diff --git a/po/LINGUAS b/po/LINGUAS
index 9f01262f..ab691e6e 100644
--- a/po/LINGUAS
+++ b/po/LINGUAS
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
 # Set of available languages.
-de ar es fr ru pt cz it
+de ar es fr ru pt cz it zh_CN zh_TW
diff --git a/po/zh_CN.po b/po/zh_CN.po
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5c447219
--- /dev/null
+++ b/po/zh_CN.po
@@ -0,0 +1,366 @@
+# zh_CN Translation for Gpg4Win Installer.
+# Copyright (C) 2015 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the Gpg4Win package.
+# Mingye Wang <arthur200126@gmail.com>, 2015.
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: Gpg4Win Installer\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: gpg4win-devel@wald.intevation.org\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-08-09 21:10+0800\n"
+"Language-Team: \n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=gbk\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"X-Generator: Poedit 1.8.4\n"
+"Last-Translator: Mingye Wang (Arthur2e5) <arthur200126@gmail.com>\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
+"Language: zh_CN\n"
+msgctxt "T_AlreadyRunning"
+msgid "An instance of this installer is already running."
+msgstr "�ð�װ�����һ��ʵ���Ѿ������С�"
+msgctxt "T_WelcomeTitleGpg4win"
+msgid "Welcome to the installation of Gpg4win"
+msgstr "��ӭ���� Gpg4win ��װ����"
+msgctxt "T_AboutGpg4win"
+msgid ""
+"Gpg4win is a installer package for Windows for EMail and file encryption "
+"using the core component GnuPG for Windows. Both relevant cryptography "
+"standards are supported, OpenPGP and S/MIME. Gpg4win and the software "
+"included with Gpg4win are Free Software."
+msgstr ""
+"Gpg4win ��һ�������� Windows ���ļ��͵����ʼ����ܹ�����������ͨ��������� "
+"GnuPG �� Windows �汾���Ŀ�ꡣ����������漰����������ѧ��׼��OpenPGP �� S/"
+"MIME ���������ṩ֧�֡���������װ���������ݾ�Ϊ����������"
+msgctxt "T_AboutGpg4winVersion"
+msgid "This is Gpg4win version ${VERSION}"
+msgstr "Gpg4win���汾 ${VERSION}"
+msgctxt "T_AboutGpg4winFileVersion"
+msgid "file version ${PROD_VERSION}"
+msgstr "�ļ��汾 ${PROD_VERSION}"
+msgctxt "T_AboutGpg4winReleaseDate"
+msgid "release date ${_BUILD_ISODATE}"
+msgstr "�������� ${_BUILD_ISODATE}"
+msgctxt "T_WelcomeTitleGpg4winSrc"
+msgid "Welcome to the installation of the Gpg4win sources"
+msgstr "��ӭ���� Gpg4win Դ�밲װ"
+msgctxt "T_AboutGpg4winSrc"
+msgid ""
+"Gpg4win is a installer package for Windows for EMail and file encryption "
+"using the core component GnuPG for Windows. Both relevant cryptography "
+"standards are supported, OpenPGP and S/MIME. Gpg4win and the software "
+"included with Gpg4win are Free Software."
