict Detection // /* This code implements the following conflict detection algorithm: 1. There is no conflict if and only if we have a Perfect Match. 2. A Perfect Match is defined as: a. either a Perfect OpenPGP-Match and not even a Partial S/MIME Match b. or a Perfect S/MIME-Match and not even a Partial OpenPGP-Match c. or a Perfect OpenPGP-Match and preselected protocol=OpenPGP d. or a Perfect S/MIME-Match and preselected protocol=S/MIME 3. For Protocol \in {OpenPGP,S/MIME}, a Perfect Protocol-Match is defined as: a. If signing, \foreach Sender, there is exactly one Matching Protocol-Certificate with i. can-sign=true ii. has-secret=true b. and, if encrypting, \foreach Recipient, there is exactly one Matching Protocol-Certificate with i. can-encrypt=true ii. (validity is not considered, cf. msg 24059) 4. For Protocol \in {OpenPGP,S/MIME}, a Partial Protocol-Match is defined as: a. If signing, \foreach Sender, there is at least one Matching Protocol-Certificate with i. can-sign=true ii. has-secret=true b. and, if encrypting, \foreach Recipient, there is at least one Matching Protocol-Certificate with i. can-encrypt=true ii. (validity is not considered, cf. msg 24059) 5. For Protocol \in {OpenPGP,S/MIME}, a Matching Protocol-Certificate is defined as matching by email-address. A revoked, disabled, or expired certificate is not considered a match. 6. Sender is defined as those mailboxes that have been set with the SENDER command. 7. Recipient is defined as those mailboxes that have been set with either the SENDER or the RECIPIENT commands. */ namespace { static size_t count_signing_certificates(Protocol proto, const Sender &sender) { const size_t result = sender.signingCertificateCandidates(proto).size(); qDebug("count_signing_certificates( %9s %20s ) == %2lu", proto == OpenPGP ? "OpenPGP," : proto == CMS ? "CMS," : ",", qPrintable(sender.mailbox().prettyAddress()), result); return result; } static size_t count_encrypt_certificates(Protocol proto, const Sender &sender) { const size_t result = sender.encryptToSelfCertificateCandidates(proto).size(); qDebug("count_encrypt_certificates( %9s %20s ) == %2lu", proto == OpenPGP ? "OpenPGP," : proto == CMS ? "CMS," : ",", qPrintable(sender.mailbox().prettyAddress()), result); return result; } static size_t count_encrypt_certificates(Protocol proto, const Recipient &recipient) { const size_t result = recipient.encryptionCertificateCandidates(proto).size(); qDebug("count_encrypt_certificates( %9s %20s ) == %2lu", proto == OpenPGP ? "OpenPGP," : proto == CMS ? "CMS," : ",", qPrintable(recipient.mailbox().prettyAddress()), result); return result; } } static bool has_perfect_match(bool sign, bool encrypt, Protocol proto, const std::vector &senders, const std::vector &recipients) { if (sign) if (!std::all_of(senders.cbegin(), senders.cend(), [proto](const Sender &sender) { return count_signing_certificates(proto, sender) == 1; })) { return false; } if (encrypt) if (!std::all_of(senders.cbegin(), senders.cend(), [proto](const Sender &sender) { return count_encrypt_certificates(proto, sender) == 1; }) || !std::all_of(recipients.cbegin(), recipients.cend(), [proto](const Recipient &rec) { return count_encrypt_certificates(proto, rec) == 1; })) { return false; } return true; } static bool has_partial_match(bool sign, bool encrypt, Protocol proto, const std::vector &senders, const std::vector &recipients) { if (sign) if (std::all_of(senders.cbegin(), senders.cend(), [proto](const Sender &sender) { return count_signing_certificates(proto, sender) >= 1; })) { return false; } if (encrypt) if (!std::all_of(senders.cbegin(), senders.cend(), [proto](const Sender &sender) { return count_encrypt_certificates(proto, sender) >= 1; }) || !std::all_of(recipients.cbegin(), recipients.cend(), [proto](const Recipient &rec) { return count_encrypt_certificates(proto, rec) >= 1; })) { return false; } return true; } static bool has_perfect_overall_match(bool sign, bool encrypt, const std::vector &senders, const std::vector &recipients, Protocol presetProtocol) { return (presetProtocol == OpenPGP && has_perfect_match(sign, encrypt, OpenPGP, senders, recipients)) || (presetProtocol == CMS && has_perfect_match(sign, encrypt, CMS, senders, recipients)) || (has_perfect_match(sign, encrypt, OpenPGP, senders, recipients) && !has_partial_match(sign, encrypt, CMS, senders, recipients)) || (has_perfect_match(sign, encrypt, CMS, senders, recipients) && !has_partial_match(sign, encrypt, OpenPGP, senders, recipients)); } static bool has_conflict(bool sign, bool encrypt, const std::vector &senders, const std::vector &recipients, Protocol presetProtocol) { return !has_perfect_overall_match(sign, encrypt, senders, recipients, presetProtocol); } static bool is_de_vs_compliant(bool sign, bool encrypt, const std::vector &senders, const std::vector &recipients, Protocol presetProtocol) { if (presetProtocol == Protocol::UnknownProtocol) { return false; } if (sign) { for (const auto &sender: senders) { const auto &key = sender.resolvedSigningKey(presetProtocol); if (!IS_DE_VS(key) || keyValidity(key) < GpgME::UserID::Validity::Full) { return false; } } } if (encrypt) { for (const auto &sender: senders) { const auto &key = sender.resolvedSigningKey(presetProtocol); if (!IS_DE_VS(key) || keyValidity(key) < GpgME::UserID::Validity::Full) { return false; } } for (const auto &recipient: recipients) { const auto &key = recipient.resolvedEncryptionKey(presetProtocol); if (!IS_DE_VS(key) || keyValidity(key) < GpgME::UserID::Validity::Full) { return false; } } } return true; } // // END Conflict Detection // static std::vector mailbox2sender(const std::vector &mbs) { std::vector senders; senders.reserve(mbs.size()); for (const Mailbox &mb : mbs) { senders.push_back(Sender(mb)); } return senders; } static std::vector mailbox2recipient(const std::vector &mbs) { std::vector recipients; recipients.reserve(mbs.size()); for (const Mailbox &mb : mbs) { recipients.push_back(Recipient(mb)); } return recipients; } class NewSignEncryptEMailController::Private { friend class ::Kleo::Crypto::NewSignEncryptEMailController; NewSignEncryptEMailController *const q; public: explicit Private(NewSignEncryptEMailController *qq); ~Private(); private: void slotDialogAccepted(); void slotDialogRejected(); private: void ensureDialogVisible(); void cancelAllTasks(); void startSigning(); void startEncryption(); void schedule(); std::shared_ptr takeRunnable(GpgME::Protocol proto); private: bool sign : 1; bool encrypt : 1; bool resolvingInProgress : 1; bool certificatesResolved : 1; bool detached : 1; Protocol presetProtocol; std::vector signers, recipients; std::vector< std::shared_ptr > runnable, completed; std::shared_ptr cms, openpgp; QPointer dialog; }; NewSignEncryptEMailController::Private::Private(NewSignEncryptEMailController *qq) : q(qq), sign(false), encrypt(false), resolvingInProgress(false), certificatesResolved(false), detached(false), presetProtocol(UnknownProtocol), signers(), recipients(), runnable(), cms(), openpgp(), dialog(new SignEncryptEMailConflictDialog) { connect(dialog, SIGNAL(accepted()), q, SLOT(slotDialogAccepted())); connect(dialog, SIGNAL(rejected()), q, SLOT(slotDialogRejected())); } NewSignEncryptEMailController::Private::~Private() { delete dialog; } NewSignEncryptEMailController::NewSignEncryptEMailController(const std::shared_ptr &xc, QObject *p) : Controller(xc, p), d(new Private(this)) { } NewSignEncryptEMailController::NewSignEncryptEMailController(QObject *p) : Controller(p), d(new Private(this)) { } NewSignEncryptEMailController::~NewSignEncryptEMailController() { qCDebug(KLEOPATRA_LOG); } void NewSignEncryptEMailController::setSubject(const QString &subject) { d->dialog->setSubject(subject); } void NewSignEncryptEMailController::setProtocol(Protocol proto) { d->presetProtocol = proto; d->dialog->setPresetProtocol(proto); } Protocol NewSignEncryptEMailController::protocol() const { return d->dialog->selectedProtocol(); } const char *NewSignEncryptEMailController::protocolAsString() const { switch (protocol()) { case OpenPGP: return "OpenPGP"; case CMS: return "CMS"; default: throw Kleo::Exception(gpg_error(GPG_ERR_INTERNAL), i18n("Call to NewSignEncryptEMailController::protocolAsString() is ambiguous.")); } } void NewSignEncryptEMailController::setSigning(bool sign) { d->sign = sign; d->dialog->setSign(sign); } bool NewSignEncryptEMailController::isSigning() const { return d->sign; } void NewSignEncryptEMailController::setEncrypting(bool encrypt) { d->encrypt = encrypt; d->dialog->setEncrypt(encrypt); } bool NewSignEncryptEMailController::isEncrypting() const { return d->encrypt; } void NewSignEncryptEMailController::setDetachedSignature(bool detached) { d->detached = detached; } bool NewSignEncryptEMailController::isResolvingInProgress() const { return d->resolvingInProgress; } bool NewSignEncryptEMailController::areCertificatesResolved() const { return d->certificatesResolved; } static bool is_dialog_quick_mode(bool sign, bool encrypt) { const EMailOperationsPreferences prefs; return (!sign || prefs.quickSignEMail()) && (!encrypt || prefs.quickEncryptEMail()) ; } static void save_dialog_quick_mode(bool on) { EMailOperationsPreferences prefs; prefs.setQuickSignEMail(on); prefs.setQuickEncryptEMail(on); prefs.save(); } void NewSignEncryptEMailController::startResolveCertificates(const std::vector &r, const std::vector &s) { d->certificatesResolved = false; d->resolvingInProgress = true; const std::vector senders = mailbox2sender(s); const std::vector recipients = mailbox2recipient(r); const bool quickMode = is_dialog_quick_mode(d->sign, d->encrypt); const bool conflict = quickMode && has_conflict(d->sign, d->encrypt, senders, recipients, d->presetProtocol); d->dialog->setQuickMode(quickMode); d->dialog->setSenders(senders); d->dialog->setRecipients(recipients); d->dialog->pickProtocol(); d->dialog->setConflict(conflict); - const bool compliant = !Kleo::gpgComplianceP("de-vs") || is_de_vs_compliant(d->sign, - d->encrypt, - senders, - recipients, - d->presetProtocol); + const bool compliant = !Kleo::gnupgUsesDeVsCompliance() || + (Kleo::gnupgIsDeVsCompliant() && is_de_vs_compliant(d->sign, + d->encrypt, + senders, + recipients, + d->presetProtocol)); if (quickMode && !conflict && compliant) { QMetaObject::invokeMethod(this, "slotDialogAccepted", Qt::QueuedConnection); } else { d->ensureDialogVisible(); } } void NewSignEncryptEMailController::Private::slotDialogAccepted() { if (dialog->isQuickMode() != is_dialog_quick_mode(sign, encrypt)) { save_dialog_quick_mode(dialog->isQuickMode()); } resolvingInProgress = false; certificatesResolved = true; signers = dialog->resolvedSigningKeys(); recipients = dialog->resolvedEncryptionKeys(); QMetaObject::invokeMethod(q, "certificatesResolved", Qt::QueuedConnection); } void NewSignEncryptEMailController::Private::slotDialogRejected() { resolvingInProgress = false; certificatesResolved = false; QMetaObject::invokeMethod(q, "error", Qt::QueuedConnection, Q_ARG(int, gpg_error(GPG_ERR_CANCELED)), Q_ARG(QString, i18n("User cancel"))); } void NewSignEncryptEMailController::startEncryption(const std::vector< std::shared_ptr > &inputs, const std::vector< std::shared_ptr > &outputs) { kleo_assert(d->encrypt); kleo_assert(!d->resolvingInProgress); kleo_assert(!inputs.empty()); kleo_assert(outputs.size() == inputs.size()); std::vector< std::shared_ptr > tasks; tasks.reserve(inputs.size()); kleo_assert(!d->recipients.empty()); for (unsigned int i = 0, end = inputs.size(); i < end; ++i) { const std::shared_ptr task(new EncryptEMailTask); task->setInput(inputs[i]); task->setOutput(outputs[i]); task->setRecipients(d->recipients); tasks.push_back(task); } // append to runnable stack d->runnable.insert(d->runnable.end(), tasks.begin(), tasks.end()); d->startEncryption(); } void NewSignEncryptEMailController::Private::startEncryption() { std::shared_ptr coll(new TaskCollection); std::vector > tmp; tmp.reserve(runnable.size()); std::copy(runnable.cbegin(), runnable.cend(), std::back_inserter(tmp)); coll->setTasks(tmp); #if 0 #warning use a new result dialog // ### use a new result dialog dialog->setTaskCollection(coll); #endif for (const std::shared_ptr &t : std::as_const(tmp)) { q->connectTask(t); } schedule(); } void NewSignEncryptEMailController::startSigning(const std::vector< std::shared_ptr > &inputs, const std::vector< std::shared_ptr > &outputs) { kleo_assert(d->sign); kleo_assert(!d->resolvingInProgress); kleo_assert(!inputs.empty()); kleo_assert(!outputs.empty()); std::vector< std::shared_ptr > tasks; tasks.reserve(inputs.size()); kleo_assert(!d->signers.empty()); kleo_assert(std::none_of(d->signers.cbegin(), d->signers.cend(), std::mem_fn(&Key::isNull))); for (unsigned int i = 0, end = inputs.size(); i < end; ++i) { const std::shared_ptr task(new SignEMailTask); task->setInput(inputs[i]); task->setOutput(outputs[i]); task->setSigners(d->signers); task->setDetachedSignature(d->detached); tasks.push_back(task); } // append to runnable stack d->runnable.insert(d->runnable.end(), tasks.begin(), tasks.end()); d->startSigning(); } void NewSignEncryptEMailController::Private::startSigning() { std::shared_ptr coll(new TaskCollection); std::vector > tmp; tmp.reserve(runnable.size()); std::copy(runnable.cbegin(), runnable.cend(), std::back_inserter(tmp)); coll->setTasks(tmp); #if 0 #warning use a new result dialog // ### use a new result dialog dialog->setTaskCollection(coll); #endif for (const std::shared_ptr &t : std::as_const(tmp)) { q->connectTask(t); } schedule(); } void NewSignEncryptEMailController::Private::schedule() { if (!cms) if (const std::shared_ptr t = takeRunnable(CMS)) { t->start(); cms = t; } if (!openpgp) if (const std::shared_ptr t = takeRunnable(OpenPGP)) { t->start(); openpgp = t; } if (cms || openpgp) { return; } kleo_assert(runnable.empty()); q->emitDoneOrError(); } std::shared_ptr NewSignEncryptEMailController::Private::takeRunnable(GpgME::Protocol proto) { const auto it = std::find_if(runnable.begin(), runnable.end(), [proto](const std::shared_ptr &task) { return task->protocol() == proto; }); if (it == runnable.end()) { return std::shared_ptr(); } const std::shared_ptr result = *it; runnable.erase(it); return result; } void NewSignEncryptEMailController::doTaskDone(const Task *task, const std::shared_ptr &result) { Q_ASSERT(task); if (result && result->hasError()) { QPointer that = this; if (result->details().isEmpty()) KMessageBox:: sorry(nullptr, result->overview(), i18nc("@title:window", "Error")); else KMessageBox::detailedSorry(nullptr, result->overview(), result->details(), i18nc("@title:window", "Error")); if (!that) { return; } } // We could just delete the tasks here, but we can't use // Qt::QueuedConnection here (we need sender()) and other slots // might not yet have executed. Therefore, we push completed tasks // into a burial container if (task == d->cms.get()) { d->completed.push_back(d->cms); d->cms.reset(); } else if (task == d->openpgp.get()) { d->completed.push_back(d->openpgp); d->openpgp.reset(); } QTimer::singleShot(0, this, SLOT(schedule())); } void NewSignEncryptEMailController::cancel() { try { d->dialog->close(); d->cancelAllTasks(); } catch (const std::exception &e) { qCDebug(KLEOPATRA_LOG) << "Caught exception: " << e.what(); } } void NewSignEncryptEMailController::Private::cancelAllTasks() { // we just kill all runnable tasks - this will not result in // signal emissions. runnable.clear(); // a cancel() will result in a call to if (cms) { cms->cancel(); } if (openpgp) { openpgp->cancel(); } } void NewSignEncryptEMailController::Private::ensureDialogVisible() { q->bringToForeground(dialog, true); } #include "moc_newsignencryptemailcontroller.cpp" diff --git a/src/dialogs/certificatedetailswidget.cpp b/src/dialogs/certificatedetailswidget.cpp index f77835836..f637075e3 100644 --- a/src/dialogs/certificatedetailswidget.cpp +++ b/src/dialogs/certificatedetailswidget.cpp @@ -1,935 +1,936 @@ /* SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2016 Klarälvdalens Datakonsult AB SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2017 Intevation GmbH SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later */ #include #include "certificatedetailswidget.h" #include "kleopatra_debug.h" #include "exportdialog.h" #include "trustchainwidget.h" #include "subkeyswidget.h" #include "weboftrustdialog.h" #include "commands/changepassphrasecommand.h" #include "commands/changeexpirycommand.h" #include "commands/certifycertificatecommand.h" #include "commands/revokecertificationcommand.h" #include "commands/adduseridcommand.h" #include "commands/genrevokecommand.h" #include "commands/detailscommand.h" #include "commands/dumpcertificatecommand.h" #include "utils/tags.h" #include #include #include +#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #if GPGMEPP_VERSION >= 0x10E00 // 1.14.0 # define GPGME_HAS_REMARKS #endif #if GPGMEPP_VERSION >= 0x10F00 // 1.15.0 # define GPGME_HAS_WITH_SECRET # include #endif #define HIDE_ROW(row) \ ui.row->setVisible(false); \ ui.row##Lbl->setVisible(false); #define SHOW_ROW(row) \ ui.row->setVisible(true); \ ui.row##Lbl->setVisible(true); Q_DECLARE_METATYPE(GpgME::UserID) using namespace Kleo; class CertificateDetailsWidget::Private { public: Private(CertificateDetailsWidget *qq); void setupCommonProperties(); void setupPGPProperties(); void setupSMIMEProperties(); void revokeUID(const GpgME::UserID &uid); void genRevokeCert(); void certifyClicked(); void webOfTrustClicked(); void exportClicked(); void addUserID(); void changePassphrase(); void changeExpiration(); void keysMayHaveChanged(); void showTrustChainDialog(); void showMoreDetails(); void publishCertificate(); void userIDTableContextMenuRequested(const QPoint &p); QString tofuTooltipString(const GpgME::UserID &uid) const; void smimeLinkActivated(const QString &link); void setUpdatedKey(const GpgME::Key &key); void keyListDone(const GpgME::KeyListResult &, const std::vector &, const QString &, const GpgME::Error &); private: CertificateDetailsWidget *const q; public: GpgME::Key key; bool updateInProgress = false; private: struct UI { QGridLayout *gridLayout_2; QHBoxLayout *hboxLayout_1; QPushButton *addUserIDBtn; QPushButton *changePassphraseBtn; QPushButton *trustChainDetailsBtn; QPushButton *genRevokeBtn; QPushButton *certifyBtn; QGroupBox *groupBox; QGridLayout *gridLayout; QLabel *validFromLbl; QLabel *validFrom; QSpacerItem *horizontalSpacer_3; QLabel *expiresLbl; QHBoxLayout *horizontalLayout_3; QLabel *expires; QToolButton *changeExpirationBtn; QLabel *typeLbl; QLabel *type; QLabel *fingerprintLbl; QLabel *fingerprint; QLabel *publishingLbl; QPushButton *publishing; QLabel *smimeIssuerLbl; QLabel *smimeIssuer; QLabel *compliance; QLabel *complianceLbl; QLabel *trustedIntroducerLbl; QLabel *trustedIntroducer; QHBoxLayout *horizontalLayout; QPushButton *moreDetailsBtn; QPushButton *exportBtn; QPushButton *webOfTrustBtn; QSpacerItem *horizontalSpacer; QTreeWidget *userIDTable; QLabel *label; QLabel *smimeOwnerLbl; QLabel *smimeRelatedAddresses; QLabel *smimeOwner; void setupUi(QWidget *parent) { gridLayout_2 = new QGridLayout(parent); gridLayout_2->setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0); hboxLayout_1 = new QHBoxLayout(); addUserIDBtn = new QPushButton(i18n("Add email address"), parent); hboxLayout_1->addWidget(addUserIDBtn); changePassphraseBtn = new QPushButton(i18n("Change passphrase"), parent); hboxLayout_1->addWidget(changePassphraseBtn); trustChainDetailsBtn = new QPushButton(i18n("Trust chain details..."), parent); hboxLayout_1->addWidget(trustChainDetailsBtn); genRevokeBtn = new QPushButton(i18n("Generate revocation certificate"), parent); genRevokeBtn->setToolTip(u"" + i18n("A revocation certificate is a file that serves as a \"kill switch\" to publicly " "declare that a key shall not anymore be used. It is not possible " "to retract such a revocation certificate once it has been published.") + u""); hboxLayout_1->addWidget(genRevokeBtn); certifyBtn = new QPushButton(i18n("Certify"), parent); hboxLayout_1->addWidget(certifyBtn); gridLayout_2->addLayout(hboxLayout_1, 4, 0, 1, 3); groupBox = new QGroupBox(i18n("Certificate Details"), parent); groupBox->setFlat(false); gridLayout = new QGridLayout(groupBox); int row = 0; validFromLbl = new QLabel(i18n("Valid from:"), groupBox); gridLayout->addWidget(validFromLbl, row, 0, 1, 1); validFrom = new QLabel(groupBox); validFrom->setTextInteractionFlags(Qt::LinksAccessibleByMouse|Qt::TextSelectableByMouse); gridLayout->addWidget(validFrom, row, 1, 1, 1); horizontalSpacer_3 = new QSpacerItem(40, 20, QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Minimum); gridLayout->addItem(horizontalSpacer_3, row, 2, 1, 1); row++; expiresLbl = new QLabel(i18n("Expires:"), groupBox); gridLayout->addWidget(expiresLbl, row, 0, 1, 1); horizontalLayout_3 = new QHBoxLayout(); expires = new QLabel(groupBox); expires->setTextInteractionFlags(Qt::LinksAccessibleByMouse|Qt::TextSelectableByMouse); horizontalLayout_3->addWidget(expires); changeExpirationBtn = new QToolButton(groupBox); changeExpirationBtn->setToolTip(i18n("Change")); changeExpirationBtn->setIcon(QIcon::fromTheme(QStringLiteral("editor"))); changeExpirationBtn->setIconSize(QSize(16, 16)); changeExpirationBtn->setToolButtonStyle(Qt::ToolButtonTextBesideIcon); horizontalLayout_3->addWidget(changeExpirationBtn); gridLayout->addLayout(horizontalLayout_3, row, 1, 1, 1); row++; typeLbl = new QLabel(i18n("Type:"), groupBox); gridLayout->addWidget(typeLbl, row, 0, 1, 1); type = new QLabel(groupBox); type->setTextInteractionFlags(Qt::LinksAccessibleByMouse|Qt::TextSelectableByMouse); gridLayout->addWidget(type, row, 1, 1, 1); row++; fingerprintLbl = new QLabel(i18n("Fingerprint:"), groupBox); gridLayout->addWidget(fingerprintLbl, row, 0, 1, 1); fingerprint = new QLabel(groupBox); fingerprint->setTextInteractionFlags(Qt::LinksAccessibleByMouse|Qt::TextSelectableByMouse); gridLayout->addWidget(fingerprint, row, 1, 1, 2); row++; publishingLbl = new QLabel(i18n("Publishing:"), groupBox); gridLayout->addWidget(publishingLbl, row, 0, 1, 1); publishing = new QPushButton(i18n("Publish Certificate"), groupBox); gridLayout->addWidget(publishing, row, 1, 1, 1); row++; smimeIssuerLbl = new QLabel(i18n("Issuer:"), groupBox); gridLayout->addWidget(smimeIssuerLbl, row, 0, 1, 1); smimeIssuer = new QLabel(groupBox); smimeIssuer->setWordWrap(true); smimeIssuer->setTextInteractionFlags(Qt::TextBrowserInteraction); gridLayout->addWidget(smimeIssuer, row, 1, 1, 2); row++; compliance = new QLabel(i18n("Compliance:"), groupBox); compliance->setWordWrap(true); compliance->setTextInteractionFlags(Qt::TextBrowserInteraction); gridLayout->addWidget(compliance, row, 0, 1, 1); complianceLbl = new QLabel(groupBox); complianceLbl->setWordWrap(true); complianceLbl->setTextInteractionFlags(Qt::TextBrowserInteraction); gridLayout->addWidget(complianceLbl, row, 1, 1, 2); row++; trustedIntroducerLbl = new QLabel(i18n("Trusted introducer for:"), groupBox); trustedIntroducerLbl->setToolTip(i18n("See certifications for details.")); trustedIntroducerLbl->setTextInteractionFlags(Qt::TextBrowserInteraction); gridLayout->addWidget(trustedIntroducerLbl, row, 0, 1, 1); trustedIntroducer = new QLabel(groupBox); trustedIntroducer->setWordWrap(true); trustedIntroducer->setToolTip(i18n("See certifications for details.")); trustedIntroducer->setTextInteractionFlags(Qt::TextBrowserInteraction); gridLayout->addWidget(trustedIntroducer, row, 1, 1, 2); row++; horizontalLayout = new QHBoxLayout(); moreDetailsBtn = new QPushButton(i18n("More details..."), groupBox); horizontalLayout->addWidget(moreDetailsBtn); exportBtn = new QPushButton(i18n("Export..."), groupBox); horizontalLayout->addWidget(exportBtn); webOfTrustBtn = new QPushButton(i18n("Certifications..."), groupBox); horizontalLayout->addWidget(webOfTrustBtn); horizontalSpacer = new QSpacerItem(40, 20, QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Minimum); horizontalLayout->addItem(horizontalSpacer); gridLayout->addLayout(horizontalLayout, row, 0, 1, 3); gridLayout_2->addWidget(groupBox, 6, 0, 1, 3); userIDTable = new QTreeWidget(parent); QTreeWidgetItem *__qtreewidgetitem = new QTreeWidgetItem(); __qtreewidgetitem->setText(0, QString::fromUtf8("1")); userIDTable->setHeaderItem(__qtreewidgetitem); userIDTable->setEditTriggers(QAbstractItemView::NoEditTriggers); userIDTable->setSelectionMode(QAbstractItemView::SingleSelection); userIDTable->setRootIsDecorated(false); userIDTable->setUniformRowHeights(true); userIDTable->setAllColumnsShowFocus(true); gridLayout_2->addWidget(userIDTable, 3, 0, 1, 3); label = new QLabel(i18n("You can use this certificate to secure communication with the following email addresses:"), parent); label->setWordWrap(true); gridLayout_2->addWidget(label, 0, 0, 1, 3); smimeOwnerLbl = new QLabel(i18n("Owner:"), parent); gridLayout_2->addWidget(smimeOwnerLbl, 1, 0, 1, 1); smimeRelatedAddresses = new QLabel(i18n("Related addresses:"), parent); QFont font; font.setBold(true); font.setWeight(75); smimeRelatedAddresses->setFont(font); gridLayout_2->addWidget(smimeRelatedAddresses, 2, 0, 1, 1); smimeOwner = new QLabel(parent); smimeOwner->setWordWrap(true); smimeOwner->setTextInteractionFlags(Qt::TextBrowserInteraction); gridLayout_2->addWidget(smimeOwner, 1, 1, 1, 2); } } ui; }; CertificateDetailsWidget::Private::Private(CertificateDetailsWidget *qq) : q{qq} { ui.setupUi(q); connect(ui.addUserIDBtn, &QPushButton::clicked, q, [this]() { addUserID(); }); connect(ui.changePassphraseBtn, &QPushButton::clicked, q, [this]() { changePassphrase(); }); connect(ui.genRevokeBtn, &QPushButton::clicked, q, [this]() { genRevokeCert(); }); connect(ui.changeExpirationBtn, &QPushButton::clicked, q, [this]() { changeExpiration(); }); connect(ui.smimeOwner, &QLabel::linkActivated, q, [this](const QString &link) { smimeLinkActivated(link); }); connect(ui.smimeIssuer, &QLabel::linkActivated, q, [this](const QString &link) { smimeLinkActivated(link); }); connect(ui.trustChainDetailsBtn, &QPushButton::pressed, q, [this]() { showTrustChainDialog(); }); connect(ui.moreDetailsBtn, &QPushButton::pressed, q, [this]() { showMoreDetails(); }); connect(ui.publishing, &QPushButton::pressed, q, [this]() { publishCertificate(); }); connect(ui.certifyBtn, &QPushButton::clicked, q, [this]() { certifyClicked(); }); connect(ui.webOfTrustBtn, &QPushButton::clicked, q, [this]() { webOfTrustClicked(); }); connect(ui.exportBtn, &QPushButton::clicked, q, [this]() { exportClicked(); }); connect(Kleo::KeyCache::instance().get(), &Kleo::KeyCache::keysMayHaveChanged, q, [this]() { keysMayHaveChanged(); }); } void