diff --git a/src/conf/smimevalidationconfigurationwidget.cpp b/src/conf/smimevalidationconfigurationwidget.cpp index 60e679a2c..006f63d39 100644 --- a/src/conf/smimevalidationconfigurationwidget.cpp +++ b/src/conf/smimevalidationconfigurationwidget.cpp @@ -1,393 +1,388 @@ /* -*- mode: c++; c-basic-offset:4 -*- conf/smimevalidationconfigurationwidget.cpp This file is part of Kleopatra, the KDE keymanager SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2008 Klarälvdalens Datakonsult AB SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later */ #include #include "smimevalidationconfigurationwidget.h" #include "ui_smimevalidationconfigurationwidget.h" #include "smimevalidationpreferences.h" #include #include #include #include #include "kleopatra_debug.h" #if HAVE_QDBUS # include #endif using namespace Kleo; using namespace Kleo::Config; using namespace QGpgME; class SMimeValidationConfigurationWidget::Private { friend class ::Kleo::Config::SMimeValidationConfigurationWidget; SMimeValidationConfigurationWidget *const q; public: explicit Private(SMimeValidationConfigurationWidget *qq) : q(qq), customHTTPProxyWritable(false), ui(q) { #if HAVE_QDBUS QDBusConnection::sessionBus().connect(QString(), QString(), QStringLiteral("org.kde.kleo.CryptoConfig"), QStringLiteral("changed"), q, SLOT(load())); #endif } bool customHTTPProxyWritable; private: void enableDisableActions() { ui.customHTTPProxy->setEnabled(ui.useCustomHTTPProxyRB->isChecked() && !ui.disableHTTPCB->isChecked() && customHTTPProxyWritable); } private: struct UI : Ui_SMimeValidationConfigurationWidget { explicit UI(SMimeValidationConfigurationWidget *q) : Ui_SMimeValidationConfigurationWidget() { setupUi(q); if (QLayout *l = q->layout()) { l->setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0); } const struct { QObject *object; const char *signal; } sources[] = { { intervalRefreshCB, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)) }, { intervalRefreshSB, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)) }, - { CRLRB, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)) }, - { OCSPRB, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)) }, + { OCSPCB, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)) }, { OCSPResponderURL, SIGNAL(textChanged(QString)) }, { OCSPResponderSignature, SIGNAL(selectedCertificatesChanged(QStringList)) }, { doNotCheckCertPolicyCB, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)) }, { neverConsultCB, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)) }, { allowMarkTrustedCB, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)) }, { fetchMissingCB, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)) }, { ignoreServiceURLCB, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)) }, { ignoreHTTPDPCB, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)) }, { disableHTTPCB, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)) }, { honorHTTPProxyRB, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)) }, { useCustomHTTPProxyRB, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)) }, { customHTTPProxy, SIGNAL(textChanged(QString)) }, { ignoreLDAPDPCB, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)) }, { disableLDAPCB, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)) }, { customLDAPProxy, SIGNAL(textChanged(QString)) }, }; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < sizeof sources / sizeof * sources; ++i) { connect(sources[i].object, sources[i].signal, q, SIGNAL(changed())); } connect(useCustomHTTPProxyRB, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), q, SLOT(enableDisableActions())); connect(disableHTTPCB, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), q, SLOT(enableDisableActions())); OCSPResponderSignature->setOnlyX509CertificatesAllowed(true); OCSPResponderSignature->setOnlySigningCertificatesAllowed(true); OCSPResponderSignature->setMultipleCertificatesAllowed(false); //OCSPResponderSignature->setAllowedKeys( KeySelectionDialog::TrustedKeys|KeySelectionDialog::ValidKeys ); } } ui; }; SMimeValidationConfigurationWidget::SMimeValidationConfigurationWidget(QWidget *p, Qt::WindowFlags f) : QWidget(p, f), d(new Private(this)) { } SMimeValidationConfigurationWidget::~SMimeValidationConfigurationWidget() {} static void disableDirmngrWidget(QWidget *w) { w->setEnabled(false); w->setWhatsThis(i18n("This option requires dirmngr >= 0.9.0")); } static void initializeDirmngrCheckbox(QCheckBox *cb, CryptoConfigEntry *entry) { if (entry) { cb->setChecked(entry->boolValue()); } if (!entry || entry->isReadOnly()) { disableDirmngrWidget(cb); } } struct SMIMECryptoConfigEntries { enum ShowError { DoNotShowError, DoShowError }; SMIMECryptoConfigEntries(CryptoConfig *config) : mConfig(config), // Checkboxes mCheckUsingOCSPConfigEntry(configEntry("gpgsm", "enable-ocsp", CryptoConfigEntry::ArgType_None)), mEnableOCSPsendingConfigEntry(configEntry("dirmngr", "allow-ocsp", CryptoConfigEntry::ArgType_None)), mDoNotCheckCertPolicyConfigEntry(configEntry("gpgsm", "disable-policy-checks", CryptoConfigEntry::ArgType_None)), mNeverConsultConfigEntry(configEntry("gpgsm", "disable-crl-checks", CryptoConfigEntry::ArgType_None)), mAllowMarkTrustedConfigEntry(configEntry("gpg-agent", "allow-mark-trusted", CryptoConfigEntry::ArgType_None, DoNotShowError)), // legacy entry -> ignore error mFetchMissingConfigEntry(configEntry("gpgsm", "auto-issuer-key-retrieve", CryptoConfigEntry::ArgType_None)), mNoAllowMarkTrustedConfigEntry(configEntry("gpg-agent", "no-allow-mark-trusted", CryptoConfigEntry::ArgType_None)), // dirmngr-0.9.0 options mIgnoreServiceURLEntry(configEntry("dirmngr", "ignore-ocsp-service-url", CryptoConfigEntry::ArgType_None)), mIgnoreHTTPDPEntry(configEntry("dirmngr", "ignore-http-dp", CryptoConfigEntry::ArgType_None)), mDisableHTTPEntry(configEntry("dirmngr", "disable-http", CryptoConfigEntry::ArgType_None)), mHonorHTTPProxy(configEntry("dirmngr", "honor-http-proxy", CryptoConfigEntry::ArgType_None)), mIgnoreLDAPDPEntry(configEntry("dirmngr", "ignore-ldap-dp", CryptoConfigEntry::ArgType_None)), mDisableLDAPEntry(configEntry("dirmngr", "disable-ldap", CryptoConfigEntry::ArgType_None)), // Other widgets mOCSPResponderURLConfigEntry(configEntry("dirmngr", "ocsp-responder", CryptoConfigEntry::ArgType_String)), mOCSPResponderSignature(configEntry("dirmngr", "ocsp-signer", CryptoConfigEntry::ArgType_String)), mCustomHTTPProxy(configEntry("dirmngr", "http-proxy", CryptoConfigEntry::ArgType_String)), mCustomLDAPProxy(configEntry("dirmngr", "ldap-proxy", CryptoConfigEntry::ArgType_String)) { } CryptoConfigEntry *configEntry(const char *componentName, const char *entryName, int argType, ShowError showError=DoShowError); CryptoConfig *const mConfig; // Checkboxes CryptoConfigEntry *const mCheckUsingOCSPConfigEntry; CryptoConfigEntry *const mEnableOCSPsendingConfigEntry; CryptoConfigEntry *const mDoNotCheckCertPolicyConfigEntry; CryptoConfigEntry *const mNeverConsultConfigEntry; CryptoConfigEntry *const mAllowMarkTrustedConfigEntry; CryptoConfigEntry *const mFetchMissingConfigEntry; // gnupg 2.0.17+ option that should inhibit allow-mark-trusted display CryptoConfigEntry *const mNoAllowMarkTrustedConfigEntry; // dirmngr-0.9.0 options CryptoConfigEntry *const mIgnoreServiceURLEntry; CryptoConfigEntry *const mIgnoreHTTPDPEntry; CryptoConfigEntry *const mDisableHTTPEntry; CryptoConfigEntry *const mHonorHTTPProxy; CryptoConfigEntry *const mIgnoreLDAPDPEntry; CryptoConfigEntry *const mDisableLDAPEntry; // Other widgets CryptoConfigEntry *const mOCSPResponderURLConfigEntry; CryptoConfigEntry *const mOCSPResponderSignature; CryptoConfigEntry *const mCustomHTTPProxy; CryptoConfigEntry *const mCustomLDAPProxy; }; void SMimeValidationConfigurationWidget::defaults() { qCDebug(KLEOPATRA_LOG) << "not implemented"; } void SMimeValidationConfigurationWidget::load() { const SMimeValidationPreferences preferences; const unsigned int refreshInterval = preferences.refreshInterval(); d->ui.intervalRefreshCB->setChecked(refreshInterval > 0); d->ui.intervalRefreshSB->setValue(refreshInterval); CryptoConfig *const config = QGpgME::cryptoConfig(); if (!config) { setEnabled(false); return; } #if 0 // crashes other pages' save() by nuking the CryptoConfigEntries under their feet. // This was probably not a problem in KMail, where this code comes // from. But here, it's fatal. // Force re-parsing gpgconf data, in case e.g. kleopatra or "configure backend" was used // (which ends up calling us via D-Bus) config->clear(); #endif // Create config entries // Don't keep them around, they'll get deleted by clear(), which could be // done by the "configure backend" button even before we save(). const SMIMECryptoConfigEntries e(config); // Initialize GUI items from the config entries if (e.mCheckUsingOCSPConfigEntry) { - const bool b = e.mCheckUsingOCSPConfigEntry->boolValue(); - d->ui.OCSPRB->setChecked(b); - d->ui.CRLRB->setChecked(!b); - d->ui.OCSPGroupBox->setEnabled(b); - } else { - d->ui.OCSPGroupBox->setEnabled(false); + d->ui.OCSPCB->setChecked(e.mCheckUsingOCSPConfigEntry->boolValue()); } + d->ui.OCSPGroupBox->setEnabled(d->ui.OCSPCB->isChecked()); if (e.mDoNotCheckCertPolicyConfigEntry) { d->ui.doNotCheckCertPolicyCB->setChecked(e.mDoNotCheckCertPolicyConfigEntry->boolValue()); } if (e.mNeverConsultConfigEntry) { d->ui.neverConsultCB->setChecked(e.mNeverConsultConfigEntry->boolValue()); } if (e.mNoAllowMarkTrustedConfigEntry) { d->ui.allowMarkTrustedCB->hide(); // this option was only here to _enable_ allow-mark-trusted, and makes no sense if it's already default on } if (e.mAllowMarkTrustedConfigEntry) { d->ui.allowMarkTrustedCB->setChecked(e.mAllowMarkTrustedConfigEntry->boolValue()); } if (e.mFetchMissingConfigEntry) { d->ui.fetchMissingCB->setChecked(e.mFetchMissingConfigEntry->boolValue()); } if (e.mOCSPResponderURLConfigEntry) { d->ui.OCSPResponderURL->setText(e.mOCSPResponderURLConfigEntry->stringValue()); } if (e.mOCSPResponderSignature) { d->ui.OCSPResponderSignature->setSelectedCertificate(e.mOCSPResponderSignature->stringValue()); } // dirmngr-0.9.0 options