diff --git a/lang/js/BrowserTestExtension/tests/encryptDecryptTest.js b/lang/js/BrowserTestExtension/tests/encryptDecryptTest.js index 1efdf5cf..c10c5d06 100644 --- a/lang/js/BrowserTestExtension/tests/encryptDecryptTest.js +++ b/lang/js/BrowserTestExtension/tests/encryptDecryptTest.js @@ -1,176 +1,200 @@ /* gpgme.js - Javascript integration for gpgme * Copyright (C) 2018 Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik * * This file is part of GPGME. * * GPGME is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of * the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * GPGME is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this program; if not, see . * SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.1+ * * Author(s): * Maximilian Krambach */ /* global describe, it, expect, before, Gpgmejs */ /* global inputvalues, encryptedData, bigString, bigBoringString */ describe('Encryption and Decryption', function (){ let context = null; let good_fpr = inputvalues.encrypt.good.fingerprint; before(function (done){ const prm = Gpgmejs.init(); prm.then(function (gpgmejs){ context = gpgmejs; done(); }); }); it('Successful encrypt and decrypt simple string', function (done) { let data = inputvalues.encrypt.good.data; context.encrypt({ data: data, publicKeys: good_fpr }).then( function (answer) { expect(answer).to.not.be.empty; expect(answer.data).to.be.a('string'); expect(answer.data).to.include('BEGIN PGP MESSAGE'); expect(answer.data).to.include('END PGP MESSAGE'); context.decrypt({ data: answer.data }).then(function (result) { expect(result).to.not.be.empty; expect(result.data).to.be.a('string'); expect(result.data).to.equal( inputvalues.encrypt.good.data); done(); }); }); }); it('Decrypt simple non-ascii', function (done) { let data = encryptedData; context.decrypt({ data: data }).then(function (result) { expect(result).to.not.be.empty; expect(result.data).to.be.a('string'); expect(result.data).to.equal( '¡Äußerste µ€ før ñoquis@hóme! Добрый день\n'); done(); }); }).timeout(3000); it('Trailing whitespace and different line endings', function (done) { const data = 'Keks. \rKeks \n Keks \r\n'; context.encrypt({ data: data, publicKeys: good_fpr }).then( function (answer) { expect(answer).to.not.be.empty; expect(answer.data).to.be.a('string'); expect(answer.data).to.include('BEGIN PGP MESSAGE'); expect(answer.data).to.include('END PGP MESSAGE'); context.decrypt({ data: answer.data }).then(function (result) { expect(result).to.not.be.empty; expect(result.data).to.be.a('string'); expect(result.data).to.equal(data); done(); }); }); }).timeout(5000); it('Random data, as string', function (done) { let data = bigString(1000); context.encrypt({ data:data, publicKeys: good_fpr }).then( function (answer) { expect(answer).to.not.be.empty; expect(answer.data).to.be.a('string'); expect(answer.data).to.include( 'BEGIN PGP MESSAGE'); expect(answer.data).to.include( 'END PGP MESSAGE'); context.decrypt({ data: answer.data }).then(function (result) { expect(result).to.not.be.empty; expect(result.data).to.be.a('string'); expect(result.data).to.equal(data); done(); }); }); }).timeout(3000); it('Data, input as base64', function (done) { let data = inputvalues.encrypt.good.data; let b64data = btoa(data); context.encrypt({ data: b64data, publicKeys: good_fpr, base64: true }) .then(function (answer) { expect(answer).to.not.be.empty; expect(answer.data).to.be.a('string'); expect(answer.data).to.include( 'BEGIN PGP MESSAGE'); expect(answer.data).to.include( 'END PGP MESSAGE'); context.decrypt({ data: answer.data }).then(function (result) { expect(result).to.not.be.empty; expect(result.data).to.be.a('string'); expect(result.data).to.equal(data); done(); }); }); }).timeout(3000); it('Random data, input as base64', function (done) { let data = bigBoringString(0.001); let b64data = btoa(data); context.encrypt( { data: b64data, publicKeys: good_fpr, base64: true }) .then(function (answer) { expect(answer).to.not.be.empty; expect(answer.data).to.be.a('string'); expect(answer.data).to.include( 'BEGIN PGP MESSAGE'); expect(answer.data).to.include( 'END PGP MESSAGE'); context.decrypt({ data:answer.data }).then( function (result) { expect(result).to.not.be.empty; expect(result.data).to.be.a('string'); expect(result.data).to.equal(data); done(); }); }); }).timeout(3000); + it('Random data, original