diff --git a/w32/npth.c b/w32/npth.c index 270e76a..78c0428 100644 --- a/w32/npth.c +++ b/w32/npth.c @@ -1,1994 +1,2005 @@ /* npth.c - a lightweight implementation of pth over native threads * Copyright (C) 2011, 2014 g10 Code GmbH * * This file is part of nPth. * * nPth is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of * the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * nPth is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See * the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this program; if not, see . */ /* We implement the join mechanism ourself. */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include #endif #include #include #include #include "npth.h" #include #define DEBUG_CALLS 1 #define _npth_debug(x, ...) fprintf(stderr, __VA_ARGS__) #ifndef TEST #undef DEBUG_CALLS #define DEBUG_CALLS 0 #undef _npth_debug #define _npth_debug(x, ...) #endif /* This seems to be a common standard. */ #define THREAD_NAME_MAX 15 /* The global lock that excludes all threads but one. Note that this implements the single-user-thread policy, but also protects all our global data such as the thread_table. GOT_SCEPTRE is a flag used for debugging to tell wether we hold SCEPTRE. */ static CRITICAL_SECTION sceptre; static int got_sceptre; /* This flag is set as soon as npth_init has been called or if any * thread has been created. It will never be cleared again. The only * purpose is to make npth_protect and npth_unprotect more robust in * that they can be shortcut when npth_init has not yet been called. * This is important for libraries which want to support nPth by using * those two functions but may have been initialized before nPth. */ static int initialized_or_any_threads; typedef struct npth_impl_s *npth_impl_t; #define MAX_THREADS 1024 #define INVALID_THREAD_ID 0 /* Thread ID to thread context table. We never allocate ID 0. */ static npth_impl_t thread_table[MAX_THREADS]; /* The TLS index to store thread ID of the current thread. Used to make faster lookups of the thread data. */ DWORD tls_index; /* Map a windows error value (GetLastError) to a POSIX error value. */ static int map_error (int winerr) { /* FIXME */ return EIO; } static int wait_for_single_object (HANDLE obj, DWORD msecs) { DWORD res; res = WaitForSingleObject(obj, msecs); if (res == WAIT_ABANDONED) return EDEADLK; else if (res == WAIT_TIMEOUT) return ETIMEDOUT; else if (res == WAIT_FAILED) return map_error (GetLastError()); else if (res != WAIT_OBJECT_0) return EINTR; else return 0; } int npth_clock_gettime(struct timespec *tp) { FILETIME ftime; ULARGE_INTEGER systime; GetSystemTimeAsFileTime (&ftime); systime.LowPart = ftime.dwLowDateTime; systime.HighPart = ftime.dwHighDateTime; /* systime.QuadPart has the 100-nanosecond intervals since Jan 1, 1601. */ tp->tv_sec = systime.QuadPart / 10000000ULL; tp->tv_nsec = (systime.QuadPart * 100ULL) % 1000000000ULL; return 0; } static int calculate_timeout (const struct timespec *abstime, DWORD *msecs_r) { struct timespec tp; struct timespec tp_delta; DWORD msecs; npth_clock_gettime (&tp); /* Make sure there is a positive time delta. */ if (!(npth_timercmp (&tp, abstime, <))) return ETIMEDOUT; npth_timersub (abstime, &tp, &tp_delta); /* Make sure to round up to at least one millisecond. Note that within reasonable timeouts and the above macros, we should always end up with a positive wait time here. */ msecs = (tp_delta.tv_sec * 1000) + (tp_delta.tv_nsec + 999999) / 1000000; if (msecs < 1) { /* Log a critical error here. */ return ETIMEDOUT; } *msecs_r = msecs; return 0; } static void enter_npth (const char *function) { if (DEBUG_CALLS) _npth_debug (DEBUG_CALLS, "tid %lu: enter_npth (%s)\n", npth_self (), function ? function : "unknown"); got_sceptre = 0; LeaveCriticalSection (&sceptre); } static void leave_npth (const char *function) { EnterCriticalSection (&sceptre); got_sceptre = 1; if (DEBUG_CALLS) _npth_debug (DEBUG_CALLS, "tid %lu: leave_npth (%s)\n", npth_self (), function ? function : ""); } #define ENTER() enter_npth(__FUNCTION__) #define LEAVE() leave_npth(__FUNCTION__) struct npth_impl_s { /* Usually there is one ref owned by the thread as long as it is running, and one ref for everybody else as long as the thread is joinable. */ int refs; HANDLE handle; /* True if thread is detached. */ int detached; /* The start routine and arg. */ void *(*start_routine) (void *); void *start_arg; char name[THREAD_NAME_MAX + 1]; /* Doubly-linked list for the waiter queue in condition variables. */ npth_impl_t next; npth_impl_t *prev_ptr; /* The event on which this thread waits when it is queued. */ HANDLE event; void *result; }; static void dequeue_thread (npth_impl_t thread) { /* Unlink the thread from any condition waiter queue. */ if (thread->next) { thread->next->prev_ptr = thread->prev_ptr; thread->next = NULL; } if (thread->prev_ptr) { *(thread->prev_ptr) = thread->next; thread->prev_ptr = NULL; } } /* Enqueue THREAD to come after the thread whose next pointer is prev_ptr. */ static void enqueue_thread (npth_impl_t thread, npth_impl_t *prev_ptr) { if (*prev_ptr) (*prev_ptr)->prev_ptr = &thread->next; thread->prev_ptr = prev_ptr; thread->next = *prev_ptr; *prev_ptr = thread; } static int find_thread (npth_t thread_id, npth_impl_t *thread) { if (thread_id < 1 || thread_id >= MAX_THREADS) return ESRCH; if (! thread_table[thread_id]) return ESRCH; *thread = thread_table[thread_id]; return 0; } static int new_thread (npth_t *thread_id) { npth_impl_t thread; int id; /* ID 0 is never allocated. */ for (id = 1; id < MAX_THREADS; id++) if (! thread_table[id]) break; if (id == MAX_THREADS) return EAGAIN; thread = malloc (sizeof (*thread)); if (! thread) return errno; thread->refs = 1; thread->handle = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; thread->detached = 0; thread->start_routine = NULL; thread->start_arg = NULL; thread->next = NULL; thread->prev_ptr = NULL; /* We create the event when it is first needed (not all threads wait on conditions). */ thread->event = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; memset (thread->name, '\0', sizeof (thread->name)); thread_table[id] = thread; *thread_id = id; return 0; } static void free_thread (npth_t thread_id) { npth_impl_t thread = thread_table[thread_id]; if (thread->handle) CloseHandle (thread->handle); /* Unlink the thread from any condition waiter queue. */ dequeue_thread (thread); free (thread); thread_table[thread_id] = NULL; } static void deref_thread (npth_t thread_id) { npth_impl_t thread = thread_table[thread_id]; thread->refs -= 1; if (thread->refs == 0) free_thread (thread_id); } int npth_init (void) { int err; npth_t thread_id; BOOL res; HANDLE handle; npth_impl_t thread; InitializeCriticalSection (&sceptre); /* Track that we have been initialized. */ initialized_or_any_threads = 1; /* Fake a thread table item for the main thread. */ tls_index = TlsAlloc(); if (tls_index == TLS_OUT_OF_INDEXES) return map_error (GetLastError()); err = new_thread(&thread_id); if (err) return err; /* GetCurrentThread() is not usable by other threads, so it needs to be duplicated. */ res = DuplicateHandle(GetCurrentProcess(), GetCurrentThread(), GetCurrentProcess(), &handle, 0, FALSE, DUPLICATE_SAME_ACCESS); if (!res) { free_thread (thread_id); return map_error(GetLastError()); } thread = thread_table[thread_id]; thread->handle = handle; if (! TlsSetValue(tls_index, (LPVOID)(uintptr_t) thread_id)) return map_error (GetLastError()); LEAVE(); return 0; } struct npth_attr_s { int detachstate; }; int npth_attr_init (npth_attr_t *attr_r) { npth_attr_t attr; attr = malloc (sizeof *attr); if (!attr) return errno; attr->detachstate = NPTH_CREATE_JOINABLE; *attr_r = attr; return 0; } int npth_attr_destroy (npth_attr_t *attr) { free (*attr); *attr = NULL; return 0; } int npth_attr_getdetachstate (npth_attr_t *attr, int *detachstate) { *detachstate = (*attr)->detachstate; return 0; } int npth_attr_setdetachstate (npth_attr_t *attr, int detachstate) { if (detachstate != NPTH_CREATE_JOINABLE && detachstate != NPTH_CREATE_DETACHED) return EINVAL; (*attr)->detachstate = detachstate; return 0; } int npth_getname_np (npth_t target_thread, char *buf, size_t buflen) { npth_impl_t thread; int err; if (buflen < THREAD_NAME_MAX + 1) return ERANGE; err = find_thread (target_thread, &thread); if (err) return err; strcpy (buf, thread->name); return 0; } int npth_setname_np (npth_t target_thread, const char *name) { npth_impl_t thread; int err; if (strlen(name) > THREAD_NAME_MAX) return ERANGE; err = find_thread (target_thread, &thread); if (err) return err; strcpy (thread->name, name); return 0; } static DWORD thread_start (void *arg) { npth_t thread_id = (npth_t)(uintptr_t) arg; npth_impl_t thread; void *result; if (! TlsSetValue(tls_index, (LPVOID)(uintptr_t) thread_id)) /* FIXME: There is not much we can do here. */ ; LEAVE(); /* We must be protected here, because we access the global thread_table. */ thread = thread_table[thread_id]; result = thread->start_routine (thread->start_arg); /* We might not return here if the thread calls npth_exit(). */ thread->result = result; /* Any joiner will be signaled once we terminate. */ deref_thread (thread_id); ENTER(); /* We can not return result, as that is a void*, not a DWORD. */ return 0; } int npth_create (npth_t *newthread, const npth_attr_t *user_attr, void *(*start_routine) (void *), void *start_arg) { int err = 0; npth_t thread_id = INVALID_THREAD_ID; npth_impl_t thread; HANDLE handle; /* We must stay protected here, because we access the global thread_table. Also, creating a new thread is not a blocking operation. */ err = new_thread (&thread_id); if (err) goto err_out; thread = thread_table[thread_id]; if (user_attr && (*user_attr)->detachstate == NPTH_CREATE_DETACHED) thread->detached = 1; else thread->refs += 1; thread->start_routine = start_routine; thread->start_arg = start_arg; handle = CreateThread (NULL, 0, (LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE)thread_start, (void *)(uintptr_t) thread_id, CREATE_SUSPENDED, NULL); if (handle == NULL) { err = map_error (GetLastError()); goto err_out; } thread->handle = handle; *newthread = thread_id; ResumeThread (thread->handle); return 0; err_out: if (thread_id) free_thread (thread_id); return err; } npth_t npth_self (void) { LPVOID thread_id; thread_id = TlsGetValue (tls_index); if (thread_id == 0 && GetLastError() != ERROR_SUCCESS) /* FIXME: Log the error. */ ; return (npth_t)(uintptr_t) thread_id; } /* Not part of the public interface at the moment, thus static. */ static int npth_tryjoin_np (npth_t thread_id, void **thread_return) { int err; npth_impl_t thread; err = find_thread (thread_id, &thread); if (err) return err; if (thread->detached) return EINVAL; /* No need to allow competing threads to enter when we can get the lock immediately. */ err = wait_for_single_object (thread->handle, 0); if (err == ETIMEDOUT) err = EBUSY; if (err) return err; if (thread_return) *thread_return = thread->result; deref_thread (thread_id); return 0; } int npth_join (npth_t thread_id, void **thread_return) { int err; npth_impl_t thread; /* No need to allow competing threads to enter when we can get the lock immediately. */ err = npth_tryjoin_np (thread_id, thread_return); if (err != EBUSY) return err; err = find_thread (thread_id, &thread); if (err) return err; if (thread->detached) return EINVAL; ENTER(); err = wait_for_single_object (thread->handle, INFINITE); LEAVE(); if (err) return err; if (thread_return) *thread_return = thread->result; deref_thread (thread_id); return 0; } int npth_detach (npth_t thread_id) { int err; npth_impl_t thread; err = find_thread (thread_id, &thread); if (err) return err; if (thread->detached) return EINVAL; /* The detached flag indicates to other thread that the outside reference in the global thread table has been consumed. */ thread->detached = 1; deref_thread (thread_id); return 0; } void npth_exit (void *retval) { int err; npth_t thread_id; npth_impl_t thread; thread_id = npth_self(); err = find_thread (thread_id, &thread); if (err) /* FIXME: log this? */ return; thread->result = retval; /* Any joiner will be signaled once we terminate. */ deref_thread (thread_id); ENTER(); /* We can not use retval here, as that is a void*, not a DWORD. */ ExitThread(0); /* Never reached. But just in case ExitThread does return... */ LEAVE(); } int npth_key_create (npth_key_t *key, void (*destr_function) (void *)) { DWORD idx; if (destr_function) return EOPNOTSUPP; idx = TlsAlloc (); if (idx == TLS_OUT_OF_INDEXES) return map_error (GetLastError()); *key = idx; return 0; } int npth_key_delete (npth_key_t key) { BOOL res; res = TlsFree (key); if (res == 0) return map_error (GetLastError()); return 0; } void * npth_getspecific (npth_key_t key) { /* Pthread doesn't support error reporting beyond returning NULL for an invalid key, which is also what TlsGetValue returns in that case. */ return TlsGetValue (key); } int npth_setspecific (npth_key_t key, const void *pointer) { BOOL res; - - res = TlsSetValue (key, (void *) pointer); + union { + const void *p_readonly; + void *p_writable; + } p; + + /* + * In the API of TlsSetValue, the second argument type is a pointer + * (writable object). It were better to have a pointer type + * (readonly object), as in the POSIX thread API. To express that + * it's our intentional type casting, we use union here. + */ + p.p_readonly = pointer; + res = TlsSetValue (key, p.p_writable); if (res == 0) return map_error (GetLastError()); return 