+msgstr ""
+"Gpg4win ��һ�������� Windows ���ļ��͵����ʼ����ܹ�����������ͨ��������� "
+"GnuPG �� Windows �汾���Ŀ�ꡣ����������漰����������ѧ��׼��OpenPGP �� S/"
+"MIME ���������ṩ֧�֡���������װ���������ݾ�Ϊ����������"
+msgctxt "T_AboutGpg4winSrcVersion"
+msgid "This is Gpg4win version ${VERSION}"
+msgstr "Gpg4win���汾 ${VERSION}"
+msgctxt "T_AboutGpg4winSrcFileVersion"
+msgid "file version ${PROD_VERSION}"
+msgstr "�ļ��汾 ${PROD_VERSION}"
+msgctxt "T_AboutGpg4winSrcReleaseDate"
+msgid "release date ${_BUILD_ISODATE}"
+msgstr "�������� ${_BUILD_ISODATE}"
+msgctxt "T_LangCode"
+msgid "en"
+msgstr "zh_CN"
+msgctxt "T_GPLHeader"
+msgid ""
+"This software is licensed under the terms of the GNU General Public License "
+msgstr "���������� GNU ͨ�ù�������֤��GPL����������Ȩ��"
+msgctxt "T_GPLShort"
+msgid ""
+"In short: You are allowed to run this software for any purpose. You may "
+"distribute it as long as you give the recipients the same rights you have "
+msgstr ""
+msgctxt "T_RunKeyManager"
+msgid "Run the key manager"
+msgstr "������Կ������"
+msgctxt "T_MoreInfo"
+msgid "Click here for the project's homepage"
+msgstr "����˴�������Ŀ��ҳ"
+msgctxt "T_MoreInfoURL"
+msgid "http://www.gpg4win.org"
+msgstr "http://www.gpg4win.org"
+msgctxt "T_ShowReadme"
+msgid "Show the README file"
+msgstr "��ʾ README �ļ�"
+msgctxt "T_NoKeyManager"
+msgid "No key manager has been installed, thus we can't run one now."
+msgstr "û�а�װ�κ���Կ������������޷�������Կ��������"
+msgctxt "DESC_Menu_manuals"
+msgid "Documentation"
+msgstr "�ĵ�"
+msgctxt "DESC_Menu_uninstall"
+msgid "Uninstall"
+msgstr "�"
+msgctxt "DESC_Desktop_manuals"
+msgid "Gpg4win Documentation"
+msgstr "Gpg4win �ĵ�"
+msgctxt "T_InstallOptions"
+msgid "Install Options"
+msgstr "��װѡ��"
+msgctxt "T_InstallOptLinks"
+msgid "Start links"
+msgstr "��ʼ�˵���ݷ�ʽ"
+msgctxt "T_InstOptLabelA"
+msgid "Please select where Gpg4win shall install links:"
+msgstr "��ѡ�� Gpg4win ��װ��ݷ�ʽ��λ�ã�"
+msgctxt "T_InstOptLabelB"
+msgid "(Only programs will be linked into the quick launch bar.)"
+msgstr "��ֻ�г���ᱻ�����������������"
+msgctxt "T_InstOptFieldA"
+msgid "Start Menu"
+msgstr "��ʼ�˵�"
+msgctxt "T_InstOptFieldB"
+msgid "Desktop"
+msgstr "����"
+msgctxt "T_InstOptFieldC"
+msgid "Quick Launch Bar"
+msgstr "����������"
+msgctxt "T_FoundExistingVersion"
+msgid ""
+"Version $R1 has already been installed.\n"
+"Do you want to overwrite it with version ${VERSION}?"
+msgstr ""
+"�汾 $R1 �ѱ���װ��\n"
+"��ϣ���ð汾 ${VERSION} ��������"
+msgctxt "T_FoundExistingOldVersion"
+msgid ""
+"An old version $R1 has already been installed.  It is strongly recommended "
+"to deinstall previous versions on major upgrades.\n"
+"Do you want to continue installing Gpg4win ${VERSION} anyway?"
+msgstr ""
+"�ɰ汾 $R1 �ѱ���װ������ǿ�ҽ������ش�����ʱ��ж�ؾɰ档\n"
+"��������ζ�Ҫ������װ Gpg4win ${VERSION} ��"
+msgctxt "T_FoundExistingVersionB"
+msgid ""
+"A version of Gpg4Win has already been installed on the system. There will be "
+"no problem installing and thus overwriting this Version.\n"
+"Do you want to continue installing Gpg4win?"
+msgstr ""
+"һ���汾�� Gpg4Win �Ѿ��ڴ�ϵͳ�ϰ�װ���������ǰ�װ�Ǹ��汾�������κ����⡣\n"
+"����Ҫ������װ Gpg4win ��"
+msgctxt "T_FoundOldSeeManual"
+msgid ""
+"Please see the Gpg4win user manual to learn how to migrate existing keys "
+"from other GnuPG based installations to Gpg4win."
