diff --git a/src/npth.c b/src/npth.c index 45ca7ee..790ab9b 100644 --- a/src/npth.c +++ b/src/npth.c @@ -1,775 +1,776 @@ /* npth.c - a lightweight implementation of pth over pthread. * Copyright (C) 2011 g10 Code GmbH * * This file is part of nPth. * * nPth is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of * the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * nPth is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See * the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this program; if not, see . */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef HAVE_LIB_DISPATCH # include typedef dispatch_semaphore_t sem_t; /* This glue code is for macOS which does not have full implementation of POSIX semaphore. On macOS, using semaphore in Grand Central Dispatch library is better than using the partial implementation of POSIX semaphore where sem_init doesn't work well. */ static int sem_init (sem_t *sem, int is_shared, unsigned int value) { (void)is_shared; if ((*sem = dispatch_semaphore_create (value)) == NULL) return -1; else return 0; } static int sem_post (sem_t *sem) { dispatch_semaphore_signal (*sem); return 0; } static int sem_wait (sem_t *sem) { dispatch_semaphore_wait (*sem, DISPATCH_TIME_FOREVER); return 0; } #else # include #endif #ifdef HAVE_UNISTD_H # include #endif #ifndef HAVE_PSELECT # include #endif #include "npth.h" /* The global lock that excludes all threads but one. This is a semaphore, because these can be safely used in a library even if the application or other libraries call fork(), including from a signal handler. sem_post is async-signal-safe. (The reason a semaphore is safe and a mutex is not safe is that a mutex has an owner, while a semaphore does not.) We init sceptre to a static buffer for use by sem_init; in case sem_open is used instead SCEPTRE will changed to the value returned by sem_open. GOT_SCEPTRE is a flag used for debugging to tell wether we hold SCEPTRE. */ static sem_t sceptre_buffer; static sem_t *sceptre = &sceptre_buffer; static int got_sceptre; /* Configure defines HAVE_FORK_UNSAFE_SEMAPHORE if child process can't access non-shared unnamed semaphore which is created by its parent. We use unnamed semaphore (if available) for the global lock. The specific semaphore is only valid for those threads in a process, and it is no use by other processes. Thus, PSHARED argument for sem_init is naturally 0. However, there are daemon-like applications which use fork after npth's initialization by npth_init. In this case, a child process uses the semaphore which was created by its parent process, while parent does nothing with the semaphore. In some system (e.g. AIX), access by child process to non-shared unnamed semaphore is prohibited. For such a system, HAVE_FORK_UNSAFE_SEMAPHORE should be defined, so that unnamed semaphore will be created with the option PSHARED=1. The purpose of the setting of PSHARED=1 is only for allowing the access of the lock by child process. For NPTH, it does not mean any other interactions between processes. */ #ifdef HAVE_FORK_UNSAFE_SEMAPHORE #define NPTH_SEMAPHORE_PSHARED 1 #else #define NPTH_SEMAPHORE_PSHARED 0 #endif /* The main thread is the active thread at the time pth_init was called. As of now it is only useful for debugging. The volatile make sure the compiler does not eliminate this set but not used variable. */ static volatile pthread_t main_thread; /* This flag is set as soon as npth_init has been called or if any * thread has been created. It will never be cleared again. The only * purpose is to make npth_protect and npth_unprotect more robust in * that they can be shortcut when npth_init has not yet been called. * This