0; } struct npth_mutexattr_s { int kind; }; int npth_mutexattr_init (npth_mutexattr_t *attr_r) { npth_mutexattr_t attr; attr = malloc (sizeof *attr); if (!attr) return errno; attr->kind = NPTH_MUTEX_DEFAULT; *attr_r = attr; return 0; } int npth_mutexattr_destroy (npth_mutexattr_t *attr) { free (*attr); *attr = NULL; return 0; } int npth_mutexattr_gettype (const npth_mutexattr_t *attr, int *kind) { *kind = (*attr)->kind; return 0; } int npth_mutexattr_settype (npth_mutexattr_t *attr, int kind) { if (kind != NPTH_MUTEX_NORMAL && kind != NPTH_MUTEX_RECURSIVE && kind != NPTH_MUTEX_ERRORCHECK) return EINVAL; (*attr)->kind = kind; return 0; } struct npth_mutex_s { /* We have to use a mutex, not a CRITICAL_SECTION, because the latter can not be used with timed waits. */ HANDLE mutex; }; int npth_mutex_init (npth_mutex_t *mutex_r, const npth_mutexattr_t *mutex_attr) { npth_mutex_t mutex; /* We can not check *mutex_r here, as it may contain random data. */ mutex = malloc (sizeof (*mutex)); if (!mutex) return errno; /* We ignore MUTEX_ATTR. */ mutex->mutex = CreateMutex (NULL, FALSE, NULL); if (!mutex->mutex) { int err = map_error (GetLastError()); free (mutex); return err; } *mutex_r = mutex; return 0; } int npth_mutex_destroy (npth_mutex_t *mutex) { BOOL res; if (*mutex == 0 || *mutex == NPTH_MUTEX_INITIALIZER || *mutex == NPTH_RECURSIVE_MUTEX_INITIALIZER_NP) return EINVAL; res = CloseHandle ((*mutex)->mutex); if (res == 0) return map_error (GetLastError()); free (*mutex); *mutex = NULL; return 0; } /* Must be called with global lock held. */ static int mutex_init_check (npth_mutex_t *mutex) { int err; npth_mutexattr_t attr; int kind; if (*mutex == 0) return EINVAL; if ((*mutex) == NPTH_MUTEX_INITIALIZER) kind = NPTH_MUTEX_NORMAL; else if ((*mutex) == NPTH_RECURSIVE_MUTEX_INITIALIZER_NP) kind = NPTH_MUTEX_RECURSIVE; else if ((*mutex) == NPTH_ERRORCHECK_MUTEX_INITIALIZER_NP) kind = NPTH_MUTEX_ERRORCHECK; else /* Already initialized. */ return 0; /* Make sure we don't try again in case of error. */ *mutex = 0; err = npth_mutexattr_init (&attr); if (err) return err; err = npth_mutexattr_settype (&attr, kind); if (err) { npth_mutexattr_destroy (&attr); return err; } err = npth_mutex_init (mutex, &attr); npth_mutexattr_destroy (&attr); return err; } int npth_mutex_lock (npth_mutex_t *mutex) { int err; /* While we are protected, let's check for a static initializer. */ err = mutex_init_check (mutex); if (err) return err; /* No need to allow competing threads to enter when we can get the lock immediately. */ err = npth_mutex_trylock (mutex); if (err != EBUSY) return err; ENTER(); err = wait_for_single_object ((*mutex)->mutex, INFINITE); LEAVE(); if (err) return err; return 0; } int npth_mutex_trylock (npth_mutex_t *mutex) { int err; /* While we are protected, let's check for a static initializer. */ err = mutex_init_check (mutex); if (err) return err; /* We do not leave the global lock for a quick try. */ err = wait_for_single_object ((*mutex)->mutex, 0); if (err == ETIMEDOUT) err = EBUSY; if (err) return err; return 0; } int npth_mutex_timedlock (npth_mutex_t *mutex, const struct timespec *abstime) { int err; DWORD msecs; /* While we are protected, let's check for a static initializer. */ err = mutex_init_check (mutex); if (err) return err; /* No need to allow competing threads to enter when we can get the lock immediately. */ err = npth_mutex_trylock (mutex); if (err != EBUSY) return err; err = calculate_timeout (abstime, &msecs); if (err) return err; ENTER(); err = wait_for_single_object ((*mutex)->mutex, msecs); LEAVE(); if (err) return err; return 0; } int npth_mutex_unlock (npth_mutex_t *mutex) { BOOL res; if (*mutex == 0 || *mutex == NPTH_MUTEX_INITIALIZER || *mutex == NPTH_RECURSIVE_MUTEX_INITIALIZER_NP) return EINVAL; res = ReleaseMutex ((*mutex)->mutex); if (res == 0) return map_error (GetLastError()); return 0; } struct npth_cond_s { /* All conditions are protected by the global lock, so this is simple. */ /* The waiter queue. */ npth_impl_t waiter; }; int npth_cond_init (npth_cond_t *cond_r, const npth_condattr_t *cond_attr) { npth_cond_t cond; if (cond_attr != NULL) return EINVAL; /* We can not check *cond_r here, as it may contain random data. */ cond = malloc (sizeof (*cond)); if (!cond) return errno; cond->waiter = NULL; *cond_r = cond; return 0; } int npth_cond_destroy (npth_cond_t *cond) { if (*cond == 0) return EINVAL; if ((*cond)->waiter) return EBUSY; free (*cond); *cond = NULL; return 0; } /* Must be called