+msgstr "��ο� Gpg4win �û��ֲ�����ȡ���������� GnuPG �İ�װ������Կ�ķ�����"
+msgctxt "T_FoundOldGnuPP"
+msgid ""
+"An old installation of GnuPP (GNU Privacy Project) has been been detected.  "
+"That software is not maintained anymore and thus should be removed.\n"
+"Do you want to continue installing Gpg4win and take care of the old "
+"installation later?"
+msgstr ""
+"�ϳ��� GnuPP (GNU Privacy Project) �ѱ���װ���������Ѳ���ά����Ӧ���Ƴ���\n"
+"��ϣ��������װ Gpg4win������������������ϳ�����"
+msgctxt "T_FoundOldGnuPT"
+msgid ""
+"An installation of GnuPT has been been detected.  This may cause problems "
+"when used along with Gpg4win.\n"
+"Do you want to continue installing Gpg4win?"
+msgstr ""
+"GnuPT �ѱ���װ�����ܺ� Gpg4win ������š�\n"
+"��ȷ��Ҫ������װ Gpg4win ��"
+msgctxt "T_FoundOldWinPTSF"
+msgid ""
+"An old installation of the Sourceforge hosted WinPT has been been detected.  "
+"That software is not maintained anymore and should be removed.\n"
+"Do you want to continue installing Gpg4win and take care of the old "
+"installation later?"
+msgstr ""
+"SourceForge �ϵľɰ� WinPT �ѱ���װ���������Ѳ���ά����Ӧ���Ƴ���\n"
+"��ϣ��������װ Gpg4win������������������ϳ�����"
+msgctxt "T_FoundOldGnuPack"
+msgid ""
+"An installation of GnuPG-Pack has been been detected. You need to uninstall "
+"it before you can continue with Gpg4win installation.\n"
+"The installation will be aborted now!"
+msgstr ""
+"GnuPG-Pack �ѱ���װ����Ҫ��ж�������ܼ�����װ Gpg4win��\n"
+msgctxt "T_BetaWarning"
+msgid ""
+"Note: This is a BETA version of Gpg4win.\n"
+"Beta versions are only intended for testing and shall not be used in a "
+"production environment."
+msgstr ""
+"��ʾ���˰汾 Gpg4win �� BETA �档\n"
+"Beta �汾���ڲ��ԣ���Ӧ����������ʹ�á�"
+msgctxt "T_AdminNeeded"
+msgid ""
+"Warning: Administrator permissions required for a successful installation"
+msgstr "���棺��Ҫ����ԱȨ�޲��ܳɹ���װ��"
+msgctxt "T_CloseOtherApps"
+msgid ""
+"Please make sure that other applications are not running. In particular you "
+"should close Outlook and all Explorer windows.  Gpg4win will try to install "
+"anyway but a reboot will be required then."
+msgstr ""
+"��ȷ���������������� Outlook �� Windows ��Դ���������ڣ��Ѿ��رա�Gpg4win "
+msgctxt "T_ShuttingDownWinPT"
+msgid "Trying to shutdown a possible running instance of WinPT."
+msgstr "����ֹͣһ�����������ŵ� WinPT ʵ����"
+msgctxt "T_ShuttingDownDirMngr"
+msgid "Trying to shutdown a possible running instance of DirMngr."
+msgstr "����ֹͣһ�����������ŵ� DirMngr ʵ����"
+msgctxt "T_SetDefaultClient"
+msgid "Do you want to make Claws Mail your default mail client?"
+msgstr "����� Claws Mail ����Ϊ���Ĭ���ʼ��ͻ�����"
+# Better if as-is.
+msgctxt "DESC_SEC_claws_mail"
+msgid "Claws Mail-User-Agent"
+msgstr ""
+msgctxt "DESC_Menu_claws_mail"
+msgid "Run the Claws mailprogram."