data is and should stay base64 encoded', + function (done) { + let data = bigBoringString(0.001); + let b64data = btoa(data); + context.encrypt( + { data: b64data, publicKeys: good_fpr }) + .then(function (answer) { + expect(answer).to.not.be.empty; + expect(answer.data).to.be.a('string'); + expect(answer.data).to.include( + 'BEGIN PGP MESSAGE'); + expect(answer.data).to.include( + 'END PGP MESSAGE'); + context.decrypt({ + data:answer.data, expect: 'base64' }) + .then(function (result) { + expect(result).to.not.be.empty; + expect(result.data).to.be.a('string'); + expect(result.data).to.equal(b64data); + done(); + }); + }); + }).timeout(3000); + for (let j = 0; j < inputvalues.encrypt.good.data_nonascii_32.length; j++){ it('Roundtrip with >1MB non-ascii input meeting default chunksize (' + (j + 1) + '/' + inputvalues.encrypt.good.data_nonascii_32.length + ')', function (done) { let input = inputvalues.encrypt.good.data_nonascii_32[j]; expect(input).to.have.length(32); let data = ''; for (let i=0; i < 34 * 1024; i++){ data += input; } context.encrypt({ data: data, publicKeys: good_fpr }) .then(function (answer) { expect(answer).to.not.be.empty; expect(answer.data).to.be.a('string'); expect(answer.data).to.include( 'BEGIN PGP MESSAGE'); expect(answer.data).to.include( 'END PGP MESSAGE'); context.decrypt({ data: answer.data }) .then(function (result) { expect(result).to.not.be.empty; expect(result.data).to.be.a('string'); expect(result.data).to.equal(data); done(); }); }); }).timeout(5000); } }); diff --git a/lang/js/src/Connection.js b/lang/js/src/Connection.js index 8756cce1..3fd1810d 100644 --- a/lang/js/src/Connection.js +++ b/lang/js/src/Connection.js @@ -1,285 +1,288 @@ /* gpgme.js - Javascript integration for gpgme * Copyright (C) 2018 Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik * * This file is part of GPGME. * * GPGME is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of * the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * GPGME is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this program; if not, see . * SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.1+ * * Author(s): * Maximilian Krambach */ /* global chrome */ import { permittedOperations } from './permittedOperations'; import { gpgme_error } from './Errors'; import { GPGME_Message, createMessage } from './Message'; import { decode, atobArray, Utf8ArrayToStr } from './Helpers'; /** * A Connection handles the nativeMessaging interaction via a port. As the * protocol only allows up to 1MB of message sent from the nativeApp to the * browser, the connection will stay open until all parts of a communication * are finished. For a new request, a new port will open, to avoid mixing * contexts. * @class */ export class Connection{ constructor (){ this._connection = chrome.runtime.connectNative('gpgmejson'); } /** * Immediately closes an open port. */ disconnect () { if (this._connection){ this._connection.disconnect(); this._connection = null; } } /** * @typedef {Object} backEndDetails * @property {String} gpgme Version number of gpgme * @property {Array} info Further information about the backend * and the used applications (Example: * { * "protocol": "OpenPGP", * "fname": "/usr/bin/gpg", * "version": "2.2.6", * "req_version": "1.4.0", * "homedir": "default" * } */ /** * Retrieves the information about the backend. * @param {Boolean} details (optional) If set to false, the promise will * just return if a connection was successful. * @returns {Promise|Promise} Details from the * backend * @async */ checkConnection (details = true){ const msg = createMessage('version'); if (details === true) { return this.post(msg); } else { let me = this; return new Promise(function (resolve) { Promise.race([ me.post(msg), new Promise(function (resolve, reject){ setTimeout(function (){ reject(gpgme_error('CONN_TIMEOUT')); }, 500); }) ]).then(function (){ // success resolve(true); }, function (){ // failure resolve(false); }); }); } } /** * Sends a {@link GPGME_Message} via tghe nativeMessaging port. It * resolves with the completed answer after all parts have been * received and reassembled, or rejects with an {@link GPGME_Error}. * * @param {GPGME_Message} message * @returns {Promise} The collected answer * @async */ post (message){ if (!message || !