What does the "no name" error trying to tell me?
$ gpg --debug-level guru --keyserver hkp://keys.gnupg.net --search-keys CEB167EFB5722BD6
gpg: enabled debug flags: packet mpi crypto filter iobuf memory cache memstat trust hashing ipc clock lookup extprog
gpg: DBG: [not enabled in the source] start
gpg: DBG: chan_3 <- # Home: /home/walz/.gnupg
gpg: DBG: chan_3 <- # Config: /home/walz/.gnupg/dirmngr.conf
gpg: DBG: chan_3 <- OK Dirmngr 2.2.4 at your service
gpg: DBG: connection to the dirmngr established
gpg: DBG: chan_3 -> GETINFO version
gpg: DBG: chan_3 <- D 2.2.4
gpg: DBG: chan_3 <- OK
gpg: DBG: chan_3 -> KEYSERVER --clear hkp://keys.gnupg.net
gpg: DBG: chan_3 <- OK
gpg: DBG: chan_3 -> KS_SEARCH -- CEB167EFB5722BD6
gpg: DBG: chan_3 <- ERR 167772380 No name <Dirmngr>
gpg: error searching keyserver: No name
gpg: keyserver search failed: No name
gpg: DBG: chan_3 -> BYE
gpg: DBG: [not enabled in the source] stop
gpg: keydb: handles=0 locks=0 parse=0 get=0
gpg: build=0 update=0 insert=0 delete=0
gpg: reset=0 found=0 not=0 cache=0 not=0
gpg: kid_not_found_cache: count=0 peak=0 flushes=0
gpg: sig_cache: total=0 cached=0 good=0 bad=0
gpg: random usage: poolsize=600 mixed=0 polls=0/0 added=0/0
outmix=0 getlvl1=0/0 getlvl2=0/0
gpg: rndjent stat: collector=0x0000000000000000 calls=0 bytes=0
gpg: secmem usage: 0/32768 bytes in 0 blocks
on archlinux with
gpg (GnuPG) 2.2.4
libgcrypt 1.8.2
dirmngr (GnuPG) 2.2.4
downstream issue https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=233362, https://bugs.archlinux.org/task/57012