+msgstr "���� Claws Mail ����"
+msgctxt "DESC_Menu_claws_mail_pdf"
+msgid "Show the online manual of Claws Mail"
+msgstr "��ʾ Claws Mail �����ֲᡣ"
+msgctxt "DESC_SEC_gnupg2"
+msgid "GNU Privacy Guard"
+msgstr "GNU ��˽��ʿ"
+msgctxt "DESC_SEC_gpa"
+msgid "GNU Privacy Assistant"
+msgstr "GNU ��˽����"
+msgctxt "DESC_Menu_gpa"
+msgid "Run the GNU Privacy Assistant key management tool."
+msgstr "���� GNU ��˽������Կ�������ߡ�"
+msgctxt "DESC_Menu_gpg4win_readme"
+msgid "General information on Gpg4win"
+msgstr "Gpg4win ������Ϣ"
+msgctxt "DESC_Menu_gpg4win_howtosmime"
+msgid "Instruction to configure S/MIME"
+msgstr "S/MIME ����ָ��"
+msgctxt "DESC_Menu_gnupg_faq"
+msgid "Show the Frequently Asked Questions document for GnuPG"
+msgstr "��ʾ GnuPG �� FAQ �ĵ�"
+msgctxt "T_GpgEX_RegFailed"
+msgid "Warning: Registration of the GpgEX plugin failed."
+msgstr "���棺GpgEX ���ע��ʧ�ܡ�"
+msgctxt "DESC_SEC_gpgex"
+msgid "GnuPG Shell Extension"
+msgstr "GnuPG ����չ"
+msgctxt "T_GpgOL_RegFailed"
+msgid "Warning: Registration of the GpgOL Outlook pluginfailed."
+msgstr "���棺GpgOL Outlook ���ע��ʧ�ܡ�"
+# Better if as-is.
+msgctxt "DESC_SEC_gpgol"
+msgid "GnuPG for Outlook"
+msgstr ""
+msgctxt "DESC_SEC_kleopatra"
+msgid "Keymanager for OpenPGP and X.509 and common crypto dialogs."
+msgstr "OpenPGP �� X.509 ��Կ�������ͳ��üӽ��ܴ��ڡ�"
+msgctxt "DESC_Menu_kleopatra"
+msgid "Run the Kleopatra key management tool."
+msgstr "���� Kleopatra ��Կ�������ߡ�"
+msgctxt "DESC_Name_compendium"
+msgid "Gpg4win Compendium"
+msgstr "Gpg4win ʹ�ø�Ҫ"
+msgctxt "DESC_SEC_compendium"
+msgid "The Gpg4win documentation (English and German)"
+msgstr "Gpg4win �ĵ���Ӣ��͵��"
+msgctxt "DESC_Name_compendium_de_pdf"
+msgid "Gpg4win Compendium (pdf, German)"
+msgstr "Gpg4win ʹ�ø�Ҫ��PDF�����"
+msgctxt "DESC_Name_compendium_en_pdf"
+msgid "Gpg4win Compendium (pdf, English)"
+msgstr "Gpg4win ʹ�ø�Ҫ��PDF��Ӣ�"
+msgctxt "DESC_Name_compendium_de_html"
+msgid "Gpg4win Compendium (html, German)"
+msgstr "Gpg4win ʹ�ø�Ҫ��HTML�����"
+msgctxt "DESC_Name_compendium_en_html"
+msgid "Gpg4win Compendium (html, English)"
+msgstr "Gpg4win ʹ�ø�Ҫ��HTML��Ӣ�"
+msgctxt "DESC_Menu_compendium_de_pdf"
+msgid "Show the Gpg4win Compendium (pdf, German)"
+msgstr "��ʾ Gpg4win ʹ�ø�Ҫ��PDF�����"
+msgctxt "DESC_Menu_compendium_en_pdf"
+msgid "Show the Gpg4win Compendium (pdf, English)"
+msgstr "��ʾ Gpg4win ʹ�ø�Ҫ��PDF��Ӣ�"
diff --git a/po/zh_TW.po b/po/zh_TW.po
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e660aed8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/po/zh_TW.po
@@ -0,0 +1,366 @@
+# zh_TW Translation for Gpg4Win Installer.