initializeDirmngrCheckbox(d->ui.ignoreServiceURLCB, e.mIgnoreServiceURLEntry); initializeDirmngrCheckbox(d->ui.ignoreHTTPDPCB, e.mIgnoreHTTPDPEntry); initializeDirmngrCheckbox(d->ui.disableHTTPCB, e.mDisableHTTPEntry); initializeDirmngrCheckbox(d->ui.ignoreLDAPDPCB, e.mIgnoreLDAPDPEntry); initializeDirmngrCheckbox(d->ui.disableLDAPCB, e.mDisableLDAPEntry); if (e.mCustomHTTPProxy) { QString systemProxy = QString::fromLocal8Bit(qgetenv("http_proxy")); if (systemProxy.isEmpty()) { systemProxy = i18n("no proxy"); } d->ui.systemHTTPProxy->setText(i18n("(Current system setting: %1)", systemProxy)); const bool honor = e.mHonorHTTPProxy && e.mHonorHTTPProxy->boolValue(); d->ui.honorHTTPProxyRB->setChecked(honor); d->ui.useCustomHTTPProxyRB->setChecked(!honor); d->ui.customHTTPProxy->setText(e.mCustomHTTPProxy->stringValue()); } d->customHTTPProxyWritable = e.mCustomHTTPProxy && !e.mCustomHTTPProxy->isReadOnly(); if (!d->customHTTPProxyWritable) { disableDirmngrWidget(d->ui.honorHTTPProxyRB); disableDirmngrWidget(d->ui.useCustomHTTPProxyRB); disableDirmngrWidget(d->ui.systemHTTPProxy); disableDirmngrWidget(d->ui.customHTTPProxy); } if (e.mCustomLDAPProxy) { d->ui.customLDAPProxy->setText(e.mCustomLDAPProxy->stringValue()); } if (!e.mCustomLDAPProxy || e.mCustomLDAPProxy->isReadOnly()) { disableDirmngrWidget(d->ui.customLDAPProxy); disableDirmngrWidget(d->ui.customLDAPLabel); } d->enableDisableActions(); } static void saveCheckBoxToKleoEntry(QCheckBox *cb, CryptoConfigEntry *entry) { const bool b = cb->isChecked(); if (entry && entry->boolValue() != b) { entry->setBoolValue(b); } } void SMimeValidationConfigurationWidget::save() const { CryptoConfig *const config = QGpgME::cryptoConfig(); if (!config) { return; } { SMimeValidationPreferences preferences; preferences.setRefreshInterval(d->ui.intervalRefreshCB->isChecked() ? d->ui.intervalRefreshSB->value() : 0); preferences.save(); } // Create config entries // Don't keep them around, they'll get deleted by clear(), which could be done by the // "configure backend" button. const SMIMECryptoConfigEntries e(config); - const bool b = d->ui.OCSPRB->isChecked(); + const bool b = d->ui.OCSPCB->isChecked(); if (e.mCheckUsingOCSPConfigEntry && e.mCheckUsingOCSPConfigEntry->boolValue() != b) { e.mCheckUsingOCSPConfigEntry->setBoolValue(b); } // Set allow-ocsp together with enable-ocsp if (e.mEnableOCSPsendingConfigEntry && e.mEnableOCSPsendingConfigEntry->boolValue() != b) { e.mEnableOCSPsendingConfigEntry->setBoolValue(b); } saveCheckBoxToKleoEntry(d->ui.doNotCheckCertPolicyCB, e.mDoNotCheckCertPolicyConfigEntry); saveCheckBoxToKleoEntry(d->ui.neverConsultCB, e.mNeverConsultConfigEntry); saveCheckBoxToKleoEntry(d->ui.allowMarkTrustedCB, e.mAllowMarkTrustedConfigEntry); saveCheckBoxToKleoEntry(d->ui.fetchMissingCB, e.mFetchMissingConfigEntry); QString txt = d->ui.OCSPResponderURL->text(); if (e.mOCSPResponderURLConfigEntry && e.mOCSPResponderURLConfigEntry->stringValue() != txt) { e.mOCSPResponderURLConfigEntry->setStringValue(txt); } txt = d->ui.OCSPResponderSignature->selectedCertificate(); if (e.mOCSPResponderSignature && e.mOCSPResponderSignature->stringValue() != txt) { e.mOCSPResponderSignature->setStringValue(txt); } //dirmngr-0.9.0 options saveCheckBoxToKleoEntry(d->ui.ignoreServiceURLCB, e.mIgnoreServiceURLEntry); saveCheckBoxToKleoEntry(d->ui.ignoreHTTPDPCB, e.mIgnoreHTTPDPEntry); saveCheckBoxToKleoEntry(d->ui.disableHTTPCB, e.mDisableHTTPEntry); saveCheckBoxToKleoEntry(d->ui.ignoreLDAPDPCB, e.mIgnoreLDAPDPEntry); saveCheckBoxToKleoEntry(d->ui.disableLDAPCB, e.mDisableLDAPEntry); if (e.mCustomHTTPProxy) { const bool honor = d->ui.honorHTTPProxyRB->isChecked(); if (e.mHonorHTTPProxy && e.mHonorHTTPProxy->boolValue() != honor) { e.mHonorHTTPProxy->setBoolValue(honor); } const QString chosenProxy = d->ui.customHTTPProxy->text(); if (chosenProxy != e.mCustomHTTPProxy->stringValue()) { e.mCustomHTTPProxy->setStringValue(chosenProxy); } } txt = d->ui.customLDAPProxy->text(); if (e.mCustomLDAPProxy && e.mCustomLDAPProxy->stringValue() != txt) { e.mCustomLDAPProxy->setStringValue(d->ui.customLDAPProxy->text()); } config->sync(true); } CryptoConfigEntry *SMIMECryptoConfigEntries::configEntry(const char *componentName, const char *entryName, int /*CryptoConfigEntry::ArgType*/ argType, ShowError showError) { CryptoConfigEntry *const entry = getCryptoConfigEntry(mConfig, componentName, entryName); if (!entry) { if (showError == DoShowError) { qCWarning(KLEOPATRA_LOG) << QStringLiteral("Backend error: gpgconf doesn't seem to know the entry for %1/%2").arg(QLatin1String(componentName), QLatin1String(entryName)); } return nullptr; } if (entry->argType() != argType || entry->isList()) { if (showError == DoShowError) { qCWarning(KLEOPATRA_LOG) << QStringLiteral("Backend error: gpgconf has wrong type for %1/%2: %3 %4").arg(QLatin1String(componentName), QLatin1String(entryName)).arg(entry->argType()).arg(entry->isList()); } return nullptr; } return entry; } #include "moc_smimevalidationconfigurationwidget.cpp" diff --git a/src/conf/smimevalidationconfigurationwidget.ui b/src/conf/smimevalidationconfigurationwidget.ui index 39d76b4a2..2298587a4 100644 --- a/src/conf/smimevalidationconfigurationwidget.ui +++ b/src/conf/smimevalidationconfigurationwidget.ui @@ -1,477 +1,464 @@ Kleo::Config::SMimeValidationConfigurationWidget 0 0 502 603 This option enables interval checking of certificate validity. You can also choose the checking interval (in hours). Note that validation is performed implicitly whenever significant files in ~/.gnupg change. This option therefore only affects external factors of certificate validity. Check certificate validity every false This option enables interval checking of certificate validity. You can also choose the checking interval (in hours). Note that validation is performed implicitly whenever significant files in ~/.gnupg change. This option therefore only affects external factors of certificate validity. Qt::AlignRight|Qt::AlignTrailing|Qt::AlignVCenter hour hours 1 24 Qt::Horizontal 40 20 - - - If this option is selected, S/MIME certificates are validated using Certificate Revocation Lists (CRLs). - - - Validate certificates using CRLs - - - true - - - - - + If this option is selected, S/MIME certificates are validated online using the Online Certificates Status Protocol (OCSP). Fill in the URL of the OCSP responder below. Validate certificates online (OCSP) false Online Certificate Validation OCSP responder URL: false Enter here the address of the server for online validation of certificates (OCSP responder). The URL is usually starting with http://. OCSP responder signature: false Ignore service URL of certificates Choose here the certificate with which the OCSP server signs its replies. By default, GnuPG uses the file ~/.gnupg/policies.txt to check if a certificate policy is allowed. If this option is selected, policies are not checked. Do not check certificate policies If this option is checked, Certificate Revocation Lists