with global lock held. */ static int cond_init_check (npth_cond_t *cond) { int err; if (*cond == 0 || *cond == NPTH_COND_INITIALIZER) return EINVAL; if (*cond != NPTH_COND_INITIALIZER) /* Already initialized. */ return 0; /* Make sure we don't try again in case of error. */ *cond = 0; err = npth_cond_init (cond, NULL); return err; } int npth_cond_signal (npth_cond_t *cond) { int err; npth_impl_t thread; DWORD res; /* While we are protected, let's check for a static initializer. */ err = cond_init_check (cond); if (err) return err; if ((*cond)->waiter == INVALID_THREAD_ID) return 0; /* Dequeue the first thread and wake it up. */ thread = (*cond)->waiter; dequeue_thread (thread); res = SetEvent (thread->event); if (res == 0) /* FIXME: An error here implies a mistake in the npth code. Log it. */ ; /* Force the woken up thread into the mutex lock function (for the mutex associated with the condition, which is why we have to release the global lock here). This helps to ensure fairness, because otherwise our own thread might release and reacquire the lock first (followed by removing the condition that lead to the wakeup) and starve the woken up thread. */ ENTER (); Sleep (0); LEAVE (); return 0; } int npth_cond_broadcast (npth_cond_t *cond) { int err; npth_impl_t thread; DWORD res; /* While we are protected, let's check for a static initializer. */ err = cond_init_check (cond); if (err) return err; if ((*cond)->waiter == INVALID_THREAD_ID) return 0; while ((*cond)->waiter) { /* Dequeue the first thread and wake it up. */ thread = (*cond)->waiter; dequeue_thread (thread); res = SetEvent (thread->event); if (res == 0) /* FIXME: An error here implies a mistake in the npth code. Log it. */ ; } /* Force the woken up threads into the mutex lock function (for the mutex associated with the condition, which is why we have to release the global lock here). This helps to ensure fairness, because otherwise our own thread might release and reacquire the lock first (followed by removing the condition that lead to the wakeup) and starve the woken up threads. */ ENTER (); Sleep (0); LEAVE (); return 0; } /* As a special exception in W32 NPTH, mutex can be NULL, in which case the global lock doubles as the mutex protecting the condition. This is used internally in the RW implementation as an optimization. Note that this is safe as long as the caller does not yield to other threads (directly or indirectly) between checking the condition and waiting on it. */ int npth_cond_wait (npth_cond_t *cond, npth_mutex_t *mutex) { int err; int err2; BOOL bres; npth_impl_t thread; npth_impl_t *prev_ptr; /* While we are protected, let's check for a static initializer. */ err = cond_init_check (cond); if (err) return err; err = find_thread (npth_self(), &thread); if (err) return err; /* Ensure there is an event. */ if (thread->event == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { thread->event = CreateEvent (NULL, TRUE, FALSE, NULL); if (thread->event == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) return map_error (GetLastError()); } /* Find end of queue and enqueue the thread. */ prev_ptr = &(*cond)->waiter; while (*prev_ptr) prev_ptr = &(*prev_ptr)->next; enqueue_thread (thread, prev_ptr); /* Make sure the event is not signaled before releasing the mutex. */ bres = ResetEvent (thread->event); if (bres == 0) /* Log an error. */ ; if (mutex) { err = npth_mutex_unlock (mutex); if (err) { dequeue_thread (thread); return err; } } ENTER(); err = wait_for_single_object (thread->event, INFINITE); LEAVE(); /* Make sure the thread is dequeued (in case of error). */ dequeue_thread (thread); if (mutex) { err2 = npth_mutex_lock (mutex); if (err2) /* FIXME: Log this at least. */ ; } if (err) return err; return 0; } int npth_cond_timedwait (npth_cond_t *cond, npth_mutex_t *mutex, const struct timespec *abstime) { int err; int err2; BOOL bres; npth_impl_t thread; npth_impl_t *prev_ptr; DWORD msecs; err = calculate_timeout (abstime, &msecs); if (err) { if (err != ETIMEDOUT) return err; /* We have to give up the lock anyway to give others a chance to signal or broadcast. */ err = npth_mutex_unlock (mutex); if (err) return err; ENTER(); Sleep (0); LEAVE(); err = npth_mutex_lock (mutex); if (err) return (err); return ETIMEDOUT; } /* While we are protected, let's check for a static initializer. */ err = cond_init_check (cond); if (err) return err; err = find_thread (npth_self(), &thread); if (err) return err; /* Ensure there is an event. */ if (thread->event == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { thread->event = CreateEvent (NULL, TRUE, FALSE, NULL); if (thread->event == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) return map_error (GetLastError()); } /* Make sure the event is not signaled. */ bres = ResetEvent (thread->event); if (bres == 0) /* Log an error. */ ; /* Find end of queue and enqueue the thread. */ prev_ptr = &(*cond)->waiter; while (*prev_ptr) prev_ptr = &(*prev_ptr)->next; enqueue_thread (thread, prev_ptr); err = npth_mutex_unlock (mutex); if (err) { dequeue_thread (thread); return err; } ENTER(); err = wait_for_single_object (thread->event, msecs); LEAVE(); err2 = npth_mutex_lock (mutex); if (err2) /* FIXME: Log this at least. */ ; if (err) return err; return 0; } struct npth_rwlockattr_s { int kind; }; int npth_rwlockattr_init (npth_rwlockattr_t *attr_r) { npth_rwlockattr_t attr; attr = malloc (sizeof *attr); if (!attr) return errno; attr->kind = NPTH_RWLOCK_DEFAULT_NP; *attr_r = attr; return 0; } int npth_rwlockattr_destroy (npth_rwlockattr_t *attr) { free (*attr); *attr = NULL; return 0; } int npth_rwlockattr_gettype_np (const npth_rwlockattr_t *attr, int *kind) { *kind = (*attr)->kind; return 0; } int npth_rwlockattr_settype_np (npth_rwlockattr_t *attr, int kind) { if (kind != NPTH_RWLOCK_PREFER_READER_NP && kind != NPTH_RWLOCK_PREFER_WRITER_NP && kind != NPTH_RWLOCK_PREFER_WRITER_NONRECURSIVE_NP) return EINVAL; (*attr)->kind = kind; return 0; } struct npth_rwlock_s { /* Objects are protected by the global lock, so no lock here necessary. This is even true for the condition (by specifying NULL as the mutex in npth_cond_wait and npth_cond_timedwait). */ /* True if we prefer writers over readers. */ int prefer_writer; /* Readers who want the lock wait on this condition, which is broadcast when the last writer goes away. */ npth_cond_t reader_wait; /* The number of readers waiting on the condition. */ int nr_readers_queued; /* The number of current readers. */ int nr_readers; /* Writers who want the lock wait on this condition, which is signaled when the current writer or last reader goes away. */ npth_cond_t writer_wait; /* The number of queued writers. */ int nr_writers_queued; /* The number of current writers. This is either 1 (then nr_readers is 0) or it is 0. At unlock time this value tells us if the current lock holder is a writer or a reader. */ int nr_writers; }; int npth_rwlock_init (npth_rwlock_t *rwlock_r, const npth_rwlockattr_t *user_attr) { int err; npth_rwlock_t rwlock; /* We can not check *rwlock_r here, as it may contain random data. */ rwlock = malloc (sizeof (*rwlock)); if (!rwlock) { err = errno; goto err_out; } rwlock->prefer_writer = (user_attr && (*user_attr)->kind == NPTH_RWLOCK_PREFER_WRITER_NONRECURSIVE_NP); err = npth_cond_init (&rwlock->reader_wait, NULL); if (err) { free (rwlock); goto err_out; } err = npth_cond_init (&rwlock->writer_wait, NULL); if (err) { npth_cond_destroy (&rwlock->reader_wait); free (rwlock); goto err_out; } rwlock->nr_readers = 0; rwlock->nr_readers_queued = 0; rwlock->nr_writers = 0; rwlock->nr_writers_queued = 0; *rwlock_r = rwlock; err_out: return err; } #if 0 /* Not used. */ /* Must be called with global lock held. */ static int rwlock_init_check (npth_rwlock_t *rwlock) { int err; npth_rwlockattr_t attr; int kind; if (*rwlock == 0) return EINVAL; if ((*rwlock) == NPTH_RWLOCK_INITIALIZER) kind = NPTH_RWLOCK_PREFER_READER_NP; if ((*rwlock) == NPTH_RWLOCK_WRITER_NONRECURSIVE_INITIALIZER_NP) kind = NPTH_RWLOCK_PREFER_WRITER_NONRECURSIVE_NP; else /* Already initialized. */ return 0; /* Make sure we don't try again in case of error. */ *rwlock = 0; err = npth_rwlockattr_init (&attr); if (err) return err; err = npth_rwlockattr_settype_np (&attr, kind); if (err) { npth_rwlockattr_destroy (&attr); return err; } err = npth_rwlock_init (rwlock, &attr); npth_rwlockattr_destroy (&attr); return err; } #endif int npth_rwlock_destroy (npth_rwlock_t *rwlock) { int err; if (*rwlock == 0 || *rwlock == NPTH_RWLOCK_INITIALIZER) return EINVAL; if ((*rwlock)->nr_writers || (*rwlock)->nr_readers || (*rwlock)->nr_writers_queued || (*rwlock)->nr_readers_queued) return EBUSY; err = npth_cond_destroy (&(*rwlock)->reader_wait); if (err) /* FIXME: Log this. */ ; err = npth_cond_destroy (&(*rwlock)->writer_wait); if (err) /* FIXME: Log this. */ ; free (rwlock); *rwlock = NULL; return 0; } int npth_rwlock_tryrdlock (npth_rwlock_t *rwlock) { if ((*rwlock)->nr_writers) return EBUSY; if ((*rwlock)->nr_writers_queued && (*rwlock)->prefer_writer) return EBUSY; (*rwlock)->nr_readers++; return 0; } int npth_rwlock_rdlock (npth_rwlock_t *rwlock) { int err; while (1) { /* Quick check. */ err = npth_rwlock_tryrdlock (rwlock); if (err != EBUSY) return err; (*rwlock)->nr_readers_queued++; err = npth_cond_wait (&(*rwlock)->reader_wait, NULL); (*rwlock)->nr_readers_queued--; if (err) return err; } } int npth_rwlock_timedrdlock (npth_rwlock_t *rwlock, const struct timespec *abstime) { int err; while (1) { /* Quick check. */ err = npth_rwlock_tryrdlock (rwlock); if (err != EBUSY) return err; (*rwlock)->nr_readers_queued++; err = npth_cond_timedwait (&(*rwlock)->reader_wait, NULL, abstime); (*rwlock)->nr_readers_queued--; if (err) return err; } } int npth_rwlock_trywrlock (npth_rwlock_t *rwlock) { if ((*rwlock)->nr_writers) return EBUSY; if ((*rwlock)->nr_readers) return EBUSY; (*rwlock)->nr_writers = 1; return 0; } int npth_rwlock_wrlock (npth_rwlock_t *rwlock) { int err; while (1) { /* Quick check. */ err = npth_rwlock_trywrlock (rwlock); if (err != EBUSY) return err; (*rwlock)->nr_writers_queued++; err = npth_cond_wait (&(*rwlock)->writer_wait, NULL); (*rwlock)->nr_writers_queued--; if (err) return err; } } int npth_rwlock_timedwrlock (npth_rwlock_t *rwlock, const struct timespec *abstime) { int err; while (1) { /* Quick check. */ err = npth_rwlock_trywrlock (rwlock); if (err != EBUSY) return err; (*rwlock)->nr_writers_queued++; err = npth_cond_timedwait (&(*rwlock)->writer_wait, NULL, abstime); (*rwlock)->nr_writers_queued--; if (err) return err; } } int npth_rwlock_unlock (npth_rwlock_t *rwlock) { int err; if ((*rwlock)->nr_writers) /* We are the writer. */ (*rwlock)->nr_writers = 0; else /* We are the reader. */ (*rwlock)->nr_readers--; if ((*rwlock)->nr_readers == 0) { if ((*rwlock)->nr_writers_queued) { err = npth_cond_signal (&(*rwlock)->writer_wait); if (err) return err; } else if ((*rwlock)->nr_readers_queued) { err = npth_cond_broadcast (&(*rwlock)->reader_wait); return err; } } return 0; } /* Standard POSIX Replacement API */ int npth_usleep(unsigned int usec) { ENTER(); Sleep((usec + 999) / 1000); LEAVE(); return 0; } unsigned int npth_sleep(unsigned int sec) { ENTER(); Sleep (sec * 1000); LEAVE(); return 0; } int npth_system(const char *cmd) { int res; ENTER(); res = system(cmd); LEAVE(); return res; } pid_t npth_waitpid(pid_t pid, int *status, int options) { return EOPNOTSUPP; } int npth_connect(int s, const struct sockaddr *addr, socklen_t addrlen) { int res; ENTER(); res = connect(s, addr, addrlen); LEAVE(); return res; } int npth_accept(int s, struct sockaddr *addr, socklen_t *addrlen) { int res; ENTER(); res = accept(s, addr, addrlen); LEAVE(); return res; } int npth_select(int nfd, fd_set *rfds, fd_set *wfds, fd_set *efds, struct timeval *timeout) { int res; ENTER(); res = select(nfd, rfds, wfds, efds, timeout); LEAVE(); return res; } ssize_t npth_read(int fd, void *buf, size_t nbytes) { ssize_t res; ENTER(); res = read(fd, buf, nbytes); LEAVE(); return res; } ssize_t npth_write(int fd, const void *buf, size_t nbytes) { ssize_t res; ENTER(); res = write(fd, buf, nbytes); LEAVE(); return res; } int npth_recvmsg (int fd, struct msghdr *msg, int flags) { return EOPNOTSUPP; } int npth_sendmsg (int fd, const struct msghdr *msg, int flags) { return EOPNOTSUPP; } void npth_unprotect (void) { /* If we are not initialized we may not access the semaphore and * thus we shortcut it. Note that in this case the unprotect/protect * is not needed. For failsafe reasons if an nPth thread has ever * been created but nPth has accidentally not initialized we do not * shortcut so that a stack backtrace (due to the access of the * uninitialized semaphore) is more expressive. */ if (initialized_or_any_threads) ENTER(); } void npth_protect (void) { /* See npth_unprotect for commentary. */ if (initialized_or_any_threads) LEAVE(); } int npth_is_protected (void) { return got_sceptre; } /* Maximum number of extra handles. We can only support 31 as that is the number of bits we can return. This is smaller than the maximum number of allowed wait objects for WFMO (which is 64). */ #define MAX_EVENTS 31 /* Although the WSAEventSelect machinery seems to have no limit on the number of selectable fds, we impose the same limit as used by traditional select. This allows us to work with a static data structure instead of an dynamically allocated array. */ #define MAX_FDOBJS FD_SETSIZE /* Using WFMO even for sockets makes Windows objects more composable, which