+# Copyright (C) 2015 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the Gpg4Win package.
+# Mingye Wang <arthur200126@gmail.com>, 2015.
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: Gpg4Win Installer\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: gpg4win-devel@wald.intevation.org\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-08-09 21:10+0800\n"
+"Language-Team: \n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=Big5\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"X-Generator: Poedit 1.8.4\n"
+"Last-Translator: Mingye Wang (Arthur2e5) <arthur200126@gmail.com>\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
+"Language: zh_TW\n"
+msgctxt "T_AlreadyRunning"
+msgid "An instance of this installer is already running."
+msgstr "�Ӧw�˵{�����@�ӨҶ��w�g�b����C"
+msgctxt "T_WelcomeTitleGpg4win"
+msgid "Welcome to the installation of Gpg4win"
+msgstr "�w��Ө� Gpg4win �w�˵{���C"
+msgctxt "T_AboutGpg4win"
+msgid ""
+"Gpg4win is a installer package for Windows for EMail and file encryption "
+"using the core component GnuPG for Windows. Both relevant cryptography "
+"standards are supported, OpenPGP and S/MIME. Gpg4win and the software "
+"included with Gpg4win are Free Software."
+msgstr ""
+"Gpg4win �O�@�ӾA�Ω� Windows ���ɮשM�q�l�l��[�K�u��n��]�A�q�L�֤ߤ��� "
+"GnuPG �� Windows �����F���ؼСC�o�ӹL�{���A�Ϊ���رK�X�ǼзǡAOpenPGP �M S/"
+"MIME ���b�o�̴��Ѥ䴩�C���n��w�˥]�Ψ䤺�e�����ۥѳn��C"
+msgctxt "T_AboutGpg4winVersion"
+msgid "This is Gpg4win version ${VERSION}"
+msgstr "Gpg4win�A���� ${VERSION}"
+msgctxt "T_AboutGpg4winFileVersion"
+msgid "file version ${PROD_VERSION}"
+msgstr "�ɮת��� ${PROD_VERSION}"
+msgctxt "T_AboutGpg4winReleaseDate"
+msgid "release date ${_BUILD_ISODATE}"
+msgstr "���X��� ${_BUILD_ISODATE}"
+msgctxt "T_WelcomeTitleGpg4winSrc"
+msgid "Welcome to the installation of the Gpg4win sources"
+msgstr "�w��Ө� Gpg4win ���X�w��"
+msgctxt "T_AboutGpg4winSrc"
+msgid ""
+"Gpg4win is a installer package for Windows for EMail and file encryption "
+"using the core component GnuPG for Windows. Both relevant cryptography "
+"standards are supported, OpenPGP and S/MIME. Gpg4win and the software "
+"included with Gpg4win are Free Software."
+msgstr ""
+"Gpg4win �O�@�ӾA�Ω� Windows ���ɮשM�q�l�l��[�K�u��n��]�A�q�L�֤ߤ��� "
+"GnuPG �� Windows �����F���ؼСC�o�ӹL�{���A�Ϊ���رK�X�ǼзǡAOpenPGP �M S/"
+"MIME ���b�o�̴��Ѥ䴩�C���n��w�˥]�Ψ䤺�e�����ۥѳn��C"
+msgctxt "T_AboutGpg4winSrcVersion"
+msgid "This is Gpg4win version ${VERSION}"
+msgstr "Gpg4win�A���� ${VERSION}"
+msgctxt "T_AboutGpg4winSrcFileVersion"
+msgid "file version ${PROD_VERSION}"
+msgstr "�ɮת��� ${PROD_VERSION}"
+msgctxt "T_AboutGpg4winSrcReleaseDate"
+msgid "release date ${_BUILD_ISODATE}"
+msgstr "���X��� ${_BUILD_ISODATE}"
+msgctxt "T_LangCode"
+msgid "en"
+msgstr "zh_CN"
+msgctxt "T_GPLHeader"
+msgid ""
+"This software is licensed under the terms of the GNU General Public License "
+msgstr "���n��̷� GNU �q�Τ��@�\�i�ҡ]GPL�^�����ڱ��v�C"
+msgctxt "T_GPLShort"
+msgid ""
+"In short: You are allowed to run this software for any purpose. You may "
+"distribute it as long as you give the recipients the same rights you have "
+msgstr ""
+msgctxt "T_RunKeyManager"
+msgid "Run the key manager"
+msgstr "������_�޲z��"
+msgctxt "T_MoreInfo"
+msgid "Click here for the project's homepage"
+msgstr "�I�惡�B�X�ݶ��ح���"
+msgctxt "T_MoreInfoURL"
+msgid "http://www.gpg4win.org"
+msgstr "http://www.gpg4win.org"
+msgctxt "T_ShowReadme"
+msgid "Show the README file"
+msgstr "��� README �ɮ�"
+msgctxt "T_NoKeyManager"
+msgid "No key manager has been installed, thus we can't run one now."