CertificateDetailsWidget::Private::setupCommonProperties() { // TODO: Enable once implemented HIDE_ROW(publishing) const bool hasSecret = key.hasSecret(); const bool isOpenPGP = key.protocol() == GpgME::OpenPGP; // TODO: Enable once implemented const bool canRevokeUID = false; // isOpenPGP && hasSecret ui.changePassphraseBtn->setVisible(hasSecret); ui.genRevokeBtn->setVisible(isOpenPGP && hasSecret); ui.certifyBtn->setVisible(isOpenPGP && !hasSecret); ui.changeExpirationBtn->setVisible(isOpenPGP && hasSecret); ui.addUserIDBtn->setVisible(hasSecret && isOpenPGP); ui.webOfTrustBtn->setVisible(isOpenPGP); ui.hboxLayout_1->addStretch(1); ui.validFrom->setText(Kleo::Formatting::creationDateString(key)); const QString expiry = Kleo::Formatting::expirationDateString(key); ui.expires->setText(expiry.isEmpty() ? i18nc("Expires", "never") : expiry); ui.type->setText(Kleo::Formatting::type(key)); ui.fingerprint->setText(Formatting::prettyID(key.primaryFingerprint())); - if (Kleo::Formatting::complianceMode().isEmpty()) { + if (!Kleo::gnupgIsDeVsCompliant()) { HIDE_ROW(compliance) } else { ui.complianceLbl->setText(Kleo::Formatting::complianceStringForKey(key)); } ui.userIDTable->clear(); QStringList headers = { i18n("Email"), i18n("Name"), i18n("Trust Level"), i18n("Tags") }; if (canRevokeUID) { headers << QString(); } ui.userIDTable->setColumnCount(headers.count()); ui.userIDTable->setColumnWidth(0, 200); ui.userIDTable->setColumnWidth(1, 200); ui.userIDTable->setHeaderLabels(headers); const auto uids = key.userIDs(); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < uids.size(); ++i) { const auto &uid = uids[i]; auto item = new QTreeWidgetItem; const QString toolTip = tofuTooltipString(uid); item->setData(0, Qt::UserRole, QVariant::fromValue(uid)); auto pMail = Kleo::Formatting::prettyEMail(uid); auto pName = Kleo::Formatting::prettyName(uid); if (!isOpenPGP && pMail.isEmpty() && !pName.isEmpty()) { // S/MIME UserIDs are sometimes split, with one userID // containing the name another the Mail, we merge these // UID's into a single item. if (i + 1 < uids.size()) { pMail = Kleo::Formatting::prettyEMail(uids[i + 1]); // skip next uid ++i; } } if (!isOpenPGP && pMail.isEmpty() && pName.isEmpty()) { // S/MIME certificates sometimes contain urls where both // name and mail is empty. In that case we print whatever // the uid is as name. // // Can be ugly like (3:uri24:http://ca.intevation.org), but // this is better then showing an empty entry. pName = QString::fromLatin1(uid.id()); } item->setData(0, Qt::DisplayRole, pMail); item->setData(0, Qt::ToolTipRole, toolTip); item->setData(1, Qt::DisplayRole, pName); item->setData(1, Qt::ToolTipRole, toolTip); QIcon trustIcon; if (updateInProgress) { trustIcon = QIcon::fromTheme(QStringLiteral("emblem-question")); item->setData(2, Qt::DisplayRole, i18n("Updating...")); } else { switch (uid.validity()) { case GpgME::UserID::Unknown: case GpgME::UserID::Undefined: trustIcon = QIcon::fromTheme(QStringLiteral("emblem-question")); break; case GpgME::UserID::Never: trustIcon = QIcon::fromTheme(QStringLiteral("emblem-error")); break; case GpgME::UserID::Marginal: trustIcon = QIcon::fromTheme(QStringLiteral("emblem-warning")); break; case GpgME::UserID::Full: case GpgME::UserID::Ultimate: trustIcon = QIcon::fromTheme(QStringLiteral("emblem-success")); break; } item->setData(2, Qt::DisplayRole, Kleo::Formatting::validityShort(uid)); } item->setData(2, Qt::DecorationRole, trustIcon); item->setData(2, Qt::ToolTipRole, toolTip); GpgME::Error err; QStringList tagList; #ifdef GPGME_HAS_REMARKS for (const auto &tag: uid.remarks(Tags::tagKeys(), err)) { if (err) { qCWarning(KLEOPATRA_LOG) << "Getting remarks for user id" << uid.id() << "failed:" << err; } tagList << QString::fromStdString(tag); } qCDebug(KLEOPATRA_LOG) << "tagList:" << tagList; #endif const auto tags = tagList.join(QStringLiteral("; ")); item->setData(3, Qt::DisplayRole, tags); item->setData(3, Qt::ToolTipRole, toolTip); ui.userIDTable->addTopLevelItem(item); if (canRevokeUID) { auto button = new QPushButton; button->setIcon(QIcon::fromTheme(QStringLiteral("entry-delete"))); button->setToolTip(i18n("Revoke this User ID")); button->setMaximumWidth(32); QObject::connect(button, &QPushButton::clicked, q, [this, uid]() { revokeUID(uid); }); ui.userIDTable->setItemWidget(item, 4, button); } } if (!Tags::tagsEnabled()) { ui.userIDTable->hideColumn(3); } } void CertificateDetailsWidget::Private::revokeUID(const GpgME::UserID &uid) { Q_UNUSED(uid) qCWarning(KLEOPATRA_LOG) << "Revoking UserID is not implemented. How did you even get here?!?!"; } void CertificateDetailsWidget::Private::changeExpiration() { auto cmd = new Kleo::Commands::ChangeExpiryCommand(key); QObject::connect(cmd, &Kleo::Commands::ChangeExpiryCommand::finished, q, [this]() { ui.changeExpirationBtn->setEnabled(true); }); ui.changeExpirationBtn->setEnabled(false); cmd->start(); } void CertificateDetailsWidget::Private::changePassphrase() { auto cmd = new Kleo::Commands::ChangePassphraseCommand(key); QObject::connect(cmd, &Kleo::Commands::ChangePassphraseCommand::finished, q, [this]() { ui.changePassphraseBtn->setEnabled(true); }); ui.changePassphraseBtn->setEnabled(false); cmd->start(); } void CertificateDetailsWidget::Private::genRevokeCert() { auto cmd = new Kleo::Commands::GenRevokeCommand(key); QObject::connect(cmd, &Kleo::Commands::GenRevokeCommand::finished, q, [this]() { ui.genRevokeBtn->setEnabled(true); }); ui.genRevokeBtn->setEnabled(false); cmd->start(); } void CertificateDetailsWidget::Private::certifyClicked() { auto cmd = new Kleo::Commands::CertifyCertificateCommand(key); QObject::connect(cmd, &Kleo::Commands::CertifyCertificateCommand::finished, q, [this]() { ui.certifyBtn->setEnabled(true); }); ui.certifyBtn->setEnabled(false); cmd->start(); } void CertificateDetailsWidget::Private::webOfTrustClicked() { QScopedPointer dlg(new WebOfTrustDialog(q)); dlg->setKey(key); dlg->exec(); } void CertificateDetailsWidget::Private::exportClicked() { QScopedPointer dlg(new ExportDialog(q)); dlg->setKey(key); dlg->exec(); } void CertificateDetailsWidget::Private::addUserID() { auto cmd = new Kleo::Commands::AddUserIDCommand(key); QObject::connect(cmd, &Kleo::Commands::AddUserIDCommand::finished, q, [this]() { ui.addUserIDBtn->setEnabled(true); key.update(); q->setKey(key); }); ui.addUserIDBtn->setEnabled(false); cmd->start(); } void CertificateDetailsWidget::Private::keysMayHaveChanged() { auto newKey = Kleo::KeyCache::instance()->findByFingerprint(key.primaryFingerprint()); if (!newKey.isNull()) { setUpdatedKey(newKey); } } void CertificateDetailsWidget::Private::showTrustChainDialog() { QScopedPointer dlg(new TrustChainDialog(q)); dlg->setKey(key); dlg->exec(); } void CertificateDetailsWidget::Private::publishCertificate() { qCWarning(KLEOPATRA_LOG) << "publishCertificateis not implemented."; //TODO } void CertificateDetailsWidget::Private::userIDTableContextMenuRequested(const QPoint &p) { auto item = ui.userIDTable->itemAt(p); if (!item) { return; } const auto userID = item->data(0, Qt::UserRole).value(); auto menu = new QMenu(q); menu->addAction(QIcon::fromTheme(QStringLiteral("view-certificate-sign")), i18n("Certify..."), q, [this, userID]() { auto cmd = new Kleo::Commands::CertifyCertificateCommand(userID); ui.userIDTable->setEnabled(false); connect(cmd, &Kleo::Commands::CertifyCertificateCommand::finished, q, [this]() { ui.userIDTable->setEnabled(true); // Trigger an update when done q->setKey(key); }); cmd->start(); }); if (Kleo::Commands::RevokeCertificationCommand::isSupported()) { menu->addAction(QIcon::fromTheme(QStringLiteral("view-certificate-revoke")), i18n("Revoke Certification..."), q, [this, userID]() { auto cmd = new Kleo::Commands::RevokeCertificationCommand(userID); ui.userIDTable->setEnabled(false); connect(cmd, &Kleo::Commands::RevokeCertificationCommand::finished, q, [this]() { ui.userIDTable->setEnabled(true); // Trigger an update when done q->setKey(key); }); cmd->start(); }); } connect(menu, &QMenu::aboutToHide, menu, &QObject::deleteLater); menu->popup(ui.userIDTable->viewport()->mapToGlobal(p)); } void CertificateDetailsWidget::Private::showMoreDetails() { ui.moreDetailsBtn->setEnabled(false); if (key.protocol() == GpgME::CMS) { auto cmd = new Kleo::Commands::DumpCertificateCommand(key); connect(cmd, &Kleo::Commands::DumpCertificateCommand::finished, q, [this]() { ui.moreDetailsBtn->setEnabled(true); }); cmd->setUseDialog(true); cmd->start(); } else { QScopedPointer dlg(new SubKeysDialog(q)); dlg->setKey(key); dlg->exec(); ui.moreDetailsBtn->setEnabled(true); } } QString CertificateDetailsWidget::Private::tofuTooltipString(const GpgME::UserID &uid) const { const auto tofu = uid.tofuInfo(); if (tofu.isNull()) { return QString(); } QString html = QStringLiteral(""); const auto appendRow = [&html](const QString &lbl, const QString &val) { html += QStringLiteral("" "" "" "") .arg(lbl, val); }; const auto appendHeader = [this, &html](const QString &hdr) { html += QStringLiteral("") .arg(q->palette().highlight().color().name(), q->palette().highlightedText().color().name(), hdr); }; const auto dateTime = [](long ts) { QLocale l; return ts == 0 ? i18n("never") : l.toString(QDateTime::fromSecsSinceEpoch(ts), QLocale::ShortFormat); }; appendHeader(i18n("Signing")); appendRow(i18n("First message"), dateTime(tofu.signFirst())); appendRow(i18n("Last message"), dateTime(tofu.signLast())); appendRow(i18n("Message count"), QString::number(tofu.signCount())); appendHeader(i18n("Encryption")); appendRow(i18n("First message"), dateTime(tofu.encrFirst())); appendRow(i18n("Last message"), dateTime(tofu.encrLast())); appendRow(i18n("Message count"), QString::number(tofu.encrCount())); html += QStringLiteral("
"); // Make sure the tooltip string is different for each UserID, even if the // data are the same, otherwise the tooltip is not updated and moved when // user moves mouse from one row to another. html += QStringLiteral("").arg(QString::fromUtf8(uid.id())); return html; } #ifdef GPGMEPP_SUPPORTS_TRUST_SIGNATURES namespace { auto isGood(const GpgME::UserID::Signature &signature) { return signature.status() == GpgME::UserID::Signature::NoError && !signature.isInvalid() && 0x10 <= signature.certClass() && signature.certClass() <= 0x13; } auto accumulateTrustDomains(const std::vector &signatures) { return std::accumulate( std::begin(signatures), std::end(signatures), std::set(), [] (auto domains, const auto &signature) { if (isGood(signature) && signature.isTrustSignature()) { domains.insert(Formatting::trustSignatureDomain(signature)); } return domains; } ); } auto accumulateTrustDomains(const std::vector &userIds) { return std::accumulate( std::begin(userIds), std::end(userIds), std::set(), [] (auto domains, const auto &userID) { const auto newDomains = accumulateTrustDomains(userID.signatures()); std::copy(std::begin(newDomains), std::end(newDomains), std::inserter(domains, std::end(domains))); return domains; } ); } } #endif void CertificateDetailsWidget::Private::setupPGPProperties() { HIDE_ROW(smimeOwner) HIDE_ROW(smimeIssuer) ui.smimeRelatedAddresses->setVisible(false); ui.trustChainDetailsBtn->setVisible(false); ui.userIDTable->setContextMenuPolicy(Qt::CustomContextMenu); connect(ui.userIDTable, &QAbstractItemView::customContextMenuRequested, q, [this](const QPoint &p) { userIDTableContextMenuRequested(p); }); #ifdef GPGMEPP_SUPPORTS_TRUST_SIGNATURES const auto trustDomains = accumulateTrustDomains(key.userIDs()); if (trustDomains.empty()) { HIDE_ROW(trustedIntroducer) } else { SHOW_ROW(trustedIntroducer) ui.trustedIntroducer->setText(QStringList(std::begin(trustDomains), std::end(trustDomains)).join(u", ")); } #else HIDE_ROW(trustedIntroducer) #endif } static QString formatDNToolTip(const Kleo::DN &dn) { QString html = QStringLiteral(""); const auto appendRow = [&html, dn](const QString &lbl, const QString &attr) { const QString val = dn[attr]; if (!val.isEmpty()) { html += QStringLiteral( "" "" "").arg(lbl, val); } }; appendRow(i18n("Common Name"), QStringLiteral("CN")); appendRow(i18n("Organization"), QStringLiteral("O")); appendRow(i18n("Street"), QStringLiteral("STREET")); appendRow(i18n("City"), QStringLiteral("L")); appendRow(i18n("State"), QStringLiteral("ST")); appendRow(i18n("Country"), QStringLiteral("C")); html += QStringLiteral("