is important for libraries which want to support nPth by using * those two functions but may have be initialized before pPth. */ static int initialized_or_any_threads; /* Systems that don't have pthread_mutex_timedlock get a busy wait implementation that probes the lock every BUSY_WAIT_INTERVAL milliseconds. */ #define BUSY_WAIT_INTERVAL 200 typedef int (*trylock_func_t) (void *); +#ifndef HAVE_PTHREAD_MUTEX_TIMEDLOCK static int busy_wait_for (trylock_func_t trylock, void *lock, const struct timespec *abstime) { int err; /* This is not great, but better than nothing. Only works for locks which are mostly uncontested. Provides absolutely no fairness at all. Creates many wake-ups. */ while (1) { struct timespec ts; err = npth_clock_gettime (&ts); if (err < 0) { /* Just for safety make sure we return some error. */ err = errno ? errno : EINVAL; break; } if (npth_timercmp (abstime, &ts, <)) { err = ETIMEDOUT; break; } err = (*trylock) (lock); if (err != EBUSY) break; /* Try again after waiting a bit. We could calculate the maximum wait time from ts and abstime, but we don't bother, as our granularity is pretty fine. */ usleep (BUSY_WAIT_INTERVAL * 1000); } return err; } - +#endif static void enter_npth (void) { int res; got_sceptre = 0; res = sem_post (sceptre); assert (res == 0); } static void leave_npth (void) { int res; int save_errno = errno; do { res = sem_wait (sceptre); } while (res < 0 && errno == EINTR); assert (!res); got_sceptre = 1; errno = save_errno; } #define ENTER() enter_npth () #define LEAVE() leave_npth () int npth_init (void) { int res; main_thread = pthread_self(); /* Track that we have been initialized. */ initialized_or_any_threads |= 1; /* Better reset ERRNO so that we know that it has been set by sem_init. */ errno = 0; /* The semaphore is binary. */ res = sem_init (sceptre, NPTH_SEMAPHORE_PSHARED, 1); /* There are some versions of operating systems which have sem_init symbol defined but the call actually returns ENOSYS at runtime. We know this problem for older versions of AIX (<= 4.3.3) and macOS. For macOS, we use semaphore in Grand Central Dispatch library, so ENOSYS doesn't happen. We only support AIX >= 5.2, where sem_init is supported. */ if (res < 0) { /* POSIX.1-2001 defines the semaphore interface but does not specify the return value for success. Thus we better bail out on error only on a POSIX.1-2008 system. */ #if _POSIX_C_SOURCE >= 200809L return errno; #endif } LEAVE(); return 0; } int npth_getname_np (npth_t target_thread, char *buf, size_t buflen) { #ifdef HAVE_PTHREAD_GETNAME_NP return pthread_getname_np (target_thread, buf, buflen); #else (void)target_thread; (void)buf; (void)buflen; return ENOSYS; #endif } int npth_setname_np (npth_t target_thread, const char *name) { #ifdef HAVE_PTHREAD_SETNAME_NP #ifdef __NetBSD__ return pthread_setname_np (target_thread, "%s", (void*) name); #else #ifdef __APPLE__ if (target_thread == npth_self ()) return pthread_setname_np (name); else return ENOTSUP; #else return pthread_setname_np (target_thread, name); #endif #endif #else (void)target_thread; (void)name; return ENOSYS; #endif } struct startup_s { void *(*start_routine) (void *); void *arg; }; static void * thread_start (void *startup_arg) { struct startup_s *startup = startup_arg; void *(*start_routine) (void *); void *arg; void *result; start_routine = startup->start_routine; arg = startup->arg; free (startup); LEAVE(); result = (*start_routine) (arg); /* Note: instead of returning here, we might end up in npth_exit() instead. */ ENTER(); return result; } int npth_create (npth_t *thread, const npth_attr_t *attr, void *(*start_routine) (void *), void *arg) { int err; struct