+msgstr "�S���w�˥�����_�޲z���A�]���L�k�Ұʪ��_�޲z���C"
+msgctxt "DESC_Menu_manuals"
+msgid "Documentation"
+msgstr "���"
+msgctxt "DESC_Menu_uninstall"
+msgid "Uninstall"
+msgstr "�Ѱ��w��"
+msgctxt "DESC_Desktop_manuals"
+msgid "Gpg4win Documentation"
+msgstr "Gpg4win ���"
+msgctxt "T_InstallOptions"
+msgid "Install Options"
+msgstr "�w�˿ﶵ"
+msgctxt "T_InstallOptLinks"
+msgid "Start links"
+msgstr "�}�l���ֱ��覡"
+msgctxt "T_InstOptLabelA"
+msgid "Please select where Gpg4win shall install links:"
+msgstr "�п�� Gpg4win �w�˧ֱ��覡����m�G"
+msgctxt "T_InstOptLabelB"
+msgid "(Only programs will be linked into the quick launch bar.)"
+msgstr "�]�u���{���|�Q�[�J�ֳt�Ұ���^�C"
+msgctxt "T_InstOptFieldA"
+msgid "Start Menu"
+msgstr "�}�l���"
+msgctxt "T_InstOptFieldB"
+msgid "Desktop"
+msgstr "�ୱ"
+msgctxt "T_InstOptFieldC"
+msgid "Quick Launch Bar"
+msgstr "�ֳt�Ұ���"
+msgctxt "T_FoundExistingVersion"
+msgid ""
+"Version $R1 has already been installed.\n"
+"Do you want to overwrite it with version ${VERSION}?"
+msgstr ""
+"���� $R1 �w�Q�w�ˡC\n"
+"�A�Ʊ�Ϊ��� ${VERSION} �л\���ܡH"
+msgctxt "T_FoundExistingOldVersion"
+msgid ""
+"An old version $R1 has already been installed.  It is strongly recommended "
+"to deinstall previous versions on major upgrades.\n"
+"Do you want to continue installing Gpg4win ${VERSION} anyway?"
+msgstr ""
+"�ª��� $R1 �w�Q�w�ˡC�ڭ̱j�P��ij�b���j�ɯŮɥ��Ѱ��w���ª��C\n"
+"�A�L�צp�󳣭n�~��w�� Gpg4win ${VERSION} �ܡH"
+msgctxt "T_FoundExistingVersionB"
+msgid ""
+"A version of Gpg4Win has already been installed on the system. There will be "
+"no problem installing and thus overwriting this Version.\n"
+"Do you want to continue installing Gpg4win?"
+msgstr ""
+"�@�Ӫ����� Gpg4Win �w�g�b���Y�ΤW�w�ˡC�~���л\�w�˨��Ӫ������|��������D�C\n"
+"�A�Q�n�~��w�� Gpg4win �ܡH"
+msgctxt "T_FoundOldSeeManual"
+msgid ""
+"Please see the Gpg4win user manual to learn how to migrate existing keys "
+"from other GnuPG based installations to Gpg4win."
