//Tested: linux / en / 20.03.25//
Select `My Certificate`
- [ ] {key ui/enhancement/minor} Remove Option `No certificate`? Choosing it results in an error anyway.
Maybe needed, if no certificates are available?
- [ ] {key ui/feature} Tooltips with selectable text (e.g. to copy the fingerprint for bug reports)
Input `Path`
- [ ] {key bug} Adding an existing store will overwrite the root `.gpg-id` file
regardless of the differences (but not reencrypt).
Maybe add a warning dialog with an explanation, a diff of the ids
and resolution options (e.g. keep, overwrite, overwrite and reencrypt)
- [ ] {key config/bug} Three slahes at the beginning autocompletes working directory
- [ ] {key config/minor} Maybe normalize generated path:
`/home/user/////////kde/.password-store-test4///////` results in
This path will be visible for the user e.g. on creation of new folders
and accidentally using `//` could be problematic in other programs/contexts.
Dialog `Generate a new OpenPGP certificate`
- [ ] {key config/minor} resulting `.gpg-id` has no newline, which differs from `pass init`.
Might result in copy & paste errors, if the gpg id is copied from terminal
(e.g. `78982DB8B11C0B15#`).
- [ ] {key bug/minor} Leaving the wizard open for some (very long) time,
another window with the same wizard will appear - maybe a timeout?
- [ ] {key ui/minor} Input fields slightly cut, to reproduce
1. open Section `Advanced Options` -> Field `Name`/`Email` cut on the right
2. check Checkbox `Protect` -> Field `Name`/`Email` cut on the left
- [ ] {key ui/minor} Dialog window keeps height after expansion and collapse of the Section `Advanced options`
- [ ] {key feature} Creation of certs possible, but not the deletion?
- [ ] {key comprehesion} The `(between X and Y)` dates in the description of `Valid until` can be misleading.
It took a while to understand, that it's not about the resulting valid period,
but rather the min/max of the `until` value. Maybe `choose between`,
or move the description into the datetime widget or just remove it completely?
The datetime widget prevents the choice anyway, which should be intuitive.
- [ ] {key comprehesion/minor} Tooltip Text `unrecoverable` in Checkbox `Protect`: Understandable for the users?
Maybe expand to a sentence, that the passphrase needs to be kept save and
secrets are lost without it.
- [ ] {key comprehesion/enhancement} Mark the recommended algorithm in Section `Advanced options`?
e.g. `curve25519 (recommended)` as Label? If users are playing around with it, they
might end up generating keys with deviating algorithm.
- [ ] {key comprehesion/minor} Dialog description `name and/or email`:
Do users understand the implications of choosing both/between?
- [ ] {key keyboard/bug}: Using shortcut `Ctrl-Q` triggers a warning, that this sequence is
ambiguous and should be resolved in the Shortcut Settings. In these Settings I see,
that this Shortcut is only mapped to `gpgpass/Quit`. Might be my config?
- [ ] {key note} Currently multiple `gpgpass` instances are allowed,
which probably could lead to inconsistencies. Maybe restrict to one per configuration file?
- [ ] {key ui/enhancement/minor} Better choice of icons possible?
Mix of colored / blue / black without semantical meaning.
`edit` has the same icon as `configure`. Configuration icon not optimal in my opinion,
at least for the toolbar (the bottom line matches visually with the Shortcut underscore
and looks a bit broken in my opinion).
- [ ] {note} `Handbuch` and `Was ist das?`: disfunctional, probably placeholder?
- [ ] {note} `Probleme oder Wünsche berichten`: reports with user account only?
- [ ] {key bug} RegEx special chars should better be handled in search. stdout:
QString(View)::contains(): called on an invalid QRegularExpression object (pattern is '*')
QString(View)::contains(): called on an invalid QRegularExpression object (pattern is '?')
QString(View)::contains(): called on an invalid QRegularExpression object (pattern is '\')
- [ ] {key bug/minor} Unescaped regex special chars (e.g. `wertpasdg.-`) as first search term
char (1 char only?) will be interpreted as regex, which might get unexpected results.