"); return html; } void CertificateDetailsWidget::Private::setupSMIMEProperties() { HIDE_ROW(publishing) HIDE_ROW(trustedIntroducer) const auto ownerId = key.userID(0); const Kleo::DN dn(ownerId.id()); const QString cn = dn[QStringLiteral("CN")]; const QString o = dn[QStringLiteral("O")]; const QString dnEmail = dn[QStringLiteral("EMAIL")]; const QString name = cn.isEmpty() ? dnEmail : cn; QString owner; if (name.isEmpty()) { owner = dn.dn(); } else if (o.isEmpty()) { owner = name; } else { owner = i18nc(" of ", "%1 of %2", name, o); } ui.smimeOwner->setText(owner); ui.smimeOwner->setTextInteractionFlags(Qt::TextBrowserInteraction); const Kleo::DN issuerDN(key.issuerName()); const QString issuerCN = issuerDN[QStringLiteral("CN")]; const QString issuer = issuerCN.isEmpty() ? QString::fromUtf8(key.issuerName()) : issuerCN; ui.smimeIssuer->setText(QStringLiteral("%1").arg(issuer)); ui.smimeIssuer->setToolTip(formatDNToolTip(issuerDN)); ui.smimeOwner->setToolTip(formatDNToolTip(dn)); } void CertificateDetailsWidget::Private::smimeLinkActivated(const QString &link) { if (link == QLatin1String("#issuerDetails")) { const auto parentKey = KeyCache::instance()->findIssuers(key, KeyCache::NoOption); if (!parentKey.size()) { return; } auto cmd = new Kleo::Commands::DetailsCommand(parentKey[0], nullptr); cmd->setParentWidget(q); cmd->start(); return; } qCWarning(KLEOPATRA_LOG) << "Unknown link activated:" << link; } CertificateDetailsWidget::CertificateDetailsWidget(QWidget *parent) : QWidget{parent} , d{std::make_unique(this)} { } CertificateDetailsWidget::~CertificateDetailsWidget() = default; void CertificateDetailsWidget::Private::keyListDone(const GpgME::KeyListResult &, const std::vector &keys, const QString &, const GpgME::Error &) { updateInProgress = false; if (keys.size() != 1) { qCWarning(KLEOPATRA_LOG) << "Invalid keylist result in update."; return; } // As we listen for keysmayhavechanged we get the update // after updating the keycache. KeyCache::mutableInstance()->insert(keys); } void CertificateDetailsWidget::Private::setUpdatedKey(const GpgME::Key &k) { key = k; setupCommonProperties(); if (key.protocol() == GpgME::OpenPGP) { setupPGPProperties(); } else { setupSMIMEProperties(); } } void CertificateDetailsWidget::setKey(const GpgME::Key &key) { if (key.protocol() == GpgME::CMS) { // For everything but S/MIME this should be quick // and we don't need to show another status. d->updateInProgress = true; } d->setUpdatedKey(key); // Run a keylistjob with full details (TOFU / Validate) QGpgME::KeyListJob *job = key.protocol() == GpgME::OpenPGP ? QGpgME::openpgp()->keyListJob(false, true, true) : QGpgME::smime()->keyListJob(false, true, true); auto ctx = QGpgME::Job::context(job); ctx->addKeyListMode(GpgME::WithTofu); ctx->addKeyListMode(GpgME::SignatureNotations); #ifdef GPGME_HAS_WITH_SECRET if (key.hasSecret()) { ctx->addKeyListMode(GpgME::WithSecret); } #endif // Windows QGpgME new style connect problem makes this necessary. connect(job, SIGNAL(result(GpgME::KeyListResult,std::vector,QString,GpgME::Error)), this, SLOT(keyListDone(GpgME::KeyListResult,std::vector,QString,GpgME::Error))); #ifdef GPGME_HAS_WITH_SECRET job->start(QStringList() << QLatin1String(key.primaryFingerprint())); #else job->start(QStringList() << QLatin1String(key.primaryFingerprint()), key.hasSecret()); #endif } GpgME::Key CertificateDetailsWidget::key() const { return d->key; } #include "moc_certificatedetailswidget.cpp" diff --git a/src/newcertificatewizard/newcertificatewizard.cpp b/src/newcertificatewizard/newcertificatewizard.cpp index b39433ff1..7249f51de 100644 --- a/src/newcertificatewizard/newcertificatewizard.cpp +++ b/src/newcertificatewizard/newcertificatewizard.cpp @@ -1,1913 +1,1913 @@ /* -*- mode: c++; c-basic-offset:4 -*- newcertificatewizard/newcertificatewizard.cpp This file is part of Kleopatra, the KDE keymanager SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2008 Klarälvdalens Datakonsult AB SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2016, 2017 Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik SPDX-FileContributor: Intevation GmbH SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later */ #include #include "newcertificatewizard.h" #include "ui_chooseprotocolpage.h" #include "ui_enterdetailspage.h" #include "ui_keycreationpage.h" #include "ui_resultpage.h" #include "ui_advancedsettingsdialog.h" #include "commands/exportsecretkeycommand.h" #include "commands/exportopenpgpcertstoservercommand.h" #include "commands/exportcertificatecommand.h" #include "kleopatraapplication.h" #include "utils/validation.h" #include "utils/filedialog.h" #include "utils/keyparameters.h" #include "utils/userinfo.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "kleopatra_debug.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace Kleo; using namespace Kleo::NewCertificateUi; using namespace Kleo::Commands; using namespace GpgME; static const char RSA_KEYSIZES_ENTRY[] = "RSAKeySizes"; static const char DSA_KEYSIZES_ENTRY[] = "DSAKeySizes"; static const char ELG_KEYSIZES_ENTRY[] = "ELGKeySizes"; static const char RSA_KEYSIZE_LABELS_ENTRY[] = "RSAKeySizeLabels"; static const char DSA_KEYSIZE_LABELS_ENTRY[] = "DSAKeySizeLabels"; static const char ELG_KEYSIZE_LABELS_ENTRY[] = "ELGKeySizeLabels"; static const char PGP_KEY_TYPE_ENTRY[] = "PGPKeyType"; static const char CMS_KEY_TYPE_ENTRY[] = "CMSKeyType"; // This should come from gpgme in the future // For now we only support the basic 2.1 curves and check // for GnuPG 2.1. The whole subkey / usage generation needs // new api and a reworked dialog. (ah 10.3.16) // EDDSA should be supported, too. static const QStringList curveNames { { QStringLiteral("brainpoolP256r1") }, { QStringLiteral("brainpoolP384r1") }, { QStringLiteral("brainpoolP512r1") }, { QStringLiteral("NIST P-256") }, { QStringLiteral("NIST P-384") }, { QStringLiteral("NIST P-521") }, }; class EmptyPassphraseProvider: public PassphraseProvider { public: char *getPassphrase(const char * /*useridHint*/, const char * /*description*/, bool /*previousWasBad*/, bool &/*canceled*/) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE { return gpgrt_strdup (""); } }; static void set_tab_order(const QList &wl) { kdtools::for_each_adjacent_pair(wl.begin(), wl.end(), &QWidget::setTabOrder); } enum KeyAlgo { RSA, DSA, ELG, ECDSA, ECDH, EDDSA }; static bool is_algo(Subkey::PubkeyAlgo algo, KeyAlgo what) { switch (algo) { case Subkey::AlgoRSA: case Subkey::AlgoRSA_E: case Subkey::AlgoRSA_S: return what == RSA; case Subkey::AlgoELG_E: case Subkey::AlgoELG: return what == ELG; case Subkey::AlgoDSA: return what == DSA; case Subkey::AlgoECDSA: return what == ECDSA; case Subkey::AlgoECDH: return what == ECDH; case Subkey::AlgoEDDSA: return what == EDDSA; default: break; } return false; } static bool is_rsa(unsigned int algo) { return is_algo(static_cast(algo), RSA); } static bool is_dsa(unsigned int algo) { return is_algo(static_cast(algo), DSA); } static bool is_elg(unsigned int algo) { return is_algo(static_cast(algo), ELG); } static bool is_ecdsa(unsigned int algo) { return is_algo(static_cast(algo), ECDSA); } static bool is_eddsa(unsigned int algo) { return is_algo(static_cast(algo), EDDSA); } static bool is_ecdh(unsigned int algo) { return is_algo(static_cast(algo), ECDH); } static void force_set_checked(QAbstractButton *b, bool on) { // work around Qt bug (tested: 4.1.4, 4.2.3, 4.3.4) const bool autoExclusive = b->autoExclusive(); b->setAutoExclusive(false); b->setChecked(b->isEnabled() && on); b->setAutoExclusive(autoExclusive); } static void set_keysize(QComboBox *cb, unsigned int strength) { if (!cb) { return; } const int idx = cb->findData(static_cast(strength)); cb->setCurrentIndex(idx); } static unsigned int get_keysize(const QComboBox *cb) { if (!cb) { return 0; } const int idx = cb->currentIndex(); if (idx < 0) { return 0; } return cb->itemData(idx).toInt(); } static void set_curve(QComboBox *cb, const QString &curve) { if (!cb) { return; } const int idx = cb->findText(curve); if (idx < 0) { // Can't happen as we don't have them configurable. qCWarning(KLEOPATRA_LOG) << "curve " << curve << " not allowed"; } cb->setCurrentIndex(idx); } static QString get_curve(const QComboBox *cb) { if (!cb) { return QString(); } return cb->currentText(); } // Extract the algo information from default_pubkey_algo format // // and put it into the return values size, algo and curve. // // Values look like: // RSA-2048 // rsa2048/cert,sign+rsa2048/enc // brainpoolP256r1+brainpoolP256r1 static void parseAlgoString(const QString &algoString, int *size, Subkey::PubkeyAlgo *algo, QString &curve) { const auto split = algoString.split(QLatin1Char('/')); bool isEncrypt = split.size() == 2 && split[1].contains(QLatin1String("enc")); // Normalize const auto lowered = split[0].toLower().remove(QLatin1Char('-')); if (!algo || !size) { return; } *algo = Subkey::AlgoUnknown; if (lowered.startsWith(QLatin1String("rsa"))) { *algo = Subkey::AlgoRSA; } else if (lowered.startsWith(QLatin1String("dsa"))) { *algo = Subkey::AlgoDSA; } else if (lowered.startsWith(QLatin1String("elg"))) { *algo = Subkey::AlgoELG; } if (*algo != Subkey::AlgoUnknown) { bool ok; *size = lowered.rightRef(lowered.size() - 3).toInt(&ok); if (!ok) { qCWarning(KLEOPATRA_LOG) << "Could not extract size from: " << lowered; *size = 3072; } return; } // Now the ECC Algorithms if (lowered.startsWith(QLatin1String("ed25519"))) { // Special handling for this as technically // this is a cv25519 curve used for EDDSA curve = split[0]; *algo = Subkey::AlgoEDDSA; return; } if (lowered.startsWith(QLatin1String("cv25519")) || lowered.startsWith(QLatin1String("nist")) || lowered.startsWith(QLatin1String("brainpool")) || lowered.startsWith(QLatin1String("secp"))) { curve = split[0]; *algo = isEncrypt ? Subkey::AlgoECDH : Subkey::AlgoECDSA; return; } qCWarning(KLEOPATRA_LOG) << "Failed to parse default_pubkey_algo:" << algoString; } Q_DECLARE_METATYPE(GpgME::Subkey::PubkeyAlgo) namespace Kleo { namespace NewCertificateUi { class WizardPage : public QWizardPage { Q_OBJECT protected: explicit WizardPage(QWidget *parent = nullptr) : QWizardPage(parent) {} NewCertificateWizard *wizard() const { Q_ASSERT(static_cast(QWizardPage::wizard()) == qobject_cast(QWizardPage::wizard())); return static_cast(QWizardPage::wizard()); } QAbstractButton *button(QWizard::WizardButton button) const { return QWizardPage::wizard() ? QWizardPage::wizard()->button(button) : nullptr; } bool isButtonVisible(QWizard::WizardButton button) const { if (const QAbstractButton *const b = this->button(button)) { return b->isVisible(); } else { return false; } } QDir tmpDir() const; protected Q_SLOTS: void setButtonVisible(QWizard::WizardButton button, bool visible) { if (QAbstractButton *const b = this->button(button)) { b->setVisible(visible); } } protected: #define FIELD(type, name) type name() const { return field( QStringLiteral(#name) ).value(); } FIELD(bool, pgp) FIELD(bool, signingAllowed) FIELD(bool, encryptionAllowed) FIELD(bool, certificationAllowed) FIELD(bool, authenticationAllowed) FIELD(QString, name) FIELD(QString, email) FIELD(QString, dn) FIELD(bool, protectedKey) FIELD(Subkey::PubkeyAlgo, keyType) FIELD(int, keyStrength) FIELD(QString, keyCurve) FIELD(Subkey::PubkeyAlgo, subkeyType) FIELD(int, subkeyStrength) FIELD(QString, subkeyCurve) FIELD(QDate, expiryDate) FIELD(QStringList, additionalUserIDs) FIELD(QStringList, additionalEMailAddresses) FIELD(QStringList, dnsNames) FIELD(QStringList, uris) FIELD(QString, url) FIELD(QString, error) FIELD(QString, result) FIELD(QString, fingerprint) #undef FIELD }; } // namespace NewCertificateUi } // namespace Kleo using namespace Kleo::NewCertificateUi; namespace { class AdvancedSettingsDialog : public QDialog { Q_OBJECT Q_PROPERTY(QStringList additionalUserIDs READ additionalUserIDs WRITE setAdditionalUserIDs) Q_PROPERTY(QStringList additionalEMailAddresses READ additionalEMailAddresses WRITE setAdditionalEMailAddresses) Q_PROPERTY(QStringList dnsNames READ dnsNames WRITE setDnsNames) Q_PROPERTY(QStringList uris READ uris WRITE setUris) Q_PROPERTY(uint keyStrength READ keyStrength WRITE setKeyStrength) Q_PROPERTY(Subkey::PubkeyAlgo keyType READ keyType WRITE setKeyType) Q_PROPERTY(QString keyCurve READ keyCurve WRITE setKeyCurve) Q_PROPERTY(uint subkeyStrength READ subkeyStrength WRITE setSubkeyStrength) Q_PROPERTY(QString subkeyCurve READ subkeyCurve WRITE setSubkeyCurve) Q_PROPERTY(Subkey::PubkeyAlgo subkeyType READ subkeyType WRITE setSubkeyType) Q_PROPERTY(bool signingAllowed READ signingAllowed WRITE setSigningAllowed) Q_PROPERTY(bool encryptionAllowed READ encryptionAllowed WRITE setEncryptionAllowed) Q_PROPERTY(bool certificationAllowed READ certificationAllowed WRITE setCertificationAllowed) Q_PROPERTY(bool authenticationAllowed READ authenticationAllowed WRITE setAuthenticationAllowed) Q_PROPERTY(QDate expiryDate READ expiryDate WRITE setExpiryDate) public: explicit AdvancedSettingsDialog(QWidget *parent = nullptr) : QDialog(parent), protocol(UnknownProtocol), pgpDefaultAlgorithm(Subkey::AlgoELG_E), cmsDefaultAlgorithm(Subkey::AlgoRSA), keyTypeImmutable(false), ui(), mECCSupported(engineIsVersion(2, 1, 0)), mEdDSASupported(engineIsVersion(2, 1, 15)) { qRegisterMetaType("Subkey::PubkeyAlgo"); ui.setupUi(this); const QDate today = QDate::currentDate(); ui.expiryDE->setMinimumDate(today); ui.expiryDE->setDate(today.addYears(2)); ui.expiryCB->setChecked(true); ui.emailLW->setDefaultValue(i18n("new email")); ui.dnsLW->setDefaultValue(i18n("new dns name")); ui.uriLW->setDefaultValue(i18n("new uri")); fillKeySizeComboBoxen(); } void setProtocol(GpgME::Protocol proto) { if (protocol == proto) { return; } protocol = proto; loadDefaultKeyType(); } void setAdditionalUserIDs(const QStringList &items) { ui.uidLW->setItems(items); } QStringList