(message instanceof GPGME_Message)){ this.disconnect(); return Promise.reject(gpgme_error( 'PARAM_WRONG', 'Connection.post')); } if (message.isComplete() !== true){ this.disconnect(); return Promise.reject(gpgme_error('MSG_INCOMPLETE')); } let chunksize = message.chunksize; const me = this; return new Promise(function (resolve, reject){ let answer = new Answer(message); let listener = function (msg) { if (!msg){ me._connection.onMessage.removeListener(listener); me._connection.disconnect(); reject(gpgme_error('CONN_EMPTY_GPG_ANSWER')); } else { let answer_result = answer.collect(msg); if (answer_result !== true){ me._connection.onMessage.removeListener(listener); me._connection.disconnect(); reject(answer_result); } else { if (msg.more === true){ me._connection.postMessage({ 'op': 'getmore', 'chunksize': chunksize }); } else { me._connection.onMessage.removeListener(listener); me._connection.disconnect(); const message = answer.getMessage(); if (message instanceof Error){ reject(message); } else { resolve(message); } } } } }; me._connection.onMessage.addListener(listener); if (permittedOperations[message.operation].pinentry){ return me._connection.postMessage(message.message); } else { return Promise.race([ me._connection.postMessage(message.message), function (resolve, reject){ setTimeout(function (){ me._connection.disconnect(); reject(gpgme_error('CONN_TIMEOUT')); }, 5000); } ]).then(function (result){ return result; }, function (reject){ if (!(reject instanceof Error)) { me._connection.disconnect(); return gpgme_error('GNUPG_ERROR', reject); } else { return reject; } }); } }); } } /** * A class for answer objects, checking and processing the return messages of * the nativeMessaging communication. * @protected */ class Answer{ /** * @param {GPGME_Message} message */ constructor (message){ this._operation = message.operation; this._expected = message.expected; this._response_b64 = null; } get operation (){ return this._operation; } get expected (){ return this._expected; } /** * Adds incoming base64 encoded data to the existing response * @param {*} msg base64 encoded data. * @returns {Boolean} * * @private */ collect (msg){ if (typeof (msg) !== 'object' || !msg.hasOwnProperty('response')) { return gpgme_error('CONN_UNEXPECTED_ANSWER'); } if (!this._response_b64){ this._response_b64 = msg.response; return true; } else { this._response_b64 += msg.response; return true; } } /** * Decodes and verifies the base64 encoded answer data. Verified against * {@link permittedOperations}. * @returns {Object} The readable gpnupg answer */ getMessage (){ if (this._response_b64 === null){ return gpgme_error('CONN_UNEXPECTED_ANSWER'); } let _decodedResponse = JSON.parse(atob(this._response_b64)); let _response = {}; let messageKeys = Object.keys(_decodedResponse); let poa = permittedOperations[this.operation].answer; if (messageKeys.length === 0){ return gpgme_error('CONN_UNEXPECTED_ANSWER'); } for (let i= 0; i < messageKeys.length; i++){ let key = messageKeys[i]; switch (key) { case 'type': if (_decodedResponse.type === 'error'){ return (gpgme_error('GNUPG_ERROR', decode(_decodedResponse.msg))); } else if (poa.type.indexOf(_decodedResponse.type) < 0){ return gpgme_error('CONN_UNEXPECTED_ANSWER'); } break; case 'base64': break; case 'msg': if (_decodedResponse.type === 'error'){ return (gpgme_error('GNUPG_ERROR', _decodedResponse.msg)); } break; default: if (!poa.data.hasOwnProperty(key)){ return gpgme_error('CONN_UNEXPECTED_ANSWER'); } if ( typeof (_decodedResponse[key]) !== poa.data[key] ){ return gpgme_error('CONN_UNEXPECTED_ANSWER'); } if (_decodedResponse.base64 === true && poa.data[key] === 'string' ) { - if (this.expected === 'binary'){ + if (this.expected === 'uint8'){ _response[key] = atobArray(_decodedResponse[key]); - _response.binary = true; + _response.format = 'uint8'; + } else if (this.expected === 'base64'){ + _response[key] = _decodedResponse[key]; + _response.format = 'base64'; } else { _response[key] = Utf8ArrayToStr( atobArray(_decodedResponse[key])); - _response.binary = false; + _response.format = 'string'; } } else { _response[key] = decode(_decodedResponse[key]); } break; } } return _response; } } diff --git a/lang/js/src/Message.js b/lang/js/src/Message.js index 48813df7..fff20fbe 100644 --- a/lang/js/src/Message.js +++ b/lang/js/src/Message.js @@ -1,239 +1,239 @@ /* gpgme.js - Javascript integration for