- [ ] {key ui/bug} Folders in results closed by default, if previous search result found no results
- [ ] {key ui/security/minor} All Folders briefly open on search, which
might leak information (over-the-shoulder)
Password Tree
- [ ] {key ui/bug} `.password-store` folder is shown. To recreate
1. Enter some chars in Input `Search` and press `Enter`
2. Remove all chars and wait
- [ ] {key ui/idea} If the password store root folder would be included in the tree,
it would be possible to show all configured stores simultanously (e.g. with an additional
`name` attribute in the store configuration).
On the other hand, a conscious decision to switch the profile might be preferable
to prevent user mistakes and over-the-shoulder information leaks.
- [ ] {key ui/bug} Entry is not viewed after de- and reselect. `clipboard cleared` displayed on bottom.
The same happens, when the content panel is automatically closed (if enabled in settings).
To reproduce:
1. Select an entry (shown)
2. Unselect the entry (via click on the item)
3. Select the entry again
- [ ] {key ui/enhancement} Disable deselection of the currently active entry.
- It feels unexpected ~~and I can't think of any usecase~~. This could break toolbar `Add` (no way to add in root folder, if folder cannot be deselected).
- In edit mode, the changes are lost on deselection.
- [ ] {key ui/enhancement} Accessing the `edit` view feels uncomfortable. I know, it's in the
toolbar, but choosing the right button from global context needs attention.
Suggestions (preferably all of them):
- Edit entry on doubleclick
- Add edit button in the tree item row (e.g. floating right)
- Add edit button on `Show entry` view (e.g. on title row left of `copy` button)
- [ ] {key ui/enhancement} Deep folder structures in searches might be confusing
- contents of matched folders are included in the search, which makes sense
- parents of matched folders might be unneccessary, maybe it's worth a try to omit them,
if possible
- maybe highlight matched folders/entries
- maybe close all folders in matched folders
- [ ] {key keyboard/enhancement} Add Copy/Paste Shortcuts `ctrl + c/v`
- [ ] {key keyboard/enhancement} After opening an entry, keyboard up/down navigates the tree.
Maybe display the selected entry then (e.g. after timeout with reset on further keypresses)
- [ ] {key ui/feature} Allow multiselect (e.g. to delete multiple items at once)
- [ ] {key ui/feature/minor} Add `copy` entry action. In my password manager I use this often to
ensure the same name "syntax" optimized for search.
- [ ] {key ui/feature/minor} Display/Copy path to password file, e.g. in Context Menu
- [ ] {key ui/bug} Moving an item over another triggers the overwrite dialog.
Old item will be kept, the new item will be moved to `$(pwd)/.gpg`
Maybe just deactivate overwriting as it's not much useful?
- [ ] {key ui/bug/minor} Moving an item visually suggests, that a custom order is possible
- [ ] {key config/bug/minor} Folder/Entry names might conflict
(e.g. entry `name`, folder `name.gpg`). Not very likely, but maybe should be better handled.
- If an entry `name` does exist, adding a new folder `name.gpg` won't do anything.
- New folders `name.gpg` will result in filesystem folder `name.gpg`, but are shown
as `name` in the tree.
- Given a (filesystem) folder `name.gpg`, adding a new entry `name` will result
in an error `Filename refers to a directory` (which is good).
- [ ] {key ui/bug} Renaming an entry `entry` to an already existing folder `folder` will result
in unexpected behaviour: the folder is kept, the entry is moved into that folder,
the tree might or might not be updated.
Given a folder `name` and an entry `name`, the same happens, if the entry is renamed
without changing the name (rename -> just click `OK`).
- [ ] {key ui/enhancement} Renaming an entry to an already existing entry does not work
(which makes sense) but should probably trigger a warning/error.
Entry View
New Entry
- [ ] {key bug} Creating a new entry with the name of an existing entry will override the
existing entry without warning.
