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Kleopatra: improve layout of and text in smartcard management view
Open, NormalPublic


For the "Actions" part of the view I propose the following changes in wording:

Buttontext /Tooltip

  1. "Generate New Keys" -> Generate New OpenPGP Keys

Tooltip: "Create a new primary key and generate subkeys on the card." -> Create a new primary key with two subkeys on the card.

(If no 6 has OpenPGP, we should use it here, too. Or leave it off in both cases.)

  1. "Change PIN"

"Change the PIN required for using the keys on the smartcard." -> Change the PIN required for using the keys on the smart card

  1. "Unblock Card"

"Unblock the smartcard and set a new PIN." -> Unblock the smart card with the PUK and set a new PIN.

  1. "Change Admin PIN"

"Change the PIN required for administrative operations."

  1. "Change Reset Code" -> Change PUK

"Change the PIN required to unblock the smartcard and set a new PIN." -> Set or change the PUK required to unblock the smart card and set a new PIN.

  1. "Create OpenPGP Key" -> Create OpenPGP certificate

"Create an OpenPGP key for the keys stored on the card." -> Create an OpenPGP certificate for the keys stored on the card.
Maybe add to the tooltip: "Should only be done if the certificate was lost and you only have the private key left."

Additionally I propose a rearrangement of the buttons.
How about 2 lines for the Action buttons?
Put only 2) and 3) (which are the most common user actions) on the fist line and all the others (which are "admin" options on the second line?
In the order 4), 5), 1), 6) ?

Update 2024-05-08 (ikloecker): Action no. 6) was removed with T7113: Kleopatra: Remove "Create OpenPGP key" from OpenPGP smart card tab.

Event Timeline

werner triaged this task as Normal priority.Mar 28 2023, 5:07 PM
werner added projects: Feature Request, scd.

The generate keys etc. actions in the keys part of the view are debatable. At least for VSD I think they should not be shown or greyed out for not VS-NfD compliant cards -> see T6786
(I think there were even algorithms offered for generation on card which would result in an error, but I won't investigate further at the moment.)

And the workflow even for cards with which this would be VS-NfD compliant is not self explanatory at all.

ebo renamed this task from Kleopatra: improvement of smartcard management view to Kleopatra: improve layout of and text in smartcard management view.Jan 18 2024, 9:43 AM
ikloecker moved this task from Restricted Project Column to Restricted Project Column on the Restricted Project board.Wed, May 8, 11:13 AM
ikloecker set External Link to, May 8, 3:06 PM