gpgme * Copyright (C) 2018 Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik * * This file is part of GPGME. * * GPGME is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of * the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * GPGME is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this program; if not, see . * SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.1+ * * Author(s): * Maximilian Krambach */ import { permittedOperations } from './permittedOperations'; import { gpgme_error } from './Errors'; import { Connection } from './Connection'; /** * Initializes a message for gnupg, validating the message's purpose with * {@link permittedOperations} first * @param {String} operation * @returns {GPGME_Message} The Message object */ export function createMessage (operation){ if (typeof (operation) !== 'string'){ throw gpgme_error('PARAM_WRONG'); } if (permittedOperations.hasOwnProperty(operation)){ return new GPGME_Message(operation); } else { throw gpgme_error('MSG_WRONG_OP'); } } /** * A Message collects, validates and handles all information required to * successfully establish a meaningful communication with gpgme-json via * {@link Connection.post}. The definition on which communication is available * can be found in {@link permittedOperations}. * @class */ export class GPGME_Message { constructor (operation){ this._msg = { op: operation, chunksize: 1023* 1024 }; this._expected = null; } get operation (){ return this._msg.op; } set expected (value){ - if (value === 'binary'){ + if (value === 'uint8' || value === 'base64'){ this._expected = value; } } get expected () { return this._expected; } /** * The maximum size of responses from gpgme in bytes. As of July 2018, * most browsers will only accept answers up to 1 MB of size. * Everything above that threshold will not pass through * nativeMessaging; answers that are larger need to be sent in parts. * The lower limit is set to 10 KB. Messages smaller than the threshold * will not encounter problems, larger messages will be received in * chunks. If the value is not explicitly specified, 1023 KB is used. */ set chunksize (value){ if ( Number.isInteger(value) && value > 10 * 1024 && value <= 1024 * 1024 ){ this._msg.chunksize = value; } } get chunksize (){ return this._msg.chunksize; } /** * Returns the prepared message with parameters and completeness checked * @returns {Object|null} Object to be posted to gnupg, or null if * incomplete */ get message () { if (this.isComplete() === true){ return this._msg; } else { return null; } } /** * Sets a parameter for the message. It validates with * {@link permittedOperations} * @param {String} param Parameter to set * @param {any} value Value to set * @returns {Boolean} If the parameter was set successfully */ setParameter ( param,value ){ if (!param || typeof (param) !== 'string'){ throw gpgme_error('PARAM_WRONG'); } let po = permittedOperations[this._msg.op]; if (!po){ throw gpgme_error('MSG_WRONG_OP'); } let poparam = null; if (po.required.hasOwnProperty(param)){ poparam = po.required[param]; } else if (po.optional.hasOwnProperty(param)){ poparam = po.optional[param]; } else { throw gpgme_error('PARAM_WRONG'); } // check incoming value for correctness let checktype = function (val){ switch (typeof (val)){ case 'string': if (poparam.allowed.indexOf(typeof (val)) >= 0 && val.length > 0) { return true; } throw gpgme_error('PARAM_WRONG'); case 'number': if ( poparam.allowed.indexOf('number') >= 0 && isNaN(value) === false){ return true; } throw gpgme_error('PARAM_WRONG'); case 'boolean': if (poparam.allowed.indexOf('boolean') >= 0){ return true; } throw gpgme_error('PARAM_WRONG'); case 'object': if (Array.isArray(val)){ if (poparam.array_allowed !== true){ throw gpgme_error('PARAM_WRONG'); } for (let i=0; i < val.length; i++){ let res = checktype(val[i]); if (res !== true){ return res; } } if (val.length > 0) { return true; } } else if (val instanceof Uint8Array){ if (poparam.allowed.indexOf('Uint8Array') >= 0){ return true; } throw gpgme_error('PARAM_WRONG'); } else { throw gpgme_error('PARAM_WRONG'); } break; default: throw gpgme_error('PARAM_WRONG'); } }; let typechecked = checktype(value); if (typechecked !