are never used to validate S/MIME certificates. Never consult a CRL If this option is checked while a root CA certificate is being imported, you will be asked to confirm its fingerprint and to state whether or not you consider this root certificate to be trusted. A root certificate needs to be trusted before the certificates it certified become trusted, but lightly allowing trusted root certificates into your certificate store will undermine the security of the system. Allow to mark root certificates as trusted If this option is checked, missing issuer certificates are fetched when necessary (this applies to both validation methods, CRLs and OCSP). Fetch missing issuer certificates &HTTP Requests Entirely disables the use of HTTP for S/MIME. Do not perform any HTTP requests When looking for the location of a CRL, the to-be-tested certificate usually contains what are known as "CRL Distribution Point" (DP) entries, which are URLs describing the way to access the CRL. The first-found DP entry is used. With this option, all entries using the HTTP scheme are ignored when looking for a suitable DP. Ignore HTTP CRL distribution point of certificates If this option is selected, the value of the HTTP proxy shown on the right (which comes from the environment variable http_proxy) will be used for any HTTP request. Use system HTTP proxy: no proxy false Use this proxy for HTTP requests: <p>If no system proxy is set, or you need to use a different proxy for GpgSM, you can enter its location here.</p><p>It will be used for all HTTP requests relating to S/MIME.</p><p>The syntax is host:port, for instance myproxy.nowhere.com:3128.</p> Qt::Vertical 320 16 &LDAP Requests Entirely disables the use of LDAP for S/MIME. Do not perform any LDAP requests When looking for the location of a CRL, the to-be-tested certificate usually contains what are known as "CRL Distribution Point" (DP) entries, which are URLs describing the way to access the CRL. The first found DP entry is used. With this option, all entries using the LDAP scheme are ignored when looking for a suitable DP. Ignore LDAP CRL distribution point of certificates Primary host for LDAP requests: false Entering an LDAP server here will make all LDAP requests go to that server first. More precisely, this setting overrides any specified host and port part in a LDAP URL and will also be used if host and port have been omitted from the URL. Other LDAP servers will be used only if the connection to the "proxy" failed. The syntax is "HOST" or "HOST:PORT". If PORT is omitted, port 389 (standard LDAP port) is used. Qt::Vertical 320 16 KleopatraClientCopy::Gui::CertificateRequester QWidget
libkleo/keyrequester.h - CRLRB + OCSPCB toggled(bool) OCSPGroupBox - setDisabled(bool) + setEnabled(bool) 20 20 29 99 useCustomHTTPProxyRB toggled(bool) customHTTPProxy setEnabled(bool) 44 542 481 542 disableLDAPCB toggled(bool) ignoreLDAPDPCB setDisabled(bool) 190 440 188 471 disableLDAPCB toggled(bool) customLDAPLabel setDisabled(bool) 136 440 146 508 disableLDAPCB toggled(bool) customLDAPProxy setDisabled(bool) 328 440 481 508 disableHTTPCB toggled(bool) ignoreHTTPDPCB setDisabled(bool) 338 440 338 471 disableHTTPCB toggled(bool) honorHTTPProxyRB setDisabled(bool) 116 440 126 507 disableHTTPCB toggled(bool) useCustomHTTPProxyRB setDisabled(bool) 92 440 98 542 intervalRefreshCB toggled(bool) intervalRefreshSB setEnabled(bool) 282 243 334 245