+msgstr "�аѦ� Gpg4win �ϥΪ̤�U������q��L��� GnuPG ���w�˶פJ���_����k�C"
+msgctxt "T_FoundOldGnuPP"
+msgid ""
+"An old installation of GnuPP (GNU Privacy Project) has been been detected.  "
+"That software is not maintained anymore and thus should be removed.\n"
+"Do you want to continue installing Gpg4win and take care of the old "
+"installation later?"
+msgstr ""
+"�ѵ{�� GnuPP (GNU Privacy Project) �w�Q�w�ˡC���n��w���Q���@�A���Ӳ����C\n"
+"�A�Ʊ��~��w�� Gpg4win�A�L�|�A�ӳB�z�o�Ӧѵ{���ܡH"
+msgctxt "T_FoundOldGnuPT"
+msgid ""
+"An installation of GnuPT has been been detected.  This may cause problems "
+"when used along with Gpg4win.\n"
+"Do you want to continue installing Gpg4win?"
+msgstr ""
+"GnuPT �w�Q�w�ˡA�i��M Gpg4win ���ۤz�Z�C\n"
+"�A�T�w�n�~��w�� Gpg4win �ܡH"
+msgctxt "T_FoundOldWinPTSF"
+msgid ""
+"An old installation of the Sourceforge hosted WinPT has been been detected.  "
+"That software is not maintained anymore and should be removed.\n"
+"Do you want to continue installing Gpg4win and take care of the old "
+"installation later?"
+msgstr ""
+"SourceForge �W���ª� WinPT �w�Q�w�ˡC���n��w���Q���@�A���Ӳ����C\n"
+"�A�Ʊ��~��w�� Gpg4win�A�L�|�A�ӳB�z�o�Ӧѵ{���ܡH"
+msgctxt "T_FoundOldGnuPack"
+msgid ""
+"An installation of GnuPG-Pack has been been detected. You need to uninstall "
+"it before you can continue with Gpg4win installation.\n"
+"The installation will be aborted now!"
+msgstr ""
+"GnuPG-Pack �w�Q�w�ˡC�A�n���Ѱ��w�˥��~���~��w�� Gpg4win�C\n"
+msgctxt "T_BetaWarning"
+msgid ""
+"Note: This is a BETA version of Gpg4win.\n"
+"Beta versions are only intended for testing and shall not be used in a "
+"production environment."
+msgstr ""
+"���ܡG������ Gpg4win �O BETA ���C\n"
+"Beta �����Ω���աA�����b�Ͳ����ҨϥΡC"
+msgctxt "T_AdminNeeded"
+msgid ""
+"Warning: Administrator permissions required for a successful installation"
+msgstr "ĵ�i�G�ݭn�޲z���\�i�v�~�ন�\�w�ˡC"
+msgctxt "T_CloseOtherApps"
+msgid ""
+"Please make sure that other applications are not running. In particular you "
+"should close Outlook and all Explorer windows.  Gpg4win will try to install "
+"anyway but a reboot will be required then."
+msgstr ""
+"�нT�O��L�{���A�ר�O Outlook �M Windows �귽�޲z�������A�w�g�����CGpg4win "
+msgctxt "T_ShuttingDownWinPT"
+msgid "Trying to shutdown a possible running instance of WinPT."
+msgstr "���հ���@�ӥi�����۪� WinPT �Ҷ��C"
+msgctxt "T_ShuttingDownDirMngr"
+msgid "Trying to shutdown a possible running instance of DirMngr."
+msgstr "���հ���@�ӥi�����۪� DirMngr �Ҷ��C"
+msgctxt "T_SetDefaultClient"
+msgid "Do you want to make Claws Mail your default mail client?"
+msgstr "�A�Q�� Claws Mail �]�w���A���w�]�l��Ȥ�ݶܡH"
+# Better if as-is.
+msgctxt "DESC_SEC_claws_mail"
+msgid "Claws Mail-User-Agent"
+msgstr ""
+msgctxt "DESC_Menu_claws_mail"
+msgid "Run the Claws mailprogram."