additionalUserIDs() const { return ui.uidLW->items(); } void setAdditionalEMailAddresses(const QStringList &items) { ui.emailLW->setItems(items); } QStringList additionalEMailAddresses() const { return ui.emailLW->items(); } void setDnsNames(const QStringList &items) { ui.dnsLW->setItems(items); } QStringList dnsNames() const { return ui.dnsLW->items(); } void setUris(const QStringList &items) { ui.uriLW->setItems(items); } QStringList uris() const { return ui.uriLW->items(); } void setKeyStrength(unsigned int strength) { set_keysize(ui.rsaKeyStrengthCB, strength); set_keysize(ui.dsaKeyStrengthCB, strength); } unsigned int keyStrength() const { return ui.dsaRB->isChecked() ? get_keysize(ui.dsaKeyStrengthCB) : ui.rsaRB->isChecked() ? get_keysize(ui.rsaKeyStrengthCB) : 0; } void setKeyType(Subkey::PubkeyAlgo algo) { QRadioButton *const rb = is_rsa(algo) ? ui.rsaRB : is_dsa(algo) ? ui.dsaRB : is_ecdsa(algo) || is_eddsa(algo) ? ui.ecdsaRB : nullptr; if (rb) { rb->setChecked(true); } } Subkey::PubkeyAlgo keyType() const { return ui.dsaRB->isChecked() ? Subkey::AlgoDSA : ui.rsaRB->isChecked() ? Subkey::AlgoRSA : ui.ecdsaRB->isChecked() ? ui.ecdsaKeyCurvesCB->currentText() == QLatin1String("ed25519") ? Subkey::AlgoEDDSA : Subkey::AlgoECDSA : Subkey::AlgoUnknown; } void setKeyCurve(const QString &curve) { set_curve(ui.ecdsaKeyCurvesCB, curve); } QString keyCurve() const { return get_curve(ui.ecdsaKeyCurvesCB); } void setSubkeyType(Subkey::PubkeyAlgo algo) { ui.elgCB->setChecked(is_elg(algo)); ui.rsaSubCB->setChecked(is_rsa(algo)); ui.ecdhCB->setChecked(is_ecdh(algo)); } Subkey::PubkeyAlgo subkeyType() const { if (ui.elgCB->isChecked()) { return Subkey::AlgoELG_E; } else if (ui.rsaSubCB->isChecked()) { return Subkey::AlgoRSA; } else if (ui.ecdhCB->isChecked()) { return Subkey::AlgoECDH; } return Subkey::AlgoUnknown; } void setSubkeyCurve(const QString &curve) { set_curve(ui.ecdhKeyCurvesCB, curve); } QString subkeyCurve() const { return get_curve(ui.ecdhKeyCurvesCB); } void setSubkeyStrength(unsigned int strength) { if (subkeyType() == Subkey::AlgoRSA) { set_keysize(ui.rsaKeyStrengthSubCB, strength); } else { set_keysize(ui.elgKeyStrengthCB, strength); } } unsigned int subkeyStrength() const { if (subkeyType() == Subkey::AlgoRSA) { return get_keysize(ui.rsaKeyStrengthSubCB); } return get_keysize(ui.elgKeyStrengthCB); } void setSigningAllowed(bool on) { ui.signingCB->setChecked(on); } bool signingAllowed() const { return ui.signingCB->isChecked(); } void setEncryptionAllowed(bool on) { ui.encryptionCB->setChecked(on); } bool encryptionAllowed() const { return ui.encryptionCB->isChecked(); } void setCertificationAllowed(bool on) { ui.certificationCB->setChecked(on); } bool certificationAllowed() const { return ui.certificationCB->isChecked(); } void setAuthenticationAllowed(bool on) { ui.authenticationCB->setChecked(on); } bool authenticationAllowed() const { return ui.authenticationCB->isChecked(); } void setExpiryDate(QDate date) { if (date.isValid()) { ui.expiryDE->setDate(date); } else { ui.expiryCB->setChecked(false); } } QDate expiryDate() const { return ui.expiryCB->isChecked() ? ui.expiryDE->date() : QDate(); } Q_SIGNALS: void changed(); private Q_SLOTS: void slotKeyMaterialSelectionChanged() { const unsigned int algo = keyType(); const unsigned int sk_algo = subkeyType(); if (protocol == OpenPGP) { if (!keyTypeImmutable) { ui.elgCB->setEnabled(is_dsa(algo)); ui.rsaSubCB->setEnabled(is_rsa(algo)); ui.ecdhCB->setEnabled(is_ecdsa(algo) || is_eddsa(algo)); if (sender() == ui.dsaRB || sender() == ui.rsaRB || sender() == ui.ecdsaRB) { ui.elgCB->setChecked(is_dsa(algo)); ui.ecdhCB->setChecked(is_ecdsa(algo) || is_eddsa(algo)); ui.rsaSubCB->setChecked(is_rsa(algo)); } if (is_rsa(algo)) { ui.encryptionCB->setEnabled(true); ui.encryptionCB->setChecked(true); ui.signingCB->setEnabled(true); ui.signingCB->setChecked(true); ui.authenticationCB->setEnabled(true); if (is_rsa(sk_algo)) { ui.encryptionCB->setEnabled(false); ui.encryptionCB->setChecked(true); } else { ui.encryptionCB->setEnabled(true); } } else if (is_dsa(algo)) { ui.encryptionCB->setEnabled(false); if (is_elg(sk_algo)) { ui.encryptionCB->setChecked(true); } else { ui.encryptionCB->setChecked(false); } } else if (is_ecdsa(algo) || is_eddsa(algo)) { ui.signingCB->setEnabled(true); ui.signingCB->setChecked(true); ui.authenticationCB->setEnabled(true); ui.encryptionCB->setEnabled(false); ui.encryptionCB->setChecked(is_ecdh(sk_algo)); } } } else { //assert( is_rsa( keyType() ) ); // it can happen through misconfiguration by the admin that no key type is selectable at all } } void slotSigningAllowedToggled(bool on) { if (!on && protocol == CMS && !encryptionAllowed()) { setEncryptionAllowed(true); } } void slotEncryptionAllowedToggled(bool on) { if (!on && protocol == CMS && !signingAllowed()) { setSigningAllowed(true); } } private: void fillKeySizeComboBoxen(); void loadDefaultKeyType(); void loadDefaultGnuPGKeyType(); void updateWidgetVisibility(); private: GpgME::Protocol protocol; unsigned int pgpDefaultAlgorithm; unsigned int cmsDefaultAlgorithm; bool keyTypeImmutable; Ui_AdvancedSettingsDialog ui; bool mECCSupported; bool mEdDSASupported; }; class ChooseProtocolPage : public WizardPage { Q_OBJECT public: explicit ChooseProtocolPage(QWidget *p = nullptr) : WizardPage(p), initialized(false), ui() { ui.setupUi(this); registerField(QStringLiteral("pgp"), ui.pgpCLB); } void setProtocol(Protocol proto) { if (proto == OpenPGP) { ui.pgpCLB->setChecked(true); } else if (proto == CMS) { ui.x509CLB->setChecked(true); } else { force_set_checked(ui.pgpCLB, false); force_set_checked(ui.x509CLB, false); } } Protocol protocol() const { return ui.pgpCLB->isChecked() ? OpenPGP : ui.x509CLB->isChecked() ? CMS : UnknownProtocol; } void initializePage() override { if (!initialized) { connect(ui.pgpCLB, &QAbstractButton::clicked, wizard(), &QWizard::next, Qt::QueuedConnection); connect(ui.x509CLB, &QAbstractButton::clicked, wizard(), &QWizard::next, Qt::QueuedConnection); } initialized = true; } bool isComplete() const override { return protocol() != UnknownProtocol; } private: bool initialized : 1; Ui_ChooseProtocolPage ui; }; struct Line { QString attr; QString label; QString regex; QLineEdit *edit; }; class EnterDetailsPage : public WizardPage { Q_OBJECT public: explicit EnterDetailsPage(QWidget *p = nullptr) : WizardPage(p), dialog(this), ui() { ui.setupUi(this); // set errorLB to have a fixed height of two lines: ui.errorLB->setText(QStringLiteral("2
1")); ui.errorLB->setFixedHeight(ui.errorLB->minimumSizeHint().height()); ui.errorLB->clear(); connect(ui.resultLE, &QLineEdit::textChanged, this, &QWizardPage::completeChanged); // The email doesn't necessarily show up in ui.resultLE: connect(ui.emailLE, &QLineEdit::textChanged, this, &QWizardPage::completeChanged); registerDialogPropertiesAsFields(); registerField(QStringLiteral("dn"), ui.resultLE); registerField(QStringLiteral("name"), ui.nameLE); registerField(QStringLiteral("email"), ui.emailLE); registerField(QStringLiteral("protectedKey"), ui.withPassCB); updateForm(); setCommitPage(true); setButtonText(QWizard::CommitButton, i18nc("@action", "Create")); const auto conf = QGpgME::cryptoConfig(); if (!conf) { qCWarning(KLEOPATRA_LOG) << "Failed to obtain cryptoConfig."; return; } const auto entry = getCryptoConfigEntry(conf, "gpg-agent", "enforce-passphrase-constraints"); if (entry && entry->boolValue()) { qCDebug(KLEOPATRA_LOG) << "Disabling passphrace cb because of agent config."; ui.withPassCB->setEnabled(false); ui.withPassCB->setChecked(true); } else { const KConfigGroup config(KSharedConfig::openConfig(), "CertificateCreationWizard"); ui.withPassCB->setChecked(config.readEntry("WithPassphrase", false)); ui.withPassCB->setEnabled(!config.isEntryImmutable("WithPassphrase")); } } bool isComplete() const override; void initializePage() override { updateForm(); dialog.setProtocol(pgp() ? OpenPGP : CMS); } void cleanupPage() override { saveValues(); } private: void updateForm(); void clearForm(); void saveValues(); void registerDialogPropertiesAsFields(); private: QString pgpUserID() const; QString cmsDN() const; private Q_SLOTS: void slotAdvancedSettingsClicked(); void slotUpdateResultLabel() { ui.resultLE->setText(pgp() ? pgpUserID() : cmsDN()); ui.withPassCB->setVisible(pgp()); } private: QVector lineList; QList dynamicWidgets; QMap savedValues; AdvancedSettingsDialog dialog; Ui_EnterDetailsPage ui; }; class KeyCreationPage : public WizardPage { Q_OBJECT public: explicit KeyCreationPage(QWidget *p = nullptr) : WizardPage(p), ui() { ui.setupUi(this); } bool isComplete() const override { return !job; } void initializePage() override { startJob(); } private: void startJob() { const auto proto = pgp() ? QGpgME::openpgp() : QGpgME::smime(); if (!proto) { return; } QGpgME::KeyGenerationJob *const j = proto->keyGenerationJob(); if (!j) { return; } if (!protectedKey() && pgp()) { auto ctx = QGpgME::Job::context(j); ctx->setPassphraseProvider(&mEmptyPWProvider); ctx->setPinentryMode(Context::PinentryLoopback); } connect(j, &QGpgME::KeyGenerationJob::result, this, &KeyCreationPage::slotResult); if (const Error err = j->start(createGnupgKeyParms())) setField(QStringLiteral("error"), i18n("Could not start key pair creation: %1", QString::fromLocal8Bit(err.asString()))); else { job = j; } } QStringList keyUsages() const; QStringList subkeyUsages() const; QString createGnupgKeyParms() const; EmptyPassphraseProvider mEmptyPWProvider; private Q_SLOTS: void slotResult(const GpgME::KeyGenerationResult &result, const QByteArray &request, const QString &auditLog) { Q_UNUSED(auditLog) if (result.error().code() || (pgp() && !result.fingerprint())) { setField(QStringLiteral("error"), result.error().isCanceled() ? i18n("Operation canceled.") : i18n("Could not create key pair: %1", QString::fromLocal8Bit(result.error().asString()))); setField(QStringLiteral("url"), QString()); setField(QStringLiteral("result"), QString()); } else if (pgp()) { setField(QStringLiteral("error"), QString()); setField(QStringLiteral("url"), QString()); setField(QStringLiteral("result"), i18n("Key pair created successfully.\n" "Fingerprint: %1", QLatin1String(result.fingerprint()))); } else { QFile file(tmpDir().absoluteFilePath(QStringLiteral("request.p10"))); if (!file.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly)) { setField(QStringLiteral("error"), i18n("Could not write output file %1: %2", file.fileName(), file.errorString())); setField(QStringLiteral("url"), QString()); setField(QStringLiteral("result"), QString()); } else { file.write(request); setField(QStringLiteral("error"), QString()); setField(QStringLiteral("url"), QUrl::fromLocalFile(file.fileName()).toString()); setField(QStringLiteral("result"), i18n("Key pair created successfully.")); } } // Ensure that we have the key in the keycache if (pgp() && !result.error().code() && result.fingerprint()) { auto ctx = Context::createForProtocol(OpenPGP); if (ctx) { // Check is pretty useless something very buggy in that case. Error e; const auto key = ctx->key(result.fingerprint(), e, true); if (!key.isNull()) { KeyCache::mutableInstance()->insert(key); } else { qCDebug(KLEOPATRA_LOG) << "Failed to find newly generated key."; } delete ctx; } } setField(QStringLiteral("fingerprint"), result.fingerprint() ? QString::fromLatin1(result.fingerprint()) : QString()); job = nullptr; Q_EMIT completeChanged(); const KConfigGroup config(KSharedConfig::openConfig(), "CertificateCreationWizard"); if (config.readEntry("SkipResultPage", false)) { if (result.fingerprint()) { KleopatraApplication::instance()->slotActivateRequested(QStringList() << QStringLiteral("kleopatra") << QStringLiteral("--query") << QLatin1String(result.fingerprint()), QString()); QMetaObject::invokeMethod(wizard(), "close", Qt::QueuedConnection); } else { QMetaObject::invokeMethod(wizard(), "next", Qt::QueuedConnection); } } else { QMetaObject::invokeMethod(wizard(), "next", Qt::QueuedConnection); } } private: QPointer job; Ui_KeyCreationPage ui; }; class ResultPage : public WizardPage { Q_OBJECT public: explicit ResultPage(QWidget *p = nullptr) : WizardPage(p), initialized(false), successfullyCreatedSigningCertificate(false), successfullyCreatedEncryptionCertificate(false), ui() { ui.setupUi(this); ui.dragQueen->setPixmap(QIcon::fromTheme(QStringLiteral("kleopatra")).pixmap(64, 64)); registerField(QStringLiteral("error"), ui.errorTB, "plainText"); registerField(QStringLiteral("result"), ui.resultTB, "plainText"); registerField(QStringLiteral("url"), ui.dragQueen, "url"); // hidden field, since QWizard can't deal with non-widget-backed fields... auto le = new QLineEdit(this); le->hide(); registerField(QStringLiteral("fingerprint"), le); } void initializePage() override { const bool error = isError(); if (error) { setTitle(i18nc("@title", "Key Creation Failed")); setSubTitle(i18n("Key pair creation failed. Please find details about the failure below.")); } else { setTitle(i18nc("@title", "Key Pair Successfully Created")); setSubTitle(i18n("Your new key pair was created successfully. Please find details on the result and some suggested next steps below.")); } ui.resultTB ->setVisible(!error); ui.errorTB ->setVisible(error); ui.dragQueen ->setVisible(!error &&!pgp()); ui.restartWizardPB ->setVisible(error); ui.nextStepsGB ->setVisible(!error); ui.saveRequestToFilePB ->setVisible(!pgp()); ui.makeBackupPB ->setVisible(pgp()); ui.createRevocationRequestPB->setVisible(pgp() &&false); // not implemented ui.sendCertificateByEMailPB ->setVisible(pgp()); ui.sendRequestByEMailPB ->setVisible(!pgp()); ui.uploadToKeyserverPB ->setVisible(pgp()); if (!error && !pgp()) { if (signingAllowed() && !encryptionAllowed()) { successfullyCreatedSigningCertificate = true; } else if (!signingAllowed() && encryptionAllowed()) { successfullyCreatedEncryptionCertificate = true; } else { successfullyCreatedEncryptionCertificate = successfullyCreatedSigningCertificate = true; } } ui.createSigningCertificatePB->setVisible(successfullyCreatedEncryptionCertificate &&!successfullyCreatedSigningCertificate); ui.createEncryptionCertificatePB->setVisible(successfullyCreatedSigningCertificate &&!successfullyCreatedEncryptionCertificate); setButtonVisible(QWizard::CancelButton, error); if (!initialized) connect(ui.restartWizardPB, &QAbstractButton::clicked, wizard(), &QWizard::restart); initialized = true; } void cleanupPage() override { setButtonVisible(QWizard::CancelButton, true); } bool isError() const { return !ui.errorTB->document()->isEmpty(); } bool isComplete() const override { return !isError(); } private: Key key() const { return KeyCache::instance()->findByFingerprint(fingerprint().toLatin1().constData()); } private Q_SLOTS: void slotSaveRequestToFile() { QString fileName = FileDialog::getSaveFileName(this, i18nc("@title", "Save Request"), QStringLiteral("imp"), i18n("PKCS#10 Requests (*.p10)")); if (fileName.isEmpty()) { return; } if (!fileName.endsWith(QLatin1String(".p10"), Qt::CaseInsensitive)) { fileName += QLatin1String(".p10"); } QFile src(QUrl(url()).toLocalFile()); if (!src.copy(fileName)) KMessageBox::error(this, xi18nc("@info", "Could not copy temporary file %1 " "to file %2: %3", src.fileName(), fileName, src.errorString()), i18nc("@title", "Error Saving Request")); else KMessageBox::information(this, xi18nc("@info", "Successfully wrote request to %1." "You should now send the request to the Certification Authority (CA).", fileName), i18nc("@title", "Request Saved")); } void slotSendRequestByEMail() { if (pgp()) { return; } const KConfigGroup config(KSharedConfig::openConfig(), "CertificateCreationWizard"); invokeMailer(config.readEntry("CAEmailAddress"), // to i18n("Please process this certificate."), // subject i18n("Please process this certificate and inform the sender about the location to fetch the resulting certificate.\n\nThanks,\n"), // body QUrl(url()).toLocalFile()); // attachment } void slotSendCertificateByEMail() { if (!pgp() || exportCertificateCommand) { return; } auto cmd = new ExportCertificateCommand(key()); connect(cmd, &ExportCertificateCommand::finished, this, &ResultPage::slotSendCertificateByEMailContinuation); cmd->setOpenPGPFileName(tmpDir().absoluteFilePath(fingerprint() + QLatin1String(".asc"))); cmd->start(); exportCertificateCommand = cmd; } void slotSendCertificateByEMailContinuation() { if (!exportCertificateCommand) { return; } // ### better error handling? const QString fileName = exportCertificateCommand->openPGPFileName(); qCDebug(KLEOPATRA_LOG) << "fileName" << fileName; exportCertificateCommand = nullptr; if (fileName.isEmpty()) { return; } invokeMailer(QString(), // to i18n("My new public OpenPGP key"), // subject i18n("Please find attached my new public OpenPGP key."), // body fileName); } QByteArray ol_quote(QByteArray str) { #ifdef Q_OS_WIN return "\"\"" + str.replace('"', "\\\"") + "\"\""; //return '"' + str.replace( '"', "\\\"" ) + '"'; #else return str; #endif } void invokeMailer(const QString &to, const QString &subject, const QString &body, const QString &attachment) { qCDebug(KLEOPATRA_LOG) << "to:" << to << "subject:" << subject << "body:" << body << "attachment:" << attachment; // RFC 2368 says body's linebreaks need to be encoded as // "%0D%0A", so normalize body to CRLF: //body.replace(QLatin1Char('\n'), QStringLiteral("\r\n")).remove(QStringLiteral("\r\r")); QUrlQuery query; query.addQueryItem(QStringLiteral("subject"), subject); query.addQueryItem(QStringLiteral("body"), body); if (!attachment.isEmpty()) { query.addQueryItem(QStringLiteral("attach"), attachment); } QUrl url; url.setScheme(QStringLiteral("mailto")); url.setQuery(query); qCDebug(KLEOPATRA_LOG) << "openUrl" << url; QDesktopServices::openUrl(url); KMessageBox::information(this, xi18nc("@info", "Kleopatra tried to send a mail via your default mail client." "Some mail clients are known not to support attachments when invoked this way." "If your mail client does not have an attachment, then drag the Kleopatra icon and drop it on the message compose window of your mail client." "If that does not work, either, save the request to a file, and then attach that."), i18nc("@title", "Sending Mail"), QStringLiteral("newcertificatewizard-mailto-troubles")); } void slotUploadCertificateToDirectoryServer() { if (pgp()) { (new ExportOpenPGPCertsToServerCommand(key()))->start(); } } void slotBackupCertificate() { if (pgp()) { (new ExportSecretKeyCommand(key()))->start(); } } void slotCreateRevocationRequest() { } void slotCreateSigningCertificate() { if (successfullyCreatedSigningCertificate) { return; } toggleSignEncryptAndRestart(); } void slotCreateEncryptionCertificate() { if (successfullyCreatedEncryptionCertificate) { return; } toggleSignEncryptAndRestart(); } private: void toggleSignEncryptAndRestart() { if (!wizard()) { return; } if (KMessageBox::warningContinueCancel( this, i18nc("@info", "This operation will delete the certification request. " "Please make sure that you have sent or saved it before proceeding."), i18nc("@title", "Certification Request About To Be Deleted")) != KMessageBox::Continue) { return; } const bool sign = signingAllowed(); const bool encr = encryptionAllowed(); setField(QStringLiteral("signingAllowed"), !sign); setField(QStringLiteral("encryptionAllowed"), !encr); // restart and skip to enter details Page: wizard()->restart(); for (int i = wizard()->currentId(); i < NewCertificateWizard::EnterDetailsPageId; ++i) { wizard()->next(); } } private: bool initialized : 1; bool successfullyCreatedSigningCertificate : 1; bool successfullyCreatedEncryptionCertificate : 1; QPointer exportCertificateCommand; Ui_ResultPage ui; }; } class NewCertificateWizard::Private { friend class ::Kleo::NewCertificateWizard; friend class ::Kleo::NewCertificateUi::WizardPage; NewCertificateWizard *const q; public: explicit Private(NewCertificateWizard *qq) : q(qq), tmp(QDir::temp().absoluteFilePath(QStringLiteral("kleo-"))), ui(q) { q->setWindowTitle(i18nc("@title:window", "Key Pair Creation Wizard")); } private: QTemporaryDir tmp; struct Ui { ChooseProtocolPage chooseProtocolPage; EnterDetailsPage enterDetailsPage; KeyCreationPage keyCreationPage; ResultPage resultPage; explicit Ui(NewCertificateWizard *q) : chooseProtocolPage(q), enterDetailsPage(q), keyCreationPage(q), resultPage(q) { KDAB_SET_OBJECT_NAME(chooseProtocolPage); KDAB_SET_OBJECT_NAME(enterDetailsPage); KDAB_SET_OBJECT_NAME(keyCreationPage); KDAB_SET_OBJECT_NAME(resultPage); q->setOptions(DisabledBackButtonOnLastPage); q->setPage(ChooseProtocolPageId, &chooseProtocolPage); q->setPage(EnterDetailsPageId, &enterDetailsPage); q->setPage(KeyCreationPageId, &keyCreationPage); q->setPage(ResultPageId, &resultPage); q->setStartId(ChooseProtocolPageId); } } ui; }; NewCertificateWizard::NewCertificateWizard(QWidget *p) : QWizard(p), d(new Private(this)) { } NewCertificateWizard::~NewCertificateWizard() {} void NewCertificateWizard::setProtocol(Protocol proto) { d->ui.chooseProtocolPage.setProtocol(proto); setStartId(proto == UnknownProtocol ? ChooseProtocolPageId : EnterDetailsPageId); } Protocol NewCertificateWizard::protocol() const { return d->ui.chooseProtocolPage.protocol(); } static QString pgpLabel(const QString &attr) { if (attr == QLatin1String("NAME")) { return i18n("Name"); } if (attr == QLatin1String("EMAIL")) { return i18n("EMail"); } return QString(); } static QString attributeLabel(const QString &attr, bool pgp) { if (attr.isEmpty()) { return QString(); } const QString label = pgp ? pgpLabel(attr) : Kleo::DNAttributeMapper::instance()->name2label(attr); if (!label.isEmpty()) if (pgp) { return label; } else return i18nc("Format string for the labels in the \"Your Personal Data\" page", "%1 (%2)", label, attr); else { return attr; } } #if 0 //Not used anywhere static QString attributeLabelWithColor(const QString &attr, bool pgp) { const QString result = attributeLabel(attr, pgp); if (result.isEmpty()) { return QString(); } else { return result + ':'; } } #endif static QString attributeFromKey(QString key) { return key.remove(QLatin1Char('!')); } QDir WizardPage::tmpDir() const { return wizard() ? QDir(wizard()->d->tmp.path()) : QDir::home(); } void EnterDetailsPage::registerDialogPropertiesAsFields() { const QMetaObject *const mo = dialog.metaObject(); for (unsigned int i = mo->propertyOffset(), end = i + mo->propertyCount(); i != end; ++i) { const QMetaProperty mp = mo->property(i); if (mp.isValid()) { registerField(QLatin1String(mp.name()), &dialog, mp.name(), SIGNAL(accepted())); } } } void EnterDetailsPage::saveValues() { for (const Line &line : std::as_const(lineList)) { savedValues[ attributeFromKey(line.attr) ] = line.edit->text().trimmed(); } } void EnterDetailsPage::clearForm() { qDeleteAll(dynamicWidgets); dynamicWidgets.clear(); lineList.clear(); ui.nameLE->hide(); ui.nameLE->clear(); ui.nameLB->hide(); ui.nameRequiredLB->hide(); ui.emailLE->hide(); ui.emailLE->clear(); ui.emailLB->hide(); ui.emailRequiredLB->hide(); } static int row_index_of(QWidget *w, QGridLayout *l) { const int idx = l->indexOf(w); int r, c, rs, cs; l->getItemPosition(idx, &r, &c, &rs, &cs); return r; } static QLineEdit *adjust_row(QGridLayout *l, int row, const QString &label, const QString &preset, QValidator *validator, bool readonly, bool required) { Q_ASSERT(l); Q_ASSERT(row >= 0); Q_ASSERT(row < l->rowCount()); auto lb = qobject_cast(l->itemAtPosition(row, 0)->widget()); Q_ASSERT(lb); auto le = qobject_cast(l->itemAtPosition(row, 1)->widget()); Q_ASSERT(le); lb->setBuddy(le); // For better accessibility auto reqLB = qobject_cast(l->itemAtPosition(row, 2)->widget()); Q_ASSERT(reqLB); lb->setText(i18nc("interpunctation for labels", "%1:", label)); le->setText(preset); reqLB->setText(required ? i18n("(required)") : i18n("(optional)")); delete le->validator(); if (validator) { if (!validator->parent()) { validator->setParent(le); } le->setValidator(validator); } le->setReadOnly(readonly && le->hasAcceptableInput()); lb->show(); le->show(); reqLB->show(); return le; } static int add_row(QGridLayout *l, QList *wl) { Q_ASSERT(l); Q_ASSERT(wl); const int row = l->rowCount(); QWidget *w1, *w2, *w3; l->addWidget(w1 = new QLabel(l->parentWidget()), row, 0); l->addWidget(w2 = new QLineEdit(l->parentWidget()), row, 1); l->addWidget(w3 = new QLabel(l->parentWidget()), row, 2); wl->push_back(w1); wl->push_back(w2); wl->push_back(w3); return row; } void EnterDetailsPage::updateForm() { clearForm(); const KConfigGroup config(KSharedConfig::openConfig(), "CertificateCreationWizard"); QStringList attrOrder = config.readEntry(pgp() ? "OpenPGPAttributeOrder" : "DNAttributeOrder", QStringList()); if (attrOrder.empty()) { if (pgp()) { attrOrder << QStringLiteral("NAME") << QStringLiteral("EMAIL"); } else { attrOrder << QStringLiteral("CN!") << QStringLiteral("L") << QStringLiteral("OU") << QStringLiteral("O") << QStringLiteral("C") << QStringLiteral("EMAIL!"); } } QList widgets; widgets.push_back(ui.nameLE); widgets.push_back(ui.emailLE); QMap lines; for (const QString &rawKey : std::as_const(attrOrder)) { const QString key = rawKey.trimmed().toUpper(); const QString attr = attributeFromKey(key); if (attr.isEmpty()) { continue; } const QString preset = savedValues.value(attr, config.readEntry(attr, QString())); const bool required = key.endsWith(QLatin1Char('!')); const bool readonly = config.isEntryImmutable(attr); const QString label = config.readEntry(attr + QLatin1String("_label"), attributeLabel(attr, pgp())); const QString regex = config.readEntry(attr + QLatin1String("_regex")); int row; bool known = true; QValidator *validator = nullptr; if (attr == QLatin1String("EMAIL")) { row = row_index_of(ui.emailLE, ui.gridLayout); validator = regex.isEmpty() ? Validation::email() : Validation::email(QRegExp(regex)); } else if (attr == QLatin1String("NAME") || attr == QLatin1String("CN")) { if ((pgp() && attr == QLatin1String("CN")) || (!pgp() && attr == QLatin1String("NAME"))) { continue; } if (pgp()) { validator = regex.isEmpty() ? Validation::pgpName() : Validation::pgpName(QRegExp(regex)); } row = row_index_of(ui.nameLE, ui.gridLayout); } else { known = false; row = add_row(ui.gridLayout, &dynamicWidgets); } if (!validator && !regex.isEmpty()) { validator = new QRegExpValidator(QRegExp(regex), nullptr); } QLineEdit *le = adjust_row(ui.gridLayout, row, label, preset, validator, readonly, required); const Line