- [ ] {key bug} `/` in entry names are interpreted as separator
- `/` at start will be interpreted as absolute path,
e.g. `/path/to/other/.password-store/entryname` will work, although the dialog
explicitly states, where the file will be created
- `/` in the middle
- non exisiting paths display a user error:
`Could not read encryption key to use, .gpg-id file missing or invalid.`
- `notapath/../works` works
- `~` is not expanded
- If this path behaviour is intended or kept
- Display an error after path confirmation instead of checking on `save` only
- Only paths within the configured store path should be allowed
- [ ] {key bug} names starting with `.`
- resulting files are hidden on linux, what might be a source of user errors, if files are copied manually
- entries are displayed in the tree after creation, but hidden after restart.
- folders are hidden in the tree after creation
- `.gpg-id` is a valid folder name, which conflicts with the pass file.
In the userlist, no users are selected. `save` does not work:
`Unable to open "/home/kaleidos/kde/.password-store/override/.gpg-id"`
- `.gpg-id.sig` should also be prevented, as it conflicts with the detached signature
created when using `PASSWORD_STORE_SIGNING_KEY`
- `.git` should better also be prevented
- [ ] {key keyboard/bug} `Enter` will close the form without saving. To reproduce
1. Add new entry
2. Enter password
3. Press `Enter`
- [ ] {key keyboard/enhancement} On a new entry, the Input `Password` should have focus
Show Entry
- [ ] {key ui/security} Don't leak the number of chars in the password field, which
heavily reduces the search space in brute force attacks
- [ ] {key ui/idea} Does the `show entry` view add any value compared to the edit view?
The buttons for `copy to clipboard` and `show qr code` could also be added on the edit view.
Having only one view would simplify the interface quite a bit.
- [ ] {key security/feature} Protect more than `password`?
Other fields might contain sensitive data, too. Probably would need a setting (list of keys).
- [ ] {key ui/enhancement} Long words/urls in description expand the view beyond viewport.
Buttons for qrcode/copy are out of reach, probably wrap lines.
Setting `Ignore Line Wrapping` suggests, that it should be set, but does not change behaviour.
- [ ] {key ui/enhancement/minor} Long keys expand the view beyond viewport.
Maybe truncate with `...` prefix and add a Tooltip with full content.
- [ ] {key ui/bug} Clicking on fields centers content both vertically/horizontally.
Centering happens on text selection, too (e.g. to copy & paste). Should be deactivated.
- [ ] {key ui/enhancement} For multiple key/value pairs the buttons for qrcode/copy are
hard to match. Maybe add e.g.
- separator lines
- alternating odd/even backgrounds
- highlight of row on mouseover
- [ ] {key ui/bug/minor} Problems with QR-Code for long passwords/values:
QR code probably gets too small at around 1000 chars and is empty at about 2954 chars
- [ ] {key ui/security/minor} Binary data in entries is displayed/interpreted (file might be added/changed by someone else)
- does not break, but some control chars seem to work (e.g. `rtl`). many errors on stdout: `qt.text.font.db: OpenType support missing for "[...]", script 66´
- qr code works, but adds new contexts (e.g. qr code reader on smartphones), in which the data might be interpreted
Edit Entry
- [ ] {key ui/bug} deleting the search term during `edit` closes the edit view (without saving)
Templates (auto)
- [ ] {key config/enhancement} Maybe split templated key/values on first `: ` (with space)
instead of `:`, e.g. for `key:with:colons: value`
- [ ] {key config/enhancement} lines with empty values are deleted on `save`, probably as intended.
Might be problematic for existing stores with non-conforming entries (e.g. managed via `pass`).
Suggestion: Visually mark fields to be deleted in edit form.
- [ ] {key config/enhancement/minor} Maybe handle empty key, e.g. `:empty`
Templates (fixed)
- [ ] {key config/minor} `Login` with capital `L` in default template (like capital `Password`, `URL`)
- [ ] {key ui/enhancement/minor} Change of `Use template` and `Show all fields templated`
could rerender entry view. Probably only on `view` entry, not on `edit` entry.