helps faking signals and other constructs, so we support that. You can still use npth_select for the plain select function. */ int npth_eselect(int nfd, fd_set *rfds, fd_set *wfds, fd_set *efds, const struct timespec *timeout, HANDLE *events, unsigned int *events_set) { int err = 0; DWORD msecs; int i; u_int idx; /* One more for the handle associated with socket events. */ HANDLE obj[MAX_EVENTS + 1]; int nr_obj = 0; /* Number of extra events. */ int nr_events = 0; HANDLE sock_event = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; int res; DWORD ret; SOCKET fd; long flags; int cnt; struct { SOCKET fd; long flags; } fdobj[MAX_FDOBJS]; int nr_fdobj = 0; (void)nfd; /* No need for it under Windows. */ if (events) { if (!events_set) { errno = EINVAL; return -1; } /* We always ensure that the events_set is valid, even after an error. */ *events_set = 0; } if (timeout && (timeout->tv_sec < 0 || timeout->tv_nsec < 0)) { errno = EINVAL; return -1; } if (timeout == NULL) msecs = INFINITE; else if (timeout->tv_sec == 0 && timeout->tv_nsec == 0) msecs = 0; else { msecs = (timeout->tv_sec * 1000) + (timeout->tv_nsec + 999999) / 1000000; if (msecs < 1) msecs = 1; } if (events) { /* Copy the extra handles. */ for (i = 0; i < MAX_EVENTS; i++) { if (events[i] == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) break; obj[nr_obj] = events[i]; nr_obj++; nr_events++; } /* We can only return the status of up to MAX_EVENTS handles in EVENTS_SET. */ if (events[i] != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { errno = EINVAL; return -1; } } /* From here on, we clean up at err_out, and you can set ERR to return an error. */ sock_event = WSACreateEvent (); if (sock_event == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { err = EINVAL; return -1; } obj[nr_obj] = sock_event; nr_obj++; /* Combine FDs from all lists. */ #define SET_FDOBJ(x,v) do { \ for (idx=0; idx < (x)->fd_count; idx++) \ { \ for (i=0; i < nr_fdobj; i++) \ if (fdobj[i].fd == (x)->fd_array[idx]) \ break; \ if (i < nr_fdobj) \ ; \ else if (nr_fdobj < MAX_FDOBJS) \ { \ i = nr_fdobj++; \ fdobj[i].fd = (x)->fd_array[idx]; \ fdobj[i].flags = 0; \ } \ else \ { \ err = EINVAL; \ goto err_out; \ } \ fdobj[i].flags |= (v); \ } \ } while (0) if (rfds) SET_FDOBJ (rfds, FD_READ | FD_ACCEPT); if (wfds) SET_FDOBJ (wfds, FD_WRITE); if (efds) SET_FDOBJ (efds, FD_OOB | FD_CLOSE); #undef SET_FDOBJ /* Set the select flags. */ for (i = 0; i < nr_fdobj; i++) { res = WSAEventSelect (fdobj[i].fd, sock_event, fdobj[i].flags); if (res == SOCKET_ERROR) { err = map_error (WSAGetLastError()); goto err_out; } } /* Let's wait. */ ENTER(); ret = WaitForMultipleObjects (nr_obj, obj, FALSE, msecs); LEAVE(); if (ret == WAIT_TIMEOUT) { err = ETIMEDOUT; goto err_out; } else if (ret == WAIT_FAILED) { err = map_error (GetLastError()); goto err_out; } /* All other return values: We look at the objects. We must not fail from here, because then we could lose events. */ /* Keep track of result count. */ cnt = 0; for (i = 0; i < nr_events; i++) { ret = WaitForSingleObject (obj[i], 0); if (ret != WAIT_OBJECT_0) /* We ignore errors here. */ continue; *events_set = (*events_set) | (1 << i); /* We consume the event here. This may be undesirable, but unless we make it configurable we need a common policy, and this saves the user one step. */ ResetEvent (obj[i]); /* Increase result count. */ cnt++; } /* Now update the file descriptors sets. */ if (rfds) FD_ZERO (rfds); if (wfds) FD_ZERO (wfds); if (efds) FD_ZERO (efds); for (i = 0; i < nr_fdobj; i++) { WSANETWORKEVENTS ne; fd = fdobj[i].fd; flags = fdobj[i].flags; res = WSAEnumNetworkEvents (fd, NULL, &ne); if (res == SOCKET_ERROR) continue; /* FIXME: We ignore this error here. */ /* NB that the test on FLAGS guarantees that ?fds is not NULL. */ if ((flags & FD_READ) && (ne.lNetworkEvents & (FD_READ | FD_ACCEPT))) { FD_SET (fd, rfds); cnt++; } if ((flags & FD_WRITE) && (ne.lNetworkEvents & FD_WRITE)) { FD_SET (fd, wfds); cnt++; } if ((flags & FD_CLOSE) && (ne.lNetworkEvents & (FD_OOB | FD_CLOSE))) { FD_SET (fd, efds); cnt++; } WSAEventSelect (fd, NULL, 0); /* We ignore errors. */ } /* We ignore errors. */ WSACloseEvent (sock_event); return cnt; /* Cleanup. */ err_out: if (sock_event != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { for (i = 0; i < nr_fdobj; i++) { WSAEventSelect (fdobj[i].fd, NULL, 0); /* We ignore errors. */ } WSACloseEvent (sock_event); /* We ignore errors. */ } if (err == ETIMEDOUT) return 0; errno = err; return -1; }