line = { key, label, regex, le }; lines[row] = line; if (!known) { widgets.push_back(le); } // don't connect twice: disconnect(le, &QLineEdit::textChanged, this, &EnterDetailsPage::slotUpdateResultLabel); connect(le, &QLineEdit::textChanged, this, &EnterDetailsPage::slotUpdateResultLabel); } // create lineList in visual order, so requirementsAreMet() // complains from top to bottom: lineList.reserve(lines.count()); std::copy(lines.cbegin(), lines.cend(), std::back_inserter(lineList)); widgets.push_back(ui.resultLE); widgets.push_back(ui.advancedPB); if (ui.nameLE->text().isEmpty()) { ui.nameLE->setText(userFullName()); } if (ui.emailLE->text().isEmpty()) { ui.emailLE->setText(userEmailAddress()); } set_tab_order(widgets); } QString EnterDetailsPage::cmsDN() const { DN dn; for (QVector::const_iterator it = lineList.begin(), end = lineList.end(); it != end; ++it) { const QString text = it->edit->text().trimmed(); if (text.isEmpty()) { continue; } QString attr = attributeFromKey(it->attr); if (attr == QLatin1String("EMAIL")) { continue; } if (const char *const oid = oidForAttributeName(attr)) { attr = QString::fromUtf8(oid); } dn.append(DN::Attribute(attr, text)); } return dn.dn(); } QString EnterDetailsPage::pgpUserID() const { return Formatting::prettyNameAndEMail(OpenPGP, QString(), ui.nameLE->text().trimmed(), ui.emailLE->text().trimmed(), QString()); } static bool has_intermediate_input(const QLineEdit *le) { QString text = le->text(); int pos = le->cursorPosition(); const QValidator *const v = le->validator(); return v && v->validate(text, pos) == QValidator::Intermediate; } static bool requirementsAreMet(const QVector &list, QString &error) { bool allEmpty = true; for (const Line &line : list) { const QLineEdit *le = line.edit; if (!le) { continue; } const QString key = line.attr; qCDebug(KLEOPATRA_LOG) << "requirementsAreMet(): checking \"" << key << "\" against \"" << le->text() << "\":"; if (le->text().trimmed().isEmpty()) { if (key.endsWith(QLatin1Char('!'))) { if (line.regex.isEmpty()) { error = xi18nc("@info", "%1 is required, but empty.", line.label); } else error = xi18nc("@info", "%1 is required, but empty." "Local Admin rule: %2", line.label, line.regex); return false; } } else if (has_intermediate_input(le)) { if (line.regex.isEmpty()) { error = xi18nc("@info", "%1 is incomplete.", line.label); } else error = xi18nc("@info", "%1 is incomplete." "Local Admin rule: %2", line.label, line.regex); return false; } else if (!le->hasAcceptableInput()) { if (line.regex.isEmpty()) { error = xi18nc("@info", "%1 is invalid.", line.label); } else error = xi18nc("@info", "%1 is invalid." "Local Admin rule: %2", line.label, line.regex); return false; } else { allEmpty = false; } } // Ensure that at least one value is acceptable return !allEmpty; } bool EnterDetailsPage::isComplete() const { QString error; const bool ok = requirementsAreMet(lineList, error); ui.errorLB->setText(error); return ok; } void EnterDetailsPage::slotAdvancedSettingsClicked() { dialog.exec(); } QStringList KeyCreationPage::keyUsages() const { QStringList usages; if (signingAllowed()) { usages << QStringLiteral("sign"); } if (encryptionAllowed() && !is_ecdh(subkeyType()) && !is_dsa(keyType()) && !is_rsa(subkeyType())) { usages << QStringLiteral("encrypt"); } if (authenticationAllowed()) { usages << QStringLiteral("auth"); } if (usages.empty() && certificationAllowed()) { /* Empty usages cause an error so we need to * add at least certify if nothing else is selected */ usages << QStringLiteral("cert"); } return usages; } QStringList KeyCreationPage::subkeyUsages() const { QStringList usages; if (encryptionAllowed() && (is_dsa(keyType()) || is_rsa(subkeyType()) || is_ecdh(subkeyType()))) { Q_ASSERT(subkeyType()); usages << QStringLiteral("encrypt"); } return usages; } namespace { template struct Row { QString key; T value; Row(const QString &k, const T &v) : key(k), value(v) {} }; template QTextStream &operator<<(QTextStream &s, const Row &row) { if (row.key.isEmpty()) { return s; } else { return s << "" << row.key << "" << row.value << ""; } } } QString KeyCreationPage::createGnupgKeyParms() const { KeyParameters keyParameters(pgp() ? KeyParameters::OpenPGP : KeyParameters::CMS); keyParameters.setKeyType(keyType()); if (is_ecdsa(keyType()) || is_eddsa(keyType())) { keyParameters.setKeyCurve(keyCurve()); } else if (const unsigned int strength = keyStrength()) { keyParameters.setKeyLength(strength); } keyParameters.setKeyUsages(keyUsages()); if (subkeyType()) { keyParameters.setSubkeyType(subkeyType()); if (is_ecdh(subkeyType())) { keyParameters.setSubkeyCurve(subkeyCurve()); } else if (const unsigned int strength = subkeyStrength()) { keyParameters.setSubkeyLength(strength); } keyParameters.setSubkeyUsages(subkeyUsages()); } if (pgp()) { if (expiryDate().isValid()) { keyParameters.setExpirationDate(expiryDate()); } if (!name().isEmpty()) { keyParameters.setName(name()); } if (!email().isEmpty()) { keyParameters.setEmail(email()); } } else { keyParameters.setDN(dn()); keyParameters.setEmail(email()); const auto addesses{additionalEMailAddresses()}; for (const QString &email : addesses) { keyParameters.addEmail(email); } const auto dnsN{dnsNames()}; for (const QString &dns : dnsN) { keyParameters.addDomainName(dns); } const auto urisList{uris()}; for (const QString &uri : urisList) { keyParameters.addURI(uri); } } const QString result = keyParameters.toString(); qCDebug(KLEOPATRA_LOG) << '\n' << result; return result; } static void fill_combobox(QComboBox &cb, const QList &sizes, const QStringList &labels) { cb.clear(); for (int i = 0, end = sizes.size(); i != end; ++i) { const int size = std::abs(sizes[i]); /* As we respect the defaults configurable in GnuPG, and we also have configurable * defaults in Kleopatra its difficult to print out "default" here. To avoid confusion * about that its better not to show any default indication. */ cb.addItem(i < labels.size() && !labels[i].trimmed().isEmpty() ? i18ncp("%2: some admin-supplied text, %1: key size in bits", "%2 (1 bit)", "%2 (%1 bits)", size, labels[i].trimmed()) : i18ncp("%1: key size in bits", "1 bit", "%1 bits", size), size); if (sizes[i] < 0) { cb.setCurrentIndex(cb.count() - 1); } } } void AdvancedSettingsDialog::fillKeySizeComboBoxen() { const KConfigGroup config(KSharedConfig::openConfig(), "CertificateCreationWizard"); QList rsaKeySizes = config.readEntry(RSA_KEYSIZES_ENTRY, QList() << 2048 << -3072 << 4096); - if (Kleo::gpgComplianceP("de-vs")) { + if (Kleo::gnupgUsesDeVsCompliance()) { rsaKeySizes = config.readEntry(RSA_KEYSIZES_ENTRY, QList() << -3072 << 4096); } const QList dsaKeySizes = config.readEntry(DSA_KEYSIZES_ENTRY, QList() << -2048); const QList elgKeySizes = config.readEntry(ELG_KEYSIZES_ENTRY, QList() << -2048 << 3072 << 4096); const QStringList rsaKeySizeLabels = config.readEntry(RSA_KEYSIZE_LABELS_ENTRY, QStringList()); const QStringList dsaKeySizeLabels = config.readEntry(DSA_KEYSIZE_LABELS_ENTRY, QStringList()); const QStringList elgKeySizeLabels = config.readEntry(ELG_KEYSIZE_LABELS_ENTRY, QStringList()); fill_combobox(*ui.rsaKeyStrengthCB, rsaKeySizes, rsaKeySizeLabels); fill_combobox(*ui.rsaKeyStrengthSubCB, rsaKeySizes, rsaKeySizeLabels); fill_combobox(*ui.dsaKeyStrengthCB, dsaKeySizes, dsaKeySizeLabels); fill_combobox(*ui.elgKeyStrengthCB, elgKeySizes, elgKeySizeLabels); if (mEdDSASupported) { // If supported we recommend cv25519 ui.ecdsaKeyCurvesCB->addItem(QStringLiteral("ed25519")); ui.ecdhKeyCurvesCB->addItem(QStringLiteral("cv25519")); } ui.ecdhKeyCurvesCB->addItems(curveNames); ui.ecdsaKeyCurvesCB->addItems(curveNames); } // Try to load the default key type from GnuPG void AdvancedSettingsDialog::loadDefaultGnuPGKeyType() { const auto conf = QGpgME::cryptoConfig(); if (!conf) { qCWarning(KLEOPATRA_LOG) << "Failed to obtain cryptoConfig."; return; } const auto entry = getCryptoConfigEntry(conf, protocol == CMS ? "gpgsm" : "gpg", "default_pubkey_algo"); if (!entry) { qCDebug(KLEOPATRA_LOG) << "GnuPG does not have default key type. Fallback to RSA"; setKeyType(Subkey::AlgoRSA); setSubkeyType(Subkey::AlgoRSA); return; } qCDebug(KLEOPATRA_LOG) << "Have default key type: " << entry->stringValue(); // Format is [/usage]+[/usage] const auto split = entry->stringValue().split(QLatin1Char('+')); int size = 0; Subkey::PubkeyAlgo algo = Subkey::AlgoUnknown; QString curve; parseAlgoString(split[0], &size, &algo, curve); if (algo == Subkey::AlgoUnknown) { setSubkeyType(Subkey::AlgoRSA); return; } setKeyType(algo); if (is_rsa(algo) || is_elg(algo) || is_dsa(algo)) { setKeyStrength(size); } else { setKeyCurve(curve); } if (split.size() == 2) { auto algoString = split[1]; // If it has no usage we assume encrypt subkey if (!algoString.contains(QLatin1Char('/'))) { algoString += QStringLiteral("/enc"); } parseAlgoString(algoString, &size, &algo, curve); if (algo == Subkey::AlgoUnknown) { setSubkeyType(Subkey::AlgoRSA); return; } setSubkeyType(algo); if (is_rsa(algo) || is_elg(algo)) { setSubkeyStrength(size); } else { setSubkeyCurve(curve); } } } void AdvancedSettingsDialog::loadDefaultKeyType() { if (protocol != CMS && protocol != OpenPGP) { return; } const KConfigGroup config(KSharedConfig::openConfig(), "CertificateCreationWizard"); const QString entry = protocol == CMS ? QLatin1String(CMS_KEY_TYPE_ENTRY) : QLatin1String(PGP_KEY_TYPE_ENTRY); const QString keyType = config.readEntry(entry).trimmed().toUpper(); if (protocol == OpenPGP && keyType == QLatin1String("DSA")) { setKeyType(Subkey::AlgoDSA); setSubkeyType(Subkey::AlgoUnknown); } else if (protocol == OpenPGP && keyType == QLatin1String("DSA+ELG")) { setKeyType(Subkey::AlgoDSA); setSubkeyType(Subkey::AlgoELG_E); } else if (keyType.isEmpty() && engineIsVersion(2, 1, 17)) { loadDefaultGnuPGKeyType(); } else { if (!keyType.isEmpty() && keyType != QLatin1String("RSA")) qCWarning(KLEOPATRA_LOG) << "invalid value \"" << qPrintable(keyType) << "\" for entry \"[CertificateCreationWizard]" << qPrintable(entry) << "\""; setKeyType(Subkey::AlgoRSA); setSubkeyType(Subkey::AlgoRSA); } keyTypeImmutable = config.isEntryImmutable(entry); updateWidgetVisibility(); } void AdvancedSettingsDialog::updateWidgetVisibility() { // Personal Details Page if (protocol == OpenPGP) { // ### hide until multi-uid is implemented if (ui.tabWidget->indexOf(ui.personalTab) != -1) { ui.tabWidget->removeTab(ui.tabWidget->indexOf(ui.personalTab)); } } else { if (ui.tabWidget->indexOf(ui.personalTab) == -1) { ui.tabWidget->addTab(ui.personalTab, tr2i18n("Personal Details", nullptr)); } } ui.uidGB->setVisible(protocol == OpenPGP); ui.uidGB->setEnabled(false); ui.uidGB->setToolTip(i18nc("@info:tooltip", "Adding more than one User ID is not yet implemented.")); ui.emailGB->setVisible(protocol == CMS); ui.dnsGB->setVisible(protocol == CMS); ui.uriGB->setVisible(protocol == CMS); ui.ecdhCB->setVisible(mECCSupported); ui.ecdhKeyCurvesCB->setVisible(mECCSupported); ui.ecdsaKeyCurvesCB->setVisible(mECCSupported); ui.ecdsaRB->setVisible(mECCSupported); if (mEdDSASupported) { // We use the same radio button for EdDSA as we use for // ECDSA GnuPG does the same and this is really super technical // land. ui.ecdsaRB->setText(QStringLiteral("ECDSA/EdDSA")); } - bool deVsHack = Kleo::gpgComplianceP("de-vs"); + const bool deVsHack = Kleo::gnupgUsesDeVsCompliance(); if (deVsHack) { // GnuPG Provides no API to query which keys are compliant for // a mode. If we request a different one it will error out so // we have to remove the options. // // Does anyone want to use NIST anyway? int i; while ((i = ui.ecdsaKeyCurvesCB->findText(QStringLiteral("NIST"), Qt::MatchStartsWith)) != -1 || (i = ui.ecdsaKeyCurvesCB->findText(QStringLiteral("25519"), Qt::MatchEndsWith)) != -1) { ui.ecdsaKeyCurvesCB->removeItem(i); } while ((i = ui.ecdhKeyCurvesCB->findText(QStringLiteral("NIST"), Qt::MatchStartsWith)) != -1 || (i = ui.ecdhKeyCurvesCB->findText(QStringLiteral("25519"), Qt::MatchEndsWith)) != -1) { ui.ecdhKeyCurvesCB->removeItem(i); } } // Technical Details Page if (keyTypeImmutable) { ui.rsaRB->setEnabled(false); ui.rsaSubCB->setEnabled(false); ui.dsaRB->setEnabled(false); ui.elgCB->setEnabled(false); ui.ecdsaRB->setEnabled(false); ui.ecdhCB->setEnabled(false); } else { ui.rsaRB->setEnabled(true); ui.rsaSubCB->setEnabled(protocol == OpenPGP); ui.dsaRB->setEnabled(protocol == OpenPGP && !deVsHack); ui.elgCB->setEnabled(protocol == OpenPGP && !deVsHack); ui.ecdsaRB->setEnabled(protocol == OpenPGP); ui.ecdhCB->setEnabled(protocol == OpenPGP); } ui.certificationCB->setVisible(protocol == OpenPGP); // gpgsm limitation? ui.authenticationCB->setVisible(protocol == OpenPGP); if (protocol == OpenPGP) { // pgp keys must have certify capability ui.certificationCB->setChecked(true); ui.certificationCB->setEnabled(false); } if (protocol == CMS) { ui.encryptionCB->setEnabled(true); ui.rsaSubCB->setChecked(false); ui.rsaKeyStrengthSubCB->setEnabled(false); } ui.expiryDE->setVisible(protocol == OpenPGP); ui.expiryCB->setVisible(protocol == OpenPGP); slotKeyMaterialSelectionChanged(); } #include "newcertificatewizard.moc" diff --git a/src/view/padwidget.cpp b/src/view/padwidget.cpp index a770e1dbc..3f9a56a63 100644 --- a/src/view/padwidget.cpp +++ b/src/view/padwidget.cpp @@ -1,508 +1,508 @@ /* -*- mode: c++; c-basic-offset:4 -*- padwidget.cpp This file is part of Kleopatra, the KDE keymanager SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2018 Intevation GmbH SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later */ #include "padwidget.h" #include "kleopatra_debug.h" #include #include #include #include #include "crypto/gui/signencryptwidget.h" #include "crypto/gui/resultitemwidget.h" #include "crypto/signencrypttask.h" #include "crypto/decryptverifytask.h" #include #include "utils/input.h" #include "utils/output.h" #include "commands/importcertificatefromdatacommand.