startup_s *startup; startup = malloc (sizeof (*startup)); if (!startup) return errno; initialized_or_any_threads |= 2; startup->start_routine = start_routine; startup->arg = arg; err = pthread_create (thread, attr, thread_start, startup); if (err) { free (startup); return err; } /* Memory is released in thread_start. */ return 0; } int npth_join (npth_t thread, void **retval) { int err; #ifdef HAVE_PTHREAD_TRYJOIN_NP /* No need to allow competing threads to enter when we can get the lock immediately. pthread_tryjoin_np is a GNU extension. */ err = pthread_tryjoin_np (thread, retval); if (err != EBUSY) return err; #endif /*HAVE_PTHREAD_TRYJOIN_NP*/ ENTER(); err = pthread_join (thread, retval); LEAVE(); return err; } void npth_exit (void *retval) { ENTER(); pthread_exit (retval); /* Never reached. But just in case pthread_exit does return... */ LEAVE(); } int npth_mutex_lock (npth_mutex_t *mutex) { int err; /* No need to allow competing threads to enter when we can get the lock immediately. */ err = pthread_mutex_trylock (mutex); if (err != EBUSY) return err; ENTER(); err = pthread_mutex_lock (mutex); LEAVE(); return err; } int npth_mutex_timedlock (npth_mutex_t *mutex, const struct timespec *abstime) { int err; /* No need to allow competing threads to enter when we can get the lock immediately. */ err = pthread_mutex_trylock (mutex); if (err != EBUSY) return err; ENTER(); #if HAVE_PTHREAD_MUTEX_TIMEDLOCK err = pthread_mutex_timedlock (mutex, abstime); #else err = busy_wait_for ((trylock_func_t) pthread_mutex_trylock, mutex, abstime); #endif LEAVE(); return err; } #ifndef _NPTH_NO_RWLOCK int npth_rwlock_rdlock (npth_rwlock_t *rwlock) { int err; #ifdef HAVE_PTHREAD_RWLOCK_TRYRDLOCK /* No need to allow competing threads to enter when we can get the lock immediately. */ err = pthread_rwlock_tryrdlock (rwlock); if (err != EBUSY) return err; #endif ENTER(); err = pthread_rwlock_rdlock (rwlock); LEAVE(); return err; } int npth_rwlock_timedrdlock (npth_rwlock_t *rwlock, const struct timespec *abstime) { int err; #ifdef HAVE_PTHREAD_RWLOCK_TRYRDLOCK /* No need to allow competing threads to enter when we can get the lock immediately. */ err = pthread_rwlock_tryrdlock (rwlock); if (err != EBUSY) return err; #endif ENTER(); #if HAVE_PTHREAD_RWLOCK_TIMEDRDLOCK err = pthread_rwlock_timedrdlock (rwlock, abstime); #else err = busy_wait_for ((trylock_func_t) pthread_rwlock_tryrdlock, rwlock, abstime); #endif LEAVE(); return err; } int npth_rwlock_wrlock (npth_rwlock_t *rwlock) { int err; #ifdef HAVE_PTHREAD_RWLOCK_TRYWRLOCK /* No need to allow competing threads to enter when we can get the lock immediately. */ err = pthread_rwlock_trywrlock (rwlock); if (err != EBUSY) return err; #endif ENTER(); err = pthread_rwlock_wrlock (rwlock); LEAVE(); return err; } int npth_rwlock_timedwrlock (npth_rwlock_t *rwlock, const struct timespec *abstime) { int err; #ifdef HAVE_PTHREAD_RWLOCK_TRYWRLOCK /* No need to allow competing threads to enter when we can get the lock immediately. */ err = pthread_rwlock_trywrlock (rwlock); if (err != EBUSY) return err; #endif ENTER(); #if HAVE_PTHREAD_RWLOCK_TIMEDWRLOCK err = pthread_rwlock_timedwrlock (rwlock, abstime); #elif HAVE_PTHREAD_RWLOCK_TRYRDLOCK err = busy_wait_for ((trylock_func_t) pthread_rwlock_trywrlock, rwlock, abstime); #else err = ENOSYS; #endif LEAVE(); return err; } #endif int npth_cond_wait (npth_cond_t *cond, npth_mutex_t *mutex) { int err; ENTER(); err = pthread_cond_wait (cond, mutex); LEAVE(); return err; } int npth_cond_timedwait (npth_cond_t *cond, npth_mutex_t *mutex, const struct timespec *abstime) { int err; ENTER(); err = pthread_cond_timedwait (cond, mutex, abstime); LEAVE(); return