+msgstr "���� Claws Mail �{���C"
+msgctxt "DESC_Menu_claws_mail_pdf"
+msgid "Show the online manual of Claws Mail"
+msgstr "��� Claws Mail �u�W��U�C"
+msgctxt "DESC_SEC_gnupg2"
+msgid "GNU Privacy Guard"
+msgstr "GNU ���p�äh"
+msgctxt "DESC_SEC_gpa"
+msgid "GNU Privacy Assistant"
+msgstr "GNU ���p�U�z"
+msgctxt "DESC_Menu_gpa"
+msgid "Run the GNU Privacy Assistant key management tool."
+msgstr "���� GNU ���p�U�z���_�޲z�u��C"
+msgctxt "DESC_Menu_gpg4win_readme"
+msgid "General information on Gpg4win"
+msgstr "Gpg4win �򥻸�T"
+msgctxt "DESC_Menu_gpg4win_howtosmime"
+msgid "Instruction to configure S/MIME"
+msgstr "S/MIME �t�m���n"
+msgctxt "DESC_Menu_gnupg_faq"
+msgid "Show the Frequently Asked Questions document for GnuPG"
+msgstr "��� GnuPG �� FAQ ���"
+msgctxt "T_GpgEX_RegFailed"
+msgid "Warning: Registration of the GpgEX plugin failed."
+msgstr "ĵ�i�GGpgEX �~�����U���ѡC"
+msgctxt "DESC_SEC_gpgex"
+msgid "GnuPG Shell Extension"
+msgstr "GnuPG �ߩݮi"
+msgctxt "T_GpgOL_RegFailed"
+msgid "Warning: Registration of the GpgOL Outlook pluginfailed."
+msgstr "ĵ�i�GGpgOL Outlook �~�����U���ѡC"
+# Better if as-is.
+msgctxt "DESC_SEC_gpgol"
+msgid "GnuPG for Outlook"
+msgstr ""
+msgctxt "DESC_SEC_kleopatra"
+msgid "Keymanager for OpenPGP and X.509 and common crypto dialogs."
+msgstr "OpenPGP �M X.509 ���_�޲z���M�`�Υ[�ѱK�����C"
+msgctxt "DESC_Menu_kleopatra"
+msgid "Run the Kleopatra key management tool."
+msgstr "���� Kleopatra ���_�޲z�u��C"
+msgctxt "DESC_Name_compendium"
+msgid "Gpg4win Compendium"
+msgstr "Gpg4win �ϥκ��n"
+msgctxt "DESC_SEC_compendium"
+msgid "The Gpg4win documentation (English and German)"
+msgstr "Gpg4win ���]�^�y�M�w�y�^"
+msgctxt "DESC_Name_compendium_de_pdf"
+msgid "Gpg4win Compendium (pdf, German)"
+msgstr "Gpg4win �ϥκ��n�]PDF�A�w�y�^"
+msgctxt "DESC_Name_compendium_en_pdf"
+msgid "Gpg4win Compendium (pdf, English)"
+msgstr "Gpg4win �ϥκ��n�]PDF�A�^�y�^"
+msgctxt "DESC_Name_compendium_de_html"
+msgid "Gpg4win Compendium (html, German)"
+msgstr "Gpg4win �ϥκ��n�]HTML�A�w�y�^"
+msgctxt "DESC_Name_compendium_en_html"
+msgid "Gpg4win Compendium (html, English)"
+msgstr "Gpg4win �ϥκ��n�]HTML�A�^�y�^"
+msgctxt "DESC_Menu_compendium_de_pdf"
+msgid "Show the Gpg4win Compendium (pdf, German)"
+msgstr "��� Gpg4win �ϥκ��n�]PDF�A�w�y�^"
+msgctxt "DESC_Menu_compendium_en_pdf"
+msgid "Show the Gpg4win Compendium (pdf, English)"
+msgstr "��� Gpg4win �ϥκ��n�]PDF�A�^�y�^"