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace Kleo; using namespace Kleo::Crypto; using namespace Kleo::Crypto::Gui; static GpgME::Protocol getProtocol(const std::shared_ptr &result) { const auto dvResult = dynamic_cast(result.get()); if (dvResult) { for (const auto &key: KeyCache::instance()->findRecipients(dvResult->decryptionResult())) { return key.protocol(); } for (const auto &key: KeyCache::instance()->findSigners(dvResult->verificationResult())) { return key.protocol(); } } return GpgME::UnknownProtocol; } class PadWidget::Private { public: Private(PadWidget *qq): q(qq), mEdit(new QTextEdit), mCryptBtn(new QPushButton(QIcon::fromTheme(QStringLiteral("document-edit-sign-encrypt")), i18n("Sign / Encrypt Notepad"))), mDecryptBtn(new QPushButton(QIcon::fromTheme(QStringLiteral("document-edit-decrypt-verify")), i18n("Decrypt / Verify Notepad"))), mRevertBtn(new QPushButton(QIcon::fromTheme(QStringLiteral("edit-undo")), i18n("Revert"))), mAdditionalInfoLabel(new QLabel), mSigEncWidget(new SignEncryptWidget(nullptr, true)), mProgressBar(new QProgressBar), mProgressLabel(new QLabel), mLastResultWidget(nullptr), mPGPRB(nullptr), mCMSRB(nullptr), mImportProto(GpgME::UnknownProtocol) { auto vLay = new QVBoxLayout(q); auto btnLay = new QHBoxLayout; vLay->addLayout(btnLay); btnLay->addWidget(mCryptBtn); btnLay->addWidget(mDecryptBtn); btnLay->addWidget(mRevertBtn); mRevertBtn->setVisible(false); btnLay->addWidget(mAdditionalInfoLabel); btnLay->addStretch(-1); mProgressBar->setRange(0, 0); mProgressBar->setVisible(false); mProgressLabel->setVisible(false); auto progLay = new QHBoxLayout; progLay->addWidget(mProgressLabel); progLay->addWidget(mProgressBar); mStatusLay = new QVBoxLayout; mStatusLay->addLayout(progLay); vLay->addLayout(mStatusLay, 0); auto tabWidget = new QTabWidget; vLay->addWidget(tabWidget, 1); tabWidget->addTab(mEdit, QIcon::fromTheme(QStringLiteral("edittext")), i18n("Notepad")); // The recipients area auto recipientsWidget = new QWidget; auto recipientsVLay = new QVBoxLayout(recipientsWidget); auto protocolSelectionLay = new QHBoxLayout; bool pgpOnly = KeyCache::instance()->pgpOnly(); if (!pgpOnly) { recipientsVLay->addLayout(protocolSelectionLay); } protocolSelectionLay->addWidget(new QLabel(i18n("


"))); protocolSelectionLay->addStretch(-1); // Once S/MIME is supported add radio for S/MIME here. recipientsVLay->addWidget(mSigEncWidget); tabWidget->addTab(recipientsWidget, QIcon::fromTheme(QStringLiteral("contact-new-symbolic")), i18n("Recipients")); mEdit->setPlaceholderText(i18n("Enter a message to encrypt or decrypt...")); auto fixedFont = QFont(QStringLiteral("Monospace")); fixedFont.setStyleHint(QFont::TypeWriter); // This does not work well // QFontDatabase::systemFont(QFontDatabase::FixedFont); mEdit->setFont(fixedFont); mEdit->setAcceptRichText(false); mEdit->setMinimumWidth(QFontMetrics(fixedFont).averageCharWidth() * 70); if (KeyCache::instance()->pgpOnly()) { mSigEncWidget->setProtocol(GpgME::OpenPGP); } else { auto grp = new QButtonGroup(q); auto mPGPRB = new QRadioButton(i18n("OpenPGP")); auto mCMSRB = new QRadioButton(i18n("S/MIME")); grp->addButton(mPGPRB); grp->addButton(mCMSRB); KConfigGroup config(KSharedConfig::openConfig(), "Notepad"); if (config.readEntry("wasCMS", false)) { mCMSRB->setChecked(true); mSigEncWidget->setProtocol(GpgME::CMS); } else { mPGPRB->setChecked(true); mSigEncWidget->setProtocol(GpgME::OpenPGP); } protocolSelectionLay->addWidget(mPGPRB); protocolSelectionLay->addWidget(mCMSRB); connect(mPGPRB, &QRadioButton::toggled, q, [this] (bool value) { if (value) { mSigEncWidget->setProtocol(GpgME::OpenPGP); } }); connect(mCMSRB, &QRadioButton::toggled, q, [this] (bool value) { if (value) { mSigEncWidget->setProtocol(GpgME::CMS); } }); } updateCommitButton(); connect(mEdit, &QTextEdit::textChanged, q, [this] () { updateCommitButton(); }); connect(mCryptBtn, &QPushButton::clicked, q, [this] () { if (mImportProto != GpgME::UnknownProtocol) { doImport(); } else { doEncryptSign(); } }); connect(mSigEncWidget, &SignEncryptWidget::operationChanged, q, [this] (const QString &) { updateCommitButton(); }); connect(mDecryptBtn, &QPushButton::clicked, q, [this] () { doDecryptVerify(); }); connect(mRevertBtn, &QPushButton::clicked, q, [this] () { revert(); }); } void revert() { mEdit->setPlainText(QString::fromUtf8(mInputData)); mRevertBtn->setVisible(false); } void updateRecipientsFromResult(const Kleo::Crypto::DecryptVerifyResult &result) { const auto decResult = result.decryptionResult(); for (const auto &recipient: decResult.recipients()) { if (!recipient.keyID()) { continue; } GpgME::Key key; if (strlen(recipient.keyID()) < 16) { key = KeyCache::instance()->findByShortKeyID(recipient.keyID()); } else { key = KeyCache::instance()->findByKeyIDOrFingerprint(recipient.keyID()); } if (key.isNull()) { std::vector subids; subids.push_back(std::string(recipient.keyID())); for (const auto &subkey: KeyCache::instance()->findSubkeysByKeyID(subids)) { key = subkey.parent(); break; } } if (key.isNull()) { qCDebug(KLEOPATRA_LOG) << "Unknown key" << recipient.keyID(); mSigEncWidget->addUnknownRecipient(recipient.keyID()); continue; } bool keyFound = false; for (const auto &existingKey: mSigEncWidget->recipients()) { if (existingKey.primaryFingerprint() && key.primaryFingerprint() && !strcmp (existingKey.primaryFingerprint(), key.primaryFingerprint())) { keyFound = true; break; } } if (!keyFound) { mSigEncWidget->addRecipient(key); } } } void cryptDone(const std::shared_ptr &result) { updateCommitButton(); mDecryptBtn->setEnabled(true); mProgressBar->setVisible(false); mProgressLabel->setVisible(false); mLastResultWidget = new ResultItemWidget(result); mLastResultWidget->showCloseButton(true); mStatusLay->addWidget(mLastResultWidget); connect(mLastResultWidget, &ResultItemWidget::closeButtonClicked, q, [this] () { removeLastResultItem(); }); // Check result protocol if (mPGPRB) { auto proto = getProtocol(result); if (proto == GpgME::UnknownProtocol) { proto = mPGPRB->isChecked() ? GpgME::OpenPGP : GpgME::CMS; } else if (proto == GpgME::OpenPGP) { mPGPRB->setChecked(true); } else if (proto == GpgME::CMS) { mCMSRB->setChecked(true); } KConfigGroup config(KSharedConfig::openConfig(), "Notepad"); config.writeEntry("wasCMS", proto == GpgME::CMS); } if (result->errorCode()) { if (!result->errorString().isEmpty()) { KMessageBox::error(q, result->errorString(), i18nc("@title", "Error in crypto action")); } return; } mEdit->setPlainText(QString::fromUtf8(mOutputData)); mOutputData.clear(); mRevertBtn->setVisible(true); const auto decryptVerifyResult = dynamic_cast(result.get()); if (decryptVerifyResult) { updateRecipientsFromResult(*decryptVerifyResult); } } void doDecryptVerify() { doCryptoCommon(); mSigEncWidget->clearAddedRecipients(); mProgressLabel->setText(i18n("Decrypt / Verify") + QStringLiteral("...")); auto input = Input::createFromByteArray(&mInputData, i18n("Notepad")); auto output = Output::createFromByteArray(&mOutputData, i18n("Notepad")); AbstractDecryptVerifyTask *task; auto classification = input->classification(); if (classification & Class::OpaqueSignature || classification & Class::ClearsignedMessage) { auto verifyTask = new VerifyOpaqueTask(); verifyTask->setInput(input); verifyTask->setOutput(output); task = verifyTask; } else { auto decTask = new DecryptVerifyTask(); decTask->setInput(input); decTask->setOutput(output); task = decTask; } try { task->autodetectProtocolFromInput(); } catch (const Kleo::Exception &e) { KMessageBox::error(q, e.message(), i18nc("@title", "Error in crypto action")); mCryptBtn->setEnabled(true); mDecryptBtn->setEnabled(true); mProgressBar->setVisible(false); mProgressLabel->setVisible(false); return; } connect (task, &Task::result, q, [this, task] (const std::shared_ptr &result) { qCDebug(KLEOPATRA_LOG) << "Decrypt / Verify done. Err:" << result->errorCode(); task->deleteLater(); cryptDone(result); }); task->start(); } void removeLastResultItem() { if (mLastResultWidget) { mStatusLay->removeWidget(mLastResultWidget); delete mLastResultWidget; mLastResultWidget = nullptr; } } void doCryptoCommon() { mCryptBtn->setEnabled(false); mDecryptBtn->setEnabled(false); mProgressBar->setVisible(true); mProgressLabel->setVisible(true); mInputData = mEdit->toPlainText().toUtf8(); removeLastResultItem(); } void doEncryptSign() { doCryptoCommon(); mProgressLabel->setText(mSigEncWidget->currentOp() + QStringLiteral("...")); auto input = Input::createFromByteArray(&mInputData, i18n("Notepad")); auto output = Output::createFromByteArray(&mOutputData, i18n("Notepad")); auto task = new SignEncryptTask(); task->setInput(input); task->setOutput(output); const auto sigKey = mSigEncWidget->signKey(); const std::vector recipients = mSigEncWidget->recipients(); const bool encrypt = mSigEncWidget->encryptSymmetric() || !recipients.empty(); const bool sign = !sigKey.isNull(); if (sign) { task->setSign(true); std::vector signVector; signVector.push_back(sigKey); task->setSigners(signVector); } else { task->setSign(false); } task->setEncrypt(encrypt); task->setRecipients(recipients); task->setEncryptSymmetric(mSigEncWidget->encryptSymmetric()); task->setAsciiArmor(true); if (sign && !encrypt && sigKey.protocol() == GpgME::OpenPGP) { task->setClearsign(true); } connect (task, &Task::result, q, [this, task] (const std::shared_ptr &result) { qCDebug(KLEOPATRA_LOG) << "Encrypt / Sign done. Err:" << result->errorCode(); task->deleteLater(); cryptDone(result); }); task->start(); } void doImport() { doCryptoCommon(); mProgressLabel->setText(i18n("Importing...")); auto cmd = new Kleo::ImportCertificateFromDataCommand(mInputData, mImportProto); connect(cmd, &Kleo::ImportCertificatesCommand::finished, q, [this] () { mCryptBtn->setEnabled(true); mDecryptBtn->setEnabled(true); mProgressBar->setVisible(false); mProgressLabel->setVisible(false); updateCommitButton(); mRevertBtn->setVisible(true); mEdit->setPlainText(QString()); }); cmd->start(); } void checkImportProtocol() { QGpgME::QByteArrayDataProvider dp(mEdit->toPlainText().toUtf8()); GpgME::Data data(&dp); auto type = data.type(); if (type == GpgME::Data::PGPKey) { mImportProto = GpgME::OpenPGP; } else if (type == GpgME::Data::X509Cert || type == GpgME::Data::PKCS12) { mImportProto = GpgME::CMS; } else { mImportProto = GpgME::UnknownProtocol; } } void updateCommitButton() { mAdditionalInfoLabel->setVisible(false); checkImportProtocol(); if (mImportProto != GpgME::UnknownProtocol) { mCryptBtn->setText(i18nc("1 is an operation to apply to the notepad. " "Like Sign/Encrypt or just Encrypt.", "%1 Notepad", i18n("Import"))); mCryptBtn->setDisabled(false); return; } if (!mSigEncWidget->currentOp().isEmpty()) { mCryptBtn->setDisabled(false); mCryptBtn->setText(i18nc("1 is an operation to apply to the notepad. " "Like Sign/Encrypt or just Encrypt.", "%1 Notepad", mSigEncWidget->currentOp())); } else { mCryptBtn->setText(i18n("Sign / Encrypt Notepad")); mCryptBtn->setDisabled(true); } - if (Kleo::gpgComplianceP("de-vs")) { - bool de_vs = mSigEncWidget->isDeVsAndValid(); + if (Kleo::gnupgUsesDeVsCompliance()) { + const bool de_vs = Kleo::gnupgIsDeVsCompliant() && mSigEncWidget->isDeVsAndValid(); mCryptBtn->setIcon(QIcon::fromTheme(de_vs ? QStringLiteral("security-high") : QStringLiteral("security-medium"))); mCryptBtn->setStyleSheet(QStringLiteral("background-color: ") + (de_vs ? KColorScheme(QPalette::Active, KColorScheme::View).background(KColorScheme::PositiveBackground).color().name() : KColorScheme(QPalette::Active, KColorScheme::View).background(KColorScheme::NegativeBackground).color().name())); mAdditionalInfoLabel->setText(de_vs ? i18nc("%1 is a placeholder for the name of a compliance mode. E.g. NATO RESTRICTED compliant or VS-NfD compliant", "%1 communication possible.", Formatting::deVsString()) : i18nc("%1 is a placeholder for the name of a compliance mode. E.g. NATO RESTRICTED compliant or VS-NfD compliant", "%1 communication not possible.", Formatting::deVsString())); mAdditionalInfoLabel->setVisible(true); } } private: PadWidget *const q; QTextEdit *mEdit; QPushButton *mCryptBtn; QPushButton *mDecryptBtn; QPushButton *mRevertBtn; QLabel *mAdditionalInfoLabel; QByteArray mInputData; QByteArray mOutputData; SignEncryptWidget *mSigEncWidget; QProgressBar *mProgressBar; QLabel *mProgressLabel; QVBoxLayout *mStatusLay; ResultItemWidget *mLastResultWidget; QList mAutoAddedKeys; QRadioButton *mPGPRB; QRadioButton *mCMSRB; GpgME::Protocol mImportProto; }; PadWidget::PadWidget(QWidget *parent): QWidget(parent), d(new Private(this)) { }