== true){ return typechecked; } if (poparam.hasOwnProperty('allowed_data')){ if (poparam.allowed_data.indexOf(value) < 0){ return gpgme_error('PARAM_WRONG'); } } this._msg[param] = value; return true; } /** * Check if the message has the minimum requirements to be sent, that is * all 'required' parameters according to {@link permittedOperations}. * @returns {Boolean} true if message is complete. */ isComplete (){ if (!this._msg.op){ return false; } let reqParams = Object.keys( permittedOperations[this._msg.op].required); let msg_params = Object.keys(this._msg); for (let i=0; i < reqParams.length; i++){ if (msg_params.indexOf(reqParams[i]) < 0){ return false; } } return true; } /** * Sends the Message via nativeMessaging and resolves with the answer. * @returns {Promise} * @async */ post (){ let me = this; return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { if (me.isComplete() === true) { let conn = new Connection; conn.post(me).then(function (response) { resolve(response); }, function (reason) { reject(reason); }); } else { reject(gpgme_error('MSG_INCOMPLETE')); } }); } } diff --git a/lang/js/src/gpgmejs.js b/lang/js/src/gpgmejs.js index e0398423..ac640308 100644 --- a/lang/js/src/gpgmejs.js +++ b/lang/js/src/gpgmejs.js @@ -1,422 +1,427 @@ /* gpgme.js - Javascript integration for gpgme * Copyright (C) 2018 Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik * * This file is part of GPGME. * * GPGME is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of * the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * GPGME is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this program; if not, see . * SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.1+ * * Author(s): * Maximilian Krambach */ import { GPGME_Message, createMessage } from './Message'; import { toKeyIdArray } from './Helpers'; import { gpgme_error } from './Errors'; import { GPGME_Keyring } from './Keyring'; import { createSignature } from './Signature'; /** * @typedef {Object} decrypt_result * @property {String|Uint8Array} data The decrypted data - * @property {Boolean} binary indicating whether data is an Uint8Array. + * @property {String} format Indicating how the data was converted after being + * received from gpgme. + * 'string': Data was decoded into an utf-8 string, + * 'base64': Data was not processed and is a base64 string + * 'uint8': data was turned into a Uint8Array * @property {Boolean} is_mime (optional) the data claims to be a MIME * object. * @property {String} file_name (optional) the original file name * @property {signatureDetails} signatures Verification details for * signatures */ /** * @typedef {Object} signatureDetails * @property {Boolean} all_valid Summary if all signatures are fully valid * @property {Number} count Number of signatures found * @property {Number} failures Number of invalid signatures * @property {Array} signatures.good All valid signatures * @property {Array} signatures.bad All invalid signatures */ /** * @typedef {Object} encrypt_result The result of an encrypt operation * @property {String} data The encrypted message - * @property {Boolean} binary Indicating whether returning payload data is an - * Uint8Array. + * @property {Boolean} base64 Indicating whether returning payload data is + * base64 encoded */ /** * @typedef { GPGME_Key | String | Object } inputKeys * Accepts different identifiers of a gnupg Key that can be parsed by * {@link toKeyIdArray}. Expected inputs are: One or an array of * GPGME_Keys; one or an array of fingerprint strings; one or an array of * openpgpjs Key objects. */ /** * @typedef {Object} signResult The result of a signing operation * @property {String} data The resulting data. Includes the signature in * clearsign mode * @property {String} signature The detached signature (if in detached mode) */ /** @typedef {Object} verifyResult The result of a verification * @property {Boolean} data: The verified data * @property {Boolean} is_mime (optional) the data claims to be a MIME * object. * @property {String} file_name (optional) the original file name * @property {signatureDetails} signatures Verification details for * signatures */ /** * The main entry point for gpgme.js. * @class */ export class GpgME { constructor (){ this._Keyring = null; } /** * setter for {@link setKeyring}. * @param {GPGME_Keyring} keyring A Keyring to use */ set Keyring (keyring){ if (keyring && keyring instanceof GPGME_Keyring){ this._Keyring = keyring; } } /** * Accesses the {@link