err; } /* Standard POSIX Replacement API */ int npth_usleep(unsigned int usec) { int res; ENTER(); res = usleep(usec); LEAVE(); return res; } unsigned int npth_sleep(unsigned int sec) { unsigned res; ENTER(); res = sleep(sec); LEAVE(); return res; } int npth_system(const char *cmd) { int res; ENTER(); res = system(cmd); LEAVE(); return res; } pid_t npth_waitpid(pid_t pid, int *status, int options) { pid_t res; ENTER(); res = waitpid(pid,status, options); LEAVE(); return res; } int npth_connect(int s, const struct sockaddr *addr, socklen_t addrlen) { int res; ENTER(); res = connect(s, addr, addrlen); LEAVE(); return res; } int npth_accept(int s, struct sockaddr *addr, socklen_t *addrlen) { int res; ENTER(); res = accept(s, addr, addrlen); LEAVE(); return res; } int npth_select(int nfd, fd_set *rfds, fd_set *wfds, fd_set *efds, struct timeval *timeout) { int res; ENTER(); res = select(nfd, rfds, wfds, efds, timeout); LEAVE(); return res; } int npth_pselect(int nfd, fd_set *rfds, fd_set *wfds, fd_set *efds, const struct timespec *timeout, const sigset_t *sigmask) { int res; ENTER(); #ifdef HAVE_PSELECT res = pselect (nfd, rfds, wfds, efds, timeout, sigmask); #else /*!HAVE_PSELECT*/ { /* A better emulation of pselect would be to create a pipe, wait in the select for one end and have a signal handler write to the other end. However, this is non-trivial to implement and thus we only print a compile time warning. */ # ifdef __GNUC__ # warning Using a non race free pselect emulation. # endif struct timeval t, *tp; tp = NULL; if (!timeout) ; else if (timeout->tv_nsec >= 0 && timeout->tv_nsec < 1000000000) { t.tv_sec = timeout->tv_sec; t.tv_usec = (timeout->tv_nsec + 999) / 1000; tp = &t; } else { errno = EINVAL; res = -1; goto leave; } if (sigmask) { int save_errno; sigset_t savemask; pthread_sigmask (SIG_SETMASK, sigmask, &savemask); res = select (nfd, rfds, wfds, efds, tp); save_errno = errno; pthread_sigmask (SIG_SETMASK, &savemask, NULL); errno = save_errno; } else res = select (nfd, rfds, wfds, efds, tp); leave: ; } #endif /*!HAVE_PSELECT*/ LEAVE(); return res; } ssize_t npth_read(int fd, void *buf, size_t nbytes) { ssize_t res; ENTER(); res = read(fd, buf, nbytes); LEAVE(); return res; } ssize_t npth_write(int fd, const void *buf, size_t nbytes) { ssize_t res; ENTER(); res = write(fd, buf, nbytes); LEAVE(); return res; } int npth_recvmsg (int fd, struct msghdr *msg, int flags) { int res; ENTER(); res = recvmsg (fd, msg, flags); LEAVE(); return res; } int npth_sendmsg (int fd, const struct msghdr *msg, int flags) { int res; ENTER(); res = sendmsg (fd, msg, flags); LEAVE(); return res; } void npth_unprotect (void) { /* If we are not initialized we may not access the semaphore and * thus we shortcut it. Note that in this case the unprotect/protect * is not needed. For failsafe reasons if an nPth thread has ever * been created but nPth has accidentally not initialized we do not * shortcut so that a stack backtrace (due to the access of the * uninitialized semaphore) is more expressive. */ if (initialized_or_any_threads) ENTER(); } void npth_protect (void) { /* See npth_unprotect for commentary. */ if (initialized_or_any_threads) LEAVE(); } int npth_is_protected (void) { return got_sceptre; } int npth_clock_gettime (struct timespec *ts) { #if defined(CLOCK_REALTIME) && HAVE_CLOCK_GETTIME return clock_gettime (CLOCK_REALTIME, ts); #elif HAVE_GETTIMEOFDAY { struct timeval tv; if (gettimeofday (&tv, NULL)) return -1; ts->tv_sec = tv.tv_sec; ts->tv_nsec = tv.tv_usec * 1000; return 0; } #else /* FIXME: fall back on time() with seconds resolution. */ # error clock_gettime not available - please provide a fallback. #endif }