GPGME_Keyring}. */ get Keyring (){ if (!this._Keyring){ this._Keyring = new GPGME_Keyring; } return this._Keyring; } /** * Encrypt (and optionally sign) data * @param {Object} options * @param {String|Object} options.data text/data to be encrypted as String. * Also accepts Objects with a getText method * @param {inputKeys} options.publicKeys * Keys used to encrypt the message * @param {inputKeys} opions.secretKeys (optional) Keys used to sign the * message. If Keys are present, the operation requested is assumed * to be 'encrypt and sign' * @param {Boolean} options.base64 (optional) The data will be interpreted * as base64 encoded data. * @param {Boolean} options.armor (optional) Request the output as armored * block. * @param {Boolean} options.wildcard (optional) If true, recipient * information will not be added to the message. * @param {Object} additional use additional valid gpg options as * defined in {@link permittedOperations} * @returns {Promise} Object containing the encrypted * message and additional info. * @async */ encrypt (options){ if (!options || (typeof options !== 'object')){ return Promise.reject(gpgme_error('PARAM_WRONG')); } if (!options.hasOwnProperty('data') || !options.hasOwnProperty('publicKeys') ){ return Promise.reject(gpgme_error('MSG_INCOMPLETE')); } let msg = createMessage('encrypt'); if (msg instanceof Error){ return Promise.reject(msg); } if (!options.hasOwnProperty('armor')){ options.armor = true; } msg.setParameter('armor', options.armor); if (options.base64 === true) { msg.setParameter('base64', true); } let pubkeys = toKeyIdArray(options.publicKeys); msg.setParameter('keys', pubkeys); let sigkeys = toKeyIdArray(options.secretKeys); if (sigkeys.length > 0) { msg.setParameter('signing_keys', sigkeys); } putData(msg, options.data); if (options.wildcard === true){ msg.setParameter('throw-keyids', true); } if (options.additional){ let additional_Keys = Object.keys(options.additional); for (let k = 0; k < additional_Keys.length; k++) { try { msg.setParameter(additional_Keys[k], options.additional[additional_Keys[k]]); } catch (error){ return Promise.reject(error); } } } if (msg.isComplete() === true){ return msg.post(); } else { return Promise.reject(gpgme_error('MSG_INCOMPLETE')); } } /** * Decrypts a Message * @param {Object} options * @param {String|Object} options.data text/data to be decrypted. Accepts * Strings and Objects with a getText method * @param {Boolean} options.base64 (optional) false if the data is an * armored block, true if it is base64 encoded binary data - * @param {Boolean} options.binary (optional) if true, treat the decoded - * data as binary, and return the data as Uint8Array + * @param {String} options.expect (optional) can be set to 'uint8' or + * 'base64'. Does no extra decoding on the data, and returns the decoded + * data as either Uint8Array or unprocessed(base64 encoded) string. * @returns {Promise} Decrypted Message and information * @async */ decrypt (options){ if (!options || (typeof options !== 'object')){ return Promise.reject('PARAM_WRONG'); } if (!options.data){ return Promise.reject(gpgme_error('MSG_EMPTY')); } let msg = createMessage('decrypt'); if (msg instanceof Error){ return Promise.reject(msg); } if (options.base64 === true){ msg.setParameter('base64', true); } - if (options.binary === true){ - msg.expected = 'binary'; + if (options.expect === 'base64' || options.expect === 'uint8'){ + msg.expected = options.expect; } putData(msg, options.data); return new Promise(function (resolve, reject){ msg.post().then(function (result){ let _result = { data: result.data }; - _result.binary = result.binary ? true: false; + _result.format = result.format ? result.format : null; if (result.hasOwnProperty('dec_info')){ _result.is_mime = result.dec_info.is_mime ? true: false; if (result.dec_info.file_name) { _result.file_name = result.dec_info.file_name; } } if (!result.file_name) { _result.file_name = null; } if (result.hasOwnProperty('info') && result.info.hasOwnProperty('signatures') && Array.isArray(result.info.signatures) ) { _result.signatures = collectSignatures( result.info.signatures); } if (_result.signatures instanceof Error){ reject(_result.signatures); } else { resolve(_result); } }, function (error){ reject(error); }); }); } /** * Sign a Message * @param {Object} options Signing options * @param {String|Object} options.data text/data to be signed. Accepts * Strings and Objects with a getText method. * @param {inputKeys} options.keys The key/keys to use for signing * @param {String} options.mode The signing mode. Currently supported: * 'clearsign':The Message is embedded into the signature; * 'detached': The signature is stored separately * @param {Boolean} options.base64 input is considered base64 * @returns {Promise} * @async */ sign (options){ if ( !options || (typeof options !== 'object')){ return Promise.reject(gpgme_error('PARAM_WRONG')); } if (!options.data){ return Promise.reject(gpgme_error('MSG_EMPTY')); } if (!options.mode) { options.mode = 'clearsign'; } let key_arr = toKeyIdArray(options.keys); if (key_arr.length === 0){ return Promise.reject(gpgme_error('MSG_NO_KEYS')); } let msg = createMessage('sign'); msg.setParameter('keys', key_arr); if (options.base64 === true){ msg.setParameter('base64', true); } msg.setParameter('mode', options.mode); putData(msg, options.data); return new Promise(function (resolve,reject) { msg.post().then( function (message) { if (options.mode === 'clearsign'){ resolve({ data: message.data } ); } else if (options.mode === 'detached') { resolve({ data: options.data, signature: message.data }); } }, function (error){ reject(error); }); }); } /** * Verifies data. * @param {Object} options * @param {String|Object} options.data text/data to be verified. Accepts * Strings and Objects with a getText method * @param {String} options.signature A detached signature. If not present, * opaque mode is assumed * @param {Boolean} options.base64 Indicating that data and signature are * base64 encoded * @returns {Promise} *@async */ verify (options){ if (!options || (typeof options !== 'object') || !options.data){ return Promise.reject(gpgme_error('PARAM_WRONG')); } let msg = createMessage('verify'); let dt = putData(msg, options.data); if (dt instanceof Error){ return Promise.reject(dt); } if (options.signature){ if (typeof signature !== 'string'){ return Promise.reject(gpgme_error('PARAM_WRONG')); } else { msg.setParameter('signature', signature); } } if (options.base64 === true){ msg.setParameter('base64', true); } return new Promise(function (resolve, reject){ msg.post().then(function (message){ if (!message.info || !message.info.signatures){ reject(gpgme_error('SIG_NO_SIGS')); } else { let _result = { signatures: collectSignatures(message.info.signatures) }; if (_result.signatures instanceof Error){ reject(_result.signatures); } else { _result.is_mime = message.info.is_mime? true: false; if (message.info.filename){ _result.file_name = message.info.filename; } _result.data = message.data; resolve(_result); } } }, function (error){ reject(error); }); }); } } /** * Sets the data of the message, setting flags according on the data type * @param {GPGME_Message} message The message where this data will be set * @param { String| Object } data The data to enter. Expects either a string of * data, or an object with a getText method * @returns {undefined| GPGME_Error} Error if not successful, nothing otherwise * @private */ function putData (message, data){ if (!message || !(message instanceof GPGME_Message)) { return gpgme_error('PARAM_WRONG'); } if (!data){ return gpgme_error('PARAM_WRONG'); } else if (typeof data === 'string') { message.setParameter('data', data); } else if ( (typeof data === 'object') && (typeof data.getText === 'function') ){ let txt = data.getText(); if (typeof txt === 'string'){ message.setParameter('data', txt); } else { return gpgme_error('PARAM_WRONG'); } } else { return gpgme_error('PARAM_WRONG'); } } /** * Parses, validates and converts incoming objects into signatures. * @param {Array} sigs * @returns {signatureDetails} Details about the signatures */ function collectSignatures (sigs){ if (!Array.isArray(sigs)){ return gpgme_error('SIG_NO_SIGS'); } let summary = { all_valid: false, count: sigs.length, failures: 0, signatures: { good: [], bad: [], } }; for (let i=0; i< sigs.length; i++){ let sigObj = createSignature(sigs[i]); if (sigObj instanceof Error) { return gpgme_error('SIG_WRONG'); } if (sigObj.valid !== true){ summary.failures += 1; summary.signatures.bad.push(sigObj); } else { summary.signatures.good.push(sigObj); } } if (summary.failures === 0){ summary.all_valid = true; } return summary; } \ No newline at end of file